Quality Health & Medicine Essay Examples for Your Learning

The concept of radical responsibility for non-human animals

Responsibility for one's actions is one of the most important concepts in ethics, and it is strictly connected to the issue of blameworthiness and praiseworthiness. Google Scholar Feinberg, J." Collective responsibility," in Doing and Deserving: Essays in the Theory of Responsibility, ed J.

Erratum: periodicity pitch perception

A correction has been made to the Results, subsection First Spike Latency, paragraph three:" First spike latencies are a linear function of the tone interval with the regression line given as y = 1. The computation of the weight of a patch is the same as in our previous article".

Mitochondrial proteins (e.g., vdac, bcl-2, hk, ant) as major control points in oncology

For example, they can be involved in the metabolic shift of cancer cells from oxidative phosphorylation to glycolysis via its binding to cytosolic proteins such as hexokinase II, in the control of calcium fluxes between the endoplasmic reticulum and the mitochondrion via interaction with the inositol-3-phosphate receptor, in the control of inner mitochondrial membrane potential β†’

Is personality profile a relevant determinant of fatigue in multiple sclerosis?

In the proportion of MS patients that are fatigued, depression and anxiety may be the " interface" between a vulnerable personality structure facilitating maladaptive disease coping behavior, and fatigue. Personality dimensions in the chronic fatigue syndrome: a comparison with multiple sclerosis and depression.

Editorial: transcriptional regulation in cancers and metabolic diseases

In the second Review, Yoo and colleagues focused on a ubiquitin-fold modifier, UFM1 in breast cancer. In the end of this Research Topic, Davis and colleagues presented a very interesting Review on Nanotetrac in treating cancers.

Commentary: free will and neuroscience: from explaining freedom away to new ways of operationalizing and measuring it

Whereas topics like the definition of the most relevant sources of neural activity for different types of P-states are getting more and more accessible, matters like the neural coding of symbolic representations and the principles guiding the interactions between these and the computation of environmental clues in the emergence of intentional states of affairs remain β†’

Corrigendum: dairy calves in uruguay are reservoirs of zoonotic subtypes of cryptosporidium parvum and pose a potential risk of surface water contamination

A correction has been made to the acknowledgments: We also thank Mar a Laura Casaux, Carlos Schild, Mart n Fraga, and the staff from the Plataforma de Investigacion en Salud Animal of INIA for their technical assistance. We thank El s Domingos Ferrari from Universidade Estadual Paulista, and Yisell Perdomo, Mar a Laura Casaux, Carlos β†’

Heart disease in older people

One of the diseases that are most common in the aged population is the heart diseases. The chemicals heart the rhythm of the heart, cholesterol levels in the heart and the blood pressure.

Editorial: genomics of experimental evolution

Tempo and mode of genome evolution in a 50, 000-generation experiment. 1038/nature18959 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Topa, H, Jonas, a, Kofler, R, Kosiol, C, and Honkela, A.

Corrigendum: the emerging role of myeloid-derived suppressor cells in tuberculosis

The citation has now been inserted in the sectionMediators of MDSC expansion and activation in TB, paragraph one, and should read:" Expansion and activation of MDSC is mediated by chronic, low-grade inflammation, resulting in the pathological activation of myeloid cells. Recent reports indicate that transmembrane TNF-alpha regulates the activation and expansion of PMN-MDSC and M-MDSC β†’

Response: commentary: managing recovery resilience in coral reefs against climate-induced bleaching and hurricanes: a 15 year case study from bonaire, dutch caribbean

We find that the reefs of Bonaire represent a highly unusual example of a resilient Caribbean reef ecosystem, and argue in our original article that this resilience is due to sustained and effective local management. In 1999, applied the AGRRA protocol at six of Bonaire's reef sites at 10 m water depth and found the β†’

Unit 6 case management seminar

Case Managers are required to be familiar with the language and process of the DSM in order to recognize a mental disorder, communicate effectively and may even need to provide a provisional diagnosis in an emergency! Case Managers are required to assess the client's environment in order to understand their specific needs and goals.

