Quality History Essay Examples for Your Learning

George washington – important person in history

George Washington is an important person in history because of his early military background, his role as a leader of the continental army during the revolution, and his ability to win over the new people after the war. George Washington surrendered for the first time and only time ever in one of the the battles β†’

Navajo code talkers assignment

The Navajo tribe was one of the largest Native American tribes in the U.S. The Navajo code talkers were recognized as heroes and that they deserve to be.

Biography of george washington

The election was the beginning of the federalist era. The cabinet helps advise the president.

American history x and racism

Another important scene in the film is the presentation of Derek and his change of heart. There is blackness of the heart even in the whitest of white, and a whiteness of the soul in the pitch black-colored person.


*DATE* *TEACHER_NAME* *CLASS _#* *DAY_MONTH_YEAR* Brutus, the Tragic Hero There is much debate as to who plays the part of the tragic hero in Julius Caesar, but through analysis and literal evidence, it can be proved that Marcus Brutus plays the tragic hero. The definition of a tragic hero, as by Dictionary.com, is " a β†’

To what extent do the characters antony and caesar embody the conflicting worlds of egypt and rome in antony and cleopatra

TO WHAT EXTENT DO THE CHARACTERS ANTONY AND CAESAR EMBODY THE CONFLICTING WORLDS OF EGYPT AND ROME The Shakespearian play ' Antony and Cleopatra' is a tragic love story between the two characters Antony a Triumvate Ruler of Rome and Cleopatra the Queen of Egypt. Yet, he still has this need for Antony in how β†’

Shakespeare’s presentation of the character of mark antony in β€˜julius caesar’

From this point onwards, Antony becomes a key player in the action and begins to change the nature of events in the play, especially with respect to Brutus and Cassius. We see clearly Antony's love and admiration for Caesar in the three short statements he makes before Caesar's death, and over his corpse as he β†’

Is brutus justified to kill jc?

If the leader is good to the people, does everything for his country, and fights for the country, even if a potential threat, the assassination would not be justified. He was one of the best president of the United States of America and also the youngest president at the time.

Sulla (early life, first march on rome, and the first mithridatic wars)

In his first march on Rome Sulla was in the position of counsel as he appointed by the senate. Sulla ran through the walls of Rome and his soldiers overpowered the Gladiators as he angrily addressed the senate.

7. the end of roman britain

The End of Roman Britain By the year 400 Britain had been part of the Roman empire for over 350 years. Photo Patrick Ottaway In the early 5th century the Roman empire lost control of Britain.

The wives in julius caesar

She also tried to charm him to tell him and tried to tell him that he can trust her because she will be forever loyal to him. She had a dream that someone is going to kill Caesar and she is afraid that if Caesar leave the house that day he will be killed so β†’

Dbq on ancient greece

The ancient Greeks revolutionized human thought and philosophy, changed mankind's values toward human life, and introduced art and culture that exemplifies human creativity of the era. Aristotle believed the most important characteristic of human nature is the ability to reason.

The broken spears: the aztec account of the conquest of mexico

The book has as mission, bring the voices of past to the audience: present the indigenous people to the rest of the world; contribute to the global history with this review of struggle. The object of study during those years is the arrived of the Spaniards, the resistance of Aztecs and finally, the surrender.

How does theme help structure julius caesar

Julius Caesar T he structure of the tragedy is chronological, in the sense that the different situations that take place are in order, despite the fact that Shakespeare, in some cases, cuts the time between an event and the other so as to be able to cover from the time the conspiracy is planned until β†’

Moral status of animals in the ancient world

There is a hierarchy based on the theological concept of " dominion," in Genesis, where Adam is given " dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth." Although the concept β†’

Essay on aztec culture

A work of art from the textbook similar to the piece shown above is the Llama of the Inca tribe. A work of art from the textbook similar to the piece shown above is the Taos Pueblo made by the Pueblo tribe.

