Quality Health & Medicine Essay Examples for Your Learning

legionella persistence in manufactured water systems: pasteurization potentially selecting for thermal tolerance

An earlier study using a stagnant water model demonstrated that the growth of L.pneumophila present in a natural biofilm was stimulated when exposed to heat treated potable water; this may explain the rapid recolonization of hot water systems after thermal treatments. It was also demonstrated that the Acanthamoebae cyst remained viable after heat treatment of β†’

Environmental pollution and public health

The paper covered the discussion on the major form of pollution, health and environmental impacts of pollution, and laws and treaties pertaining to environmental protection and regulation. Because of the massive release of carbon dioxide in the air and the denudation of our forests the greenhouse effect and the global warming threatens the world of β†’


Again, my criteria of the order of treatment who would benefit the most of the medical care and not emotion. Again, it is not my lot to assess people but rather on who would benefit the most of medical care.

Adapting pharmacoeconomics to shape efficient health systems en route to uhc – lessons from two continents

In order to understand the current German SHI regulatory framework and the role of the leading institute for the economic assessment of pharmaceuticals, some key health policy discussions need to be understood that have shaped the direction of pharmaceutical policy reforms. The introduction of universal health coverage in the form of a National Health Insurance β†’

Gut–brain axis and mood disorder

In contrast, the fetal intestine is sterile, the initial bacterial colonization at birth comes from the maternal microbiota, and the intestinal microbiota of an adult is composed of ~1 kg of bacteria, viruses, protozoans, fungi and archaea. The authors proposed three possible mechanisms: potent infection activated the immune system and then induced mania; high bacterial β†’

Invertebrate behaviorβ€”actions or responses?

Stevenson and Rillich's review of their work in cricket aggression begins to elucidate some of the neuronal components involved in mediating the simultaneous influence of experience, motivation, and sensory stimuli on the decision to fight or flee. The dilemmas of the gourmet fly: the molecular and neuronal mechanisms of feeding and nutrient decision making in β†’

Editorial: advances in microalgae biology and sustainable applications

A detailed analysis of several processes of microalgae dewatering methods, performed by Soomro et al, discussed an important problematic in the use of microalgal biomass as feedstock; the energy and financial costs associated to the production of microalgae biomass. 1016/j.copbio.2012.08.

Editorial: bridging the gap in neuroelectronic interfaces

One of the inspirations for our most recent Gordon Research Conference in March 2018 aimed at " Bridging the Gap in Neuroelectronic Interfaces" dates back to 1999 when Chapin et al.described their ability to predict movement trajectories of rodents and non-human primates by " eavesdropping" on groups of neurons. The strong sterile inflammation and thus β†’

The truth about second hand smoking

The Truth about Second Hand Smoking Second hand smoking has been a major issue of debate owing to the fact that many researches that have been conducted have provided evidence for the major health issues that result due to the exposure to this second hand smoke. The other major source of this second hand β†’

Ecotherapy – a forgotten ecosystem service: a review

This means that from an ecotherapy perspective, the health of a human being is viewed in the context of the health of the Earth and its natural ecosystems. Anxiety was reduced in these patients and the recovery times of patients with a " view" of nature was half that of those with a view of β†’

Editorial: inhibitory function in auditory processing

The MNTB is central to this circuitry and is highly specialized; being driven by the Calyx of Held and providing a powerful glycinergic inhibition to its targets. Development of glycinergic innervation to the murine LSO and SPN in the presence and absence of the MNTB.


The study is purely cross-sectional and investigates the control measures used to enhance prevention of foodborne illness among the consumers. The prevalence of any health related characteristics or disease enhances the assessment of the burden of the diseases within the population.

Calorie intake and healthy diet

I need to take a Centrum to cover insufficiency in the intake of vitamins, and I also need to decrease carbohydrate and sodium intake to balance my diet.2. With regard to grains, refined grain intake is in excess, while whole grain is below the required level on all three days of evaluation.

