Quality Health & Medicine Essay Examples for Your Learning

The interplay between stress, inflammation, and emotional attention: relevance for depression

A multitude of basic research and clinical studies have been performed, with the aim of understanding the interaction between biological, psychological, and environmental factors involved in the etiology of depression. The aim of this mini-review is to summarize independent lines of inquiry focusing on the effects of stress on inflammation and emotional attention as well β†’

Editorial: veterinary sports medicine and physical rehabilitation

Editorial on the Research Topic Veterinary Sports Medicine and Physical Rehabilitation There is a clear need and a strong interest on the part of the veterinary profession to learn more about sports medicine and physical rehabilitation following injury, surgery, and illness, and to optimize patient outcomes by incorporating physical rehabilitation into practice. The growing interest β†’

Sleep apnea: effects on memory and health

D, NIH director of the National Center on Sleep Disorders Research." However, at this point we do not know if the sleep problems during these episodes cause the decline in test scores or if the sleep episodes and the lower test scores are both related to some common underlying mechanism." Definitions of Variables So what β†’

Commentary on de gannes et al. (2013): “insights into fungal communities in composts revealed by 454-pyrosequencing: implications for human health and safety”

The complex microbiology of compost is ideal for the application of next-generation DNA sequencing technology, which offers the needed depth to investigate relationships between composting stages, changes in diversity and succession of abundant and rare microbial populations. Compared to prokaryotes, the diversity-resource relationship of certain fungal communities in the same composts were more constrained by β†’

One of the greatest victories in medical history: eradication of smallpox

After smallpox has passed through a population, the survivors develop immunity to the disease and the area stays free from the disease for many years. The movement started in the United States with the Pan American Sanitary Organization, and after eight years the disease began to disappear from the US.

Gammasonics institute for medical research pty ltd

It also briefly addresses the applicability of statutory warranties of fitness for purpose and merchantable quality and supports that fitness for purpose and merchantable quality are implied by common law giving reference the test for implication in fact outlined in BP Refinery v Shire of Hastings [3] Background and overview The disputing parties are Gammasonics, β†’

Bacteriophage t7 dna polymerase – sequenase

Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text Tabor, S, and Richardson, C.C. Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text Tabor, S, and Richardson, C.C.

Retraction: molecular characterization of forest soil based paenibacillus elgii and optimization of various culture conditions for its improved antimicrobial activity

As the scientific integrity of the article cannot be guaranteed, and adhering to the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics, the publisher therefore retracts the article. The retraction of the article was approved by the Field Chief Editor of Frontiers in Microbiology.

Corrigendum: watching more closely: shot scale affects film viewers’ theory of mind tendency but not ability

1007/s11042-011-0916-9 The correct reference should be: Canini, L, Benini, S, and Leonardi, R." Affective analysis on patterns of shot types in movies," in Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis. The authors apologize for this error and state that this does not change the scientific conclusions of the article β†’

Anthropomorphism in human–robot co-evolution

However, SR acknowledges that, to perform in these fields, robots need to exhibit many social behaviors and, in particular, to evince a believable " social presence," defined as a robot's capability to give the user the " sense of being with another", or the " feeling of being in the company of someone". Note that β†’


Why I want to be a nurse The first and foremost reason that attracted me to nursing profession is when I saw the nurse who took care of my grandmother. As a nurse provides care to patients 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, I feel that nurses are perhaps the best friend of β†’

Iv therapy

IV therapy is commonly referred to as a drip because many of the ways it is administered use a drip chamber, which prevents air entering the blood stream and allows an idea of how much is flowing in to your body. The needle can be directly attached to a syringe or even to tubing that β†’

The dawn of aurora kinase research: from fly genetics to the clinic

The discovery and functional characterization of Aurora kinases is only a part of the explosion in our knowledge of the molecular mechanics of mitosis over the past quarter of a century. However, it was more than a century later that a true genetic dissection of the events of the cell cycle was first undertaken in β†’

