Quality Health & Medicine Essay Examples for Your Learning

Types of blood cells and process of homeostasis leading to clot formation

Blood is that fluid component of the body that transports nutrients and oxygen to all the pats of the body while removing the waste products formed by these parts. The major types of cells found in blood are the red blood cells, the white blood cells, and platelets.

Editorial: from genes to species: novel insights from metagenomics

This Research Topic aims to showcase the utility of metagenomics to gain insights on the microbial and genomic diversity in different environments by revealing the breadth of novelty that was in the past, largely untapped. A review by Coughlan et al.gives an overview of metagenomics and focuses on the utility of functional metagenomics for the →

The fda “black box” warning on antidepressant suicide risk in young adults: more harm than benefits?

The FDA black box warning on antidepressant-linked suicide in young people has been questioned, and recent evidence on the overall benefits from the use of antidepressants in the treatment of MDD seems not to be so pessimistic. The rate of the diagnosis of MDD reduced almost 40%, possibly due also to the diagnostic shift in →

The worsening effects of stigma and discrimination on hiv/aid statistics in the us

Comparatively, I am now aware of the dynamics of the disease, and more than anything, has taken it upon myself to spread the knowledge acquired on the precautionary measures as well as advocacy for testing and a change of attitude on the disease and people living with it. The Washington Post/Survey of Americans on HIV/AIDS: →

Benefit of telemedicine

Nowadays, telemedicine, which is defined as using of telecommunicationtechnologyto provide clinical care to individuals at distant sites and the transmission of medical and surgical information and images needed to provide that care, has become a powerful tool in the world to enhance betterhealthcare due to widespread of modern technology. In conclusion, there are tremendous positive →

Editorial: parkinson’s disease: cell vulnerability and disease progression

This Research Topic discuss the etiopathogenesis of PD, presenting a series of papers that provide up-to-date, state-of-the-art information on molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in the neurodegeneration process, neuroimmune pathways, the role of functional and anatomical organization of the basal ganglia as a factor of neuronal vulnerability, the possibility that PD is a prion disease →

From bottom-up approaches to levels of organization and extended critical transitions

The second part deals with the question of the nature of the levels of organization in living systems and provides a strong definition of the change of level of organization. In this part we consider the question of the possibility and the modalities of understanding the whole as a combination of the parts.

Editorial: self-organization in the nervous system

The contributions in this special issue aim to elucidate the role of self-organization in shaping the cognitive processes in the course of development and throughout evolution, or " from paramecia to Einstein". Two features of this collection might be of particular interest to the reader: the scope of discussion is broad, stretching from general thermodynamic →

Theories to explain exercise motivation and physical inactivity: ways of expanding our current theoretical perspective

On the other hand, there is growing skepticism as to whether epidemic physical inactivity can be effectively addressed through interventions developed on the basis of the few cognitive-behavioral theories that have been the mainstays in exercise psychology for decades. It refers to evidence on the multiple neuro-behavioral adaptations that have contributed to the minimization of →

Metaparadigm case essay sample

In order to provide the right dimension of care to meet the individual needs of each patient, each component of the metaparadigm of nursing must be considered. Finally, the nursing component of the metaparadigm refers to the relationship between the nurse and their patient.

Physical activity and health and physical fitness and exercise

Physical Activity and Health, Physical Fitness and Exercise Lack of exercise is an habit that may be very vital to us, yet sometimes it seem to us like we are enjoying life when we can do most of the things we want at a sitting without much movement. E, & Stanley, B.E.