Cannabis and health canada

The brand mark of the exhibition is on the top panel of the signage to make sure that the direction is belongs to the location of the exhibit. It would be placed in the middle of the exhibit, where everyone can gather to take a look at the information and graphics on the topic of β†’

Commentary: advancement of knowledge of brucella over the past 50 years

1177/0300985814540545 Brucella ceti, a cetacean and zoonotic pathogen displaying a marked neurotropism in striped dolphins, appears to be the ancestor and a close relative of B.abortus, infecting cattle, as well as of B.melitensis, infecting sheep and goat. In addition to the elegant mechanisms and strategies utilized by Brucella genus members for entering and surviving into β†’

The parkinsonian personality: more than just a “trait”

In particular, we have carried out a study with the aim of investigating the presence of personality disorders in PD patients and controls, reporting a significantly higher frequency of OCPeD among PD patients. The prevalence of personality disorders in a community sample.

Theories and explanations in psychology

The increased and tighter relationship between psychology, neuroscience, and philosophy, the emergence and affirmation of embodied and grounded cognition approaches, the grow of interest on new research topics, the strengthening of new areas, such as the social, cognitive, and affective neuroscience, the spread of Bayesian models, and the recent debates on the replication crisis, represent β†’

Forensic pathology case study: the motel room

It indicates that the back of the body parts of the female has got the mark from accumulation of deoxygenated blood in some vessels due to heavy contact of pressure. It also includes other sub steps like determining the safety and security of the scene and the risk of physical or environmental injury should be β†’

Disrupted occupations

Residents of a nursing home, which may include nurses, physicians, and clients, experience a sense of place where their social, physical and psychological identities and senses of well-being are derived. In addition, the warmth of friendships and companionships of fellow residents within a nursing home give meaning to the lives of elderly clients under nursing β†’

Motion, identity and the bias toward agency

The origin of the category " intentional agent" and the tendency of infants, children and even adults to employ it ubiquitously is often explained in turn by appeal to the " social brain hypothesis" that human cognitive architecture is an evolutionary adaptation to a selective environment in which competing individuals were and still are forced β†’

Communicating numeric quantities in context: implications for decision science and rationality claims

Yet Tversky and Kahneman and others found that most subjects choose A in the first pair and D in the second, ostensibly violating one of the most consensual normative principles of choice description invariance, which states that extensionally equivalent events should not be differentially regarded merely because of the way in which they are described. β†’

Predict disease progression with reaction rate equation modeling of multimodal mri and pet

In one study, activated microglia was found to facilitate the propagation of misfolded tau in mouse brains, and after depletion of microglia in the mouse brain, the spread of tau from the entorhinal cortex to the dentate gyrus was significantly decrease. In other words, if we hypothesize that one type of pathology is the upstream β†’

Contact interactions and gamma convergence

At the boundary, the solutions are not in the domain of the free hamiltonian; solution of the Schrodinger equation is only meant in a weak sense, after averaging with a smooth function and integrating by parts. In the case of strong contact of one of the particles with the other two the spectrum of Efimov β†’

Caring for end-of-life patients and their families, during life, and mourning, in the covid-19 eraβ€”the experience of a palliative care team in portugal

Faced with this threat in public health, the Directorate-General of Health, which is a division of the Portuguese public administration concerned with public health, prepared the National Preparedness and Response Plan for the Disease Caused by a New Coronavirus, which is a strategic tool to mitigate the impact of the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak. Pursuing a good β†’

Are the ads used to promote people to get their yearly flu shots effective?

The audience for this ad was to reach the young adult group. The campaign used the association to connect health with the young adult group, and music to relate to what the young adults are into.

How do we approach intrinsic motivation computationally

But what is the set of possible goals Focusing on the reinforcement learning framework, this question is addressed in the article " What is intrinsic motivation A typology of computational approaches" by Pierre-Yves Oudeyer and Frederic Kaplan. A fun example is Schmidhuber, which would be classified as " Learning Progress Motivation" in the article of β†’

Commodities and cognition

Stewart selects some of Sohn-Rethel's own " homologies" to demonstrate this relation: solipsism corresponds to the situation of the agent in exchange wherein " the action is social, the mind is private"; Parmenidean " oneness" derives from the universal equivalence between commodities expressed through exchange value; " abstract quantity" from the " non-dimensional quantity" which β†’

Tumor immunology, toward a success story?

