Quality Health & Medicine Essay Examples for Your Learning

Four hurdles for conservation on private land: the case of the golden lion tamarin in brazil’s atlantic forest

These interviews covered: background information on INEA and the RPPN Centre; land conservation in the state of Rio de Janeiro; their perspectives on the main threats to biodiversity conservation in the state; threats and conservation efforts for the golden lion tamarin; and partnerships with NGOs and private landowners. They also addressed: the challenges in developing →

Virtual reality for non-ordinary consciousness

In line with these reports, the cross-cultural purported purpose of many of the practices of the world's wisdom and shamanic traditions is to reduce overidentification with the physical body and ego-self, as a means of ameliorating mental-emotional suffering. Informed by the constraints of BSC and the insights of predictive coding, VR is a powerful means →

Choking under pressure: the neuropsychological mechanisms of incentive-induced performance decrements

The two prominent attentional models of choking under pressure hold that pressure either distracts an individual from the task at hand or causes the individual to explicitly monitor the performance of overlearned tasks in a counterproductive manner. These results speak to a general detrimental role of arousal on tasks in general irrespective of the nature →

The involvement of noradrenaline in rapid eye movement sleep mentation

Dreaming and the brain: towards a cognitive neuroscience of conscious states. Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Revonsuo, A." The reinterpretation of dreams: an evolutionary hypothesis of the function of dreaming," in Sleep and Dreaming.

The case for clinical pathways in radiation oncology

A clinical pathways program would reduce the number of ways the same treatments are described within and across cancer programs. Failure to adhere to protocol specified radiation therapy guidelines was associated with decreased survival in RTOG 9704 a phase III trial of adjuvant chemotherapy and chemoradiotherapy for patients with resected adenocarcinoma of the pancreas.

Commentary: fungal lifestyle reflected in serine protease repertoire

From the perspective of the secreted enzyme repertoire, a recent noteworthy article titled " Fungal lifestyle reflected in serine protease repertoire" exhibited a phylogenetic distribution of serine peptidases represented in the fungal kingdom. The paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the presence of the different serine peptidases families in a large number of fungal species.

Acute hypoxemic respiratory failure in immunocompromised patients: taking aggressive measures to identify etiology

The successful application of NIV or HFNC depends greatly on the selection of target patients and the optimal timing of the initiation of the study, as well as discontinuation of the first trial of NIV or HFNC. The delayed use of NIV was a pivotal predictor of NIV failure and the mortality rate of patients →

The role for maintenance of healthy body function

The role for maintenance of healthy body function The general function of the lymphatic system is the protection of the human body by fighting foreign bodies as the role of the said system. For that matter, the role of a single lymphocyte to contribute to the role of the lymph node can be compared →

Egyption medicine

It was noticed that the organs In the body would not remain preserved so they removed them before the burial. This was crucial to medicine, as it was the first thought of practical cures for illness.

Music and trauma: the relationship between music, personality, and coping style

However, despite the abundance of positive examples of the value of the arts in trauma recovery, music, and the arts receives little recognition by leaders in global health issues. Music and the expressive arts with children experiencing trauma.J.

An overview of models for response times and processes in cognitive tests

For example, based on a cognitive theory stipulating the processes involved in finding the correct response to a set of test items, a model can be developed for the probability of a correct response based on the mastery of the process skills required to successfully respond to the items. Before listing the categories, we introduce →

Editorial: diets, gut microbiota, and host metabolism

Microbial density and diversity are established very rapidly in the gut of the newborn and drive stabilization of the normal commensal microbiota. Wang et al.explored the relationships among diet supplements, gut microbiota, host genetics and metabolic status, leading to the conclusion that diets more intensively disturbed the structure of gut microbiota in excess of genetic →

Editorial: development of executive function during childhood

The Editorial on the Research Topic Development of Executive Function during Childhood Executive function is one of the most rapidly expanding research fields in the developmental and cognitive sciences. One of the most important foci in research on EF is the relation of EF development to school readiness and academic achievement.

