Quality Health & Medicine Essay Examples for Your Learning

Critical reflections on asymptotically safe gravity

Therefore, the purpose of this article is to provide a critical review of the current status of the field, of the key open questions and challenges, and to point out directions for future research. Thus, the number of independent free parameters of an asymptotically safe theory is equal to the number of relevant directions of β†’

Invariant recognition of visual objects: some emerging computational principles

The perceptual result of invariance, where the perception of a given object property is unaffected by irrelevant image variations, is often referred to as perceptual constancy. The 10 articles in this Research Topic Issue focus on some of the key computational issues in invariant object recognition.

The consistency fallacy and failures of theory embellishment

00733 Trafimow rejects the notion that data can militate against a theory if the data is wholly irrelevant to the theory. 1177/1745691612469208 CrossRef Full Text Loosemore, R, and Harley, T." 17 brains and minds: on the usefulness of localization data to cognitive psychology," in Foundational Issues in Human Brain Mapping, eds S.J.

Commentary: distributed cognition and distributed morality: agency, artifacts and systems

Irrespective of the final assessment of the moral status of distributed systems, I argue that the assumption that the assessment of the degree to which humans and artifacts are cognitively integrated is not always feasible and distorts our understanding of DCog. This integration depends on different dimensions including the kind and intensity of information flow β†’

Deep vein thrombosis (dvts)

The conceding medical attendant would do as such in the wake of surveying the patient to ensure there are no contradicting conditions, mind the specialist's request, and ensure that the patient's machine is snared on and enacted. A portion of the conditions that expansion the danger of creating blood clumps incorporate; post-medical procedure, not having β†’

The main characters in midnight’s children and mother courage and her children reveal war’s effect

This concept is evident when Saleem states at the end that he will crumble to dust beneath the feet of the nation on his 31st birthday because it is the fate of all midnight children to be lost in society. Mother Courage does what is needed to get by and to be able to continue β†’

Alfred binet and the concept of heterogeneous orders

This scale properly speaking does not permit the measure of the intelligence, because intellectual qualities are not superposable, and therefore cannot be measured as linear surfaces are measured, but are on the contrary, a classification, a hierarchy among diverse intelligences; and for the necessities of practice this classification is equivalent to a measure. That is, β†’

Editorial: the role of priming in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems

This line of research has embraced the necessity to consider reactivity within the context of the past history and present state of OM in all of its highly diverse forms. The motivation for the collection of studies summarized below is to advance a common language, set of experimental approaches, and perspective on priming effects in β†’

Editorial: the dialogue between forensic scientists, statisticians and lawyers about complex scientific issues for court

That is, situations in which a potential source for a given trace is available and the value of the results of the comparison between the trace and the reference needs to be assessed with respect to competing propositions regarding the source of the evidential material, or propositions regarding alleged activities. Biedermann et al.and Biedermann and β†’

Psychopathology in pediatric epilepsy: role of antiepileptic drugs

This involves experiencing seizures and dealing with their unpredictability along with the impact of the disorder on the children's cognitive, linguistic, academic, social, and emotional/behavioral functioning; the family's functioning; the stigma of the disorder, the response of others to on-going seizures; and adverse AED behavior and cognitive effects. Aware of the clinical and research challenges β†’

Editorial: the dynamic role of suppressor of cytokine signaling proteins in the regulation of immune and autoimmune responses

Editorial on the Research Topic The Dynamic Role of Suppressor of Cytokine Signaling Proteins in the Regulation of Immune and Autoimmune Responses The immune system is under both positive and negative regulation, which when functioning cooperatively, results in a state described as immune homeostasis. The role of SOCS1 in the non-redundant interdependency of the immune β†’

Editorial: reliability and reproducibility in functional connectomics

4500 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Parkes, L, Fulcher, B, Y cel, M, and Fornito, A. 2010 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Zuo, X.N.and Xing, X.X.

