Quality Health & Medicine Essay Examples for Your Learning

Commentary: social stress contagion in rats: behavioral, autonomic and neuroendocrine correlates

To address this issue, Carnevali et al.examined the contagion of social stress on both the animal that experienced the stress first hand as well as that animal's cagemate, who did not observe the cause of the stress. Upon the demonstrator rats' return to the original cage, the cagemate observer rats were able to detect the →

Having suffered a heart attack health and social care essay

Much of the information gathered about the platinum 's history will be subjective informations; this significance information peculiar to our peculiar person that may or may non hold a bearing due to the exactitude, preciseness and proved current cogency; the information is from the topic or topics household. The addition in prevalence of HF in →

Understanding meditation based on the subjective experience and traditional goal: implications for current meditation research

In relation to studying the goal of meditation, another aspect that should be considered in meditation research is the subjective experience associated with different practices and with the end goal of meditation.6. Thus, in the process of understanding meditation in its extent, we need to study the different stages of meditation from the onset of →


Retrieved from: http://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/topics-objectives/topic/health-communication-and-health-information-technology? topicid= 18 The article argues that health communication and health information technology play a fundamental role in health care delivery, public health, and shaping our opinion on health. The source is important and reliable since it depicts the significance of health communication and health information technology on health sciences.

Current perspectives on the mechanisms of auditory hallucinations: introduction to the special research topic

In keeping with this origin, the contributors to this Frontiers Research Topic have indeed looked closely at the experience of auditory hallucinations, providing new insights into the precise nature of hallucinations in clinical and non-clinical groups; the underlying cognitive, emotional and neural processes; and how this evidence might inform the next generation of personalized treatments →

The foundation of precision medicine: integration of electronic health records with genomics through basic, clinical, and translational research

The members of the Genomics Workgroup in the Electronic Medical Records and Genomics network led the development of a Special Topic in Frontiers in Genetics titled " Genetics Research in Electronic Health Records Linked to DNA Biobanks 1". The paper by Crawford et al.describes the initial goal of eMERGE network that was to explore the →

How cold weather causes diseases

This is attributed to the fact that many people believe that cold weather makes people sick. How cold weather causes diseases Many people believe that the flu and colds are caused by cold weather.

The cardiovascular system: blood vessels and circulation/ and cause of tingling or numb of a body part after a nap ect

Cardiovascular System Introduction The cardiovascular system describes the circulatory components of the body of animals. Components of Circulatory System The circulatory system is made up of blood that constitutes the white blood cells or leucocytes, the red blood cells or erythrocytes, plasma and platelets.

Life care plan for an 11 year old health essay

As it is well documented asthma have a lot of on the day to day living. With the current crop of scientists, it is right to say that asthma is under control.

Human development index critique essay

Introduction: The Human Development Index is a composite statistic used to rank countries by level of " human development" and separate " very high human development", " high human development", " medium human development", and " low human development" countries. Background: The origins of the HDI are found in the annual Human Development Reports of →

Age-related neurodegenerative disease research needs aging models

008 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Blesa, J, and Przedborski, S. The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of donepezil, galantamine, rivastigmine and memantine for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease: a systematic review and economic model.

Corrigendum: method for improving eeg based emotion recognition by combining it with synchronized biometric and eye tracking technologies in a non-invasive and low cost way

RGarc a participated in the definition of the protocol and explored ways to improve it. It has also been supported by InDAGuS and INSPIRES, the Polytechnic Institute of Research and Innovation in Sustainability, Universitat de Lleida, Spain.

5 health indicators and analysis –

The comparison of the infancy mortality rate between the three countries raises concern, as the number of fatalities among infants in Somalia is alarming. This demonstrates the need for Mexico and Somalia to invest in more in infant and maternal health, and run programs such as vaccination to aid in reducing infant mortality.

