Quality Health & Medicine Essay Examples for Your Learning

Editorial: the mechanisms of insect cognition

Using modeling, Le Moel et al.demonstrate that a tiny area of the brain of ants and other insects, the central complex, can integrate landmark and vector memories as well as a sun compass. The Prediction Error Theory originally proposed for mammals and stating that the discrepancy between the actual and the predicted reward is a →

Editorial: integrity of the autonomic nervous system in psychiatric and neurological disorders

Professor Phillip Low, a pioneer of autonomic neurology, has once referred to the autonomic nervous system as the " Cinderella of Medicine," a field of science, which attracted distinct interest in the scientific community but was limited by a substantial lack of coherent knowledge. The investigation of the cardiovascular and sudomotor autonomic nervous system-a review.

Corrigendum: sensing technology to monitor behavioral and psychological symptoms and to assess treatment response in people with dementia. a systematic review

A Corrigendum on Sensing Technology to Monitor Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms and to Assess Treatment Response in People With Dementia. The correct title should be " Sensing Technology to Monitor Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms and to Assess Treatment Response in People With Dementia.

Herbalism throughout human history and the role in society’s evolution

Due to the fact that medicinal herbs are commonly believed to be safe, because they are natural, inexpensive, and accessible, without requiring prescription from a remote licensed professional, herbal medicine is vastly used and practiced since in the ancient time throughout the world." Over 80% of the world's population relies on herbs for health", stated →

Cultural diversity

Health Science and Medicine Cultural Diversity Health beliefs and traditions of the interviewee The interviewee strongly believes that different cultural practices in different American cultures have real impact on outcomes of health the US. He states his expectations that health care providers to familiarize themselves with the cultural dynamics of various ethnic groups in the →

Methods of analysis in health care

Methods of Analysis in Health Care Methods of Analysis in Health Care There are different methods of analysis used in financial decision making. Vertical analysis can be used in health care by managers to understand the nature of their debt.

Editorial: non-coding rnas and human diseases

Non-coding RNAs in the regulation of gene expression: physiology and disease. 1038/nrg1379 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar H ttenhofer, A, and Vogel, J.

Negligence paper essay sample

When negligence or malpractice is asserted, the patient must analyze and assay the six factors of negligence; responsibilities to the patient; rupture of responsibilities to the patient, predictability, causation, harm and damages. According to Ashley, an offense in the regulation of care is the third factor of medical negligence or malpractice.

Morality and ethical principles in alternative interventions

The physicians administering the alternative interventions are bound by the oath not to harm patients and to provide the most efficacious therapies during treatment. The are some regulatory agencies that monitor the administration of alternative interventions by the physicians to ensure that the decisions made do not harm the patients.

The coevolution of ido1 and ahr in the emergence of regulatory t-cells in mammals

Zelante et al.dealt with the adaptive properties of IDO1 and AhR from a different perspective, i.e, taking into consideration the possibility that tryptophan metabolism by human microbiome has been playing a major role in shaping the coevolution of the AhR/IDO1 axis in immune regulation. The combined effects of tryptophan starvation and tryptophan catabolites down-regulate T →

Self-we-others schemata differentiation as a base for personal agency and social attitudes

Two indices of Self-distinctness are computed: the number of unrepeated traits ascribed to the Self vs.to Others; and the number of unrepeated traits ascribed to the Self vs.to the We. G, and Pratkanis, A.R." The Self," in Handbook of Social Cognition, Vol.

Editorial: contemporary perspective on 5-ht 2c receptor function and its pharmacological targeting

Most recently, the 5-HT 2C R has been shown to exist in oligomeric formations and the 5-HT 2C R is thought to signal as homodimer and could function as a heterodimer in complex with other GPCRs with the consequence of changing the molecular and cellular impact of the receptor signaling. The allure of uncovering the →

Reconceptualizing second-person interaction

The second aim of the article is to put forward an alternative conceptualization of the distinction between 2P versus 3P modes of social cognition one that gives pride of place to the notion of reciprocity. Interaction theorists often criticize the 3P stance toward others that is presupposed by the Theory Theory and the Simulation Theory →

Authentic leadership: application to women leaders

An important distinction between authentic leadership and other theories of leadership is the prominence of the deep sense of self on the part of the leader. Authentic leadership: a review of the literature and research agenda.

