Quality Health & Medicine Essay Examples for Your Learning

The technique of anaesthesia health and social care essay

The development in pharmacological and pharmacokinetics of local anesthetics used, and the promotion in the techniques has led the Bier 's Block to go one of the most normally used regional anesthetic techniques [ 19-24 ]. The oncoming of action and the continuance of the resulted block of this technique are longer than that of →

Testing theories of risky decision making via critical tests

The term " model" refers to a special case of a theory that also includes all of the operational definitions and simplifying assumptions needed to apply a theory to a particular paradigm. According to the TAX model, the utility of the gamble is a weighted average of the utilities of the consequences, with weights that →

Neurobiological underpinnings of reward anticipation and outcome evaluation in gambling disorder

This article reviews evidence on dopaminergic dysfunctions in reward anticipation and outcome evaluation in gambling disorder from two vantage points: a model of reward prediction and reward prediction error by Schultz et al, and a model of " wanting" and " linking" by Robinson and Berridge. The ventral striatum and the nucleus accumbens play a →

Biased cognitions and social anxiety: building a global framework for integrating cognitive, behavioral, and neural processes

M, and Wells, A." A cognitive model of social phobia," in Social Phobia: Diagnosis, Assessment, and Treatment, eds R.G. Being " in" or " out" of the game: subjective and acoustic reactions to exclusion and popularity in social anxiety.

Medicare and medicaid module 4 (slp)

To qualify for Texas Medicare, the state offers enrolment requirements for the couples. The next step is to classify your outpatient insurance program to be able to attain the relevant benefits.

A review of intentional and cognitive control in autism

To recognize this diversity, the notion of autism spectrum has been proposed, referring to both the extensive variety in functional abilities across the affected individuals and to the set of relatively heterogeneous disorders that make up the autism category. In their review, Geurts and colleagues give a critical examination of the existing disparity between the →

Module 3 – slp biotechnology and reproductive rights

The main ethical considerations taken into account by physicians before performing an abortion is the well-being of the mother as well as the child. Reproductive autonomy and the ethics of abortion.

legionella : from protozoa to humans

Recent advance in genome sequencing has had a tremendous impact on our understanding of the pathogenesis, evolution and diversity of L.pneumophila and L.longbeachae and the knowledge of the genome sequence has guided and facilitated the research on Legionella in many laboratories. Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Hubber, A, and Roy, C.R.

Binocular rivalry alternations and their relation to visual adaptation

A similar conclusion about the primacy of local adaptation comes from a study by Alais and Melcher, focusing on the coherence of rivalry alternations and the suppression-depth of complex and simple stimuli. Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Polonsky, A, Blake, R, Braun, J, and Heeger, D.J.

Medical unknown

Since unknown 8 was determined to be Staphylococcus coagulase test in addition to the following tests were performed on this unknown: 1) Production of DNase on DNase agar. The data suggests that the gram positive bacteria was Staphylococci saprophyticus because it was gram positive, was catalase positive with the production of O, and was resistant →

Editorial: environmental phytoremediation: plants and microorganisms at work

The inoculation of ryegrass with three of these isolates promoted plant growth and the removal of toxic metals from polluted soil, demonstrating that the interaction between plants and bacterial strains identified in contaminated areas could improve plant growth and the efficiency of phytoremediation. 001 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Stabentheiner, E, Zankel, A, →

Editorial: educating the global workforce for public health

Editorial on the Research Topic Educating the Global Workforce for Public Health A strong health workforce is one of the six building blocks of the World Health Organization's framework for health. The purpose of this Research Topic is to increase the shared understanding of the current status of the education of the health workforce around →

Grand challenges in sustainable cities and health

The size of global urban population has increased exponentially since the advent of the industrial revolution, with urban centers attracting large numbers of workers and families looking for opportunities for employment, education and better quality of life. The UN Sustainable Development Goals, the UN New Urban Agenda, and the WHO Urban Health Initiative have →

Why selenocysteine is unique?