Editorial: frontiers in the acquisition of literacy

As the teaching of literacy takes up a large proportion of classroom time in the early years, increasing knowledge about children's learning processes should result in better approaches to the teaching of reading and spelling. In order to ensure the development of an inclusive reading science, and a more comprehensive and universal theory of literacy →

Editorial: forest health under climate change: effects on tree resilience, and pest and pathogen dynamics

To date, most empirical and synthesis research has focused on climate change implications for tree species distributions and productivity, while the potential impacts on forest pests and pathogens and the effects on tree population health have been comparatively neglected. Climate change is altering the distributions and population structures of forest pests and pathogens, the way →

Ways to keep fit and healthy

Pencil in your fitness time and keep those appointments as conscientiously as you do all your appointments. Meditation can heal your body, mind and soul.

Corrigendum: feature selection methods for robust decoding of finger movements in a non-human primate

The authors apologize for this error and state that this does not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way. The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

Editorial: bioscience of d-amino acid oxidase from biochemistry to pathophysiology

The review by Koga et al, reporting on the distribution of DAAO in mouse tissues, also focuses on the wide substrate preference of the enzyme in rodents and on the accumulation of selected D-amino acids in tissues and body fluids of mice expressing an inactive form of the enzyme. The review by Pollegioni et al.presents →

Editorial: odyssey of surfactant proteins sp-a and sp-d: innate immune surveillance molecules

It is clear from the studies being reported in this volume that the field of SP-A and SP-D continues to grow and is now throwing a number of pleasant surprises. Susceptibility of mice genetically deficient in the surfactant protein -A or SP-D gene to pulmonary hypersensitivity induced by antigens and allergens of Aspergillus fumigatus.

The kraken in the aquarium: questions that urgently need to be addressed in order to advance marine conservation

During the exercise, we also identified " Kraken in the aquarium" questions, i.e, the marine equivalent of " the elephant in the room". The number of human stressors in the ocean is increasing, but our ability to account for and manage the cumulative effects of these activities is still inadequate in most locations.

Corrigendum: frontiers in climate smart food systems: outlining the research space

00002 In the original article, we neglected to include the funder UK Research and Innovation as part of the Global Challenges Research Fund, BB/P027784/1 to Stephen Whitfield. This study was funded by the UK Research and Innovation as part of the Global Challenges Research Fund, BB/P027784/1 to SW.

Editorial: towards improved forecasting of volcanic eruptions

The integration of these data into physics-based models allows us to constrain magma migration at depth and to derive the pressure evolution inside volcanic conduits and reservoirs, with the aim of ultimately forecasting volcanic eruptions. Cameron et al.evaluate the timeliness and accuracy of eruption forecasts for 53 eruptions at 20 volcanoes in Alaska.

Why do we like what we like? when information flow matters

Their results showed that the degree to which a song is found desirable is well predicted both by the level of activity in the nucleus accumbens and the degree of its functional connectivity with other areas, including the orbitofrontal cortex and the auditory cortices. R, Dagher, A, and Zatorre, R.J.

Aggression traits in youth psychopathy: the key role of serotonin

Surprisingly, this article offers limited attention to the growing body of evidence about the role of serotonin in aggression and emotional empathy, two important aspects of psychopathy, although the author mentioned the effect of the serotonin transporter polymorphism in developing aggression as well as the impact played by serotonin depletion in the recognition of fearful →

Neurorestorative therapy for stroke

After decades of research focused on acute neuroprotection and the failure of clinical trials to overcome this barrier, the National Institutes of Neurological Disease and Stroke Stroke Progress Review Group in 2006 and in 2011 identified delayed neurorestoration after stroke as a major priority for stroke research. Neurogenesis, the generation of new parenchymal cells from →

Corrigendum: vascular development and hemodynamic force in the mouse yolk sac

A corrigendum on Vascular development and hemodynamic force in the mouse yolk sac by Garcia, M. 00308 The article " Vascular development and hemodynamic force in the mouse yolk sac" that is part of the research topic " Mechanotransduction and Development of Cardiovascular Form and Function" published 20 August 2014, is missing the following Acknowledgment →

