Quality Health & Medicine Essay Examples for Your Learning

Contrasting screen-time and green-time: a case for using smart technology and nature to optimize learning processes

Hence, along with the increased use of mobile technology come attentional and cognitive shifts pertaining to the learning and development of the individual. Based on these ideas, we suggest that exposure to a natural environment or natural stimuli, may be seen as a useful and relevant intervention strategy to counteract the effect of exhausted cognitive →

Radiation safety and hormesis

According to the LNT, the probability of developing cancer is proportional to the radiation dose; the dose-response relationships can be extrapolated down to low doses, where the correlations are unproven and can become inverse in accordance with the hormesis concept. The experimental evidence in favor of hormesis and adaptive responses to radiation is considerable; more →

Human organ shouldn’t ligalize

Although the sales of human organs have been done since long ago, and there are many claims and proposal to make it legal, a lot of oppositions are against this idea.*Moneythe purpose Considering the poor status of most donors, one of the primary stated reasons for organ selling is to pay off debt. Besides, there →

Editorial: the power of citizen seismology: science and social impacts

While Fallou et al.highlighted the importance of public communication during the earthquake, Bossu et al.and Yen et al.focused on augmenting data collection and rapid situation awareness for the destructive earthquake and tsunami. Jeddi et al.on the other hand, demonstrates the monitoring of earthquake, cryoseisms, and landslides in Arctic.

Pilates basic history, guidelines and benefits

This is because of the fact that when it comes to Pilates, the way a regime is done is more important than the regime itself. The goal of Pilates is to enable one apply this precision in their everyday life and be effective in their everyday movements.

Public and patient involvement and the right to health: reflections from england

We then present the value of participation and accountability and the importance of valorizing diverse knowledge as our conceptual framework for reflecting on the right to health and participation. The indivisibility of the right to health from other rights is reflected in the ICESCR and in the inclusion of health in other UN conventions such →

Editorial: ethylene: a key regulatory molecule in plants

The action of ethylene depends on its concentration in cell and the sensitivity of plants to the hormone. Ethylene and the regulation of plant development.

Grand challenges for nanoscience and nanotechnology in energy and health

Generally, there are three broad routes based on nanostructures are used to decrease the cost of solar cells: decrease the usage of the materials, for example fabrication of the thin film solar cells; increase the efficiency of the photovoltaic devices, for example fabrication of the multi-junction solar cells; increase the stability and life cycle of →

Editorial: paleoceanographic conditions in high northern latitudes during quaternary interglaciations

The modern rapid atmospheric and ocean water temperature rise in the Arctic and the subpolar regions promotes sea-surface freshening through a chain of feedback mechanisms such as an enhanced seasonal sea-ice loss, the drastic diminishing of the Greenland Ice Sheet, and enhanced Arctic river runoff. 1038/ngeo665 CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar M ller, J, and →

Orbit with vitamin c

With a health objective to accomplish, the company is introducing a new line of chewing gum products that will be enriched with vitamin C. Chewing of the orbit with vitamin C gum will help individuals improve their health and immune system to avoid the occurrence of such ailments in old age.

Lockdown during covid-19 and the increase of frailty in people with neurological conditions

The objectives of this perspective paper are to outline why lockdown can have negative physical, cognitive, and mental health outcomes for people with neurological conditions as well as highlight the potential of telehealth and exercise regimes to minimize such adverse health outcomes. To surmount these challenges, further research is needed to test the safety and →

Developing a code of conduct

In order for the commission to improve the quality of health care services provided to patients, it has to review the activities of health facilities to identify situations that may inhibit a health facility from providing quality medical services to patients. The main purpose of a Sentinel Event Policy is to provide an avenue where →

Innovative approaches in maternal and newborn care health essay

Located in the southern part of the country, the State's health system is considered to be the best in the country. Along these lines, Tamil Nadu gives focused attention to the Directorate of Public Health and allocates a dedicated budget to it.

