Quality Health & Medicine Essay Examples for Your Learning

Preferences under risk: content-dependent behavior and psychological processing

Thus, risky choice is context- and content-dependent through the influence of specific characteristics of four components in decision-making behavior and processing. Decisions from experience and the effect of rare events in risky choice.

Negative role of the environmental endocrine disruptors in the human neurodevelopment

According to the definition of the United Nations Environment Programme and of the World Health Organization, the endocrine disruptors are exogenous substances that alter the function of the endocrine system and, consequently, cause adverse effects in an intact organism. Our attention has been focused to search environmental EDs in brain samples of sudden intrauterine →

Editorial: towards an understanding of tinnitus heterogeneity

One of the challenges in this field has been to provide a neuroscientific account of tinnitus that adequately explains the common perceptual experience, and yet at the same time has the flexibility to account for the heterogeneity in etiology, comorbidity, psychosocial impact, and such like. In this respect, greater knowledge of the genetic influences on →

Ancient plant dna as a window into the cultural heritage and biodiversity of our food system

The co-evolution of plants and humans is most prominently exemplified by the emergence of domesticated plants during the Holocene the epoch beginning around 12, 000 years ago after the last ice age leading to the evolution of agricultural ecosystems and economies, and resulting in massive societal and ecological shifts. 00749.x PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text →

Editorial: the challenge of new therapeutic approaches for unmet therapeutic needs

This collection aims to reflect on a number of important UMNs in different medical areas, to address the lack of a real consensus on the definition and interpretation of UMN. This implies: a degree of disease severity or burden; a lack of effective drugs; the existence of non-responders among the treated patients; poor adherence to →

Major benefits of the airtraq health and social care essay

More significantly, the in-built optical camera placed at the distal tip of the blade is designed to give the best possible position of vocal cords with the mini proctor built into the grip of the device. It so shows us that because of the design of the Airtraq, even if the medical practician has non →

Permissive state of emt: the role of immune cell compartment

For instance, it has been well-established that several inflammatory cytokines are the main culprits in inducing EMT: IL-6, produced by tumor cells, TAMs, and T cells, via the activation of the IL-6/STAT3 pathway; IL-8, produced by cancer cells, endothelial cells, and CAF, acting in a paracrine and autocrine manner facilitates the acquisition of a mesenchymal →

Editorial: the fibroblast growth factor signaling pathway in metabolic regulation, development, disease, and repair after injury

In addition to the roles of anti-apoptosis and promoting regeneration, the anti-inflammatory function of FGFs were also involved in repairing neural diseases. Yuan et al.found that the temporospatial expression of FGFR1 and FGFR2 varied during lung development, homeostasis, and regeneration, indicating the involvement of FGF signaling pathways in lung development and diseases.

Absorbing consuming and using nutrients health essay

To determine as to whether the person is getting the right amount of nutrients a doctor usually examines and asks about the diet and the eating habits, performs a physical assessment to examine the composition, and the body functioning. The organic macro nutrients are usually the fats, carbohydrates and proteins, and they supply around 90% →


Exercise Prescription for Diseased Population of Introduction Exercise is as important as medication and other forms of therapy for diabetics. According to the American Heart Association, the two-pronged exercise for middle-aged type II diabetics should involve swimming and walking, which are aerobic activities associated with the strengthening of muscles, lungs and the heart.

Editorial: porcine anti-viral immunity

In this special volume of Frontiers in Immunology, Comparative Immunology section, Lager and Buckley provide an overview of the importance of swine in the world food supply and a review of the major viral infection that threaten this species. In introducing the topic of anti-viral immunity, we emphasize the genetic diversity of viruses, the virus →

Editorial: emerging arboviruses

On the zoonotic side, there is West Nile virus that was introduced into the United States in 1999, Rift Valley fever which emerged in the Arabian Peninsula outside of its endemic area in Sub-Saharan Africa, and the displacement of one genotype of Japanese encephalitis virus by another in Asia as well as its potential emergence →

Community organizing

First, an organizer integrates with the community and experiences the everyday life of the community members. This involves coming up with the means to carry out a project and the actual process of implementing the project.

