Quality Health & Medicine Essay Examples for Your Learning

Pathophysiology case analyzation of tumor

Furthermore, tumor stage can also be identified by carefully assessing the length by which the cancerous cells have spread in the breast because in stage 2, cancerous cells are not yet seen infiltrating the surrounding organs as they still remain largely limited to the breast itself. The doctor would order ultrasound scan of the breast β†’

Questions about some uses of genetic engineering

According to the author, negative gene therapy involves the " elimination of defects" while positive gene therapy aims to " bring about improvements in normal people". Negative gene therapy can be justified by the fact that it is used in order to ensure the well being of an individual.

Machine perception and learning grand challenge: situational intelligence using cross-sensory fusion

The goal of such automation is to accomplish these tasks with the perception and adaptation of humans, and often in collaboration with humans. These and other innovations in machine perception are essential for harnessing the potential of a dynamic data-rich world through multi-sensor, multi-level, data-to-decision approaches.

The right stuff: on the future of nanotoxicology

Perhaps, as pointed out in a recent review, we need to view organs and cells in the body as complicit in the actions of nanomedicines: the chemistry of a material is altered upon contact with a biological system, and these changes determine its fate and function in the body. However, the same features that may β†’

Editorial: next generation agriculture: understanding plant life for food, health and energy

Editorial on the Research Topic Next Generation Agriculture: Understanding Plant Life for Food, Health and Energy Current global population growth and the associated increasing demands on farming, together with the threat of climate change and the need for better environmental protection, pose formidable challenges for the agriculture of the future. While developed countries face the β†’

Atherosclerosis caused by aging and an unhealthy regime and lifestyle

One of the major causes of Atherosclerosis at a younger age is the over-accumulation of cholesterol in the blood vessels. It is this accumulation of plaque and the subsequent narrowing of the arteries that causes the condition known as Atherosclerosis.

Research article appraisal

In addition, I used the search limits in order to save time used in searching for the most relevant articles. I also used Evidence Based Nursing Databases to search for articles with all the sections required for analysis.

Editorial: the effects of altered gravity on physiology

Long stays in weightlessness take a toll on the human body, as the muscles atrophy, bones lose minerals, and a new set of stimuli imposes novel challenges on the vestibular and cardiovascular systems. Interestingly, the severity of space motion sickness symptoms experienced by these subjects was found to correlate with a post- to pre-flight difference β†’

Editorial: role of protein palmitoylation in synaptic plasticity and neuronal differentiation

Editorial on the Research Topic Role of Protein Palmitoylation in Synaptic Plasticity and Neuronal Differentiation Protein palmitoylation, the reversible addition of palmitate to proteins, is a dynamic post-translational modification. A number of the palmitoylation and depalmitoylation enzymes are associated with various neurological and psychiatric disorders in children and adults.

Hdl cholesterol levels

Question 5: Both butter and margarine have about the same amount of calories and they have a fat content of about 80% each and water content of about 16% each. Butter has dietary cholesterol and a lot of saturated fats which are minimal in content or lacking in margarine.

A plague upon us

The root cause of these diseases is necessary to be found and eradicated to avoid the emergence of an epidemic in other parts of the world. First of all, it is very important to identify the primary case and find out where the disease started.


The name of the health concern includes the name of the pathogen and even though only the concern is identified, the inclusion means identification of the pathogen. Consequently, the statement contributes to risk analysis through identification of a hazard Hazard characterization Hazard characterization is another significant element of risk analysis and its absence from the β†’

High-performance teams

While constituting a team in health care it is necessary that the members that are selected must be capable of performing the desired task with proficiency and must be capable enough of working as a team. It is necessary that the nurse who has been attending to the patient must be a team member.