Genetic improvement in dromedary camels: challenges and opportunities

Camels have developed, through millennia, the ability to produce quality meat, milk, and fiber in some of the hottest and most hostile environments in the globe. Unlike in small ruminants where the generation interval is short and a cost benefit analysis has to justify the implementation of GS, in large ruminants such as camels and →

Editorial: next generation sequencing based diagnostic approaches in clinical oncology

ALPPS specific signature included activation of cell survival branch of IGF1R signaling pathway, proliferation branch of ILK Pathway, and the IL-10 Pathway, whereas the transcriptional branch of the Interferon pathway was downregulated based on ranking of tumor-upregulated drug target genes. Conversely, Matrone et al.reported application of cancer DNA sequencing to identify the primary origin of →

Corrigendum: seasonal dynamics in dissolved organic matter, hydrogen peroxide, and cyanobacterial blooms in lake erie

Corrected H 2 O 2 concentrations were within measurement error of the original reported concentration for 12% of the Lake Erie samples, while 88% of the corrected H 2 O 2 concentrations were significantly lower than the original, reported concentration. Discussion, Section 4, Paragraph Number 1: The average and range of hydrogen peroxide concentrations in →

Nail biting treatment

DATA COLLECTION AND INTERPRETATION: To help me ensure that the techniques I used were effective, I will employ the help of my classmate to record the number of times that I put my nails on my mouth. If nail polish or gel deodorant will not be effective, a chewing gum will be provided to children →

Editorial: cognitive aspects of interactive technology use: from computers to smart objects and autonomous agents

Editorial on the Research Topic Cognitive Aspects of Interactive Technology Use: From Computers to Smart Objects and Autonomous Agents The current advancements in many interactive technology fields, and the consequent spread of digital and intelligent devices in the consumer market, give the opportunity of deepening, exploring, and even rethinking the foundations of human technology use. →

Editorial: the role of magnetic fields in the formation of stars

Editorial on the Research Topic The Role of Magnetic Fields in the Formation of Stars The subject of how stars and planets form is one of the most fundamental outstanding questions in astronomy. Crutcher and Kemball begin the observation section with a discussion of the use of the Zeeman Effect to measure the line-of-sight strength →

understand potential hazards in health and social care assignment essay sample

This could be a hazard for elderly people with dementia because they will not understand the meaning of bleach and the harm that can arise from the substance. Also to prevent an elderly person with dementia from slipping on a wet floor then the cleaners in the Care Home could clean the floors when all →

Permissive and authoritarian approaches in hypnotherapy

The essay will explore this personalized induction and see if it will always be most effective to use a script that is modified of tailor made for the particular client. If the hypnosis is part of a longer therapeutic process, they there a good chance the therapist will have an idea about the clients, likes →

Vascular calcification and inherited real risk of lithiasis

The condition sine qua non also of vascular calcification is " Quantum Biophysical Semeiotics" lithiasic Constitution-Dependent " Inherited Real Risk"." Quantum Biophysics Semeiotics" is a new discipline in the medical field and an extension of the classical semeiotics with the support of quantum and complexity theories. The QBS method allows the clinical and pre-clinical diagnosis →

The relationship between student employability and student engagement: working toward a more unified theory

Rees argues that the tension in Psychology between the traditional use of scientific method and the inappropriateness of this approach to many of the phenomena of interest create a dialectic that is both an opportunity and a threat. In light of the above it would be prudent to expand the Rees model to include the →

Editorial: metals and neurodegeneration: restoring the balance

In this Research Topic, Metals and Neurodegeneration: Restoring the Balance, we probe the biochemical basis of metal-mediated neurodegeneration, examine genetic links between metal dyshomeostasis and brain disorders, investigate metal trafficking and metal-synaptic interactions, and their role in neurodegeneration, and examine some of the key new approaches to understanding how metals drive neurodegenerative changes. Despite a →

Corrigendum: transcriptome analysis showed a differential signature between invasive and non-invasive corticotrophinomas

Somatic mutations in USP8 were also investigated and mutations were identified in six cases. Before microarray analysis, we performed the screening for mutations in USP8 in our patients, and somatic variants were found in patients #2 and #5, #4, patients #3 and #6, and #9.