The beginning of the second millennium marked a turning point for tumor immunity, on the basis of a series of data obtained in mice and in humans. In parallel and complementary to these studies, it became evident that a tumor is not only an aggregate of cancer cells but also a complex organization that β†’

Coronary artery disease

As the damage of endothelial lining is initiated the site promotes the permeability of plasma constituents especially the lipoproteins. Thus oxidized LDLs are capable of damaging the endothelial lining of the cells which results in the formation of plaque.

Chapter 11

Low Physical Activity in Hispanic Women The three main reasons for low physical activity among the Hispanic women include: lack of knowledge of the relationship between moderate physical activity and health, the Hispanic women do not know the benefits of doing physical exercises to their health that is why they rarely do exercises, there is β†’

Editorial: evolution of organismal form: from regulatory interactions to developmental processes and biological patterns

We are pleased to present a Frontiers Research Topic composed of 10 original research articles and reviews whose focus, ideas, and hypotheses reflect the current diversity and future directions of the field of Evo-Devo. The evolution of cell types and tissue morphogenesis are addressed by illustrating, using the insect extraembryonic epithelia, how tissue architecture and β†’

Attachment theory and maternal drug addiction: the contribution to parenting interventions

The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of parent's pathology on the style of child-care, the quality of the mother infant bond, and developmental outcomes in terms of attachment, as well as of general adjustment. These attachment strategies can be interpreted as index of the difficulty in re-elaborating problematic early experiences and β†’

Editorial: ecology and evolution of plants under domestication in the neotropics

Editorial on the Research Topic Ecology and Evolution of Plants Under Domestication in the Neotropics The earliest studies on domestication and the origins of agriculture identified the Americas, particularly the Neotropics, as one of the settings with the earliest experiences of these processes in the world. All are valuable contributions that reflect the state-of-the-art and β†’

Music lessons and cognitive abilities in children: how far transfer could be possible

All in all, I would summarize the field of music research by assuming that there are some small but interesting transfer effects of music lessons and cognitive abilities and that it is important to understand how they work in order to broaden our knowledge about them. The five OPERA factors Overlap, Precision, Emotion, Repetition, and β†’

Learning outcomes evaluation

Some of the methods that will be used in evaluating the learning outcomes and providing feedback to the students include demonstration, oral presentation and written work. One of the questions that will indicate outcomes of the learning is the ability of students to accurately interpret medical diagnosis data and appropriately administer the right dosage of β†’

Introduction to human settlements

Accessibility to other settlements also plays a role in the location and development of settlements. Social, economic and political organization is essential to the growth and development of a city.

Anaemia is a blood disease health essay

Lack of iron in the body is caused by unhealthy diet and lack of iron absorption by the body. Treatments for anaemia involve blood transfusion when excessive blood is loss and iron supplements to increase the level of iron in the body.

Can cellular automata be a representative model for visual perception dynamics?

As Wolfram declared in his book, A New Kind of Science, visual perception is a kind of modeling and reducing the input visual sensory data into a more summary but still informative representation in the brain. Studying the visual system can be very useful, because as already previously demonstrated, " The visual system has the β†’

Corrigendum: validation and extension of the reward-mountain model

A corrigendum on Validation and extension of the reward-mountain model by Breton, Y.-A, Mullett, A, Conover, K, and Shizgal, P. 00125 There is a subscripting error in the appendix to the article by Breton et al.

Gram-positive phage-host interactions

Much of this research was conducted using phages of Gram-negative bacteria, particularly Escherichia coli, due to the reliability of the host and the ease of protein production, in particular many enzymes, in a compatible host background. 00201 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Hagens, S, and Loessner, M.J.

Editorial: control of presynaptic function by axonal dynamics

The scope of this " Research Topic" is to bring together different researchers studying the axonal compartment and presynaptic terminals in order to document recent progress and, more importantly, to highlight that the function of the axon is more complicated than previously thought and that much remains to be done in order to understand axonal β†’

Artificial intelligence applications in dermatology: where do we stand?

Informing stakeholders on the current stance of AI is thus necessary to promote what dermatologists themselves believe to be a growing, beneficial and potentially obligatory aspect of the field. Most of these cover the potential use of AI in differentiating between benign and malignant skin lesions.