Is seed and soil theory suitable for metastatic spread of pituitary carcinomas?

Based on analysis of autopsies in 735 fatal cases of breast cancer, Paget suggested that the spread of metastatic cells was organ-specific and not merely anatomical and involved interaction between the cancer cells and the host organ and that metastases developed only when the seed and soil were compatible. The purpose of this commentary is β†’

Editorial: multiple identities management: effects on (of) identification, attitudes, behavior and well-being

Although inherited and achieved social identities tend to correspond in their value and content over time, identities can differ in status and value, and create distressing experiences which call for a coping strategy in order to increase identity fit. They further investigated the particularities of psychological constructs such as social identification, ingroup and inter-group attitudes β†’

Transient global amnesia: an electrophysiological disorder based on cortical spreading depressionβ€”transient global amnesia model

In the original findings of Leao, there is a latency between depression in the CSD-targeted region and the detectable electrical activities of the corresponding site on the contralateral hemisphere. It may not be due to the actual crossing of the original CSD as Leao proposed, since CSD is not able to spread along the white β†’

The outbreak of ebola in west africa

The paper " The Outbreak of Ebola in West Africa " is a great example of a research paper on medical science. The Ebola virus strikes fear in the human population because it is not curable.

Module 5 bhs427 health care finance (aug2014-1) capital budgeting (case)

The payback period is referred to as the time it takes a firm to recover its initial cash expenditure from the cash inflow it gets from a certain project or investment. Therefore, if the payback period is negatively associated to g and positively related to the ratio I, the management is at a better position β†’

Cultures and persons: characterizing national and other types of cultural difference can also aid our understanding and prediction of individual variability

This model recognizes the importance of individual genetic heritage and the epigenesis of interaction between the genetic " stuff" an individual brings into the world and the enculturation environments progressively faced by the individual throughout the life course. The intention of this study was to overcome the methodological weaknesses of earlier measures of self-construal and β†’

On moving the eyes to flag lucid dreaming

These results gave rise to the " scanning hypothesis", which postulates that the eye movements during sleep are directed by the dream imagery, in a comparable way as during the waking state, in which the eyes move toward scanned objects. Based on these findings, and on the fact that during REM sleep the limb but β†’

Therapeutic uses of food and wine in greece essay

Foods have been used for therapeutic purposes in similarity to medicines and herbs; though in foods have milder therapeutic properties in comparison to herbs and medicines, though food's have stronger nutrient properties. Endive and dandelion are good for promotion of bile flow and liver cleansing; Spicy vegetables help in stimulating immunity, circulation and digestion.

Pulmonary tuberculosis & lung carcinoma

Shortness of breath or dyspnoea is one of the symptoms of tuberculosis which is manifested in the primary disease. Muscle wasting and weight loss is a characteristic feature of tuberculosis observed in the patients with active tuberculosis.

On the limits of diversity

ISBN: 978-0262016421 A sense of wonder at life and evolution on our planet is not lost on George McGhee, author of Convergent Evolution. The book is organized into eight chapters beginning with a clarification of the minor difference between convergent vs.parallel evolution, and of the idea of evolutionary constraint.

Intraoperative use of remifentanil and opioid induced hyperalgesia/acute opioid tolerance: systematic review

Before we discuss AOT and OIH induced by remifentanil, we have to understand the definitions of AOT and OIH because management for pain control is different according to make a diagnosis one of them; While AOT can be overcome by increasing the dosage, OIH even worsens the pain. Koppert et al.also suggested that even though β†’

Free will and neuroscience: from explaining freedom away to new ways of operationalizing and measuring it

Indeed, the discovery of the role of the RP has been taken as evidence of the fact that free will is an illusion, since it seems that specific brain areas activate before we are aware of the onset of the movement. In the experiment, the RP culminating in the execution of the movement starts in β†’

Cystic fibrosis kidney disease: 10 tips for clinicians

As I have worked with my clinicians to recover from inadequate management of my CF during childhood and adolescence, I have frequently heard similar statements from them. Talking honestly about options for the future reminds me that I can still have a good life if my kidneys eventually fail, and helps me envision the potential β†’

Theories and methods for health promotion

Theories The three selected theories include: social cognitive theory, theory of reasoned action and theory of planned behavior. It has a reasonable observation of people and apprehension with the social insinuation of the theory.