Editorial: parasite infections: from experimental models to natural systems

Editorial on the Research Topic Parasite Infections: From Experimental Models to Natural Systems The aim of this research topic is to illustrate the multidisciplinary approaches of modern parasitology. Dunst et al.integrate findings from the murine experimental malaria model with in vitro observations and results of clinical studies to deduce a potential sequence of pathophysiological events β†’

Individual reflection sheet response template

Group Working Affiliation While working in a group of six members with a task of identifying pro-active measures for participatory activities undertaken in the work places by units group, I learned a lot about working in a group and this helped me to develop skills when working in a future team. As we settled on β†’

Pacs system solution

There are several barriers to the rapid adoption of the PACS technology as cited below: Cost this is perhaps the major barrier to the wider diffusion of the adoption of PACS as hospital administrators have to justify the costs involved. Those who advocate for the PACS must convince and make a strong business case for β†’

Erlotinib resistance in lung cancer: current progress and future perspectives

For example, recent studies have shown that the manner in which patients are treated with erlotinib affects the efficacy and longevity of the therapy. HDAC inhibitors are anti-cancer agents with the potential to enhance treatment of human cancers and TSA is a specific inhibitor of HDAC that can result in cell growth arrest.

How much of language acquisition does operant conditioning explain?

Another line of reasoning sometimes used to dismiss OC as a learning mechanism for language is that parents do not consistently provide feedback to children about the grammaticality of their language use and, even if they do, children often ignore the feedback. The attributes of language socialization are as follows: bidirectional socialization, the use of β†’

Editorial: the clinical and ethical practice of neuromodulation – deep brain stimulation and beyond

Editorial on the Research Topic The Clinical and Ethical Practice of Neuromodulation Deep Brain Stimulation and Beyond Neuromodulation is among the fastest-growing areas of medicine, involving many diverse specialties and affecting hundreds of thousands of patients with numerous disorders worldwide. In the following, we provide a brief overview on the content of the e-book on β†’

Mapping health needs to support health system management in poland

According to the adopted assumptions, the first two editions of the maps are expected to be prepared by the Ministry of Health in cooperation with the regional branches of the National Health Fund, and in consultation with Voivodes the regional representatives of the governmental administration. Critics point out that maps of health needs should anticipate β†’

The sovereign ascendant: financial collapse, status anxiety, and the rebirth of the sovereign citizen movement

Additionally, this paper explores the radical redefinition of citizen used by the movement and illustrates how the withdrawal of both a recognition of the authority of the state and the withdrawal of consent to be governed represents an attempt on the part of Sovereign Citizens to manage status anxieties rooted in fears of an increasingly β†’

Marketing planning and statistic

Customer research involves gaining information on the type of customers the organization attracts and what attracts them to the organization. The model provides an excellent foundation for an organization to further conduct research and gain the necessary information for the formulation of future strategic plans.4.

Elderly abuse awareness

Physical abuse is the act of creating and imposing pain or injury to the elders; emotional or psychological abuse inflicts emotional pain and distress to the person; and sexual abuse in the elderly includes unconsented sexual contact and forcing the elderly to do acts of lasciviousness. Other forms of abuse are financial exploitation, the act β†’

The role of interest in the transmission of social values

For all these values, the amygdala seems to play an essential role in filtering what is relevant to the organism, and an event is relevant if it can " significantly influence the attainment of his or her goals, the satisfaction of his or her needs, the maintenance of his or her own well-being, and the β†’

The development of animal nutrition and metabolism and the challenges of our time

Nutrition is defined as the process of providing and obtaining the food necessary for the health and growth of animals. In contrast to the detrimental effects of lipid in obesity and diabetes, ectopic lipid accumulation can be highly valuable in animal nutrition, such as in the marbling of beef.