Neural correlates for apathy: frontal-prefrontal and parietal cortical- subcortical circuits

If not entirely accepted, there are many different categorization of apathy; one of the most anatomical and patho-physiological is the one, proposed in which different anatomical networks are involved: therefore, Duffy proposed the terms of cognitive apathy, as the one caused by an alteration of the dorso-frontal cortex, and which brings to dyseexecutive alteration; of →

Editorial: impacts of tropical landscape change on human diet and local food systems

Clear links between forest cover and diet and nutritional outcomes have been shown, while more recent work has started to disentangle the differential impacts of land use type, composition and configuration on diets and the consumption of specific food groups. This special issue brings together a collection of papers that examine the effects of land →

Prestigious platforms radiology department – resume/cv example

7 Work Experience: 2008 2010 Working as a Radiology Technician in Hamad Medical Corporation, Qatar Outline: Queen Margaret University's strategic vision for the future is helping people achieve their potential. Workshops and Lectures General Orientation Program 23rd November 2005 Hamad Medical Corporation, Qatar Fourth International Trauma & Emergency Medicine Conference 24-27th February 2008 Philips Medical →

Neem plant essay sample

Other uses * Neem oil is used for preparing cosmetics such as soap, neem shampoo, balms and creams as well as toothpaste.* Besides its use in traditional Indian medicine, the neem tree is of great importance for its anti-desertification properties and possibly as a good carbon dioxide sinks.* Practitioners of traditional Indian medicine recommend that →

Review of litterature

This is to say, the scope of epidemiology in the public health context is limited to the cause and effect relationship of disease variables that pose health risks to the public. Savitz, D, Poole, C.& Miller, W." Reassessing the Role of Epidemiology in Public Health".

Editorial: oxytocin: control of bone and fat mass and metabolism

Oxytocin: its mechanism of action and receptor signalling in the myometrium. Roles of oxytocin neurones in the control of stress, energy metabolism, and social behaviour.

Book review: consolidation of quantitative and qualitative research

In the second chapter he elaborates on different approaches in science research of undertaking qualitative and quantitative research by observing from the aspect of the paradigmatic approach and from the aspect of the research itself. He gives clear instructions regarding the aim and the goal, the research question, the strategy, the type and the design →

Editorial: dual role of microglia in health and disease: pushing the balance towards repair

Editorial on the Research Topic Dual Role of Microglia in Health and Disease: Pushing the Balance Towards Repair Microglial cells are innate immune cells in the Central Nervous System that provide support and facilitate tissue repair through the avid production of several inflammatory mediators and growth factors. The main contributor of IGF-1 was microglial cells →

Editorial: understanding lung acinar micromechanics in health and disease: linking quantitative imaging and organ scale mechanics by computational modeling

The analytical and computational modeling of Bou Jawde et al.suggests that the age-related reductions in lung stiffness described by Schulte et al.arise from the alterations in alveolar size and alveolar number, not from changes in the properties of the septal tissue itself. The physiology of the alveoli in acute lung injury, or alveolar micromechanics, is →

Neural masses and fields: modeling the dynamics of brain activity

Some of the contributions consider extensions of neural mass and field models and their relation with other classes of models, with a particular focus on modeling the action of anesthetics: Liley and Walsh hypothesize that fast-slow dynamics, as exhibited in individual neuron bursting, dynamically underpins electroencephalographic bursting. Neurosci.doi: 10.

Strong isomorphism in marinatto–weber type quantum games

The quantum scheme for game is defined on an inner product space 4 by the triple Q =,), where H is a positive operator, H = 00 00 + 11 11 , and = 00 + 01 + 10 + 11 2 2 such that = 1, S 1 = P i U j, i, →

Modern warfare and its effects on 21st century medicine

This is because the types of wounds found in warzones are typically on the more severe and extreme end of the spectrum of injuries due to the hostile environment and the manner and weaponry with which modern warfare is now fought. This has resulted in the development of new techniques in cleaning wounds Tranexamic acid →

Week seven discussion topic

Botox treatment for facial wrinkles involves the use of injections to paralyze and block some muscles and nerves on the face. Zelickson highlights that this bacteria can be purified and used in the treatment of wrinkles and other similar ailments through injection of muscles.

Ascariasis and trichuriasis

Present a rationale discussing the rotation, patient's medical status, statistics which include the international, national and local statistics about the case and its nursing implications; b.assess patient in a cephalocaudal manner; c.obtain factual information regarding patient's data base including the biographical data, clinical data, familyhealthhistory, past health history, and history of present illness; d.construct a →

Childhood model

Question two Social cognitive theory came about because of the work conducted in the field of social learning theory advocated by Miller and Dollard in 1941. Social cognitive theories are applied in the training of nurses and in their day-to-day responsibilities.

