Quality Health & Medicine Essay Examples for Your Learning

Editorial: pulmonary hypertension: mechanisms and management, history and future

Editorial on the Research Topic Pulmonary Hypertension: Mechanisms and Management, History and Future From pulmonary hypertension observed at high altitude to pulmonary hypertension associated with left heart disease, this Frontiers Research Topic illustrates the diversity of clinical and pathological phenotypes associated with elevated pressure in the pulmonary circulation. The effect of elastase on turnover of →

Schistosome parasite

Although the disease is common in the world, it ranks second to malaria in the most prominent parasitic diseases in the world. However, the enlargement of the spleen and the liver is common in the advanced stages.

Psychological and behavioral approaches to cardiac patients facing specific adjustment challenges

This book, edited by an experienced health psychologist in the field of " behavioral cardiology" and written by an international group of outstanding researchers and clinicians working in the expanding area of bio-psycho-social approaches to cardiac patients, covers firstly the psychological challenges and management needs of patients affected by specific cardiovascular conditions. In the second →

Complementing predictive coding

Predictive brains, situated agents, and the future of cognitive science by Clark, A. Extending the predictive coding framework by complementarity thus necessitates a " distribution of explanatory weight" between the predictive coding framework and " approaches that explore or uncover the more idiosyncratic or evolutionary path-dependent features of the human mind, and the complex transformative →

Ligands and receptors of the interleukin-1 family in immunity and disease

The discovery of the importance of IL-1 in defense against bacteria and of the Toll-IL-1 resistance domain was upstream of the discovery of Toll-like receptors. In particular they focus on the new IL-1 family members, IL-37 and the cytokines belonging to the IL-36 subfamily and on the potency of blocking IL-1 in disease.

The connected community pharmacy: benefits for healthcare and implications for health policy

However, it has been found to be beneficial in the communication of the prescribing record and other important information relating to the use of medicines, from the GP system to pharmacy professionals. To summarize, a number of systems are now available to enable the transmission of information in and out of the community pharmacy.

Grieving and support of a dying patient

Therefore it was important to develop awareness, acceptance, and preparation for death for all concerned, and to ensure control of physical and emotional pain and distress, and for this learning would be greatly necessary. The importance of nutrition will also be highlighted to her, and the process of death will be explained to her.

Protection of antarctic microbial communities – ‘out of sight, out of mind’

The absence of a visual link with microorganisms and a lack of understanding of their importance within ecosystems by the public make the protection of the microbial habitats in Antarctica more difficult to advocate. 1038/nrmicro2281 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Casanueva, A, Tuffin, M, Cary, C, and Cowan, D.A.

Molecular mechanism involved in the pathogenesis of early-onset epileptic encephalopathy

Overt the last years, research has identified a number of inflammatory markers involved in the process of " neuroimmunoinflammation" in epilepsy, further exploring a role for pro-inflammatory cytokines such as: IL-6, IL-17 and IL-17 Receptor axis, Tumor-Necrosis-Factor Alpha and Transforming-Growth-Factor Beta, thought to be responsible for the early process of blood-brain barrier disruption and a →

Editorial: bridging gaps between sex and gender in neurosciences

Better science with sex and gender: facilitating the use of a sex and gender-based analysis in health research.Int.J. Understanding the impact of sex and gender in Alzheimer's disease: a call to action.

Grand challenges in community oral health

In this regard, epidemiological studies based on patient's perspective and community-based efforts to educate the community about the deleterious effects of nicotinic products are welcomed; and Community Oral Health section of the journal Frontiers in Oral Health is an excellent platform to highlight this aspect of oral health and related research. The Community Oral Health →

The language of health informatic

THE LANGUAGE OF HEALTH INFORMATICS 2 Significance of database in improving patient care It had been indicated earlier that the use of health informatics was not going to benefit just the service providers but the service users also, who in this case are the patients. Departments utilizing the data stored in the system Indeed, almost →


Lecturer Diabetes The peer review article that I used in conducting my study isPerceptions of Diabetes, Barriers to Disease Management, and Service Needs: A Focus Group Study of Working Adults with Diabetes in Hawaii by Landry Fukunaga, Denise Uehara and Tammy Tom. My7 study does not have a clear implication of study how I can →

Discussion: pandemics and epidemics

Influenza has been one of the oldest known epidemics that has often recurred and impacted a huge population across the globe. It is caused by a virus which spread fast.