A portfolio of atlantis casino resort

Examples of these are the Aquarius Casino Resort, the Avi Resort and Casino, and the Downstream Casino Resort, which are all a combination of casino and resort. This model states that there is a parallel development occurring in the resort, the transportation, and the number of customers.

The tragedy of anthony and cleopatra

But the central image here works for the Antony of the entire play: what is unfor-gettable in this Antony is his " heart" on any level, the organ of courage, of magnanimity, of loyalty, of love, of hysterical valor possible only by a " diminution in [his] brain". The cliche of the anticipation of death β†’

Mesopotamia civilization: aztecs

Another very important achievement that the Aztecs made was that they created " floating gardens", " Floating gardens" were used because the Aztecs were originally located on a small island, there was not a whole lot of room for the crops that the Aztecs wanted to grow and sell. The island was also the capital β†’

Relationship between marc antony and julis caesar

Using persuasive rhetoric concerning the means of Caesar's will, he then clenches the hearts of the people and gains a guarantee of having them on his side. He sagaciously employs Lepidus as a member of the triumvirate to bend to his own aspirations.

The king and his role in ancient egypt

The King as a Divine Creature Although out of the archives and data that has been collected over the past decades about Ancient Egyptian, the evidence that shows the King as being an actual divine being of the Gods, usually an incarnation of a particular God or sometimes a mosh of multiple Gods the King β†’

Julius caesar, act ii, scene 1: a lesson is dramatic effectiveness

The line, ' I cannot, by the progress of the stars, give guess how near to day', provides a reminder of the storm and odd happenings of the night, which signify both the political turmoil of Rome and the inner turmoil of Brutus; whether or not public interest is more important than private friendship. Brutus' β†’

Brutus and caesar characters in the tragedy of julius caesar

From the beginning of the play to his death, Caesar is shown to be power-hungry. Gradually, this makes Brutus believe that instead of Caesar, he should be the person in power of Rome.

Ancient egyptian history

If the pyramids were a structure for the afterlife of the pharaohs, the tombs that would have been built through the rock cliffs were the tombs of the kings of the Middle Kingdom, and in the period of the New Kingdom. In addition, the body of the deceased was made of stone and placed in β†’

Antony’s rhetorical superiority analysis essay

Most importantly, however, Antony's greatest ability was the way that he presented himself almost simultaneously as both a common man and the mighty noble that he was, using Ethos to its utmost effect and connecting to the mob in ways that Brutus and even Cassius could not. Using parallelism, and continuing to juxtapose the incontrovertibility β†’

Roman virtues notes

Gravitas is the most important of the Roman virtues because it encompasses all that a Roman was supposed to be. It was a combination of physical, mental and emotional stability and duty that one should have or either the empire should have; first to the state and then to family.

Households and domesticity in ancient world

I will get down by placing what it is that separates a swayer 's home from the remainder of a community and will so seek to place why a house would be used as a temple and the grounds for why there would hold been the passage to a dedicated spiritual edifice. The period of β†’

Ancient greek theater research paper

The choruses were only men, as were the actors and the audience. The plays originally had a chorus of up to 50 people who performed the plays accompanied bymusic, beginning in the morning and lasting until the evening.

Term paper

In the first place, the Senate was formed in the early days of the kingdom of the youth Roman Empire to advise the monarch. One of the officials, who on the one hand could have imperial power or on the other hand was one of the tribunes of the people, could convoked the senate meetings β†’

Essay on julius caesar

Undoubtedly, Brutus is the main character, and driving force of the play, despite the misleading title of Julius Caesar. Marcus Brutus is the protagonist of the play.

Julius caesar literary analysis

Marc Antony opposes Brutus, being a strong advocate for Caesar's rule, in order to bring justice to his deceased acquaintance and improve the lives of the citizens of Rome. The author initially uses paralipsis to display Antony's subtle mockery of Brutus and his fellow conspirators.

Abortion in ancient times

In contrast, there are 78% of developed countries that let abortion for economic and social issues, 67% of them permit it on request. In the vast majority of countries, to have an abortion woman has to pass additional procedural requirements.


