Quality Health & Medicine Essay Examples for Your Learning

Editorial: anaphylaxis – a distinct immunological syndrome, but how much do we really understand?

This special edition in Frontiers in Immunology embraces some key areas in anaphylaxis, and provides an opportunity to appraise regarding IgE and non-IgE mediated anaphylaxis, immunological mechanisms underlying hymenoptera venom immunotherapy, clinical utility of serum tryptase measurements in anaphylaxis, novel biomarkers, anaphylaxis in the elderly, refractory anaphylaxis, and peri-operative anaphylaxis during general anesthesia. World allergy β†’

The purpose of barium swallow health and social care essay

The other indicant for Ba sup is, to bespeak carcinoma of the gorge includes one of the most common malignant of the gorge is ardeno carcinoma. The process begins with the patient in the vertical or vertical place and the cup of thin Ba is placed in the patients left manus closed to the left β†’

Ocb case study essay sample

Bradford Shingleton, seems to be one of the most valuable assets of the the company, as his practice is the largest within the clinic, contributing the 10% of total revenues and 20% [1] of the surgical procedures. A more rigorous learning across practices could be encouraged for OCB to increase its number of patients while β†’

Editorial: the pupil: behavior, anatomy, physiology and clinical biomarkers

The publications are organized in this eBook according to studies describing the cognitive/sleep-related and light-evoked behavior of the pupil, the anatomy and physiology of pupillary responses, and clinical pupil biomarkers, and begins with the international Standards in Pupillography. Their novel evaluation of the pupil response to polychromatic lights was designed to differentially potentiate a change β†’

Editorial: best practice approaches for mixed methods research in psychological science

And Johnson et al.say that " Mixed methods research is the type of research in which a researcher or team of researchers combines elements of qualitative and quantitative research approaches for the broad purposes of breadth and depth of understanding and corroboration". T, Portell, P, Hernandez-Mendo, A, Sanchez-Algarra, P, and Jonsson, G.K." Diachronic analysis of β†’

Anderson’s analysis

Doctors indicate that the findings are significant as they demonstrate that establishing a supportive relationship with one's child in early childhood has a direct bearing on development factors later in the child's life; as a result, more research is needed to investigate the interrelationship between these variables. While the researchers also acknowledge that the studies β†’

The importance of health assessment in understanding patients

The interview was started with the main complaint of Mr Wong. The following passage is going to provide more health assessment and methods which can improve the case of Mr Wong.

Blood flow restriction pressure recommendations: a tale of two cuffs

However, the literature suggests that the pressure applied should largely be dependent upon the width of the cuff applying the stimulus as well as the size of the limb to which the stimulus is applied. 2011 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Karabulut, M, McCarron, J, Abe, T, Sato, Y, and Bemben, M.

The activity view of inner speech

Be it as it may, we are ready to accept that the association between the strong consciousness and the format theses is more central for the format view than the product thesis, and that any commitments to a certain kind of product typically arise as a consequence of endorsing the two former theses. If we β†’

Bovine tuberculosis in britain and ireland – a perfect storm? the confluence of potential ecological and epidemiological impediments to controlling a chronic infectious disease

In many member states, eradication programmes proceeded effectively, resulting in the granting of OTF status to Denmark in 1980, the Netherlands in 1995, Germany and Luxembourg in 1997, Austria in 1999, France in 2001 and Belgium in 2002. A contributing factor to the rise in herd incidence in England and Wales can be attributed to β†’

Editorial: comparative immunology of marine mammals

Consequently, characterizing the host- and the virus-related factors driving the occurrence, the behavior and persistence of morbilliviral infection inside a given marine mammal species and/or population are of paramount importance, together with the study of host innate and acquired antiviral immunity. A critical component of all studies on the comparative immunology of marine mammals is β†’

Behavioral risk factors

The most effective way to reduce health risks, and perhaps the most ignored, is the improvement of lifestyle choices that are sure to prevent chronic diseases. Health and behavior: The interplay of biological, behavioral, and societal influences.

