Quality Health & Medicine Essay Examples for Your Learning

Plant cell wall in pathogenesis, parasitism and symbiosis

The role of the cell wall in plant immunity. The role of the secondary cell wall in plant resistance to pathogens.

Corrigendum: myelination increases the spatial extent of analog-digital modulation of synaptic transmission: a modeling study

00040 In the original article, there was an error in the equation W = A * Q Ca 2+ describing how we computed the synaptic strength from the calcium charge in the presynaptic terminals. The weights of the synapses were calculated using the charge of the spike-evoked Ca 2+ entry in the presynaptic sites with β†’

Spike-timing dependent plasticity beyond synapse – pre- and post-synaptic plasticity of intrinsic neuronal excitability

Interest in plasticity of intrinsic excitability of mammalian neurons was for a long-time occluded by the challenge of dissecting the mechanisms underlying long-term synaptic potentiation and depression. Notably, this form of plasticity is also observed in the presence of blockers of synaptic inhibition and is bidirectional.

Against dataism and for data sharing of big biomedical and clinical data with research parasites

Regarding regulations for data sharing, a major point made in a series of papers published in the New England Journal of Medicine was that 1." Those using data collected by others should seek collaboration with those who collected the data" and 2." Report the new findings with relevant coauthorship to acknowledge both the group that β†’

Sids–cdf hypothesis revisited: cause vs. contributing factors

It is telling that as of November 2016, out of approximately 11, 000 SIDS articles in PubMed, only 50 articles contained the search words " SIDS and diaphragm," and only a few of those actually address the role of the vital respiratory muscle in SIDS. In 1972, Joan Caddell advanced a hypothesis in The Lancet β†’

Editorial: drug development and target discovery in pulmonary vascular diseases

Editorial on the Research Topic Drug Development and Target Discovery in Pulmonary Vascular Diseases Pulmonary vascular disease is a broad category of disorders threatening millions of people in the world, often leading to abnormal blood flow between the lungs and heart. The feature of PAH is involved in the reduction of prostacyclin synthase expression and β†’

Bioethic issue

The legal abortion is the source of embryos, and thus the public should not view stem cell research as unethical. Therefore, the public should have a balanced view of the stem cell research.

Body perception

One of the greatest social pressures imposed on men and women about their bodies is through media. There is so much emphasis today in the body image of both men and women.

Level 3 health and social care unit 4 m1

Another example of nature vs nurture debate is the twins studies which argues about how much of a twin personality is controlled by are genes and how much by are environment. The nature side to thE debate is that either that twins are grown up far away from each other or together have the same β†’

Something impact health 8

Something Impact Health 8 The November 15Th ScienceDaily article revealed how certain extract compounds from specialized spearmint and rosemary can adequately improve a person's memory, a study conducted on animals. Therefore, the unveiling of this study will compel medical practitioners conduct further researches on how to use spearmints and rosemary compounds to stave off Alzheimer β†’

Editorial: respiratory virus infection: recent advances

Editorial on the Research Topic Respiratory Virus Infection: Recent Advances Respiratory virus infections cause an enormous disease burden both in children and in adults in all parts of the world. McAuley et al.review the current knowledge on the structure of the influenza virus neuraminidase and link the structural features of this surface glycoprotein with the β†’

Meditations on friendship and hospitality

Case study Some of the key factors that influence the development of the hospitality industry in Portsmouth, a key naval port and the 2nd largest city in Hampshire include the vibrancy of tourism promotion by the government to attract tourists and potential customers to the area. The peace and stability of the region are important β†’

Grand challenges in diabetes

The essential component of lifestyle management of obesity and diabetes is a change in physical activity, which unfortunately is an anathema to most people and a leading cause of diabetes and obesity. Rationale and options for combination therapy in the treatment of Type 2 diabetes.

Visual perception and visual cognition in healthy and pathological ageing

Van der Stigchel et al.tested four macular degeneration patients in a visual search paradigm and contrasted their performance with that of healthy controls with and without a simulated scotoma. Hamel et al.use a driving simulator paradigm with eye- and head-movement recordings in young and old subjects to assess age-related changes in visual exploratory behavior.