Vascular surgery trainees still need to learn how to sew: importance of learning surgical techniques in the era of endovascular surgery

It is a critical time for vascular surgery trainees to realize the importance of having open surgical skills in the era of ever increasing endovascular operations. In fact, the rate of increase in the peripheral endovascular interventions has actually surpassed the decrease in the number of open surgical bypasses, contributing to overall doubling of the β†’

Flow and immersion in video games: the aftermath of a conceptual challenge

The number of theories that exist for flow and immersion are a testimony to the complex nature of the underlying mental state. For example, concentration, loss of time perception, a balance between the player's skills and the game's demands, and loss of self-awareness are some of the mutual properties that both flow and immersion exhibit.

Herbal body care

Dong Quai body wash: +20 Dong Quai body wash After the age of 30, the human body's hormones and immunities decrease, and this not only darkens the skin and turns it yellowish, causing dryness, roughness, and hypoesthesia. The +20 Dong Quai body wash is a cleanser that is developed to prevent aging and it rejuvenates β†’

Ethylene is all around

These breakthroughs include the discovery that the molecule that hastened the ripening of fruits and caused growth distortions in plants was indeed ethylene, the demonstration that while generally associated with leaking gas mains, ethylene is produced by plants themselves and finally, the description of the ethylene biosynthesis pathway by Shang Fa Yang. Yet, it was β†’

What the heck is salience? how predictive language processing contributes to sociolinguistic perception

One consequence of this is that the surprisal and frequency of lectal variants are likely predictors of a variant's salience. 0394 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Drager, K, and Kirtley, J." Awareness, salience, and stereotypes in exemplar-based models of speech production and perception," in Awareness and Control in Sociolinguistic Research.ed A.

Editorial: advances in the endocrine role of the skeleton

Editorial on the Research Topic Advances in the Endocrine Role of the Skeleton In the last two decades, bone tissue has been recognized as an endocrine organ able to regulate the physiology of the whole body. The endocrine function of osteocalcin regulated by bone resorption: a lesson from reduced and increased bone mass diseases.

Commentary: can ordinary people detect deception after all?

When confronted with information that creates a threat response, the unconscious can use the threat response to detect deceptive cues and to unconsciously infer deception, all the while keeping this information out of the conscious mind. Direct and indirect measures of lie detection tell the same story: a reply to ten Brinke, Stimson, and Carney.

Recent advances in liver cancer stem cells: non-coding rnas, oncogenes and oncoproteins

Moreover, dysregulation of miRNA expression is linked to tumorigenesis in humans and regulates the stemness features of CSCs. The characteristics of several miRNAs whose expression is associated with LCSCs are well known, such as miR-130b, miR-21, miR-214, miR-425-3p, and miR-517a.

Health care organization

AMN's Sales per FTE has increased a bit in 2011, due to Revenue increasing the same year. Lastly, AMN's EBITDA has increased to a positive figure in 2011 from 2009, which is a significant improvement as AMN has been able to bring its operating income to positive figures.

Retraction: recursive fury: conspiracist ideation in the blogosphere in response to research on conspiracist ideation

00073 In the light of a small number of complaints received following publication of the original research article cited above, Frontiers carried out a detailed investigation of the academic, ethical, and legal aspects of the work. 4 April 2014 update: Retraction of Recursive Fury: A Statement by the publisher.

Editorial: simulating normal and arrhythmic dynamics: from sub-cellular to tissue and organ level

In the present problem, the issue is to elucidate the complex, collective behavior of an assembly of cells, in order to understand how organs function. In this spirit, the contribution of Heikhmakhtiar et al.presents a comprehensive modeling study of the influence of this mutation on the pumping capabilities of the heart.

Human sexuality critical essay

I have to admit, I am not like those in the 1950's where it would be considered a dishonor to speak of sex, but I do think that keeping your business to yourself is the key. Your partner would be open to answering, and that would be something that is kept between the two of β†’

The impact of technology socially on healthcare

Technology has provided healthcare wider possibilities of improvement in the area of pathology, surgery, and information dissemination. In the areas of pathology and surgery, technology's benefit is outstanding.