Construct labeling: public trust and scientific credibility

Given this contrast in earnings, and the clear wording of ISSP Items and, Kiatpongsan and Norton's decision to set aside the established distinction between a CEO and a chairman is a mislabeling that, as the opening Shadish et al.epigram has theoretical and practical implications. At a deeper level, Kiatpongsan and Norton's use of the AFL-CIO's →

A survey of retinal remodeling

The concept of remodeling entered consistently the field of retinal research in 2003, when Robert Marc used this word to indicate the gradual and articulated process of morpho-functional changes involving neurons, glia and blood vessels that in the retina accompany and follow photoreceptor degeneration. In previous years, most of the literature published under the general →

Editorial: involvement of tanycytes in the neuroendocrine control of energy homeostasis

Among the glial cells involved in the regulation of food intake, energy expenditure, and glucose homeostasis, tanycytes are in the spotlight due to their privileged position within the brain and their wide spectrum of functions. The Research Topic " Involvement of tanycytes in the neuroendocrine control of energy homeostasis" aims to report recent advances showing →

Editorial: behavioral insights for a sustainable energy transition

To this end, three main challenges need to be addressed: to investigate and systematize the factors that influence energy-relevant choices and behaviors; based on these insights, to develop and test interventions that promote more sustainable behavior; and given that individual behavior takes place in a political and economic context, to integrate behavioral insights into the →

Editorial: owning a body + moving a body = me?

Currently, there is a wide consensus that the experience of our own body relies on at least two key neurocognitive components: the sense of agency and the sense of body ownership. Despite widespread agreement that a coherent experience of the bodily self emerges from the complex interplay between the sense of agency and the sense →

Editorial: adiponectin: friend or foe? toward understanding the complexities of adiponectin biology and challenges in pharmaceutical development

Examining the Potential of Developing and Implementing Use of Adiponectin-Targeted Therapeutics for Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases " describes the physiological effects of adiponectin in cardiac tissue and potential impact of this adipokine in cardiovascular diseases. Numerous studies highlighted the potential role of adiponectin in cancer development and progression.

Framing undergraduate public health education as liberal education: who are we training our students to be and how do we do that?

The rapid expansion of undergraduates receiving public health education and a need for an expanded spectrum of people working to improve the health of populations means that bachelor-level public health trained students have the opportunity to move into a broad range of career options to influence the health of their communities. This focus on liberal →

The value of creativity for enhancing translational ecologies, insights, and discoveries

Goose One and Goose Two divided themselves: one at the front and one at the back of the group. And with her clumsy webbed feet she started to march so firmly and sure of herself that the group could not help but follow in awe." I am Duck," Duck said, " and that's a good →

Politics and sexual difference

One of the unintentional side effects of this mirror like game is the universalization of people: on the feminist end is the demand for parity and equality between the sexes, that is of people's universalism 6, and on the neoliberal, a universalization of people and companies 7, all of which become either consumers or the →

Editorial: delivery of locally-acting agents to intracellular targets

Editorial on the Research Topic Delivery of Locally-Acting Agents to Intracellular Targets The vast majority of pharmaceuticals penetrate into tissues and cells regardless of their actual requirements for treatment. The main goal of this Research Topic is to highlight the current state of delivery vehicles for locally-acting drugs into target compartments of particular cells.

Faraday’s laws proven correct through a lab experiment of electrolysis

My Investigation In order to investigate the Faradays laws I must measure the amount of metal collecting on the cathode, or more accurately the amount of metal lost by the anode in the experiment that I intend to perform, whilst varying the current passing through the solution and keeping the time constant thereby changing the →

Advance directives

Advance Directives due: An advance directive refers to a legitimate document that gives individuals the chance to make decisions regarding their end-of-life care. In case a person becomes powerless to make such decisions due to various reasons, the advance directive communicates the wishes of the patient to the family and health care providers.