Oral storytelling as evidence of pedagogy in forager societies

In a performance of a Xhosa tale in which a woman defends herself against a monster by throwing her possessions at it, " repeated gestures accompany the words: the demands of the monster, the woman's fears and deepening terror, the throwing of the bits of baggage, the eating movements, the flight all are mimed". And β†’

Editorial: new findings on the use of biosorbents and technically-based sorbents to control soil and water pollution

Editorial on the Research Topic New Findings on the Use of Biosorbents and Technically-Based Sorbents to Control Soil and Water Pollution The editors of this Frontier's Research TQ3opic proposed it taking into account the following background. Perspectives on the use of by-products to treat soil and water pollution.

Challenges and prospects in ocean circulation models

At present only the ACCESS and the IPSL-CM6 have implemented and plan operational use in CMIP6 of the new TEOS-10 equation of state with the exception of the preformed salinity. Thus, numerical and parameterization improvements will continue to define the state of the art in ocean circulation modeling, in concert with integration and co-analysis of β†’

Effect of binge drinking on the liver

The study deviates a little from the survey rankings and so seeks to determine whether there is any relationship/connection between a student's gender and binge drinking in such institutions of higher learning. 1] The above research question has two variables: Gender and Students' attitude towards binge drinking The independent variable [Q.

Oral food challenge at home in low risk patients with food allergy doesnot increase the risk of allergic reaction

Food Challenge at home in low risk patients with food allergy does not increase the risk of allergic reaction For the diagnosis of food allergy to be successful, a consideration of individual's test results and history is particularly crucial. This is a method used in the determination of suspected allergy in cases where there is β†’

Philosophical reflections on therapeutic brain stimulation

In addition, by altering the properties associated with mood and motivation, DBS may undermine the unity and continuity of the psychological properties that make each of us a unique person. Moreover, insofar as the stimulating system integrates with circuits regulating somatosensory and proprioceptive feedback from the body to the brain, it can restore the phenomenology β†’

Introduction to the research topic on standard brain atlases

The concept of the identified neuron is a powerful guide in the understanding of neural function in invertebrates requiring the identification, localization, and characterization of each neuron in the respective ganglion and brain. As pointed out in the article by Kei Ito the maintenance of the large data sets of a brain atlas is a β†’

Editorial: immunophysics and immunoengineering

Regarding the use of in silico simulations and mathematical modeling of immune interactions and quantitative approaches to resolving lymphocyte dynamic immune-related events, we received four contributions: one resolving a structural model for the transmembrane domain of the B-cell receptor with molecular simulation, another integrating experiments and theory to better understand the dynamics of the T-cell β†’

Samhsas center for substance abuse treatment

As the director of this organization which is mandated to control the drug and substance abuse in this country he has the responsibility of overseeing all the activities related to this topic.Mr. He explained that with the emergence of the projects like ours which try to define a different and more efficient approach to this β†’

Quality improvement measurement tools

Some of the main quality measurement tools that I would use to improve healthcare processes include statistical process control charts, flowcharts, and Pareto charts. I would use flowcharts because they would help me locate and remove the bugs in different healthcare processes.

Coordinated orphan disease research: yes, we can!

The molecular etiology is covered by reviews on the transcriptional regulation of the ABCC6 gene and the role of modifier genes in PXE, while a contribution on ENPP1 and the overlapping phenotype between PXE and Generalized Arterial Calcification of Infancy makes the transition to clinical papers on specific aspects of the PXE retinopathy and vasculopathy. β†’

Telemedicine in oncology: delivering on an overdue promise in the covid-19 era

States are currently in the ongoing process of revising and relaxing their restrictions on the practice of telemedicine, while also working to ensure parity of payment for telemedicine with live services in order to both enable patients to receive care from home in order to reduce risk of exposure to coronavirus and to allow HCPs β†’

A scientific rationale for using cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator therapeutics in covid-19 patients

All of these manifestations are hallmarks of cystic fibrosis and could arise from or be aggravated by deficient CFTR activity: in this context, it is intriguing to hypothesize that a substantial subset of COVD-19 cases would benefit from the use of cystic fibrosis medications. Thus, it is intriguing to propose that CFTR therapeutics could represent β†’

Re-evaluation of significance and the implications of placebo effect in antidepressant therapy

Placebo response is considered to be the composite change observed in individuals after administration of placebo, consisting of different aspects, such as natural course of the disease and methodological artifacts, as well as the placebo effect itself. A novel strategy to identify placebo responders: prediction index of clinical and biological markers in the EMBARC trial.

