Quality Health & Medicine Essay Examples for Your Learning

Personal statment for pharmacy school

I had to suspend what I had come to do and join in the delivery of medicines to the locals. Working in the drug store has added to the wealth of passion I have developed in Pharmacy.

A grand challenge for applied genetic epidemiology: putting the human genome in context

While the Human Genome Project achieved its goal of mapping the physical location of the approximately 20, 000 to 25, 000 genes that make up our genome, it has left open the most challenging biological question " How do these genes impact who we are?" As a result, the role of genetic epidemiology is to β†’

Theory-guided therapeutic function of music to facilitate emotion regulation development in preschool-aged children

Thus, the connection between music, physiologic arousal, and emotion induction apparent early in the development process provides additional support for the use of music as a mechanism to facilitate ER development in preschool children. Outside of music and speech processing, the right hemisphere is implicated in an organism's ability to cope with stress.

Editorial: role of rna in molecular diagnostics of cancer

Editorial on the Research Topic Role of RNA in Molecular Diagnostics of Cancer The central dogma of molecular biology is an explanation of the flow of genetic information within a biological system. The potential of circulating cell free RNA as a biomarker in cancer.

Where will the (new) drugs for traumatic brain injury treatment be coming from?

Funding for TBI research has been disproportional to the prevalence of the disease and also to its cumulative human and financial costs to societies. In the US, the NIH has recognized the value of translational research and started to increase funding for it.

Concerns with attempts by neuroeconomics to answer the philosophical question “is it rational to donate money for charity?”

The reasoning adopted was: If brain area B is involved in coding rewards which have inherent utility and then we observe area B is involved in donations, then there is utility in donating and hence donating is rational. It is now commonly accepted that generally the vMPFC is involved in valuation and a modulation of β†’

Corrigendum: sensory processing in children with autism spectrum disorder and/or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in the home and classroom contexts

Children from the ADHD Group and the CG, however, were attending the same schools as the children in the ASD and ASD+ADHD Groups, but in the regular modality". The authors apologize for these errors and state that this does not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way.

Behavioral duality in an integrated agent

However, one of the characteristics of these decisions is the lack of voluntary control, what is a problem considering this system is responsible of many of the decisions and judgments we make. Although some authors question a sharp neuroanatomical basis of Kahneman's Systems 1 and 2, our train of thought in this manuscript suggests that β†’

The real and the mathematical in quantum modeling: from principles to models and from models to principles

48]; the principle of discreteness or the QD principle, according to which all observed quantum phenomena are individual and discrete in relation to each other, which is fundamentally different the atomic discreteness of quantum objects themselves; the principle of the probabilistic or statistical nature of quantum predictions, the QP/QS principle, even in the case of β†’

Expression of concern: topical ophthalmic formulation of trichostatin a and surr9-c84a for quick recovery post-alkali burn of corneal haze

An expression of concern on Topical Ophthalmic Formulation of Trichostatin A and SurR9-C84A for Quick Recovery Post-alkali Burn of Corneal Haze by Roy, K, Cheung, C.H. 00223 With this notice, Frontiers states its awareness of serious allegations surrounding the article " Topical Ophthalmic Formulation of Trichostatin A and SurR9-C84A for Quick Recovery Post-alkali Burn of β†’

Editorial: clinical microbiology in low resource settings

Editorial on the Research Topic Clinical Microbiology in Low Resource Settings The field of clinical microbiology faces increased pressures in low and middle-income countries where the burden of infection is highest and health systems appear least able to respond to pressures, such as antimicrobial resistance. The regional and national variations of clinical microbiology implementation in β†’

Editorial: antimicrobial stewardship in low- and middle-income countries

Sangeda et al.aimed at assessing hospital AMR surveillance and ASP implementation in hospitals in Tanzania in the year following the launch of the National Action Plan for AMR. They advocate for the ministry of health and healthcare agencies in Ghana to enhance healthcare access and healthcare insurance, and to provide affordable antibiotics.

