Quality Health & Medicine Essay Examples for Your Learning

Fluidities and fixities: examining the alignment of digital platforms within nairobi’s heterogeneous infrastructural configurations

In challenging this deficit in understanding, work examining the proliferation of ride hailing apps in Africa by, the rise of M-health in the Global South and the impacts of digital labor platforms across Africa and Asia provides some examples of critical examination around the manifestation of digital platforms in these areas. In answering the first β†’

Comprehensive case analysis

Comprehensive Case Analysis Question The decision of African Gold, Inc.about the depletion of the varied funding sources that are normally used for covering all the increased costs can be duly considered as a right one, as the issue was viewed to be affecting the global operations of the company at large. As a healthcare manager, β†’

Food is any substance consumed health essay

The American Heart Association, World Cancer Research Fund, and American Institute for Cancer Research recommends a diet that consists mostly of unprocessed plant foods, with emphasis a wide range of whole grains, legumes, and non-starchy vegetables and fruits. There may be a relationship between lifestyle including food consumption and potentially lowering the risk of cancer β†’

Apricot seeds for cancer treatment

My research will involve testing the validity of the use of Laetrile medication as a treatment of cancer. The research will involve the monitoring of three patients as they exclusively use the Laetrile product.

Essay about the human genome project

The Human Genome Project is a project undertaken with a goal to understand the genetic make-up of the human species by determining the DNA sequence of the human genome and the genome of a few model organisms. Due to widespread international cooperation and advances in the field of genomics, as well as major advances in β†’

Behavior of activities of thymidine metabolizing enzymes in human leukemia-lymphoma cells

Behavior of Activities of Thymidine Metabolizing Enzymes in Human Leukemia-Lymphoma Cells This paper discusses the modulation of activities of four important enzymes involved in the metabolism of thymidine in malignant human leukemia-lymphoma cells as compared to the activities of the enzymes in normal human lymphocytes. However, in all leukemia-lymphoma cells examined, the thymidine degrading enzyme β†’

Evidence-based practice in psychology fails to be tripartite: a conceptual critique of the scientocentrism in evidence-based practice in psychology

The American psychological association defines EBPP as: " the integration of the best available research with clinical expertise in the context of patient characteristics, culture, and preferences". Apparently, such research findings have contributed to a conflation of the two parts clinical expertise and patient characteristics, culture, and preferences, on the one hand, and the best β†’

Testing for hiv for newborn infants health essay

Hope of early treatment to save the lives and decrease the spread of HIV is the main concern for these tests on newborns. Due to the acceptance of 97% of those woman eligible for HIV testing; the divergence of the remainder of deliveries are most likely due to late appearances of women, resulting in an β†’

Editorial: foodborne pathogens: hygiene and safety

Editorial on the Research Topic Foodborne Pathogens: Hygiene and Safety The foodborne outbreaks occurred in last decades highlight the importance of the development and implementation of preventive measures and programs aiming at ensuring food safety on one hand and constituting a common basis for the hygienic production of food on the other hand. The food β†’

Editorial: nad metabolism and signaling in plants

The first review by Ishikawa and Kawai-Yamada examined the roles of the enzyme in cyanobacteria the evolutionary ancestor of land plant chloroplasts which has a far simpler level of compartmentation, in the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway, the glycolysis, and the pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase proton translocation system. The role of NAD biosynthesis in plant development and β†’

Health law and ethics

These funds were distributed to support the elderly by providing them high quality care and to protect the rights held by the elderly of the US. Another purpose of the Act was to ensure that the elderly of US did not need to leave their home and move in facilities that assist elderly.