They also used the sculpture idea from Greeks, but the difference in the Greek sculpture and the Romans was the Romans used marble not Bronze. Like the Romans the Greeks were strongly affected by the gods and goddesses, they worshipped them everyday as well.

Pangaea: the ancient supercontinent

Laurasia, composed of the present-day continents of Asia, Europe, and North America, occupied the northern hemisphere. By 135 million years ago, the breakup of Laurasia and Gondwanaland was underway, leading to the present-day locations of the continents.

The protagonists of julius caesar

The Protagonists of Julius Caesar In the play, Julius Caesar, written by William Shakespeare, the plot uncovers several different characters: the tragic hero, Brutus, the anti-hero, Cassius, and the hero, Mark Antony. For example, he ignores Cassius' consul and allows Antony to speak to the crowd at the funeral, creating tension between himself and the β†’

Aa100 tma 01 part 01 cleopatra

The depicted her as the reincarnation of Cleopatra and not just an image of an historical figure. Cleopatra relationship with Julius Caesar and that of Marc Anthony was one of control and alliance to obtain the necessary power needed to protect her beloved Egypt and not one of love for the person.

Ancient china critical analysis

The structures that the Chinese Empire had during this period were The Great Wall of China and The Imperial Palace. The Imperial Palace in the Forbidden City is a place where the Emperor of China lived.

Why was vindolanda built?

The forts stretched from east to west, and are considered to have been a consolidation of the frontier of the Roman Empire. They invaded the south of Britain and they used the picts to trade with the Brigantes.

Julius caesar’s contribution to the world

Caesar's uncle was overturned as emperor and Caesar was stripped of his position as the High Priest of Jupiter by Sulla who had become dictator of Rome following the defeat of the Marius at the Battle of Colline Gate because he was unwilling to divorce his new wife to marry someone in Sulla's family. Through β†’

Ancient greeks and romans.

The Greeks and the Romans are similar and different in many aspects including religion, social/political aspects, influence of geographical factors and the lasting effect they have had on later civilizations. The Greek and Roman civilizations were some of the greatest civilizations to evolve.

The ancient city of uruk

Low entree to these stuffs led to the desire for trade and the formation of extended relationships with other metropoliss, which, along with other factors, led to the enlargement of Uruk, an event which can be displayed by a rapid population addition and drastic societal alteration. As Uruk's influence, as the trade Centre of the β†’

Military of ancient egypt: warfare

The world's first armies are known for the invention and spread of agriculture coupled with the domestication of animals in the fifth millennium, of which set the stage for the emergence of the first large-scale, complex urban societies around 4000 B.C. During this same period, warfare assumed great proportions in the size of the armies β†’

Virtue and ambition in julius caesar

In the play, when Caesar begins to display signs of power-hungry, arrogance, increasing ambition and even the idea of tyranny, which clashes with the Roman republican virtues, the tension is built. Brutus enters into an internal conflict as to the nobility of this conspiracy and murder, and eventually comes to a conclusion that he is β†’

Rime of the ancient mariner commentary

This is the origins of the ballad, because he is talking to the wedding guest as a warning. That is the juxtaposition created between the pain of the curse, and the happiness of the wedding.

Research of people’s life in ancient china

The girls of thefamilywere to work in the house and had few privileges. The kids in ancient China were very much like the kids in our time; in some ways.

Famous people in economics

Magellan also gives his name to the Magellanic Penguin, which he was the first European to note;[1] the Magellanic clouds, now known to be nearby dwarf galaxies; the twin lunar craters of Magelhaens and Magelhaens A; and the Martian crater of Magelhaens.[2] Charles Robert Darwin, FRS was an English naturalist.[I] He established that all species β†’


10/29/12 HIS 004A Justinian The Emperor The Secret History is an extremely rare historical document that takes an inside investigation of the crimes of the Roman Empire in the sixth century. Prokopios' writings display many concerns relating to the decay of moral standards, the rise of corruption, and the promotion of incompetent men and women β†’

Conflicting perspectives

Conflicting perspectives are generated through the use and potential abuse of power, manipulation and the contrast between public and private personas and thus the responder is positioned to accept the perspective the composer has deemed to be valid. The use and abuse of power, the use of manipulation to gain power and the contrast between β†’

The tragic hero of julius caesar

Because Brutus is the character who has a tragic dilemma, as well as the many other elements of a tragic hero, Marcus Brutus is the tragic hero of Julius Caesar. Therefore, Marcus Brutus is the tragic hero of Julius Caesar.