Protocol bacteriology(microbial disease and immunology)

Chlamydia pneumoniae The biphasic presentation, as well as the fever, cough and eye discharge symptoms may indicate concurrent pneumonia and eye infection by the organism.c. Organism: C.pneumoniae Reason: The biphasic presentation, as well as the fever, cough and eye discharge symptoms may indicate concurrent pneumonia and eye infection by the organism.3.

Vesicles-mediated resistance to antibiotics in bacteria

Natural release of virulence factors in membrane vesicles by Pseudomonas aeruginosa and the effect of aminoglycoside antibiotics on their release.J. 00929-10 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Schaar, V, Nordstrom, T, Morgelin, M, and Riesbeck, K.

Editorial: pediatric venous thromboembolism

Similarly, the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute at the National Institutes of Health includes in a recent publication of its strategic vision a focus on identifying factors that account for individual differences in VTE pathobiology and in responses to treatments. One such study, mentioned in the pulmonary embolism and VTE treatment articles, is the β†’

The scientific study of inspiration in the creative process: challenges and opportunities

Mozart's depiction of inspiration possesses all of the core elements of the modern scientific inspiration construct appreciation of new or better possibilities, passive evocation, and motivation to bring the new possibilities into fruition. Among these challenges have been a lack of clarity about the meaning of inspiration; difficulty of operationalization; ambiguity about whether inspiration is β†’

Editorial: neuromodulatory control of spinal function in health and disease

The review by Sharples et al.focuses on the role of dopamine in the spinal control of locomotion in vertebrates. Previous experiments implicate cholinergic brainstem and spinal systems in the control of locomotion.

A primary physiological role of toxin/antitoxin systems is phage inhibition

There are eight classification groups for TA systems on the basis of the antitoxin mechanism: antitoxin anti-sense RNA inhibits toxin mRNA in type I systems; antitoxin protein binds and inhibits toxin protein in type II systems; antitoxin RNA binds and inhibits the protein toxin in type III systems; antitoxin protein prevents the protein toxin from β†’

Health care law

Alternative medicine has for long being relegated to herbal medicine, min-body practices, alternative medical systems, and other categories that integrate alternative therapies to scientific medicine. Despite the fact that most scientific breakthroughs and discoveries were performed carried out long ago, therapies in alternative medicine were founded on dubious evidence, and later proved to be ineffective β†’

The public health campaigns health and social care essay

Even though the relationship between cervical malignant neoplastic disease and sexual activity has proved by surveies to be near and the function of the HPV virus in the development of cervical malignant neoplastic disease is well-known, the reviewed articles showed that there have not been emphasized plenty by the public wellness runs. Hence, what is β†’

My education path in data sciences

During the sixth semester of my undergraduate studies, I worked on a capstone project entitled " Finance Data Project". Additionally, as part of my major project in the final semester of my course, I along with three of my classmates have built a clinical decision support system for the diagnosis of diabetes.

Cognitive remediation for schizophrenia with focus on near

As a relatively new method of treatment in psychiatry in Japan, CR is sometimes misunderstood as a choice of intervention for dementia, or as a subtype of cognitive-behavioral therapy. A meta-analysis of cognitive remediation in schizophrenia.

A review of the challenge-hindrance stress model: recent advances, expanded paradigms, and recommendations for future research

The basic premise of the CHM framework is that stressors can be conceptualized into the two broad categories of Challenge Stressors and Hindrance Stressors. For example, an impending work deadline may or may not be perceived as stressful, and there are a number of factors that would impact this judgment such as the importance of β†’

New framework for rehabilitation – fusion of cognitive and physical rehabilitation: the hope for dancing

Although a decline in neurogenesis is associated with aging, one of the most consistent findings in animal models is an increase in neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus as a result of exercise, which is associated with improvements in cognition, particularly in learning and memory. The ability of music to stimulate the widespread β†’

Cross-talk and regulation between glutamate and gaba b receptors

GABA B Rs are very stable at cell surface in terms of agonist stimulation and the number of cell surface GABA B Rs is primarily controlled by glutamate and not GABA in central neurons. In conclusion, the above findings demonstrate that the expression and regulation of GABA B R subunits are dynamically regulated in response β†’