Editorial: aspergillus -derived mycotoxins in the feed and food chain

Although current food safety measures are often adequate to prevent the accumulation of these mycotoxins in the food chain further interdisciplinary research is eagerly needed to elaborate more effective prevention strategies of mycotoxicoses, to reach a deeper understanding of the deleterious consequences of both sole and combined mycotoxin exposures at various stages of life, and β†’

Editorial: advances in health-care transition for patients with childhood-onset chronic diseases: international perspectives

Editorial on the Research Topic Advances in Health-Care Transition for Patients With Childhood-Onset Chronic Diseases: International Perspectives For adult patients with childhood-onset chronic diseases, the transition from child- to adult-centered health care is an important topic in both medical practice and economics worldwide. The term " transition program" was introduced in 2006 in the clinical β†’

Editorial: exploiting the immune system to treat multiple myeloma: from transplantation to novel treatment approaches

In this issue, the paper entitled " The Role of Immunotherapy in Non-transplant Eligible Multiple Myeloma " by Bobin et al.describes how these SLAMF7 and CD38-targeting antibodies improve the outcome not only in young, but also in elderly MM patients. 1056/NEJMoa1607751 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar 10.

Role of archaea in human disease

12006 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Atanasovska-Stojanovska, A, Trajkov, D, Popovska, M, and Spiroski, M. 009 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Attaluri, A, Jackson, M, Valestin, J, and Rao, S.S.

Unveiling complexity: non-linear and fractal analysis in neuroscience and cognitive psychology

Although non-linear dynamics has been mastered by physicists and mathematicians for a long time, as most physical systems are inherently non-linear in nature, the more recent successful application of non-linear and fractal methods to modeling and prediction of several evolutionary, ecologic, genetic, and biochemical processes has generated great interest and enthusiasm for such type of β†’

Corrigendum: an interplay between mrtf-a and the histone acetyltransferase tip60 mediates hypoxia-reoxygenation induced inos transcription in macrophages

00484 In the original article, we neglected to include the funder National Natural Science Foundation of China, grant #81700221 to Guang Yang. The authors apologize for this error and state that this does not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way.

Report on first international workshop on robotic surgery in thoracic oncology

The first day of the Workshop consisted mainly presentations and discussions in the broad areas of future evolution of medical robotics, costs, current situation of robotics in thoracic surgery, and research perspectives in robotic thoracic surgery. If the lesion is in the right upper lobe, vein resection is followed by isolation of the branches β†’

Commentary: rotating structures in low temperature magnetized plasmas – insight from particle simulations

The frequency of these oscillations is gas pressure independent and scales with the electric and magnetic field in the same manner as the frequency of diocotron instabilities [ 4 ]. Interestingly, in the work on vortex structures [ 9 ], Kervalishvili has used an inverted magnetron with the cathode length and radius of 7 cm β†’

The role of inner speech in executive functioning tasks: schizophrenia with auditory verbal hallucinations and autistic spectrum conditions as case studies

Then we explain the functions that IS is taken to perform in the domain of EF and review the evidence concerning problems about EF in the two populations of our study: Sz-AVH, and ASC. 3 In general we can summarize the results of the empirical research on the use of IS in EF tasks as β†’

Childhood development: health and social level

For emotional development the key skills within childhood are understanding self and other, and is a focus within development in schools to ensure that children are aware of who they are the differences within society and other people. Relationships within the family become more important and the child begin to have a greater understanding of β†’

Picky eating in children

Although there is no consistent definition of picky eating, the term is generally used to characterize children who eat a limited amount of food, have strong food preferences, have restricted intake, and who are unwilling to try new foods. The data from the study suggest that picky eating is usually a temporary behavior and is β†’