Corrigendum: diversity of mesopelagic fishes in the southern ocean – a phylogeographic perspective using dna barcoding

A correction has been made to the last sentence of the Abstract: However, we highlight potential cryptic or unrecognized species in Gymnoscopelus bolini, Lampanyctus achirus, and the non-myctophid genus Bathylagus. Therefore, we highly recommend the collection of further samples/sequences in order to resolve the phylogenetic position of S.boops, and to re-identify the specimens erroneously labeled β†’

Editorial: personalized medicine in cancer research

Editorial on the Research Topic Personalized Medicine in Cancer Research The aim of the Personalized Medicine in Cancer Research RT was to provide an overview on the trends, achievements, and challenges lying ahead in this field. Advances in understanding the role of the immune system in the pathogenesis of cancer have led in recent years β†’

Editorial: proceedings of aspl2019 – 8th asian-oceanian symposium on plant lipids

Kong et al.summarized the recent understanding of the regulatory mechanism of WRI1 in plant oil biosynthesis and other regulators controlling the expression of WRI1. The mutant has a single G664A substitution in the gene TaCHLI-7A encoding the subunit I of the Mg-chelatase, and the resultant D221N substitution in the mutant protein abolishes an interaction with β†’

A study on the technique used by dr. lidke to support a speech

Though it was open to everyone, the majority of the audience was faculty from the Religion and Philosophy department as well as the Dean of Evans. The articulation was good as well, other than the fact that the main subject of his speech was something very much so foreign to many of the people in β†’

Aviation security and the tsa’s behavior detection: why effective academic and practitioner dialogue is vital

Therefore, if research scientists and practitioners genuinely want to engage in dialogue " to develop solutions to problems in the world of practice, and thereby generate insights for the world of theory", they each must fully appreciate the others knowledge. Research scientists should therefore engage in a dialogue with the TSA as well as other β†’

Virtual reality analgesia for pediatric dental patients

The current pilot study is the first to explore the feasibility, acceptability and the effectiveness of immersive VR to reduce pain during dental procedures such as dental fillings, and to explore the dentist's thoughts and opinions on the feasibility/applicability of this technique during dental procedures. Mean pain ratings were significantly lower during VR compared to β†’

Health law and ethics

By collaborating with various partners, CDC's aims at monitoring public health through; conducting research to prevent the spread of new health problems, developing and supporting sound and ethical, public health policies, implementing health prevention strategies and promoting healthy behaviors. In conclusion, CDC focuses on honesty and ethics in the field of public health.

Conclusion in summary of findings health essay

In summary, the EPA and WHO have stated the bad effects of chemicals such as dioxin and acrylamide which are found in burgers and its implications on human health. Now thanks to the EPA and WHO for their efforts and research, better understanding of these chemicals are delivered and obtained, consumers now are more aware β†’

Specialty grand challenges in biosensors

In the medical field, biosensors have been used for many years, and it is certainly the area that benefits from the largest number of commercial devices, such as the glucometer, a biosensor that revolutionized the monitoring of blood glucose levels, improving the quality of life of millions of diabetic people worldwide. The development and production β†’

Conflice management within the program (case)

However, interpersonal conflict rules this case in that the team and the chief of the program are involved in conflicts of interest. To the organization, the conflict between the chief of the program and the surgeon team provokes substandard service delivery because teams do not have a common understanding.

Editorial: assistance dogs for people with disabilities

The nomenclature used in describing these dogs adds confusion: at the worldwide agency Assistance Dogs International, the inclusive term used is assistance dogs for guide, hearing and service dogs. Members of medical and veterinary medical professions have an important duty to facilitate the role of assistance dogs in the lives of people with disabilities.

Corrigendum: patients with schizophrenia fail to up-regulate task-positive and down-regulate task-negative brain networks: an fmri study using an ica analysis approach

The T1-images were acquired with a FSPGR pulse sequence with 122 sagittal slices [64 64 matrix size, slice thickness = 1. 5 s, flip angle = 90].[...]" should be replaced by "[...] The T1-images were acquired with a FSPGR pulse sequence with 180 sagittal slices [256 256 matrix size, field of view = 256 256 β†’

Assessing bradykinesia in parkinsonian disorders

An additional scale, the Modified Bradykinesia Rating Scale for PD has also been used in clinical practice, though the gold standard for assessment of bradykinesia remain the UPDRS and the MDS-UPDRS. These results support the validity and reliability for the use of the motor scale of the UPDRS in measuring bradykinesia for patients with PSP.

