Quality History Essay Examples for Your Learning

The american enlightenment

The ideas of John Locke and the Enlightenment Period caused a few philosophers and people who were outspoken about freedoms and rights to shape the American government. This is the theory that as citizens it is the citizen's duty to rid yourself of the government if the government is unfair towards the citizens.

Rococo, neoclassicism, and romanticism

Work of art from Neoclassicism is Painting that mainly corresponded with the underlying 18th-century enlightenment epoch and extended in the early 19th century. Moreover, Neoclassicism was mainly procreated from corresponding methods within Paris in regard to the underlying history painting.

Japan’s development & history

The culture in the Japan entered in successive waves in the continent. The culture of Japan took shape in the period of Yayoi.

History: slavery

They retraced it in the bible of the story Noah and ham his son, and the figured why they are the way they are. Why do indentured servants and slaves come to the New World?

Henry viii “defender of the faith” assignment

Henry VIII Defender of the Faith " The Defender of the Faith" is a title of which has been bestowed upon all English Monarch since the reign of Henry VIII. Henry was granted his title because of the piety he demonstrated to the Catholic Church.

The marshall plan assignment

Communism also promotes the idea of sharing the countries' properties and riches with its people equally, which is Of course, welcomed in poor war-torn areas in the Western Europe. The Marshall Plan was set out to help the poor countries after the war so that they would not fall to communism and in turn become β†’

Campaign posters made of a non recyclable materials

Problems of Campaign Posters Made of Non-Recyclable Materials One of the biggest events in the political history of every country would be its elections. 9 Mar.2013.

The american war of independence

Union policy over slavery changed throughout the course of the war because of internal rifts between the Northern and Southern states, which were in a tight competition for political power. The Chesapeake colonies of the upper South, particularly in Virginia and Maryland, were among the primary drivers of the Southern economy.

Eusebius: life of constantine

Harris Kamran History Critical Analysis 14 September Eusebius: Life of Constantine," New Advent, 2009, http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/25021.htm 2.Ibid.3.Ibid.4.Ibid.5.Ibid.6.Ibid.7.Ibid.8.Ibid.9.Ibid.10.Ibid.11.Ibid.12.Ibid.13.Ibid. New Advent.2009.http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/25021.htm.

The mask of adolf hitler assignment

With the help of emotional speeches, false propaganda, and the angry masses Hitler was able to fool the world and create an immoral reign. In the egging of his seize of power he was not originally favorite of the people but entered the government though corrupt bargaining." Hitter's Nazi party captured 18% of the popular β†’

Reading response # 3

In order to argue whether there is really a clash of civilization as suggested by Huntington or the reaction is just Muslim or Arab Phobia, it is important to understand the roots of this conflict and how this difference emerged. The current arrogance against Muslims and Arabs therefore is part of that perception that Arabs β†’

What yemen thinks should be done about syria

One of the consummate historical occurrences is the ouster of the former president, Saleh and the swearing-in of Hadi after numerous riots and unrest. It is important since it transformed the Yemeni government for the better of its economy and welfare of the citizens.

Web activity 2

What is the voting eligible population of the United States and Texas? What is the difference of turnout between the US and Texas?

Louis xiv

In 1670, Louis finally finished his memoir of the early years of his reign, which was intended to advise his first son, the Dauphin, about the secrets of effective rule. He informs the Dauphin that it is difficult to obtain honest advice from the crowd of people that work for the king.

Greek mythology and golden throne assignment

Hephaestus was one of the 12 Olympian gods, he was the god of fire, divine smith, and god of craftsmen. He was the maker of all beautiful and mechanically wonderful in Olympus, especially arms and armor for the gods.