The evolving diagnostic and genetic landscapes of autism spectrum disorder

It was first recognized that the risk of having a second child with autism was higher in families that already had one child with ASD than was the risk of having a child with ASD in the general population. 1038/nature07953 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Hallmayer, J, Cleveland, S, Torres, A, Phillips, J, β†’

Whether the kids should be allowed to take sleeping pills or not

It is usually not prescribed by doctors to the children but however, in some cases, some sleeping pills are prescribed to these children. Children are able to sleep well after consuming these sleeping pills and thus it can be said that they are necessary for the proper functioning of the brain.

Editorial: genetics, evolution, and conservation of neotropical fishes

To begin answering those questions, we asked these, and other, questions of the scientific community with the goal of gathering together answers to those questions for the Frontiers in Genetics, which celebrates the 30th anniversary of the first Symposium on Cytogenetics and Fish Genetics. Investigating taxonomic uncertainties and genetic diversity of the many species of β†’

Being a doctor

The reason that I want to become a doctor is the satisfaction that I would get from knowing that I made a difference in someone's life. The moment that has had the greatest influence on me is when I travelled to a remote village in India.

Osteoporosis: demographic factors

However, it is observed that a number of older men and particularly, women are suffering from one of the most distressing diseases, Osteoporosis that results in malfunction of these two cells in later stages of life. Some of the experts have noted that a reduction is observed in the bone mineral density that causes osteoporosis β†’

What does the brain tell us about abstract art?

It is therefore worth seeking for the neural correlates of the abstract art experience and attempting to extract the principles underlying the neural processing of this form of art. To conclude abstract art is a very recent invention of the human brain.

Editorial: the chemistry of biofilms and their inhibitors

Editorial on the Research Topic The Chemistry of Biofilms and Their Inhibitors Over the past few years, biofilm research has moved to the spotlight, resulting in a strong increase in the researchers studying such highly structured microbial community and in the number of articles published per year. The large body of work made available enabled β†’

Where india stands in malaria elimination?

India is among the 35 countries, which contribute 96% of total malaria cases and 98% of total malaria deaths in the world. The overall malaria cases and deaths have decreased in recent years in India, but a study funded by NIH, USA and published in Lancet argues that more than 0.

Editorial: biogenic amines and neuromodulation of animal behavior

The first review by Ichinose et al.discusses the role of spontaneously firing dopaminergic neurons in the fruit fly brain and how they reflect the behavioral/internal state of the animal. Genetic manipulation of the activity of dopamine neurons resulted in changes to the behavioral state of the fly.

Editorial: placebo and nocebo effects in psychiatry and beyond

Editorial on the Research Topic Placebo and Nocebo Effects in Psychiatry and Beyond The placebo effect is part of every medical intervention and plays a crucial role in randomized placebo-controlled trials. The role and mechanisms of the placebo effect in psychotherapy has been repeatedly discussed, and Enck and Zipfel point to the challenges of disentangling β†’

Example of three questions sulman essay

This is especially because of the effect of the information stored in the short-term and long-term memory. Hoboken, John Wiley & Sons.

Editorial: interactions of plants with bacteria and fungi: molecular and epigenetic plasticity of the host

Editorial on the Research Topic Interactions of Plants with Bacteria and Fungi: Molecular and Epigenetic Plasticity of the Host In both natural and agricultural environments plants live in association with a multitude of microorganisms belonging to different microbial types, mainly bacteria and fungi. Beneficial microbes in the soil could help the host to overcome the β†’

Brief history of art therapy

In his book, The Discovery of the Art of the Insane, MacGregor presents a history of the interplay of art and psychology pning the last 300 years. Contemporary writers from art therapy and other disciplines continue to explore the notion of art practice for the purpose of personal exploration and growth and to reevaluate the β†’

An obsolescing bargain in a rentier state: multinationals, artisanal miners, and cobalt in the democratic republic of congo

In the case of Glencore and cobalt mining in the DRC, the country's political leaders had an opportunity to take advantage of the obsolescing of the multinational cobalt mining industry's bargaining power. This is significant as it relates to the incidence of future conflict and the proliferation of artisanal cobalt mining.