Two types of potential functions and their use in the modeling of information: two applications from the social sciences

If we assume that the force on the real potential, V = b + = x, then, one can also write that:- V - Q =- x + m 4 2 x We observe from the above, that besides the information received, via the force on the real potential, i.e, the expected return times the β†’

A causal theory of mnemonic confabulation

3 " The fact that the DSM does not explicitly define confabulation and that the literature on the topic contains a number of different definitions can be taken to suggest that the medical profession is still in the process of coming up with a precise definition of the concept of confabulation. Section " The Causal β†’

Addition of fat reduces glycemic index

This means that at food intake, the body responds by absorbing these biomolecules to maintain normal levels of glucose in blood. Thus, at the same amount of food taken in, blood glucose response may tend to be greater among females than males.

The pathological relevance of serum lipid concentrations health essay

150 women were included in the study of two groups consisted of 115 pregnant women in different trimesters and 35 ) healthy non-pregnant women taken as control. In contrast, Okojie and Blessing study showed an increase in the level of HDL-c in normal pregnant women with increasing gestational age when compared with controls.

Editorial: mycobacteria-host interactions: genetics, immunity, pathology

A few of the manuscripts reflect the unique perspectives of the authors on issues in tuberculosis of some controversy. For purposes of this editorial, we have organized the manuscripts into discrete sub-topics with the indicated number of papers in each: TB-comorbidities [diabetes; TB and HIV ]; aspects of TB pathogenesis [dormancy and dissemination ]; innate β†’

Editorial: the future of work in non-profit and religious organizations: current and future perspectives and concerns

Editorial on the Research Topic The Future of Work in Non-profit and Religious Organizations: Current and Future Perspectives and Concerns Non-profits and religious organizations support the state's public services contributing to mitigate critical situations in developing countries, or to improving the welfare status in developed countries. The decreased admission of members in religious organizations together β†’

Anorexia nervosa

All the girls who attended the group therapy, in Chapter 2, had suffered some kind of psychological trauma in the past and had taken to starvation to vent out their frustration. The most effective treatment strategy seemed to be the group and individual therapies which created awareness in the patients about the lack of logic β†’

Circadian clocks and pregnancy

They also developed the hypothesis that alterations in the circadian system during decidualization are important for regulating the expression of genes vital for the formation of the placenta. In his review, Sellix highlights our current understanding of circadian clock functions in the female reproductive system as it relates to the timing of gonadotropin secretion at β†’

Neural substrate expansion for the restoration of brain function

Directly interfacing with the brain is straightforward but has substantial limitations, including the inherent fragility of the brain and the restricted set of laboratory techniques that can be applied in the in vivo environment. We contend that future attempts to expand the substrate of the brain will need to make greater use of the in β†’

Rethinking “native” in the anthropocene

Here, we argue that no species will be truly " native" in the Anthropocene, and a new set of criteria to determine the " belonging" of a species to a locality is necessary for the establishment of management practices that reconcile the veracity of global change with realistic options for the preservation of biodiversity. With β†’

Crisis without borders: what does international law say about border closure in the context of covid-19?

Their continuing applicability in the context of Covid-19 has been reaffirmed by many stakeholders, including the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the International Organization for Migration, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, and UNICEF, to quote a few. Available online at: https://migrationnetwork.un.org/sites/default/files/docs/kms_refoulement_detention_and_deportations_of_children_in_the_context_of_covid-19.pdf.

Public health program planner

She plays major roles in her current position that have to do with the aspect of overseeing and managing various health department tasks which include: school health, surveillance in monitoring diseases, co-direct Everett Committee Health Partnerships, and even immunizations. The main basis why she had secured her current position was due to the fact that β†’

The sense of commitment: a minimal approach

To this end, we will develop a framework which specifies, on the one hand, the cognitive and motivational processes that lead people to sense that they or others might be committed and to act committed, and on the other hand, the general structure of situations which elicit the sense of commitment, as well as situational β†’

Editorial: protective resources for psychological well-being of adolescents

Therefore, the main aim of this Research Topic is to examine the role of protective factors in family, school, social relationships and personal contexts in preventing psychological maladjustment and enhancing adolescents' psychological well-being. One of these contexts, considered to be one of the most important and immediate in which adolescents satisfy their basic needs, grow, β†’

Global health

This is the impact of the disease where the frequency of disease is very high. Initially the fight was initiatedby the World Health organization to remove the disease from various parts of Asia and Africa, especially in the low income zone where most of the people used to live below poverty line.