New experimental treatments for core social domain in autism spectrum disorders

ASD are included in the diagnostic category of neurodevelopmental disorders in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders V. Excessive excitatory glutamatergic neurotransmission with a loss of inhibitory GABA transmission, as well as abnormalities in synaptic plasticity due to dysfunctions in the NMDA, AMPA, and/or GABA receptor systems, have been detected in mouse models β†’

Breeding for resistances to ralstonia solanacearum

011 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Elphinstone, J.G." The current bacterial wilt situation: a global view," in Bacterial Wilt Disease and the Ralstonia solanacearum Species Complex, eds C. 12138 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Saddler, G.S." Management of bacterial wilt disease," in Bacterial Wilt Disease β†’

Editorial: reelin-related neurological disorders and animal models

These structural defects underscore the essential role that Reelin plays in the control of neuronal migration in the prenatal and early postnatal brain. However, the Reelin protein also affects synapse formation and function in the postnatal and adult brain, and this function is reflected in the manifestation of behavioral and cognitive deficits in heterozygous reeler β†’

Commentary: tranexamic acid in patients undergoing coronary-artery surgery

Previous studies have confirmed a dose-dependent relationship between the dose of tranexamic acid and incidence of seizures. Second, Myles et al.considered that intravenous administration of tranexamic acid is not exempt from vascular accidents, the relationship of postoperative seizures with stroke and death observed in this trial suggests a possible underlying thromboembolic cause of the seizures.

Editorial: extracellular vesicle-mediated processes in cardiovascular diseases

To provide the readers with a state-of-the-art knowledge in the field of EV-mediated processes in cardiovascular diseases, we have composed a broad collection of contributions from experts in the field. In the article by Zaldivia et al, the functions of EVs derived from platelets are discussed in the pathogenesis of venous thrombosis, atherosclerosis, and myocardial β†’

Association between parkinson’s disease and melanoma: putting the pieces together

A large number of epidemiological studies have reported that the occurrence of melanoma was higher than expected among subjects with PD, and melanoma patients were reciprocally more likely to develop PD. Having a close relative with PD increases the risk of developing PD, and having a close relative with melanoma also increases the risk of β†’

See below

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of Assess the significance of at least five administrative tasks that flow from the passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010. This administrative task needs to be accomplished on the first step of the implementation of the Act.

Genetic syndromes, maternal diseases and antenatal factors associated with autism spectrum disorders (asd)

In the US, for example, the autism and developmental disabilities monitoring network found in children aged 8 years in 2008 an increase from 1/150 in year 2000 to 1/88 in 2008 and in the 2010 monitoring the rate increased to 1/68 children. The purpose of the present review is to summarize the data describing genetic β†’

Editorial: phonology in the bilingual and bidialectal lexicon

Another assumption of models of native spoken-word recognition is that, under normal circumstances, listeners' perception of the input is optimal and faithful to the signal: Accurate lexical representations are easily contacted, and an optimal set of candidates is activated for quick lexical selection. This Frontiers Research Topic seeks to further our understanding of the factors β†’


R, his acute condition can be identified by the electrocardiographic changes such as T-wave tenting or inversion of the T-waves in the 12 leads with the principal R-waves. However, cardiac troponin T, and I are the most common marker of myocardial injuries due to their high specificities and sensitivities for diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction.

Whatever after next? adaptive predictions based on short- and long-term memory in visual search

For example, in visual search, the recent history of target features and locations can be used to quickly adjust spatial attention to task-relevant objects in a scene, thus providing a prediction on the basis of recent experience. Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Found, A, and M ller, H.J.

Meet the players: local translation at the synapse

1038/ncb2446 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Antoniou, A, Baptista, M, Carney, N, and Hanley, J.G. 1016/S0960-982200902-8 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Doyle, M, and Kiebler, M.A.

History of nephrotic syndrome and evolution of its treatment

Introduction of the renal biopsy in the mainstream clinical practice of nephrology during the 1950s 1960s added a new dimension to the understanding of the histological findings in nephrotic syndrome. The origins and development of the concept of a " nephrotic syndrome".

