Quality Health & Medicine Essay Examples for Your Learning

Case report: ambient sensor signals as digital biomarkers for early signs of heart failure decompensation

Sensor-based symptoms' assessment can be used in the hospital and in the homes of patients at risk for cardiovascular diseases to monitor physiological parameters and the current activities of daily living. The aim of the study was to evaluate the potential of modern sensor technology to get timely information about emergencies such as falls and β†’

Integrating concepts of physiological and behavioral resistance to parasites

For the sake of simplicity and drawing connections to the previous literature, I will limit the scope of " behavioral resistance" in this review to pre-contact behavioral resistance, and " physiological resistance" to post-contact physiological resistance. However, because behavioral resistance commonly acts before contact between the host and the parasite, the costs of resistance may β†’

Species diversity of the pleurostomatid ciliate genus amphileptus (ciliophora, haptoria), with notes on the taxonomy and molecular phylogeny of three species

Amphileptus is generally defined by the following combination of characters: a single anterior suture formed by the right somatic kineties; the presence of two rows of perioral kineties [three rows were detected in a single species, A.yuianus, by Lin et al; molecular data are needed to confirm its generic classification]; extrusomes not distributed along the β†’

Convence a family member life is better now than 50 years ago essay sample

The fact that our president is an African-American and his opponent in the primaries was a woman is symbolic of this evolvement. Although we have not found a cure for aids or cancer the modernization of medical knowledge has enable companies to make medicine that are lifesaving and medication to help relieve symptoms.

The drugs problem in modern society

I am particularly interested in knowing the answers to the following questions so that I can gain a clear understanding of the topic to be able to make informed and realistic claims about the subject. Another viable method I will use to get information about this problem is direct observation of the behavior of youths β†’

Collaborative care in nsclc; the role of early palliative care

As well we will briefly address the rationale for an increased awareness of recent advances in lung cancer care among the various specialties involved in the assessment of patients with lung cancer and the need to establish a cohesive network for ongoing communication and collaboration. Clearly, our ultimate goal is to improve the diagnosis and β†’

Commentary: perceived social support and health-related quality of life in aya cancer survivors and controls

A commentary on Perceived social support and health-related quality of life in AYA cancer survivors and controls by Tremolada, M, Bonichini, S, Basso, G, and Pillon, M. In this commentary we examine using qualitative narratives as a beneficial complementary method to investigate the reasons attributed by AYA survivors to their perceived lack of social support β†’

Less is more/more diverse: on the communicative utility of linguistic conventionalization

Naturally, the method of defining and analyzing the topology of words in a vector space determines which kinds of distributional behaviours we are able to observe. The overall increase of distances between words is a reflection of the increase in types over time in the Royal Society Corpus, on the one hand, and, as we β†’

Co-morbidities to vestibular impairmentsβ€”some concomitant disorders in young and older adults

To be included the patients had to be adult, conceding to be a part of the study, being able to understand and communicate, and fill out the required questionnaires. The patients answered two questionnaires, the Dizziness Handicap Inventory questionnaire and a custom-made questionnaire detailing the properties of pain, dizziness, and occurrence of trauma/accident, considered by β†’

Global trends, global funds and delivery bottlenecks of aids

Other factors that have contributed to the global spread of the disease is through the recent surge in tattoo and piercing parlors where equipment infected with the virus could contribute to the spread of HIV. Countries such as Brazil have been successful in HIV prevention with the aid of non-governmental organizations and strong programs that β†’

The neuroscience of tinnitus: understanding abnormal and normal auditory perception

One omission in the tinnitus literature is a discussion of the possible role of the basal forebrain cholinergic system in the triggering and maintaining network behavior in chronic tinnitus. E, and Bosnyak, D.J." Auditory training in tinnitus," in Textbook of Tinnitus, eds A.

Editorial: cognition across the psychiatric disorder spectrum: from mental health to clinical diagnosis

Three key sections will be explored: schizotypy as a construct, including theoretical and methodological considerations when assessing schizotypy; a comprehensive review of dopaminergic contributions to schizotypy; and, several empirical research studies exploring cognition and symptomatology across the schizophrenia and schizotypy spectrum. The categorical approach is based on a disease model of mental illness and considers β†’

Editorial: disorders of circadian rhythms

This E-Book comprises state-of the-art Reviews, Original Research and Perspective contributions that feature current advancements in the molecular mechanisms and the impact of gene-environment interactions of circadian rhythms in diverse pathologies. The effects of seasonal changes of the light-dark cycle and gene polymorphisms of the core clock machinery on the behavior of patients affected by β†’

Editorial: understanding the processes associated with forgiveness

Forgiveness in romantic relationships: the roles of attachment, empathy, and attributions.J. Forgiveness and health: the role of attachment.Pers.

