Quality Health & Medicine Essay Examples for Your Learning

Just how expert are “expert” video-game players? assessing the experience and expertise of video-game players across “action” video-game genres

However, in this article we make the case that to assess accurately the effects of video-game play researchers must better characterize video-game experience and expertise. This requires a more precise and objective assessment of an individual's video-game history and skill level, and making finer distinctions between video-games that fall under the umbrella of " action" β†’

The state of sleep and the current brain paradigm

First of all the general level of neuronal activity in the cerebral cortex, estimated in electrophysiological studies, is practically the same in wakefulness and during sleep. Sleep and the control of visceral functions.

Editorial: leeway to operate with plant genetic resources

In this context, the Research Topic " Leeway to operate with plant genetic resources" addresses the latest and most pertinent legal issues related to the use of GR in plant research and breeding. According to the author, it is important that both users and providers are aware of these justice types and the way the β†’

Editorial: the next step: disentangling the role of plant-soil feedbacks in plant performance and species coexistence under natural conditions

Editorial on the Research Topic The Next Step: Disentangling the Role of Plant-Soil Feedbacks in Plant Performance and Species Coexistence Under Natural Conditions Effects of plant-induced changes in soil properties, which impact subsequent plant growth, have received increasing attention in plant ecology. Under controlled conditions they investigated the response of a focal species to abiotic β†’

Editorial: unusual subduction processes

Editorial on the Research Topic Unusual Subduction Processes Subduction zones display arguably the most complex geodynamic setting on Earth, which driven the Earth's interior dynamics and shaped the Earth's surface since the onset of plate tectonics. We hope that the reader will find this Research Topic collection of papers a useful reference for future research β†’

Eating habits of college students

The transition to college life results in deterioration of eating habits among the students and the consequent weight issues particularly during their first year in college and the subsequent years. The studies on eating habits among the college students have established various factors responsible for poor eating habits among the college students.

What are the reason some people choose to have cosmetic surgery?

They are immigrating for the sake of getting enormous benefits from Canada, but they also face many problems in Canada. People feel uncomfortable when they need to explain their views with other people and in another language.

Commentary: “the role of t3 surface molecules in the activation of human cells: a two-stimulus requirement for il-2 production reflects events occurring at a pretranslational level”

A commentary on The role of T3 surface molecules in the activation of human cells: a two-stimulus requirement for IL-2 production reflects events occurring at a pretranslational level by Weiss A, Wiskocil R, Stobo J. Requirement for the coexpression of T3 and the T cell antigen receptor on a malignant human T cell line.

Editorial: auditory efferent system: new insights from cortex to cochlea

The Editorial on the Research Topic Auditory Efferent System: New Insights from Cortex to Cochlea The outer hair cells of the mammalian cochlea are unique. In this e-book, entitled " Auditory efferent system: new insights from cortex to cochlea," we aimed to give an overview of the advances concerning the descending projections from the auditory β†’

Case study example

As a manager of a health institution, one has to balance between boosting the ego of the healthcare staff and at the same time not compromise on the ethical code of conduct as envisaged in the nursing profession. Misdiagnosis and maybe the administering of wrong drugs may have severe repercussion to a medical practitioner especially β†’

Autistic disturbances of affective contact

The manifestation of any of the cautioning signals of ASD constitutes sufficient worry to get the child examined by a professional expert in dealing with the disorder.) The National Institute of MentalHealth- NIML holds that the accurate incidence of Autism is not known. Even though there are differences on the issue of the rise in β†’

Commentary: association of breast milk fatty acids with allergic disease outcomesβ€”a systematic review

13300 We were pleased to read the systematic review of studies investigating associations between breast milk fatty acids and allergic disease outcomes by Waidyatillake et al. As in the majority of the studies reviewed by Waidyatillake et al, we identified no convincing evidence of association between fatty acid composition and childhood respiratory outcomes.