Moral and ethical considerations health and social care essay

The end of utilizing automatons in medical specialty is to supply improveddiagnosticcapablenesss, a less aggressive and a more comfy experience for the patient, and the ability to make smaller and more accurate intercessions. While the physician can see images of the patient and command the automaton through a computing machine, he does non necessitate to β†’

Book review: systems thinking for school leaders: holistic leadership for excellence in education

It is in Part I that the authors also wade through the multitude of systems thinking definitions from various disciplines to identify two major characteristics of systems-thinking, and the foundation for the approach of the book: systems thinking is " seeing the whole beyond the parts" and systems thinking is " seeing the parts in β†’

The true self. critique, nature, and method

Rejecting Sartre's notion of authenticity, Foucault denied that there is any self that is given to us; claiming that we should rather view the self as a work of art: I think that from the theoretical point of view, Sartre avoids the idea of the self as something that is given to us, but through β†’

Beta drives brain beats

In a recent study published in The Journal of Neuroscience, Bartolo et al.examined the role of beta oscillations in interval timing by directly recording from the putamen in macaques during a rhythmic synchronization task. The current study is the first to show evidence of both interval and serial order tuning in such sequences in the β†’

The impact of food allergies on quality of life

The noise of allergies disturbed other classmates, but the reason my professor asked me to leave was because my professor and my classmates were worried about the infection of allergies, because the symptoms of allergies, coughing, seems the same as a cold. When I have a really bad allergies, I am absent in the classes, β†’

Psychosocial challenges associated with caregiving in the context of pediatric hiv in rural eastern cape

The choice of using a SIS was informed through the theoretical underpinnings of interpretative phenomenological analysis, which allowed the researcher to explore and gain a better understanding of the experiences encountered by the participants of a particular psychosocial and health phenomenon. In light of the exploratory nature and aims of this study, the data were β†’

Essentializing the binary self: individualism and collectivism in cultural neuroscience

In these presentations the neural basis of " individualistic/Western" and " collectivistic/Eastern" " cultures" and their way of treating the self were discussed in comparison based on new insights from functional neuroimaging. On the role of critique for science: a reply to Bao and Poppel.

Unconvincing statistical and functional inferences: reply to catmur

Catmur concludes that the most adequate interpretation of the data would be one that identifies the functional contribution of the targeted neural populations as whatever is common to the three tasks and this is the encoding of kinematic information. Clearly there is a risk of falling into mere terminological quibbling about the terms " action β†’

A snapshot of genetic and epigenetic basis of arrhythmia and heart failure

The 10 selected papers in this special research topic will enhance current understanding of the genetic and epigenetic basis of arrhythmia and heart failure, and also will expand our knowledge on novel interventions. Changes in cardiac structure and function may play a role in the increased incidence of sudden death and heart failure in the β†’

Diagnostic approaches for invasive aspergillosisβ€”specific considerations in the pediatric population

In daily clinical practice, the diagnosis of IA is mostly made by appropriate imaging studies and diagnostic biomarkers in blood and other readily available specimens, and these methods are important guiding decisions about the institution and the choice of antifungal agents as well as regarding the duration of therapy. In the adult setting, a number β†’

Editorial: neural & bio-inspired processing and robot control

In the beginning, we anticipated that the modern understanding of the biological and neurological system can drive the progress in robotics research in the forward direction. The contributions presented in this special issue are focused on the application of bio-inspired insight for the improvement in performance and accuracy of robotic systems.

Editorial: new trends in vascular inflammation research: from biology to therapy

Editorial on the Research Topic New Trends in Vascular Inflammation Research: From Biology to Therapy The evidence from basic science and clinical studies has established the role of inflammation in atherosclerosis and other vascular diseases. An article by Yurdagul et al.discusses the role of defective efferocytosis of macrophages, a mechanism that clears apoptotic cells and β†’

The effect of health insurance coverage

This paper explores the quasi-experimental status that results in variations in the status of insurance services depending on the strategies that are utilized by the insurers in ensuring that the dependents are eligible for the insurance services. The obtained data was related to a model in order to demonstrate the relationship between the utilization of β†’

What’s on human mind?