Death of the genome paper

From the itty-bitty genomes of viruses, plasmids, and organelles to the gargantuan nuclear genomes of plants, animals, and protists, from the oh-so-boring-will not-reveal-a-darn-thing-about-anything genomes to the super-cool-send-me-to- Nature genomes, you name it, there's a genome paper for it. My first undergraduate research project was to sequence and describe the mitochondrial genome of the giant sea →

“the wondrous eyes of a new technology” —a history of the early electroencephalography (eeg) of psychopathy, delinquency, and immorality

The body of the paper specifies the role of EEG in the diagnosis, classification, etiology, and treatment of unethical and unlawful persons. The analysis shows that knowledge production, calibration of the research tool, and the establishment of credibility of the new technology in the study of immoral persons occurred simultaneously.

A story of change essay sample

The deviation from the expected standard of care in this case occurred in the days and weeks leading up to, and following the heart transplant. Another issue that will likely be a factor in the Weber case is the hospital " losing" all of the medical records pertaining to Weber's care.

Editorial: central nervous system metastases in lung cancer patients: from prevention to diagnosis and treatment

In the review of Pedrosa et al.the process of BM development and the evidence for the clinical and molecular factors associated with increased risk of BM diagnosis in lung cancer is summarized. Diversity of brain metastases screening and management in non-small cell lung cancer in Europe: results of the European Organisation for Research and Treatment →

Specialty grand challenge: multi-criteria decision making for better sustainability

MCDM has become a powerful tool for sustainability issues, including sustainability assessment and analysis; sustainability ranking and prioritization; sustainability enhancement and improvement; and sustainability design and optimization. And most of the models consider three or The overall goal of Frontiers of Sustainability Multi-criteria Decision Making is to present various sustainability-oriented decision-making methods, and the future →

Letter of recommendation

I watched [your name] develop into a fine professional with a profound sense of responsibility and determination as her general practitioner.[Your name] understands all the duties of her profession as a dental assistant. Clearly, [your name] made use of her determination and duties towards fulfilling the expectations of the admission requirements of a student from →

The brain’s best friend: microglial neurotoxicity revisited

However, microglia still rank among the most mysterious cells of the brain and only recent results have begun to provide answers to the most basic questions in microglial biology, for example the origin of these cells, or the fact that microglia are not replaced by peripheral monocytes/macrophages in the healthy situation. Indeed, the genetic removal →

How to quantify individuality in music performance? studying artistic expression with averaging procedures

In popular music genres, the sound of a singer's voice, of the instruments and the mix of audio tracks are often aimed at conveying a distinct, individual character. Although it can be revealing to analyze the lengthening of note values in a final ritard for a number of different performers or for historical recordings during →

Challenges of clinical trial design for targeted agents against pediatric leukemias

The primary objective of phase I trials is to identify the maximum tolerated dose, which is the highest safe dose that is believed to be the most efficacious for eradication of malignant cells. The main advantage of the design over the 3 + 3 design is the reduction of the overall trial duration as it →

Autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants and thyroid autoimmunity

Hernan Martinez et al.described a case of a 55-year-old man with a family history of autoimmune diseases and medical history of diabetes and psoriasis, who developed subacute thyroiditis shortly after the administration of an influenza vaccine. Subacute thyroiditis is a very rare disease, and the authors of the mentioned case concluded that the induction of →

The amide local anesthetic lidocaine in cancer surgery—potential antimetastatic effects and preservation of immune cell function? a narrative review

However, the influence of LAs on the integrity of the endothelial barrier might be crucial for a possible inhibitory effect on the generation of metastasis during the perioperative period. Endothelial barrier function is mostly regulated by Src protein tyrosine kinase and the activation of the enzyme will lead to a loss in endothelial barrier integrity →

Horizontal plasmid transfer by transformation in escherichia coli : environmental factors and possible mechanisms

These conditions are conducive to the development of competency in E.coli; because E.coli is a common food contaminant, it is interesting to determine whether it can be transformed in foods. To further assess the generality and variety of HPTT in E.coli strains, natural strains were used in a study of HPTT.