Morphological processing as we know it: an analytical review of morphological effects in visual word identification

The aim of this paper is therefore to compile a list of reliable morphological effects in visual word identification that every model should be able to explain, in the hope that this will allow an easier adjudication process between existing theories and, if necessary, the development of new theories in a cumulative, nested fashion. These β†’

Editorial: phonological and phonetic competence: between grammar, signal processing, and neural activity

The Editorial on the Research Topic Phonological and Phonetic Competence: Between Grammar, Signal Processing, and Neural Activity The present collection addresses the place and role of phonology within a wider range of neighboring domains. Based on this programme, the aim of this Research Topic is to draw together empirical work in the field of segmental β†’


Diabetes The last decade has seen a renewed interest in the epidemiology of diabetes in the United s. This has the effect of increasing body weight and, as suggested by many, contributes to diabetes.

Hiv in perspective

The first video proffered details of AIDS from the outbreak to the epidemic. The best known of this group is HIV, the human immunodeficiency virus, the causative agent of AIDS.

Eeg coherence between prefrontal and posterior cortical regions is related to negative personality traits

A recent publication by Reiser et al.in Brain and Cognition describes a possible mechanism underlying the development and maintenance of attentional bias in depression and anxiety. The findings suggest that prefrontal posterior decoupling is related to individual differences in the behavioral traits of absorption and in the propensity to ruminate.

Can tai chi and qigong postures shape our mood? toward an embodied cognition framework for mind-body research

Some of the earliest theories of emotion addressed the role of the body in the expression and experience of emotion. In The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, Charles Darwin described in detail the observed physical expressions of emotion, noting that similar patterns of body movements are associated with specific states of mind.

Microbial enzymes that oxidize hydrocarbons

The coupling of microbial processes and hydrocarbon transformation have important implications with regard to our understanding of biogeochemical cycling, biotransformation of environmental pollutants, subsurface production and oxidation of methane, and host/pathogen relationships. To date, the mechanisms involved in aerobic hydrocarbon oxidation are well-described, and the most prevalent feature of these processes is the dual role β†’

Editorial: hormones and neural aging: lessons from experimental models

Estrogens exert important neurotrophic and neuroprotective effects and the decline in this sex steroid is suggested to be involved in some of the aging processes in women. In the review by Lejri et al, the relationship between estrogens and mitochondrial function in the aging brain is discussed.

Environmental factors associated with type 1 diabetes

Experimental studies have suggested that gluten could play a role in favoring T1D development and that the exclusion of cereals from the diet in the first phases of development could prevent the disease in a considerable portion of susceptible animals. In a more recent study, the offspring of NOD mice fed a GF diet during β†’

The effect of waste/trash on the health

The synergy of development, output, industry, and waste Discussion of how these 4 factors feed into one another and only serve to increase the rate of pollution and waste generation Discussion of most developed economies, even though comprising a relatively small percentage of the global population, are accountable for a lion's share of waste generation. β†’

Editorial: antibody fc engineering: towards better therapeutics

This collection combines six reviews with three original research articles together to provide substantial knowledge of Fc engineering approaches to regulate effector functions, to extend serum half-life by modification of neonatal Fc receptor binding, to heterodimerize of Fc for design of new Fc formats and to monomerize Fc for improved druggability and novel applications. Li β†’

Pharmacogenetics in psychiatry: an update on clinical usability

Because of the strong relation between genetic variants and enzymatic activity, analysis of CYP2D6 and CYP2C19 has been an early focus for the clinical use of pharmacogenetics in psychiatry. Also, the note from the FDA that " the relationship between CYP2C19 genotype and drug response to escitalopram and sertraline is not established, and this relationship β†’

Social-cognitive barriers to ethical authorship

An understanding of research misconduct must be informed by the recognition that the norms of science might be quite general, ambiguous, or even contradictory, leading to possible disagreements in terms of what constitutes misconduct within a research community. The nature and prevalence of dishonesty can also be understood in terms of the norms of social β†’

Psychological distress among ebola survivors discharged from an ebola treatment unit in monrovia, liberia – a qualitative study

However, the challenges to reintegration of EVD survivors in society during the West Africa outbreak may have been very different to what was described previously, due to the sheer magnitude and the extensive media coverage of the outbreak. Medecins Sans Frontieres was one of the major actors to respond to the outbreak in Liberia, providing β†’