Radiation oncology: today and tomorrow

The twentieth century witnessed the birth of the medical discipline of Radiation Oncology, beginning with the discovery and clinical application of radium in the early 1900s. Subsequently, clinical radiation oncology evolved as a major modality for the treatment of most solid cancers with the initial use of orthovoltage x-rays, to the use of supervoltage photons β†’

Corrigendum: relationship between l-dopa-induced reduction in motor and exploratory activity and striatal dopamine d 2 receptor binding in the rat

Multiplication of percentual decreases by K exo /K endo yielded mean increases of synaptic DA by 213 360% after 5 mg/kg L-DOPA/benserazide and by 199 160% after 10 mg/kg L-DOPA/benserazide". 13, right column, should read as follows:" Changes of synaptic DA concentrations were estimated by multiplying the percentual alteration of exogenous ligand binding with the β†’

Editorial: the role of immediate early genes in neuropsychiatric illness

Editorial on the Research Topic The Role of Immediate Early Genes in Neuropsychiatric Illness The field of psychiatry lags behind other areas of medicine in not yet having identified a single gene that causes a mental illness. In their Hypothesis/Review, Marballi and Gallitano describe the cascade of proteins activated in neurons in response to stress β†’

Mental and emotional health of children exposed to news media of threats and acts of terrorism: the cumulative and pervasive effects

The natural tendency of adults to try to forget about the problems and move on with their lives often results in underestimating the importance and effect of the exposure on the emotional and psychosocial problems of children. Games Health J 2: 1 2.doi: 10.

Helping skills in mental health facilitation

The assessment is meant to determine her mental state of health as well as help her find a community mental health facilitator in charge of a social support group of people undergoing the same situation as her. The mental health facilitator is the one to assist them to fulfill the plan.

A question never comes alone: comments on β€˜what is aging?’

This can even lead to such claims as that aging is due to a reduction of the size of telomeres with age, a clear confusion between association and causality, with no power to add understanding to the deep, general, evolutionary causes of aging. This is not superficial rhetoric, since we have seen recurrent arguments in β†’

Contributing factors of nocturnal enuresis health and social care essay

Prevalence and Contributing Factors of Nocturnal Enuresis: A cross sectional survey was conducted on prevalence and hazard factors of single-channeldiagnosticnocturnal urinary incontinence in school kids of Ankara. An epidemiological cross sectional survey was conducted to find the prevalence of nocturnal urinary incontinence in kids 5-14 old ages in Sudan, 218 kids were involved in the β†’

Parameters as trait indicators: exploring a complementary neurocomputational approach to conceptualizing and measuring trait differences in emotional intelligence

In the following sections, we will expand upon the thesis that computational neuroscience measures can be used to assess socio-emotional traits and then provide several examples of specific model parameters that have been derived in recent research, which appear to overlap with, or at least be highly relevant to, the emotional competencies associated with trait β†’

Is angiogenesis a hallmark of prostate cancer?

Angiogenesis is regulated by a balance of pro- and anti-angiogenic molecules, secreted from cancer cells, endothelial cells and stromal cells, the relative contributions of which are likely to change with tumor type and site, as well as with tumor growth, regression and relapse. Prospective study of prostate tumor angiogenesis and cancer-specific mortality in the health β†’

Editorial: the physiology of inflammationβ€”the final common pathway to disease

Editorial on the Research Topic The Physiology of Inflammation The Final Common Pathway to Disease The 19 original and review articles included in the research topic " Physiology of Inflammation- the common pathway to disease" collectively convey an updated perspective on a variety of physiologic and pathologic conditions that trigger inflammation and how this response β†’

Editorial: microbiological risks in food processing

The articles included in this Research Topic analyse the use of sustainable disinfectants in the food industry, the presence of foodborne pathogens in farms, and the use of biocontrol strategies in food formulation. From the presence of pathogenic microorganisms in animals and crops to food processing plants and food formulation, the microbiological risks associated with β†’

Book review: modern poisons: a brief introduction to contemporary toxicology

Kolok, the Director of the Center for Environmental Health and Toxicology at the University of Nebraska, utilizes his 20-plus years in the field to bridge this divide. Kolok's book examines and historically situates toxicology as a discipline and provides a credible and accessible account of present day themes and approaches within the field.

Neuroimmune system as a driving force for plasticity following cns injury

In a detailed review by Bradbury and Burnside that goes beyond the scope of the present review, the neuroimmune system exhibits a complex and diverse role in mediating neural plasticity after CNS injury that can be portrayed as " good vs.bad"; however, the multifaceted properties of neuroimmune and inflammatory cells are an even further impetus β†’

Whole-body cryotherapy: potential to enhance athlete preparation for competition?

Implementation of WBC to enhance the level of natural testosterone in an individual could be beneficial to motivation levels and subsequent performance. The lack of availability and cost of WBC in the public domain is a major limitation for athletes gaining access to the treatment.