Access to care

Access Care The article highlights Massachusetts' experience with health care reform especially by examining data on employment in the healthcare industry to ascertain the impact on the health workforce. Health Care Reform and the Health Care Workforce - The Massachusetts Experience.

Health dissertation ideas – applied musculoskeletal podiatry

Mayo Clinic has subsequently described a test consisting of hyperextending the toes and rolling the thumb of the examiner in the area of symptoms, a process that may identify a tender, thickened, and longitudinal mass of flesh. One of the most common clinical strategies that may be beneficial to clinicians diagnosing Morton's neuroma is patients →

Managed healthcare

Medicare Plans What are some of the benefits and disadvantages of the various types of Medicare Advantage plans? In some unique cases, the Medicare plans succeed and this helps Benefits The primary benefit of the Medicare plans is that they are reliable solutions to complex healthcare issues.

Spiking neural network connectivity and its potential for temporal sensory processing and variable binding

Current knowledge of feed-forward, lateral, and recurrent connectivity of spiking neurons, and the interplay between excitatory and inhibitory neurons is beginning to shed light on these issues, by improved understanding of the temporal processing capabilities and synchronous behavior of biological neurons. A novel viewpoint of the state-of-the-art for the exploitation of biological neural circuitry by →

Editorial: microorganisms for a sustainable viticulture and winemaking

Editorial on the Research Topic Microorganisms for a Sustainable Viticulture and Winemaking During the last decades, wine production in most countries is based on the use of commercial yeast and lactic acid bacteria strains leading to the colonization of the wineries and vineyards by these strains, and in the increasing use of chemical pesticides to →

Multiplex platforms for the identification of respiratory pathogens: are they useful in pediatric clinical practice?

For many years, it was thought that knowledge of the etiology of a respiratory infection was essential to facilitate the appropriate management and the implementation of the most effective control measures. The carriage of Mycoplasma pneumoniae has been identified in many asymptomatic children, although the prevalence varied according to the site of the study [21% →

Editorial: hemostasis in ecmo and vad

Hemostasis in ECMO is extremely complex; however it provides us a great model to understand the mechanism of overall hemostasis and anticoagulation in the presence of an artificial surface. They clearly explain the challenges of anticoagulation due to the immature hemostatic system and prevention and management of hemorrhage and thrombosis in neonatal ECMO.

How to early identify and prevent the sars-cov-2 infection in children for families?

With the progression of the epidemic and the development of etiological detection, there has been a significant increase in the number of reported cases of infection in children, even in infants and newborns. Here, we summarize the epidemiological characteristics, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and prevention of COVID-19 in children and examine differences between infection in children →

Problems and future approaches for assessment of periodontal disease

A systematic review of the periodontal literature has been conducted to assess the extent of reporting of calibration of probing. Recently, a test kit for simple assessment of occult blood has been developed in Japan, and found to be effective for screening of periodontal disease, with a sensitivity and specificity of 0.

Brain atrophy as a measure of neuroprotective drug effects in multiple sclerosis: influence of inflammation

Here, we discuss the potential factors related to the presence of inflammation that could influence brain volume evolution in MS, both in the short- and long-term, and explain, at least in part, the conflicting results on the neuroprotective effects of DMTs. The effect of disease modifying therapies on brain atrophy in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple →

Looking for the self: phenomenology, neurophysiology and philosophical significance of drug-induced ego dissolution

By contrast, the study of Drug-Induced Ego Dissolution in healthy individuals offers a way to track down underlying mechanisms of ego dissolution, which in turn could help us gain a better understanding of the neurobiological basis of the sense of self. Frequently described aspects of DIED, within this subset of reports, include the loss of →

The impact of cognitive and behavioral symptoms on als patients and their caregivers

Assessment and management of cognitive and behavioral symptoms forms the larger goal of preservation of quality of life in both ALS patients and caregivers. There are limitations to understanding the impact of cognitive and behavioral changes on patients with ALS and their caregivers.

Editorial: interferon-λs: new regulators of inflammatory processes

The antiviral state activated by type I and III IFNs is mediated by the induction of a large family of ISGs. In a parallel study Bhushal et al.compare the strength and frequency of ISG expression upon type I and III IFN treatment.