Editorial: linking ecosystem function to microbial diversity

The Editorial on the Research Topic Linking Ecosystem Function to Microbial Diversity Understanding the link between microbial diversity and ecosystem processes is a fundamental goal of microbial ecologists, yet we still have a rudimentary knowledge of how changes in diversity affect nutrient cycling and energy transfer in ecosystems. Earlier studies of microbial diversity and processes →

Vitamin d toxicity–a clinical perspective

In endogenous VDT, hypercalcemia is related to increased 1, 25 2 D concentration; in contrast, in VDT due to an overdose of vitamin D, hypercalcemia is a consequence of high 25D concentration. As a result of increased intake of vitamin D containing supplements and the recent information regarding prevalence of the CYP24A1 mutation in the →

Current understanding of host genetics of otitis media

The epithelial lining of the ME possesses several defense mechanisms; for instance, ME epithelial cells secret mucin and other defense molecules to attack and trap pathogens, particles, and dead cells, which are conveyed toward the nasopharynx via the Eustachian tube and cleared from the ME by the constant unidirectional beating of the cilia of ciliated →

Chemistry of hazardous materials

The information that is required is on the nature and characteristics of the chemicals that is found in the four containers. Only members of the HazMat team should be allowed to access the site with the punctured tank and the three other tanks containing hazardous materials.

How conventional economic principles might or might not apply to the us health care environment

Health care in the United States of America is influenced by various economic variables especially supply and demand." Other factors that influence supply and demand in health care include: the education of health care givers, labor force, and the health system in place as well as the changing economy." The way this factors will influence →

An aberrant precision account of autism

This could be interpreted as a failure to expect the unexpected and further evidence for a failure to contextualize sensory processing in autism, in the face of uncertainty. This is consistent with acetylcholine increasing the precision of sensory prediction errors, resulting in a failure to attenuate overall electrophysiological response with stimulus repetition.

How cognitive neuroscience could be more biological—and what it might learn from clinical neuropsychology

By contrast, Goldstein argued that such an approach of just quantifying isolated phenomena was artificial in a way as it did not account for qualitative aspects of the organismic/personal and situational context, for several reasons: first, the patient does not display a loss of function in the transparent way a machine does, but tries to →

Editorial: molecular biology of bamboo mosaic virus —a type member of the potexvirus genus

However, study of BaMV did not start extensively until BaMV was identified as a member of the Potexvirus genus at the molecular level, in the early 1990s. After completion of the full-length sequencing of genomic RNA of BaMV and generation of the BaMV infectious cDNA clone, study of BaMV stepped into a new dimension.

Editorial: lacanian psychoanalysis

The notion of implicit demand is especially highlighted here, in line with the work of Raimbault, in turn inspired by Lacan, and this allows the authors to suggest that it might be interesting to supplement the medical perspective of curing and healing by what the " family myth" presents in relation to guilt and disease. →

Case study example

The separation of the Lakeberg twins was a measure of the interaction and relationship between medical practice, health care ethics, and society-based expectations. The separation of the Lakeberg twins put forward a number of ethical issues related to saving lives at the slimmest chance of survival.

End-stage renal disease

One of these facilities is the dialysis facility which deals with removing the metabolic and water from the patient's kidney through diffusion and passing it through the dialysis machine. The other is the home dialysis training and support services where the nurses and doctors perform the treatment at home of the patient instead of the →

Diagnosis of an infected patient

In the case of the three kinds of bacteria in this paper discussion, it is the differential stain that is used to determine the specific infectious bacteria of the patient. References Lindh, W, Pooler, M, Tamparo, C, & Dahl, B.

Transient arterial hypertension induced by gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist treatment for central precocious puberty

Siomou et al.also described a case of a 10-year-old girl with a Williams-Beuren syndrome and CPP who developed HTN with Triptorelin treatment. In our case report, the presence of a normal BP before initiation of Triptorelin and the complete normalization of the blood pressure after stopping it, points toward a causal effect of the GnRHa →

Occupational therapist

All of his laundry is performed by others, and only takes responsibility in his medication when it is prepared in advance and in distinct dosage. He also lacks interest or rendezvous with others, and he has not developed normal relationships with his peers due to difficulty in discerning others perspectives.

The grand challenges in electrochemical corrosion research

Having gone through the basic aspects and the core of corrosion science, one should never forget that the ultimate goal of corrosion research is to minimize corrosion damage. Therefore, the investigation of biodegradation mechanism and in vivo corrosion process in the lab will remain a challenge in corrosion research.