The difference between ancient china and egypt

Ancient China and Egypt By: Jessica Isham Ancient Egypt and Ancient China were 2 of the biggest civilizations thousands of years ago. The religion of ancient Egypt was polytheistic and centered on the divinity of the ruler and the eternity of the soul.

The schematization of aesthetics was founded in ancient times

Tanizaki's key of aesthetics is logically plausible in Langer's philosophy since she espoused a relativistic means of understanding the nature of things and the contingency of the universe, in context with aesthetics. Tanizaki and Langer's philosophies on aesthetics are significant because of its willingness and openness to the possibility of new keys, in terms of β†’

The black death: how different were the christian and muslim responses?

The documents analyzed prove a massive difference between the Christians' and Muslims' reactions based on the overall context, the causes behind the disease, and the behavior of the people during the time. This shows a great difference between the beliefs of the Christians and the beliefs of the Muslims.

Who discovered america?

The common knowledge lays in the fact that Christopher Columbus was the one who discovered America in 1492. Regarding the events that were going on in that period of time, India, the Middle East and the China were more developed than Europe, which was going through the dark ages.

Differences between medieval and renaissance period

However, that cultural movement did take place in the late Middle Ages and the early modern period, and spanned the two. The ideas that came about during the late-Middle Age period of the Renaissance are one reason that modern historians would say the Middle Ages ended at around the turn of the 16th century, when β†’

Stacie mueller

It appears that the purpose of the cave paintings was to tell a story; as if the artists were attempting to make a connection with the animals they hunted and also feared. Keizer, Joost." Michelangelo, Drawing, And The Subject Of Art".


Humanism The introduction of the concept of humanism greatly affected the Renaissance. Machiavelli's writings during the Renaissance were also affected by the ideas of humanism.

Theatre: what is theatre?

In the Middle Ages, the Catholic Church began to use theatre as a way of telling the stories from the Bible to people who did not know how to read. As an Islamic state, the production of plays and theatrical performances in the past was not condoned in the country for religious reasons that is β†’

Comitatus & chivalry

The term later on evolved to describe the dynamics that exists between a warrior and his Lord. When we talk of chivalry, we conjure images of a knight in shining armor, ready and able to rescue us from our dire circumstances Comitatus is a code that binds soldiers to their commanders, while chivalry is a β†’

The women’s lives, roles, and statuses

The women's lives, roles, and statuses Michelle Shepard His 103 World Civilizations 1 Instructor: Jill Walsh March 25, 2013 Women's lives, roles, and statuses changed over various early world history eras and culture areas in many ways, are comparative perspective, marriage/ divorce, education, and military, and it is amazing how the change in women since β†’

Middle ages narrative essay

The Power of the Popes In the Middle Ages, the pope was the head of the Christian Church in Western Europe. In the mid-900s, another emperor took the throne with the approval of the pope.

The children’s crusade

" Children's Crusade" The " Children's Crusade" is one of the more extraordinary events found in Medieval England. Actually, the Fourth Crusade had been a tragedy for the Christians as a lot of crusaders had not even got to the Holy Land let unaided struggle for Jerusalem and a lot of Christians had used the β†’

Hw #26

I think that one challenge to the Byzantine Empire was that throughout much of the middle Ages the Byzantium Empire fought the Muslims for control of the eastern Mediterranean. Another difference was that the Western Christian priests could not marry while the Eastern priests were able to.