Editorial: caring for those who are neglected and forgotten: psychiatry in prison environments

In a retrospective case control study Seidel et al.examined a group of 210 individuals who had acted violently during a stay on a psychiatric ward of a prison hospital and compared them to a group who had never showed violent behavior. Dezso et al.described and examined the implementation of a suicide risk screening instruments in →

Development of radiographer led procedures health and social care essay

The technique is the patient is asked to stand erect in the AP place on the fluoroscopic tabular array and keep the cup of Ba in their manus, normally the left, as farther turning of the patient is normally to the left. The patient is so asked to get down another mouthful of Ba whilst →

Corrigendum: a succinct overview of virtual reality technology use in alzheimer’s disease

00080 Due to a misunderstanding, the " last name" of the main author of reference: Giglioli et al, 2015, is a two-word name " Chicchi Giglioli" and not " Giglioli". Augmented reality: a brand new challenge for the assessment and treatment of psychological disorders, review article.

How can physical activity referral rates for breast cancer patients be increased?

Based on our own knowledge on cancer care practices and on research experience in other patient populations, we hypothesized that the main reasons behind the exercise referral paradox for breast cancer survivors in England are lack of time during a consultation to promote PA, OPs and supporting team lack of current knowledge and awareness of →

Commentary: the experience of depression during careers of elite male athletes

This allowed the emergence of data in relation to the nature and defining features of depression in male elite athletes, as well as detailed exploration of " how the culture of sport and the interplay between the athletes' sense of self and the elite performance environment influenced how they experience, expressed, and responded to depression →

Editorial: engaging undergraduates in publishable research: best practices

Editorial on the Research Topic Engaging Undergraduates in Publishable Research: Best Practices As faculty members who are passionate about engaging undergraduates in publishable research, our goal for this Research Topic was to provide a forum for the dissemination of effective practices toward reaching this goal. As nearly a dozen of the articles in the Research →

Collective knowledge: using a consensus conference approach to develop recommendations for physical activity and nutrition programs for persons with type 2 diabetes

The purposes of the consensus conference were: to involve persons with T2D and experts in the consensual development of intervention recommendations which participants believe will optimize adherence to physical activity and nutrition guidelines; and to provide a forum for knowledge dissemination around existing strategies related to physical activity and nutrition intervention for T2D through expert →

Value-based model: a new perspective in medical decision-making

The value-based model proposes that health outcomes be measured over a longer period, and that the patient's health status be compared in a comprehensive and integrated manner that considers all aspects of the patient's life. A Primer for Systematic Reviewers on the Measurement of Functional Status and Health-Related Quality of Life in Older Adults.

Book review: young, gifted and black: meet 52 black heroes from past and present

With a title from the Nina Simone song, " To Be Young, Gifted and Black," the author has curated a collection of historic black figures, which is accessible for children seven years and upwards. In the preface, the author and illustrator call the book a " love letter" to their ancestors and " to the →

The novel coronavirus covid-19 outbreak: global implications for antimicrobial resistance

This piece will highlight how managing the COVID-19 crisis could impact AMR in the clinic, beyond the clinic in the community, in the environment and in relation to public awareness. Antimicrobial Resistance: Tackling a Crisis for the Health and Wealth of Nations.

Editorial: emerging diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for gastric cancer

Editorial on the Research Topic Emerging Diagnostic and Therapeutic Approaches for Gastric Cancer Gastric cancer is one of the most common malignancies worldwide. Together with Park S from Korea, we focus on the topic of emerging diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for gastric cancer, as early detection and timely intervention are key measures to improve the →

Human multi-tasking

The first published use of the word " multitask" appeared in an IBM paper describing the capabilities of the IBM System/360 in 1965.[3] [edit]Research on human multitasking Since the 1990s, experimental psychologists have started experiments on the nature and limits of human multitasking. According to a study done by Jordan Grafman, chief of the cognitive →