Editorial: face perception across the life-span

Thus, we aimed to bring together a collection of papers to provide a shot of the current state of the art in developmental research that illustrate actual trends at theorizing and investigating the components of face processing in the context of related abilities. In a comprehensive review, Boutet et al.conclude that impairment in the processing β†’

Editorial: microglial polarization in the pathogenesis and therapeutics of neurodegenerative diseases

The Editorial on the Research Topic Microglial Polarization in the Pathogenesis and Therapeutics of Neurodegenerative Diseases Neurodegenerative diseases are a clinically heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by the progressive degeneration of neurons in both central nervous system and peripheral nervous system, among which microglia-mediated neuroinflammation is one of the shared prominent features. Geloso et al.then β†’

Editorial: c1q: a molecular bridge to innate and adaptive immunity

Editorial on the Research Topic C1q: A Molecular Bridge to Innate and Adaptive Immunity Human C1q is the first recognition molecule of the classical pathway of the complement system. In addition to being the key molecule of the classical pathway, C1q has a broad range of functions that includes clearance of apoptotic and necrotic cells, β†’

Potential neurochemical and neuroendocrine effects of social distancing amidst the covid-19 pandemic

Here, we summarize some of the detrimental psychological, neuroendocrine, and neurochemical changes induced by the chronic social isolation of the COVID-19 pandemic and provide concrete recommendations for alleviating these changes. Studies also have shown that chronic social isolation stress is associated with reductions in the volume of the hippocampus and that chronic stress can modulate β†’

Novel pre- and postoperative care using telemedicine

One of the most exciting and rewarding aspects of telemedicine in thoracic surgery is the ability to support and promote a healthy postoperative recovery phase for patients undergoing lung resection. A recent publication from Jefferson Health in 2020 describes their division of thoracic surgery's almost complete transition to telemedicine outpatient visits in response to the β†’

The impact of alcohol on organism

For this reason, alcohol enters the bodily tissues through the bloodstream as alcohol is easily soluble in water it is distributed to the water containing components of the body. The human body eliminates the alcohol in three different ways metabolism, evaporation and excretion.

Analysis of malaria policies in ghana health essay

Thirdly, the contextual factors of the policy will be discussed and lastly, it will attempt to bring a proposal that enhance future change of the policy and make appropriate recommendations to stakeholders, Health Management Teams and Organizations involved in the fight against malaria to effect the needed changes for policy direction and eventually reducing the β†’

Is it time to reconsider the lipopolysaccharide paradigm in acute graft-versus-host disease?

We will focus here on the role of a major component of the Gram-negative bacteria, the lipopolysaccharide, which is one of the most studied PAMP in immunology and in the aGVHD pathophysiology. Although the endotoxin activity of LPS is the " visible tip" of the iceberg in GVHD, quantification of whole LPS with the HPLC β†’

Great challenges in catalysis and photocatalysis

These equations are derived by assuming that the rate is proportional to the concentration of a substrate in solution and on the surface, respectively, in order to estimate parameters including a rate constant. The challenge is to achieve a breakthrough in the mature field of catalysis and photocatalysis and to correspond to the Internet-age paper-reading β†’

The neural underpinnings of vicarious experience

00218 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Eres, R, and Molenberghs, P. 00196 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Rothen, N, and Meier, B.

Leadership in public health: new competencies for the future

The values underpinning the " new" Vision of public health must include a willingness to change, to collaborate, and to be a central player in the health system of the future. In order to educate a new generation of leaders in public health, the education system needs to change as well as the health system.