Editorial: contemporary management of intracranial metastatic disease

The development of intracranial metastatic disease complicates the course of ~20% of patients with cancer, with the highest frequency of brain metastases arising in patients with melanoma, breast cancer, and lung cancer. Venur et al.review the contribution of genomic analysis of brain metastases to our understanding of variations in the driver mutations compared to the β†’

Before it is too late: professional responsibilities in late-onset alzheimer’s research and pre-symptomatic prediction

The following interdisciplinary considerations identify four different ethical and social dimensions, thus systematizing the current debate around central problems, controversies, and open questions in order to promote future research initiatives and open a more cross-cultural perspective: 1.healthcare and research policy balancing between research for early diagnosis and care provision for existing patients, 2.ethical issues related β†’

Editorial: how prides of lion researchers are evolving to be interdisciplinary

Editorial on the Research Topic How Prides of Lion Researchers Are Evolving to Be Interdisciplinary Lions are one of the most charismatic, enigmatic, and polarizing species on the planet. Weise et al.provide a balanced discussion of the opportunities and challenges that are inherent to the application of this technology and expound upon the implications of β†’

17 oral health objectives

First and of lecturer November 5, The Oral Health objective I have selected for this assignment is: Objective 1: Reduce the proportion of children and adolescents who have dental caries experience in their primary or permanent teeth. One of the 2020 target for this objective is to reduce the proportion of young children, aged 3 β†’

Drug and patient safety health essay

The precautions for this are watching and documenting any patient medication allergies, ensuring they are on the correct medicine for their aliment, and ensuring none of their medications will incorrectly interact with each other, you must be willing to change medication at any time if they are not taking care of the issue the patient β†’

How do co-agents actively regulate their collective behavior states?

Grounded in of the hypothesis that collective behavior emerges from a self-organized complex system, the present opinion discusses the nature of the active regulation of the interactions performed by the co-agents. According to the unifying principle of non-linear dynamical systems, the collective behavior of a complex system emerges as the result of self-organization among the β†’

Book review: holographic entanglement entropy

The holographic correspondence between d +1-dimensional Anti-de Sitter spacetime and conformal field theory in d dimensions [ 4, 5 ] points to the geometric counterpart of the entanglement entropy, the so-called holographic entanglement entropy [ 6 8 ], which is the topic of the new book by Rangamani and Takayanagi [ 9 ]. A comprehensive β†’

Commentary: control of body weight by eating behavior in children

A commentary on Control of body weight by eating behavior in children by Zandian M, Bergh C, Ioakimidis I, Esfandiari M, Shield J, Lightman S, et al. The authors concluded that a reason for the limited success of these and other weight control interventions in the past has been the misinterpretation of where the locus β†’

A review of evidence-based therapeutic interventions for bipolar disorder term paper example

Recent research shows that there is a significant need for adjunctive psychotherapy to supplement and optimize the benefits of medication, Researchers and clinicians recognize that quality of life outcomes are at least as important as clinical outcomes to successful treatment of bipolar disorder A growing body of literature indicates that psychotherapeutic interventions benefit bipolar clients β†’

Correlational methods

Limitations to Correlational Studies The study " Influence of Maternal Health Literacy on Child Participation in Social Welfare Programs: The Philadelphia Experience" was a first of its kind study that tested for whether the extent to which new mothers were able to find and use health care information to take decisions that would benefit their β†’

Editorial: cyanobacteria: the green e. coli

Moreover, their requirement for light and the dynamic regulatory mechanisms of the diurnal cycle further complicate the development and application of cyanobacteria for industrial applications. As illustrated by the articles in this Research Topic, the successes and challenges of developing cyanobacteria as cell factories make this an exciting time for the green E.coli.Dr.

Commentary: cortical plasticity and olfactory function in early blindness

In a recent stimulating and timely article, Araneda and colleagues presented an important view of the pathophysiological mechanisms of plasticity that occur in the visual brain of early blind patients. The merging of visual and olfactory information facilitates the kinematics of reach-to-grasp movements and understanding actions.

