Quality Health & Medicine Essay Examples for Your Learning

Deep brain stimulation for movement disorders

The DBS surgical treatment of movement disorders has its foundations in two seminal papers by the " Grenoble Group" of Benabid et al.describing the combined stereotactic surgery of the ventral intermediate nucleus of the thalamus and, in 1993, DBS of the STN for PD patients. Epidemiology and etiology of Parkinson's disease: a review of the →

vibrio cholerae as a predator: lessons from evolutionary principles

042 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Basler, M, and Mekalanos, J. 00185.x Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Bina, J, Zhu, J, Dziejman, M, Faruque, S, Calderwood, S, and Mekalanos, J.

Cb2 and gpr55 receptors as therapeutic targets for systemic immune dysregulation

The effect of modulation of CB 1 R, CB 2 R, and GPR55 in sepsis-induced systemic inflammation will be described below. In addition, T cell activation and release of IL-2 were inhibited by administration of the CB 2 R agonist, JWH-015, and this effect was eliminated by administration of the CB 2 R antagonist, AM630.

Comprehensive care in athletics

The easiest part was the inclusion of moderate physical activity as part of a daily routine. The most difficult part of the recommendations is maintaining a vigorous activity for twenty minutes.

Healthy habits

If you do not like the " taste" of water, keep a supply of lemon so that you can add a slice to your water it cuts any bitterness, adds a bit of vitamin C and makes it taste more festive! You will have given yourself the gift of extra time in the morning and →

Responsibility problems for criminal justice

We also have the idea that people can be morally responsible for what they do in the sense of deserving to be praised for exemplary actions and blamed for bad ones and even punished, if the action was bad enough. Many philosophers and legal theorists who believe that the primary goal of the criminal justice →

Should the government provide health care

In particular, Sultan Ibrahim expelled Onn from Johor after he published an article in the Sunday Mirror, a Singapore-based English tabloid, which criticised the Sultan's poor treatment of the Johor Military Forces personnel and the welfare of the Orang Asli. In early 1950, Sultan Ibrahim approached Onn, who was asked to choose between committing his →

Human trafficking in europe

There are three sides to the issue: the victims, the perpetrators, and the governments, law makers, and groups who are trying to stop the epidemic. This refusal to acknowledge and actively weigh the dangers of too- good- to- be- true offers from the West is the victims' greatest contribution to the problem of sex trafficking.

Editorial: new insights into the pathophysiology and treatment of neonatal hypoxic–ischemic encephalopathy

This research topic presents a collection of one original article and four reviews covering translational research in HIE, including the utilization of animal models to unravel the pathophysiology of the disease, with a special focus on the development of novel therapies and the optimization of therapeutic hypothermia, the standard treatment for HIE. They discussed the →

Editorial: nanoparticle vaccines against infectious diseases

It is hoped that the presented evidence will deepen our understanding of their mode of action and the overall potential of NPs for translation of this vaccine approach to human application. The utility of NPs as a delivery system for immunododulators and adjuvants rather than antigens was illustrated in the article by Takahashi et al.

Editorial: the baltic sea region in transition

The grand topic of the conference " The Baltic Sea region in transition" refers both to processes in the transition area between the North Sea and the Baltic Sea, but more so to temporal transition processes in the energy, water and matter cycles of the Baltic Sea, its coasts, the atmosphere, land surface and socio-economic →

Corrigendum: the role played by mitochondria in fcϵri-dependent mast cell activation

Mitochondrial ROS are crucial for the activation of the IKK-NEMO complex. Mitochondrial ROS-dependent activation of IKK can be mediated by several mechanisms, including the formation of intermolecular disulfide bonds in NF- B essential modulator, a component of the IKK complex.