Editorial: the role of glia in plasticity and behavior

3075 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Natsubori, A, Takata, N, and Tanaka, K.F. 038 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Perea, G, Sur, M, and Araque, A.

Editorial: hypocretins/orexins

This assembly of work from experts in the topic make clear the growing data implicating HCRT/OX in physiology and disease and the possibilities of developing drugs targeting their signaling pathways. Dustrude et al.studied the effect of HCRT/OX neurons in the PeF, which send projections to the amygdala, a critical region involved in fear learning and →

Editorial: development and application of novel genome engineering tools in microbial biotechnology

Hu et al.from China Agricultural University report the first application of CRISPR-Cas9 in genome editing of the apicomplexan parasite Eimeria tenella for the elucidation of gene functions at the single-gene level as well as for the systematic functional analysis of an entire gene family. Of equal importance to the development of genome engineering tools are →

Volunteer report

Together, we cooked a meal for the families and I was able to serve for some of them in the facility. I interacted with various families at the facility most of which were children, and it was incredible to learn about where they were from the families they came from.

Is your wellness program a slave to fads or backed by science?

Oz Effect is to incorporate an effective wellness program that gives your employees the tools and information they need to be healthy. Rather than leave employees to fend for themselves in a noisy industry, choose a wellness program that will arm them with accurate information and give them the tools they need to get - →

Athletic training and injuries in professional sports

Athletic Training and Injuries in Professional Sports Athletic training is a career that can only be practiced by athletic trainers. As the career of athletic training advanced into a medical profession, many job settings have required athletic trainers to be a part of their programs and be a major service for care and assistance.

Omics strategies for revealing yersinia pestis virulence

Further studies have revealed that the phospholipase D activity of Ymt is required for the survival of Y.pestis in the midgut of fleas by affording protection against a cytotoxic digestion product of blood plasma in the flea gut. A comparison of the genomes of Y.pestis and Y.pseudotuberculosis has identified nine loci, which are supposed to →

Grand challenge: elsi in a changing global environment

The issues to be examined followed the description of the purpose of the parts of the program as per the first report by the ELSI Working Group. What research ethics should learn from genomics and society research: lessons from the elsi congress of 2011.J.

Editorial: genomics and effectomics of the crop killer xanthomonas

This research topic published in the " Plant Biotic Interactions" section of Frontiers in Plant Science and Frontiers in Microbiology aims at illustrating several of the recent achievements of the Xanthomonas community. Sequencing and comparative analysis of 26 strains of Xanthomonas -infecting bean species resulted in the description of a new genetic lineage for lablab →

The shared ethical responsibility of medically and non-medically qualified experts in human drug development teams

Accordingly, it was a reasonable decision by the law makers to place the entire ethical responsibility on the head of the medical team and proclaim that it was the duty of the senior chief physician to evaluate both the scientific and ethical aspects of the research plan and supervise its execution according to Hippocratic Oath →

Editorial: quantifying and addressing bias associated with imperfect observation processes in epidemiological studies

The authors claim that this method can be used as a solution to underreporting in ecological and epidemiological studies and improve early detection of biological invasions. The eight papers showcase a range of approaches to quantifying and addressing bias associated with imperfect observation processes in epidemiological studies.

Bringing outdoor therapies into mainstream mental health

The latter include: the ecological, esthetic, and social characteristics of the natural setting where the outdoor activity takes place; and the type and characteristics of the activity itself. Meanwhile, one option is to create a menu of outdoor therapies as a basis for discussion between patient and practitioner, to allow for a voluntary selection.

Does sociology have any choice but to be evolutionary?