Editorial: human antibodies against the dietary non-human neu5gc-carrying glycans in normal and pathologic states

Thus, Soulillou et al.provide a critical perspective on current literature related to the suggested roles of anti-Neu5Gc antibodies in human pathologies. Altogether, this special issue is a major contribution to increase awareness of this very complex research related to the immunogenic Neu5Gc dietary carbohydrate in humans and its potential involvement with multiple human diseases.

Sociology of health and illness essay sample

We also use medication in order to alter the experience of child birth and death, both natural experiences of life that medicalization alters and modifies for us. As a result of medicalization being so market-driven in today's society, the medical industries withhold the power to affect and change social norms.

What is youth political participation? literature review on youth political participation and political attitudes

The fourth section focuses on the political attitudes of young adults after reviewing political socialization research, for political socialization plays an important role in the formation of the political attitudes of young adults. In the fourth form, the political nature of the activities is based on contextual evidence, and only at the very last stage β†’

Introduction to health psychology

Also according to Kaplan, human behavior plays a major role in most of the leading causes of death, health psychology a new and emerging field of Psychological Science attempts to improve collaboration with other fields of medicine by sharing information and identifying behavioral interventions that help to find solutions to health issues. We also observe β†’

For medical school application

I have also had experiences in the medical field through working in a pharmacy where I assisted the pharmacist with distribution of drugs to the customers and well as help customers chose drugs. I believe I have spent much of my time in hospitals and health care facilities as a premedical preparation this intrigued me β†’

Engineering microbial consortia to enhance biomining and bioremediation

Synthetic consortia may empower scientists and engineers to cultivate and make use of some of the 99% percent of microbes that have not been cultured yet and also to elucidate the role of the many genes that have yet unknown function, which might well be of particular relevance in microbial consortia. Biomining entails the use β†’

A transformative subfield in rehabilitation science at the nexus of new technologies, aging, and disability

The review called for the formation of a standing Rehabilitation Research Advisory Council to advise the director of the agency on research priorities and the development of the agency's Long-Range Plans. Basically, and in the context of multiple systems, the answers have less to do with the break itself than with the physiological and psychological β†’

Editorial: redox and metabolic circuits in cancer

Editorial on the Research Topic Redox and Metabolic Circuits in Cancer Biological processes in living cells require a constant supply of energy that primarily derives from the oxidation of biomolecules such as carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. While the couple NADP +/NADPH is crucial for the antioxidant response and anabolic metabolism, NAD +/NADH and FAD/FADH2 convey β†’

Editorial: skin blistering diseases

However, the Research Topic Skin Blistering Diseases Kridin et al.demonstrate that the anecdotal association of pemphigus with thyroid diseases can only be partially confirmed in a large cohort of pemphigus patients. Br J Dermatol.doi: 10.

Critical care response to the outbreak of covid-19: the experience from guangdong province, china

At the very beginning of the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak in Guangdong, a COVID-19 study group and an intensivist-led multidisciplinary team consisting of respiratory physicians, infectious disease specialists, and radiologists were established and participated in combatting the COVID-19 pandemic under the coordination of the Government of Guangdong Province. Distinct from the characteristics of critically ill COVID-19 patients β†’

Grand challenges in rhinology

The nasal and sinus epithelium, with its mucociliary clearance and production of nitric oxide gas, constitutes the first line of physical, chemical, and immunological defense of the airways, protecting us from the environment. This has led to trivialization of nasal symptoms and disease, even when persistent; however the realization that nasal disease is very costly β†’

Editorial: problematic gaming, personality, and psychiatric disorders

This largely explains the introduction of two novel diagnostic categories: Internet gaming disorder in The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition and gaming disorder in The International Classification of Diseases, 11th Revision. This underscores the clinical significance of ADHD and depressive symptoms in problematic gaming.