Editorial: sensor systems for energy-efficient buildings, cities, and transportation (buildsys 2019)

We re-invited the TPC members as reviewers for the extended papers in order to ensure the consistency and technical rigor of the reviews while maintaining the timeliness of the publication process. FAIM contributes to the theme of this Research Topic by addressing the challenges present in the integration of networked sensors and its built environment.

Are expectations the missing link between life history strategies and psychopathology?

We propose that some of the symptoms of psychopathology are a result of a discrepancy between how we expect our environment to be, based on our current life history strategy, and our current environment. This expectancy mismatch results in a series of behaviors and cognitions in an attempt to reduce the discrepancy that are not β†’

Editorial: models and theories of speech production

An understanding of the principles that apply to speech movements is key to defining the somewhat elusive concept of speech motor skill and to assessing and interpreting different levels of that skill in populations with and without diagnosed speech disorders. In this special issue, we present a variety of theoretical and empirical contributions which explore β†’

Mind over brain, brain over mind: cognitive causes and consequences of controlling brain activity

Accordingly, a change of the state of mind implies a change in the state of the brain and vice versa. Pfurtscheller et al.investigate the interaction between brain and heart and suggest that the changes in heart rate in correlation with motor imagery can be used as indicator of mental effort to improve BCI control.

Great challenges in pediatrics

The research and development of drugs and devices for pediatric patients is complicated due to small patient populations, characteristics of pediatric physiology and pathophysiology, practical and ethical difficulties in designing pre-clinical and clinical trials. The development and validation of research tools to measure the results of medical and ambulatory care in pediatric patients are progressing.

Editorial: enzymes from extreme environments

The authors then focus on the characteristics of psychrophilic, thermophilic, and hyperthermophilic enzymes and discuss their current applications in research and industrial areas, the challenges of working with extremozymes, and highlight future trends in the discovery and production of extremozymes. Among the different classes of extremozymes, thermophilic and thermostable enzymes are the most extensively sought β†’

Editorial: chemoinformatics approaches to structure- and ligand-based drug design

The integration of these methodologies to the drug discovery enterprise has led to an exponential growth of chemical and biological data, in addition to a sharp increase in the complexity of the R&D process. As a result, current players in drug discovery have invested unprecedentedly in the development of computational methods to extract meaning from β†’

Corrigendum: do animals engage greater social attention in autism? an eye tracking analysis

A total of 40 images were used in the study divided into an equal number of front facing and averted facing images. The human consisted of adult Indian male and female faces, obtained by the principal investigator with informed consent of the individuals who were photographed, whereas the animal images were procured from internet sources.

Department of heath and human services

To combat the issue, The Obesity Working Group suggested making small changes on the packaging of foods such as displaying the caloric content on the front of the package rather than the back, stressing that these minor changes would greatly impact our nation's rising obesity rate-. As the cost of the packaging increases for the β†’

A military-centered approach to neuroprotection for traumatic brain injury

More recent epidemiological data generated from the current conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan indicates that up to 30% of combat-related trauma occurs in the head and neck region and that the vast majority of these casualties result from blast explosion. During the past decade and under the directive of the CCCRP, our research team established β†’

Interaction between positive end expiratory pressure and cardiac index

00134 Positive end-expiratory pressure is essential in the management of acute respiratory failure and acute respiratory distress syndrome in children and adults. In their animal model, the PEEP of 5 cm of H 2 O was the PEEP of best CI and oxygen delivery, and at higher levels of PEEP the CI and oxygen delivery β†’


Youth violence has been on the increase in the recent past and this can be attributed to the observation and the environment they are growing up in. Some of these youth grow up in homes where the parents are violent or in violent neighborhoods and they adopt similar behavior.