Dementia in latin america: an emergent silent tsunami

In spite of the huge economic and social impact that dementia is causing in LAC, loss of awareness and deficiencies in health system are more accentuated in LAC than in the EU. Neurol.doi: 10.

S-100b protein and chronic subdural hematoma

A commentary on Case report: extreme levels of serum S-100B in a patient with chronic subdural hematoma by Persson M. 00170 We are surprised by the conclusions of a recent paper by Persson et al, " Case report: extreme levels of serum S-100B in a patient with chronic subdural hematoma," which suggest that S-100B protein β†’

Approval of raxibacumab for the treatment of inhalation anthrax under the us food and drug administration “animal rule”

The priorities for countermeasure development are established in accordance with provisions of the Project BioShield Act of 2004 with the Department of Homeland Security determining which agents present " a material threat against the United States population sufficient to affect national security". The establishment of a material threat is required for the Department of Health β†’

Commentary: top-down and bottom-up modulation of pain-induced oscillations

A relevant aspect of Hauck et al.'s study is the differential modulation of gamma-band found during top-down and bottom-up attention to pain. 136 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Schulz, E, Tiemann, L, Witkovsky, V, Schmidt, P, and Ploner, M.gamma Oscillations are involved in the sensorimotor transformation of pain.J.

Data-driven methods for the study of food perception, preparation, consumption, and culture

On the level of the individual, the perception of food is an incredibly complex process involving the chemical properties of aroma compounds, the biochemistry of receptor proteins, the physiology of the mouth, nose, and other organs, the neuroscience of the olfactory bulb and brain, and the psychology of multi-sensory associations and memories. These reveal that β†’

Editorial: circadian plasticityβ€”a collaboration between neuronal and glial oscillators

Editorial on the Research Topic Circadian Plasticity A Collaboration Between Neuronal and Glial Oscillators The amounts of glia in the brains of Drosophila, rodents, and humans suggest that increasing complexity of the brain is accompanied by growing numbers of glial cells. Functioning of both neuronal and glial oscillators is the foundation of the circadian plasticity β†’

The social impact of musical engagement for young adults with learning difficulties: a qualitative study

One previous study considered the impacts of a community music program for adults with a range of disabilities, which provided participants with experiences of a wide range of musical genres and facilitated them in developing new rock music based on their own lives and ideas. As such, taking part in music has a strong potential β†’

Corrigendum: myotonic myopathy with secondary joint and skeletal anomalies from the c.2386c>g, p.l796v mutation in scn4a

Enhancement of slow inactivation is expected at the resting potential of 80 mV because of the reduced slope of the voltage dependence and the tendency for a left shift, as well as for a faster rate of entry over the voltage range of 50 to 30 mV. The basis for this prediction is that entry β†’

Editorial: trait emotional intelligence: foundations, assessment, and education

A collection of 13 articles expand the nomological network of Trait EI and explore current and new interpretations of the construct or its facets, together constituting a contribution to the foundations of Trait EI theory. With regard to the importance of Trait EI for health and well-being: Aslanidou et al.examine the Trait EI and general β†’

Corrigendum: the energy homeostasis principle: neuronal energy regulation drives local network dynamics generating behavior

00049 Unfortunately, the first equation in our published article was missing the terms dividing the difference in Gibbs Free Energy. This equation describes the relation between the mean rates of any pair of reversible processes and the difference in Gibbs Free Energy between the states.

Grand challenges in pharmacoeconomics and health outcomes

Both disciplines are dealing with the evaluation of the costs and outcomes of healthcare interventions and can be considered as two branches of the same " value for money" tree. A recent survey suggests that although clinicians recognize the importance of PRO's, limited experience and information is a barrier to the use of quality of β†’

Colonial vs. planktonic type of growth: mathematical modeling of microbial dynamics on surfaces and in liquid, semi-liquid and solid foods

The growth rate of microorganisms in response to food structure, for a given set of intrinsic and extrinsic parameters, is dependent on the motility of cells in the aqueous phase, the extent of resulting colony immobilization and the diffusion kinetics of nutrient, oxygen, and metabolites. A study on the variability in the growth limits of β†’