Manipulating immune tolerance with micro-rna regulated gene therapy

The basic concept for using tissue-specific promoters is to drive expression of the therapeutic transgene to target cells while preventing its expression in APC in order to avoid the priming of Teff. The effectiveness of using miR-142-targeted vectors to eliminate expression in APC and generate transgene tolerance was first achieved by Naldini and colleagues who β†’

Editorial: thy1/cd90 surface glycoprotein: sensor of microenvironment?

Morris, a pioneer in exploring the function of Thy-1/CD90, calls Thy-1/CD90 " a prime exemplar of a membrane organizer" because of its ability to influence and be influenced by its lipid environment. Leyton et al.places it as a " core of a membrane-associated platform " based on its capacity to interact with various proteins in β†’

Remodeling the bone marrow microenvironment – a proposal for targeting pro-inflammatory contributors in mpn

Although the pathogenesis of MPN is cell-intrinsic to hematopoietic cells, MPN cells also exert cell-extrinsic effects resulting in chronic inflammation that perturbs the BM niche, and which in turn contributes to the MPN phenotype and renders the niche less supportive of normal hematopoiesis. Megakaryocytes are increased in the BM of MF patients, resulting in the β†’

Learn by doing: a model for incorporating high-impact experiential learning into an undergraduate public health curriculum

A goal of experiential learning is to foster the application of concepts and skills learned in the classroom to real-world public health situations. We utilized the principles of the AEE and NSEE as we developed the academic framework of our experiential learning program to support guided reflection by public health students.

Editorial: orchestration of an immune response to respiratory pathogens

Within the lung, the expression of even prototypical markers of " resident" cells, such as CD69 and CD103 are heterogeneous, again suggesting microheterogeneity in the fate and localization of the effector cells that migrate to the lung and establish residency. Schmidt and Varga in particular, consider the types of approaches that have been used to β†’

Grand challenge for frontiers in environmental chemistryβ€”inorganic pollutants

Many of the most important global environmental disasters or sources of largescale contamination have been due to inorganic pollution; e.g: the extensive contamination of the waters around Minamata, Japan with mercury and methylmercury and the resultant human impacts; the " acid rain" impacts from emissions of sulfur and nitrogen oxides from energy generation on the β†’

Youth sport and covid-19: contextual, methodological, and practical considerations

In an ideal world, members of the youth sport community will continue to engage in youth sport throughout this crisis and into the future. Youth sport in the time of COVID-19: Considerations for researchers and practitioners.

Controversy over full-body scanners

One of the key issues for the usage of full body scans is that it can be a major invasion of privacy to people being screened during the airport security process. A different debate on the usage of body scanners is that they are an ineffective security system and cannot detect certain objects.

Problem statement

4-Intro to Dental Public Health October 20, Problem ment: It might appear that improved access to dental care and the inclusion of fluoride in toothpaste, public water supply and professional dental products have reduced the issues concerning dental caries in children. Objectives: To reduce the rate of dental caries among children.

Commentary: the effects of high intensity interval training vs steady state training on aerobic and anaerobic capacity

A commentary on The Effects of High Intensity Interval Training vs Steady State Training on Aerobic and Anaerobic Capacity by Foster, C, Farland, C, Guidotti, F, Harbin, M, Roberts, B, Schuette, J, et al.J. The effects of high intensity interval training vs steady state training on aerobic and anaerobic capacity.J.