The fundamental point here is that, regardless of the degree of individual " rationality" presumed by different kinds of theories, all the way from " strong" rational choice to Marxist false consciousness, unless we assume that it is possible for social actors to have perfect " models of the world" then the system inevitably involves →

Economic games and social neuroscience methods can help elucidate the psychology of parochial altruism

Intrigued by this, researchers from multiple disciplines have attempted to explain the psychological origins and processes of parochial altruism: the well-documented tendency for increased cooperation and prosocial behavior within the boundaries of a group, and second, the propensity to reject, derogate, and even harm outgroup members. 1038/scientificamerican1170-96 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Tajfel, →

Editorial: organ fibrosis: triggers, pathways, and cellular plasticity

The disturbed equilibrium between ECM formation and degradation is the end result of a complex cascade of cellular and molecular responses initiated by organ damage, and even though there is a range of organ-specific triggers, the fibrotic process and associated signaling pathways are highly conserved between different organs. In this Research Topic, experts from all →

You must be joking! benign violations, power asymmetry, and humor in a broader social context

We suggest that the BVT could potentially be applicable to a broader array of situations if it included three additional elements: firstly, a distinction between the joke-teller and joke-listener; secondly, the role of power differences; thirdly, the acknowledgement of the cultural context in which a joke is told. When we address the psychological distance between →

Grand challenges in nano-based drug delivery

While the guidance of regulatory agencies is important for identifying the information needed for new drug applications, the diversity and complexity of the different nanomedicine approaches have been obstructing the realization of a general guidance protocol. A recent paper claims " the variability of published literature with regards to characterizations performed and experimental details reported →

Introduction to research topic: attention and consciousness in different senses

Our original motivation to edit this Research Topic was threefold: to gather and collect current, diverse views on the relationship between consciousness and attention, to invite reviews on consciousness and attention in non-vision modalities, and to invite empirical studies of consciousness and attention. Asynchrony in visual consciousness and the possible involvement of attention.

Role and prevalence of antibiosis and the related resistance genes in the environment

This Research Topic " Role and prevalence of antibiosis and the related resistance genes in the environment" in Frontiers in Microbiology: Antimicrobials, Resistance, and Chemotherapy presents the examples of occurrence and diversity of antibiotic resistance genes in the wide range of environments, from the grasslands of the Colombian Andes, to the dairy farms and small →

Editorial: monitoring endogenous gpcrs: lessons for drug design

Thompson et al.illustrate the concept of biased agonism at the level of the endogenous somatostatin and opioid systems in the gut. This is exemplified by Befort who reviews the relative contribution of opioid and cannabinoid receptors and their interactions in the context of reinforcing behaviors and discusses the limitations of the approach.

Commentary: microstructure, length, and connection of limbic tracts in normal human brain development

Diffusion property, length, and anatomical connections of the three limbic tracts were evaluated: The cingulate gyrus part of the cingulum; the hippocampal part of the cingulum; and the fornix. 76 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Scognamiglio, C, and Houenou, J.

The epistemological foundations of freud’s energetics model

In this he made himself the advocate of an understanding of nature based on mechanical ideas, and the majority of the physiologist of the powerful German school would adopt his concept according to which " the physico-chemical functioning of the living organism is subject to the same laws as inanimate matter, and must be studies →

Editorial: habitability beyond earth

To investigate the feasibility of life elsewhere in the Solar System a combination of field and laboratory based studies, in-situ space experiments, and theoretical modeling is required. However, to fully understand the effect of extraterrestrial conditions on microorganisms and bio-signatures a combination of laboratory based and in-situ space experiments are required.

Behavioral fatigue: real phenomenon, naïve construct, or policy contrivance?

Members of the United Kingdom government's Scientific Advisory Group on Emergencies and the Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Behavioral Science that feeds its advice into SAGE have said that they were not the source of the advice but SAGE minutes for 13 March 2020 2 state that: " There is some evidence that people find →

The role of theory and modeling in medical research

This, however, requires not only computer simulations but also the development and application of mathematical concepts for the theoretical discovery of mechanisms and organizing principles that can subsequently be explored in experiments. The role of theorem proving in systems biology.J.