Editorial: perceiving and acting in the real world: from neural activity to behavior

The Editorial on the Research Topic Perceiving and Acting in the Real World: From Neural Activity to Behavior The interaction between perception and action represents one of the pillars of human evolutionary success. Yet, compared to the great advancements in the field of perception for cognition, the neural underpinnings of how we control our movements, →

Editorial: new approaches to the pathogenesis of sudden intrauterine unexplained death and sudden infant death syndrome

Editorial on the Research Topic New Approaches to the Pathogenesis of Sudden Intrauterine Unexplained Death and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is the leading cause of death among infants in the first year of age in the developed world. The better known definition of SIDS is the sudden unexpected death of an →

Editorial: circadian rhythm: from microbes to hosts

The present research topic brings together seven articles summarizing the main knowledge pertaining to the circadian regulation of response to infections in mammals, the potential relevance of circadian rhythms in human pathogens, and the interactions between our body clock and that of commensal or pathogenic microrganisms. 1038/s41580-020-0275-3 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Sassone-Corsi →

Carrageenan in the american diet

Carrageenan in the American Diet In an article written by Mariel Wolfson entitled " Carrageenan and the Acceptance of Food Additive Toxicity, 1950-2000", the author provided a clear description of the historical evolution of carrageenan as " an emulsifier, stabilizer, colloid, or gum". Wolfson, Mariel." Carrageenan and the Acceptance of Food Additive Toxicity, 1950-2000".

Episodic memory assessment and remediation in normal and pathological aging using virtual reality: a mini review

At the theoretical level, the use of VR in memory studies addresses the pivotal role of self-experience and bodily representation, raised by the embodied cognition framework, in supporting EM. In summary, some of the previous studies in healthy and pathological aging investigated the effect of the degree of interaction of the VR system on EM.

Ai for not bad

3 The University of Washington and the University of Chicago offer programs on " data science for social good," 4 while Harvard and the University of Southern California call it " AI for social good". For clarity hereafter and unless otherwise noted, " AI for the good" or " AI for social good" will encompass →

Problematizations in assisted dying discourse: testing the “what’s the problem represented to be?” (wpr) method for critical health communication research

By engaging with the illustrative example of the legalization of medical assistance in dying in Canada, the step-by-step breakdown and analysis of the questions demonstrates how WPR gets to the crux of this complicated issue. This gesture reframed the right-to-die issue by positioning it as a violation of the guarantee of " the right to →

Commentary: development of magnitude processing in children with developmental dyscalculia: space, time, and number

The importance of symbolism in mathematics is such that the finding seems contradictory with the notion of dyscalculia. Developmental changes in the profiles of dyscalculia: an explanation based on a double exact-and-approximate number representation model.

Toxic nightlife relationships, substance abuse, and mental health: is there a link? a qualitative case study of two patients

The psychiatrist that is the head of the service decided from the very beginning of the Unit, which was by the end of 2008, to overcome a medicalization approach in the mental care provided and to design all attention to the patients based on fostering the quality of peer relationships, and more specifically, the social →

In defense of merit to overcome merit

Another well-known law is the Price's law which refers to the relationship between the literature on a subject and the number of authors in the subject area, and states that half of the publications come from the square root of all contributors. The aim of this work is to address the ambiguity of bibliometric indicators, →

Human resourece management

The National Occupational Safety and Health Excellence Award, which is the highest appreciation by the government of Malaysia, is aimed at giving credit and recognition to organizations which have a good record of achievements for occupational safety and health management at the workplace through the safety and health program audit. The Occupational Safety and Health →

The grand challenges in gi tract cancers

New biomarkers are therefore needed, to define the magnitude of risk and the times of progression for each step of tumorigenesis, in order to rationally schedule surveillance and follow-up of patients with diagnosed GI tract neoplasia and to plan suitable population-based cancer prevention interventions." Origin of Colorectal Cancers in Hyperplastic Polyps and Serrated Adenomas: Another →