The social democratic NDP had its origins on the Canadian Prairies and in the mining and pulp mill towns and railway camps of British Columbia, and has a history of support in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and British Columbia. Both Sides Now Composed and Performed by Joni Mitchell Rows and flows of angel hair, And ice cream β†’

Heart attack

This tube is placed in the coronary artery to keep it open so as to ensure a constant flow of blood to the heart muscle. This ensures that there is a constant and continuous flow of blood to the heart muscles through the coronary artery.

Corrigendum: compound heterozygous variants in the coiled-coil domain containing 40 gene in a chinese family with primary ciliary dyskinesia cause extreme phenotypic diversity in cilia ultrastructure

00023 In the original article, there were two mistakes in the sixth paragraph of the Discussion. The abnormality of lung function in the siblings is similar, but the sister is heavier than proband in bronchiectasis and lung infection.

Editorial: high-level adaptation and aftereffects

Editorial on the Research Topic High-Level Adaptation and Aftereffects Adaptation, in sensory and perceptual science, refers to the action of a prolonged exposure of a receiver to an environmental stimulus. A general interpretation of aftereffects following adaptation of low-level vision is related to the phenomenon of neural adaptation, which is an extension of sensory receptor β†’

The contribution of grammar, vocabulary and theory of mind in pragmatic language competence in children with autistic spectrum disorders

The different roles of ToM and structural language in pragmatics tasks may help to explain some of the variance in findings from previous reports on children with ASD. They are also likely to be present in children with ASD, SLI and other disorders, depending on the extent of structural language and ToM impairments.

Health literacy

Evaluating Websites on Medicine and Health Sciences Affiliation: Evaluating Websites on Medicine and Health Sciences The websites that address health information include http://phpartners.org/hpro.html, http://www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/sher/standards/ and http://health.tki.org.nz/. The websites have authority because they include the people responsible for their content such as verifying the legitimacy of the website and authors' qualification for writing health journals and β†’


Project on Health Sciences and Medicine Effect of Drinking from Bottled Water For the survival of human being, water is the most essential resource. In case of tap water most of the time water lines are affected due to contamination which can be avoided by using bottled water.

Exosomes in the gut

PRR expression is tightly regulated on the apical and basolateral surfaces of the epithelial cells, such that binding of PRRs can activate a series of host defense reactions, including the directed release of soluble mediators, depending upon the nature of the antigen and the polarized epithelial surface communicating with the bacteria. Within the lymph node, β†’

Computational epigenomics: challenges and opportunities

In this Research Topic, we collected a number of contributions in the field of computational epigenomics covering three main research areas: computational analyses tackling important issues closely related to the experimental method used to generate epigenetic data, computational approaches useful to overcome pitfalls associated to the analysis of a given epigenetic layer, and studies on β†’

Who establishes the presence of a mental disorder in defendants? medicolegal considerations on a european court of human rights case

The Netherlands is a system in which behavioral evaluations which may lead to the assessment of insanity are, in the standard situation, ordered by the prosecution or the judge. Next, in Section " The Case: The Court of Appeal, and the ECtHR," we present the Dutch case and we look at it in some detail, β†’

Multi-stakeholder innovation in smart city discourse: quadruple helix thinking in the age of “platforms”

This is precisely the objective of this paper: it aims to explore the role of cities in this intertwined trend of " quadruple helix thinking" in the " platform" era that seem to underpin the current smart city rhetoric. The goal of the 3-year program was to support the 13 so-called center cities in Flanders β†’

The history of electronic medical records

Ensured the implementation of the Individual Support Plans, ISP and documentation and tracked any progress from the ISP plans. Ensured that all regulations were met for active treatment and for all services provided to the client.

Radiography skills

This view involves projecting x-rays through the wrist while rotating the x-ray source around the patient. Which one is placed next to the IR?