The nyu scholarship on public health graduate program

With the learning experiences that I will acquire in the University, I will be able to materialize all my intentions in serving other people especially those who are in need. With the acquired knowledge I will have, I am certain to elevate and make better changes in human life not only in the campus but →

Health informatics: a review of clinical applications essay sample

In the same way the system is a computer program so how the whole process is working and what possible queries might have been used and what are the entities used to maintain the database and the primary keys for searching it. The option of narrowing the list is not as simple as that of →

When affective relation weighs more than the mug handle: investigating affective affordances

Still, while in the relationship between two or more agents the involvement of the affective variable, even when uninvestigated, is intrinsically evoked, in the case of the agent-object relationship the recognition of such engagement requires more specific care. We use integration as a specification of the enactive concept of diachronic coupling, with the aim of →

How to create a successful healthcare policy and get it implemented

After creating a healthy care policy, it is always important to create capacity as well as other resources that are essential in implementing and achieving the goals and objectives of the policy. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the policy is important in making necessary adjustments to ensure that set goals and objectives are met as →

Hp3s: social program evaluation of big brother/big sister

What are the effects of the program on the mentors? 4. Questionnaire What are the effects of the program on the mentors?

Preventing blood stream infections health and social care essay

National Patient SafetyGoals were introduced in 2002 in order to assist turn to some of the issues that were responsible for doing a bulk of the state of affairss that were responsible for making patient safety issues. Clinicians insert about 7 million cardinal venous entree devices yearly in the United States, and of these, 1 →

The generalized price equation: forces that change population statistics

We end up with the same generic partitioning of population change into two components: the forces that alter the frequencies of the entities that make up the population holding constant the measurements on each entity and the forces that alter the measurements on each entity holding constant the frequencies. For any population statistic that can →

Statistician, heal thyself: fighting statophobia at the source

It is difficult to find an intelligible account of the meaning of " probability," or of how we are ever to determine the probability of any particular proposition; and yet treatises on the subject profess to arrive at complicated results of the greatest precision and the most profound practical importance. Although statistics teaching has come →

Influenza: environmental remodeling, population dynamics, and the need to understand networks

Emergence of new pathogens has been the reality of the 21st century; the role of animal reservoirs and changes in human behaviors may be the main key factors for disease dynamics. In addition, the assessment of hot spots of influenza transmission should be the tool to map animal habitats that are at most risk →

Our human body has numerous functions health essay

CRC is following the pattern of western countries: Cancer of the colon and rectum ". H1: There is significant risk factors for colo rectal cancer among case and control group The study is delimited to a period of 4 weeks

The summary and the critical reflection of from marshall mcluhan to harold innis

The article From Marshall McLuhan to Harold Innis, of From the Global Village to the World Empire, written by Gaetan Tremblay is a critical analysis of the two well-known Canadian thinkers, Marshall McLuhan and Harold Innis, along with the author's own thought of the metaphor, global village. Examples of this can be found when the →

Nontraditional approach for interprofessional service learning in a doctor of physical therapy program: the farm worker family health program

The program coincides with the annual migrant farmworker migration through rural Georgia and its purpose is to provide pro bono medical care and health screenings, patient education, and donated clothing and supplies to an underserved population of migrant farmworkers and their families. The unique combination of immersive SL, a cross-cultural experience, and IPE have been →

When special education and disability studies intertwine: addressing educational inequities through processes and programming

Connor et al.posited the social model embodies the tenets of Disability Studies in Education, which include contextualize disability within political and social spheres; privilege the interests, agendas, and voices of people labeled with disability/disabled people; promote social justice, equitable and inclusive educational opportunities, and full and meaningful access to all aspects of society for people →

Overcrowding in hospitals

However, the real issue underneath is that of human dignity to which a patient is entitled to whilst acquiring their treatment at the facility. In the mention of this, there is a new terminology that healthcare facilities in the risk of overcrowding have brought to light.


INDIRECT FOOD ADDITIVES: Food additives are substances that become part of a food product when they are added during processing of the food product. They are added during the processing of food.