Shaping the future of perinatal cells: lessons from the past and interpretations of the present

In an editorial by Heeger, a play on words underlined the infancy of the field at that time, and highlighted the interest of the transplantation community in keeping updated on the bright future of placental tissues in transplantation. Cells derived from the placenta could meet these two features as their early embryological origin could favor β†’

Editorial: complex immune mediated pulmonary disease: how genetic data can influence clinical practice

The first review by Newton et al.ideally fitting within the scope of this Research Topic, presents a concise overview of the state of the art in the application of genetics into the diagnosis and management of interstitial lung diseases. Here, the advent of a new technology of massive parallel sequencing and its application to determination β†’

Devastating tragedies compared: europe’s bubonic plague and latin america’s smallpox outbreak

An examination of the documents shows that the Bubonic Plague and smallpox both economically, socially, and politically affected the regions they were present in. The Bubonic Plague in western Europe and smallpox in Latin America both affected the societies they spread to economically.

Blue leds get the nobel prize while red leds are poised to save lives

M, and Garlid, K.D.cGMP signalling in pre- and post-conditioning: the role of mitochondria. 1124 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar O'Rourke, B, Cortassa, S, and Aon, M.A.

The topic of breast feeding health essay

The World Health Organization and the American Academy of Family Physicians recommends that breastfeeding continue throughout the first year of life a recommends mothers to of developed and undeveloped countries to exclusively breastfeed infants for the child's first six months. Moreover, the American Academy of Pediatrics acknowledged the health and developmental benefits for the child β†’

Editorial: health disparitiesβ€”an important public health policy concern

Editorial on the Research Topic Health Disparities An Important Public Health Policy Concern Health disparities are an important public health policy concern as they are related to the social inequalities in population health. Take the U.S.as an example, there are large health status gaps between racial groups, and the health of the racial minorities in β†’

Commentary: belatacept does not inhibit follicular t cell-dependent b-cell differentiation in kidney transplantation

The recent study by de Graav et al.describes the effects of belatacept and tacrolimus on the process of Tfh cell dependent B-cell differentiation. The first issue is that the study compared belatacept- and tacrolimus-treated renal transplant recipients, and as summarized in Table 2, found in 8 out of 11 measures of Tfh and B-cell activation β†’

Key informants specify core elements of peer supports for parents with serious mental illness

The task of specifying the core program elements and underlying processes of a model of peer supports for parents with SMI, along with clear specification of the role of parent peer specialists, is informed by review of the literature regarding peer supports in mental health in general. The investigators were included as participants given the β†’

Colloids versus crystalloids fluid resuscitation health and social care essay

Fluid resuscitation is one of the cardinal basiss for the direction of critically sick patients to cut down the mortality. The purpose of the assignment is to reexamine the available literature on comparing between colloids and crystalloids as unstable resuscitations in critically sick patients and to measure its impact on clinical pattern and the consequence β†’

Public health interventions at policy

The interaction of the physical, social and behavioral interventions ensure the efforts are comprehensive addressing the public health issues in totality.2. Bartholomew, Parcel, Kok, & Gottlieb, discuses: Design process applied to health promotion should be clear and systematic to enable understanding of the health conditions, causes and solutions.

Zinc as a neuromodulator in the central nervous system with a focus on the olfactory bulb

It also summarizes the effects of zinc on various receptors and ion channels involved in regulating neuronal excitability and synaptic transmission, with special emphasis on the actions of zinc as a neuromodulator in the OB. A second source of zinc-containing synaptic terminals in the mouse OB is centrifugal fibers projecting to granule cells and PG β†’

Neuroendocrine mechanisms that connect feeding behavior and stress

These data suggest a strong interaction between the systems that regulate feeding and metabolism and those that regulate stress and ultimately mood. This review also highlights the importance of circulating levels of glucocorticoids, ghrelin, and leptin to the fluctuations in feeding-related behaviors associated with seasonality, and discuss in detail how metabolic stressors like restricted food β†’

Where you are is who you are? the geographical account of psychological phenomena

Lives are lived out in neighborhoods, cities, and states, and the physical and social features of these places can affect the behaviors, thoughts, and emotions experienced. The development of personality theories and tools [e.g, establishment of the Five Factor Model ] resulted in a recurrence of interest in looking at national differences in psychological β†’

Editorial: brain organoids: modeling in neuroscience

Editorial on the Research Topic Brain Organoids: Modeling in Neuroscience The Research Topic " Brain Organoids: Modeling in Neuroscience" collects both original articles and review that highlight the emergency of novel three dimensional models, a.k.a.brain organoids, for the study of neurological disorders. The main field in which brain organoids were used is the study of β†’

Editorial: memory t cells: effectors, regulators, and implications for transplant tolerance

Therefore, memory T-cells, especially CD8 + CD122 + T-cells, may respond as either aggressive memory or regulatory T-cells. We have found that memory CD8 + CD122 + T-cells and bystander central memory CD8 + T-cells inhibit murine allograft rejection.