The catwoe analysis system health and social care essay

It is a comfortable and sophisticated state and provides a criterion of wellness attention that is admired by many internationalhealthcare suppliers and it has on a regular basis ranked at or near the top of most comparative analyses of international wellness attention systems. The contrasting position suggests that wellness attention outgos will increase as a β†’

Corrigendum: effect of temperature on the pathogenesis, accumulation of viral and satellite rnas and on plant proteome in peanut stunt virus and satellite rna-infected plants

This paper was supported by the Polish National Center of Science grant UMO-2011/03/B/NZ9/01577 to AOS. This paper was supported by the Polish National Center of Science grant UMO-2011/03/B/NZ9/01577 to AOS.

Child public health

In our community, sometimes the public health agency visit people's homes to provide free vaccinations and immunizations. In our community, people get health information too from the media.

Improving outcomes in cerebral palsy with early intervention: new translational approaches

Hadders-Algra sets the scene with a comprehensive review summarizing early brain development and discussing the effect of lesions and implications for early diagnosis and intervention. Clowry et al.address this issue in detail in a review of the suitability of various animal models for testing early intervention approaches in CP.

Editorial: focus on systemic lupus erythematosus

This review highlights findings that suggest phagocytes from patients with SLE may have a defect in their ability to engulf and clear apoptotic cells, leading to the exposure of autoantigens and a break in B cell tolerance, resulting in the development of autoimmunity and SLE. In particular, they focus on aberrant T cell receptor signaling β†’

Use of microbiota to fight mosquito-borne disease

With the current unavailability of a vaccine that protects from any of the mosquito-borne pathogens and with the widespread of insecticide resistance of mosquitoes, new weapons to fight these diseases are urgently needed. In contrast, use of the mosquito microbiota for population control minimizes the problem of resistance and show minimal negative effects to the β†’

Editorial: resilience approaches to promote the determinants of health for indigenous and other ethnic community youth

We use the ecological systems-focused and culturally sensitive definition of resilience:" In the context of exposure to significant adversity, resilience is both the capacity of individuals to navigate their way to the psychological, social, cultural, and physical resources that sustain their well-being, and their capacity individually and collectively to negotiate for these resources to be β†’

Rigidity of complete minimal submanifolds in spheres

If M h n d v C n with C =)- 1 - 1 2 )- 1 +)- 1, where c = 2 n 1 + 1 n - 1 n - 1 n, n is the volume of the unit ball in n, b = 1, and b = 3 2 if p > β†’

The human respiratory & cardiac systems and how each of these parts affect ventilation

The projecting conchae, which is divided into three passages the inferior, middle and superior cavities increases the surface area and spreads the area across the whole of the surface of the nasal cavity. The warming of the air is due to the large amount of blood vessels of the mucosa.

Book review: conducting a culturally informed neuropsychological evaluation

In part 1 the author insists on the importance of adopting an ethnorelative attitudes " acceptance of the other as different but equal" and warns on the impact of more ethnocentric attitudes " considering the other within one's own cultural lenses and values with the assumption of superiority". Another highlight in the first part of β†’

The unfolded protein response in virus infections

This research topic collated a number of review articles and original research article, in an attempt to highlight how viruses interact with the host UPR in the establishment of acute, chronic and latent infections. Two reviews presented by Shiu-Wan Chan and Norica Branza-Nichita's group on hepatitis C virus and hepatitis B virus, respectively, shed light β†’

Analysis of art hoppe’s article how to stay alive

The main point of Hoppe's essay is that paying attention to diets and exercise is indeed healthy, but taking it to extremes can take a lot of the fun and joy out of life. Art Hoppe's article is a warning on the dangers of taking life and health too seriously.


Microtia occurs when there is a problem with the development of the ear when a baby is still an embryo. Microtia is a deformity, resulting in a reduced size of the ear.

Mitochondria: the cell powerhouse and nexus of stress

The review by Kuznetsov et al.summarizes studies on the possible role of the cytoskeletal protein -tubulin II in the regulation of mitochondrial metabolism, respiratory function, and energy transfer. The review by Javadov and Kuznetsov summarizes and discusses the possible mechanisms of the activation of CyP-D to interact with a target protein in the inner mitochondrial β†’

Book review: contact mechanics

Although the discussion of the limiting cases of indentation of a layer bonded to a half-space can also be found in other textbooks, that of the author differs enormously in terms of detail and clarity of the explanations. Contact Problems in the Classical Theory of Elasticity.