The whole Sec incorporation mechanism is fully described in bacteria, where the SECIS element is unfolded by the ribosome movement during the translation process in presence of a specific elongation factor for Sec incorporation. Moreover, the full understanding of this incorporation mechanism is currently helping the protein engineering process and synthetic biology, allowing a " →

The function of the nmda receptor in hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy

At the early stage of development, the GluN2B-containing NMDA receptor is dominant, and the expression of the GluN2A-containing NMDA receptor gradually increases in the later stage of development and eventually outnumbers the GluN2B-containing NMDA receptor. Furthermore, the overexpression of Fyn enhances the phosphorylation of GluN2B in neonatal HIE and exaggerates the neuronal damage, suggesting the →

Culture and health attitudes

According to the Wikipedia Encyclopedia, " The concept of yin and yang is also applicable to the human body; for example, the upper part of the body and the back are assigned to yang which is cold foods, while the lower parts of the body are believed to have the yin character which is hot →

Commentary: “posttraining ablation of adult-generated olfactory granule cells degrades odor-reward memories”

Employing this " tag-and-ablate" strategy in the olfactory bulb the authors manipulate the duration between tagging and training and the duration between training and ablating in both adult and juvenile double transgenic mice. In addition, the preferred contribution of adult-born OGCs in recent memories is in line with a long-standing human neuropsychology tradition claiming a →

Commentary: conservative management of a scar abscess formed in a cesarean-induced isthmocele

00007 We read with great interest the article by Boukrid et al.on the very interesting case of a primiparous woman presenting a symptomatic abscess in the isthmocele 10 years after a cesarean section. Apart from that, of high significance appears the categorization of the types and the appearance of the related infections after a CS, →

Get accepted into a computed tomography program

I have gained sufficient technical and academic expertise from my current program and, I expect a smooth transition. I am graduating on May 16, 2013, and I expect to undertake my registry soon after the graduation.

Editorial: materialities of age and ageing

The aim of the research topic, " Materialities of Age and Ageing," is to explore what we learn if we look at age and ageing from the perspective of materiality-related theories and concepts, such as material sociology, material culture studies, science and technology studies, and new materialism. What the authors of the research topic and →

Right inferior frontal cortex: addressing the rebuttals

Using ECoG we showed rIFC activation even when a stop signal did not occur, and that the time of activation was around the response and not the anticipated time of the stop signal. 1093/cercor/bhn230 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Erika-Florence, M, Leech, R, and Hampshire, A.

Professionalization in teacher education as an interorganizational learning challenge

The data of the first case study are based on eight group discussions between teachers of the university and teachers of the in-service training outside of the university. Yet in Rhineland-Palatinate, a federal state in Germany, the teacher education colleges are responsible for not only the content and structure of the second phase but also →

Career opportunities in health care

Why I Would Like To Undertake Optometry and the Preparation I Have Done Module Why I Would Like To Undertake Optometry and the Preparation I Have Done Optometry acts as one of the best medical professions that I have admired since I was a child. This experience changed my life and inspired me to a →

Hypothesis testing is undertaken health and social care essay

Sekaran and Bougie stated, " the research design involves a series of rational decision-making picks associating to the intent of the survey, the type of probe, the extent of research worker intervention, the survey scene, the unit of analysis, the clip skyline, the type of sample to be used every bit good as the measuring, →

Grand challenges for cancer imaging and diagnosis

The evolution toward more sensitive " hybrid" scanners and of new imaging agents has led to the growth of the field of Molecular Imaging which, as defined by the Molecular Imaging Center of the Society of Nuclear Medicine is " The visualization, characterization, and measurement of biological processes at the molecular and cellular levels in →

Using motivated cue integration theory to understand a moment-by-moment transformative change: a new look at the focusing technique

On the other hand, the probability that the perceiver will infer that a shooting will occur may be proportional to the strengths of the associations between the contextual cue of the gun and the unique interpretation of the observer. For example, there is evidence that the internalized structure of fear is characterized by cognitive representations →

Editorial: red blood cell vascular adhesion and deformability

Editorial on the Research Topic Red Blood Cell Vascular Adhesion and Deformability In the present Research Topic, the red blood cell flow-affecting properties are examined from different angles of view, revealing the complexity of these characteristics and their role in ensuring proper blood circulation. 14197 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Barshtein, G, Arbell, →

Revise: epidemiology: current issue in the australian health system

Canberra: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Australian Bureau of Statistics and Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2008.

Good habits

The habits like, reading books that radiates knowledge and moral, or attending religious ceremonies, or participating in group sports, would make a comprehensive or a complete human being. To put it in to nut shell, indeed good habits make a good human being.

Bone cancer metastasis

Bone Cancer Metastasis Introduction Bone Cancer Metastasis refers to cancer that begins in other body parts and then spreads to the bone. Some cancer cells, in the late stages of cancer, can leave the primary area and spread to the bone.