Commentary: the flavonoid baicalein rescues synaptic plasticity and memory deficits in a mouse model of alzheimer’s disease

052 A recent article by Gu et al.reported that the long-term oral administration of baicalein in mouse, inhibited the activity of lipooxygenase 12/15 LXO and glycogen synthase kinase 3 in hippocampal slices, also reducing the activity of -secretase enzyme and the concentration of total beta-amyloid proteins, leading to the in vivo restoration of spine number, β†’

Neural synchronization from the perspective of non-linear dynamics

The discovery of oscillations in brain activity is as old as electroencephalography, but only with the development of powerful imaging and computational techniques in the last decades it has been possible to start understanding the role of brain rhythms in brain physiology, pathology, and cognition. For this reason, the study of brain rhythms and synchronization β†’

Health nursing problem affecting the country walk community

The aim of this paper is to use a combination of demographic, epidemiological and windshield survey assessment data to discuss one community health nursing problem affecting the Country Walk community and also to identify the underlying factors that cause the problem within the population. 1% of the population in MDC and Country Walk, respectively, and β†’

Dissecting altered functional engagement in tbi and other patient groups through connectivity analysis: one goal, many paths (a response to hillary)

We are pleased that Hillary underscores the main interpretation of our data, which is that augmented neural activity is compensatory and does not reflect brain reorganization, and that the behaviorally relevant regions recruited in TBI are also functionally relevant in healthy adults at a higher level of task difficulty. Turning to reaction time, this was β†’

Is psychoanalysis a folk psychology?

To reach that goal, I will try to uncover the way in which the hermeneutic reading of psychoanalysis put the debate in terms of a defense of the distinction between causes and reasons in an effort to free psychoanalysis from the burden of having to prove itself. Gr nbaum's argument for the causal relevancy of β†’

Perioperative management of neurosurgical patients receiving chronic anticoagulation therapy

In certain circumstances increased risk of thrombosis in a previously placed vascular stent, deep vein thrombosis with a history of pulmonary embolism, neuroendovascular procedures, acute cardiovascular insufficiency, and a risk of acute thrombosis, therapy with anticoagulants and antiplatelet medications is crucial. The risk and efficacy of anticoagulant therapy in the treatment of thromboembolic complications in β†’

People are different: tyrosine’s modulating effect on cognitive control in healthy humans may depend on individual differences related to dopamine function

Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text Google Scholar Lewis, D, Melchitzky, D, Sesack, S, Whitehead, R, Auh, S, and Sampson, A. 682302 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Roy, A, Roy, M, Berman, J, and Gonzalez, B.

“making it worse than what really happened”: social chaos and preparedness as problematic mythologies in disaster communication

The answer lies in the resilience of the everyday people at the scene that day, and the brave community of mariners who ply the waters of New York's Harbor. Google Scholar Tierney, K, and Bevc, C." Disasters as war: militarism and the social construction of disaster in New Orleans," in The Sociology of Katrina: Perspectives β†’

Health policy

The individual mandate provision has been and will continue to be one of the most controversial elements embodied in the ACA. The Individual Mandate and the entire ACA will impact the health of all Americans.

Chief editor’s commentary on: revisiting the mitogenetic effect of ultra-weak photon emission

00241 The research presented in this article is framed and published as a review, it represents a summary of research conducted to date in a field which has potential as a new avenue for research, as opposed to an established field of active research within the Biophysics community. The author declares that the research was β†’

Drug repositioning in the mirror of patenting: surveying and mining uncharted territory

Drug repositioning the investigation, development and use of active pharmaceutical ingredients for a therapeutic class that is different from the original one is much more than a " recycling" of known drugs or drug candidates. In silico methods for drug repurposing and pharmacology.

Transitioning to sustainable agriculture requires growing and sustaining an ecologically skilled workforce

This calls, as well, for a new structural and policy foundation to provide such education and to assure that farmers can use what they learn for the long term. Cuba's farmer-to-farmer movement, for example, is credited with increasing national food production, making the economy more resilient to economic and climate shocks, and has worked to β†’

Bystander effects and unintended consequences: time to include the spleen in radiation therapy planning

For esophageal cancer chemoradiation, higher spleen dose is associated with a higher risk of lymphopenia in one study and lower toxicity in another. Impact of radiation dose to the host immune system on tumor control and survival for Stage III non-small cell lung cancer treated with definitive radiation therapy.