Intelligence and creativity in problem solving: the importance of test features in cognition research

In literature we find models of the creative process that define certain stages to convergent and divergent thinking; the stages of purposeful preparation at the start and those of critical verification at the end of the process, respectively. A problem space is an abstract representation, in the mind of the problem solver, of the encountered →

Neuromoral diversity: individual, gender, and cultural differences in the ethical brain

My point in highlighting these findings is just that any sweeping description of the role of the rTPJ in moral judgment may entail oversimplifying the relationship between neural structures like the rTPJ on the one hand, and moral judgment on the other. 1197754 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Greene, J.D." The secret joke →

Toward an anti-inflammatory strategy for depression

Owing to the intimate relationship between stressor exposure and the onset of depression, virtually all-animal models of the disorder involve administration of some degree of stress. This is important in light of the fact that astrocytes are primary producers of the trophic factor, brain-derived neurotrophic factor, which has also been reported to be reduced in →

Eastern and western medicine

Thus it should be realized that when the final goal of these two different conceptual medicines is the same, it would be more beneficial if these concepts are integrated and work together for the benefit of the patient. The methods used for diagnosis and treatment of the same pathologies are very different for eastern and →

Antitrust and competition in health care markets

Recommendations: It is important to control the increased physician prices to maintain balance in the economical structure of the society which would result in the improvement of the structure of physicians' service market. Physicians should be compelled to practice and provide their services out of competition and it is highly important to monitor and control →

Editorial: the temporal dynamics of cognitive processing

The Editorial on the Research Topic The Temporal Dynamics of Cognitive Processing From our ability to attend to many stimuli occurring in rapid succession to the transformation of memories during a night of sleep, cognition occurs over widely varying time scales spanning milliseconds to days and beyond. They manipulated subjects' level of attention to the →

Glucagon-like peptide-1: a focus on neurodegenerative diseases

Furthermore, the activation of the PI3K/AKT axis can induce the inhibition of specific caspases and of NF- B, with the resulting inhibition of the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines. GLP-1 is also involved in the reduction of the oxidative stress, in the regulation of autophagy, and in the modulation of central nervous system pathways with protective →

Editorial: adaptation to psychological stress in sport

Meijen et al.provide a review and revision of the Theory of Challenge and Threat States in Athletes, with a specific focus on the predictions made in the TCTSA and inclusion of Lazarusian cognitive appraisal constructs. Clearly, the topic of adaptation to psychological stress in sport remains a vibrant, progressive, and multi-perspective area of study.

Animal welfare in extensive production systems is still an area of concern

An in-depth discussion of this definition is well-beyond the scope of this paper and it suffices to say that welfare depends on whether the animal is able to cope and on how much it has to do to cope with environmental challenges. From a management perspective, exposing animals early in their life to a diversity →

A list of helpful mnemonic essay sample

Block 1: Types of fascia: Stupid Stalin Communist Dictator: Subcutaneous Suspensory Compartmental Deep investing Block 2: Layers in anterolateral abdominal wall: Skin Can Seem Extraordinarily Interesting To The Expert Physician: Skin Camper's fascia Scarpa's fascia External oblique Internal oblique Transversus abdominus Transversalis fascia Extraperitoneal fat Parietal peritoneum Functions of the Liver: BEGeTS Bile production Erythropoiesis →

Healthcare organization

Section/# Governance and Management: An Analysis and Discussion One of the most important functions of a shareholder within a large healthcare organization is seeking to understand the interplay that exists between the different levels of leadership and management. As a function of these key differentials, this brief analysis will consider the divergence of concepts and →

Predictive brains: forethought and the levels of explanation

However, the understanding of interaction and integration between cognition and emotion requires a more quantitative analysis of structural and functional brain connectivity. Boccignone, G, and Cordeschi, R." Bayesian models and simulations in cognitive science," in Models and Simulations 2, 1 14.