Studies related to the importance of human milk storage health essay

The results showed that more mothers were benefited by expressed breast milk because of the production and consumption of the breast milk was accurate. Swetha Kiran, conducted a quasi experimental study to assess the effectiveness of teaching programme on knowledge and practice on expressed breast milk among working mothers, Mangalore.

Understood consent versus informed consent: a new paradigm for obtaining consent for pediatric research studies

Obtaining consent from a parent for their child to participate in a research study is often reduced to a process whereby the parent, or young person, is given an explanation of the study and an Information Package and the researcher or, more often, a member of the research team then collects a signature for participation β†’

Organic food vs. inorganic food

Research indicates that conventionally grown food is as healthy as organically grown food, while there is also thought that organic farming is actually more harmful to the environment than conventional farming, due to the fact that organic farms require more land per yield than conventional farms. His theory is that organic farming takes up more β†’

Are herbal remedies safe and effective

The safety of the remedies is of concern because most of the drugs are self-made and prescribed. Though the herbal remedies are less effective, most of them are safe when used in the appropriate dosages and settings.

Technology in health care systems

Technology in Health Care Systems Response to the Benefits of Mobile Health during Epidemics Blog Health improvement can only be achieved if the necessary technology is applied in the prevention of disease spread. I agree with the blog that mobile phones are crucial gadgets in the dissemination of the necessary information in curbing the spread β†’

Cloning and ethical issues

But we can use it to create new medicines or vaccines as this method can nly be used for certain parts of DNA and not the whole of it. Most of these scientists highly doubt that it would be possible in the near future to clone entire human beings, but there are always the " β†’

Herniated nucleus pulposus with laminectomy procedure

In this surgical process, a portion of the lamina is excised and nucleus pulposus of the herniated disk is removed. Microdiskectomy is also performed for the removal of nucleus pulposus of a herniated disk.

Fighting obesity in the uk health essay

The House of Commons Select Committee Report on Obesity, 2004 presented it as a social problem: ' The causes of obesity are diverse, complex, and in the main, underpinned by what are now entrenched societal norms'. Normative regulations helped to decrease the number of smokers and the same can be done with obesity rates.

Sleep is an auto-regulatory global phenomenon

Though these findings questioned the passive sleep theory, the discovery of REM sleep in the 1950s by Kleitman and colleagues and " paradoxical sleep" by Jouvet et al.marked the beginning of the era of the active sleep genesis concept. The years that followed saw the dominance of active sleep genesis theory and it even overshadowed β†’

Root systems biology

Auxin plays also a key role in the formation of lateral roots which, post-embryonically initiated from the primary root in response to developmental and environmental stimuli, provide a high level of plasticity to the root system architecture. Unleashing the potential of the root hair cell as a single plant cell type model in root systems β†’

The changing trends in education

Particularly, digital education platforms support collaborative learning and co-design situations in which students develop a mutual understanding of the given design problem and a shared goal, and achieve this goal through working and learning together on the design artifact. Google Scholar Landa, L." The algo-heuristic theory of instruction," in Instructional Design Theories and Models, ed.C.M.

Grand challenges in nanomaterial-based electrochemical sensors

Briefly, the biggest challenges encountered in the development of electrochemical sensors can be listed as follows: obtaining a low limit of detection; suppressing the non-specific adsorption of interfering species, and maintaining the reproducibility and stability of the sensor in complex real matrices. The matrix effect tends to negatively interfere with the detection of a specific β†’

Non-invasive brain stimulation in pediatric migraine: a perspective from evidence in adult migraine

The low ability of children to describe the exact features of their migraines and the lack of reliable biomarkers complicate the diagnostic process, while symptomatic and prophylactic treatments are limited due to placebo effect and the parents' fear of pharmacological side effects. In a meta-analysis, Luedtke et al.concluded that clinical data does not support the β†’

Preconception health & prenatal

The most salient portions of arguments in Atrash et.al.concentrated on the improvement of the mother's health and the infant as well. The Most Convincing Arguments in Atrash et.al.