Not all perfectionists are as they are assessed: an investigation of the psychometric properties of the perfectionism inventory in the teaching profession

The main advantage of using the PI over the utilization of the existing scales was that it reduced the redundancy resulted from the overlapping concepts of these scales, while providing a comprehensive assessment of perfectionism. Therefore, the perfectionistic tendencies described above " come with the job" in the case of teachers, and this could have β†’

Finding behavioral and network indicators of brain vulnerability

We review the pattern of appearance of these irregularities and show that they both appear in correlation with psychopathological symptoms and are predicative of psychopathology; thus they can serve as valuable behavioral indicators of a vulnerable state. Thus, irregularities in sensory, motor, and regulation processes can be viewed as co-arising with the loss of robustness β†’

Challenges of psychiatry drug development and the role of human pharmacology models in early developmentβ€”a drug developer’s perspective

The author of this article presents a perspective on the underlying causes of the low probability of success in clinical development of CIAS treatment, and how human pharmacology models used during phase 1 clinical development can support decision making and mitigate risk for later stage clinical development of CIAS treatment. The probability of success in β†’

Micrornas and natural compounds mediated regulation of tgf signaling in prostate cancer

During the early stages of development, the TGF- signaling plays a constructive role and facilitates differentiation and development of cells; however, with the passage of time, TGF- signaling plays a destructive role through promulgation of metastasis and invasiveness in various tissues. The differentiation of the PCa cells is affected by the defected AR signaling which β†’

Genetic diversity of astrovirus in children from a birth cohort in nepal

Many studies reported diarrhea caused by various viruses but less information is available about human astrovirus causing gastroenteritis in The stool samples used in this study were collected from June 2010 through February 2015 under the protocol titled " Etiology, Risk Factors, and Interactions of Enteric Infection and Malnutrition and the Consequences for Child Health β†’

Gravitactic orientation of euglena gracilis β€”a sensitive endpoint for ecotoxicological assessment of water pollutants

Due to factors like rapid increase in population, urbanization, industrialization and huge consumption of water in industry and agriculture, an immense stress on the quantity and quality of the available freshwater has been developed. In many countries the increasing usage of water in multiple sectors coupled with decreasing availability has adversely affected the quality of β†’

Smart article: a scientific crosstalk

For the very genuine reason, the ecology of information should be changed in the future and our suggestion to solve this crisis of abundance of scholarly publishing is " Smart Article". The main objective of this technology is to preserve the message of an article and offer a new way of comprehending the concept in β†’

Editorial: recent trends in computational fluid dynamics

Editorial on the Research Topic Recent Trends in Computational Fluid Dynamics Editorial on the Research Topic Recent Trends in Computational Fluid Dynamics Computational fluid dynamics [ 1 ] can be described as the set of techniques that assist the computer to provide the numerical simulation of the fluid flows. The results show that the Dufour β†’

Health vs wealth

WHICH IS MORE IMPORTANT A Introduction: The present civilization is very conspicuously marked by the two words ' health' and wealth'. In comparison to health and wealth it is very difficult to decide which one is more important.

Nexus between crop residue burning, bioeconomy and sustainable development goals over north-western india

The drivers to crop residue burning are an increase in the amount of crop residues due to increase in crop yield, labour scarcity, the short time interval between the harvesting of monsoon crop and sowing of winter crop, absence of appropriate crop residue management technology, nutritionally poor rice crop residues, economic resource constraints, social influence β†’

Specialty grand challenge in veterinary surgery and anesthesiology

In this editorial, I will make the case for the importance of these issues in veterinary surgery and anesthesiology and for the role of this specialty journal section in solving these problems. The purpose of the Veterinary Surgery and Anesthesiology section of Frontiers in Veterinary Science is to provide an efficient forum for dissemination and β†’

Depressive-like behaviors induced by chronic social defeat stress are associated with hdac7 reduction in the nucleus accumbens

Moreover, treatment of mice with the inhibitor of class I and II HDAC reverses the effects of chronic social defeat stress on gene expression in the NAc, with a striking similarity to the function of the standard antidepressant, fluoxetine. The time stayed in open arms and the number of entries into the open arms was β†’

Forensic pathology case study: can you stomach this

The first and the most important response of the body in times of extreme fear is the activation of the sympathetic nervous system. The activation of the sympathetic nervous system results in a greater amount of blood to flow to the muscles of the body and an increase in the metabolic processes of the body.