Review of egfr tkis in metastatic nsclc, including ongoing trials

The goal of the IPASS trial was to evaluate the benefit of gefitinib as compared to carboplatin/paclitaxel as first-line treatment for patients with advanced NSCLC. Chemotherapy trial was conducted in patients with EGFR mutation positive tumors, and was the first to demonstrate the benefits of an EGFR TKI in a Caucasian population.

Corrigendum: updating the vibrio clades defined by multilocus sequence phylogeny: proposal of eight new clades, and the description of vibrio tritonius sp. nov.

Positive assimilation of glucose, mannitol, gluconate, glucuronate, and xylose indicated the presence of three major carbohydrate metabolic pathways, the Embden-Meyerhof, Entner-Doudoroff, and pentose-phosphate pathways, in V.tritonius sp.nov. The bacterium is positive for acid production from glucose and mannitol; for nitrate reduction, acetoin production, and hydrolysis of gelatin, DNA, and casein.

Editorial: the emerging role of monocyte-derived cells in the central nervous system

The perspective article by Boss et al.focuses on the collaboration of the immune and the nervous systems with emphasis on the elimination of harmful material linked to inflammation and neuronal loss. As a novel aspect, the article by Nigro et al.addressed the question how intracellular vesicles could modify the outcome of MS at the progressive →

Editorial: sleep spindles: breaking the methodological wall

Finally, Adamczyk et al.report on the influence of genetics on the variability of slow and fast sleep spindles. The function of the sleep spindle: a physiological index of intelligence and a mechanism for sleep-dependent memory consolidation.

Uninsured working poor: in search of affordable quality healthcare essay sample

Demographics of the uninsured The distribution of access to health care is not even in the whole nation. The importance attached to this productive segment of the population can be viewed in term of the model of our health care system where employees have been contributing to the health insurance of their employee.


The leading health indicators are related to the course work because they provide guidance for national health initiatives for specified periods of time. Topic 2: Exercise and fitness Promotion There are a variety of resources available through the federal government to promote exercise and fitness.

Molecular phenotyping of plant single cell-types enhances forward genetic analyses

The molecular analysis of a bulk cell population yields the composite molecular phenotype of many cell and tissue types, leading to an average assessment of the transcriptome, proteome, or metabolome of the population. In the absence of some knowledge or interest in a particular cell-type, it would be difficult to employ this approach to deducing →

Editorial: lipid signaling in plant development and responses to environmental stresses

A reverse genetic approach by Malho et al.has shown that these enzymes, localized to the endomembrane compartment, are involved in the regulation of plasma membrane recycling events and thus in the maintenance of polarity of pollen tube growth. Ruelland et al, show that in Arabidopsis suspension cells salicylic acid treatment leads to an increase in →

Editorial: linguistic influences on mathematics

Here we want to distinguish several linguistic levels at which numerical processing may be influenced, according to which we group the articles in our special issue: Conceptual: Conceptual properties of language Syntactic: The grammatical structure of languages beyond the word level influences Semantic: The semantic meaning or existence of words Lexical: The lexical composition of →

Timing of exposure and bisphenol-a: implications for diabetes development

BPA is a monomer that is used as the base compound in the manufacture of polycarbonate and other plastics, and it is also employed as a building block in epoxy can coating and the thermal paper of cash register receipts. Although most of the studies differ in the route and timing of BPA exposure, dose, →

A call for conservation scientists to evaluate opportunities and risks from operation of vertical axis wind turbines

Wind energy generation is among the fastest growing sources of renewable energies, and is rapidly expanding on-land and offshore. Given the limitations of HAWT, the attention of research and development in the wind energy sector is currently shifting toward VAWT.

Growth through education: the narratives of older adults

The story of old age used to be characterized by themes of decline resulting in the end of the story and the end of a person's life. The presentation of a person's life by means of a narrative includes events of that person's " raw existence," which are embedded in contexts and connected to →

Health of ageing (slp)

The program provides necessary funding in order to enable the testing of models with the aim of upgrading the changes in care that characterizes both the inpatient equipments or for an entire nation. The program also caters for the improvement in the quality of care.