Cognitive style: time to experiment

Such levels of activity have led to the emergence of more than 70 identifiable models and measures of cognitive style and a plethora of related terminology, constructs, and measures of style. Following a broad and detailed systematic review of the most popular models and construct measures, Coffield et al, together with others, issued a damning →

Case studies of severe microfilaremia in four dogs naturally infected with dirofilaria repens as the primary disease or a disease complicating factor

The gold standard for diagnosis of subcutaneous dirofilariosis is the modified Knott's test which allows visual detection and morphological identification of Mf, and was used to evaluate the Mf burden in all cases described in this article. The external canals were treated with nystatin according to the antifungal susceptibility test, and a general antibiotic was →

Mitochondrial dysfunction, alternans, and arrhythmias

A push forward of this idea came in 2010, when Frontiers in Physiology published the work of Florea and Blatter, which showed that the propensity for pacing-induced Ca 2+ alternans in atrial myocytes increases when the mitochondrial membrane potential is dissipated or ATP synthesis inhibited. Then, Florea and Blatter made the following intriguing observation: alternans →

Social connectedness across the psychosis spectrum: current issues and future directions for interventions in loneliness

Loneliness has been shown to be related more to the quality of social relationships than to the quantity, and is typically characterized by feelings of social disconnection. A limited ability to savor positive experiences and the presence of negative symptoms should be accounted for when developing a social intervention for individuals with psychosis.

Week 2 assignment


“tree is life”: the rising of dualism and the declining of mutualism among the gedeo of southern ethiopia

This paper is built on environmental communication as a theoretical framework premised upon the notion that the production and communication of ecocultural discourses create certain forms of knowledge that shape the meanings and perceptions humans construct about the environment, which in turn inform environmental behaviors and actions based on the power positions of actors and →

Emplacing climate change: civic action at the margins

The shift and diversion may solidify the configuration of a " center of action" at the expense of creating a " marginal space of action," which is either undermined or just falls out of the radar of an urban- and technology-based understanding of civic action. After outlining some of the key assumptions that make of →

 causes of stress essay sample

The development of society leads to the development of diary life. There are many causes of stress but in my opinion, thr ee important reasons leading to stress are financial problem, environment and bad relationship.

Evidence-based practices: a critical evaluation

The principles of EBP are well described and detailed examples provided which explains the author's familiarity with the theme. The fact that the author also discusses the principles of EBP is ideal.

Unraveling the redox properties of the global regulator fura from anabaena sp. pcc 7120: disulfide reductase activity based on its cxxc motifs

FurA has another task as it is crucial in modulating a number of genes which are significant in in redox homeostasis and accomplishes the properties of a heme sensor protein which has an effect in the binding of deoxyribonucleic acid. This research therefore will be used to show the contribution of the motifs in the →

Highly abundant small interfering rnas derived from a satellite rna contribute to symptom attenuation by binding helper virus-encoded rna silencing suppressors

Regarding the mechanism involved, RNA immunoprecipitation and Northern-blot analyses indicated that p19 suppresses the silencing of GUS expression by sequestering the hpGUS-derived siRNAs, which were outcompeted by the abundant Y-Sat-derived siRNAs in Q-CMV plus Y-Sat-infected tissues. 111 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Havelda, Z, Hornyik, C, Valoczi, A, and Burgyan, J.

Payers’ views of the changes arising through the possible adoption of adaptive pathways

Since the provision of healthcare is subject to the principle of solidarity and therefore a national issue, any projects involving access to medicines from the moment of marketing authorization, especially for new premium priced medicines, are subject to particular scrutiny from their perspective. Publications arising from the EMA suggest that the EMA is of the →

Brain-derived neurotrophic factor

Because of the multiple evidences implicating BDNF to BD, several studies have looked into BDNF in a genetic level to better understand the disease. Many studies have found that a change from val66val to val66met is highly critical in the development of BD.

Genitourinary oncology: current status and future challenges

Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text Jemel, A, Siegal, R, Xu, J, and Ward, E. The present and future burden of urinary bladder cancer in the world.

Partial pcl tear diagnosis using mri

The type of imaging technique used in this case to determine the PCL injury was an MRI. There are a few limitations in regard to using an MRI for medical imaging and the errors involved.

Epigenetic regulation of human embryonic stem cells

Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Aranyi, T, and Paldi, A. Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Cordaux, R, and Batzer, M.A.