Ecological and evolutionary implications of genomic structural variations

In this research topic, the contributed articles offer insights into the ecological and evolutionary implications of genomic SVs, emphasizing the advances, limitations, and importance of studying the evolution of structural polymorphisms in model and non-model organisms. This study provides a starting point to examine the role of SVs in the diversification and speciation of cichlids.

Corrigendum: the application of external ureteral catheters in children with acute kidney injury caused by ceftriaxone-induced urolithiasis

00200 The order of the authors was incorrectly listed asMaosheng Xu, Hongquan Geng, Guofeng Xu, Xiaoliang Fang, Lei He and Houwei Lin. The correct order isHouwei Lin, Hongquan Geng, Guofeng Xu, Xiaoliang Fang, Lei He and Maosheng Xu.

Some challenges for the human brain in communication with the digital society

From a network point of view, the spread of this kind of information is governed by a small-world rule which means that a single piece of information is able to reach the other side of the world in just a few jumps. In that sense, we need to monitor and prevent the negative impact of →

The chlamydia trachomatis disease

In order to do so it is essential to recognize the symptoms of Chlamydia, diagnose the victim, and provide treatment immediately. The only problem with this microorganism is that it cannot make energy for itself like the way a virus and bacteria can.

Causes of hardships of southern sharecropping

The first factor that caused the substandard living onditions of the southern share croppers was their lack of education. It was a cycle that led to the lowering of the general living conditions of southern share croppers, but lack of education was not the only factor that lowered the living conditions of the share Another →

Chronic fatigue syndrome (cfs)

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a dilapidating condition where a person experiences overwhelming and massive fatigue which is not relieved by bed rest, and gets worse with physical activity or mental exhaustion. Social determinants of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Though the medical field has not identified and proved the main causes →

Immunological paradigms, mechanisms, and models: conceptual understanding is a prerequisite to effective modeling

However, several observations suggested to us that additional, " contextual" attributes of infection events were also important, besides the inherent proinflammatory properties of bacteria and viruses; and that antigen-mediated signals delivered to lymphocytes in the absence of infection were capable of eliciting cellular responses that contributed to the lymphocytes' own functional integrity and to that →

The writing’s on the wall: on health inequalities, migrants, and coronavirus

In this opinion, we aimed to explain how these challenges can affect the spread of COVID-19 in the European Union and the United Kingdom, and to stress the importance of universal and equitable access to healthcare services during and after the COVID-19 crisis. Unlike the UK and the US, most of the EU countries do →

Susan g. komen foundation

Komen Foundation is that it was created by Susan's sister Nancy to help other women around the world to fight breast cancer. Nancy created the foundation in the memory of her sister Susan who died of having a breast cancer and to help other women fight breast cancer by donating the funds for more research.

Trust the process: a new scientific outlook on psychodramatic spontaneity training

The protagonist in psychodrama is invited to actually become the " thing" that s/he is referring to, be it a person or an abstract concept, like passion." The embodiment must correspond to the idea of the thing". To be viable means that: The perceptually guided action of the system must simply facilitate the continuing integrity →

Editorial: international society for microbial electrochemistry and technology: outputs from the 2018 regional meetings

Editorial on the Research Topic International Society for Microbial Electrochemistry and Technology: Outputs From the 2018 Regional Meetings The International Society for Microbial Electrochemistry and Technology is the premier scientific society for all research involving microorganisms and electron exchange. From a purely ecological perspective, the study of METs can inform our understanding of which bacteria →

Gastritis – medical condition essay sample

Gastritis is a medical condition characterized by the inflammation or erosion of the lining of the stomach. It occurs in three forms; * Superficial gastritis: It causes reddened oedematous mucosa with haemorrhage and small erosion.* Atrophic gastritis: This occurs in all three layers of the stomach and is characterized by a decreased number of parietal →

Wide dynamic range compression benefits health and social care essay

In order to separate between different types of hearing AIDSs and happen the most suited for this type of hearing loss we have to look to see if the hearing AIDSs can embrace the individual 's dynamic scope without traveling over their uncomfortable volume degrees. WDRC is a nonlinear compaction scheme, which tries to mime →