Erratum: search-related suppression of hippocampus and default network activity during associative memory retrieval

The following revised paragraph should replace the originally published paragraph on page 7 of our article, under the heading " Activity Correlations with Response Time". To examine a possible relationship between response fluency and hippocampal and default network suppression, correlations between BOLD signal and response time were computed.

Corrigendum: investigation of nrf2, ahr and atf4 activation in toxicogenomic databases

00429 In the original article, we neglected to mention that this work was partly supported by the EU-ToxRisk project funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 programme. This work was supported by the 2015 CEFIC-LRI award and partly supported by the EU-ToxRisk project funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 programme.

Menthol as an adjuvant to help athletes cope with a tropical climate: tracks from heat experiments with special focus on guadeloupe investigations

Guadeloupe is a good example of a tropical environment: the island is located in the Caribbean Sea in the northern hemisphere and has a mean temperature of 25 26 C and a mean relative humidity of 80 82%. Effect of cold water immersion on repeat cycling performance and thermoregulation in the heat.J.

Two-stage nerve graft using a silicone tube

In such cases, after the primary marking of the proximal and distal ends of the nerve, a delayed nerve grafting is performed in a secondary procedure. We propose a two-stage graft approach in repair of the peripheral nerve gaps in severely traumatized limb:- In the first stage, proximal and distal ends of the transected nerve β†’

Can online discussion sites generate quality data for research purposes?

Our own foray into the analysis of the content of online discussion sites was unplanned; it was precipitated by a delay in the approval and recruitment processes for a conventional qualitative research study. Data were plentiful; for example, the transcripts of online discussions relating to the administration of eye drops extended to 39 pages.

Immunometabolism and the kinome peptide array: a new perspective and tool for the study of gut health

Metabolism was solely the chemical processes that provided the energy to carry out the various functions of the organism; this included immune functions, but metabolism was simply the source of energy for the immune system. Immunometabolism can be considered from two sides: 1) the role of immune cells in metabolism in organs and the effects β†’

Special educational needs: understanding drivers of complaints and disagreements in the english system

It included the pilot extension of Tribunal powers to enable recommendations to be made in relation to the health and social care aspects of an EHC plan, in addition to orders in relation to the education sections of a plan. This legislation extended aspects of individual statutory rights for parents and for the child/young person β†’

Editorial: wetland biogeochemistry: response to environmental change

Biogeochemical processes in wetlands are highly dynamic and involve complex interactions between hydrological processes, mineralogical transformations, bacterial and vegetation communities, and soil stores of carbon and nutrients. The resultant collection of papers covers a broad snapshot of our understanding of how biogeochemical transformations and the movement of water in wetlands impacts the concentration and mobility β†’

Sar and uti and serodiagnosis

Community-acquired UTIs account for 70% of overall infections and is linked to Escherichia coli from the bowels of the patients. The collection of acute and convalescent serum specimens for serologic diagnosis of infection differs in amount and period with respect to the infection under scrutiny.

Did you ever hear the one about the horse that could count?

In this case, as in some others in our field, the test itself was creative, unique, and exciting, and the performance by the animals tested was adequate to suggest they might be doing something interesting and perhaps reflective of cognitive processing. In the interests of full disclosure, I cannot say I have always been perfect β†’

Evolutionary robotics: model or design?

For a broad review of selective pressures in ER, see Doncieux and Mouret, in which a broad division is proposed among techniques to refine the goal of the evolutionary optimization and techniques to support the search process. A tenet of ER is the relevance of situatedness and embodiment in behavior and cognition.