Nature or nurture in finger counting: a review on the determinants of the direction of number–finger mapping

For example, for some tribes people, counting practice includes the whole body surface, as they orderly name and touch parts of the body starting with the little finger of the right-hand and ending with the left little finger, passing through the wrist, elbow, shoulder, eyes, nose, mouth, and ears, providing a track of the counted →

Resource list for cognitive motor and sensory supports in persons with autism

This commentary compiles a brief description of, and contact information for, a handful of therapeutic and/or educational organizations that address cognitive motor challenges, as well as sensory processing differences, in persons with autism. It is important to set a vision for full communication; communication partners play a vital role in the success of any alternative →

Wandering tales: evolutionary origins of mental time travel and language

There is some differentiation along the long axis of the hippocampus, with the posterior hippocampus more involved in storage and the retrieval of past episodes and the anterior hippocampus more activated by the imagining of future ones. Based on this and other findings, the authors concluded that self-organized activity in the hippocampus, " having evolved →

Cryptobotics: why robots need cyber safety

While taking the control of a desktop computer or a server may result in loss of information, taking the control of a robot may endanger whatever or whoever is near. 849714 CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Groza, B, and Dragomir, T.-L." Using a cryptographic authentication protocol for the secure control of a robot over TCP/IP," →

Pre-exposure prophylaxis: the delivery challenge

People move in and out of " cycles of risk," where continuing PrEP is a waste of time with unnecessary exposure to the medication. However, these concerns may lead to overt and more subtle discouragement of uptake of PrEP again, a pattern seen with contraception programmes in the past.

Editorial: clinical paths for soluble epoxide hydrolase inhibitors

The influence of estrogen and sex on sEH and EET regulation and vascular function was the focus of a mini-review. The potential for sEHIs and EETs as a treatment for heart disease was the focus of three scientific studies published in this Research Topic.

Potential use of alpha-1 anti-trypsin in the covid-19 treatment

In spite of the several efforts of researchers, the limited knowledge on the disease progression and immunological profile, and the absence of medications or vaccines proven to be effective for treatment or prevention of the SARS-CoV-2, lead to the urgent need for efficient and safe therapies, and treatments to limit acute inflammation associated with severe →

The theoretical speculation behind the knuckle and joint popping

They were the first scientist that published article on the basis on the cracking of the joints, in their experimental analysis, they made use of serial radiography in visualizing joint cracking when forces were applied to the joints. There are different types of joints, but the interest of this post is on the diathrodial joint.

Genetic research methods

In terms of schizophrenia, a number of identical twins are tested for the disease. If there is any genetic component in the risk of alcoholism then identical twins with identical genes are be expected to show similar histories of either developing alcoholism or not developing alcoholism.

Measuring mindreading: a review of behavioral approaches to testing cognitive and affective mental state attribution in neurologically typical adults

The Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test, requires participants to attribute the most appropriate mental state term to photographs of the eye-regions of faces. Participants are privy to the object's location in one condition, and the task is sensitive to the interference of that knowledge.

Mechanisms of dysregulated antibody response in lyme disease

In order to explore the mechanisms through which B.burgdorferi infection impacts the immune system and gain an understanding of the role of B and T cells in LD pathogenesis, researchers have conducted studies in mice lacking either or both of these lymphocyte populations. In the first phase of infection, B cells accumulated in lymph nodes →

Genetics information nondiscrimination act of 2008 essay sample

Before the federal law was passed, many states had passed laws GINA of against genetic discrimination. The federal law sets a minimum standard of protection that must be met in all states.

Provide sources of information about issues and trends for diabetic patients

Being well-informed about the trends and issues in health science can facilitate discussion between the doctor, who is well-adept in identifying the medical condition and knowing the types of management available for certain diseases, and the patient or caregiver, who knows first-hand the emotional and social needs as well as the financial capabilities of the →

Why should cannabis be considered doping in sports?

The World Anti-Doping Agency included cannabis in its Prohibited List in 2004, claiming that cannabis may improve performance in some sports and is an illegal drug in most countries; however, the inclusion of a substance in the Code is complex, requiring intense debate among delegates and the fulfillment of specific criteria. Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full →

Social media and mobile applications in chronic disease prevention and management

1136/bmj.f3007 PubMed Abstract Full Text CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Duggan, M, and Smith, A. 3130 PubMed Abstract Full Text CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Kirwan, M, Vandelanotte, C, Fenning, A, and Duncan, M.J.