Editorial: advances in ascochyta research

A detailed understanding of the genetic basis of ascochyta blight resistance is hence highly desirable, in order to obtain insight into the number and influence of resistance genes. Resistance breeding in legume crops has been slow due to the complex nature of resistance and the relatively low investment in genetics, genomics and biotechnology of legume β†’

Phin report

Recent Health Issues in US: The Role of PHIN in Health Management Institute Recent Health Issues in US: The Role of PHIN in Health Management Introduction The health issues in US are growing for quite a while and therefore they are getting much more attention in the world of academia. The fundamental purpose of this β†’

Levetiracetam use in the critical care setting

In patients with or without preexisting epilepsy who presented with SE and who were taking between none and several concomitant AEDs the pharmacokinetic data of IV infusion were comparable to the previously published values derived from healthy volunteers while doses of IV LEV that were antiepileptogenic in animal models of epilepsy administered to patients with β†’

The three-step approach for mental health 2017 and beyond

In mental health diagnosis, a categorical approach " contrasts with clinical medicine where the clinical significance of subthreshold symptoms is well recognized" and " is often criticized for being rigid and reductionist in practice" as discussed by Carragher et al. In the outcomes and quality framework for England's new mental health PbR system, several indicators β†’

Cardiovascular disease eating habits and food health essay

Although, choices and habits have been the cause of some diseases and diverse varieties of foods have also helped in managing the prevention of chronic health diseases. Hu raises concerns and confirms that a diet high in nuts and vegetable oil are responsible in weight gain due to the high energy density these foods comprise β†’

Non-human primate: an essential building brick in the discovery of the subthalamic deep brain stimulation therapy

Furthermore, despite possible adverse events, deep brain stimulation in patients contributed in large part to the understanding of the pathophysiology of Parkinson's disease and opened the way to the treatment of a number of chronic and disabling neurologic and psychiatric disorders. Bilateral deep brain stimulation of the pedunculopontine and subthalamic nuclei in severe Parkinson's disease.

Common psychological factors in chronic diseases

The development of therapeutic interventions able to fuse different perspectives into a tailor-made interdisciplinary management approach in a single patient and the development of a quality body of research on the topic are future challenges in order to improve QoL and the subjective well-being of patients with CPD and psychopathological signs and symptoms. Quality of β†’

Compulsory psychiatric admission in a patient with metastatic breast cancer: from palliative care to assisted suicide

Due to the psychiatric symptoms, adequate palliative care could not be provided at home and the patient was readmitted to the general hospital palliative care ward. To the first question, if psychiatry is the right place to perform palliative care for patients that have both palliative care needs and psychiatric symptoms that interfere with care: β†’

Supporting transgender inclusion and gender diversity in schools: a critical policy analysis

It is the policy frames informing the production of these texts, which rely on a fundamental logics of accommodation as a basis for addressing the problem of the need for trans inclusion, that is a critical focus in our analysis of these texts. It was the first school board in the country to develop a β†’

Editorial: dysregulation of autonomic cardiac control by traumatic stress and anxiety

The Editorial on the Research Topic Dysregulation of Autonomic Cardiac Control by Traumatic Stress and Anxiety " Disorders of arousal" were defined in the past in terms of brain-based hypersensitivity to environmental stimulation. Research Topic: The relevance of the autonomic nervous system to neurological and psychiatric disorders.

Ideology in organizational cognitive neuroscience studies and other misleading claims

Besides their social function of sustaining the interests of groups, ideologies have the cognitive function of organizing the social representations of the group, and thus indirectly monitor the group-related social practices and hence also the text and talk of its members". Ethics and the neuroscientific study of leadership: a synthesis and rejoinder to Ashkanasy, Cropanzano/Becker, β†’

How big data, comparative effectiveness research, and rapid-learning health-care systems can transform patient care in radiation oncology

To help with the analysis of Big Data, the NIH has created the Big Data to Knowledge program which has invested over $200 million in grant awards to foster the development of methods and tools to analyze Big Data in biomedical research. As the amount of biomedical Big Data and our ability to analyze these β†’

The dental team: an additional resource for delivering vaccinations

Potential workforce capacity gaps, expansion of the eligible cohorts, requirement to drive improvements in uptake, and to reduce inequalities support the rationale for members of the dental team to join the vaccinator workforce. The members of the dental team could support the delivery of the seasonal influenza vaccine, as well as other immunization programs such β†’

Quantitative neuroimaging and the prediction of rehabilitation outcome following traumatic brain injury

Each brain injury produces a unique set of pathologies not only in the underlying pathophysiology of the injury itself, but also the injury occurs to a brain with its own unique, and individualized organization. The use of functional MRI in traumatic brain injury diagnosis and treatment.Phys.Med.