Increasing knowledge: the grand challenge in marine biotechnology

Mendola later worked in the field of marine biotechnology at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in California, studying and growing marine organisms in order to harvest natural marine compounds and materials of interest for pharmaceutical, medical and industrial applications. Examples of applications resulting from biotechnological developments include the use of micro- and macroalgae for the →

Systemic and disease-specific risk factors in vascular dementia: diagnosis and prevention

Importantly, since both types of dementia are associated with cerebrovascular and cardiovascular conditions in the aging population, we raise a third fundamental question, can non-specific dementias represent a geriatric heterogenic syndrome related to a multi-factorial clinically-high-risk state culminating in the onset of VaD and AD such as in mixed dementia? In a systematic review and →

Editorial: environmental enrichment: enhancing neural plasticity, resilience, and repair

Editorial on the Research Topic Environmental Enrichment: Enhancing Neural Plasticity, Resilience, and Repair Up until the middle of the twentieth century, neuroscience dogma emphasized the fixed, immutable nature of the brain. Diamond, the current Research Topic focuses on environmental enrichment in terms of neuroprotection/rehabilitation and the use of this system in the laboratory to promote →

Sustainable development goals and the mental health of resettled refugee women: a role for international organizations

The government policies and the resources and services available to support the settlement of refugees, and above all, community attitudes are crucial to the health of these women and the subject of intense debate in countries around the world. Key to the success of these strategies as in any community development work is the empowerment →

Editorial: sense of agency: examining awareness of the acting self

These cover a range of issues such as the affective dimension of agency processing and the contribution of prospective cues to sense of agency. Freedom, choice, and the sense of agency.

Corrigendum: comparative analysis of dna methyltransferase gene family in fungi: a focus on basidiomycota

01556 Reason for Corrigendum: There was an error in the literature cited for the use of ACTIN as the reference gene for the qPCR analysis in " Materials and Methods" section. In the sentence " Results were analyzed by using the CT method using ACTIN as the internal control"., " Castanera et al, 2012" should →

Editorial: o -glcnacylation: expanding the frontiers

This E-book, which comprises reviews and original articles, provides up-to date examples of the implication of O -GlcNAcylation in diverse organisms and of its role in various physiological and pathological processes. Evidence for an imbalance between tau O-GlcNAcylation and phosphorylation in the hippocampus of a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease.

Editorial: podocyte pathology and nephropathy—an update

Editorial on the Research Topic Podocyte Pathology and Nephropathy An Update Dysfunction and loss of glomerular podocytes have been found to be the driving forces leading to the development of the majority of the forms of chronic kidney disease. Podocyte injury is pivotal for the loss of renal function and, in line with this, podocytes →

Musculoskeletal, nervous, respiratory, and circulatory systems in ergonomics

These body parts offer a framework for the body, dictate the level of flexibility, and create movement and force exertion, in addition to sustaining the body weight. Development of the nervous system.

Marijuana in medical purposes

Unfortunately, the so called 6-3 decision of the Supreme Court, announced on the 5th of June overruled the laws existing in those ten states, prohibiting the use of cannabis even for relieving the sufferings of the severely ill people. The use of marijuana for medical purposes is a very controversial issue.

In response to comments made in “s100b protein and chronic subdural hematoma”

A commentary on S-100B protein and chronic subdural hematoma by Gelabert-Gonzalez M, Aran-Echabe E, and Serramito-Garc a R. It was a case report concerning a patient with a subdural mass, neurological deterioration, and unusually high S100B levels in serum.

Thiazole antibiotics siomycin a and thiostrepton inhibit the transcriptional activity of foxm1

In numerous publications we showed that indeed siomycin A and thiostrepton inhibit the transcriptional activity and the expression of FOXM1, and they also act as proteasome inhibitors. According to this model, siomycin A, thiostrepton, and other proteasome inhibitors hinder the proteasomal degradation of a negative regulator of FOXM1, which in return directly or indirectly inhibits →

Enhancing student interest in animals. commentary: a crisis in comparative psychology: where have all the undergraduates gone?