Editorial: experimental & clinical epilepsy and related comorbidities

Translational research is an important aspect of epilepsy research and expected to play a key role in improving the quality of life of the patients. The diversity of these papers has contributed greatly to the library of basic research and clinical studies in the field of clinical epilepsy and associated comorbidities.

Medical mystery unmasked: diagnosing lupus and developing the special treatment it requires

One of the best ways to gain a stronger concept of the Lupus condition would be to consult with " a rheumatologist, a doctor who specializes in diseases of the joints and muscles, generally treats people with lupus. For many Lupus patients, traveling from one medical facility to the other may not seem like that β†’

Editorial: dynamics of cyclic nucleotide signaling in neurons

Finally, biosensor imaging opens the door to studies of the dynamics of signaling by analyzing the functional contribution of the enzymes that control the extent of the cAMP signal. Finally, Gorshkov and Zhang discuss the design of fluorescent biosensors and describe several of them in detail.

Chemotherapy: understanding the basics

Undergoing chemo might have uncomfortable side effects caused by the medications, the amount taken, and the generalhealthof the patient. Even If the side effects are uncomfortable, It's Important to make the patient happy and ensure that chemo Is administered.

The irony of iron – biogenic iron oxides as an iron source to the ocean

Yet, due to the chemistry of iron and the physical structure of the ocean, virtually none of this iron reaches the sea surface; such is the irony of iron. The Earth's core is composed of iron and it is the fourth most abundant element in the crust; yet the primary production of phytoplankton in 30 β†’

Encryption methods of healthcare data for healthcare providers

Then if medications are sent, we check for patient status and extract the med info from the data vendors sent, since vendors follow some set of standards for sending data and add or update them in database which are sent for further review. Coming to the Cryptography subject, this helped me to learn and use β†’

Biosecurity in emerging life sciences technologies, a canadian public health perspective

Over the past several years, the global scientific community and the world have had the opportunity to see firsthand the significant strides that have been made in the area of life science research, and the corresponding ethical, safety, and security questions that arise as a result of this work. In Canada, the Public Health Agency β†’

Humanized mouse models of staphylococcus aureus infection

Mice have been used to understand the role virulence factors play during infection as well as the contribution of specific host pathways and factors in the response to S.aureus. The preference for human hemoglobin over other mammal's hemoglobin has been observed and is dependent upon the staphylococcal hemoglobin receptor IsdB.S.aureus grows better in the presence β†’

Editorial: adverse reactions to biomaterials: state of the art in biomaterial risk assessment, immunomodulation and in vitro models for biomaterial testing

Editorial on the Research Topic Adverse Reactions to Biomaterials: State of the Art in Biomaterial Risk Assessment, Immunomodulation and in vitro Models for Biomaterial Testing The recent advances in polymer chemistry, materials science, biotechnology and manufacturing techniques have provided a significant boost in our capabilities to offer new solutions for debilitating chronic diseases in the β†’

The art of influencing consumer choices: a reflection on recent advances in decision neuroscience

Moreover, during binary choices between snacks, the striatum and the ventromedial prefrontal cortex encode the value of the attended item, relatively to the value of the unattended item. First, because the value of a desirable item increases when it is attended, the chosen item is the last one to be fixated before the threshold is β†’

Grand challenges in digital health

Today, everything is affected by the digital revolution the impact of new technology on improving the health and well-being of individuals, communities, and populations is unprecedented. Only when investigated together, aimed at solving real-world problems, will health and technology be in a position to create results with significant impact on the delivery of clinical and β†’

An eye-tracking study of sketch processing: evidence from russian

It is assumed that the information in a polycode text is double-decoded: the concept of an image is " superimposed" on the concept of a verbal text, the interaction of these two concepts leads to the creation of a general concept of the text. The aim of our study was to compare the processing of β†’