Common chemicals in the home that cause toxicological poisoning

Common Chemicals in the home that cause toxicological poisoning affiliation Common Chemicals in the home that cause toxicological poisoning The home, as argued by Turkington & Mitchell, is full of products that comprise of substances that contain household toxins. Turkington & Mitchell indicate that acids are one of the common chemicals in the home that β†’

Shared strategies for behavioral switching: understanding how locomotor patterns are turned on and off

The two forms of motion also differ in the pattern of bend propagation: bends propagate at uniform velocity for crawling, but " whip" to the back of the body after characteristic pauses when the whole-body of the worm is bent into a C-shaped posture during swimming.In C.elegans and the leech, crawling and swimming are further β†’

Headache and alexithymia in children and adolescents: what is the connection?

There are a few studies devoted to the investigation of the possible link between headache and alexithymia in adults, and even fewer on children and adolescent populations. In a more recent study, Gatta et al.investigated alexithymic features in children and adolescents with primary headache and in their mothers, in order to examine the possibility of β†’

Physiological changes during conditioning and deconditioning

Conditioning is about training which corrects body system and further improvement in a body while detraining is resulted in to worsen the clinical condition of the human body. The main cause of heart condition is due to changes in skeletal muscle cell functions that lead weakness and fatiguability, capillary fatiguability and vasodilatation reduction that alters β†’

Moving away from amyloid beta to move on in alzheimer research

00006-06 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Busciglio, J, Lorenzo, A, Yeh, J, and Yankner, B.A. ER calcium and Alzheimer's disease: in a state of flux.Sci.

xanthomonas whole genome sequencing: phylogenetics, host specificity and beyond

A commentary on Phylogenomics of Xanthomonas field strains infecting pepper and tomato reveals diversity in effector repertoires and identifies determinants of host specificity by Schwartz, A. The paper by Schwartz et al.perfectly illustrates the power of comparative genomics to understand pathogenicity and host specificity of this important genus of pathogens.

Survival mediterranean style: lifestyle changes to improve the health of the us fire service

Today, as a result of the worldwide epidemics of obesity and diabetes, we are witnessing a strong and renewed interest in the traditional Mediterranean diet. We will then discuss nutritional challenges and opportunities in the fire service; the role of healthy diet in CVD prevention; in particular, the proven benefits of MedDiet; as well β†’

Scientific contributions of population-based studies to cardiovascular epidemiology in the gwas era

Thus, population-based cohort studies include many individuals free of the disease of interest at the beginning of the study, but who might develop the condition of interest over the course of the study. It is important to keep in mind that community-based samples include many individuals free of CVD at the time of inclusion in β†’

Editorial: tissue repair and regenerative mechanisms by stem/progenitor cells and their secretome

The translation of regenerative medicine therapies from bench to bedside has been a long and windy road, paved by lack of convincing data on the safety and uncertain levels of efficacy in recognized biological/medical models and systems. The income for cell-based therapies was predicted to become the one dominating the global regenerative medicine market in β†’

Informative essay on health and social care

Such findings and the current state of the emerging field of behavioral genetics are summarized by the distinguished academics Cynthia Coll, Elaine Bearer and Richard Lerner, editors of the compendium Nature and Nurture: The Complex Interplay of Genetic and Environmental Influences on Human Behavior and Development. The production of burden in carers is a complex β†’

Oral health disparities health and social care essay

The purposes of the service would be: To promote and advance unwritten wellness To better and develop comfortss and services that best trade with the unwritten wellness demands of the Mauri population To better and back up the unwritten wellness work force To acertain and develop quality in the service. Sing entree the service would β†’

Editorial: the role of oxidative stress, epigenetics and non-coding rna in regulating trained immunity

As highlighted by Zhong et al, over-activation of the innate immune system in trained immunity has been proposed to contribute to the non-resolving inflammation in atherosclerosis. Stem cells, including mesenchymal stem cells release a range of paracrine factors, such as IL-10, TGF- , and PGE2, that limit the immune response likely a combination of adaptive, β†’

Editorial: artificial polyploidy in plants

In an effort to optimize triploid breeding in Populus, Zhou et al.determined that the rate of 2n pollen production was dependent upon the meiotic stage, injection time, and the interaction between the two factors. In the study, the authors report the most effective method for inducing 2n pollen in Populus, and conclude that the rate β†’