Patient consent/patient rights & responsiblities/end of life (slp)

Other rights include the right to choose a doctor of patient's choice whom he or she believes will handle his or her condition appropriately and competently and right to make crucial decision especially if the patient is in stable or is of sound mind, right to accesses medical record whenever he or she feels like →

How should we measure chunks? a continuing issue in chunking research and a way forward

In particular, though many chunking papers use a variety of methods to measure how chunks are formed and retrieved, it is unclear whether the majority of these methods of measuring chunks accurately reflect the internal cognitive processes that are involved in chunk formation. A decline in activation, similar to the conclusions of Xu and Chun, →

Health journal

He can get in touch with his teachers and respective societies in school, and set up seminars so the student body becomes more aware of what foods are healthy for them and joins in the resolution to eat better. Each day of the school week could be dedicated to a particular type of food.

Human embryonic kidney cells

The result of this experiment was delaying in electrophorectic mobility of tagged PAG protein, when it was co-expressed with SRC. The cells will then be lysed in a buffer, phosphatase reaction carried out will be observed via assays and transfected cells will be compared with control ones to whom tamoxifen was given.

Portrait of an artist as collaborator: an interpretative phenomenological analysis of an artist

In this study, where six creative industry participants looked back on their lives, the maintenance of their creative identities was founded upon the social embeddedness of practise, an awareness of themselves and their skills changing over the lifetime, a complementary awareness of certain qualities in themselves being stable, and the opportunity to remain reflective on →

Good example of ergonomics and school library automation article review

Magazine: Emergency Librarian Article: " Ergonomics and School Library Automation" by Anne Clyde Summary of the Article: The article entitled " Ergonomics and School Library Automation" written by Clyde presented relevant issues pertaining to the safety and health conditions of personnel in the library setting. With the advent of computerization and automation, the author eventually →

Example of creative writing on the effects of the columbian exchange

This refers to the transfer of goods, ideas, and other things from the Old World to the New World and vice versa. The Columbian Exchange: A History of Disease, Food, and Ideas.

Incarceration and family stress as understood through the family process theory: evidence from hong kong

The scope of the current study is focused on incarcerated fathers, this being reflective of the current reality wherein males constitute a much higher proportion of the prison population, and also due to the key role fathers play to members of a family, which is especially the case in societies that are still more patriarchal. →

Can simulator sickness be avoided? a review on temporal aspects of simulator sickness

The simplest definition of virtual reality states that is " the use of computer-generated virtual environments and the associated hardware to provide the user with the illusion of physical presence within that environment". In such system, the environment is displayed and generated on several projectors, directed to the walls of the room and the →

Food diary

9 0 174.4 2.1 0.1 2. 2 0 1.4 3.3 14.3 0.

Death rituals

It implicates for empathy on their part that they understand the situation and are ready to be a part of the death rituals that the family is undertaking at the present. The death rituals did not change at all, and this strengthened my belief that the same steps and processes were going to be followed →

Toward a mature science of consciousness

Empirically, this suggests that there is a lack of agreement on what the relevant phenomenon is that the science of consciousness is set out to study. Incidentally, in the 1969 postscript of The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Thomas Kuhn points out that what characterizes a mature science is not typically just the possession of a →

Chasing protection in parkinson’s disease: does exercise reduce risk and progression?