The human microbiota in endocrinology: implications for pathophysiology, treatment, and prognosis in thyroid diseases

Administration of KIO3 in these animals led to weight reduction, increased concentration of thyroid hormones, alteration in the expression of the genes involved in thyroid biosynthesis, and cause various effects on the gut microbiota, changing the composition of the intestinal microenvironment, resulting in an imbalance of gut microbes: increases in pathogenic bacteria, decrease in beneficial β†’

Increasing opportunity through interdisciplinary research: climbing down and shattering a tower of babel

They discuss the complexities of taking this approach to doing research and look into the environmental factors needing to be in place to support complex collaborations because they often offer novel approaches to traditional problems, federal agencies have increased funding opportunities for interdisciplinary research through the creation of centers of excellence and the encouragement of β†’

Editorial: the role of calcium handling in heart failure and heart failure associated arrhythmias

Editorial on the Research Topic The Role of Calcium Handling in Heart Failure and Heart Failure Associated Arrhythmias Over 20 years ago Heart Failure was described as an epidemic and although we have made substantial progress in HF research and treatment since then, the prevalence of HF continues to rise. These authors consider the changes β†’

Editorial: assessing cellular microstructure in biological tissues using in vivo diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance

Editorial on the Research Topic Assessing Cellular Microstructure in Biological Tissues Using in vivo Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Since the seminal works of Stejskal and Tanner in the 1960s [ 1 ], the study of molecular self-diffusion by diffusion-weighted nuclear magnetic resonance has emerged as a dynamic and rich research field. In the short diffusion time β†’

Diagnostic imaging methods and comparative analysis of orbital cavernous hemangioma

On enhanced MRI, the enhancement pattern of lesions is similar to that of dynamic enhanced CT, with nodular enhancement in the early phase and continuous and homogeneous enhancement in the late and delayed phases. This feature aids in detection of the nature of the lesions and improves the reliability of diagnosis.

Should ecstasy be prohibited

The problems that emerge from excessive and irresponsible use of MDMA were actually rooted in lack of local and state-controlled regulations on " dangerous therapeutic" drugs. Narcotic pain relievers and drugs such as MDMA have continued to be abused by patients and drug users due to the accessibility of purchasing them in black markets and β†’

Sleep loss in resident physicians: the cause of medical errors?

She was seen by a Junior Resident in the ER who obtained the additional history that she had started psychiatric treatment for stress in January of 1984 and her therapy included phenelzine which she took up to the day before coming to the hospital. Holzman and Barrett in exploring the consequences of the regulatory changes β†’

Corrigendum: loop-mediated isothermal amplification method for the rapid detection of ralstonia solanacearum phylotype i mulberry strains in china

00076 Reason for Corrigendum: We forgot to add the State Key Laboratory for Biology of Plant Diseases and Insect Pests before the Institute of Plant Protection, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, China. Correction: The affiliations of authors should be: 1 State Key Laboratory for Biology of Plant Diseases and Insect Pests, Institute of Plant β†’

Editorial: foundations of theoretical approaches in systems biology

Around the 1920s and over the next few decades Briggs and Haldane; von Bertalanffy and others Savageau; Michaelis and Menten showed that such systemic views were both scientific and necessary in the biological sciences. In the final stage the mathematical description is parameterized and studied through analytical and simulation methods to understand the dynamic behavior β†’

Dsd: a discussion at the crossroads of medicine, human rights, and politics

These ideas culminated in both the American declaration of independence in 1776 and the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen in 1789. Consequently, international agreements were developed, which resulted in 1948 in the Human Rights Declaration of the UN and the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental β†’

Corrigendum: psychoacoustics: a comprehensive matlab toolbox for auditory testing

The authors apologize for this error and state that this does not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way. The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

Modifying the non-muscle invasive bladder cancer immune microenvironment for optimal therapeutic response