Editorial: learned brain self-regulation for emotional processing and attentional modulation: from theory to clinical applications

Current developments of brain imaging-based NF include the study of the behavioral modifications and neural reorganization produced by learned regulation of the activity of circumscribed brain regions and neuronal networks. In this rapidly developing field, many open questions and controversies have arisen, i.e, choosing the proper experimental design, the adequate use of control conditions and β†’

Coming together: a case study of collaboration between student affairs and faculty at norfolk state university

The integration of structures and processes may prove important to the process of collaboration; however, the sometimes elusive element of the institutional mission statement and the impact of senior leadership also revealed to be strong themes present in the higher education collaboration literature. Guarasci poses the research questions of how the collaboration was built, sustained β†’

Editorial: the origin of plant chemodiversity – conceptual and empirical insights

The Mini-Review article by Maeda provides insight on the evolutional diversification of plant primary metabolism concerning the robustness of plant metabolism and further diversification in specialized metabolism. The Review Article by Karunanithi and Zerbe provides up-to-date knowledge on the functional diversity and molecular evolution of the plant terpene synthases widely across the plant kingdom.

Acupuncture for pain management

However, studies have shown that acupuncture can modifies the perception of pain and how it is processed by the brain. Acupuncture is one of the key components of the traditional Chinese Medicine.

Human resource planning and development

Human resource activities: Strategic HR management, following the equal opportunity employment, fulfil the staffing need of the organisation, human resource development, Dealing with the compensation and benefits to the staff. And also tell them that she is not going to work in the same department.

The temporality of situated cognition

Further, the musician needs to be able to hear and evaluate their own playing of the instrument adaptively, or if playing in front of an audience may want to respond to the reactions of the audience and change the corresponding manipulation of the instrument accordingly. In our example of the musician, depending on the context β†’

Proposed project/plan 1

Universal Healthcare System of Affiliation: Universal Healthcare System Shortage of professional nurses has indeed proved to be a dilemma in the healthcare sector, contributing to a number of challenges in the provision of quality healthcare services. It is therefore clear that with the challenge of shortage of nurses, the greatest ethical dilemma faced by the β†’

A vast improvement in oneself

So, the owner of the car takes the car to the gas station and now he needs to make a decision on which type of gas to put into the car. For that reason, there is the nutrition pyramid to tell us what our bodies need the most and the least of.

Editorial: cross-talk mechanisms of wnt/beta-catenin signaling components with tlr-activated signaling molecules in the inflammatory response

One of the key signaling pathways inducing the expression of genes related to cell division is the Wnt/beta-catenin that is mediated by the Wnt glycoproteins and the transcriptional coactivator beta-catenin. The authors start with a description of the canonical NF- B and Wnt/beta-catenin signaling pathway and then concentrate the discussion on the alternative mechanisms used β†’

Editorial: recent progresses in amebiasis

The Mart nez -Castillo et al.summarizes our current knowledge on the antiamebic properties of flavonoids, a class of antioxidants compounds with variable phenolic structures which are found in many plants and vegetables.E.histolytica acquires most of its nutrients by phagocytosis of bacteria present in the gut microbiota of the colon and by phagocytosis of host's cells. β†’

The fda food safety modernization act health essay

The steps before the food is served are as follow: ReceiveStoringPreparingCookingHoldingServingCooling When the food products are passed to an institution's door, it is the responsibility of the person who is in charge to ensure inspection of every food delivery for general cleanliness, signs of temperature abuse and condition of containers. But, you can freeze the β†’

mycobacterium tuberculosis response to stress from reactive oxygen and nitrogen species

Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Nathan, C, and Ehrt, S." Nitric oxide in tuberculosis," in Tuberculosis, eds W.N. The response of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to reactive oxygen and nitrogen species.

Characterizing healthy samples for studies of human cognitive aging

For example, epidemiological studies examining the effects of disease typically employ brief health histories and screening examinations applicable to large cohorts of people, whereas experimental studies use smaller samples and focus on a limited number of cognitive domains, In contrast, the clinician working in a medical setting evaluates individuals, each of whom present with a β†’

Corrigendum: transcriptome analysis of hamelia patens (rubiaceae) anthers reveals candidate genes for tapetum and pollen wall development

01991 There was a mistake in the order of " Figure 8," " Figure 9," and " Figure 10" as published." Figure 8" should be modified to " Figure 9"." Figure 9" should be modified to " Figure 10"." Figure 10" should be modified to " Figure 8". On page 15, the sentence " In β†’

Editorial: non-conventional yeast in the wine industry

The Editorial on the Research Topic Non-conventional Yeast in the Wine Industry The alcoholic fermentation of grape musts to wines is a rather complex process that involves the sequential development of microorganisms, mainly yeasts, but also filamentous fungi, lactic acid bacteria, etc. The grapes have populations of native or indigenous yeasts that are between 10 β†’

Have standard tests of cognitive function been misappropriated in the study of cognitive enhancement?