Exercise and physical activity have been proposed as interventions that could both decrease the risk of developing PD and modify the course of the disease. In this review we will define exercise, summarize some of the human data supporting exercise's role in risk and progression of PD, review in vitro and in vivo studies demonstrating →

Academic knowledge production: framework of practical activity in the context of transformative food studies

Moreover, while many refer to the difficulties of working as an activist-scholar, the broader trends in academia, including the rise of the knowledge economy, new public management, and neoliberal values and academic capitalism, and their influence on the everyday lives of scholars and their research practice more broadly, may go unmentioned. Although we are driven →

Commentary: cross-cultural comparison of self-construal and well-being between japan and south korea: the role of self-focused and other-focused relational selves

According to the authors, the self-focused relational self is a form of self-other interacting self which values other's impression and opinion of the self, but from the point of view of the self. In this case, this individual could place the self at a position of lower importance relative to other in comparison to the →

Emergency and critical care medicine: an essential component of all specialties and practices

Likened to two specialties joined as one, in a continuum of care and in a partnership working with other specialties, veterinary emergency and critical care focuses on the immediate needs of a severely ill or injured animal and also on management of the critical medical and surgical patient beyond the primary problem. I also will →

The importance of culture in addressing domestic violence for first nation’s women

Campbell conducted a review of the research on mental and physical health sequelae of domestic violence, in a paper published in the Lancet, titled " Health consequences of intimate partner violence," concluding that the significant relationship of domestic abuse and mental health outcomes should be of concern and interest to clinicians as well as researchers. →

How dogs perceive humans and how humans should treat their pet dogs: linking cognition with ethics

In this section, we will investigate the characteristics of the human dog relationship by following the decisive question of how dogs adapt to the human environment. We believe that the mentioned capacities suffice to argue that dogs have a profound understanding of human gestures, actions and emotions.

Health science: bioterrorism preparedness

The first bioterrorism related survey by HSPH project that was conducted in the midst of the anthrax attacks in the US in October 2001, and that was involved in following the letters and the preparedness that the public had in this attacks proved that the preparedness in such bioterrorism attack is wanting and much needs →

Fibromyalgia syndrome: a case report on controlled remission of symptoms by a dietary strategy

A deterioration of the patient's conditions began with a severe worsening of morning stiffness and lower back pain, leading to disabling conditions, and forcing the patient at bed rest with severe aches. The concomitant onset of such a pain to both hips and to the right shoulder led to investigate for rheumatic diseases and to →

Risk of disease due to heredity and lifestyle project

However, it is possible to modify one's lifestyle and diet to reduce the risk of developing the disease altogether. Lifestyle Modification for the Prevention and Treatment of Hypertension.

Histone deacetylases and their role in motor neuron degeneration

This paper will review, first the evidence of transcriptional dysregulation in ALS, then the role of the different members of the HDACs family in disease pathogeny and as therapeutic candidates, and finally the role of SIRT and their effectors in ALS. In the case of ALS, there is also evidence of transcriptional dysregulation and alterations →

About the nature of contextual impairments revealed by fn400 abnormalities in schizophrenia

A commentary on Contextual impairments in schizophrenia and the FN400 by Amoruso, L, Cardona, J, Melloni, M, Sedeno, L, and Ibanez, A. Use of the process dissociation procedure to study the contextual effects on face recognition in schizophrenia: familiarity, associative recollection and discriminative recollection.

Editorial: reaction dynamics involving ions, radicals, neutral and excited species

Editorial on the Research Topic Reaction Dynamics Involving Ions, Radicals, Neutral and Excited Species The aim of this Research Topic is to provide relevant contributions relating to the study of the reactivity of ionic and excited species with atoms, molecules, and radicals of interest in atomic and molecular physics as well as in chemical reaction →

Home remedy and complementary medications

And I have been forced several times to adapt the home remedy treatment for these instead of medication by my family. For constipation I am made to go for the eatables containing fiber such as; a handful of soaked raisins are to be eaten at the morning in empty stomach, whole grain cereals, oranges, guavas →

Pathophysiology of admitting diagnosis

Syncope is a loss of consciousness due to the sudden decline of blood flow to the brain. There are several types of syncope, such as vasovagal syncope, carotid sinus syncope, and situational syncope.