Compulsory interventions are challenging the identity of psychiatry

The understanding of persons with a mental disorder as patients, as suffering individuals entitled to be taken seriously and treated efficiently, is, from a historical point of view, a comparably young concept as is psychiatry itself: Both emerged in the era of enlightenment in the eighteenth century with its strong emphasis on rationality and personhood, β†’

Prediction of maximum flood inundation extents with resilient backpropagation neural network: case study of kulmbach

The procession consists of two phases: the training phase collects a part of data from the existing database, tuning the model by changing the weights on input arcs to minimize the bias on the output layer; the recalling phase produces the new outputs for the testing inputs. The rest individuals in the training dataset are β†’

Memority – the best cloud storage of data

They do this in order to gather a huge database of information and sell it to large companies and corporations. At the moment there is an open sale of project coins, the number of which is limited and compared to similar platforms, Memority has a number of significant advantages that you can compare in this β†’

Effects on plastic surgery

Transition: Now, let me proceed to the negative effects on plastic surgery.1. Transition: Now, let's turn to a second negative effects on plastic surgery.2.

Closing the loop between neurons and neurotechnology

Neurosci.3: 5.doi: 10. Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Novellino, A, D'Angelo, P, Cozzi, L, Chiappalone, M, Sanguineti, V, and Martinoia, S.

Editorial: the claustrum: charting a way forward for the brain’s most mysterious nucleus

However, striking differences in claustral organization and the anatomy of the region surrounding the claustrum across various species led to confusion regarding the boundaries of the claustrum. In the current collection of papers, intended as a survey of the claustrum, only the Smith and Alloway contribution and that of Remedios et al.empirically explore the functions β†’

Why healthcare practitioners are unwilling to change practice patterns

Module 1 DQ 2 Question: Why Physicians and Nurses Kill More People than Airline Pilots This statement is indeed legitimate, since the odds of dying in a healthcare center are greater than the risk of an air crash. Critical Thinking and Reflection on This Rationale Although it is indeed true that the danger of dying β†’

New insights on the intrinsic, pro-apoptotic effect of igfb3 in breast cancer

This paper of Perks et al.has the merit of having dissected a major pathway activated by unliganded IGFBP3, which may induce both pro-apoptotic and pro-survival effects in a context-specific manner. A third question to be answered is how the tumor microenvironment may influence IGFBP3 expression, and how the effects of IGFBP3 in CAFs and epithelial β†’

Book review: “classifying reality,” by david s. oderberg (ed.) (2013)

An example of the rudimentary nature of classification exists in the behavior of slime molds. Notwithstanding the seminal nature of the process of classifying in human life, contemporary books published on the subject of classification are uncommon and I believe that psychologists could benefit from considering the broad perspective assumed in Oderberg's book.

Recurrent episodes of paraphilic behavior possibly associated with olanzapine and aripiprazole treatment in a patient with schizophrenia

Here, we present the case of an adult patient with schizophrenia, who presented with compulsive sexual behavior and exhibitionism in association with olanzapine and aripiprazole treatment. The prevalence and clinical characteristics of hypersexuality in patients with Parkinson's disease following dopaminergic therapy: A systematic literature review.

Releasing protected health information essay sample

Patient information can only be released without his or her consent if there was an " emergency", covered entities " could use and disclose protected health information without an individuals authorization for any of the following reasons " Oversight of the health care system", including " quality assurance activities", " Public health", and in " β†’

Sustainable food production

What was the purpose of the production sheet? The purpose of the production sheet, therefore, was to clearly identify whether the problem lay in the patients or the employees.

Rapid weight gain during infancy

In the study, ' case' refers to an occurrence of a disease or disorder in an individual, which is obesity that is discussed aptly.' Control' refers to the process of preventing and stopping the broadening of a disease such as obesity in the society. 4 The statistical analyses used in the study included; finding the β†’

Summary of position paper on lactating

Position of the American Dietetic Association: Promoting and supporting breastfeeding Who is/are the of this paper? The paper articulates the position of the American Dietetic Association.