The enduring questions: what’s for dinner? where’s my knife? …and can i use my fingers? (unanswered) questions related to organic matter and microbes in marine sediments

Heterotrophic microbial communities play key roles in processing and remineralizing organic matter in marine sediments: they are the " final gatekeepers" that determine the types and quantity of organic matter that is ultimately buried in sediments processes important to our understanding of past global environments, as well as to the production of petroleum products that β†’

The purpose of this paper is to determine if a healthy diet and exercise improve the obesity rate in children

Research Proposal The effects of consumption of a healthy diet and exercise upon the obesity rate of children in America. Statement of the problem The purpose of this paper is to determine if a healthy diet and exercise improve the obesity rate in children in America.

Interval timing deficits and abnormal cognitive development

The apparent lack of specificity of interval timing deficits to ASD and ADHD raises the question of their explanatory relevance for the ontogenesis of a particular developmental disorder. Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text Happe, F, Ronald, A, and Plomin, R.

Designing and using digital mental health interventions for older adults: being aware of digital inequality

The special learning needs of older adults need to be considered in these educational services, with attention paid to things such as the tempo of the learning session and the technological skill background of the older participants. Developers and medical practitioners in the mental health field can use the advantages of digital tools to provide β†’

Editorial: heparan sulfate proteoglycans and their endogenous modifying enzymes: cancer players, biomarkers and therapeutic targets

Exploitation of the broad potential of HSPGs and related enzymes as biomarkers and therapeutic targets requires in-depth understanding of the context-dependent and, in some cases, contradictory roles of these molecules in tumors and their microenvironment. The design of specific HS3ST inhibitors is expected to provide insights into the role of the enzymes in cancer and β†’

Carbon nanomaterials: application and prospects of urban and industrial wastewater pollution treatment based on abrasion and corrosion resistance

Under the influence of solid particles and saline ions, flow passage components of the pump tend to fail partially, the size of the abrasion and corrosion increases and operational efficiency of the centrifugal pump decreases, resulting in enormous energy waste. For this purpose, this paper elaborates on abrasion and corrosion resistance, chemical stability, and other β†’

The mind-body connection

Topic The Mind Body Connection The physical health of a person is largely connected to his emotional status. This is because it is the nervous system and brain which is the principal co coordinator in the physical functioning of our body.

Dental hygiene: past and present

1980's- The state of Washington became the first to fulfill the duties in the unsupervised practice of dental hygienists in specific settings. Professional Roles of the Dental Hygienist.

Editorial: integrative research on organic matter cycling across aquatic gradients

The movement of water ultimately controls the transport and transformation of geochemical components as they move from land to sea, and as such, contributions to this research topic will be described within the context of the hydrological cycle, starting with rainfall. The downstream decrease in DOC concentrations in the Mississippi River is in contrast to β†’

Editorial: cognitive hearing mechanisms of language understanding: short- and long-term perspectives

Editorial on the Research Topic Cognitive Hearing Mechanisms of Language Understanding: Short- and Long-Term Perspectives Cognitive hearing science is a relatively new field, which developed in response to an increasing awareness of the critical role of cognition in communication. Many of the papers included in this research topic focus on the impact of aging on β†’

The importance of memory specificity and memory coherence for the self: linking two characteristics of autobiographical memory

First, we will focus on the relationship between autobiographical memory and the self, after which we will give a brief overview of the literature on memory specificity and memory coherence and how they relate to the self. In the Self-Memory System of Conway and Pleydell-Pearce, the self is represented by three separate constructs that interact β†’

Commentary: likelihood ratio as weight of forensic evidence: a closer look

Good in two brief notes in the Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation repeated in Good and in Aitken and Taroni that, with some very reasonable assumptions, the assessment of uncertainty inherent in the evaluation of evidence leads inevitably to the likelihood ratio as the only way in which this can be done. It is β†’

Editorial: purinergic pharmacology

For instance, the role of adenosine and its receptors in T cell development in the thymus and the regulation of the activity of immune cells and enteric nervous system. Next, the current knowledge on the pathophysiological involvement of purinergic receptors in white and brown adipocytes and their potential use in metabolic disorders is reviewed.