Dreams of higher education in the mediterrani school through family education

When dropout rates are reduced, educational success and social impact in terms of the completion of upper secondary education and participation in tertiary education are related both to social inclusion and access to various social areas such as employment, housing, health and political participation, access to resources, the use of public institutions and the availability →


A leader is the person who is committed to carry out the mission the organization and not the boss who sits in the office to command. So a good manager must strive to produce the results and thus performance.

Intracellular biomineralization in bacteria

The objective of this research topic is to highlight the latest advances in our understanding of intracellular biomineralization in bacteria, with a focus on the magnetotactic bacteria, a group of phylogenetically diverse microbes synthesizing magnetic minerals of magnetite and/or greigite magnetosomes in cells. This research topic provides a selection of interesting and challenging topics of →

The technique of endovascular intracranial revascularization

A distal position of the guide catheter will help ensure a stable platform for delivery of the microcatheter/balloon and facilitate navigating the lesion with the necessary finesse. In this way, there is progressive straightening of the vessel and never a large wire or blunt face of a guide catheter snowplowing on the vessel and potentially →

My leadership engine

To assist leaders at all levels of responsibility, and to examine their philosophy, values, and behavior, The Leadership Engine, a book by Noel Tichy, Professor at the University of Michigan School of Business and former head of General Electric leadership training, provides a useful tool called, " the Teachable Point of View". A manifestation of →

End-stage renal disease facilities

This may be for many of the operations that are undertaken in the facility. This may lead to the expansion and growth of the facility.

Follow-up imaging: molecular imaging is likely best as a single modality, but multimodality imaging is the future

The goal of this manuscript is to provide the latest information on positron emission tomography molecular imaging, offer other options within the realm of molecular imaging, and to let the reader's ultimate decision regarding follow-up imaging be made on a case-by-case basis based upon available resources and user experience. There has been considerable discussion and →

Mental side effects of deep brain stimulation (dbs) for movement disorders: the futility of denial

The benefits of deep brain stimulation for parkinsonian patients are well documented and have established the method as mainstay in the late stages of the disease. The subjective rating by the patient may however be a result of direct stimulation of the limbic system and not a normal joyful response to the improved motor performance.

Editorial: systems biology and the challenge of deciphering the metabolic mechanisms underlying cancer

Editorial on the Research Topic Systems Biology and the challenge of deciphering the metabolic mechanisms underlying cancer Cancer is one of the major causes of mortality worldwide. One of the challenges in studying a disease as diverse as cancer is the integration of novel large-scale data in order to increase our understanding of the etiology →

Reducing the fatality rate of covid-19 by applying clinical insights from immuno-oncology and lung transplantation

Fifteen to 30% of patients infected with SARS-CoV-2, the causative agent of COVID-19, develop a severe form of pulmonary inflammation that results in acute lung injury and rapidly progresses to acute respiratory distress syndrome within 2 weeks, reminiscent of the ARDS caused by the pathogenic hCoVs SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV. Safety considerations with chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine and →

Maersk group (maersk) human resource development

Which one of the latter mentioned experiences that works best, is according to my standpoing depending on the individual employee that it is applied on; this correlates with the Maersk initiative " talent intimacy", where the managers were encouraged to acquire the knowledge on how each of their individual employees learns best In order to →

Commentary: is the developmentally immature immune response in paediatric sepsis a recapitulation of immune tolerance?

Since the immature neonatal immune system and the state of endotoxin tolerized immunoregulatory responses among adults are exemplified by the hypo-inflammatory response and present with striking similarities, such as low expression profiles of TLR4 and preponderance of anti-inflammatory cytokine signatures, we may arguably conclude that the overall characteristics of the neonatal immature immune responses differ →

Role of the eye in transmitting human coronavirus: what we know and what we do not know

This review presents the genomics and morphology of human CoVs, the epidemiology, systemic and ophthalmic manifestations, and mechanisms of human CoV infection, and the role of the eye in the transmission of human CoVs. However, the number of 2019-nCoV infected patients in the first two months was nearly 10 times that of SARS patients in →

Medical and paramedical care of patients with cerebellar ataxia during the covid-19 outbreak: seven practical recommendations of the covid 19 cerebellum task force

Because neurological disorders are not uncommon in COVID-19, it may be relevant to remind patients, caregivers, and paramedics that the ataxic syndrome may worsen due to the lack of rehabilitation or the interruption of medications. In case of suspected or confirmed COVID-19 in CA patients with more severe manifestations, both the motor and non-motor features →