Editorial: technical advances in cryo-electron microscopy

The revolution is still in progress, and the structural biology community is constantly amazed by the increasing complexity of the macromolecular assemblies being solved at different conformational states, the improvement in resolution for samples below 100 kDa, the in situ complexity of the living cells revealed by cryo-electron tomography and the new algorithms for data →

Editorial: the role of stem cells, epigenetics and micrornas in parkinson’s disease

In this regard, we have gathered six articles which describe the emergence of circulating microRNAs as PD biomarkers, using epigenetics to understand and model PD pathogenesis, and the promise of stem cell-based therapies to treat PD patients. In this study, the authors used a combined bioinformatics and biomarker discovery approach to identify and characterize a →

Measuring the length of leaf cell health essay

I then set up the binocular microscope placing the ocular micrometer inside the microscope eyepiece and placed the stage micrometer on the stage of the microscope. Size of the cell = Ocular micrometer division * calibration factor 5.0050.008.0080.009.0090.007.0070.006.0060.005.0050.0010.

Cardiovascular and metabolic consequences of obesity

The reason for the call to action has been due to the realization of the enormity of the health issues of being overweight or obese. Thus, the purpose of the current review is to bring together the latest research on the health complications of obesity as it becomes the dominant driver for the health sector →

Commentary: attentional control and the self: the self attention network (san)

1038/nrn3292 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Bredart, S, Delchambre, M, and Laureys, S. 009 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Tajadura-Jimenez, A, Grehl, S, and Tsakiris, M.

Editorial: axon neurobiology: fine-scale dynamics of microstructure and function

Action potentials are generated at the AIS or in the proximal axon near the soma, and therefore the excitability of the AIS is the critical determinant of encoding output trains of the action potential. In combination with the historical views as well as the recent updates on the biophysical properties of axons, Alcami and El →

Plant cell biology: with grand challenges come great possibilities

Starting with the advent of light microscopy and the work of people such as Robert Hooke and Antonie van Leeuwenhoek in the 1600s, a whole new suite of questions as to the workings of the flora and fauna of the Earth flowed from observing biology at magnifications able to reveal its basic building blocks. A →

Making sense of corporate social responsibility and work

As a result, while firms accept that they must engage stakeholders at all levels in order to effectively meet their responsibilities to their operating environment, the connection between employees and CSR, and the impact of employee CSR effort on the firm both generally and in terms of corporate social performance, is not clearly established, meaning →

Commentary: a neural mechanism of social categorization

As the unfolding of the trials, the spontaneous tendency to respond to the familiar category may weaken and the neural coupling may strengthen as the arising cost may be increasingly contributed by the co-activation of the opponent category. However, the relation between the trajectory deviation and neural pattern in the OFC should be further examined →

Poor planning or lack of planning, steps of identifying a credible source

The student needs to have a tendency of single-mindedness and having a clear focus of what one needs in life.b. What is the date of the reference and its research?

Drug experience

Back in difficult times when I could not seem to have proper control of myself because of drugs, there had been a couple of moments I felt people would merely impose rules as if I was solely responsible for the occurring psychological and emotional disaster so my only option was to follow their lead. For →

The cognitive information effect of televised news

The biased perceptions of viewers may provide an inaccurate image of the informational validity of televised news as nearly all individuals are short of a wide-ranging knowledge of issues that have been broadcast in the news. News images are present in an abundance of possible exposures, which thrust in and around the messages of →

Editorial: psychosocial interventions for suicide prevention

Editorial on the Research Topic Psychosocial Interventions for Suicide Prevention Psychosocial approaches to the understanding and prevention of suicidal behavior have been wished-for since the pioneer work of Emile Durkheim, who studied suicide to demonstrate how social factors played a key role in the genesis of human behavior. The most relevant conclusions involve the need →

Editorial: grappling with the multifaceted world of the dna damage response

The Editorial on the Research Topic Grappling with the Multifaceted World of the DNA Damage Response DNA is the repository of the genetic information in each living organism and its integrity and faithful transmission has to be ensured across generations for our own survival. In order to preserve the integrity of the genome, cells have →