Whilst the TAMs are localized in the stroma-tumor margin of NMIBC, infiltrating the tumor area in high-grade tumors, another immunosuppressive cell type the Tregs localize in the stroma around the cancer lesion regardless of tumor stage and grade. A greater understanding of the potential dysbiosis the imbalance or alteration of bacterial composition of microbiota in β†’

Covid-19-related anosmia: the olfactory pathway hypothesis and early intervention

In scientific literature, after the first reports of olfactory and taste disorders in COVID-19, an increasing and rapidly evolving detailed analysis of this symptom was progressively collected to evaluate the prevalence and patterns of anosmia and its significance in the context of COVID-19. Despite a more effective recovery of taste with back to normal range β†’

Impact of aids on sub-saharan africa’s economy

Hunger, foodaid and agricultural subsidies are all key elements of the current discourse on Africa in policy circles and in the media, but few studies have assessed the impact of AIDS on agriculture to push for specific interventions to mitigate the impact of the epidemic on rural agriculture. Macroeconomic Analysis Of The Impact Of AIDS β†’

Preparation and distribution of cannabis and cannabis-derived dosage formulations for investigational and therapeutic use in the united states

For safe and effective use, this expanding range of strains and formulations should be standardized and subjected to rigorous analysis of active ingredients, impurities, and degradants at all stages of processing and manufacturing, so that finished drug products are characterized for homogeneity, stability, and drug delivery over time and conditions of anticipated storage and use. β†’

Constructions of leadership identities via narratives of african women school leaders

A brief methodological discussion and a justification for a narrative approach is then presented followed by the analysis of the narratives and a discussion that attempts to make sense of the leader identity constructions. As Lord and Hall established, the extent to which one identifies as a leader and the extent of the strength of β†’

Categories of the rdis: the dietary references

In order to meet the demands of the majority of a population, the recommended dietary allowance is used. To summarize, the Dietary References Intake is a system of reference values used to establish an optimum amount of daily nutrient consumption.


There was more access of information for the patient, and the ease of technological communication helped in overcoming time and space. Imaging technologies and their peripherals are a necessity since they are the crucial part of telemedicine.

Aging-modulating treatments: from reductionism to a system-oriented perspective

2174/1381612820666140316132652 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Sacher, G.A." Life table modification and life prolongation," in Handbook of the Biology of Aging, eds C.E. 069 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Shock, N.W." Systems integration," in Handbook of the Biology of Aging, eds C.E.

Editorial: undergraduate education for public health in the united states

Griffin, DiFulvio, and Gerber describe the use of undergraduate public health peer advisers for a fast-growing undergraduate public health program at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Progress in the articulation of undergraduate and graduate public health?

Commentary: rheumatoid cachexia revisited: a metabolic co-morbidity in rheumatoid arthritis

Both Marcora et al.and Lemmey et al.showed that progressive resistance training for a period of 12 and 24 weeks was able to attenuate the effects of rheumatoid cachexia, specifically increasing lean mass, strength, and physical function in patients with RA. Diet and rheumatoid arthritis: a review of the literature.

Pain perception in unresponsive wakefulness syndrome may challenge the interruption of artificial nutrition and hydration: neuroethics in action

The stimulation of nociceptors leads to the transmission of information via the spinothalamic tract to the thalamus and on to the cortex, with the midbrain and thalamus thought to be involved in the modulation of reflex response to nociceptive stimuli. These data, which bestow a heuristic advancement in the study of pain and consciousness, may β†’

Public health effects of radiation releases

Client's February The recent happenings in Japan sent shockwaves across the globe, the nuclear reactor in Fukushima exploded causing a lot of unrest not only in Japan but also in other parts of the world. It was believe that the radiation had travelled and reached the US, some vegetables had to be disposed in the β†’

Week 4 questions

This is because, under the system, the billing for the client's services is done considering the client's ability to pay. It is referred to as a closed system because, " only members of the health plan", such as insurance companies and hospitals, can access the delivery system.