Enhancing neuroplasticity to augment cognitive remediation in schizophrenia

Unfortunately, the lack of random assignment, baseline differences between the groups, and the fact that the cognitive and clinical improvement in the combined training group was only seen after CR was added to the intervention make the findings difficult to interpret. In the absence of any robust pharmacological treatments for cognitive deficits in schizophrenia, physical →

The role of magnetoencephalography in the early stages of alzheimer’s disease

To this aim, a myriad of different compounds have been tested in AD patients, to stop or slow the progression of the disease yielding negative results in all the studies. The aim of this work is to briefly summarize the state-of-the-art in the study of the preclinical and prodromal stages of AD with MEG.

Editorial: cardio-oncology: from bench to bedside

Fadol discusses the importance of the management of the cardiovascular complications of cancer therapy, which can significantly change the prognosis of chemotherapy-induced heart failure, and how important it is to generate evidence-based data to guide clinical decision making in the management of the cardiovascular complications of cancer therapy. Second, Menezes et al.have discussed the therapeutic →

Editorial: cellular and molecular mechanisms of mycobacterium tuberculosis virulence

Editorial on the Research Topic Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Virulence Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the bacterial pathogen that causes the majority of human tuberculosis, the leading infectious disease in the world. Moreover, deletion of the citE genes from the Mtb genome reduced the resistance to oxidative stress, intracellular replication in macrophages, and growth →

Editorial: current advances in affective neuroscience

The articles that were published in the Research Topic emphasize the breath-taking methodological advances in the field and the increasing aim of the community to contribute to the development of brain-based markers and novel treatments for disorders characterized by emotional dysregulations, as well as to bridge the gap between laboratory experiments and real life. In →

The disadvantages and dangers of cosmetic surgery

Cosmetic surgery is an elective surgery that is performed on normal parts of the body with the only purpose of improving a person's appearance and removing signs of aging. People have long been attuned to the problem of being judged by appearance in the workplace and it is pretty dramatic and pervasive problem to feel →

Current healthcare trends in south florida

The communities, in partnership with clinics help in improving the quality of health care by encouraging people to use better diets and focus on a healthy lifestyle in order to reduce diseases. Similarly, the use of local media to help in screening of various illnesses in the south Florida is another step that has been →

Wild animal tuberculosis: stakeholder value systems and management of disease

If it is established that wild animals are important in the epidemiological cycle and act as a source of risk to livestock, the decision making process as to the preferred actions will primarily depend on the considerations of the reservoir status of the infected host and the broader societal values assigned to each species by →

Corrigendum: comparison between flat and round peaches, genomic evidences of heterozygosity events

The correctFundingstatement appears below: This work was supported in part by a grant to DG from the National Natural Science Foundation of China, a grant to LL from the Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province, the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China, and also, in part, supported by Fruit Innovation →

Orthorexia nervosa—it is time to think about abandoning the concept of a distinct diagnosis

Specifically, Cena et al.argue that while established eating disorders and ON share common characteristics such as a concern over food and eating ON is marked by open, rationalized rules related to eating and a focus on the quality of foods instead of fears of gaining weight and body image disturbances. On orthorexia nervosa: a review →


There are 3 subtypes of PPARs which bind to the promoter region of genes and induce fat metabolism. To overcome these diseases, the food industry has started production of fat-free foods which are basically fat substitute foods such as fat substitutes that are carbohydrate based, fat substitutes that are protein based substitutes and fat based →

Temporal perception in visual processing as a research tool

A likely alternative is that both action-triggered and featural changes modulate the perceptual organization of the stimulus sequence that ultimately shape the object perception and the perceived duration of the target. Observers usually compare the relative duration of the target with that of other stimuli in the train, and it is arguable that the neural →

Editorial: music therapy in geriatrics

Editorial on the Research Topic Music Therapy in Geriatrics The World Health Organization reports that the population of people living in the world who are over 60 years of age will almost double between 2015 and 2050, going from 12% of the world's inhabitants to 22%. Other articles describe the impact of various music therapy →

Commentary: teacher candidates’ responses to examining personal privilege: nuanced understandings of the discourse of individualism in critical multicultural education

The first aspect is the definition of meritocracy and the principles that sustain its concept. Then, the essence of meritocracy is the value of merit, and productivity is one way to attribute value to something hence produced and, for extension, to someone.