Editorial: a multidisciplinary look at stenotrophomonas maltophilia : an emerging multi-drug-resistant global opportunistic pathogen

Members of the species are common inhabitants of water and soils, including rhizosphere.S.maltophilia can be a plant endosymbiont and is found in animals and washed foods. They highlight the difficulties distinguishing between beneficial and harmful strains of S.maltophilia, and suggest Stenotrophomonas rhizophila as a close relative and harmless alternative for use in biotechnology.S.rhizophila, is a →

Editorial: experience-dependent neuroplasticity across the lifespan: from risk to resilience

In addition to the importance of glucocorticoids and the dopaminergic system in the generation of risk and resilience, inflammatory-sensitive mechanisms within the brain have been identified as a key area of importance in the study of risk and resilience. The review by Finnell and Wood examines risk and resilience in the context of depression, and →

Ultrasound vs radiographs: diagnosing developmental dysplasia of the hip

In the early stages of life, the infant's hip is largely cartilaginous and the femoral head is unossified. Congenital dislocation of the hip and its relation to swaddling used in Turkey.

Commentary: sex differences in the peripheral immune system in patients with depression

Inclusion criteria such as good physical health and stable medical condition, and a wide range of exclusion criteria prevented confounding of the inflammatory markers in the serum of the participants. Depression and anxiety in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: prevalence rates based on a comparison of the depression, anxiety and stress scale and the hospital, anxiety →

Editorial: advances in biological approaches to treating resistant/refractory obsessive-compulsive and related disorders

The articles also encourage further research that attempts to understand the heterogeneity of OCD and to tailor treatments for patients with treatment resistant OCD. The cost-effectiveness of deep brain stimulation for patients with treatment-resistant obsessive-compulsive disorder.

The use of epigenetic phenomena for the improvement of sheep and cattle

Usually epigenetic marks are reprogrammed both during the production of the gametes of the parents and during the formation of a zygote and as a result the zygote acquires the totipotency required to produce daughter cells with the ability to differentiate into any cell type. It may be advantageous for the epigenetic marks that silence →

Editorial: organogenesis: from development to disease

The major objectives of this topic was to explore the vast array of research that is focused on the formation of tissue and how this relates to the production of healthy tissue. Following is a review on the formation of the bladder, with a particular focus on the innervation of the bladder.

Editorial: designing technologies for youth mental health

In this special issue Designing Technologies for Youth Mental Health in Frontiers in Public Health, we bring together a collection of five interesting research studies from diverse regions, including New Zealand, the United States, Japan, and India that are focused on the role of emerging digital technologies for advancing mental health promotion and treatment efforts →

Mucosal-associated invariant t cells as a possible target to suppress secondary infections at covid-19

Therefore, we hypothesize the importance of the study of MAIT cells in blood and especially in lungs, given the evidence that the status of T cells reflects the severity of infection and predict the clinical outcomes in patients with COVID-19. Thus, we suggest that activation of MAIT cells in secondary non-viral infection via the MR1-dependent →

How a society based on discrimination managed creating an individual’s defense mechanism as skin bleaching

This is something that started as bruises caused from being told that you are ugly for the first time to the poison of those words being soaked into your skin telling you that because you are dark skinned you are not beautiful. My skin is not a body suit you can put on to reap →

Sleep apnea syndrome and cognition

However, the presence and the extent of the cognitive changes in OSA subjects is still a matter of debate, the cognitive impairment worsening with disease severity but not linearly. As suggested by Verstraeten and Cludydts, a methodological bias in the assessment of executive function is the lack of control of attention performances during the task, →

Toward an embodied, embedded predictive processing account

This account of cognition turns the traditional account of cognition upside down: instead of the brain gathering information about the world, processing information, and then employing it in the output of action, the brain is constantly making predictions about the world. When the free energy principle is applied to the neural domain, the amount of →

Psychopathy, adaptation, and disorder

For instance, although the brains of men and women have much in common, they must also be different on average, as must the brains of young and old, married and single, androphile and gynephile, Anglophone and Francophone, and so on, even if these brain differences are solely the result of differences of experience. Pubmed Abstract →

Editorial: dating the tree of life

In light of the increasingly widespread adoption of these methods to understand the historical context of evolution, we commissioned several articles under the research topic " Dating the Tree of Life". These papers explore current perspectives and future prospects for the integration of morphological and molecular data for extinct and extant taxa in the context →

When is team exam performance a better measure of learning than individual performance?