Socially extended cognition and shared intentionality

In this paper I want to bring together the topics of extended cognition and social cognition and then specifically pursue the question in how far the mechanisms of shared intentionality already contain the sources of a social externalism. This is in the spirit of C&C's parity principle, the claim that if a part of the →

Editorial: molecular and cellular plant reproduction

To provide a comprehensive update on the myriad of topics in the field of plant reproduction, we invited contributions for a Research Topic entitled " Molecular and Cellular Plant Reproduction". As a result, this special issue covers the broad scope and dynamics of studies on plant reproduction, ranging from a hypothesis of the sexual reproduction →

Editorial: crosstalk of mitochondria with brain insulin and leptin signaling

Reciprocally, leptin resistance causes brain mitochondrial dysfunction and concomitantly induces insulin resistance, further exemplifying the close interaction of mitochondria, leptin and insulin signaling in the brain. This pathway is crucial for leptin and insulin action in the brain, and represents a novel target to combat the metabolic consequences of insulin resistance, such as obesity and →

Public health care problems

Are the local and national health care providers adequately responding to the needs of people suffering from mental disorders? The local health care communities cannot be held responsible for mandating specific care treatment for the affected population because they are aware of the needs of the locals and the abilities the local people have towards →

Occupational health and safety

The current causes fibrillation of the heart and pumping activity of the heart gets disorganized with deadly effects in its wake. Electric current can produce deep and severe burns of the skin due to power dissipation across the body's electrical resistance.

A new era of allele-specific diagnostics?

The major arbitrary element is a potential bias in the functionality of the specific panel of alleles of the gene chosen to use for regional screening. The phenotype of alleles at the molecular level will be able to define the domain structure of the protein and the pathway leading to mechanism of repairing abasic DNA →

Cryptococcal meningitis and anti-virulence therapeutic strategies

The arrest of Cn in the microcapillaries of the brain appeared to be independent of viability or capsule size and similar to the movement of polystyrene microspheres, suggesting that Cn can become mechanically trapped within the microvasculature of the brain. Deletion of the capsule polysaccharide synthase 1 gene, that is responsible for the synthesis of →

Haematological drugs: blood derivatives and thrombolytic drugs

Among the blood derivetives known today include whole blood, blood components and plasma derivatives. For example, cryoprecipitate and PPF are useful in the treatment of acute bleeding in which 50 percent of the blood has been lost.

Genital herpes sexually transmitted disease

Genital Herpes Sexually Transmitted Disease Genital Herpes is a sexually transmitted infection affecting the genital area of human body. Herpes gladiatorum The virus hides in the cells of nervous system during the dormant state and is invisible to drugs or the immune system which makes it difficult to cure.

My favorite healthy meal

After that, take the shredded lettuce and spread it across the sub on top of the meat and cheese. It Is a great and healthy meal!

The human condition

The choice setting of the poem-the countryside-clearly reflects the widower's isolation; the vastness and emptiness of the setting conveys to the responder the experience of the man himself. Isolation is a key aspect and how we respond to this notion is a critical idea of the human condition.

Editorial: effects of combined emf exposures and co-exposures

The papers in the Topic cover several parts of the EMF spectrum and different levels of biological organization. Combined biological and health effects of electromagnetic fields and other agents in the published literature.

The possible dual role of the ace2 receptor in asthma and coronavirus (sars-cov2) infection

A common concept in asthma is that viral infections can be associated with asthma exacerbation, and in respiratory viral infections, asthma patients can upregulate a wide range of molecules expressed in the lungs; one of these molecules is ACE2. In addition to this discrepancy in the incidence of asthma among COVID-19 patients, a recent study →

Editorial: structure-based drug design for diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases

To introduce the process of designing drugs that hit the multiple targets identified as important complex neuropathologies, Hughes et al.present a brief overview of the current approaches of approaches of data-mining, in silico screening, and rational drug design that rely heavily on clinical and biological validation of suitable targets and the molecular understanding of these →

Acute low back pain health and social care essay

Bed remainder and alteration of physical activities Bed remainder used to be the criterion of attention for ague low back hurting in the yesteryear. It is our sentiment that suppliers should hold a good apprehension of the anatomy of the dorsum to better evaluate and dainty patients with acute low back hurting.