Sexually transmitted infections (stis)

Generally, infected people refuse to seek treatment of their illness for the fear of rejection, discrimination, judgment, being ridiculed and ostracism or social stigma along with the fear of getting negative behaviors and attitudes from people whom they love and depend on." Victims do not discriminate but people around them do". Therefore, the government and →

Editorial: sortilin and sortilin partners in physiology and pathologies

The review entitled " Regulatory Roles of Sortilin and SorLA in Immune-Related Processes" by Talbot et al.is a summary of the role of the two members of the Vps10p domain receptor family, sortilin and SorLA, in the modulation of processes related to the immune system. The mini-review " The Involvement of Sortilin/NTSR3 in Depression as →

Editorial: integrating predation risk across scales: from neurons to ecosystems and milliseconds to generations

Madin et al.report that coral reef halos found in the Great Barrier Reef result from both prey fear and the action of bioturbators, sediment-dwelling organisms that churn up the seafloor and affect algal settlement. In the second, Draper and Weissburg provide a review and synthesis of the impact of global warming and increased CO 2 →

An evolutionary perspective of dyslexia, stress, and brain network homeostasis

This paper draws on recent experimental research in neuroscience to refine the normal-variability Evo-Devo model of dyslexia, and to extend the scope of discussion in considering the validity of the model. The first section outlines this perspective, which focuses on the connection between stress and dyslexia, in the broader context of the medical model orientation →

Interactions between motion and form processing in the human visual system

Salience is increased when the orientation of the target line and its direction of motion are appropriately combined to match the property of the receptive field tuned to the orthogonal motion component. 10, 1 15.

Social interaction, languaging and the operational conditions for the emergence of observing

While the explanation of the emergence of such " triadic" interactions is the object of fierce debate, Tomasello, in agreement with Bruner's conception of just such a developmental step as the first " meeting of minds," argues that the emergence of joint attention reveals the development of intention-reading skills, permitting the child to " know →

Interactions between cd44 and hyaluronan in leukocyte trafficking

Below, we review the biology of CD44 HA interactions in immune cell trafficking, explore the molecular mechanisms that regulate the binding between these molecules, and highlight the critical role of CD44 HA-mediated leukocyte recruitment in the pathogenesis of inflammatory diseases. In addition to neutrophils, T-lymphocytes also utilize CD44 E-selectin interactions for slow rolling in vivo, →

The ethics of teaching: critical thinking and reflection to promote professionalism by mitigating biases including those against other healthcare professions

In a single 50-min biochemistry workshop, teams of medical and pharmacy students shared their critical thoughts and reflections on the roles of the other profession in the care of two patients. Impact of a workshop about aging on the empathy scores of pharmacy and medical students.Am.J.

Promoting awareness about psychological consequences of living in a community oppressed by the mafia: a group-analytic intervention

The Mafia is a criminal organization that uses the strength of intimidation to commit crimes and to acquire the management and control of economic activities, public contracts, and services, in order to enhance the control of territory and economic profits. The obedience to the law of silence, strengthened by the Mafia through the massive →

Enactive memory

Here, memory traces reflect the processing episode and retrieval is the result of a coupling between the recovery situation and a set of episodic traces activated on the basis of their similarity to the characteristics of the recovery episode. The nature of the traces and the dynamics of memory.

Nondual awareness and minimal phenomenal experience

At times, the term has been greatly stretched to include many types of contemplative experiences with differing amounts and complexity of phenomenal contents and levels of arousal, and with different properties of NDA, so that the term has lost much of its original meaning, and appears to overlap and confound with the term NDA. These →

Recomendation letter

He excellently interacts with patients and professionals in the workplace and all those who had the opportunity to associate with him can testify the elation and happiness that he brought to them. Given the chance to pursue the MRI degree, Nabil will surely blossom to be a reputable professional and an imperative asset to the →

Behavioral medicine in psychology

Schwartz and Weiss defined the term: Behavioral medicine is the development and integration of biomedical, psychosocial and behavioral sciences' knowledge and techniques relevant tohealthand illness and the application of this knowledge and these techniques to prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation". Dedicating their book to " Freud and Pavlov and their students," Dollard and Miller sought →

Four chemical trends will shape the next decade’s directions in perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances research

A restriction in the use of short chain PFASs, as described above, not only leads to a shift in the observed chain lengths but also to a diversification of the used molecules. In the case of PFOS and PFOA, for example, major part of the whole relevant substance are the linear molecules, but also up →