The executive order 9066

As far as the legitimacy of this order is concerned and its place in the constitution of the United States, the constitutionality of the order and the establishment of the internment camps was immediately called into question as soon as the order was signed and forced to be acted upon. By order of the president: β†’

Arming against hitler: france and the limits of military planning by eugenia c. kiesling

Author's prime focus, at the beginning of the research, was to look into and dig out the reasons of military failure at strategic planning level but eventually the study focused on more important part of the determination of strategic choices made by the French top commands. This book requires a careful study and an in-depth β†’

20th history of art

20th History of Art of Murals for The Museum Of Modern Art Introduction In attempt to sharpen my critical thinking and writing skills, this assignment tries to understand the formal analysis of artistic work. Diego Rivera: Murals for The Museum of Modern Art I will discuss Diego Rivera: Murals for The Museum of Modern Art β†’

Texas: history of sugar land

The population of Sugar Land grew in terms of stature and population and was incorporated in 1959. Some of the biggest employers in Sugar Land include: Schumbere, Fluor, and Nalco.

Second red scare assignment

McCarthy proclaimed to the women that he had a list of 205 names of suspected Communists currently working in the State Department. All the debate McCarthy sparked was exactly what he hoped to achieve; the recognition of the people.

Haig and the somme

But if Haig is writing this because he knows that his tactics will mean that a lot of his men die, then this would show that Haig was in fact the butcher of the Somme. Source I also disagrees with the statement because it is a letter from Lloyd George to General Haig congratulating him β†’

The role of desire/beauty in dante and augustine???????s journey into god assignment

100 The Role of Desire/Beauty in Dante and Augustine's Journey Into God In both Confessions and The Divine Comedy, Augustine and Dante are depicted as very creative and intelligent men. Augustine is lost in a sea of desire and is struggling to fgure out how he is supposed to live a life that is dependent β†’

Gilded age and industrialization

The gilded age was a time in the 1890s when there were several railroads built and led to the establishment of the enormous initial concentrations of money, produced the first big corporations, and created vast treasures. As a result of this mode of transport, several companies were connected to the available raw material and human β†’

The political career of richard nixon assignment

While the case was still in the courts, Nixon decided to run for the Senate. Nixon was a man of limited means, and when he won his Senate seat a group of businessmen had publicly solicited funds to enable him to keep in touch with the voters in his home state while he served in β†’

Nevada between the u.s states nevada and

From 1931 to 1936, the Hoover Dam was built and finished during the Great Depression. In conclusion, the Hoover dam is a legendary landmark from Nevada.

Modern-day individualism

The article talks about the challenges of and solution to wealth administration in the modern society. The law of competition has led to classifications, thus widening the gap between the poor and the rich.

The great depression brought changes to art in many ways assignment

The other was the Regionalist and they were more focused of the positive side of things, hoping to drive America out of the depression. The plan was called the new deal and was simply a promise to the American people that this new plan would get America out of the economic depression.

How should the events of the french and indian war assignment

Identified sent Washington to deliver a message to the French demanding that they leave the region and stop their harassment of English traders and settlers In April of 1753. The events of the French and Indian War can be used to reflect the legacy of George Washington for they provided the crucial and fundamental knowledge β†’

The great depression and past recessions of america’s history in comparison to today’s economic crisis. assignment

It makes and breaks governments at will." What McFadden was saying is that the crash and depression were brought on by the actions of the Fed, that through its greed it gained control of the central banking authority of the United States government, ran up huge debts to its international banking partners, bankrupted the country β†’

The administration of richard nixon assignment

The nation would further divide itself following the assassinations of Anti-war activists Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy in 1 968 and a rising rate of Inflation. On the location of the future Republican National Convention and Onion's fluctuating decisions on milk price supports that amounted to a shakedown for campaign funds prior to the β†’

The vietnam war as one of the most divisive periods in the us history which polarized the society and brought a premature end to the nixon presidency

The Vietnam War is one of the most divisive periods in the history of the United States which polarized the American society and disrupted the political atmosphere ultimately bringing a premature end to the Nixon presidency. In conclusion, the article highlights the disastrous consequences of the Vietnam War; the unethical and immoral agreements and policies β†’

Randel and puglisi

RANDEL AND PUGLISI The articles give an overview of the genesis of European journey into the new lands of America which wasinhabited by the Native Indians. The two articles give different accounts of the journey of John smith, his attempts to woe the Indians and put them under King James I and the historic interaction β†’