Booming of donor gametes industry

Donor Gametes for men is easier for a man as his requirements are to have a high enough sperm count to be able to ejaculate into a cup to be given to the woman to be able to injected into the woman's reproductive organs to get pregnant for woman. The egg donor industry on the β†’

Erratum: insights into the mineralogy and surface chemistry of extracellular biogenic s globules produced by chlorobaculum tepidum

An Erratum on Insights Into the Mineralogy and Surface Chemistry of Extracellular Biogenic S 0 Globules Produced by Chlorobaculum tepidum by Marnocha, C. 00271 Due to a typesetting error, the citations for " Steudel, 2003" were replaced with question marks.

As the rate of elders increases in overall population, so do the cases of osteoporosis

Incidence of hip fractures The incidence of hip fractures is the easiest to measure, because almost all of the women and men who fracture their hip are hospitalized and the hospital records may be accessed. The incidence of hip fractures in US persons older than 65 is 8/1000 in women and 4.

Editorial: the cb2 cannabinoid system: a new strategy in neurodegenerative disorder and neuroinflammation

This Research Topic is mainly focused on the involvment of CB2R in neurodegenerative disorders and on the usefulness of CB2R ligands in the therapy and early diagnosis of neuroinflammation as onset of neurodegeneration. Navarro et al.considered the localization of the CB2R subtype in specific cell types and structures pivotal for the maintenance of the CNS β†’

Current status of intensified neo-adjuvant systemic therapy in locally advanced rectal cancer

Given the activity of oxaliplatin in combination with 5-FU based chemotherapy in the adjuvant and metastatic setting of colon cancer and the well established radiosensitizing effects of another platinum-based drug, cisplatin, in the treatment of lung cancer and cervical cancer, its clinical additive effect to 5-FU based CRT in the neo-adjuvant setting of rectal cancer β†’

Cholesteryl ester transfer protein: ace of spades, queen of hearts, or the joker?

In clinical studies, Gu et al.reported that although the A allele of the 629 C/A polymorphism of the CETP gene was associated with a lower plasma CETP concentration than the C allele, it had not reduced CVD events in patients taking atorvastatin. Being at a crossroad in the transport of lipids, and having multiple effects β†’

Modeling pancreatic endocrine cell adaptation and diabetes in the zebrafish

By appropriately secreting glucagon and insulin into the circulation to regulate the production and uptake of blood glucose, respectively, the pancreatic - and -cells play a central role in glucose homeostasis. Consistent with overnutrition as the trigger for the compensatory response, the expansion of the -cells has been found to be dependent on the nutrient-secretion β†’

Relatively wild urban parks can promote human resilience and flourishing: a case study of discovery park, seattle, washington

For example, in the section of the Master Plan that states the park's primary role, it says: The seclusion of the site, the magnificent vistas, the stretches of tidal beaches, the stands of native trees, the meadowlands all combine to make this site one of surpassing beauty and serenity... The primary role of this park...should β†’

Spatial navigation in autism spectrum disorders: a critical review

Compared to the study of other developmental conditions, it is a notable idiosyncrasy of autism research that some of the behavioral factors associated with ASD have been described as a relative strength of the cognitive profile. However, inspection of the figure provided by the authors does suggest that, on the whole, participants with ASD were β†’

Mechanism of resistance in mungbean [ vigna radiata (l.) r. wilczek var. radiata ] to bruchids, callosobruchus spp. (coleoptera: bruchidae)

Although many sources of resistance to bruchids have been identified in Vigna subgenus ceratotropics, most of them are wild species belonging to the Angulares group and are cross-incompatible with mungbean, which leads to the incorporation of undesirable traits. Development of biotypes has led to the breakdown of resistance in mungbean against bruchids.

Stories from the dendritic cell guardhouse

The repertoire of glycan and non-glycan ligands that these receptors recognize is vast and internalization of the ligand begins the process of presentation of antigen to T cells and generation of an immune response. The response to treatment of ovarian ascites in mice with this peptide demonstrated that not only the properties of the ligand β†’

Advancing the rehabilitation sciences

As was first proposed by the Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Section of the Union of Medical Specialists in Europe in 2007 and revised in 2011, rehabilitation care is guided by the goal of optimizing function in persons " experiencing or likely to experience disability in interaction with the environment". In the context of the rehabilitation β†’