Human lung on a chip: innovative approach for understanding disease processes and effective drug testing

A commentary on A human disease model of drug toxicity-induced pulmonary edema in a lung-on-a-chip microdevice by Dongeun Huh et al.Sci. Med, Huh et al.presented a state-of-the-art experimental technique to mimic the intricate vascular-alveolar structure of the lung with a microchip lined with living cells that reproduces many of the features of a human lung.

Editorial: classic and pleiotropic actions of vitamin d

The trends toward changes in 25D levels and alterations of markers of calcium-phosphate metabolism were investigated over the 30 years in a population of newborns and infants who were suspected of having a disorder in calcium-phosphate metabolism. The results of the Ukrainian study showed that vitamin D3 supplementation in patients with T1DM and T2DM may β†’

Cheap food, poverty and obesity — is there a correlation

Cheap Food, Poverty and Obesity Poverty can be defined as a condition in which a person or community lacks the financial resources and other basic necessities to enjoy a minimum life standard and well-being that is considered acceptable in society it is deprivation of basic human needs which are food, water, clothing shelter sanitation and β†’

Increasing interpersonal trust through divergent thinking

As reported by Colzato et al, people are more likely to relate their own actions to that of a co-actor in the context of a divergent thinking task than in the context of a convergent thinking task. To check for that, we also assessed pleasure and arousal of our participants, and we did so before β†’

Multi-dimensional dynamics of human electromagnetic brain activity

In these fMRI, PET, MEG, and EEG studies, the spatial patterns of differences in activation between a task and the baseline, and between different tasks or stimuli have been one of the most common sources of evidence for functional specialization. These trans-synaptic inputs induce a primary current, which is related to the movement of ions β†’

Editorial: lifestyle psychiatry

The role of physical activity in psychiatry is particularly well researched, with a number of recent meta-analyses showing that physical activity can aid in the prevention and management of multiple symptoms of mental illness. Indeed, papers by Berry et al.and Faulkner and Sidey Gibbons, in this Research Topic highlight the inadequacy of existing measures, and β†’

Co 2 : a small ubiquitous molecule with a lot of astrochemical debate attached

The only exception to this is the high-mass protostellar object W33A, in which the abundance of methanol exceeds that of both CO and CO 2. This is in agreement with the very low observed gas phase abundances of CO 2 and the fact that gas-phase synthesis of CO 2 from CO and O atoms is β†’

Editorial: overcome fear and addiction by manipulating reconsolidation and extinction of emotional memories

In the past decades, a great deal of effort has been devoted to understanding the behavioral and molecular mechanisms of reconsolidation and extinction of many types of aversive and appetitive memories; among them, fear memory and drug reward memory are the most well-studied. Future studies should investigate the similarities and differences in the reconsolidation of β†’

History of nursing development

Doctoral education in nursing will help prepare nursing scientists with better knowledge and skill to eradicate sources and impacts of scientific error in the field. In conclusion therefore the body of knowledge categorized as nursing has evolved over time and continues to improve for better service.

Mycn-mediated transcriptional repression in neuroblastoma: the other side of the coin

The aims of this review are to discuss the role of MYCN-mediated repression in neuroblastoma onset and summarize the knowledge so far accrued on the molecular mechanism by which MYCN can exert transcriptional repression on a specific subset of genes, the majority of which involved in apoptosis, cell differentiation, and cell cycle regulation. A member β†’

Development of cd4 t cell dependent immunity against n. brasiliensis infection

Our ability to sensitively detect the generation and maintenance of the Th2 immune response in vivo has enabled us to undertake a more detailed study of the Th2 immune response in protective immunity against N.brasiliensis, and identify the cellular and molecular cues produced by the parasite which coordinate this response. The role of L3T4+ and β†’

Nuclear jasmonate and salicylate signaling and crosstalk in defense against pathogens

The final outcome of the battle depends on the balance between the ability of the pathogen to suppress the plant's immune system and the capacity of the plant to recognize the pathogen and to activate effective defenses. In some cases, the perception and propagation of the signal initiates in the cytoplasm and then translocates to β†’

Active touch sensing: finger tips, whiskers, and antennae

There are a host of different model systems that are used to investigate active touch sensing and this collection sees the three main systems represented; that of the human hand, mammalian whiskers, and insect antennae. 00039 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Klocker, A, Arnould, C, Penta, M, and Thonnard, J.-L.