The growing use of herbal medicines: issues relating to adverse reactions and challenges in monitoring safety

The use of herbal remedies has also been widely embraced in many developed countries with complementary and alternative medicines now becoming mainstream in the UK and the rest of Europe, as well as in North America and Australia. The recent resurgence of public interest in herbal remedies has been attributed to several factors some of β†’

The docosahexanoic acid: from the maternal-fetal dyad to early life toward metabolomics

DHA accounts for 50% of the total brain lipids and between 60 and 80% of the brain membrane phospholipids and is the most abundant n 3 LCPUFA in the nervous system. The relationship of docosahexaenoic acid with learning and behavior in healthy children: a review.

Developing a framework to increase access to mental health services for children with special needs in ethiopia

Increasing treatment accessibility and acceptability will require a long-term joint effort from researchers and practitioners, as well as the central and local government, for mental health care to become a central part of Ethiopian public health that extends to parents, children, and families. The following suggestions are recommended to systematically strengthen the mental health care β†’

Editorial: extreme benthic communities in the age of global change

This heterogeneous realm consists of many different features shaped by millions of years of geological and chemical events, and biological and environmental evolution." Extreme" benthic environments, defined as having abiotic conditions that demand organisms and resident communities be adapted in order to survive and thrive, are widespread and offer many opportunities for investigating the biological β†’

Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy health and social care essay

In 2010, the European Federation of Neurological Societies/Peripheral Nerve Society joint task force setdiagnosticstandards to increase the sensitiveness of CIDP diagnosing, saying that each of the followers should be included in the determining procedure. This can take to clinical manifestations of failing and weariness, as seen in the patient in the instance survey.

Commentary: patanjali and neuroscientific research on meditation

We endorse the idea of referring to ancient traditional sources on meditation as a practice and thus are in agreement with the many of the points discussed in B rentsen. A deeper insight into various types and stages associated with each of these techniques reveal that each different type of meditation involves a process to β†’

Editorial: neurotrauma: from emergency room to back to day-by-day life

The objective of this Frontiers in Neurology Research Topic is to present the latest findings and views regarding the pathophysiology and treatment of TBI. 037 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar 2.

Editorial: invertebrate models of natural and drug-sensitive reward

Viewed as a chronic, relapsing brain disorder, addiction is characterized as a dysregulation of reward, motivation, judgment and memory, with associated changes in neuronal structure and function, and where medical technologies offer the clearest path to treatment. A major challenge to the discovery of effective addiction therapies is our limited understanding of underlying mechanisms and β†’

Editorial: flooding on coral reef-lined coasts: current state of knowledge and future challenges

Apart from an improved level of cooperation and collaboration within the community, a number of outcomes have been realized since the workshop, including but not limited to: A workshop report, published in EOS; a paper that summarizes the " Steps to Develop Early Warning Systems and Future Scenarios of Storm Wave-driven Flooding Along Coral Reef-lined β†’

Fda steps up oversight on medical apps

The large and growing community of does not expect this to be the last time the FDA weighs in on mobile apps marketed forhealth-related uses." There are millions of medical apps out there. The draft guidance suggests that when apps are designed to collect information about specific patients and use it to, say, assist physicians β†’

Patient engagement programs

Financial and education support are also part of PHIT that enables the ability to pay bills and get support from the community respectively. There is also the general capabilities in PHIT that enable management of insurance and coverage and being able to manage profile and analyze data on health.