Cerebral oxygenation in health and disease

For example, a reduction in S c O 2 is reported with use of phenylephrine and noradrenaline at rest in healthy subjects, during anesthesia in non-cardiac and cardiac patients and during cardiopulmonary bypass in diabetics. Perry et al.studied the impact of 30 and 90% of subjects' maximal VM mouth pressure on MCA velocity and S →

Commentary: assessing the impact and effectiveness of hearing voices network self-help groups

1108/JMHTEP-07-2014-0017 CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Oakland, L, and Berry, K." Lifting the veil": a qualitative analysis of experiences in Hearing Voices Network groups. Hearing Voices Network groups: experiences of eight voice hearers and the connection to group processes and recovery.

Neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy for stage iii non-small cell lung cancer

The most important therapeutic change in the management of the disease arose from a series of landmark trials of chemotherapy. Patients with progressive or persistent primary and nodal disease do not need surgery, as the prognosis is too poor to warrant the risks of resection.

Editorial: from perception to action: the role of auditory and visual information in perceiving and performing complex movements

The authors investigated the role of quiet eye in basketball, and in particular they focused on the timing and the location of fixations, and on the effect of the defender on performance, in three-point shots. The third article of this section is by Blasing and Sauzet and investigates the perception of action in the domain →

Wreck removal and the nairobi convention—a movement toward a unified framework?

5 This makes the Nairobi Convention the convention that has taken the longest time to develop within the framework of the IMO. The fact that the Convention area is equal to the exclusive economic zone or a corresponding area means that the convention e contrario is not applicable in the territorial sea, in internal waters →

Assessing mental illness stigma: a complex issue

00824.x CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Read, J, and Law, A. 6972 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Stier, A, and Hinshaw, S.P.

Spermatogenesis and cryptorchidism

Boys with an undescended testis have a 20-fold higher risk to develop a TC and about 10% of the cases of TC develop in men with a history of cryptorchidism. In the second section of this review, we discuss the treatment of cryptorchidism and the possible role of the early orchidopexy in the prevention of →

Commentary: the ethics of realism in virtual and augmented reality

There are many questions arising in regard to the regulation of XR applications and XR research from the perspective of drug consumption. As important and relevant the investigation of the influence of drugs on XR is, there is to date very limited work published in this area.

Neuromodulation and cognitive rehabilitation: addressing the methodological issue of circadian rhythms

In the last years, it has emerged that the effectiveness and reproducibility of several techniques able to induce neuroplastic changes in humans, such as paired associative stimulation, are influenced by time-of-day of the intervention and subjected to circadian modulation. Circadian rhythms in executive function during the transition to adolescence: the effect of synchrony between chronotype →

Criticality as a signature of healthy neural systems

00166 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Klaus, A, Yu, S, and Plenz, D. 0008982 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Yu, S, Klaus, A, Yang, H, and Plenz, D.

Corrigendum: does severity of alzheimer’s disease contribute to its responsiveness to modifying gut microbiota? a double blind clinical trial

Corrections of this term have been made throughout the text in theMaterials and Methods, participants; theResults, Confirmation of Alzheimer's Disease in the Patients Based on the TYM Cognitive Test; Figure 2 and in theDiscussion, paragraph one. A correction has been made to theMaterial and Methods, Outcome Evaluation:" The TYM test was used to evaluate the →

Sustainable crop production systems and human nutrition

The agricultural industry needs to strive toward meeting the nutritional needs of the human population and toward protecting the soil, water, and air needed to produce nutritious food. The micronutrients for human health include: vitamins A, B complex, C, E, and K; essential lipids; and essential amino acids, which in plants are variable in amount →

Editorial: historical roots of psychopathology

The Editorial on the Research Topic Historical Roots of Psychopathology Mental illness and mental symptoms depend on a construction that results from the decisions of certain social agents, which, in a specific social and historical context, according to an epistemological framework and an ontological framework, identify the behaviors which make up a symptom or a →

Research agenda in medical sociology

The challenge for a progressive sociology of medicine is to critique the range of interests that make up medicine while holding a sense of medicine's benefits and deficits at individual and population level in balance with other knowledge systems and moralities of healing. The nation state has regulated health-care spending in favor of orthodox medicine →

Corrigendum: rnaseq profiling of leukocyte populations in zebrafish larvae reveals a cxcl11 chemokine gene as a marker of macrophage polarization during mycobacterial infection

TheData Availability Statementhas now been added to the published article:" The sequencing data for infected samples have been submitted to the NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus under accession number GSE68920. The sequencing data for human macrophages are available under the accession number GSE36952".