“seeing color,” a discussion of the implications and applications of race in the field of neuroscience

However, the true emergence of the discipline of brain science dates long before the 2000s, finding its roots in the theorems and postulates of some of the most celebrated minds in the fields of Psychology, Biology, and related disciplines. And Voltaire, French Enlightenment philosopher and influencer of Theory of Mind, wrote " The Negro race →

Editorial: current research in equid herpesvirus type-1 (ehv-1)

This Research Topic highlights the breadth of studies being performed on EHV-1, ranging from a review of currently available in vitro models, basic research on molecular biology, studies on potential treatments for EHV-1 or its clinical sequelae, and descriptions of EHV-1-associated pathology after in vivo experimental infection. Efficacy of the early administration of valacyclovir hydrochloride →

Editorial: neuro-immune connections to enable repair in cns disorders

A complex interplay between peripheral immune cells, cells of the neurovascular unit, and CNS resident immune and glial cells steers the destructive, as well as the regenerative capacity of the CNS. Galloway et al.provide an overview of the mechanisms of phagocytosis in the brain and how it is involved in brain injury and repair.

Editorial: golgi pathology in neurodegenerative diseases

The Editorial on the Research Topic Golgi Pathology in Neurodegenerative Diseases The Golgi apparatus is a central organelle that lies at the heart of the secretory pathway sustaining the delivery of proteins from their site of synthesis in the endoplasmic reticulum to their final destination, the extracellular medium, the plasma membrane, and the endo-lysosomal system. →

Molecular programming of mesodiencephalic dopaminergic neuronal subsets

5, the selective vulnerability as observed by the absence of most of the SNc in Pitx3 ablated animals, suggested the existence of SNc specific molecular determinants. Ablation of Mest leads to the loss of a SNc neuronal subset after the developmental stage and which is different from those cells that are lost in Pitx3 mutants.

Sports and active living are medicine, and education, happiness, performance, business, innovation, and culture…for a sustainable world

In modern times, the development and spread of many sports and physical disciplines as diverse as football and rugby codes, gymnastics, cricket, boxing, track and field, judo are rooted in their practice in schools, colleges and universities in different parts of the world. At the same time, schools, NGOs, governmental bodies, and sport organizations have →

Corrigendum: different strokes for different folks: the bodymind approach as a learning tool for patients with medically unexplained symptoms to self-manage

The mind-set and characteristics of patients with MUS are reflected upon to shape the rationale and design of this novel approach. In this article the problem of MUS in primary care is introduced and the importance of the reluctance of patients to accept a psychological/mental health referral in the first instance is drawn out.

Cellular pathology

Based on my laboratory science background and experience I obtained from King Abdul Aziz Hospital, I have confidence that I possess the necessary skills that form the basis for a career in medical diagnostics specifically cellular pathology. What motivates me to study at the West of England University is the availability of modern technology in →

Race and ses in health care system

Asian Americans are one of the fastest growing ethnic/racial minority in the U. 7% non-Hispanic White Americans.this showed that Asian American still has lower access to health care compare to non-Hispanic white which is the majority population.

A trial studying approach to predict college achievement

In the new SAT, the aim is therefore to enhance the relevance of the questions for success in college, whereas at the same time keeping the predictive validity intact. Now that selective college admission in Europe is becoming more popular, we argue that a " work sample," in the form of trial studying, is a →

Editorial: insights into microbe–microbe interactions in human microbial ecosystems: strategies to be competitive

The mini-review by Palau-Rodr guez et al.discusses the use of the metabolomic approach as a powerful tool for exploring the crosstalk between microbial and host metabolism in order to identify human gut microbial-host co-metabolites in the context of metabolic diseases such as obesity and type 2 diabetes. The mini review of Perez-Pascual et al.presents the →

Near-death experiences between science and prejudice

The exact incidence is not known: taking into account the data from both scientific publications and polls of the general population, the incidence of NDEs can be roughly estimated as between 15% and 20% of critical patients, and some 5% of the general population. As suggested by some authors, the incidence of NDEs has probably →

Editorial: the role of glia in alzheimer’s disease

Editorial on the Research Topic The Role of Glia in Alzheimer's Disease For decades, Alzheimer's disease research has focused on the two pathological hallmarks of the disease: amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles. We start with a comprehensive review on the role of reactive astrocytes in the disease, highlighting the heterogeneity and complexity of astrocytes in →

Does the coronavirus epidemic take advantage of human optimism bias?