Medieval armor

Job interviews are used to give the potential employer a chance to screen you further to determine if you are qualified for the job and to see if you will fit in with the organization. As I indicated on the phone, you will need to send your $450 security deposit in order to reserve a β†’

Londons urban transport from the victorian era

Instead, the most significant technical development which affected the size and functioning of London was the development of mass public transport, which was dictated not only by technological advances, but also the ways in which firms invested in the new forms of conveyance and competed with each other and alternative forms of travel [Ball and β†’

The european chivalry: the ideals and practices

I will be delving into the true meaning behind the principles and what it means to be a knight devoted to the ideals of chivalry. While knights were required to defend the church, they were also expected to defend the weak, according to the Code of Chivalry.

Essay of francesco patriarch

Francesco Petrarch As the first of the Humanist, he was one of the most influential poets of the Middle Ages. He was the first scholar of the mediaeval time who fully realized and appreciated the supreme excellence and beauty of the classical literature and its value as a means of culture.

Discovery equals recovery

Many of the great thinkers began to encourage the idea of humanism. It allowed people to be free thinkers and question the traditions of the past.

Renaissance and its meaning

The idea of rebirth lies at the heart of all Renaissance achievements: artists, scholars, scientists, philosophers, architects, and rulers believed that the way to greatness and illumination was through the study of the Golden Ages of the ancient Greeks and Romans. The Renaissance in Italy flourished in the 15th century and spread throughout most of β†’

Middle ages: overview

The golden age was also a part of the middle ages. In conclusion, the Middle Ages were a time of faith, feudalism, and desire for knowledge.

Feudalism and new social order

Political turmoil and constant warfare led to the rise of the European feudalism, a political and economic system based on land ownership and personal loyalty. Feudalism changed the economic, social, and political systems severely, and made the way we know the Middle Ages in Europe today.

Who should have been king in 1066?

The King of England was usually the son or another close relation of the previous king. Edgar should have been king because he was of royal blood and was the closest relation to Edward.

Medieval philosophy st. anselm, an archbishop of canterbury

Anselm was a very wise young man for seeking the wisdom of God and that is why he was given the gift of knowledge. His gift was the ability to spread the word of God and his faith in him.

Social classes of england in the victorian era

The Great Exhibition of 1851 took place in London, lauding the technical and industrial advances of the age, and strides in medicine and the physical sciences continued throughout the century. The dress of the early Victorian era was similar to the the Georgian age.

How does priestley present the change in sheila during the course of the play? how do you think this change reflects some of priestley’s ideas?

This could suggest Priestley wanted to keep the pay as realistic as possible in order to indicate to the audience that the events could have happened in real life as the Birlings are a typical example of a middle class family during the set period. Similarly, Priestley uses the structure of the play in producing β†’

Turning points in history

If the demand for a product is high, the price raises and the workers make a larger profit. On the downside, if the demand is low, so are the price and wages.

Victorian era.

The colours of the walls depended on the type of room; hallways were usually a somber grey so as not to compete with the rooms. The philanthropists, a group of people who were intenting to reduce the rate of the paupers.

Renaissance research paper

Others believe Italian Renaissance began with Giotto in 1267 to 1337, who is considered to be the first painter to have broken the tradition of Byzantine art at the end of the middle ages. Marlowe begins by persuading his woman to take him in as a friend and finally, persuades her of a powerful love β†’

Emily kinghorn

Introduced by Gregory VII, the Papal election was reformed meaning that after the Pope dies the Cardinals, " will afterwards call in to themselves the cardinal clergy; and then the remaining clergy and the people will approach and consent to the new election, " meaning that the Pope will have the full support and backing β†’

Cultural trends in the victorian era

Successfully hoping to advance interest in the industries, the idea of such an exhibition was emulated by the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London, England. The idea of holding such an event in London was presented to Prince Albert by an engineer named John Scott Russell.