Editorial: agroecosystems facing global climate change: the search for sustainability

Nevertheless, Nair et al.argue in favor of the viewpoint that biochar could play a significant role in facing the challenges posed by climate change and threats to agroecosystem sustainability. JM-A and PCB read the various articles included in the RT, contributed to the writing of this editorial, and jointly approved it.

Nida clinical trials network common data elements initiative: advancing big-data addictive-disorders research

This paper describes objectives and importance of the CTN CDEs initiative and portal to translational psychiatric research: To support harmonized use of EHR-compatible common data elements to enable exchange and integration of data to answer clinically meaningful questions of broad interest to SUD treatment research, thereby facilitating big-data biomedical science crossing boundaries between research and β†’

Two different models of health

The first is the so-called medical view of health based on the concepts of a Western medicine culture reliant on an eradication of ailments through diagnosis and the application of the drug treatments based on chemicals. This is the so-called medical model of health based on a scientific paradigm of knowledge of the various kinds β†’

Group pretest intervention posttest health essay

This chapter describes the methodology followed to assess the effectiveness of obesity education program on knowledge and attitude regarding obesity among adults. Knowledge and attitude regarding obesity among employees.

Merger of two competing hospitals

The next step is for the board to hire a consulting firm for purposes of reviewing the resumes and performances of the applicants. Given the embedded diversity cultures of the merged organizations, the management team needs to do the following in order to enhance the new organization working culture.

Cellular and molecular mechanisms of motor neuron death in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a perspective

Both ALS types show similar histopathological and clinical characteristics, and in spite of numerous investigations using tissue from ALS patients and relevant advances in the design of several experimental models of motor neuron degeneration, it has not been possible to establish a clear cause-effect relationship regarding the loss of motor neurons or the motor alterations β†’

Corrigendum: inhibition of vegfr2 activation and its downstream signaling to erk1/2 and calcium by thrombospondin-1 (tsp1): in silico investigation

The authors apologize for this error and state that this does not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way". The authors apologize for this error and state that this does not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way.

Editorial: corrosion of reinforced concrete structures

Editorial on the Research Topic Corrosion of Reinforced Concrete Structures Corrosion of reinforced concrete structures is nowadays one of the major concerns on the durability and serviceability of buildings and constructions. The Research Topic on " Corrosion of Reinforced Concrete Structures" presents a collection of research articles covering the relevant topics and current state of β†’

Junking junk food

The government cannot, therefore, change the specific eating habits of their population without addressing their way of life and changing their food culture. For the initiative to succeed, the government should make their citizens to freely choose healthy eating habits as their new culture.

Commentary: impact of fecal calprotectin measurement on decision-making in children with inflammatory bowel disease

00007 In their recent publication, El-Matary et al.describe the utility of measurement of fecal calprotectin in the ongoing management of children with known inflammatory bowel disease. The prognostic significance of faecal calprotectin in patients with inactive inflammatory bowel disease.

A new, better bet: rescuing and revising basic emotion theory

Section " Reasons to BET On BET" shows that, once that distinction is understood in terms of non-basic emotions having an additional ingredient, it is possible to provide a plausible account of how non-basic emotions arise and how they relate to basic emotions. For this reason, it is possible to have a crisp, clean and β†’

Editorial: bioprospecting and biotechnology of extremophiles

In a similar context, epoxide hydrolases found in the metagenomes from hot springs have also been proposed for use in the detoxication of xenobiotics, and as a defense against pathogen attack and stress response in plants. MJ conceived of the idea for the Research Topic: Bioprospecting and Biotechnology of Extremophiles and served as editor.

Dancing combines the essence for successful aging

A commentary on Dahlin, E, Stigsdotter-Neely, A, Larsson, A, Backman, L, and Nyberg, L. Salami, A, Eriksson, J, Nilsson, L.-G, and Nyberg, L.

Videogame based neglect rehabilitation: a role for spatial remapping and multisensory integration?