Opting for dbs: the role of patients’ associations between scientific and humanistic knowledge

The movement which, in the years between the late 1980s and the early 1990s of the past century, led to the establishment of the first patients' associations in Italy was initially based on the patients' need for adequate medical information. Among the most common signs of information overload is the patients' fear and overreaction to →

Integrating illegal immigration into a country’s culture, economy and society

They will never stop illegal immigration, it will take something greater than just men/woman trying to stop people to come into our country as long as there are paying jobs in America we will always have illegal immigrant in the U. As for the fine or " penalty" the current version of the Senate immigration →

Editorial: salinity tolerance in plants: mechanisms and regulation of ion transport

Ion transport is the crucial starting point that determines salinity tolerance in plants: this includes the cation and anion transport across the plasma membranes of the root cells, the transport through the vacuolar membranes, the long-distance ion transport via xylem and phloem and the salt excretion and accumulation by the specialized cells. The papers in →

Editorial: early intervention in psychotic disorders

Early intervention in psychotic disorders generally has two objectives: to prevent the onset of psychotic disorders in people with prodromal symptoms and to provide effective treatment to people in the early stages of psychotic disorder, with the goals of maximizing recovery and reducing the severity of illness. For example, further research should be conducted to: →

Editorial: dosimetry study in photodynamic therapy for diagnosis, precision treatment and treatment evaluation

Editorial on the Research Topic Dosimetry Study in Photodynamic Therapy for Diagnosis, Precision Treatment and Treatment Evaluation Photodynamic therapy is an ancient therapy that came to the stage of western medicine at the beginning of the twentieth century [ 1 ]. A review of photodynamic therapy for the treatment of acne vulgaris.

Organ donations from drug users benefit transplant patients -an article by katharine seelye

Seelye Seelye strives to inform those in New England that there is a increase in drug users who are donating their organs for the good of the people. Dhillon Dhillon wishes to inform the people who are interested in donating their organs about the risks and disadvantages of donating their organs.

Good example of diagnosis and treatment planning case study

These are the types of manifestations to which the families and the friends of the schizophrenic person become accustomed. The production of the neurotransmitters and the chemical imbalances that are caused by the abnormal amounts of production of dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine has caused Joseph's condition.

3 questions to be answered

Global events affecting healthcare organization include the actions of natural calamities such as hurricanes and floods, global financial crisis that affect the operation of the organization by reducing its ability to focus on the provision of services because of its inability to support its operation. The strain is caused by the unexpected change in the →

Case study example

With his engaging personality and involvement in community outreach, he has been able to improve the reputation of the center in the surrounding neighborhood. The Center wants to change for the future because of these changes in the surrounding community and the impact that resulted out of the financial base.

Toll-like receptor 9 in breast cancer

Specifically in breast cancer, TLR9 protein expression has been detected both in the epithelial cancer cells as well as in the fibroblast-like cells associated with the tumors. In addition to the actual tumor cells, the TLR9 expression status of tumor-associated fibroblast-like cells has also been shown to be of prognostic value in breast cancer.

Editorial: models of reference

Ibarra and Tanenhaus, for instance, investigate to what extent interlocutors are able to switch between different ways to conceptualize an object, as a function of the conversational setting in which the dialogue takes place; for example, a part of an object may be called a " wrench" in one setting but a " leg" in →

Understanding the functions of the bones and the importance of their interconnectivity with other systems

State the division of the skeleton The skeleton is divided into axial and appendicular parts Describe The Structure of a long bone Provides strength with a minimum of additional mass Draw a diagram of the human elbow including cartilage, synovial fluid, tendons, ligaments, named bones and named antagonistic muscles Outline the functions of the components →

You will be analyzing the lateral pass in rugby and the spike in volleyball – lab report example

Rugby lateral pass and spike in volleyball a) Skill ification Skill ification is a system based on the notionthat movement skills are predicted by factors such as: preciseness of a movement; the presence of a definite beginning and ending of the movement; and the effect of the prevailing environment on the skill's performance. On the →

Recent advances in the zymoseptoria tritici –wheat interaction: insights from pathogenomics

Several gene-for-gene interactions between Z.tritici and wheat have been hypothesized, but none of the genes conferring virulence in the fungus or resistance in wheat have been cloned. This indicated that the genes most likely to encode secreted proteins that interact with the host or environment have undergone adaptive evolution, providing important support for the hypothesis →

Achievements and challenges in sensor devices

1038/nmat5063 CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Jin, J, Gubbi, J, Marusic, S, and Palaniswami, M. 1038/ncomms14997 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Kumar, J, and Liz-Marzan, L.M.