Science communication desperately needs more aligned recommendation algorithms

Given the stakes of science literacy in the twenty-first century, as will be argued in section 3, it might be urgent to demand that the algorithms that control so much of the flow of information on social medias be aligned with quality science communication, as argued by Hoang. This may be all the more the →

Structural health monitoring

Instrumentation of monitoring types of equipment within the rotating parts requires the design of temperature resistance sensors with the ability to detect slight changes in flaws within the engine. Such sensors would significantly assist in reducing aircraft accidents through effective monitoring of rotating components of the plane.

Comparison of allopathic and osteopathic medicine

Modern medicine involves the use of systems of the machine to determine the disease and the affected parts while traditional medicine is the use of knowledge based on traditional beliefs and experiences to maintain health and diagnosis of a disease. Differences between philosophies of traditional, allopathic and osteopathic medicine In traditional medicine, the traditional healers →

The aravind eye hospital, madurai, india: in service for sight

Although the same systematic procedure can be observed in the free hospital, the volume of patients is perhaps too overwhelming to allow a smooth flow of the established procedure with the rooms and other facilities more cramped and crowded. How should Dr.V.expand the Aravind model to other parts of India, Asia, and Africa?

Complex systems science and brain dynamics

Denis Noble, a pioneer of systems biology, who developed the first viable mathematical model of the working heart in 1960, has been influential in calling the community to focus on creating computer and mathematical models of organic life to interpret functions from the molecular level to that of the whole organism. Our approach to modeling →

The importance of stds awareness and what creating a campaign on the subject consists of

The source that is being used in the advertisement is the doctor in the image and the statistical facts; this will give the advertisement credibility. The image if the young woman will be effective in persuasion because of the age range and the woman, this is used as the physical attractiveness source of the advertisement.

Symptoms of schizophrenia

There is also anhedonia which is the loss of pleasure in things that have given the person pleasure before. In conclusion, there is a difference in the two types of symptoms in one is really new symptoms and the other is a loss of actions.

The positive effect of mobile phone (m-health) intervention in diabetes self-management

The first source is an article on diabetes self-management published in the Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology. The findings revealed that the use of cell phones improved the interaction between patients and providers, and also between parent and child.

Efficacy of community treatments for schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders: a literature review

Of the 66 reviewed articles, 17 were randomized clinical trials of interventions for patients with first-episode psychosis, and the remaining 49 evaluated interventions designed for patients in other stages of the illness. The 65 CCTs carried out a comparison of the baseline characteristics of the study groups, and in 55 of the articles, the groups →

Editorial: sensory hair cell death and regeneration

The Editorial on the Research Topic Sensory Hair Cell Death and Regeneration Sensory hair cells are specialized mechanosensory receptors found in vertebrate auditory, vestibular and lateral line organs that transduce vibratory and acoustic stimuli into the sensations of hearing and balance. Examining the process of development of sensory hair cells in mammals, and comparing the →

Evaluation-dependent representation in risk defusing

This paper treats the effect of the evaluation of outcomes on the representation in a decision process. The authors suppose that representation is a distinct first phase of the decision process, and then in a second phase the alternatives are evaluated.

Re-wiring guilt: how advancing neuroscience encourages strategic interventions over retributive justice

While the tone of these pieces can range from cautionary to insolent, they attend to a common issue of what is frequently described as a meteoric rise in the consideration of neuroscience-based evidence in courtroom decision-making. Neuroscience evidence, in the U.S.and worldwide, is far more commonly determined to be relevant for assessing the competency of →

Editorial: melatonin in health and disease

Klein and his colleagues pioneered the field of melatonin synthesis, in particular in the pineal gland, the organ of melatonin synthesis in all vertebrates. The authors ask the question of the very first origins of melatonin that is likely to have occurred before the development of the pineal gland.

Managing human wildlife interaction: comparative study of kenya, canada and south africa

The combination of this large number of tourists and wildlife leads to a variety of wildlife human interactions. More than that, In the conclusion part, the Environmental, Economic and the Social impact of wildlife tourism will be discussed in a way that sustainable tourism could be better implemented in these areas.

Improving neonatal care with technology

The care for preterm infants has improved considerably in the last decades and although the outcome improved, prematurity is still a large global health issue and is ranked in the top 10 of the WHO list of leading causes of burden of disease. For a successful change in the approach of preterm infants at birth, →

Cardiopulmonary bypass and aki: aki is bad, so let’s get beyond the diagnosis

Despite the advances in our understanding of the pathogenesis of the disease and the improvement in diagnostic tools, our therapeutic options for cardiac surgery-associated AKI have remained suboptimal. Lassnigg et al.noted in a single center study that continuous furosemide had no clinical benefit and was associated with increased incidence of AKI in 126 patients after →

How plausible is a subcortical account of rapid visual recognition?