The dorsal stream is devoted to planning and control of actions such as reaching and grasping, that require coordination between fingers, hands, and eyes as well as the computation of object size, their distance from the hand, their position in terms of egocentric coordinates, and in relation to a dynamic world in which targets and β†’

Flexible resource allocation during plant defense responses

Darwin cited the " law of compensation or balancement of growth" of Saint-Hilaire and Goethe from the early nineteenth century, quoting Goethe:" The budget of nature is fixed; but she is free to dispose of particular sums by an appropriation that may please her. For example, the roots and stems of many tree species alternate β†’

Pig-islet xenotransplantation: recent progress and current perspectives

Although encouraging findings have been obtained in pig-to-primate islet xenotransplantation, the potential clinical application of pig islet still faces two major challenges: inadequate supply of islet cells with high-quality and xenorejection. This review will discuss the current approach and progress in pig donor selecting, isolation and preparation of pig-islet grafts, prevention of xenorejection, microbial safety, β†’

Evaluation of the acoustic coordinated reset (cr ) neuromodulation therapy for tinnitus: update on findings and conclusions

Both accurate tone " location" of the tinnitus percept on the auditory cortex, as well as the timing and sequence of the tone based impulses have been reported to be important factors in effective inducement of neuronal desynchronization. The authors concluded that this new procedure offers more guidance to the audiologist and patient which is β†’

Animal decisions – a look across the fence

A wealth of experimental data indicates that the idiosyncrasies of human decision-making are largely mirrored in animal choice behavior, thereby both firmly establishing animal models as relevant to the study of human decision-making, and as an avenue into comparative studies of the evolution of decision-making processes. Kalenscher and van Wingerden open with a review of β†’

Specialty grand challenges in supramolecular chemistry

The easiest way to describe supramolecular chemistry is to consider the concept of " chemistry beyond the molecule" We can think of supramolecular chemistry as more than the sum of the parts. Due to these great advances in the understanding of " chemistry beyond the molecule the area of Supramolecular Chemistry was recognized through the β†’

Editorial: epistemological and ethical aspects of research in the social sciences

Editorial on the Research Topic Epistemological and Ethical Aspects of Research in the Social Sciences This Research Topic focuses on the questions " behind" empirical research in the social sciences, especially in psychology, sociology and education, and presents various ideas about the nature of empirical knowledge and the values knowledge is or should be based β†’

Traumatic brain injury’s severity assessment, treatment and rehabilitation – concussion prevention is better than cure

A concussion occurs as a result of external forces that come into contact with the head resulting in injuries in the brain thus causing a malfunction in the nervous system.' In cases of concussion, prevention are better than cure'. It emphasizes the importance of the precautions needed to be taken in order to counter the β†’

Editorial: hallucinations: new interventions supporting people with distressing voices and/or visions

Fielding-Smith et al.explore how a better understanding of the role of the " self" in causing and maintaining distress and disability in people with AVH may be able to improve the effectiveness of CBT. The effects of individually tailored formulation-based cognitive behavioural therapy in auditory hallucinations and delusions: a meta-analysis.

Federal government support of health care /donabedian classification

Health Care al affiliation Health Care The United s of America has highest health care costs in the world. This boils down to the number of health care facilities a country has and the cost of health care.

Maintenance of glutathione levels and its importance in epigenetic regulation

In this modification, GSH binds to Cys110 in histone H3 producing changes in the stability of the nucleosomes and altering the chromatin structure by decreasing the proportion of -helices. Homocysteinemia and schizophrenia as a case of methylation deficiency.J.

Harmful effects health-wise of sugar

It is hard to control the amount of sugar someone takes in a day. The effects of sugar on the liver is the same as the effects of alcohol on the liver.

Predictive memory and the surprising gap

First, as Anderson and Milson remarked, given the multiplicity of elements present in a retrieval context, the likelihood ratio representing the context factor is best understood as the multiplicative product of all the likelihood ratios for every element of the context given H i 1. R, and Schooler, L.J." The adaptive nature of memory," in β†’

Neuromodulatory systems

This has become a fertile concept for characterizing the complex and reciprocal patterns of interactions between astrocytes and neurons, reviewed by Araque and Navarrete and Halassa and Haydon. 1: 12.doi: 10.