A smart application for smartphone: a proposal to reduce noise pollution for people having regular tasks

The implementation of such an application for an automatic mute/sound mode in a smartphone would add an extra " smartness" to the smartphones for a great number of users and would reduce a public health issue related to auditory disturbances. The development and use of such an application should be free of charge to reduce β†’

The role of sensorimotor difficulties in autism spectrum conditions

By examining both psychological and biological evidence, this paper therefore explores and hypothesises that motor coordination and sensory difficulties in ASC may be associated with the development and maintenance of ASC symptoms. These theories have failed to explain the wide range of difficulties seen in ASC from social communication to sensory reactivity and repetitive motor β†’

In search of wise management of medical resources and personnel in the long combat with coronavirus

Despite the small sigh of relief in China, the situation seems to be growing more intense in the rest of the world, as the number of cases of confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection continues to increase. In response to the shortage of PPEs, the government called for a strengthening of the coordination of the production, supply, and β†’

Understanding class in the post-industrial era – thoughts on modes of investigation

The word interwoven is a somewhat better description of the relationships among the complex systems of the social of individuals with households, of both individuals and households with local spatial systems at every level from the neighborhood to the nation state and beyond, of the state as a system with many aspects of individual and β†’

A perspective on implementing movement sonification to influence movement (and eventually cognitive) creativity

Movement sonification can be used to enhance how a performer perceives the utilized affordances, directing them to novel affordances, and promote a change in a learner's intentionality toward an exploration of a new, functional, and creative movement. In short, the key component for movement creativity to emerge is a learner's exploration of movement options, and β†’

Editorial: when the shape does matter: three-dimensional in vitro models of epithelial barriers

Editorial on the Research Topic When the Shape Does Matter: Three-Dimensional In Vitro Models of Epithelial Barriers The Research Topic presented here includes a collection of selected pre-reviewed manuscripts that describe relevant recent advances in the fields of bioengineering and biophysics with a focus on the generation and analysis of novel three-dimensional in vitro models β†’

Nutrition- how do we eat for a healthy life

The science of nutrition is the study of food components on the absorption, digestion, health, routine and disease resistance of humans. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is an American organization of food and nutrition.

Possible relation between psychosis and the unconscious: a review of “the unconscious,” by freud

Google Scholar Freud, S." Mourning, and melancholia," in The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, trans.J. Google Scholar Freud, S." Neurosis, and psychosis," in The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, trans.J.

Editorial: typical and atypical processing of gaze

The study by Awad et al.tested the importance of the context and the emotional expressions of the face being judged on gaze processing, reporting that the perception of gaze direction depended on both the face eccentricity and its emotion. The positive and negative of gaze perception in autism.Soc.

Remembering the personal past: beyond the boundaries of imagination

To remember is not to retrieve a representation of a past event in the form of a memory trace, but rather to generate a representation that may incorporate content that was unavailable at the time of the original event and hence was not stored in a trace. In this sense, and in contrast to the β†’

Determinants of a demand curve:

When there is a change in any one of these determinants of demand there will be an alteration in the demand curve. When less is consumed at the same price, the demand curve will shift to the left, as there is a decrease in demand.

New challenges and frontiers in the research for neuropsychiatric disorders

As a consequence, we need to establish additional criteria for the classification of the genes and related phenotypes and new parameters should be taken into account such as the genetics, the neurobiology of the gene products, and the molecular and physiological mechanisms that they control. The emerging role of microRNAs in schizophrenia and autism spectrum β†’

Intermittent hypoxia in childhood: the harmful consequences versus potential benefits of therapeutic uses

Similarly, 15 years ago, Gozal and colleagues had described that IH is the most frequent form of hypoxia occurring in the developing mammal, because the maturational process of neural, mechanical, pulmonary, and sleep state-dependent factors would all favor the occurrence of IH during early postnatal life. The dynamic interactions between the severity, overall duration, and β†’

Genomics for ruminants in developing countries: from principles to practice

Environmental constraints, at present and expected to occur with climate change, are particularly severe in developing countries and require a new balance between adaptation and productivity, as compared to breeding programs in temperate countries where environment is usually better controlled Consequently, the two main features to consider for animal breeding in developing countries are the β†’

Editorial: new insights into thymic functions during stress, aging, and in disease settings

Editorial on the Research Topic New Insights Into Thymic Functions During Stress, Aging, and in Disease Settings The thymus is a bi-lobed lymphoid organ localized above the heart whose primary function is to foster the development of the T cells of the adaptive immune system. The critical role of the thymus in this process is β†’