However, the " low-road" alternative frequently proposed is that the visual cortex is bypassed by a rapid subcortical route to the amygdala, especially in the case of biologically relevant and emotional stimuli. Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text ohman, A, and Mineka, S.

Light at the end of the tunnel?: the great indian pharmacoeconomics story

Just to put things into perspective, the population of the financial capital of our country, Mumbai, is around 12 million and that of the national capital, Delhi, is 10 million. In India, the mighty " gold" and the acrid " onions" have been in the news for being one of the priciest commodities putting them →

Progress in the articulation of undergraduate and graduate public health?

Historically, in the absence of baccalaureate education in the public health, entry level education was offered at the graduate level in the Master of Public Health degree. As undergraduate public health education began to experience interest and rapid growth, one of the authors of this commentary published a paper Articulation of Undergraduate and Graduate Education →

Corrigendum: feasibility and diagnostic accuracy of ischemic stroke territory recognition based on two-dimensional projections of three-dimensional diffusion mri data

00239 In the original article, we neglected to state that this work was performed in partial fulfillment of the requirements for obtaining the degree " Dr.rer.biol.hum".at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. This error does not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way.

Grand challenges in fungal genomics and evolution

Yet, their low proportions, the presence of a cell wall, and the lack of appropriate universal markers and reference databases makes it difficult to study them and severely limits our understanding of the microbial ecosystem. The study of the role of fungi in diverse ecosystems, and the analysis of their interactions with other organisms will →

Eating behavior in aging and dementia: the need for a comprehensive assessment

The physical environment is of course a crucial determinant: availability of foods, the context in which foods are provided, and the external cues, such as proximity to food, salience of food, packaging/serving size have all been shown to affect the type and amount of food eaten. The concomitant presence of diseases and the consequent polypharmacy →

Chronic cough associated with chronic’s disease

Foot deformities can be congenital or acquired and can be defined as any disorder or abnormality of the foot, either affecting or not affecting the usual structure and or function of the foot. Club foot causes adductus of the forefoot cavus, varus of the heel, and equinus of the foot as well as a small →

Editorial: building strategies for porcine cancer models

The authors have highlighted the advantages of using the swine as the biomedical model for cancer research, reviewing special aspects from the swine genome sequence and potential homologies to the human genome. These results validate the concept of using pigs as a model to study BRCA1 defects in breast cancer and establish the first porcine →

Eugene garfield’s influences upon the future of evaluative informetrics

Eugene Garfield has had an enormous influence on library and information science and on quantitative studies of science and technology, especially on the development of indexing systems of scholarly literature, the study of the scholarly communication and reward system, and on a subject as sensitive as the assessment of scholarly performance. Section " Main →

Risperidone-associated neuroleptic malignant syndrome in an inpatient with schizophrenia, with successful rechallenge and 3 year follow-up

Because the vital signs of patient were stable during the recovery from neuroleptic malignant syndrome, we did not apply dantrolene and bromocriptine, but the patient was given lorazepam 0. Neuroleptic malignant syndrome and serotonin syndrome.

Oxidative stress in the poultry gut: potential challenges and interventions

In the poultry industry, the feed is the major component of the total cost for meat and egg production. The purpose of this review is to provide updated information on different oxidative stressors, to elucidate the impact of oxidative stress on the pathophysiology of poultry GIT and potential interventions to mitigate the effects.

Corrigendum: mechanisms underlying serotonergic excitation of callosal projection neurons in the mouse medial prefrontal cortex

To test whether M-current is the dominant potassium conductance contributing to serotonergic excitation, we enhanced the driving force for potassium by lowering the external potassium concentration six-fold to 0.5 mM. Because the larger driving force for potassium is expected to increase 5-HT excitation by enhancing the contribution of M-current suppression, the observed reductions in response →

Hsa 535 wk& db2tracking vaccine preventable diseases

The HPV vaccines are given through a series of three shots over a period of 6 months to protect the individuals from the infection and any other health issues that may be brought about the HPV infection. To increase the number of children and adults vaccinated the government has introduced a policy, even in school →