For example, they estimate their likelihood of being exposed, getting infected or infecting others, but also the severity of the emerging event, the controllability of the epidemic, and the efficiency of psychological and physiological coping responses. Importantly, data collected in Western countries during the peak of the COVID 19 pandemic provides direct evidence favoring the →

Disorders of the immune system reports examples

The characteristic include a decrease in the IgM levels and increase in IgE and IgA. Activated complement plays a role in bacterial lysis, stimulation of the inflammatory response, promotion of phagocytosis and in clearing the immune complexes.

Editorial: obstructive sleep apnea and the brain

Editorial on the Research Topic Obstructive Sleep Apnea and the Brain There is accumulating evidence that sleep disturbance, including sleep disorders such as obstructive sleep apnoea, can adversely affect restorative brain processes and function. In addition, a review of the clinical challenges of managing patients with comorbid insomnia and obstructive sleep apnoea and treatment modalities, →

An exploration of the metaphors and images used to describe leadership in two different cultural contexts

The reality is that there is greater awareness in the literature and in the workplace of the barriers that women face in reaching not only the highest levels of management but in fulfilling their potential at other levels of organizations. This is not the labyrinth of ancient Greece, which acted to contain the Minotaur, and →

Essay on health and safety

Objectives The {organisation name} health and safety programme aims to: promote excellence in health and safety management continually improve current health and safety performance provide a safe and healthy work environment identify and control actual and potential hazards establish and maintaincommunicationon health and safety support staff participation in health and safety matters identify needs and →

Threat of new entrants

Threat of new Entrants Threat of new Entrants The risks posed by new entrants are always imminent and the main players in a specified industry cannot control this risk in spite of the fact that they can establish response strategies. As a leader in the field of medicine, this is how I would assess the →

Editorial: closed-loop systems for next-generation neuroprostheses

In order to develop functional communication with the nervous system and to create a new generation of neuroprostheses, the study of closed-loop systems is mandatory. This Editorial aims to facilitate this process by ordering the 25 contributions of this research in which we highlighted in three different parts: Optimization of different blocks composing the closed-loop →

The miracle of life – lab report example

It oozes out of the ovary, to the end of the fallopian tube, and to the uterus. Tentacles capture the egg and pull it inside due to the muscular contraction of the tube and the constant swaying of the cilia.

Cosmetology school

The sphere of cosmetology is multisided and very perspective and rewarding nowadays and there are a lot of reasons why attending a cosmetology school may be beneficial. The only task you will always have to fulfill is to be always aware of the latest style and fashion trends and the newest techniques, and take any →

Symposia on plant (protein) phosphorylation

In the biotic interactions session the role of phosphorylation in Pathogen-Triggered Immunity was the central topic. The challenges in these large-scale projects are obviously the reliability of the predicting software, the coverage obtained, and the required biological verification of the changes encountered.

Use of baclofen for alcohol use disorders in the united states

The management of alcohol use disorders has been undergoing transformation since the discoveries of the effectiveness of naltrexone in the United States and acamprosate in Europe in the 1990's. The upshot of all of this is that baclofen has a very low profile for the treatment of AUDs in the United States and there is →

Approach to addiction – imaging receptor changes in human drug abusers by cosgrove

The article also relates to the article I chose by Mark Joslin which rules out the effectiveness of the treatment provided in rehabilitation centers. Prior to the information provided in the article, one believed in the effectiveness of the treatment provided in rehabilitation centers.

Effect of psychosocial data on health

Bearing this in mind, the health of Jersey City is good as the majority is between 25 and 34 years. Education is also a key determinant of health and bearing in mind that majority of the people, 84.