Speech is not special… again

The perception of speech and its relation to telephony.J. 01192.x Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Lindblom, B." Explaining phonetic variation: a sketch of the HandH theory," in Speech Production and Speech Modelling, eds W.

Dna as genetic material and as a nutrient in halophilic archaea

A well-known example is the Dead Sea, where the possibility of massive development of microbial blooms is determined by the excessively high concentrations of magnesium and calcium and phosphate is the limiting inorganic nutrient, not only for the alga Dunaliella but also for the halophilic Archaea in blooms that occasionally develop in the lake when β†’

Complex destabilization in the mitochondrial chaperonin hsp60 leads to disease

Hydrolysis of ATP and subsequent release of ADP trigger conformational changes that induce the folding of the substrate inside the cavity followed by release of GroES and finally the liberation of the folded substrate. 034 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Jebara, F, Weiss, C, and Azem, A." Hsp60 and Hsp70 chaperones: guardians of β†’

Writing assignment

This is the belief that one's safety and survival is a responsibility of one's self and not entirely other people's. People should learn to respect the leadership during disaster.

Learning reflection

Also, I learned how to manage issues of the healthcare setting, and how imperative healthcare quality and wellbeing is for patients, family, and team member. I realized how management is crucial for improving productivity and quality of the health care.


Zinc The appendages and the skin are rich in zinc although it is present in all other organs, fluids and tissues of the body. Zinc is absorbed in the ileum and the jejunum where control mechanism of the body makes it complicated to take in too much of zinc.

A fresh look at the type iii secretion system: two-step model of effector translocation in pathogenic bacteria

The translocators YopB and YopD are needed to complete the translocation of effectors across the host cell membrane and deletion of these translocators results in the extracellular secretion but not translocation of effectors into the host cytosol. In Yersinia, the first 15 amino acids at the N-terminus is sufficient for secretion but not for translocation β†’

Chemokines and glycosaminoglycans

The aim was to then identify a second molecule in a second round of screening, this time in the presence of the first compound, and then using the data obtained from the structures of the complexes solved by Jeff, to design a linker to form a dimer, which would have considerably higher affinity. And even β†’

Commentary: the poverty of embodied cognition

00394 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Bechtel, W, Abrahamsen, A, and Graham, G." The life of cognitive science," in A Companion to Cognitive Science, eds W. 00197 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Lakatos, I." Falsification and the methodology of scientific research programmes," in Can Theories Be Refuted, ed S.

A plea for the need to investigate the health effects of gig-economy

The gig job is a platform-based evolution of the " piece paid" job of the " 80's, likewise transferring employers" economic risk-taking and responsibilities to individuals without a real reciprocal potential for gains in the form of increased pay or job security. A longitudinal study of piece rate and health: evidence and implications for workers β†’

Editorial: mega quakes: cascading earthquake hazards and compounding risks

The investigation highlights the complex patterns of earthquake damage and loss due to the major mainshock-aftershock ground shaking sequence, ground deformation, landslide, and liquefaction, affecting a wide range of buildings and infrastructure in Kumamoto. Ghofrani et al.present a recent development of the stochastic finite-fault method for the Cascadia subduction earthquake scenarios in the Pacific Northwest β†’

Response: commentary: the impact of the time interval between radiation and hyperthermia on clinical outcome in patients with locally advanced cervical cancer

We have therefore read with interest the response of Kroesen et al.on our opinion article " The Impact of the Time Interval between Radiation and Hyperthermia on Clinical Outcome in Patients with Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer", and appreciate their thorough efforts to analyze possible effects of the time interval between radiotherapy and hyperthermia on treatment β†’

Why most research findings about psi are false: the replicability crisis, the psi paradox and the myth of sisyphus