Abramson suggests that a number of factors contribute to our difficulties with recruiting students in comparative psychology, including a paucity of courses and graduate programs, a lack of choice in textbooks, and sparse mention of the subject in introductory texts. Granted, departments without animal research facilities may not want to mislead prospective students; but they →

Corrigendum: akkermansia muciniphila as a model case for the development of an improved quantitative rpa microbiome assay

Only then can the relative A.muciniphila abundance be calculated as the ratio of A.muciniphila 16S gene copies to the number of bacterial 16S copies. The updated paragraph one reads as follows: Relative A.muciniphila abundance was calculated as the ratio of A.muciniphila 16S copies to total bacterial 16S copies using both qPCR and RPA to show →

The aspirations of measurement for change

Success is therefore the product of a range of components and processes, yet the aspect of local adaptation and implementation is understudied, and under reported, in comparison to the study of the effectiveness of individual intervention models. The purpose of this Perspective is to share with the reader the current framing of the Measurement for →

Autophagy in plants and algae

In this Research Topic, a series of original research articles and reviews highlight areas of current focus in plant and algal autophagy research, including mechanisms and cargos of selective autophagy, lipid degradation, and metabolic and physiological consequences of the autophagy pathway. Functions of autophagy in plant carbon and nitrogen metabolism.

Extreme prematurity and attention deficit: epidemiology and prevention

002 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Johnson, S, and Marlow, N. 004 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Thapar, A, Cooper, M, Jefferies, R, and Stergiakouli, E.

Book review: “epigenetics”

Having covered this, the reader is then brought into the second section of the book which deals with how epigenetics controls cellular functions, with five specific chapters on issues such as cell-specific gene expression, the role of epigenetics in the regulation of the mitotic cell cycle, the basis of genomic imprinting, through the role of →


This could be achieved through ensuring that Paradise Hill Medical Centre does not soil its reputation; by restoring the trust between the healthcare professionals and the past and future families and patients; guarding the patients quality care and safety; ensuring that the hospital's economic situation in the local community is strong; and finally making sure →

An even bigger win: understanding the neural systems underlying motivational influences on ambiguous social perception

A recent study suggests the label would be processed more quickly than her facial expression and that at least partially distinct brain systems are needed to inhibit the influence of a face compared to a word in a final judgment. The face wins: stronger automatic processing of affect in facial expressions than words in a →

Encephalitis associated to metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (mglur5) antibodies in cerebrospinal fluid

However, anti-mGluR5 encephalitis can occur without tumor: in the eleven previously reported cases of encephalitis with mGluR5, the association with tumors occurred in six patients: five had Hodgkin's lymphoma and one had small cell lung cancer. In patients with unexplained encephalitis, CSF and serum testing for antibodies to mGluR5 should be considered.

Conventional vs. organic food

One of the dangers of feeding on conventional food is the accumulation of dangerous chemicals in the body. An easier way to avoid this is to stick to the conventional foods that are easy to grow and take care of.

Could sex/gender differences in ace2 expression in the lungs contribute to the large gender disparity in the morbidity and mortality of patients infected with the sars-cov-2 virus?

Therefore, I propose the hypothesis that the expression of ACE2 protein is different between males and females and that this sex difference contributes to the gender disparity in morbidity and mortality from the COVID-19 disease. I also propose that sex hormones modulate sex differences in the expression of ACE2 in lung and that modulating the →

Editorial: oxidative stress in myocardial and neural remodeling

The Research Topic " Oxidative Stress in Myocardial and Neural Remodeling " evaluates the damage of oxidative stress specifically to the cardiovascular and nervous systems, defines underlying mechanisms, and proposes novel therapeutic targets. Using a novel in-vitro two-dimensional model of interface between cardiomyocytes and noncardiomyocytes that they developed, the authors demonstrated a functional proof-of-concept for →