Co 2 as an oxidant for high-temperature reactions

The main highlight of this review is to focus on the utilization of CO 2 as an oxidant for alkane dehydrogenation as well as reforming of hydrocarbons to synthesis gas, which is the building block for chemical synthesis. The patented processes for ODH of hydrocarbons are usually based on the concept of utilizing oxidants, such β†’

Commentary: activation of pedunculopontine glutamate neurons is reinforcing

By cell-type selective approaches, they claim that glutamatergic projections of the pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus neurons to VTA, are the most important neural substrate of positive reinforcement among heterogonous population of dopaminergic, glutamatergic and GABAergic neurons of VTA. Regarding the output projections, Morales et al.suggested that stimulation of GABAergic and glutamatergic subpopulations of the PPTg neurons β†’

Institute for quality healthcare improvement essay sample

A flow chart showing the process of the event can then be made to assist with the next steps of the stage. Next, use of a cause and effect, or wishbone graph can be constructed to clarify the error and process for the team, leading up to the event.

Physiology and function

Atria The cardiovascular system of a human being contains the left and the right atrium, which serve as a chamber or space for blood that is entering into the left or the right ventricles. The Gross Physiology of the Cardiovascular System.

Vegetable grafting: the implications of a growing agronomic imperative for vegetable fruit quality and nutritive value

As the main drives behind the expansion of vegetable grafting have been the resistance to soilborne pathogens, tolerance to abiotic stresses and increase in yields, rootstock selection and breeding have accordingly conformed to the prevailing demand for improving productivity, arguably at the expense of fruit quality. Considering the rapid expansion of the vegetable grafting industry, β†’

Editorial: new insights in anaphylaxis

The articles published here offer a wide-angle view of anaphylaxis, from diagnosis and treatment, through the augmenting factors and cofactors involved, and including the study of the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying anaphylactic reactions. In human anaphylaxis, the available information on the cellular and molecular level mainly points to the immunological processes that represent the β†’

Response: commentary: a construct divided: prosocial behavior as helping, sharing, and comforting subtypes

Children readily distinguish between a person's proximate and ultimate goals, indicating they are attuned to the root of a problem. Emotional cues also communicate the intensity of a negative state, which may support children's decisions about when and how to respond.

Editorial: the state of science and innovation of bioactive research and applications, health, and diseases

Editorial on the Research Topic The State of Science and Innovation of Bioactive Research and Applications, Health and Diseases The biological and physiological functions of each food matrix derive from the concerted action of nutrient components and biologically active compounds. Evidence of the benefits/risks of nutrients and bioactive compounds were included, taking into account the β†’

Using digital data to protect and promote the most vulnerable in the fight against covid-19

Indeed, we are seeing a rapid increase in the types of data being generated and used to directly inform and evaluate public health policy, such as forecasting trends in disease incidence via changes in fever reports from aggregate digital thermometer data, assessing mobility decreases via aggregate mobile phone GPS data by city for evaluation of β†’

The importance of human emotions for wildlife conservation

It promotes the intensification of emotions such as danger and disgust, especially for species that are unattractive to people. This review aimed to discuss the role of emotions in the conservation of species which a have been transcendent for the human species throughout history and that in many cases are currently threatened by extinction.

Work life balance – what balance?

Shanafelt et al.in their paper " Burnout and satisfaction with work life balance among us physicians relative to the general US population" found that physicians were more likely to be dissatisfied with their work life balance compared to the general population. Dare I say that you have not achieved success if we succeed in one β†’

Data collection in multiple sclerosis: the msds approach

The more stakeholders are involved and the more information is collected and processed, the more complex and costly the processes of neurorehabilitation become, which leads to the necessity of a measurable efficiency of rehabilitation. Due to the large amount of data to be processed, the large number of communicating persons, and the demands of the β†’

An overview of a difficult and unavoidable period in a girl’s life: puberty

Menarche can be defined as the age at which the menses commence, and it is only a single event in the combination of physical development in puberty. The established historical pattern of menarche in the United States also reveals that the mean age of menarche has decreased over the past one and a half centuries.