Social movements and energy democracy: types and processes of mobilization

With respect to the first goal, ITMs can be classified as follows: the alternative industry type, which has the primary goal of supporting a transition of the industry by advocating for the more rapid scaling up of niches such as renewable energy; and the industrial opposition type, which has the primary goal of ending aspects β†’

Purpose statement

I vowed to be different from the dentists I visited and make the visit less scary and a learning field for the young ones. Working in a children's hospital and home gave me time to practice my child psychology education and I found myself more and more attracted to the children, their curiosity, fear and β†’

Commercial insurance

Such include: Individual health plan and employer group health plans: This breaks down the amount of regular remittance to the individual insurance company either directly or via the pay slip. The employer group health plan is a plan tailored to accord the same health care insurance benefits to a group of people working under the β†’

Human resource systems (hr-systems)

One of these is the recruiting and selection lever, which, when linked to the organization's competency model, can screen candidates for hire or promotion on the basis of their alignment with the critical competencies linked to producing the organization's desired results. This system needs to be tightly connected to the organization's competency model and can β†’

Grand and less grand challenges in avian physiology

How is the reproductive system of the hen controlled including recruitment and hierarchy of follicles, circadian pattern of ovulation and oviposition, cross-talk between the ovary and oviduct and neural, endocrine and paracrine control of the functioning of the oviduct? Others attend the Society for the Study of Reproduction or the Society for the Study of β†’

Free essay on challenging the fructose hypothesis: new perspectives on fructose

It presents new information that arouses the consideration that fructose alone is not the evil culprit of diseases for which it was blamed. The fructose hypothesis is that " fructose is at the root of nay of contemporary America's health problems".

Bone healing

Joseph Janicki explained that immediately after the fracture, the bone undergoes the inflammatory state where the ends of the broken bones bleed and swell. Finally, the body removes the remnant of the broken bones and replaced it with a normal bone.

Features of health plans

This plan features low escapements, there is a limited provider organization and pre- caution care is covered with this plan. There features of this plan are lower escapements for network providers; higher cost for out f organization providers and this plan covers pre-caution health care.

Can pharmacological receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors sensitize poor outcome breast tumors to immune-based therapies?

The Met RTK is a clinically relevant biomarker of poor outcome basal breast cancers and drives the formation of mouse mammary tumors with distinct histopathologies, a subset of which resemble the basal subtype. PD-L1 is elevated on the surface of breast cancer cells, correlating with a high mitotic index, increasing grade, and ER/PR negativity.

Thymic stromal alterations and genetic disorders of immune system

The process is strictly dependent on the link between the thymic stromal cells, which allow the selection of a functional and self-tolerant T-cell repertoire, and the thymus tridimensional architecture. The commonest association of thymic stromal deficiency resulting in T-cell immunodeficiency is the DiGeorge syndrome, discussed in the Davies review.

Editorial: non-coding rna regulation: lessons from model organisms and impact on human health

Claycomb discusses how we owe, at least in large part, today's broad interest in this area of biology to the discovery and characterization of RNA interference in the tiny soil worm Caenorhabditis elegans, a simple and elegant model organism that continues to be at the forefront of ncRNA research. In addition to revealing secrets of β†’

Editorial: circadian rhythms and metabolism

Editorial on the Research Topic Circadian Rhythms and Metabolism One of the major breakthroughs of the last decade in the understanding of energy homeostasis is the identification of a reciprocal control between circadian rhythmicity and cellular metabolism. While the suprachiasmatic nuclei of the hypothalamus are unanimously recognized as the site of the master clock, the β†’

Corrigendum: ebola vp40 in exosomes can cause immune cell dysfunction

In the subsection " Identification of Potential Phosphorylation Sites in VP40 Protein," in the first paragraph, the first sentence should read as follows: " Mass spectra for VP40 was obtained for this manuscript as previously described in our analysis of VP30 from EBOV virions. MP and AM contributed equally to generation of data and writing β†’

Re-enacting the bodily self on stage: embodied cognition meets psychoanalysis

They can be conceptualized as a cascade, ranging from the physical properties of the world to the sensorimotor, affective and interoceptive processes, and in the end to the specific characteristics of the environment, including its social and cultural features. With them, it shares at least the following views: The rationality is seen as the tip β†’

Androgen-regulated cardiac metabolism in aging men

The relationship between metabolic and cardiovascular risk in humans is evident in men suffering from hypogonadism, a condition in which the reduced functional activity of the gonads causes a decrease in testosterone levels. Additionally to testosterone reduction in elderly men, low concentrations of testosterone are also found in late-onset hypogonadism, reduction of testicular volume and β†’

Lifestyle and health

A proper study of the behavior of healthy individuals can therefore produce valuable data which can be utilized by the researchers in determining correct causes of a disease. The most important issue concerning the research in this field is that the medical practitioners generally do not recognize the importance of behavioral aspect of a disease.