Connectionism coming of age: legacy and future challenges

1017/S0140525X12000477 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Clark, A, and Karmiloff-Smith, A. 1037/a0018130 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text McClelland, J.L." Connectionist models and Bayesian inference," in Rational Models of Cognition, eds M.

The interplay between obstructive sleep apnea and atrial fibrillation

A comparison of 151 patients with AF and 312 patients with no current or past AF showed that proportion of patients with OSA was significantly higher in the group with AF than in the non-AF group. OSA is an independent risk factor for stroke, and AF is likely to play a role in the development →

Corrigendum: the microbiome and irritable bowel syndrome – a review on the pathophysiology, current research and future therapy

A Corrigendum on The Microbiome and Irritable Bowel Syndrome A Review on the Pathophysiology, Current Research and Future Therapy by Chong, P. 01136 In the original article " Won Fen Wong" was incorrectly assigned as the second corresponding author.

New estimates for the jensen gap using s -convexity with applications

The inequality leads to the following by using s -convexity of the function : 1 K i = 1 n i 0 1 2 ) G 1 2 )) + s ) d t.= 0 1 2 ) t s + 1 K i = 1 n i G 1 2 ) s G 1 →

Editorial: pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of pre-exposure prophylaxis against hiv

A major statistical challenge arises from the fact that sexual HIV transmission probabilities are extremely low and hence the number of seroconversions in a clinical trial, which is used to calculate efficacy is prone to statistical errors. They summarize approaches for approved and currently developed PrEP drugs from a PK/PD perspective, as well as approaches →

Baby bonus scheme in singapore health and social care essay

The chief end of this survey is to analyse the impact of babe fillip towards TFR and the position of the future coevals with respects to pamper bonus strategy. The intent of carry oning the study is to happen out the position of our future coevals with respects to this strategy and to happen the →

Literal vs. figurative blindness

The importance of figurative vision as opposed to literal vision to the influence of an individual is emphasized by the power inner vision yields, even over the power of the gods. Clearly, the strength of inner sight, or the weakness caused by a lack thereof, is a force that even the power of the gods →

Bio-medical discourse

It is out job as social workers to look at all of the other factors such as environment, family, cultureect of that individual, not just the focusing on the person and modifying the person. All they look at are the symptoms and the medications to go along side of them.

The competition between 2 fungi in same sugar (food) source can lead to change ph and color

MICROBIOLOGY ASSIGNMENT: THE COMPETITION BETWEEN TWO FUNGI IN SAME SUGAR SOURCE CAN LEAD TO CHANGE IN PH AND COLOUR The change in colour to purple in the first experiment must have been as a result of sample or media contamination. This is because a detailed repeat of the culture media experiment from 100 plate of →

Increased ethanol consumption following chronic psychosocial stress: do oxytocin and baclofen hold any therapeutic promise?

In the study by Peters and colleagues, after establishing that 14 days of CSC results in significantly increased anxiety behavior and increased alcohol consumption and preference, this rodent model of stress and anxiety was used to test the effect of baclofen and oxytocin on subsequent drinking behavior. Baclofen in the treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome: →

Basics for sensorimotor information processing: some implications for learning

Extrinsic factors may be related to the quantity of stimuli to be processed, the way decisions must be taken, the ability to exploit and consolidate appropriately motor programs or the availability of prior information regarding future events. As a consequence, the attention of the child is automatically driven to the relevant place in the page →

Feeding problems and their underlying mechanisms in the esophageal atresia–tracheoesophageal fistula patient

The aim of this review is to describe the nature of feeding difficulties in patients with EA, to discuss possible mechanisms for abnormal feeding, and highlight approaches to management in these patients. In a study of 124 children with repaired EA, Puntis et al.characterized feeding difficulties and found that, compared to healthy controls, children with →