Overcoming the past-endorsement criterion: toward a transparency-based mark of the mental

More specifically, our starting point will be the fourth criterion, the so-called past-endorsement criterion: we think that, by introducing a direct reference to consciousness among the CAOs, this criterion raises important problems, whose solution involves an analysis of the connections between the subpersonal extended vehicles of cognition and the conscious mind of the subject, which →

The cheapest hearing aids

But the problem is that the control for this device is quite hard to adjust. The piping of this device is said to be unnoticeable and it is consist of three ear buds.

Discussion 13 nur 702

Discussion 13 Nur 702 Discussion 13 Nur 702 One of the relationships I have discovered between the evidence I have gathered andhealth policy is the need the need for quality and innovative research on the treatment of hypertension and heart disease. Funds are the other things that connect the evidence I have on the treatment →

Computational tools to investigate genetic cardiac channelopathies

The essential role of ion channels, particularly in the control of cellular excitability and epithelial transport, was demonstrated at the beginning of the 20th century, even before much was known of their molecular nature. The demonstration of the important roles of ion channels in numerous diseases, coupled with the fact that ion channels are excellent →

Impact of player injuries on teams’ mental states, and subsequent performances, at the rugby world cup 2015

Seeing a teammate suffer a tournament-ending injury could result in other team members experiencing an increased fear of injury themselves, and decreased levels of confidence in the team's overall ability to continue to perform at a high level in the competition. For example, doubts surrounding the ability of another player to successfully perform in the →

Research in reproduction: challenges, needs, and opportunities

At mid-cycle ovulation, when the organism is sexually most receptive, the directionality of peristalsis is reversed, with contractility at ejaculation aimed at conveying a bolus of ejaculated semen to the upper end of the uterus and, depending upon the side of the ovulating ovary, with the ipsilateral opening of the isthmus to allow sperm to →

Ten steps to effective teaching as a non-physician educator

I had to find a way for them to value what I brought to the table as a non-physician educator. I also morph the content and the structure of any leaning environment to the needs of the physician.6.

Editorial: the development of animal personality

In 2010, Stamps and Groothuis published a highly influential paper drawing attention to the importance of development in the study of animal personality and lamenting the lack of research on this topic. The current volume draws together nine papers with a variety of approaches on the development of personality, and provides a glimpse into the →

Editorial: pvt1 in cancer

However, PVT1 is much better established to be dysregulated in a wide variety of cancers including plasmacytomas, lymphomas, leukemias, sarcomas, ovarian cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, astrocytomas, pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer, cholangiocarcinoma, gliomas, medulloblastoma, mesothelioma, colorectal cancer, gastric cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma, thyroid cancer, bladder cancer, renal cell carcinoma, cervical cancer, esophageal cancer, melanoma, endometrial cancer, →

Computed tomographic angiography (cta)

It is also important for the management of structural and coronary heart interventions. Wardlaw, J.M.& White, P.

Complaint-push model and data-pull model

To improve the effectiveness of the complaint-push model, health care providers should create awareness and adopt advanced communication methods like emails, websites, social media, and blogs that can allow patients to reach the health care providers with ease and enable the health care providers to respond to the complaints with speed and relevance. On the →

Autoantibodies to potassium channel kir4.1 in multiple sclerosis

1 antibodies were found in serum samples of 47% of MS patients, 1% of patients with other neurologic diseases and in none of the samples from healthy controls. 1 antibodies in the pathogenesis of MS remains to be determined.

Targeting apoptosis signaling pathways for anticancer therapy

For example, deregulation of apoptosis programs can lead to resistance of cancers to current treatment strategies, since the ability to activate cell death programs in cancer cells critically determines the efficacy of current cancer therapies. Overexpression of antiapoptotic molecules such as cFLIP or phosphoprotein enriched in diabetes/phosphoprotein enriched in astrocytes-15 kDa that block the recruitment →

On-line social interactions and executive functions

Further, to be effective, all of this has to be done in real time where speed and responsiveness matter, but in conjunction with the ability to keep plays and plans in mind and the ability to update the progress of the game. Often, to be effective in the latter, complex and often more consequential type →

Editorial: food-based dietary guidelines: the relevance of nutrient density and a healthy diet score

The key aim of this Research Topic is to provide a picture of the relevance of different measures of nutritional quality in relation to healthiness of diets such as proposed by the EAT-Lancet with focus on major food- and target groups, whilst taking drivers of food consumption into account. 3 score, which also correlated with →

Eating behaviors that (increase,decrease) cancer risk

While finding a linkage between cancer and diet, the cancer researchers were able to find an interesting linkage between consumption of meat and the incidence of cancer. A systematic review of the effect of diet in prostate cancer prevention and treatment.