The evolution of lateralized brain circuits

Part of the reason for the fascination with handedness and cerebral asymmetry is that they seem to arise from a system that is for the most part structurally symmetrical, suggesting the operation of some non-material force and perhaps even encouraging a Cartesian notion of mind over matter. There is greater pressure for the retention β†’

Editorial: advances in plant meiosis: from model species to crops

Editorial on the Research Topic Advances in Plant Meiosis: From Model Species to Crops Advances in the study of plant meiosis produced in the last three decades were based mainly in the isolation of meiotic mutants and genes in the model species Arabidopsis thaliana and in other species such as rice or maize. These papers β†’

Week one health care financial terms worksheet

In the space provided after each term's definition, summarize a health care management scenario that illustrates the importance of the skill, concept, procedure, or tool to which the term refers. This is the planning process where a manager must devise a step by step process to achieve his or her goal.

Ecological rationality and evolution: the mind really works that way?

The birth of an idea that is still prevalent and is one of the cornerstones of this debate could be placed at the time of the Enlightenment, in the early eighteenth century. Like scissors are just a useless piece of metal in the absence of one of the blades, ignoring the world around us makes β†’

5 years after the kahn’s etiquette-based medicine: a brief checklist proposal for a functional second meeting with the patient

In the " relationship," " communication," or " strategy" level?" If I was lacking in the relationship, perhaps it means the my patient does not rely on me and I have to recover or rebuild a good relationship showing empathy, professionalism and giving attention to the entire person more than to the single pathology problem, β†’

Editorial: the relationship between cancer predisposition and primary immunodeficiency

Editorial on the Research Topic The Relationship Between Cancer Predisposition and Primary Immunodeficiency The risk of malignancies is higher in patients with genetically determined inborn errors of immunity than in the general population. However, the degree of tumor predisposition and the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms vary through the categories of IEI.

The ventricular-subventricular zone: a source of oligodendrocytes in the adult brain

The e-Book " The ventricular-subventricular zone as a source of oligodendrocytes in the adult brain " has collected the most recent evidence regarding the mechanisms that modulate the proliferation, migration, quiescence, cell-fate choices and survival of oligodendrocyte precursors generated in the V-SVZ. Oligodendrogenesis in the subventricular zone and the role of epidermal growth factor.

Sources of confusion in infant audiovisual speech perception research

This suggests that they already recognize how specific movements of the visual articulators shape the speech signal, and a strong case has been made that the perception of the visual component of audiovisual speech facilitates the development of speech production abilities. 2005 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Morton, J, and Johnson, M.H.

Corrigendum: populus trichocarpa ptnf-ya9 , a multifunctional transcription factor, regulates seed germination, abiotic stress, plant growth and development in arabidopsis

The authors apologize for this error and state that this does not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way. The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

Use of a creative problem solving (cps) approach in a senior thesis course to advance undergraduate publications

At our institution this course is required of all psychology research thesis students and requires the cooperation of the students, their thesis supervisors, and the course instructor. The second part of the CPS framework employed during peer-review in the senior thesis course is designed to encourage critical thinking by having students to practice converging on β†’

The distribution of condoms to teenagers in schools essay sample

The distribution of condoms to teenagers in schools can be very essential and effective in how they educate them about the usage and benefits of that contraceptive method.B. The distribution of condoms to teenagers in schools can be very essential and effective in how they educate them about the usage and benefits of that contraceptive β†’

Industrial noise – lab report example

Methodology Once the experiment is set up with the Belton audiometry and the headphones, one person is supposed to wear the audiometry headphones as the other person adjusts the hearing level and the frequency of the audiometry from 125 Hz up to 8000 Hz. The operator of the audiometry and the subject hears the sound β†’

An adaptive toolbox approach to the route to expertise in sport

The topic of expertise has been gaining increased prominence in science and the media because researchers, practitioners, and laypeople wish to replicate the route to success in the most efficient way. One of the marks of expertise is the use of unique solutions to solve situations in the playfield and in other situations related with β†’