Blockchain compliance by design: regulatory considerations for blockchain in clinical research

The applicable laws and regulations for clinical research in the United States depend on the funding source, whether the research involves a covered entity and protected health information and whether the research is funded by, or will be submitted to, a particular regulatory agency. When designing a blockchain intended to store information that could be β†’

How traumatic experiences leave their signature on the genome: an overview of epigenetic pathways in ptsd

In an original research article, Kundakovic et al.use a rodent model of early-life adversity to explore the relationship between stress, genetic background, and sex in the determination of neurobehavioral and epigenetic outcomes. Maddox et al.review the role of epigenetic mechanisms in animal models of fear learning and memory, highlighting epigenetic modulation of FKBP5 in animal β†’

Critical health communication methods: challenges in researching transformative social change

However, this rational account of my research trajectory does not address experiences of doubt and emotion management that arises with critical health communication research in the field that I reference in the opening paragraphs. Building lines of research that connect health and marginalization across contexts would help to pave the way for newer health communication β†’

Health law and ethics

Task: Health Law and Ethics Response The information accessible on the internet empowers the informed consumer to make appropriate decisions concerning care. A consumer with the requisite skills to identify, filter and discard the wrong information is likely to benefit from the information on the internet since he or she will only embrace the right β†’

Epilepsy and its interaction with sleep and circadian rhythm

In a post-status epilepticus animal model of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy, the expression of core-clock genes is found to be dysregulated during epileptogenesis: the expression of PER1 and CRY1 increases in the early post-status epilepticus condition compared to the control condition and decreases to the baseline level in epileptic condition; the expression of BMAL1, CLOCK, β†’

Producing aspirin by vacuum filtration essay sample

Then add 7cm3 of ethanoic acid anhydride and also add three drops of concentrated sulphuric acid.* At the top of the conical flask fit the air condenser and mix together the reagents and then add to a water bath with a temperature between 50- 60 C for 15 minutes.* After you have taken the conical β†’

An inconvenient truth summary

The movie " An Inconvenient Truth" tells the story of increase in the CO2 component of greenhouse gasses during the current and last centuries. The movie presents graphical images demonstrating the relationship of CO2 concentration and the increase in atmospheric temperature during the period of last 1, 000 years in the area of Mount Glaces, β†’

Why open-access publication should be nonprofitβ€”a view from the field of theoretical language science

But in the 21st century, the prestige of a journal is primarily the result of the work of the scientists who publish in it, who serve as editors and as reviewers, and not the result of the publisher's efforts. But the problem with Beall's argumentation is that it is difficult to say in what sense β†’

Convergently emergent: ecological and enactive approaches to the texture of agency

Chemero discussed the apparent complementarity of ecological psychologists' examination of the environment and its structures that empower the engagement between it and the agent, while enactivists have explored the details of how the structure and dynamics of the agent affect that same relationship. Stoffregen and Bardy argue that the role of the body in coupling β†’

The importance of critically examining the level of propositions when evaluating forensic dna results

The proposal of a discussion about the use of software to help assign likelihood ratios for forensic DNA profiling results, and the use of their output in the legal process, is both timely and important. What is really of interest is to assess the probability of observing such a result for a DNA trace, β†’

Commentary: geographic variations in the incidence of glioblastoma and prognostic factors predictive of overall survival in us adults from 2004–2013

00352 Xu et al.in their recent article entitled " Geographic Variations in the Incidence of Glioblastoma and Prognostic Factors Predictive of Overall Survival in US Adults from 2004 to 2013" that is published in the Front. Correspondence " Cancers of the brain and CNS: global patterns and trends in incidence"-electromagnetic fields and cancer.J.