Argument( debate/dialogue) and response paper between two person

Aristotle sees polis as a village that had reached a state of full sufficiency and one that existed for the sake of bringing good to the society and those in it. Given the fact that the king is in charge of everything, there is no political liberty in the polis, and the residents are forced β†’

Martin luther king vs. malcom x debate

This paper intends to give the essence of the debate between Martin and Malcolm and state specific points of disagreements between the two. In conclusion, I find the debate between X and Martin as educative and crucial to the current studies of African American struggle for liberation or freedom and ethnic studies.

Book : ian kershaw – the end (hitlers germany 1944-1945)

In an attempt to do this, the writer takes a new dimension of the World War II and the role played by Hitler and the Nazis. In the estimation of Ian Kershaw, the reason was that there were strong structures instituted by the German government and for that matter Hitler that rules on the states β†’

S5w7qs response

The United States should also check on Iraq's neighbors like Syria and Iran to ensure that they do not fund sections that cause violence in Iraq. Security Policies: the United States should help to empower the Iraq's security forces to take a major role in containing sectarianism, violence, and insurgency.

The rise of islam in saudi arabia

The rise of Islam in Saudi Arabia started in 624 with the first raid by followers of Muhammad in Mecca city. The takeover of Arabia by Muslim community led to the establishment Caliph, the central control that formed strong alliance between Arabs and the Muslim community.

Boston massacre propaganda

Although they were quite justified in doing so, the townspeople of Boston severely over exaggerated the events of that day in order to gain public sympathy and pit more colonists against the British regime. In this regard, the colonists used The Boston Massacre to encourage the spread of outrage among the colonies against the British.

U-boats in world war i assignment

The machine gun, the tank, and the airplane ruled the battlefields of France and Germany. This was the U-Boats mission in World War l, and many Germans believed the technological advancements of the U-Boat would lead Germany to victory.

Best economic progress since wwii

The increased levels of Germany economy after the World War II, was caused by elimination of price controls, reduction of marginal tax rates, and currency reforms, between 1948 and 1949. The economy of German has immensely grown, thanks to the currency reforms and elimination of price controls.

Constitutional advance in kuwait :

The events leading to the realization of a new constitution in Kuwait are many, different, and challenging. In the process of drafting the new constitution, the Sabah family tried to sabotage the realization of a new constitution.

Disarmament in the inter-war period essay sample

Insiders were obliged to adjust to the implemented ratio for the size of fleets. Conference held in the capital of Great Britain was to continue attempts for disarmaments.

Storm over the andes

On the economic front, after the economic breakdown in the 1970s and 1980s, the Latin America economy underwent several reforms and which have seen the economic growth and success of some of these nations. The immense success of the economy from the 1990s is being overshadowed by the continuing political storm in the area with β†’

How history can define the future: understanding globalization and its interrelation with past events

How History Can Define the Future: Understanding Globalization and its Interrelation with Past Events Scholars around the world have been using the term globalization since the early part of 1960s but it was not until the 80s when this term became widely accepted in the academic, economic and political circles. The US history itself is β†’

Natives responses to modernity

As they migrated, the Indians encountered different cultures and even when they encountered land that was different from the one they used to know they resolved to burn it in order to transform it to the original land that they used to know. In this essay, I will discuss the numerous ways in which the β†’

Public policy – asian american (ethic studies)

As evidenced in the issues underpinning public policy and Asian America, is explicit that human beings have initiated and always push for means to liberate themselves from these confinements in terms of restructuring their lives through developing policies to guide their social, economic and political aspects. According to the public policy and Asian Americans, Asian β†’

The qing or manchu dynasty

In this constitution, the supreme power was with the emperor and others had minor rights to vote. In 1800, the Qing or Manchu dynasty was at the nadir of its power.

Discussion-module 11

The Islamic World system led to the transfer of knowledge to Spain and Portugal. The lawyer Ibn Battuta symbolized the Islamic World system as he travelled across the globe to meet the demand for Islamic judges in Africa and India.