Security standards: technical safeguards

HIPAA provides national standards so that it can " protect the privacy and security of health information" and gives individuals the rights in relation to their health information[Sec07]. Differentiate information privacy and security HIPAA information privacy establishes standards so that it can protect medical records and the related health information that applies to the β†’

What are the criteria for a good intervention study? response: “unrecognized ambiguities in validity of intervention research: an example on explicit phonics and text-centered teaching”

The second point was the absence of justification for the phonics rules taught however the article explained that the taught Anglo-Saxon decoding rules were from Calfee and Patrick's well-known explanation of Anglo-Saxon letter-sound patterns. The Big Books were also selected so as to be at the reading level of the children who were being taught β†’

Beyond the impasse – reflections on dissociative identity disorder from a freudian–lacanian perspective

As argued below, debate on the reality of the diagnosis is largely off topic as it seems that in the battle to prove or disprove the validity of the DID diagnosis, as either a disease or as a folly, both parties lose sight of the subject presenting these symptoms. However, this nuance appears to get β†’

Editorial: microbial food safety along the dairy chain

This e-Book brings together a series of articles related to the microbiological integrity of the dairy food chain, with regard to pathogenic and spoilage organisms, genomic and other analyses of these contaminants, and alternative methods for their study. Machado et al.is a review of the growth potential of psychrotrophic bacteria, the heat resistant enzymes they β†’

Corrigendum: data science for weather impacts on crop yield

00052 In the original article, the following line in paragraph two of the " Results and Discussion" section was incorrect: " The outputs from GCMs, however, are only available as monthly averages which makes it difficult to capture the effect of weather extremes on yield". The correct version of this line is as follows: " β†’

Cannabis use disorder impairs motor cortical plasticity

Therefore, we raise the questions of whether the cortical plasticity of CUD patients is impaired and, if so, how the severity of drug addiction correlates with impairment of cortical plasticity. In addition, this study also addressed the relationship between the severity of addiction and the impairments of cortical plasticity.

Ecological psychology and enactivism: a normative way out from ontological dilemmas

The reason I believe it is important to briefly go back to Rorty is that his opposition to representationalism has two sides that are not always distinguished, a cognitive/epistemic one and a linguistic one: we can pursue a conception of the mind with no representations mediating between the cognitive agent and the world and still β†’

Project management

The first facet of project management that can be quite challenging is quality, especially to the owners of the project. The costs estimates for the project would be lower than the costs that can be used to bring to a completion the project.

Article review

Drug Abuse in American Youths Drug abuse remains one of the most pervasive issues in the community today. The American community has implemented measures to ensure that teen drug abuse is dealt with.

Challenges for education

This does not negate the need for a clear understanding of the research paradigm, rigor, collaboration, and the necessity of validity and reliability, but it does suggest that looking for " the" answer may not be as rewarding as identifying and understanding the results within a particular circumstance. The purpose of neurology education is to β†’

Iga b cell responses to gut mucosal antigens: do we know it all?

In fact, failure to develop appropriate T FH in PP have been found to drastically affect the composition of the microbiota, arguing in favor of that IgA B cell differentiation directly impacts on gut homeostasis and the presence of certain bacterial species. Mice that lack the ability to mutate IgA B cell responses have been β†’

Persistent c. pneumoniae infection in atherosclerotic lesions: rethinking the clinical trials

Chlamydia pneumoniae infection accelerates the progression of atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E-deficient mice.J. Infection with Chlamydia pneumoniae accelerates the development of atherosclerosis and treatment with azithromycin prevents it in a rabbit model.