Patient safety improvement

Before ht patient leaves the operation room the nurse verbally confirms with the team the name of the procedure recorded, that all instruments used are present, any equipment problems, then the surgeon, anesthetist and nurse review recovery and management of the patient. They then give a brief to the passengers about the plane and what →

The iron regulatory capability of the major protein participants in prevalent neurodegenerative disorders

Unsurprisingly the proteins required to regulate cellular iron homeostasis in the brain are very similar to those used in the body's periphery and rely on the two cytosolic labile iron pool sensors; iron response protein 1 and 2, to bind to their respective iron regulatory elements in the untranslated mRNA of iron responsive proteins. Elevated →

Commentary: a humanized clinically calibrated quantitative systems pharmacology model for hypokinetic motor symptoms in parkinson’s disease

The difference between aminochrome and exogenous neurotoxins used in the preclinical model of Parkinson's disease is that aminochrome is produced within dopaminergic neurons lost during Parkinson's disease and does not induce a rapid and massive loss of the nigrostriatal system, but induces a progressive dysfunction of dopaminergic neurons based on an imbalance between neurotransmitters, as →

Editorial: innovative radiopharmaceuticals in oncology and neurology

Nuclear Medicine will play a major role in the selection of patients for targeted therapies and in early therapy assessment with the investigation of phenotypes and functions using sensitive and specific SPECT and PET imaging techniques and theranostic approaches. In this context, a network of laboratories and Nuclear Medicine departments, the IRON Laboratory of Excellence, →

Review of the campaign to prevent falls in construction

The campaign attempts to educate roofers and promote workplace safety by raising awareness of environmental hazards and by teaching methods of danger prevention; it endeavors to empower the individual to take actions and personal responsibility regarding the prevention of falls. The author wishes to acknowledge the contribution of Robert Carbone of the US Occupational Safety →

Primary metabolism in avocado fruit

In the decades of the 1960s on, several studies on the role of C 7 sugars and starch during growth and development of avocado were reported. Unlike other fruit in which the balance of sugars and organic acids is determinant of fruit quality, for avocado, the content of oil and profile of fatty acids is →

Why it is important to add blueberries to your breakfast

And we have to mention that vitamin C is the main regulator of collagen production in the skin which repair the unhealthy skin and support the outermost layer of skin called epidermis- which means that vitamin C protects your skin from wrinkling and aging. It is so important for a pregnant woman to have a →

Dealing with stress and violence in the workplace

The critical incident management tool is composed of systems of interventions that are supposed to prevent the negative psychological reactions that arise from dealing with many critical incidents in the line of duty. The management tool also assists in the identification of personnel within an organization who need further attention in emotional support services or →

Concept of long-term care

This is because I have come to realize that people in need of long-term care are more " special" than the rest of the individuals because of their various forms of inability to care for themselves. These individuals also require long-term care and end up spending a lot of their family's wealth in the care →

The disease is caused by brucella health essay

Environmental HazardsVagaries of nature extend from the Siachen glacier to the deserts of Rajasthan and the jungles of Northeast. Diseases due to hostile environment manifest as effects of heat in the desert and arthropod borne disease like malaria in the forests of Northeast, and cold injuries and effects of high altitude in the glacier.

Piece of evidence. commentary: ancestral mental number lines: what is the evidence?

Therefore, we claimed that number space mapping in chicks resembles the humans' Mental Number Line, a well-known description of the fact that adult humans associate small numbers with the left side and large numbers with the right side. 0960 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Rugani, R, Regolin, L, and Vallortigara, G.

Commentary: cerebral lateralization is protective in the very prematurely born

The significance of this developmental period in the neonate is underlined from research in individuals born preterm who show altered brain development, and who are at risk for developmental delays and impairments in neuropsychological performance such as deficits in language processing. The alterations in connectivity lateralization between the language centers in the VPT individuals indicate →

Editorial: advances in plastid biology and its applications

Bobik and Burch-Smith provide a detailed overview of this process including retrograde signaling between plastids and other organelles, plastid signaling in response to biotic and abiotic stress and the effect on the cell wall and intercellular symplasmic transport. By viewing chloroplast signaling in the context of the whole plant, they highlight the impact of chloroplast →

Grand challenges in global biodiversity threats

017 CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Komonen, A, Halme, P, and Kotiaho, J.S. 013 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Strona, G, and Bradshaw, C.J.A.