Editorial: mr spectroscopy in neuropsychiatry

Marsman et al.then bring together the themes of UHF MRS and the role of glutamate in cognition in their study at 7T examining the relationship between working memory and the level of glutamate and GABA in the frontal and occipital cortex. The remaining articles in the research topic relate to schizophrenia, and provide complementary examples →

A new framework for narcissism in health psychology and psycho-oncology

Research on NPD is in fact limited by the lack of an exhaustive and univocal conceptualization of the construct, which is mainly due to differences between phenotypic and taxonomic models and the heterogeneity of the definitions used. In general, maintaining a high level of self-esteem predicts better psychological adjustment to cancer and its treatment, in →

Frontiers in climate predictions and projections

Central to the challenge is the idea of using climate science to look into the future and ask what the world might be like. The ultimate goal of Frontiers in Climate Predictions and Projections is to publish articles that help provide actionable information for climate policy for adaptation and mitigation.

Asian culture

Consequently, there is also the dimension of religious beliefs; each of the Asian countries practices unique religious practices however; some religious activities are shared among some of these nations. Some of these religious beliefs such as Buddhism are shared among the Asian countries like in China and Tibet.

What makes written words so special to the brain?

Kollndorfer et al.used independent component analysis on fMRI data, collected during two language comprehension and production tasks with visual and auditory stimuli, and showed that the intraparietal sulcus and the hippocampus were predominately activated in the visual modality. 00088 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Zhan, J, Yu, H, and Zhou, X.fMRI evidence →

What you see is what you (don’t) get: a comment on funke’s (2014) opinion paper

On the basis of task analyses, Funke claims that the type of causal cognition, the heuristics, and the strategies required in CSMs and MCSs differ substantially and, thus, do not allow for direct comparisons between the two. Indeed, reports such as the one by S have led to a notable decline in the number of →

Defining the environment in organism–environment systems

As the environment plays a defining role in the sort of interactions that are possible for perceivers, specifying the structure of the environment for a species, or even a particular organism, can shed light on the nature of perception. The conceptualization of the environmental state-space in the Bittorio model seems to conflict with one of →

Editorial: circuit mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases

In this Research Topic Werner et al.summarize the current status and opportunities of in vivo imaging using miniature fluorescence microscopes, which enables chronic monitoring of neuronal activity and the disentangling of circuit deficits in NDs. To this end, Vyas et al.review the complex structural and functional changes of single neurons and neural circuits in hippocampus →

What are memory-perception interactions for? implications for action

1007/s00221-003-1659-2 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Henik, A, and Tzelgov, J. 1037/a0020413 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Konkle, T, and Oliva, A.

Commentary: sorbitol treatment extends lifespan and induces the osmotic stress response in caenorhabditis elegans

00316 It has recently been reported in this journal that exposure of Caenorhabditis elegans to osmotic stress, induced by sorbitol and trehalose, provokes lifespan extension which appears to be dependent on the upregulation of the enzyme glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase but seemingly independent of previously recognized regulatory agents normally closely associated with aging and lifespan regulation. 00316 →

Social cognition in children born preterm: a perspective on future research directions

Preterm children's interaction difficulties are reported to be manifold: A systematic review of 23 studies dealing with social development in children between 0 and 17 years of age revealed 16 out of 21 studies reporting more peer problems and social withdrawal in preterm children compared to full-term children. These values are higher than in the →

Source total sanitation campaign health essay

The Central Rural Sanitation Program launched in 1986 and revised in 1992 was a traditional, supply driven subsidy oriented program. In April 1999, CRSP was restructured and launched as the Total Sanitation Campaign making it people oriented and demand driven.

Measuring human resource effectiveness through balanced scorecard

The entire system of measuring HR's contribution to the organisation's success as well as the architecture of the HR system needs to change to reflect the demands of succeeding in the new economy. Implementing effective measurement systems for intangible assets is a very difficult task and demands the existence of a unified framework to guide →

Corrigendum: involvement of a non-human sialic acid in human cancer

A corrigendum on Involvement of a non-human sialic acid in human cancer by Samraj AN, Laubli H and Varki A. A phase III trial testing racotumomab in advanced non-small cell lung cancer began in 2011, and is currently recruiting.

Type 1 diabetes, recommended range of blood glucose levels

Pathophysiology Diabetes type 1 develops due to the immune system of the body attacking all the entire cells that are in charge of the production of insulin in the pancreas. A result of the cells inability to take up the glucose, the effect would be an increase in the quantity of sugar in the blood.