Corrigendum: marital satisfaction, sex, age, marriage duration, religion, number of children, economic status, education, and collectivistic values: data from 33 countries

The authors apologize for these errors and state that this does not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way. The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

Editorial: sonification, perceptualizing biological information

Applications of sonification are by no means recent, in fact from early formulation of auditing, such as comparing the sound of commodities or " hearing of accounts" in Mesopotamia, as early as 3500 BCE, to the three inventions from the nineteenth century, the Bell telephone, the Edison phonograph, and the Marconi radiotelegraphy, sound and audio →

Commentary: heart fat infiltration in subjects with and without coronary artery disease

Furthermore, the expression of PLIN-2, which the authors associated with LDs in cells different from adipocytes, has also been reported in brown adipocytes and adipocytes from white adipose tissue may express adipophilin, in particular metabolic conditions. Interestingly, pericytes may be sources of preadipocytes, likewise endothelial cells in the adipose tissue, and represent a possible source →

Editorial: physiology and pathophysiology of the extracellular calcium-sensing receptor

The aim of this research topic is to group research articles and reviews that highlight the latest discoveries on the multifaceted roles of the CaSR both in health and disease. In the present research topic Zhang et al.review the newest insights into the molecular basis of the structure and functional cooperativity of the CaSR, describing →

Research challenges at the intersection of big data, security and privacy

Still, the risks of using encrypted data processing and TEEs need to be further understood to provide scalability for the big data while minimizing realistic security and privacy risks. For example, to address new regulations such as right-to-be-forgotten where users may require the deletion of data that belongs to them, we may need to better →

A review on the study’s results on treating acute stress disorder with cognitive processing therapy

This title is clear and accurate; it is an adequate representation of the study because it informs readers of the population, setting of the study, intervention, and possible outcomes of the study while communicating the key variables of the study. The researchers used this to see how effective the study was, to reflect on the →

Does female prisoners are more prone to hiv than male prisoners

It is no wonder that female prisoners are at high risk of contracting HIV/AIDS, because they are plagued with poverty, lack of social support and state benefits, lack of satisfactory education to commence work. Therefore, an extensive screening is required in order to keep track of the possible symptoms and variety of tests should be →

What belongs together goes together: the speaker-hearer perspective. a commentary on macdonald’s pdc account

However, in Zipf's view the outcome of the least effort principle was a compromise between least effort for the speaker and least effort for the listener, whereas MacDonald puts most of the burden on the production process. Or in terms of the PDC account, Plan Reuse is shared between production and comprehension; The assumption that →

No need to match: a comment on bach, nicholson and hudson’s “affordance-matching hypothesis”

We believe, however, that the proposed separation of hypothesis generation and hypothesis matching is not in line with the empirical evidence currently available, and that the division between " interpretation" and " prediction" relies on a cognitivist assumption that is hard to defend. The second and more likely option is that affordance extraction and mirror →

Editorial: resistance to salinity and water scarcity in higher plants. insights from extremophiles and stress-adapted plants: tools, discoveries and future prospects

Non-coding mRNAs were also spliced, which brings the question of whether the differential splicing aims to enlarge the repertoire of cellular proteins or the physical presence of introns in the genome promotes survival under stress conditions by alternative mechanisms, as recently shown for the starvation response of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In a nice use →

Chapters question for essentials of health behavior, social and behavioral theory in public health book mark edberg

Chapter questions for essentials of health behavior theory in public health book Chapter 8 questions, 2 and 5 Difference between community intervention and intervention in the community Community interventions refer to initiatives that target the entire community while interventions in the community refer to initiatives that target a section of the community. The community interventions →

Financial environments essay sample

David's Healthcare is owned and run by HCA, the largest for-profit health care organization in the United States. Because Seton operates more than 20 hospitals and health care facilities across Central Texas and has a history with the region, it is responsible for the care of over 1.