The utility- and use–of neurotechnology to recover consciousness: technical and neuroethical considerations in approaching the “hard question” of neuroscience

They generate ethico-legal issues that conjoin other professions and the public in ongoing discourse and deliberation about how such patients are, or should be regarded and treated in both the short- and the long-term, inclusive of current debates about the use of brain-machine interfaces, continuity and quality of care, and the justification of life-sustaining measures. →

Commentary: effects of video game training on measures of selective attention and working memory in older adults: results from a randomized controlled trial

00354 The article by Ballesteros and colleagues provides a fresh approach to the cognitive neuroscience of aging with a central focus on enhancement of cognitive functions by a video game training in normal healthy elderly. In the Twenty-first century the interest of researchers on beneficial effects of various cognitive therapies in amelioration of the mental →

Application of microfluidics in experimental ecology: the importance of being spatial

In particular, we focus on experiments where the spatial aspects of the ecological processes are emphasized, since in the last few decades " the importance of being spatial" has been acknowledged widely, both in ecological theory and experiments. By genetic manipulations of the quorum sensing mechanisms and the microfluidic control of the signal level, the →

Relying on good mental health might depend on the metabolic process of synthesizing vitamin d

With this axis shift, there is very little time in the day where the distance that the UVB rays have to travel is short enough to penetrate the ozone layer and cause the chemical reaction in our skin. To treat this prophylactically, he states that " parents need to recognize and treat Seasonal Affective Disorder →

Competition among organisms in the ecosystem

A shorter plant under these tall trees might then fail to survive since light is vital for the generation of food to the plants. Ecologists have deduced the interaction of plants as being that which all plants in the forest are in competition or something.


Biological Chemical, physical Environmental Agents Biological Agents The interrelationship between environmental factors and human health focuses on how various environmental factors affect human health either by facilitating human contact with disease agents or weakening the immune system. The various environmental agents of disease are classified into biological, chemical and physical agents.

Health and social

I have tried to keep Rogers diet low in fat and sugar with only obtaining a small amount of fat and sugar in his two-day diet plan. I have ensured her intake of fats and sugar is to a minimum.

Strategies of the war on cancer: to kill or to neutralize?

A well-known list of hallmarks seems to reflect a predominantly in vitro -centric view of cancer, whereas it leaves a conceptual gap between the cancer cell phenotype and the cancer disease in the in vivo -centric perception of cancer, i.e, between the cancer hallmarks and multiple paraneoplastic syndromes. The death of the cancer cell.

Hormonal changes associated with intra-uterine growth restriction: impact on the developing brain and future neurodevelopment

Glucocorticoids are key mediators of stress responses involved during fetal development in the regulation of fetal growth and maturation of fetal tissues and organs. OXT is also implicated in autism and in the down-regulation of the central inflammatory response to injury in the mature brain.

Does patient access to clinical notes change documentation?

As a result of patient access, however, the tone and content of clinical notes and any changes to documentation may have the potential to influence the quality of care in both positive and negative ways. Convenient electronic access to clinical notes and changes to documentation that improve the clarity of the notes for example, using →

Editorial: application of new technologies in the treatment of substance use disorders

Editorial on the Research Topic Application of New Technologies in the Treatment of Substance Use Disorders Substance use disorders a social, economic, and medical burden are a global problem. Wang et al.proposed a new approach for the treatment of MUD; they aimed to test the efficacy of paliperidone extended-release in decreasing methamphetamine use and reducing →

Delivering therapeutics to the cochlea: the importance of the patient’s perspective

Treating this type of hearing loss will require finding safe and effective methods of delivering drug, gene and cell-based therapies to the inner ear - a complex organ, not easily accessible making it a challenge for drug delivery. This route of administration is therefore most suited to the treatment of acute forms of hearing loss →

The genome-wide study of human social behavior and its application in sociology

With the completion of the Human Genome Project at the turn of the twenty-first century and the subsequent advent of genome-wide data and methods, researchers are addressing this question in unprecedented ways. This support was strong enough that Turkheimer set forth three laws of behavior genetics: " all human behavior is heritable," and " the →