The cortical microstructural basis of lateralized cognition: a review

Asymmetry in the spacing of minicolumnar units of neurons in the human PT is absent in the brains of other primates, and there is a preponderance of large layer III pyramidal neurons with wider dendritic arbors filling the space in the left hemisphere compared with the right in humans. 1159/000047253 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text →

Combating and overcoming drug resistance in cancer

It is only in the understanding of the mechanisms of tumor cell resistance to cytotoxic drug-induced apoptosis at the molecular and biochemical levels that will allow the development of drugs that target the resistance factors.Dr. In one of several chapters that focuses on a tissue specific cancer, the role of 1 integrins and resistance to →

Early life adversity as a risk factor for visceral pain in later life: importance of sex differences

Specifically, abnormal functioning of the amygdala, an important limbic structure involved in the facilitation of the HPA axis has been observed in IBS patients and in adults following childhood trauma. Although ELA increases the risk of persistent disorders later in life for both men and women, evidence suggests that females are more susceptible to the →

Image-guided radiotherapy for cardiac sparing in patients with left-sided breast cancer

In a study of 2168 breast cancer patients who had post-operative breast irradiation, the risk of major coronary events was significantly higher among the patients who had radiation to the left breast. As radiation damage to the myocardium is primarily due to the inflammation and scarring of the heart microvascular structure, which leads to hypoperfusion →

A bayesian approach to latent class modeling for estimating the prevalence of schizophrenia using administrative databases

Interestingly, a study conducted in 2013 showed that the incidence rate of the disorder was higher in the Island of Montreal than in the next-largest urban area in the province, Quebec City. The objective of the second study of Vanasse et al.was to develop a method to estimate both the prevalence and the incidence of →

Commentary: consistency of eeg source localization and connectivity estimates

The resting condition is a challenging state for source-level analysis, and likely represents a major source of inconsistency in the source localization and connectivity outcomes. Consistency of EEG source localization and connectivity estimates.

Editorial: immunomodulation of innate immune cells

Editorial on the Research Topic Immunomodulation of Innate Immune Cells We are delighted to present this Research Topic for Frontiers in Immunology, focusing on " Immunomodulation of Innate Immune Cells". Papers included in this collection highlight recent advances in our understanding of the fundamental mechanisms controlling activation and regulation of innate immune cells, as well →

Targeted endometrial scratching: an example of endometrial diagnosis usage in reproductive medicine

In this manuscript, we will first focus on the immune rationale linking endometrial inflammation and embryo implantation, the potential biomarkers of endometrial inflammation, as well as the local effects of an endometrial scratching. In the 80's, researchers documented the association of mechanical manipulation with decidual formation in rodents and used this system to trigger the →

The comet assay: past, present, and future

The use of plants as well as a wide range of terrestrial and aquatic species in the comet assay has dramatically increased in the last decade, particularly in environmental risk assessment. The Comet Assay and its applications in the field of ecotoxicology: a mature tool that continues to expand its perspectives.

Editorial: international plant proteomics organization (inppo) world congress 2014

The plant research community has enthusiastically embraced proteomic approaches and has applied these technologies to explore a multitude of research questions in the field of plant biology. In 2011, a group of plant proteomic researchers established the International Plant Proteomics Organization to advance the application of this technology in plants and agriculture.