Cultural diversity in clinical laboratory sciences

Among the Asians, blood is regarded as the energy of life that is passed on to children by the elders and ancestors and therefore should not be given away. The reference of a black young man as a boy is also considered to be offensive in the Afro American culture, which is a word associated →

The cultural constitution of cognition: taking the anthropological perspective

Among the most convincing examples are the work on ethnobiological and ecological cognition and behavior conducted by the team of Douglas Medin and Scott Atran at Northwestern University and the work on interactions of language, culture and cognition in Stephen Levinson's research group at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics in Nijmegen. In fact, in →

Never-resting microglia: physiological roles in the healthy brain and pathological implications

Wolf et al.summarize the recent efforts to exploit CX3CR1 promoter activity for the visualization and genetic manipulation of microglia, in order to probe their functional contributions in the CNS, and the resulting insights into the role of CX3CR1. Gemma and Bachstetter review the role of microglia in hippocampal neurogenesis during normal physiological conditions, with an →

A novel atp1a2 gene variant associated with pure sporadic hemiplegic migraine improved after patent foramen ovale closure: a case report

More recently, in a large series of patients, an association between MA and patent foramen ovale has been identified in presence of a concomitant atrial septal aneurysm, animating the discussion about the role of the vascular factors in the pathogenesis and/or phenotypic expression of MA. Here, we describe the case of a 23-year-old student with →

Editorial: identification of multiple targets in the fight against alzheimer’s disease

Notably, the importance of reliable biomarkers as well as the paramount role of global approaches for the treatment/prevention of AD, are granted and finely discussed. Promoting the -cleavage of APP not only precludes the formation of A but also increases the release of the neuroprotective sAPP fragment.

Commentary on: “detection of toxoplasma gondii in raw caprine, ovine, buffalo, bovine, and camel milk using cell cultivation, cat bioassay, capture elisa, and pcr methods in iran”

1186/1756-3305-7-165 PubMed Abstract Full Text CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Martini, M, Altomonte, I, Mancianti, F, Nardoni, S, Mugnaini, L, and Salari, F, A.preliminary study on the quality and safety of milk in donkeys positive for Toxoplasma gondii. PubMed Abstract Full Text Google Scholar Paul, M.

Crisis in healthcare

S healthcare is in deep crisis due to skyrocketing costs of healthcare. The most appropriate solution is to give appreciable subsidies and incentive to the cheapest healthcare providers and insurance firms.

The influence of an interior space on the human psyche

VISUALCOMMUNICATION CONTENT PAGE PAGE INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………………1-2 Undertaking BACKGROUND ANDMOTIVATION……………………….………………. 3 AIM AND OBJECTIVES…………………………….…………………………………….. 3 STUDY DEFINED……………………………………………………………….…………. 3 RESEARCH STATEMENT………………………………………………………….…….. 3 RESEARCH SCOPE, LIMITATIONS AND CONSTRAINTS…………..…..…….…..…3 DESIGN SCOPE, LIMITATIONS AND CONSTRAINTS……………………..….….…. 4 DEFINITION OF TERMS…………………………………………………………..….….. 5 BIBLIOGRAPHY…………………………………………………………………..……….. 6 APPENDIX……………………………………………………………………..……………7 Introduction: In the research papers below research will be done on how interior...

Medicare in 1965 to the passage of the affordable care act in 2010

Medicare in 1965 and the Affordable Care Act in al Affiliation Medicare in 1965 and the Affordable Care Act in Medicaid is a social health care in the United States for individuals and families with limited resources and little income. The Affordable health care is different from the Medicare and Medicaid in the sense that →

Subitizing and visual short-term memory in human and non-human species: a common shared system?