Editorial: telomeres and epigenetics in endocrinology

For example, it is not clear if some biomarkers of endocrinology, such as vitamin D, peptides, insulin, and diabetes, and other glycemic traits are associated with telomeres and what the potential implications of these biomarkers and telomeres in the clinics of endocrinology and other clinical departments are. In the first article, Yang et al.reported a β†’

Editorial: electrochemical sensors and biosensors in medical and pharmaceutical bioanalysis

Editorial on the Research Topic Electrochemical Sensors and Biosensors in Medical and Pharmaceutical Bioanalysis This Research Topic collects different contributions in the emerging field of bioanalysis, highlighting the most relevant advances reported in the literature as well as some original research studies in medical and pharmaceutical bioanalysis. In this context, the exploitation of electrochemical paper-based β†’

Editorial: nano-bio interactions: ecotoxicology and cytotoxicity of nanomaterials

It has always been a challenging task to grasp the full picture of nanotoxicology and nanoecotoxicology, as multiple parameters should be taken into consideration for assessments simultaneously, including the physicochemical properties of ENMs, the migration and transformation of ENMs in the environment and organisms, and the physiological and pathological conditions of the testing organisms. The β†’

Editorial: vestibular migraine

The International Headache Society and the International Barany Society for Neurootology together have developed a consensus document with diagnostic criteria for VM, but the existence and the relation to migraine is still disputed by some clinicians and researchers alike. 9% in the general population and accounts for about 7% of patients seen in dizziness clinics β†’

Lifestyle or medication paper essay sample

Gastritis is a gastrointestinal disease of the stomach. Chronic Atrophic Gastritis is a degenerative condition where the lining of the stomach does not secrete intrinsic factor and hydrochloric acid.

Cross-presentation of cell-associated antigens by mhc class i in dendritic cell subsets

In summary, there is extensive in vivo evidence acquired in mouse models, and in vitro with human cells, supporting the relevance of cross-presentation by MHC-I for CD8 + T cell responses to cell-associated antigens. Finally, selective depletion of migrating langerin + cDC1s was shown to be required for the constitutive cross-presentation of keratinocyte antigens formally β†’

Studying the same-gender preference as a defining feature of cultural contexts

The study of the same-gender preference and of gender issues more generally, has received little attention in both the literature on peer relations and culture as well as on gender and culture. This emphasis on the rights, roles, and privileges that are ascribed to individuals as a function of their gender, fails to capture differences β†’

Editorial: designing self-organization in the physical realm

This paper presents how advanced we are in terms of autonomy of swarms of MAVs, and presents a roadmap to overcome the challenges in the near future. One of the main challenges for the design of self-organizing systems is the gap between the rules followed by individual system components and the desired collective behavior of β†’

Interpreting deactivations in neuroimaging

Deciphering the precise activity of the brain, in normal and pathological conditions, is of paramount importance; both neuroimaging and electrophysiological techniques will likely be crucial in this regard. They questioned whether the relationship between neuronal activity and fMRI signals would be similar for the cerebral cortex and subcortical structures, such as the caudate putamen and β†’

Chronic disease self-management program: insights from the eye of the storm

Insight: the design process accounted for many of the things that enabled the CDSMP to be a success. There were five potentially competing interests, the legal interests of the University, the need to keep the workshops affordable for adopting agencies, the need to sustain a training technical-assistance infrastructure, the financial interests of the program developers, β†’

Redefining critical thinking: teaching students to think like scientists

From discussion of Foucault, critique and the self to Lawson's definition of CT as the ability to evaluate claims using psychological science, the term critical thinking has come to refer to an ever-widening range of skills and abilities. Pseudoscience and Extraordinary Claims of the Paranormal: A Critical Thinker's Toolkit.

Microbial modulation of host apoptosis and pyroptosis

The promotion and inhibition of host cell death vary and depend on the microbe types, virulence, and phenotypes. While summarizes the subversion of inflammasome activation and pyroptosis by eight pathogenic bacteria, introduces the role of type I interferons in inflammasome activation and cell death induced by microbial infections.

A principle of intentionality

That is, an intentional model of the mind and a causal model of the brain might both be valid, built around hypothetical structures that are inconsistent with each other, and might or might not mirror the structure of reality. If the principle of intentionality enables powerful modeling of both minds and value, this might result β†’