Effects of mountain formation and uplift on biological diversity

They provide opportunities for adaptive evolution through an increase of spatial heterogeneity of the landscape, including elevation, and the generation of a wide variety of ecologically diverse biotopes, and affect the migration of organisms and the distribution of species since mountain ranges can act as both biological corridors and ecological barriers. The reviews of Wen β†’

Eufemed london conference 2017: exploratory medicines development: innovation and risk management

The EUFEMED president, Jan de Hoon welcomed attendees and explained how the focus of the workshop topic was a consequence of the Bial incident in France. Emphasis should be placed on estimation of the exposure at the initial dose and following dose escalations to a predefined maximum exposure.

Editorial: immune complexes in disease pathology

Krishna and Nadler summarize the consequence of ICs formed by biologics and their role in antigenicity to biotherapeutics. Fc RIIIa signaling in na ve CD4 + T-cells leads to the development of proinflammatory effector T-cells.

Status and challenges of public health emergency management in china related to covid-19

The current status and progress of China's public health emergency were analyzed and summarized by searching the cases of severe and major public health emergencies and related health emergency management literature over the last decade. The government issued the " Regulations on Public Health Emergencies," the " National Emergency Plan for Public Health Emergencies," the β†’

The impact of innovation activities, foreign direct investment on improved green productivity: evidence from developing countries

Under the requirements of green development, it is necessary to have a new evaluation and understanding of the role of FDI from the perspective of innovation activities, and it is necessary to explore whether the impact of FDI on green productivity is heterogeneous under the influence of innovation activities. Most of the literature focuses on β†’

Editorial: novel concepts in cardiac energy metabolism: from biology to disease

In the healthy adult heart, the majority of ATP is generated through the oxidation of fatty acids, and a tight balance between the utilization of fatty acids and other energy substrates is maintained. Metabolic remodeling and the decline of cardiac ATP production precede structural remodeling of the stressed heart and result from progressive maladaptation in β†’

Editorial: heart rate variability, health and well-being: a systems perspective

In the first of his two articles, Ernst returns us to the origins of modern scientific appreciation of HRV with citations from classic work of the 1980's and 1990's and even back to the 1970's, In the second of the two joined-at-the-hip articles, we go even farther back in time, to antiquity and traditional eastern β†’

Targeting the active rhizosphere microbiome of trifolium pratense in grassland evidences a stronger-than-expected belowground biodiversity-ecosystem functioning link

To get insights into the relationship between biodiversity ecosystem functioning, we linked the measured EEA with two indices of microbial biodiversity: total microbial richness and active microbial richness and with the compositions of active and total communities. Our specific goals were to estimate the proportion of active microbes relative to the total rhizosphere microbiome, study β†’

Does sex really sell

After seeing the image of the woman in the print ad, the reader's attention is grabbed and will then ponder on the message on the advertisement which is in small text. Aside from the attention, I believe that the men will also feel physical response on the ad that will stimulate the imagination as well β†’

The original and history of the word clinic health essay

In Malaysia's government clinic, I would like to conduct research on proper design and the effects of healthcare environment design on medical outcomes. He holds the position as director of the Centre for Health Systems and Design; which is a multidisciplinary centre housed jointly in the colleges of Architecture and medicine.

Regenerative dentistry

In medicine however, almost all treatments are based on an understanding of the biology of the tissue or disease processes and the latest developments in gene editing, genomics, single cell analysis, and stem cells are rapidly driving medicine toward a new era. The ability of cultured adult " stem" cells to contribute to cell differentiation β†’

Editorial: phylogenomic approaches to deal with particularly challenging plant lineages

They found evidence for a genome duplication in the Cercidoideae subfamily and a set of independent genome duplications in the other legume subfamilies. Yet, using a target capture dataset comprising plastome and more than nine hundred nuclear loci, from a representative sampling of the rampant variation in ploidy in this genus, Carter et al.managed to β†’

Biophysically based computational models of astrocyte ~ neuron coupling and their functional significance

Their results provide quantitative characteristics of astrocyte-to-neuron GABAergic signaling and suggest that all principal neurons in the hippocampal network are under a dual, excitatory and inhibitory, influence of astrocytes. Computational quest for understanding the role of astrocyte signaling in synaptic transmission and plasticity.