Health care spending paper

Health Care Spending Paper Health Care SpendingPaperHealth Care Spending The national health care spending in the United States has been growing faster than the national economy for many years, yet many United States citizens are without sufficient health care. The Council of Economic Advisors released a report on the impact of health care spending on →

Psychological and social factors in informed consent for patients with autism

This was attributed to the lack of involvement of the concerned communities in giving views, leading to skepticism and low willingness to consent to research studies. Informed Consent for Genetic Testing Chen, Xu, Huang and Dhar conducted research into the levels of awareness, attitudes and experiences among a sample that comprised parents of children who →

The health status of women health essay

2Infection and inflammation of the vagina, cervix and vulva tend to occur when the natural defenses of the acidic vaginal secretions and the presence of lactobacillus are disrupted. The health of the women is important for the child, family, community and ultimately to the country.

Editorial: neural mechanisms underlying internet gaming disorder

The precise neural mechanisms underlying the development, maintenance, and remission of IGD still require further investigations in order to better understand the phenomenon of IGD and to improve treatment outcome. Wei et al.conclude that the interaction of three systems, the impulsive system, the reflective system, and the interoceptive-awareness system plays a major role in IGD →

Editorial: etiology, pathogenesis, and consequences of maladaptive habits

In the light of today's high-availability of ready-to-consume rewards, the aim of this Research Topic was to integrate contributions concerning the understanding, assessment, etiology, and consequences of different types of maladaptive habits. In this paper, the authors found that the psychometric properties of the Brazilian Short Version of UPPS-P support the use of a single →

A patient’s rights essay sample

In giving consent for treatment, patents reasonable expect that their physician will use the appropriate standard of care in providing care and treatment, that is, the physician will use the same skill the other physicians use in treating patients with the same ailments in the same geographic locality. A durable power of attorney is a →

Type a brief (1 page) abstract of the article (summary), over view based on as much of the article as possible

Some researchers believe that only oral exercises can help, others believe that non-oral motor exercises can also be useful in assisting children to learn to speak. In order to know what is effective we need to be able to understand methodology and reproduce results.

Addressing motivation in globesity treatment: a new challenge for clinical psychology

Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Gaggioli, A, di Carlo, S, Mantovani, F, Castelnuovo, G, and Riva, G. Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Gaggioli, A, Mantovani, F, Castelnuovo, G, Wiederhold, B, and Riva, G.

Inmate health care

It is worth mentioning that the data relating to the contributory factors and the problems, which generate severe problems in the smooth functioning of the Inmate Health Care approach, has been collected. The data, which has been gathered from the use of secondary sources, presented the contributory factors including the impact of economic recession and →

Problems arising from the rising cost of health care

Here, organizations come in with the desire that each and everyone is taxed to pay the insurance premiums. The problem in many organizations is that one is forced to an insurance company.

Pediatrics residency program application

After working as a clinical assistant, the realization that medical procedures, even as simple as monitoring the vital signs of patients, are all essential in improving the qualities of lives of the patients has lead me to realize the drive in me to be directly responsible for the betterment of people's lives. Now that I →

Computational structural engineering: past achievements and future challenges

The purpose of computational modeling is to study the behavior of complex systems by means of computer simulations and it can be used to make predictions of the system's behavior under different conditions, often for cases in which intuitive analytical solutions are not available. Additionally, BEM allows the evaluation of the derivatives of the solution →

Severe acute respiratory syndrome

On 19th February 2003, an avian influenza A was isolated from a child in Hong Kong by researchers, which was found to be similar to the influenza virus-derived to be of avian origin, but since the bird 'flu' is of poultry origin hence the new name was provided to the virus as SARS. On 16th →

A critical analysis of rejection in vascularized composite allotransplantation: clinical, cellular and molecular aspects, current challenges, and novel concepts