Covid-19: dogma over potential for prolonged droplet dispersal in air

In conditions of low relative humidity, evaporation of water molecules from the surface of droplets makes them ever smaller and lighter and for droplets containing virus or other constituents, such as mucus, salts and proteins, evaporation while the droplet is suspended in air, leaves the virus particles and other materials originally in the droplet, suspended →

Stress test

Stress test According to the result of the stress test I have just conducted, it is apparent that my work is slightly distressed than my home activities while my social life is highly stressed. Therefore, according to the results of this tress test, my social life is poor; hence, there are needs to change →

Topics in pharmacology and biomedical science

Frozen Sections tissues are kept in cryo-preservative and in liquid nitrogen and maintain the integrity of the tissue and will be used for this case. Introduction to the theory and practice of fixation of tissues.

Eeg-neurofeedback in psychodynamic treatment of substance dependence

G, and Kulkovsky, P.J." Neurofeedback in the treatment of addictive disorders," in Introduction to Quantitative EEG and Neurofeedback, eds A. EEG-neurofeedback and psychodynamic psychotherapy in a case of adolescent anhedonia with substance misuse: mood/theta relations.Int.J.

Corrigendum: lymphocyte autophagy in homeostasis, activation, and inflammatory diseases

A correction has been made to the section Autophagy in Peripheral T Cells, Macroautophagy in T Cell Activation, paragraph 2. It is possible that mitophagy and mobilization of lipids through lipophagy might be important, as for T cells" has been corrected to " Chen et al.showed that autophagy in memory B cells limits mitochondrial ROS →

Mental health in lebanon’s triple-fold crisis: the case of refugees and vulnerable groups in times of covid-19

Amidst the need for social distancing as well as prevention measures in the times of COVID-19, a tele-mental health approach would be suitable to bridge the mental health gap in vulnerable communities across Lebanon and the region. Fear of political persecution is a threat unique to, and commonly seen in, the region and Lebanon.

Practice of defensive medicine health and social care essay

In benefits to the patients at that place have to be an understanding with the doctors and the patients in equal in believing high cost and engineering attention to take downing cost in supplying good attention. In understanding with the writer place of the Tort Reform is to command defensive medical specialty patterns and assist →

Revisiting the 1986 molecular cloning of interleukin 6

Prior to the publication of our article, it was known that antigenic stimulation induced growth and differentiation of B lymphocytes into antibody forming plasma cells with the help of T lymphocytes and this function of T lymphocytes could be replaced by soluble factors. Dutton in 1971 and Schimpl and Wecker in 1972 reported the presence →

Commentary: aesthetic pleasure versus aesthetic interest: the two routes to aesthetic liking

In particular, according to the core premise of the Pleasure-Interest Model, the basic thesis is that aesthetic liking has a dual character: it can be triggered by two distinct and separate processing components, precisely a pleasure-based response and an interest-based response. The first limitation is constituted by the inadequate definition and operationalization of some involved →

Commentary: mechanical pain thresholds and the rubber hand illusion

A Commentary on Mechanical Pain Thresholds and the Rubber Hand Illusion by Bauer, A, Hagenburger, J, Plank, T, Busch, V, and Greenlee, M.W. The lack of analgesic effect due to the vision of " one' s own" body in Bauer's study could be then due to the distance between the real and the rubber hand.

End the emotional pain and intense stress by understanding and treating major depressive disorder

This paper looks to come to a better understanding of Major Depressive Disorder so that societies around the world can find ways of combating the increasing occurrence of suicide, one of the highest causes of death worldwide. Along with evidence of brain damage, there appear to be many malformations in the brain of the depressed, →

Conscious experience and episodic memory: hippocampus at the crossroads

The question remains as to how the information content of consciousness can be derived from distributed neocortical modules that are specialized for processing stimuli in relation to functions of attention, working memory, and action disposition or preparation; and that, in posterior parietal areas, encode stimuli in egocentric, action-oriented frames of reference, whereas, consciously, stimuli are →

Lessons to be learned from natural control of hiv – future directions, therapeutic, and preventive implications

The failure of the vaccine was a surprise, mainly because of positive indications of immunogenicity in earlier phases of the vaccine or similar approaches in non-human primates, and the understanding that T cells play a central role in natural control of HIV, as demonstrated earlier through CD8 + T cell depletion experiments in an animal →