The light of the black death

The Black Death is also known as the " Black Plague" or " Bubonic Plague", as the main symptoms of the plague were the blackening of the buboes, or, bubbles on the skin. Population decreases were not the only effect of the Black Plague, but they were certainly the most drastic and had the most β†’

The jordan river

In order to understand the core of the conflict between Israel and Jordan around the Jordan River, it is important to note the different perceptions of water between the two countries. In the early 50's Israel created a National Water Carrier to transport water from the Jordan River and the Sea of Galilee to the β†’

Good term paper about saudi arabia economic

Exports of crude oil account for 95% of exports and 75% of the country's income, making it possible to maintain the welfare of the state. Encourage the development of the private sector and other realistic programs continue to strengthen the economic strength and stability of the currency of Saudi Arabia.

Middle east history

The factors that had let to this war were likely because of the conflict between the two countries regarding the border debate or argument. Iraq was a member of the Arab Alliance that was defeated in the Six Day War against Israel in June, 1967.

Political science essay example

The film exposes the colonization attempts of Israel towards the Palestinian people." The Iron Wall" is an official and unspoken name of policy adopted by the Israeli government in order to deepen its influence on the Palestinian territory. Settlements and the wall affected every aspect of life of the Palestinian people.

Palestine-israel conflict essay examples

Palestine-Israel Conflict and What Americans Should Know About It There is much more than meets the eye regarding the United State's role in the Palestine-Israel conflict. Unfortunately, there are great economic and diplomatic consequences for the United State's involvement and support of Israel in the Palestine-Israel Conflict.

Solar energy research paper example

The Saudi Arabia is the oil rich nation and mostly they are using oil for generating their county power, but the as the cost of solar panel has been down the nation Saudi is changing the whole nation in to solar. The design was based on the concept that the unwanted frequency are divided in β†’

Israeli-palestinian conflict: life in the gaza strip

They are very low on food.more than a million people in Gaza are " moderately-to-severely food insecure". The reason are low on money, in bad health, have low food, do not have that much electricity, they have little water, sewage is everywhere, and the leader, Hamas, is an amature.

The hagia sophia– research proposal sample

The dome was a relatively new architectural endeavor when the structure was built, and yet, the dome of the building itself was innovative and new. When the Hagia Sophia was used as a Orthodox patriarchal basilica, the mosaics and other artwork in the basilica was in the typical Byzantine Christian style.

Arabic foods- every foodies delight essay examples

It is a combination of the cuisines existing in the Mediterranean, India and the Middle East. A variety of spices are included in Arabic food preparations that contribute immensely to the fragrance and vibrant colors of the food items.

Good research paper on kuwait oil fire

The oil fields that burnt marked the moment where the people of Kuwait suffered the greatest environmental crimes during the Gulf War. Similarly, another constraint that limited the creation of strong laws and sanctions was they there were ineffective environmental judgments in Kuwait that had the mandate to review the environmental laws and regulations.

Essay on understanding world literature

Reading a piece of masterly literature is like traveling through time, traveling to a different place and time and the writer is the tour guide. An expose for the religious and political background and the culture, even when and where the writer was born will help to understand the writer's point of view and why β†’

Nasser the cause of the six day war

Word Count: Contents Introduction 3 Israel's role in causing the Six Day War 3 The role of water in causing the Six Day War 6 Nasser and Egypt's role in causing the Six Day War 8 France and Britain's role in causing the Six Day War 11 USA's role in causing the Six Day War β†’

Free essay about advantages of international tourism in egypt

This contribution of the tourism is a direct contribution to the economy. And this uniqueness is one of the basic attractions for the tourism.

Civilization essays examples

On the other hand, the Mycenaean Greece had no customs of their own and copied some from the Minoans. During the reign of Akhenaten's father, Egypt was the strongest and wealthiest nation in the world.

Cross-cultural understanding between the western and arab world dissertation proposal example

Arabs countries have minimal individualism, more uncertainty avoidance, the high degree of power distance, and medium masculinity. Analysis of Cultural Differences and their Effects on Marketing Products in the United States of America and Germany.

Art time context and culture essay examples

This paper explores the relationship between time, art, and culture using the case studies of Egyptian art, Greek art and Roman art. In early Egyptian art, the context of the Nile, desert environment, and the geographical position influenced the choice of materials that were used in the art.