This leads to the following paradoxs: if the existence of psi is proven in a classical scientific setting, then it demonstrates retroactively that this setting is inappropriate because psi implies that there is no clear " cut" between the observer and the observed. Not so, because even if this experiment was replicated 50 times with β†’

Editorial: about the relevance of snow microstructure study in cryospheric sciences

This Research Topic emphasizes the link between snow microstructure and snow properties but also illustrates that the exact definition of snow microstructure highly depends on the considered application, scale, and the available instruments in the field or in the cold-room. Numerical processing of the micro-photographs enables the automatic retrieval of the size distribution and specific β†’

College students and technology

College and Technology Here s Here College and Technology Technology is the application of scientific advance, and there has been an explosion of innovation in this area in recent decades. The Increasing Use of Technology and Effects on Social Interaction The constant use of technology among most college students is a potential contributor to isolated β†’

Probing the cultural constitution of causal cognition – a research program

Here, we defend the position that people's cultural background does affect whether and how they engage in causal cognition: by shaping the settings in which causal cognition occurs, the manner in which potential factors are pondered on, the selection of relevant factors from a causal field, or the way in which such factors are linguistically β†’

Editorial: leptin resistance in metabolic disorders: possible mechanisms and treatments

A seminal finding to the understanding of the mechanisms leading to body weight dysregulation and the onset of obesity was the discovery of leptin, from the Greek term leptos, identified by Friedman and collaborators at The Rockefeller University in 1994. Obesity is associated with ER stress and recent evidence points to this stress as a β†’

Corrigendum: high resolution mapping of ice mass loss in the gulf of alaska from constrained forward modeling of grace data

00360 In the original article there was an error in [the glacier mass loss rate from Larsen et al.and Berthier et al.and also in the method used by Gardner et al.]. The values in the article of Larsen et al.and Berthier et al.are in km 3 /year water equivalent.

Links between circadian rhythms and psychiatric disease

In mammals, the master circadian clock regulating nearly all circadian rhythms in the organism is located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus. Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text LeSauter, J, and Silver, R.

Channelizing the red blood cell: molecular biology competes with patch-clamp

0704582104 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Bouyer, G, Thomas, S, and Egee, S." Patch-clamp analysis of membrane transport in erythrocytes," in Patch Clamp Technique, ed F.S. The conductance of red blood cells from sickle cell patients: ion selectivity and inhibitors.J.

Blurred lines: pathogens, commensals, and the healthy gut

We increasingly understand how the microbiome is important in health, in development of the gut and the immune system, and in maintenance of homeostasis. Chicken is the main reservoir of infection with around 70% of UK retail chicken contaminated in recent surveys.C.jejuni colonizes the lower gastrointestinal tract of the chicken to a high level and β†’

Balsara used to its advantage

Quoting from Faizal-E-Miswak, it was pointed out that prophet Mohammed used "miswak before sleeping at night and after awakening." The religious appeal in the promotion was reinforced by the findings of scientists all over the world, including Arabic ones, of the antibacterial property of clove and its ability to prevent tooth decay and gums. In β†’

From the realm of junk science

The concept of junk science in wellness is that it is the purposeful incorporation of biases in the research related to wellness like for instance, the nutritional value of different kinds of diets, so that only the results that are wanted by the researchers are obtained and it thus becomes a way for the researchers β†’

The little molecules that could: a story about micrornas in neural stem cells and neurogenesis

The special topic of " microRNAs in Neural Stem Cells and Neurogenesis" in Frontiers in Neuroscience discussed diverse roles microRNAs play in neurogenesis through a series of review articles and original research articles. Together, these articles reflect a sophisticated and exciting story of the dynamic roles miRNAs play in NSCs and neurogenesis.

Discussion 4

The article starts by pointing out the increased public health community interest in quality and performance improvement in recent years. It is important that the author has mentioned about the move in the hospital and industry sectors of embracing diverse set of terms having the same principles, which have revolved over years.

Nutritional screening for malnourished patients

The earlier the screening is done to a patient, the better since in case nutritional support is required, the sooner the patient is introduced to the Program. Since the rest of the team requires drawing reference to the information, the form is placed on the patient's medical record.