Necessarily the choice of task used to demonstrate transfer of training related adaptations to the cognitive domain is of critical importance, as it determines the weight of the inferences that can be drawn. In light of the fundamental characteristics of the test however, and in view of the nature of the interventions that give rise β†’

Arbuscular mycorrhizas: a promising component of plant production systems provided favorable conditions for their growth

The extent of AM effects in changing soil properties and their relevance to plant physiology and growth expectably differs with the underground habitat, i.e, physical and chemical properties and volume of soils and substrates, and the accompanied climatic conditions. 1093/jxb/erh188 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Querejeta, J." Soil water retention and availability as β†’

Book review: professional support beyond initial teacher education: pedagogical discernment and the influence of out-of-field teaching practices

As far as we are concerned, though acknowledged as a life-long process of learning and developing in the research of a recent decade, in real practice, the focus of teachers' professional development is still on the beginning stage. The book regards professional support as a strategy that can facilitate teachers' learning and development, and thus β†’

The psychosocial impact of neurobehavioral disability

Behaviorally, a lack of empathy after TBI is often observed via a lack of social tact and social discretion, selfish and socially immature behavior, an egocentric, self-centered attitude that is insensitive to, or neglectful of, the needs of others, and a lack of emotional affection and relational connection with loved ones. Reports of incidence vary β†’

Bio-terrorism and anthrax as wmd

The sampling process is the first phase of anthrax detection, and it is the one that is the most difficult to control because of variants in sampling environments and in personnel responsible for attaining samples. In the lab, anthrax, like other bioagents, must be cultured in order to provide enough anthrax for isolation from other β†’

Editorial: perivascular adipose tissue (pvat) in health and disease

Editorial on the Research Topic Perivascular Adipose Tissue in Health and Disease The field of perivascular adipose tissue research began with a simple and elegant study published in 1991, and the year 2018 finds us with substantially greater knowledge that this adipose tissue around a blood vessel possesses profound abilities to modify vascular tone. Soltis β†’

Editorial: explicit and implicit emotion processing: neural basis, perceptual and cognitive mechanisms

For instance, Burra and Kerzel emphasize the role of top-down processes and attentional demands in the perceptual encoding of emotions and the prioritization of threatening stimuli. The hierarchical integration of high and low levels of emotional encoding and, among these, the interoceptive and exteroceptive embodied cues is a crucial topic in understanding emotion regulation.

Commentary: slam- and nectin-4-independent noncytolytic spread of canine distemper virus in astrocytes

Is this enough to conclude that the aforementioned cases of " brain-only," Morbillivirus infection in striped dolphins could/should be regarded as reliable, comparative neuropathology and viral neuropathogenesis models in relation to their canine and human " counterparts"? This is of special concern in relation to " canine demyelinating leukoencephalitis," one of the various disease conditions β†’

Editorial: planctomycetes-verrucomicrobia-chlamydiae bacterial superphylum: new model organisms for evolutionary cell biology

The report of endocytosis-like protein uptake in G.obscuriglobus added more controversy and eventually it obtained the status of the " Platypus of microbiology". First, commonalities of characters and phylogenies converged to the recognition of the PVC superphylum.

Humans vary, so cardiac models should account for that too!

The latter, namely the draft of the drug interaction guideline for drug development and labeling recommendations published by the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare in 2014, suggested the PBPK application in the assessment of drug-drug interaction. The main challenge is to translate the data, often heterogeneous, from the level of a " Petri β†’