Enactivism and neonatal imitation: conceptual and empirical considerations and clarifications

Often the receiver of the message imitates the gestures and sounds of the transmitter in order to better understand the transmission. Emulation like imitation concerns a person copying an action from a model, but the performed action is only similar to the model's action in terms of the goal and not in terms of the β†’

Perspectives and research challenges in veterinary infectious diseases

Technical breakthroughs have highlighted the host microbe interactome to explore the immune system and the role for microorganisms in the development and function of the immune system. The Veterinary Infectious Disease specialty section seeks to become an outlet for veterinary research into infectious diseases through the study of the pathogen or its host or of β†’

Introduction to healthcare finance, description of the problem of funding emergency services, discussion of ethical obligation to provide services, and evaluation of the governor’s plan

The problem therefore has to do with sourcing of revenue for the healthcare sector as government is committed on not causing deficits to other sectors of the economy because of healthcare. Analysis and Discussion of the Topic Discussion of Ethical Obligation to Provide Services Healthcare providers have constantly been tagged with certain levels of obligations β†’

Plastic surgeries: a way to become more beautiful, or someone’s unhealthy idea

Such, the question is raised whether cosmetic surgery is a way to become more beautiful or someone's unhealthy idea considering the number of dissatisfied patients and risks associated with the procedure. According to the Plastic Surgery Institute of California, the psychological issues brough about by cosmetic procedures is often a result of an unreal and β†’

Editorial: glial cells: managers of neuro-immunity

The Editorial on the Research Topic Glial Cells: Managers of Neuro-Immunity After many decades of study in the field of Neuroscience that were mostly centered on the neuron there is a mounting interest in the study of the function of the glial cells in many aspects and functions of the central nervous system. Von Bernhardi β†’

Editorial: crop breeding for drought resistance

However, accumulated knowledge about drought-resistance in crops is quite limited so far, particularly on the following questions: How does drought-resistance evolve in crop during domestication; How to identify drought-resistance genes and assess their potentials in breeding; How to bridge the gap between theoretical research and crop breeding. To the benefit of our potential readers, we β†’

Philosophy of healthcare in the usa

This has downplayed the importance of better healthcare services to the population. This means the uninsured and those unemployed or underemployed access cheap healthcare services that may be poor in quality.

It is not an anthropocene; it is really the technocene: names matter in decision making under planetary crisis

In the same line of thought, Moore has posed that beyond a technical geological focus of Anthropocene concept, there is a social reading of the idea developed in terms of the clear increases in scale, scope synchronicity, and rate/speed of environmental change, driven by capital accumulation. In this sense, considering the notion of Tecnocene, from β†’

The role of experts in the covid-19 pandemic and the limits of their epistemic authority in democracy

In section The State of Affairs: Epistemic Authority, Experts, and Their Role, we lay out the basis of our study; that is, we analyze the basis of the experts' epistemic authority and the specific dynamics at stake in the case of the coronavirus pandemic. Due to the seriousness of the pandemic and the concrete threat β†’

Research in vascular medicine: where we are and where we are going

Multiple factors have driven the evolution of vascular medicine including disruptive innovations, particularly those involving minimally invasive techniques and technologies; the development of evidence-based practice; and extending the use of minimally invasive interventions beyond traditional vascular interventions. Gal et al.recently performed a comprehensive review, and determined that the most important achievements in cardiovascular medicine have β†’

Health law and ethics

The healthcare laws or regulations aim at ensuring that healthcare organizations focus on integrity and observe ethical and professional behaviors, in the process of delivering public health. Healthcare laws or regulations operationalize the healthcare industry in which healthcare organizations function.

Paradigms of pathogenesis: targeting the mobile genetic elements of disease

This new knowledge of the evolution of pathogenic bacteria, and of the ways by which they acquire and maintain virulence, has increasingly indicated that not all bacterial pathogens are created equal. Infect Immun.

Corrigendum: regulation of t cell differentiation and function by ezh2

00172 The names of two authors were misspelled in the original article as Anthos Chistofides and Kankana Barhdan. This error does not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way.