Welcome to the restaurant health essay

The red color of the red bean soup as a whole or the bean itself denotes luck and happiness as commonly known in Chinese cultures which they place a huge importance on, and is considered a sign of good luck to drink it during or before important events like starting a new business or job β†’

Editorial: unravelling social norm effects: how and when social norms affect eating behavior

Editorial on the Research Topic Unravelling Social Norm Effects: How and When Social Norms Affect Eating Behavior A consistent body of research has shown that human eating behavior is affected by the social environment. A key aspect of the social environment are the social norms that exist in a group of people.

Editorial: biodiversity of sensory systems in aquatic vertebrates

The extended repertoire of senses includes the ability for vestibular control, the sensation of temperature, postural awareness, the monitoring of pain, the use of sonar, and the detection of weak electric and magnetic fields. The papers presented in this Research Topic were greatly welcomed and consist of a collection of exciting and well-received articles that β†’

As a healthcare administrator

Adopting Cross-Industry Best Practices: A provider organizations case study demonstrates measurable results With the increasing cost of health care, it is inevitable that the public will become conscious of healthcare providers ability to give these services that would be of quality and effective. To adapt to this new demands, healthcare institutions must go beyond the β†’

Painful ankle medical treatment

The patient also sign the consent form on his own and consents to examination and any necessary care. PC: The patient complains of a swollen and painful ankle.

Analysis of pathophysiology case

The shrinkage of the vitreous results in tugging on the retina, and can lead to retinal detachment. In addition, the floaters might show that the retina has dislodged from the inner part of the eye, which contains oxygen, blood, and nutrition for healthy functioning of the eyes.

Commentary: motor imagery during action observation: a brief review of evidence, theory and future research opportunities

001 CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Christina, R.W." Motor learning: Future lines of research," in The Cutting Edge in Physical Education and Exercise Science Research, eds M.J. D, and Kerick, S.E." The psychology of superior sport performance: A cognitive and affective neuroscience perspective," in Handbook of Sport Psychology, 3rd Edn, eds R.C.

Book review: another science is possible

The title of the book already promises a dialectical contrast between contemporary and another form of science, and between fast and slow science. Finally, Stengers brings her slow science plea to academia, and tasks the university with creating such a future for slow science, of complementing the reliability of the laboratory with the reliability of β†’


The alveolar partial pressure of oxygen is a function of the ratio of ventilation to perfusion. Hemoglobin is able to compensate for the low pressure of oxygen.

Pleasant manor

The decision to introduce PPS did not work well with the medical providers and it limited the choices of PM, but with proper communication, the organization could have updated their equipments and introduce other people with new ideas and innovative programs to drive the organization. After the new Medical reimbursement policy was introduced, the management β†’

The quest for medicines, a grand challenge in the twenty-first century

During the first half of the twentieth century, Ernest Fourneau and his Colleagues of the Pasteur Institute in Paris produced derivatives of adrenaline, acetylcholine and histamine as well as of their natural antagonists, giving rise to study of their pharmacological properties. The development of biomarkers for predictive toxicity and for identifying the nature of diseases β†’

Editorial: unraveling neuroprotective and neurodegenerative signals in neurodegeneration

The Editorial on the Research Topic Unraveling Neuroprotective and Neurodegenerative Signals in Neurodegeneration Our understanding of the etiology of human neurodegenerative disorders is limited by the necessity to infer an active sequence of events, often expressed over protracted periods of time, from a collection of still-life images that often represent the end of the sequence β†’

Book review: follow your gut: the enormous impact of tiny microbes

As years went by, the understanding of the nature and importance of microbes became more apparent however, to date, for the broad audience, the understanding of the microbial roles in our life has been restricted to those causing diseases. Chapter 2 - Describes how we acquire our first microbes from our mother and explains the β†’

Triple jeopardy: complexities of racism, sexism, and ageism on the experiences of mental health stigma among young canadian black women of caribbean descent

Guided by the lens of intersectionality, this article draws on contemporary examples and on scholarly and gray literature to examine and discuss the high prevalence of mental health stigma in the Canadian Black and Caribbean community, and to discuss the effects of the complexities of race, age, and gender on their experiences with mental illness. β†’

The power of many

The Power of Many The Power of Many The process of social change begins with discovery, innovation, and diffusion. The other approach, traditional politics, is the ordinary method of community organization that I deem practical and relevant to me.