Personal change project conditioning health and social care essay

In the baseline appraisal of the mark behaviour before transporting out the self-modification program, the frequence and continuance of walking the Canis familiaris by the client was measured utilizing a timer. The frequence which the client walked her Canis familiaris was 7 times in two hebdomads and the entire clip spent to walk the Canis β†’

Expanded functions of dental assistants

These expanded functions allow a Dental Assistant in the state of Florida to be a huge asset to a dental clinic. The expanded functions that a Dental Assistant can perform in the state of Minnesota differ then the expanded functions in the state of Florida.

Multi-sensory and sensorimotor foundation of bodily self-consciousness – an interdisciplinary approach

Some of the most important brain systems of humans are dedicated to the maintenance of the balance between the self and the external environment, by processing and integrating many different bodily sensory inputs, and providing an online representation of the body in the world. 11, 16 24.

Corrigendum: patterns of diversification amongst tropical regions compared: a case study in sapotaceae

00362 In the sixth paragraph of the Discussion section entitled " Regional Diversification in Manilkara," in the sentence beginning " In Sapotaceae four lineages of Isonandreae have migrated..." the citation of Swenson et al, 2008 should instead be: Swenson, U, Nylinder, S, and Munzinger, J. 12246 Additionally, in the second paragraph of the Supplementary Material β†’

News/press release

The purpose of the campaign is to make people understand in details the elements of sexual harassment and not assume incidences of sexual harassment but instead report the cases to the authority. So join us in the campaign against sexual harassment.

Retraction: atorvastatin may attenuate recurrence of chronic subdural hematoma

00303 The Journal and Authors retract the 28 June 2016 article cited above for the following reasons provided by the Authors: In one of our collaborating centers, 38 patients were enrolled in an atorvastatin group. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the retraction of this article.

Compassionate conservation clashes with conservation biology: should empathy, compassion, and deontological moral principles drive conservation practice?

336 CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Batson, D.C." Altruism and prosocial behaviour," in The Handbook of Social Psychology, eds D. 1400253 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Chierchia, G, and Singer, T." Chapter 20 the neuroscience of compassion and empathy and their link to prosocial motivation and behavior," in Decision Neuroscience: An Integrative Perspective, β†’

Referee bias in professional football: favoritism toward successful teams in potential penalty situations

The effect others have on an individual is explained by Latane social impact theory, in which others are the sources of impact and the individual is the target, and where this impact is a multiplicative function of the strength, immediacy and number of others." Strength" refers to the source's power, importance or intensity in relation β†’

Routine computed tomography scanning protocols for head, chest and abdomen

The most direct method of reducing the radiation dose reduction is that of decreasing the tube voltage and tube potential. Routine CT Scanning Protocols for the Head Table 1 shows the numerous parameters and dimensions for the CT scan of the human skull using KSMC's protocol.

At the mercy of strategies: the role of motor representations in language understanding

While in the letter-decision task, the participants were asked to ignore the position of the red letter and indicate whether or not the displayed word contained the target letter " A," in the visuospatial-decision task, they were required to ignore the language-related properties of the words and to judge whether the red letter was located β†’

Nursing care center essay sample

The Director of Nurses will provide the necessary care and services to maintain the highest state of well-being of each resident and will keep each resident's personal and medical records private and confidential. The DON and nurse staff will work in collaboration with the physical and occupational therapy department director, laboratory director and information technology β†’

Health education in television entertainment

This article is a good source of information for the health departments. The knowledge and the proper utilization of that knowledge are two different issues.

High cost of staying healthy in the u.s

It cites the partnership of most hospitals and private insurance companies as one reason for the fee hike. The author of the article has used information from the analysis of works of medical practitioners.

The forager oral tradition and the evolution of prolonged juvenility

The use of gossip to manage one's own reputation and manipulate the reputations of others illustrates another potential benefit of information sharing: influencing the beliefs and behavior of conspecifics in ways that serve the transmitter's interests. The claim is not that humans only share information with offspring but that, given the value of information and β†’

Editorial: weak interactions in molecular machinery

In addition, the dynamics of the system can enhance the strength of interactions that are weak. The subjects covered in our research topic span a wide range of biological questions and methodology.