Here we discuss the possibility that the similarities shown in the processing of small sets of items might be due to the characteristics of basic cognitive abilities for the processing of visual items, common to both human and non-human living beings. In contrast, most of the paradigms investigating the neural mechanisms of VSTM in animals →

Perspectives for the use of social media in e-pharmamarketing

The Internet has revolutionized the world and is growing rapidly, the same as possibilities of using it in the functioning of society and business. The dynamic development of interactive electronic media of a social network gives also a huge field of possibilities for the use of innovative methods of selling and building market position →

Corrigendum: application of blood flow restriction to optimize exercise countermeasures for human space flight

Since the installation of the ARED in the International Space Station Expedition 18, high resistances can be applied during strength training on the ISS and the device allows about 29 different exercises. However, the ARED is very space-consuming and carries the potential risk of being temporarily unavailable due to technical faults, which motivates the search →

Loneliness in the era of covid-19

More generally, this pandemic may adjust our appraisals of others as they relate to our perceptions of loneliness as it has also served as a reminder of the importance of maintaining health and the fragility of life. 1562 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Imrie, R." The lonely city": urban infrastructure and the problem →

Study protocol: social capital as a resource for the planning and design of socially sustainable and health promoting neighborhoods— a mixed method study

In order for social capital to become a gender equal resource in the planning and design of socially sustainable and health promoting neighborhoods, the gender differences in the effects of place-specific social capital and health needs further exploration. The specific objectives of this project are: to investigate the dynamics of social capital in local neighborhoods →

Ozone therapy as a possible option in covid-19 management

The results of the study suggest a direct and irreversible damage and destruction of the lipid viral envelope and protein capsid confirming the ability of ozone as a tool for the control of some viruses. J Med Virol.doi: 10.

Kernel-based analysis of massive data

It is proved in the abovementioned papers that as the size of the data tends to infinity, the graph Laplacian converges to the Laplace-Beltrami operator on the manifold, and the eigenvalues converge to the corresponding quantities on the manifold. A bottleneck in this theory is the computation of the eigendecomposition of a matrix, which is →

Editorial: toward consumer 4.0 insights and opportunities under the marketing 4.0 scenario

We also propose research lines based on the combination of two key factors: the advancement of technologies and the impact of the SARS-COV-2 pandemic. Studies on " Big Data" illustrate the importance of capturing and analyzing huge amounts of information and Rubio et al.underscore the importance of virtual communities on the co-creation process.

Nature, eco, and adventure therapies for mental health and chronic disease

Many analyses and reviews have concluded that, at least for some individuals in some circumstances, exposure to nature can lead to improvements in multiple mental and physical health parameters and that this applies for both contemplative and adventurous activities. Our principal long-term recommendation is that we should modify healthcare and health insurance systems in →

Erratum: neural processing of repeated search targets depends upon the stimuli: real world stimuli engage semantic processing and recognition memory

The correct affiliation for Christopher Michael Jones is: Department of Psychology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, United States. The correct affiliation for Roy Luria is: Sagol School of Neuroscience and the School of Psychological Science, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel.

Brain reward and stress systems in addiction

The main purpose of this Research Topic is to consolidate review and empirical articles by leaders in the addiction field that collectively explore the contribution of brain reward and stress systems in addiction. The remainder of this Research Topic is a collection of empirical and review articles that describe work aimed at unraveling the neurobiology →

Recognizing moral identity as a cultural construct

This new approach has raised an interest in the topic of moral identity, which Hardy and Carlo define as " the degree to which being a moral person is important to an individual's identity". Thus, we suggest that culturally unique moral values need to be generated through a comprehensive study of the variance of cultural-specific →

Corrigendum: dicer-like genes are required for h 2 and kcl stress responses, pathogenicity and small rna generation in valsa mali

The authors apologize for this error and state that this does not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way. The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

An experiment of using e. coli cells to help creating egfp genes

This series of experiments was designed to create a recombinant plasmid by ligating the EGFP gene cut from the pEGFP-N1 plasmid using the restriction enzymes NcoI and NotI onto a pET-41a vector, which was cut using the same enzymes, transforming this new plasmid into competent E.coli cells and expressing the gene using IPTG in a →

Helping former athletes avoid unhealthy weight gain

A retiring athlete is faced with the challenges of post-weight loss feedback effect resulting from years of weight regulation and control through nutrition watching and regular exercise. This is dependent on the body's height, weight, Body mass index, age the sex the stage of growth and the fitness level characterized of the sporting involved.

The sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the ans

It has both sensory and motor neurons to carry the information to and from the brain and spinal cord.2. An action potential along the axon is dependent on the influx of sodium ions and the efflux of potassium ions.

Nrem sleep oscillations and brain plasticity in aging

The impact of age-related changes in sleep, and specifically the changes in NREM sleep oscillations on sleep-dependent declarative memory consolidation remains to be clarified. While these two studies suggest that sleep provides a benefit to procedural memory consolidation in young but not in older individuals, the characteristics of sleep were not investigated.

Complementarity as generative principle: a thought pattern for aesthetic appreciations and cognitive appraisals in general

The principle of complementarity as creative principle is also a basic feature in the Western tradition; as the German philosopher Cassirer has shown for the dialogs of Plato, both " eidos" and " eidolon", the idea and the image have to come together in the arts to create consistency or harmony. Surprisingly, this principle has →

Corrigendum: rag defects and thymic stroma: lessons from animal models

A corrigendum on Rag defects and thymic stroma: lessons from animal models by Marrella V, Poliani PL, Notarangelo LD, Grassi F, Villa A. 00259 Author list for the article " Rag defects and thymic stroma: lessons from animal models" should be as follows: Veronica Marrella 1, 2, Pietro Luigi Poliani 3, Luigi Daniele Notarangelo 4, →

Corrigendum: recent advances in lentiviral vaccines for hiv-1 infection

00243 In the original article, an error in the references in the section entitled " Addressing Safety Concerns with LV Vaccine Vectors" is present. This error does not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way.

Two patient cases illustrating the importance of addressing physical and mental trauma as a cause of pain in refugee women

When treating refugee women, pain and its consequences need to be thoroughly assessed and addressed in order to understand the complexity of the total mental and somatic medical burden the female patient is suffering from. The International Association in the Study of Pain, IASP, announced 2019 the year for " Pain in the most vulnerable," →

Editorial: metacognitive therapy: science and practice of a paradigm

Editorial on the Research Topic Metacognitive Therapy: Science and Practice of a Paradigm One of the greatest challenges facing mental health research is the development and testing of bone-fide causal theories of psychopathology that inform the development of more effective treatments. The paper concludes by exploring how the model has shaped the development and focus →

Commentary on henrik walter’s “the third wave of biological psychiatry”

I think there are at least two points that justify further critical examination points that Walter belabors extensively: the role of the mind and the role of the medical model of mental disorders in biological psychiatry. The third wave of biological psychiatry.

Thinking on transcranial direct current stimulation (tdcs) in reading interventions: recommendations for future research directions

In view of the neural modulation property of tDCS and the benefits of applying tDCS to modulating reading efficiency in healthy subjects, several studies have adopted tDCS in reading interventions among the individuals with developmental dyslexia and below-average readers. Furthermore, due to the distributed feature of traditional tDCS and the fact that no neural evidence →

Neuropathic pain: challenges and opportunities

The International Association for the Study of Pain defines neuropathic pain as " pain caused by a lesion or disease of the somatosensory nervous system" and can relate to the peripheral or central nervous system [ 3 ]. Measurement of the endogenous pain modulatory system and sensory testing, in which a variety of stimuli and →

borrelia miyamotoi serology in a clinical population with persistent symptoms and suspected tick-borne illness

The first human cases were reported in Russia in 2011, and in the Northeastern United States in 2013.B.miyamotoi is transmitted by the same hard-bodied ticks that are vectors of Borrelia burgdorferi.B.miyamotoi infection is clinically similar to Lyme disease with manifestations of fever, fatigue, headache, myalgia, chills, and nausea. In this report, we compare the prevalence →

Synthetic biology and biosecurity: challenging the “myths”

The key criteria for selection of documents and citations were that they should be produced or written by key institutions or influential individuals in the fields of synthetic biology and/or biosecurity, for example: Drew Endy, Rob Carlson, George Church as leaders in the field of synthetic biology; Jonathan Tucker, Tara O'Toole, and Laurie Garrett as →