Italy profolio

Legislative Branch of Government in Italy The legislature is composed of the lower house, which is the chamber of deputies and the upper house comprising of senate. The Executive Branch of Government in Italy This is composed of the President, Council of Ministers and the Civil Service.


This historical description acts as a warning both to the current and future generations on the consequences of war. In conclusion, this book gives an insightful analysis of the end of the World War II.

How has music changed since the middle ages assignment

During the Middle Ages music was still popular to have but there were not many genres, the most common kind of music during the middle ages was flute. Music has change immensely since the middle ages because of the invention of new musical instruments and new musical genres.

Cold war dbq assignment

In addition, when Germany was broken up among the four countries of France, Great Britain, the United States of America, and the Soviet union, the Soviet Union had the most land Of all. The majority of the responsibility for the Cold War lies in the hands Of the Soviet Union, and only minimally the United β†’

President lincolns second inaugural address

Delivered on March 4, 1865, Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address abounds in the use of the rhetorical and stylistic elements which catch the attention of the ears as well as the minds of the listeners. In short, President Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address is a spectacular example of how a powerful speech adorned with rhetorical and stylistic β†’

Francis bacon of love text assignment

It is a strange thing to note the excess of this passion, and how it braves the nature, and value of things, by this; that the speaking in a perpetual hyperbole, is comely in nothing but in love. For there was never proud man thought so absurdly well of himself, as the lover doth of β†’

Analysis of suez crisis in 1956-1957

The Suez Crisis which was aided by the French and Israelis was not just a disaster for the Conservative party but Britain as a whole as it created lots of problems and tension internationally especially with the USA. On the other hand, Kilmuir was a member of the Conservatives at the time and he might β†’

Problems caused by mercantilism for the american colonists assignment

They enforced many policies such as the Stamp Act, the Townsend Duties, and the Tea Act which caused many problems for the colonists. It was not the cost of the stamp that angered hem, it was the principle.

Primus oeuvre within the context of jim crow racial politics, anti-colonialism, afro-centricity, and multiculturalism

This is a prelude to the reader that Primus is consistent both in the arts and in the concept of ongoing social activities, especially in the political arena. In this context, it is clear that Brown is emphasizing the elemental role of the art in trying to establish a better multicultural future.

Flag fen

The reason why it was thought to be a long house was because of the evidence found, for example: A large variety and amount of domestic waste was found - cooking pots etc. The next let down was that archaeologists had actually discovered that the Bronze Age people lived in round houses so this fact β†’

What are the two main theories of the origin of american indians in north america

Submitted Two Main theories of origin of American Indian in North America ' Indians', ' American Indians' or Paleoamericansare some of the common names of the people who apparently welcomed Columbus in America. Till now nobody is sure about their origin though and a big number of people are in the favor of the second β†’

Baroque art assignment

In architecture the period is exemplified by the palace of Versailles and by the work of Bernie in Italy. Having long since shed its derogatory connotations, " baroque" is now simply a convenient catch-all for one of the richest and most diverse periods in music and art history.

Aztec human sacrifice – a detached view assignment

Yet, years ago, when I read Gary Jennings' novel Aztec, I was fascinated with his description of the Aztec's sacrifice of prisoners during the dedication of the great pyramid in Tenochitlan: " The hearts of...perhaps the first two hundred of them, were ceremoniously ladled into the mouths of Tlaloc and Huitzilopochtli until the statues' hollow β†’

The art and architecture of ancient rome history essay

The first basilicas were in the beginning of the second Century BC built in the Roman Forum. One of the best preserved Roman triumphal arches, whose ornamentations are usually pillars of the Corinthian or the Composite order was used is the Arch of Titus in the Roman Forum and the Arch of Constantine in near β†’

How did the rise of the corporation affect the united states what factors helped corporations form, and

The leaders of the United States found it logical to spearhead the economical growth of the country due to the rise in technological innovation at the end of eighteenth century and the beginning of nineteen century. The rise of corporations led to the growth of the population in urban centers.