Caffeine may boost long-term memory

The article covers the health benefits of caffeine; while also hinting at the negative impacts. Thus the article stresses the importance of research on the health benefits and negative impacts of caffeine.4.

Tribute to bernard cohen – whose pioneering work made the vestibular implant possible

These experiments showed that it was possible to access the branches of the vestibular nerve surgically without opening the labyrinth and that, not surprisingly, and in agreement with the pioneering works of Cohen and Suzuki, the nystagmic responses were aligned with the plane of the stimulated canal. Eye movements in response to electric stimulation of β†’

Effectiveness of therapeutic play health and social care essay

Methodology is a important portion of the research under which the research worker is able to project a bluish print of the research undertaken RESEARCH APPROACH The subdivision of research attack is the basic process for carry oning a research question. The presentation was done by the research worker utilizing the needed stuffs and so β†’

From the classroom to the lab: how faculty can extend curriculum oriented research experiences to publish with undergraduates

Although certain students may be ready to join and contribute to a faculty lab earlier in their studies, we believe that the step-wise progression of the C.O.R.E.helps develop our majors into critical consumers and producers of research, and better prepares them to collaboratively conduct publishable research. The time and effort required to mentor students, as β†’

The before and after effects of plastic surgery on physical appearance

In any case, a few stars have taken going under the blade path to the extraordinary and the outcomes are not beautiful. In view of a wide range of cases here are the when of Plastic Surgery cases: Botox: Before and After After poison infusion, there is a slow loss of strong control, which for β†’

Central nervous system – lab report example

In the Rinne test, with regards to Sensorineural hearing loss, one can expect to find the air condition and bone equally reduced. Finally, with regards to conductive hearing loss and the Rinne test, a person can expect to find the conditions of the bone and air negative.


Caffeine Majority of households in the world take a cup of coffee in the morning. Caffeine can also be consumed in large amounts through a plant called quarana which in most cases is added to beverages, smoothies, energy bars, and other products in form of ' quarana extract.' Majority of consumers take the products not β†’

Editorial: alternatives to antimicrobial growth promoters and their impact in gut microbiota, health and disease

As a result, an increase in the rate and severity of these infections in food-producing animals as well as in humans has been reported in many countries around the world. It is, therefore, not surprising to see that as a result of the indiscriminate use and abuse of antibiotics, the incidence of some foodborne pathogens β†’

Adult depression education and treatment research proposal sample

Society has left us a place where anyone or everyone can be bombarded by a lot of problems, be it a problems related to work, family, emotions, disease, or basically anything related to the individual, and as a result, studies have proven that depression is now one of the most common disorders that can impair β†’

Computer systems and how they work in healthcare

Potential Health Care The integration of wireless technology in healthcare systems has significantly triggered the health care with rapid responses to the patient. The patients will receive quick response of the health care services because the doctor may get all the information related to a patient in seconds.

Corrigendum: intracranial bleeding after reperfusion therapy in acute ischaemic stroke patients randomized to glyceryl trinitrate vs. control: an individual patient data meta-analysis

NS performed statistical interpretation, reviewed, and edited the manuscript. PB conceptualized the study, statistical interpretation, reviewed, and edited the manuscript, is corresponding author and has responsibility for submission.


The second stage occurs after the age of 35 years since bone breakdown is faster compared to the pace a person's body builds bone; however, the stage has no observable symptoms although osteoporosis can be identified by bone-density tests. Peak bone mass is attained at the age of 30 years and from that point onwards β†’

Diet pills: contents, risks, efficacy and recommendations

The significant rise in the cases of obesity may be attributed to various factors that affect the physical health, psychological condition and social life of people starting from their childhood. Some studies have confirmed that the use of weight loss pills may have detrimental effects on the health of the users as some of them β†’

Community health promotion tool

There are populations that are at risk of getting the heart disease quickly which are male with a history of the heart disease in their family as well as increase in age. The population being targeted by this summary research is the African American male over the age of 65 years as they are the β†’