Is there a semantic system for abstract words?

The first is that the abstract-to-concrete difference is only one of the many characteristics of deep dyslexia, and this type of explanation of the functional syndrome as a whole is not very economical; thus Morton and Patterson require five separate functional impairments to explain all aspects of the functional syndrome. Thus in the connectionist model β†’

Book review: medicinal plants for holistic healing

The use of these purportedly beneficial foods and supplements is particularly relevant in the field of cancer prevention, as covered in the second chapter of the book. Edited by a renowned expert in the field, Professor Namrita Lall of the University of Pretoria, the book comprises a collection of chapters on diverse areas of the β†’

Editorial: nomenclature – avoiding babylonian speech confusion in present day immunology

With the many achievements reached in the past 40 decades, there is a wealth of experience to draw upon, especially within the subcommittees of the Nomenclature Committee of the International Union of Immunological Societies. Nomenclature of soluble mediators of the immune system has been a major challenge, and this was recognized already in the 1970s, β†’

The body of evidence: what can neuroscience tell us about embodied semantics?

Theories differ with respect to the degree of embodiment they consider relevant, and assumptions range from that the environment is part of cognition, that the goal of perception is action, and that sensory-motor systems aid cognitive processes. In the neuroscience of semantics, the debate focuses mainly on the question as to what degree perceptual and β†’

On the use and misuse of externalist approaches in psychiatry

Consider this cookbook theory of the 4E-thesis: Cookbook theory for the 4E-thesis in accord with Henrik Walter's multilevel-approach: There is the phenomenon of a psychiatric disorder instanced in the form of multilevel-complexes. For example, with respect to extended cognition, the cookbook theory is the following: Cookbook theory of extended cognition: There is the phenomenon of β†’

The addict in us all

The competition between these two kinds of desire for control over behavior poses the problem with which we are concerned throughout the remainder of the paper: the problem of self-control. We propose that there are three distinct loci of self-control conflict at the point of deliberation, of formation of intention, and of execution of action β†’

Editorial: carbon-based bifunctional oxygen electrocatalysts

Editorial on the Research Topic Carbon-Based Bifunctional Oxygen Electrocatalysts With the ever-increasing environmental pollution and energy crisis, the demand for sustainable and environmentally friendly energy conversion and storage technologies has been on the rise. However, the sluggish kinetics of oxygen-related reactions, including the oxygen reduction reaction and the oxygen evolution reaction, hinders the large-scale practical β†’

Editorial: horizontal gene transfer mediated bacterial antibiotic resistance

The 22 publications collected in the topic " Horizontal Gene Transfer Mediated Bacterial Antibiotic Resistance" show new discoveries and recent advances concerning this issue in a wide range of fields, providing a basis for collaboratively controlling MDR in the future. Exploring mechanisms of plasmid-mediated ARG spread in soil and water would be crucial for controlling β†’

Editorial: mathematical modeling of cardiovascular systems: from physiology to the clinic

Although reductionism is a powerful approach to provide information on the components of the system, integration of the components and their interactions are necessary to reveal organ phenotype and function. The objective of this issue of " Frontiers in Physiology" is to place the spotlight on computational integration with emphasis on validation and clinical translation β†’

Are strokes really impossible to foresee and is full recovery possible?

In each study, a baseline was established and then compared to a variety of different things to understand the effect that constraint induced movement therapy has on various types of patients. Race could play a factor in the effectiveness of constraint induced movement therapy.