World history, 1500 ad to the present

The primary outcome of this movement was the establishment of Protestantism in Europe and the splintering of the Christian faith into many different factions. From the earliest years of the African slave trade in the 15th century, Portugal took a leading role in the spread of slaves from their native continent to Europe and to β†’

Alexander the great

Alexander the Great Alexander the Great was one of the most successful conquerors of the ancient history; he was the king of one of the largest empires of history and remained invincible during his lifetime. Alexander always remained in search of events to prove his valor and strength as a warrior in the battlefield and β†’

United states v. ziegler

The court argued " Because Ziegler had a reasonable expectation of privacy in his office, any search of that space and the items located therein must comply with the Fourth Amendment". United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.

Leonardo da vinci contribution to aviation history

Leonardo Da Vinci was fascinated by the concept of flying human beings and this promoted him to develop thousands of words as well as hundreds of sketches that focused on the subject of aviation. His ideas regarding the aviation have been presented in the form of several codex and one of the codes that specifically β†’

John adamsassignment assignment

The three most significant events In which Adams played a large role in American history was his pursuit In being a lawyer and protecting the soldiers In the Boston Massacre, his trip to France, and the drafting of the Declaration of Independence. In the early stages of his life and Importance for the American cause, β†’

John brown: abolitionist assignment

In the years before the Civil War, Brown and his followers took the first step against slavery and fought the Missouri Border Ruffians. In order to free the slaves of the South, Brown came up with a plan.

There is evidence of growing sectarianism in belfast

Henry Cooke were completely against the Catholic people living in Belfast and they would preach to people about this.'Which led to increasing polarisation between the communities' was reflected by the drift into religious areas, this process was nearly complete in the 1850s. According to source L amuch religious bitterness in the growing industrial town where β†’

No need for topic

American Politics Introduction We the People is an American political history book, which depicts the exact happenings in the American history beginning with the past, present and the anticipations in future. Through the arguments brought forward by Ginsberg et al, it is very evident the authors want a change in the judicial system in the β†’

The federal reserve and the financial crisis assignment

The first two provide a background to the last two lectures who focus on how the Fed dealt with the crisis and the recovery. Were a big problem in the period of the restoration of the gold stander after the Civil War in 1879 through the founding of the Federal Reserve.

“cold war abroad and at home” on group discussion board

After the World War II it was seen that the communists were spreading all throughout the world and as they were gaining power it was assumed that they would soon try to take over the U. In those times, it can be said that the cold war was becoming an existential threat as China was β†’

Mental exploration with super natural elements

The aura of feelings of that strangeness is so strong in many that they begin to believe their activities and their lives as a result of the strong influence of this strangeness. When narrator met Roderick Usher, he remarked." The physique of the gray walls and the turrents, and of the dim tarn into which β†’

Sample research paper on movement and heritage planning

Consequently, in terms of heritage planning, practices in architecture and urban planning consider design and structure with the condition that movements in these spaces are regulated or controlled, as movement should be, to ascertain the preservation of spaces in historic cities. It is for this reason that architectural practices must match the value of objects β†’

Martin luther king assignment

Defined an unjust law in the Letter from Birmingham Jail, " An unjust law is a human law that is not rooted in eternal law and natural law. An unjust law is a code that is out of harmony with the moral law." I also feel it is important when thinking about what is Just, β†’

History – does general haig deserve the title the butcher?

However General Haig's title of 'the butcher of the Somme' originated after the First World War, when, due to large number of casualties Britain suffered from the war and mostly the Somme. General Haig's title of 'the butcher of the Somme' originated after the First World War, when, due to large number of casualties Britain β†’

Martin luther king jr.: dream often, dream big, dream change assignment

Dream Often, Dream Big, Dream Change Martin Luther King, Jr, was one of the most powerful leaders in the civil rights movement, from the bus boycott to his historical speech " I Have a Dream". All in all Martin Luther King's " I Have a Dream" speech is one of the most important speeches ever β†’

Mahatma gandhi assignment

He was born in India in 1896 and the name was Mohammad Gandhi. Although Gandhi was born in the trading class, he fought for the slaves/poor in India.