The high immunogenicity of the skin and, to a lesser extent vasculature, necessitate the utilization of multi-immunosuppressive drug regimens in order to prevent skin rejection and graft failure. Immunohistochemically, the infiltrate in acute skin rejection is comprised predominantly of CD3 + T-cells spreading with progression of rejection from the perivascular space to the dermis and →

Sociology, social class, health inequalities, and the avoidance of “classism”

The findings from this considerable array of investigations consistently reveal that the higher the likes of the prestige/rewards/security/authority/autonomy of people's jobs the better their chances of sustained good health and longevity. I think this is an understatement and I will focus later on the causally pivotal role of those capital monopolists comprising a tiny fraction →

Unbiased scientific approaches to the study of are needed!

In the international wine jargon, the term has assumed a more specific and nuanced meaning: it is the result of " collective knowledge of the interactions" between the environment and the vines mediated through human action and " providing distinctive characteristics" to the final product. There is a need for more and new multidisciplinary approaches →

Editorial: sociomateriality in children with typical and/or atypical development

Within the limited extent of this introduction to the variegated Topic hosted by Frontiers in Psychology, we can identify the heart of the epistemological problem in two fundamental questions: what are the boundaries of the mind with respect to corporeity and the context in which it operates? and what could be the real contribution that →

U.s. health care system vs japan’s

The level of quality of the health care services in the US can only be said to be satisfactory in terms of the technology used and the level of qualification of the physicians but not in terms of the number of people who benefit from the service. The financing systems of the US health care →

Grand challenges in the field of stem cell research

The current challenge is to understand the molecular mechanisms of how these adult stem cells maintain their stem cell qualities: specific differentiation capability, self-renewal activity, and response to the microenvironments of the stem cell niche. Cell Stem Cell 10, 666 677.doi: 10.

Addressing individual values to impact prudent antimicrobial prescribing in animal agriculture

While a significant body of research has addressed extrinsic and some intrinsic factors in relation to antimicrobial prescribing and use, far fewer studies have examined the deeper underlying values of these factors, especially with regards to their influence on how knowledge related to antimicrobial resistance and use is interpreted and applied. Scientific literature is beginning →

Commentary: probing genomic aspects of the multi-host pathogen clostridium perfringens reveals significant pangenome diversity, and a diverse array of virulence factors

A Commentary on Probing Genomic Aspects of the Multi-Host Pathogen Clostridium perfringens Reveals Significant Pangenome Diversity, and a Diverse Array of Virulence Factors by Kiu, R, Caim, S, Alexander, S, Pachori, P, and Hall, L.J. 1470 gene families, and a larger accessory genome compared to only 10, 197 in the Kiu et al C.perfringens analysis.

Corrigendum: deliberation and procedural automation on a two-step task for rats

In the abstract, the sentence " While VTE at the first choice point increased with the number of repeated choices, VTE at the second choice point did not, and only increased after unexpected transitions within the task".should read " While VTE at the first choice point decreased with the number of repeated choices, VTE at →

Corrigendum: il-12 expands and differentiates human vγ2vδ2 t effector cells producing antimicrobial cytokines and inhibiting intracellular mycobacterial growth

The correct Name for the " Chinese National Major Projects" is the " National Program Project". The correct number for the " Clinical Research Plan of SHDC" is " 16CR1028B," and the correct numbers for the National Institutes of Health R01 grants are " OD015092/RR13601, HL64560, and HL129887".

Non-canonical roles of telomerase: unraveling the imbroglio

Reactivation of telomerase activity is mainly dependent on the increased expression of the hTERT gene that appears to be the limiting component in cancer cells for the formation of the active enzyme. In this review, we briefly described the consequences of the critical shortening of telomeres and then summarize and discuss the proposed non-canonical roles →

Commentary: the causal role of α-oscillations in feature binding

In this context, Zhang et al.recently investigated the role of neural oscillations within the alpha frequency band in the perceptual binding of color and motion direction in humans. The observed suppression of alpha power in active binding, compared to physical binding, is reminiscent of the well-known suppression of low-frequency oscillations by spatial attention; i.e, a →