The development of students’ understanding of science

In the pages that follow I will focus on three aspects of this development: the creation of intuitive understandings, the process of science learning, and the presence of conceptual co-existence. The phenomenon of the co-existence of intuitive understandings and scientific concepts and theories raises important problems for theories of science learning and instruction as well β†’

Michael e. porters a strategy for health care reform

According to the author, moving toward universal insurance coverage as well as restructuring the care delivery system is essential for true reform and a value-based system is the most fundamental means to achieve this. The article maintains that one of the major reasons for the failures of the incremental reforms in the area is because β†’

707 week 6

Different types of metric tools however exist and this discussion compares them, besides discussing importance reliability and validity and necessity of coding. A research aims at developing knowledge, from existing data, for solving a problem or bridging information gap and reliability and validity ensures realization of the aims.

The global epidemic of overweight health essay

The prevalence of overweight and obese individuals was highest in the WHO region of the Americans In India about 1. In most of the Asian countries the prevalence of overweight and obesity has increased many folds in the past few decades and the magnitude varies between countries.

Corrigendum: the electrogenic na pump is a key determinant of repolarization abnormality susceptibility in human ventricular cardiomyocytes: a population-based simulation study

The authors apologize for this error and state that this does not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way. The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

How to apply the concept of umwelt in the evolutionary study of cognition

The Scala naturae, the classical perspective of the tree of life, placed humans at the peak of a pyramid. The core of the joke lies in the fact that the monkey is the unique animal among that group that could climb the tree and pass the exam.

Care support learner record essay sample

I found it difficult at the start as the women I was showering was 87 years of age and it was my first time showering a woman but after a minute or so I settled down and everything was fine. Effective reflection on own interpersonal skills and personal effectiveness as a care worker and highlight β†’

Medical records

Because of Electronic Medical Records patients' medication and health history, research laboratory results, and more are easily accessible by physicians and health care providers. He debates that electronic medical records improves health care, identifies trends and stops outbreaks.

Functional annotation of human cytomegalovirus gene products: an update

The aim of the section below is to review these novel functions in the context of the viral life cycle. The large genome of HCMV is expressed in a complex and tightly regulated temporal cascade.

Development of occupational health measures for the national health security preparedness index

To the best of our knowledge, the NHSPI is the only tool currently available to measure the preparedness of each of the states in the U.S. The Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists occupational health indicators: CSTE and the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health recently developed 22 OHIs.

Measurement for skin absorption health and social care essay

The OECD in vitro TG for finding of cuticular soaking up accepts the usage of tegument of many mammalian species, and human tegument. Thus one of the cardinal undertakings is the hunt for a nexus between in vitro carnal tegument soaking up proving and human surveies for anticipation of transdermal soaking up in worlds.

A neurobiology of learning beyond the declarative non-declarative distinction

An interpretation of the roles of the hippocampus and the basal ganglia in learning independent from the declarative/non-declarative dichotomy may allow understanding the role of neural structures critical in learning without relying on phenomenological categories difficult to examine from a scientific perspective such as awareness and consciousness. Timescales of learning in the basal ganglia and β†’

Memory distortion for traumatic events: the role of mental imagery

Our research provides a third line of evidence for the existence of traumatic memory distortion and the role mental imagery plays in that distortion. Nevertheless, we believe that developing a better understanding of source monitoring errors and the role of mental imagery in traumatic memory distortion should be a research priority.

Losing weight is a myth

Since your topic is myths on losing weight, your thesis statement contends that the weight loss industry misleads people to lose weight in unhealthy ways which is also a very strong statement that needs authoritative support; and is apparently not related to your topic. Therefore, your myth in the fourth paragraph could be stated as: β†’

The challenges facing training in pediatric surgery worldwide

The situation is made worse by three additional factors: the declining incidence of several of the structural congenital abnormalities of surgical significance; changes to working hours and the failure of training boards in pediatric surgery to modify the configuration of their training programs to accommodate this; and changes to the casemix of teaching hospitals as β†’

Relationship between bone mineral density and balance disorders in osteoporotic patients

Basically, five factors determine one's level of stability and mobility: size of the base of support, height of the center of mass, location of the center of mass projection within the base of support, body mass, and friction. In some researches, it has been mentioned that height of the center of the mass decreases in β†’