Editorial: where to raise happy and skilled children: how environment shapes human development and education

In the first perspective, features of home and the school environment are juxtaposed with aspects of children's developmental processes, such as the development of gender stereotypes and environmental attitudes and behaviors and with developmental resources such as parental involvement in their children's education. Rural and urban living environments are not only physically different, but foster →

Open practices and resources for collaborative digital pathology

In addition to impact on science, medicine, and education, the open science paradigm leads to the development of novel interactions and business models in the industry such as open collaboration and open innovation. In this section, we briefly list the open practices and resources we are aware of at the time of submission in the →

The challenges of leveraging threat intelligence to stop data breaches

In this paper, we discuss the problem of data breaches and the challenges of implementing threat intelligence to stop advanced security threats such as data breaches. Machine learning at its most basic is the practice of utilizing different algorithms to parse data, learn from it, and then make a decision or prediction something about the →

Cultural and social diversity as major issues in the delivery of health

It is through this competence that the health manager will be able to offer effective health services while respecting other people's practices and beliefs in professional practice.comprises the knowledge of the populace according to language, demographics, economic factors, beliefs, age among others. It is through this competence that the health manager will be able to →

Analysis of health worker motivation in africa by mathauer and imhoff

The article titled Health worker motivation in Africa: the role of non-financial incentives and human resource management tool suggests that the motivation level within workers of health care system needs to be enhanced. The result of the study was that health care professionals act in a professional manner because of their professional consciousness.

Alcohol advertisement report

In the advertisement above, there are two beautiful young ladies trying to pull up a man and the main thing the advertiser wants to convey is that if men drink certain type of beer then they will be able to attract opposite gender. Hence, it has been concluded that expensive hard drinks and luxury products →

Public health

They are responsible for the health of both their children and parents and, hence they need sufficient health information. This requires health practitioners, administrators, and organizations to have a constant monitoring system that allows them to identify the needs of the society.

The lateral ligament complex health and social care essay

The major contributes to stableness of the mortise joint articulations are the congruousness of the articular surfaces when the articulations are loaded, the inactive ligaments restraints and the musculotendinous unit, which allow for dynamic stabilisation of the joint. Application of the dorsiflexion Irish burgoo 's mobilisation with motion technique to patients with subacute sidelong ligament →

If you want a healthy body and harmonious evolution, use vitamins

Water-soluble vitamins include Vitamin C and the vitamin B complex. Fat-soluble vitamins include, Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E and Vitamin K.

Aerobic training and fat burning

The enzymes present within the mitochondria help in burning fat and reserve the glucose stores within the body. However, burning of the excess fat within the body is majorly achieved through aerobic exercises.

Mental disorders are somatic disorders, a comment on m. stier and t. schramme

In the following, I present my personal argument for: why neurobiological research offers the potential for identifying curative therapies for mental disorders despite the lack of a valid explanatory model on the mental level; and that such research is needed to establish more valid disease models on the mental level. Furthermore, I argue that the →

The ca3 region of the hippocampus: how is it? what is it for? how does it do it?

The hippocampus, in the temporal lobe, is phylogenetically one of the oldest parts of the brain and forms part of the limbic system. Recurrent synapses and circuits in the CA3 region of the hippocampus: an associative network.

Editorial: new translational insights on metabolic syndrome: obesity, hypertension, diabetes and beyond

Interestingly, in one aspect of metabolic disorders, the review articles by Costa-Silva et al.and Silva et al.discuss the effects of malnutrition on the establishment of hypertension. Using a different perspective, Cavalcante-Silva et al.discussed the influence of gut microbiota in inflammation and MetS.

Populism and protest

Populism in the United States is generally traced to the People's Party in the late 19th century, a progressive movement that advocated women's suffrage and the rights of black farmers, some trace it to darker roots, in the election of Andrew Jackson in 1828, when white male suffrage had been greatly expanded to almost universal →

“advocacy” and “activism” are not dirty words–how activists can better help conservation scientists

Hixon adds that scientists are citizens, like everyone else, and as such have an obligation to engage in political debate and policy, because if they do not, decisions are made by those who are less familiar with the scientific method, and do not have as good a grasp of the facts as scientists do. However, →

Should couples have health screening before marriage health essay

So, through health screening, there is a chance for couples to have a preparation before they start a family. Improvement in terms of quality of life is another reasons for couples to have a health screening before marriages.