Ancient rome: a thriving civilization assignment

Rome was preponderant throughout the Mediterranean region and was one Of the most powerful entities Of the ancient world. In general, it was Roman policy to respect the moss regions and to regard local laws as a source of legal precedent and social stability.

Book review rubric spring 2011

Contains an understanding of the book's ideas with some connections to the historical period. Ideas are not stated or developed; no references to the book or may only refer to one part of book.

Usa history essay sample

How did each of the following contribute to the success of the American Revolution? Britian was fighting at the end of a long communication line.

President franklin d. roosevelt ??? the good, the bad, and the ugly assignment

Roosevelt worked as both the assistant secretary of the navy, appointed by president Woodrow Wilson, from 1913 to 1920 and he was also the Governor of New York from 1928 to 1932. FDR wanted to remove any and all opposition to his New Deal policies and in " In 1937 he proposed to add new β†’

Political science

It is also at the fore front of efforts to understand and help various governments respond to new developments and concerns, such as information of the economy challenges and corporate governance. Beyond the reach, of fiscal tools such as monetary loosening and fiscal spending, wide spread and lack of trust threatens to keep the global β†’

Napoleon bonaparte’s

The main points covered in the civil code were that the privileges given based on birth were forbidden, everyone was given the freedom to practice their religion and that the jobs of the government were to be handed over to those who were the most qualified. In the beginning of the nineteenth century there was β†’

American civil war

The southern troops were not well organized and their army lacked discipline which led to defeat, the northern troops were well trained and therefore overpowered the southern troops, the northern troops were also confident in winning and this is because they had been into war before and therefore they were more experienced than the southern β†’

Week4 presentation

Two Reforms that took the Christian Approach and what these reformers did One reform that took the Christian approach in the United States of America between the late 19th century and 20th century is the 18th amendment that was adopted in 1919. Two Reforms that took the Socialist approach what these reformers did The 19th β†’

Benjamin franklin analysis assignment

This letter was written by Benjamin Franklin long before he came president of the United States of America, Benjamin at the time was In the midst of his life. It was also made clear that Franklin put the interest of the American colonies as a priority.

Outline of u.s. history

Immigrants from various parts of the world selected America as their destination and soon America became the most sought after the place when compared to the other continents. Since the political parties differed in their policies and amendments, articles of confederation led to a situation where the government had to ratify the articles.

Richard nixon assignment

Nixon is considered to be one of the worst presidents of our time and for very good reasons. He did a lot for our country and does not deserve all the mistrust that people feel towards him.

Beliefs of the plain indians

They believed that he was all powerful and that he was the creator of the whole of nature, which can explain the Indian's respect and love for all living things and nature because according to their beliefs all living things were the creation of the Great Spirit so all should be valued " The Sioux β†’

Winnie mandela

One point considered is the presentation of the account of a leader and the history of the South America through a different perspective which is that of the wife of a leader. The article in Britannica is a detailed reference of the information related to Winnie Mandela.

Explain the history of voting rights. how were blacks discriminated against what where some of the methods used to obstruct them from voting

The right to vote was one of the crucial freedoms that African Americans were deprived and understanding the history of the same is critical. With women still being restricted from voting, activists on the rights of women that were to be seen in the liberation of the sex were common in the late 1880s.

How was nazi concentration camp worser than soviet concentration camps

Some people say that the number in Stalin camps were far more than the people at Nazi concentration camp. That is why the Nazi concentration camps were far worse than Stalin's.


The democrats at the time were referred to as the party of the traditions. They looked at the future of the US; the hope of the people.

Histoy final

It marked the end of invasions from the North and became a time of peace and the peaceful passage of merchants and caravans, which proved to help offset the terrors of the previous invasions. Charlemagne was the greatest of German kings and was also known as Charles the Great and the first Holy Roman Emperor β†’