Microbial-generated amyloids and alzheimer’s disease (ad)

What is generally not appreciated is that a major secretory product of microbes is amyloid, and that the contribution of microbial amyloid to the pathophysiology of the human central nervous system is potentially substantial. The Congo red dye-based intercalation of -pleated sheets, induction of a positive anisotropy that is polarized and directionally dependent, and generation →

Editorial: new advances in neurorehabilitation

The exploration of the effects of neurorehabilitation technologies and NIBS on plasticity through the use of advanced technologies may represent a surrogate outcome measure in the near future. The correlation between central nervous system lesions to clinical features and outcomes represents the basis for personalized medicine in neurorehabilitation, a promising perspective to explain the different →

Frontiers in aquatic physiology – grand challenge

These broad areas of interest certainly apply to aquatic organisms and, thereby, are of interest to Frontiers in Aquatic Physiology. Frontiers in Aquatic Physiology intends to publish original research articles, review articles, hypothesis and theory articles, methods articles, commentaries, perspective articles, opinion articles, book reviews and conference proceedings in these and other areas of interest →

Editorial: producing, sensing and responding to cellular stress in immunity

Editorial on the Research Topic Producing, Sensing and Responding to Cellular Stress in Immunity Stress, meaning any disturbance of the internal environment of a cell, can result not only from external stimuli but also from physiological processes such as the intrinsic free radical production by the metabolic functioning of mitochondria. Since the immune system is, →

Support childrens and young people’s health and safety

Display boards-make sure they are up to date and display notices to the children, staff and visitors on how to be safe around the school environment. Sign in- when entering the school grounds you must sign in and out, you are issued with a visitor sticker to show the rest of the people in the →

Exercise as a potential treatment for drug abuse: evidence from preclinical studies

The acquisition of regular patterns of drug intake after initial drug exposure can be modeled in the laboratory by exposing an animal to non-contingent drug infusions and then permitting the animal to self-administer that drug in free-operant test sessions. If access to a drug is extended by increasing the duration of daily self-administration sessions, animals →

The neuroaesthetics of prose fiction: pitfalls, parameters and prospects

Based on this, it can be said that the sensory input of painting and art primarily makes use of the occipital lobe and that there is a relatively straightforward route from an art object in the world or indeed any object in the world that generates aesthetic feelings in the beholder to the visual cortex →

Commentary: “multimodal theories of recognition and their relation to molyneux’s question”

01547 Altieri discusses the relevance of experimental work on cross-modal recognition to a question raised by the Irish politician William Molyneux and discussed in John Locke's Essay Concerning Human Understanding:" Suppose a man born blind, and now adult, and taught by his touch to distinguish between a Cube, and a Sphere..., so as to tell, →

Corrigendum: a review of r-packages for random-intercept probit regression in small clusters

In the appendix, we forgot to include part of the R -code in which a data set is defined for the sem -function from the package lavaan [ 1 ]. The appendix is uploaded as " Presentation 1.pdf" on the Frontiers website, and not as " Section 8" in the original article.

Editorial: beyond borders: myotonic dystrophies–a european perception

Anticipation, with aggravation of the disease severity and earlier age at onset through successive generations, is particularly evident in DM1 that can affect adults and children at birth or during childhood 26 years ago, the identification of the DM1 repeat mutation in the DMPK gene on chromosome 19 opened the box for these diseases. This →

Editorial: actinobacteria , a source of biocatalytic tools

479303 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar NeSvera, J, and Patek, M. 3390/microorganisms5020024 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Radhakrishnan, M, Balaji, S, and Balagurunathan, R.

Editorial: proceedings of kinin2018cle, cleveland, ohio, june 18-20, 2018: a compendium of the presentations

This 3-day conference covered the gamut of topics related to the contact activation system, the kallikrein-kinin system, bradykinin biology, and interactions with the renin angiotensin system. Barros et al.who is in the Bader laboratory published a related observation that chronic overexpression of bradykinin in the kidney causes polyuria and cardiac hypertrophy.