Cultural reflections on restrained eating

There are several self-report instruments for the assessment of restrained eating, of which the three most commonly used are the Restraint Scale, and the restraint subscales of the Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire and the Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire. 009 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Stroebe, W." Restrained eating and the breakdown of self-regulation," in →

Circulating tumor cells: back to the future

Establishment and characterization of a cell line from human circulating colon cancer cells. Tumorigenicity and genetic profiling of circulating tumor cells in small-cell lung cancer.

Editorial: the impact of school food consumption on children’s cognition, educational attainment and social development

The authors would like to acknowledge all authors within this e-book for their continuing contribution to the field of nutrition, school feeding, and ensuring that more children are back in school, being fed, and learning better. The school as a platform for addressing health in middle childhood and adolescence.

A brainer on neurotoxicity

1712081 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Barenys, M, and Fritsche, E. 035 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Leist, M, and Hartung, T.

The consequences of coronavirus-induced cytokine storm are associated with neurological diseases, which may be preventable

While we now know that aging, environment and genetic factors combined drive most of the PD risk there is reason to believe that neuroinflammation plays a role in the development of disease. It may be of importance to revisit these findings in the context of how brain immune microglia and neurons can be activated in →

Covid-19 misinformation alert, or: “wash your hands and eat your veggies!”

However, science has a key role in tackling ongoing and future pandemics, and this is not the time for research exceptionalism; we need to " triage out low-value research" and remind ourselves and our students and post docs of the core principles of the scientific method. Furthermore, are we really in a position to suggest →

The happy organization: what it stands for and what it hopes to acquire

The " Healthy Adults Persevere and Prevail from preparing during their Youth Project" is centering on supporting mental, emotional and physical healthy lifestyle among the underserved youths to assist them and their communities in making healthy life and food choices by supporting the nutrition policies, building leadership skills, empowerment through workshops and internships, teaching coping →

Physical activity of adolescents in clarksville, tn

While considering this, the quality of the activities and a balanced diet are very important." Everyone needs to stay active to be physically fit. In regard to information on health issue, there should not be any difficulty in visiting the site.

Is human development different from economic development?

A fundamental approach taken illustrates that the economic development of any given region is founded on the process available and the opportunities for the population to accomplish the intendedgoals. Modern instrument including the Sen based Human Development Reports tie the state and capacity of the population to the effectiveness of any development options.

Exercise-driven increase in gut microbial hydrogen production as a possible factor of metabolic health

Exercise-induced modulations of the gut microbiota found in this study were strongly associated with favorable changes in several biomarkers of metabolic fitness, suggesting a possible interconnection between exercise stimulus, compositional and functional changes in the gut microbiota that involve hydrogen, and better metabolic health. This requires a careful monitoring of gut hydrogen during exercise and →

When a placebo is not a placebo: problems and solutions to the gold standard in psychotherapy research

While a wealth of robust evidence shows that psychotherapy is effective for a range of mental health conditions the use of placebo controls to assess the effectiveness of specific psychological interventions faces serious conceptual and methodological challenges. A meta-analysis of component studies in counseling and psychotherapy.J.

Severity of coronavirus disease 2019 (covid-19): does surfactant matter?

The potential connection of SARS-CoV-2 virus infection with a deficit in pulmonary surfactant or factors thereof and the administration of surfactant as a treatment modality for different phenotypes of COVID-19 are presently intensively discussed. 01589-2020 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Farsalinos, K, Barbouni, A, and Niaura, R.

Editorial: extreme eating behaviours

We are currently increasing our understanding of how obesity and EDs are associated with changes in the composition of gut microbiota, in the intake of macro- or micro-nutrients, the immune, endocrine and nervous systems, and how these changes lead to physical and mental health consequences. It consists of a variety of articles and study types →

Chapter question

Relative advantage defines the measure of effectiveness and efficiency of a proposed innovation with respect to the old technology. In cases where such tests are not possible, alternative approaches must be devised and this may delay adoption of the proposed technology.

Epigenetic drugs: a novel anti-aging strategy?

Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Sananbenesi, F, and Fischer, A. Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Satoh, A, Stein, L, and Imai, S.

Neurobiological foundations of multisensory integration in people with autism spectrum disorders: the role of the medial prefrontal cortex

In line with the classification established by Miller et al, the sensory processing disorders include disturbances in sensory modulation and alterations in the integration, organization and discrimination of sensory stimuli. Autism and the experience of a perceptual object.