Benchmarked productivity

The research of the benchmarking exercise on the occupational nursing unit was carried out to launch the present space and standards of performance in the delivery of occupational health nursing services across the United Kingdom as well as to determine the competence of the occupational health nurses in their bid to deliver such services to β†’

Corrigendum: dense array eeg source estimation in neocortical epilepsy

00042 The following sentences Electrical source localization was conducted at the rising phase for the dEEG detected spikes with a linear inverse method using the GeoSource 1. 0 software package within the space of a 3D head model derived from the Montreal Neurological Institute's average adult MRI.should be replaced by Electrical source localization was conducted β†’

Nk cell subset redistribution during the course of viral infections

This report opened a new research topic in the field of NK cell biology and many groups, including ours, highlighted the great importance of CD56 neg NK cell in the physiopathology of HIV-1 infection. Characterization of the defective interaction between a subset of natural killer cells and dendritic cells in HIV-1 infection.

Human-animal interaction research: progress and possibilities

The 13 papers that comprise the core of this Research Topic are a microcosm of the advances that have been made in HAI research, including the range of human and animal participants, the rigor of the study designs employed, and the diversity of measures used to capture mediator/moderator and outcome variables of interest. While these β†’

Eating disorder

The two articles address different audiences the article by Fisher and various others is meant, for a specialist audience, this is evident in the medical terms that are used and the paper's formatting and style of writing. The purpose of the two articles is to communicate the effects and the causes of eating disorders, and β†’

Commentary: acute effects of exercise mode on arterial stiffness and wave reflection in healthy young adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis

A Commentary on Acute Effects of Exercise Mode on Arterial Stiffness and Wave Reflection in Healthy Young Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis by Pierce, D. 00073 We recently read the article, " Acute Effects of Exercise Mode on Arterial Stiffness and Wave Reflection in Healthy Young Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis" by Doris β†’

Commentary: four ways in which data-free papers on animal personality fail to be impactful

00023 In a recent Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution paper, DiRienzo and Montiglio suggest that " the literature on animal personality is dominated by papers lacking any data" and that additional data-free papers do little to move the field forward. Regarding the impact of data-free papers, we argue that impactful data-free papers provide coherent syntheses β†’

Corrigendum: discoidin domain receptors: potential actors and targets in cancer

As a major part of the tumor ECM, type I collagen exhibits high density and altered architecture in malignant cancer and is causally linked to tumor formation and metastasis. The identification of the Discoidin Domain Receptor family as collagen receptors represents a new paradigm in the regulation of collagen-cell interactions and regulation of tumor progression.

Editorial: vitamin c in cancer and infectious diseases: physiological, biochemical and therapeutic interventions

In this research topic, we have gathered together 7 articles; 2 original research contributions and 5 review articles which are focused on the physiological role of vitamin C in health, the biochemical and molecular mechanisms of vitamin C in cancer, and the importance of vitamin C in infectious diseases. Together, this research topic gives insight β†’

The utility of intravenous acetaminophen in the perioperative period

The use of IVA is approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the management of mild to moderate pain, the management of moderate to severe pain with opioid analgesic adjuncts, and fever reduction in adults and children over the age of two. The role of intravenous acetaminophen in acute pain management: a case-illustrated review.

An act of driving a vehicle under the influence of alcohol – assessment of criteria, diagnosis of client, medical treatment, and rehabilitation

The paper " Driving a Vehicle under the Influence of Alcohol - Diagnosis of Client, Medical Treatment, and Rehabilitation" is an affecting example of a case study on health sciences & medicine. He is needed to be made aware of his family and social responsibilities.

Uncovering the neurochemistry of reward and aversiveness

Thus, the definitive evidence could come from experiments that monitor activity of serotonin neurons on a fast timescale and relate it to reward and aversiveness in carefully controlled experiments. 1391 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Parker, L.A.

Reid on olfaction and secondary qualities

My aim by the end of the paper is to provide an understanding of Reid's account of olfactory perception that does justice to his general theory of perception and his notion of odors 1 and the other secondary qualities 2. One of Reid's stated purposes in philosophy is to avoid succumbing to the theory of β†’

Randomized controlled trials of iron chelators for the treatment of cardiac siderosis in thalassaemia major

In addition to being able to identify iron loading in the heart and liver, the T2 technique can be used to assess the efficacy of iron chelators and to guide therapy. This RCT established that deferiprone was superior to deferoxamine over 1 year for the removal of cardiac iron, and the improvement of LV EF β†’