Studying chromosome 11 of the human genome

Five specific diseases will be looked at and studied in detail: the Sickle Cell Anemia gene, the MLL gene which causes Trisomy 11, the H19 gene which causes Beckwith-Weideman Syndrome, the WT1 and PAX6 genes which causes Wilm's Tumor syndrome, and finally, the work being done on the genes of Chromosome 11q22-q24 regarding cervical carcinoma. β†’

Patellar vs hamstring tendon grafts health and social care essay

Long rubric: Bone-Patellar Tendon-Bone Grafts are a More Efficient Surgical Technique than Hamstringing Tendon Grafts in ACLReconstructionSurgery Abstraction The paper compares the consequences of multiple published articles about the advantages and disadvantages between bone-patellar tendon-bone transplants and hamstring tendon transplants for the Reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament. The ACL is a really of import β†’

Excitement keeps your brain cells alive

First, they identify a novel mechanism which, together with the modulation of neural progenitor proliferation in the SVZ and the differential survival of newborn neurons in the OB, might contribute to the tight regulation of neurogenesis in the mammalian forebrain. Control of neuroblast production and migration by converging GABA and glutamate signals in the postnatal β†’

Is it inevitable that societies exploit useful technologies?

A possible counter to my argument might be that the stirrup and gunpowder were useful in the West and not in the East, and for that reason were adopted in the former but not in the latter area. In conclusion, the examples of the stirrup and gunpowder show that it is a fallacy to automatically β†’

Editorial: the balanced triad of perception, action, and cognition

A popular way of conceptualizing the triad of perception, action, and cognition is the idea of embodied cognition. The sense of presence, which is the focus of the article by Triberti and Riva actually implies the presence of the " self" in the environment where perception-action coupling is manifest.

Editorial: il-1 inhibition

Back to history, Dayer et al.reminds the discovery of the monocytic origin of IL-1 in Rheumatology, the seminal description of the mechanism of IL-1 receptor antagonist acting as ligand binding to its IL-1 receptor and its change levels in serum of adult-onset Still's disease. The inflammasome, the expansion of the IL-1 family, as well as β†’

Feelings-as-embodied information: studying the role of feelings as images in emotional disorders

Therefore, clarifying the processes involved in using feelings as information for reasoning may be important both for the understanding of the mechanisms involved and for the treatment of emotional disorders. Thus, the simulations of feelings may also reflect the properties of the affective systems implementing them in the interaction between emotional cognition and other types β†’

Autopsies and asymptomatic patients during the covid-19 pandemic: balancing risk and reward

However, the real number of asymptomatic subjects is likely largely underestimated given the pandemic nature of COVID-19 and the low number of tests performed. Infection Prevention and Control for the Safe Management of a Dead Body in the Context of COVID-19.

We are all in this together: covid-19 and a call to action for mental health of children and adolescents

We call for a multi-stakeholder Global Mental Health Alliance for Children, which would achieve the following objectives: to strengthen evidence and understanding of mental health and well-being, causes and risks for children and young people; to scale up investment in mental health programming for children and young people, and particularly expanding the global cadre of β†’

Editorial: application of neural technology to neuro-management and neuro-marketing

Editorial on the Research Topic Application of Neural Technology to Neuro-Management and Neuro-Marketing Marketing studies the management of exchange relationships, while brand management deals with the relationship between a company's product and emotional perception of customer in terms of expectations and satisfaction. Shang et al.indicated that N2 reflected a conflict between the brand-product combination and β†’

Benefits of holistic food and alternative medicines

To follow any one diet, such as a Raw Food Diet or Macrobiotic Diet, is to shift responsibility to anotherhuman being the responsibility for tuning in to our own physical vehicles and determining our individual needs, regardless of what is in vogue at the time. The taking of the pulses in Oriental and Ayurvedic medicine, β†’

Corrigendum: immunoglobulin fc heterodimer platform technology: from design to applications in therapeutic antibodies and proteins

A correction has been made to section " HETERODIMERIC Fc-BASED ANTIBODIES IN DIVERSE FORMATS", subsection " Intact IgG Formats with Correct LC Association", sixth Paragraph: An alternative approach for enforcing correct HC VH-CH1 LC association includes introduction of a set of mutations at the heterodimeric VL CL and VH CH1 interface, similar to modification of β†’

On modeling a class of weakly stationary processes

3, the rank is at least two, and that k = 1 r X 2 for H 3 4. In our modeling approach t = ) t , the Hermite rank of the function f is equal to 1.