Bdnf and schizophrenia: from neurodevelopment to neuronal plasticity, learning, and memory

Alterations in neurotrophic factors such as BDNF at the protein and gene level may contribute to altered brain development, synaptic disconnectivity, and failures in neuroplasticity, and explain at least in part some of the morphological and neurochemical abnormalities found in the brains of patients with schizophrenia. Therefore, alterations in BDNF may contribute to altered brain β†’

Erratum: identification of novel transcription factors regulating secondary cell wall formation in arabidopsis

00189 After our article was published on line, we noticed that a typographical mistake occured in the name of an Arabidopsis mutant: p 6, in the results, last paragraph of the section phenotypes of the TF T-DNA mutant or RNAi transgenic lines , One should read hb5 instead of hb15 Here is the corrected text β†’

Editorial: update on the biology, management, and treatment of small cell lung cancer

Contributions to the Research Topic " Update on the Biology, Management and treatment of Small Cell Lung Cancer" highlight the historical data, novel biomarkers under development, and provide a comprehensive review of the recent developments in the understanding of the biology and treatment strategies in patients with SCLC. The review by Saltos et al.highlights the β†’

Intellectual disability and dental services: experience from israel

In this paper, we would like to present the experience of a national dental service for people with IDD and show the trends that have lead to a unique service in our opinion. In Israel, the Division for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Services has the responsibility for β†’

The first world congress on tourette syndrome and tic disorders: controversies and hot topics in etiology and treatment

This is best illustrated in the genetic studies, where nearly 100 clinicians and scientists contributed clinical samples and expertise, and in the studies of environmental risk factors, which took place using the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children, a birth cohort in which data has been collected, curated, and studied for over 20 years β†’

Editorial: international perspectives on health and safety among dairy workers: challenges, solutions and the future

Editorial on the Research Topic International Perspectives on Health and Safety among Dairy Workers: Challenges, Solutions and the Future The purpose of this special topics edition of Frontiers in Public Health was to present an international perspective on current occupational health research related to workers in the dairy industry. The majority of authors were part β†’

The discovery of penicillin by fleming and its refinement by florey and chain

In his lecture, he reflects and talks about how the concept of making such a medicine appeared to him; he only began testing with the Penicillium mold as a chance observation and made no clear intentions that he was going to solely focus on it in order to make a revolutionary medicine. Even though penicillin β†’

Ophthalamic disorders case study

The eye is surrounded by numerous tissues, veins and blood vessels that have a duty to aid in the circulation of blood from one eye point to the next. In the event that the flow of blood to the optic nerve is tampered with, the eye suffers from a stroke.

Erratum: how to make the ghosts in my bedroom disappear? focused-attention meditation combined with muscle relaxation (mr therapy)β€”a direct treatment intervention for sleep paralysis

In the section Background, second paragraph, the reference should be Sharpless and Barber and not Sharpless and Doghramji as published. In the section Treatment Interventions For Sleep Paralysis, first paragraph, the reference should be Sharpless and Doghramji and not Sharpless and Barber as published.

Methods for proximal caries detection health and social care essay

Although bitewing skiagraphy for diagnosing of cavities in single patients is an constituted clinical technique, the value of bitewing skiagraphy for the sensing of cavities in big population groups is still controversial23. The purpose of this in-vivo survey is to compare and measure assorted diagnostic methods of proximal cavities sensing in primary and lasting grinders.

The importance of replication in comparative psychology: the lesson of elephant quantity judgments

In contrast, elephants' accuracy in discriminating quantities was reported to be unaffected by numerical ratio in the range of 8 13 items, a true exception to the results found in the literature; a similar conclusion was previously suggested in a study that tested five elephants with the range of 1 6 items. A wider replication β†’