The three members of this team averaged 38, 39, and 65% on six quizzes when team-based learning was introduced in the course over the second half of the semester. In the present case, a t -test was performed by first calculating the population of differences between the team performances on each of the six quizzes →

A pathway to psychological difficulty: perceived chronic social adversity and its symptomatic reactions

According to Zhang et al, perceived chronic social adversity is a series of events that people perceived as stressful or overwhelming " because these events may occur repeatedly, continuously, or accumulatively during social interactions and social competition". Therefore, if individuals are constantly exposed to perceived chronic social adversity, they may tend to generalize those experiences →

Editorial: parents with mental and/or substance use disorders and their children

This special issue contains the latest knowledge on a) the prevalence of parental psychiatric disorders and children who may be affected, and relationships among risk and protective factors and outcomes for children, youth, and parents across the lifespan, including the perinatal period; b) intervention development, implementation, and testing at the individual practitioner, parent, child, or →

Erratum: a class 1 histone deacetylase as major regulator of secondary metabolite production in aspergillus nidulans

02212 Due to a production error in the Introduction, Paragraph 3, the class of enzymes referred to in the citation of Brosch et al, was incorrectly indicated as class 1 and should be class 3. In the same paragraph, the class of enzymes referred to in the citation of Graessle et al, was unintentionally removed →

Moving towards sustainability—bringing the threads together

A series of 2019 global and European reports concerning food systems, the environment and sustainability suggest new ways of prioritizing routes toward sustainable food systems in the context of Agenda 2030 [ Commission on Genetic Resources for Food Agriculture, 2019; EEA, 2019; IPES Food, 2019; Swinburn et al, 2019; Willett et al, 2019 ] →

Next step in gravity and cosmology: fundamental theory or data-driven models?

082 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Hindmarsh, M, and Saltas, I.D.f gravity from the renormalisation group.Phys.Rev. 1142/S0218271819420057 CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Kawai, S, Sakagami, M.-A, and Soda, J.

Challenges in oral hygiene and oral health policy

In addition to the association of oral hygiene with chronic illnesses, poor oral hygiene has been found to have a role in the etiology of oral cancer [ 11 ]. However, a recent systematic review and meta-analysis revealed that in the absence of fluorides, the benefit of personal oral hygiene alone in reducing the incidence →

Making toothpaste essay sample

Scope and limitations This research is focused in the feasibility of eggshells powder which is used as main component in the production of toothpaste this study also focus on effectiveness of the toothpaste with eggshell and cinnamon powder. This study can proved that eggshell and cinnamon are very effective as a main component of calcium →

Managed healtcare

One of the barriers to disease management is a fragment health delivery system. There have been important changes in the quality of management movement since the 1970s to current day.

Editorial: structural and functional organisation of the prefrontal cortex

The Editorial on the Research Topic Structural and Functional Organisation of the Prefrontal Cortex Prefrontal cortex has long been known to be a region of the brain crucially important for cognitive processes. This research topic focuses on the structural and functional organization of the prefrontal cortex in rodents and primates and makes a contribution to →

Editorial: nutritional aspects of immunity and immunometabolism in health and disease

Further, Horwood et al.describe how changes to a Western diet in the Pacific region have led to obesity and possible links with disease severity, and Honce and Schultz-Cherry describe a large body of work done correlating obesity to the pathogenesis of influenza. COVID-19 represents a major issue in some of the most under- and overweight →

Seminar issues in hospital

A voluntary exit incentive program is a useful device to ensure a smooth transition of laid-off employees out of the organization. Two years is a long enough period to ensure that the program is successful in an organization.