New treatment perspectives in autism spectrum disorders

In the past 10 years, research on autism spectrum disorders has made a considerable progress, leading to the identification of a number of genes and signaling pathways associated to ASD pathogenesis. The role of melatonin in the establishment of circadian rhythms and the synchronization of peripheral oscillators is probably linked to the synchrony of motor, β†’

Diagnosis of covid-19 pneumonia based on graph convolutional network

Limited by the insufficient training samples and the great number of parameters in deep learning structures, the ACC of the above methods based on 3D-CT images is not satisfied. As the equipment information is usually acquired and is an essential feature to images, we propose to utilize the task of predicting equipment type to initialize β†’

Vascular notch signaling in stress hematopoiesis

The aim of this mini-review is to make sense of the conflicting observations by comparing the different in vivo and in vitro models used to study the Notch signaling pathway. Biochemical experiments using recombinant Notch ligands and receptors have demonstrated the ability of binding of each of the Notch ligands to each of the Notch β†’

Diagnosis of patellofemoral pain syndrome based on a multi-input convolutional neural network with data augmentation

However, the selection of a suitable neural network model is a problem worth considering, and the result of the network model is often related to the method of data processing. Before data input into the neural network, data preprocessing is an important link because it can accelerate the convergence speed of the neural network and β†’

Animal model studies on viral infections

Articles in this Research Topic were written by experts in various research fields, and can be fairly grouped into a few categories: descriptions/evaluations/new challenges of animal model studies for investigating the biology of viruses; experimental materials/methods for upcoming animal model studies; observations important for animal model studies. Challenging new attempts to establish human immunodeficiency virus β†’

Racing on the wrong track

One of the reasons is clearly the role of host defense peptides in cutaneous biology and wound healing. A, and Gallo, R.L." Amplifying healing: the role of antimicrobial peptides in wound repair," in Advances in Wound Care, Vol.

New reflections on gravitational duality

We start from the partition function Z = D A D G e i L P d D x = D A D G e i [ g G a G a + G a F a ] d D x, where F a = A a - A a + g f b c β†’

Module 4 – case training and appraisals

The process gives an effective account of one's performance, highlighting the development areas without much biasness and since the feedback is coming from multiple sources there is a lesser probability that the subject would disagree with the results. The art and science of 360 degree feedback.

Manpower shortage in healthcare sector

The staffing ratio is one of the recommended strategies for staffing in nursing and involves the establishment of the minimum nurse to patient ratio that a facility should ensure at all times. Staffing ratio, however, has the limitation of variability in the work environment that undermines compliance at all times and employee turnover, changes in β†’

Early intervention to improve hand function in hemiplegic cerebral palsy

The particular focus of this article is on the factors influencing hand structure and function in hemiplegic cerebral palsy, and the options for early intervention. The international classification of functioning, disability and health provides a framework, which describes the inter-relationship between body structure and function, activities and participation, as well as the influence of environmental β†’

Genetic ablation of g protein-gated inwardly rectifying k channels prevents training-induced sinus bradycardia

SAN pacemaking is generated by diastolic depolarization, a slow depolarizing phase of the action potential driving the membrane voltage from the end of the repolarization phase of the preceding action potential to the threshold of the following action potential. This delay was considered as a good compromise between the absence of the artifact due to β†’

The cognitive thalamus

Jankowski et al.review contributions of the anterior thalamus, and its interactions with the hippocampus and cortex, to memory processing and spatial navigation in rodents. The role of the anterior, mediodorsal, and parafascicular thalamus in instrumental conditioning.

Exploring embodiment through choreographic practice

It is argued that choreographic practices and performances are the methods and embodiment of the choreographer and that dancers as inseparable methods and material. As a female dancer I have to be perfect, feminine and more submissive to male dancers who tend to lead and control.' This is a useful illustration of norms and expectations β†’

Editorial: toward and beyond human-level ai

Editorial on the Research Topic Toward and Beyond Human-Level AI Currently the agenda of human level Artificial Intelligence [also: " strong AI," " Artificial General Intelligence," etc.] is one of the most important problems of interest for the scientific community and the general public. The authors used two learning algorithms to fully automate the passage β†’

ο»Ώhealth care museum essay sample

We will take a tour of the exhibits on five of the most significant developments in the evolution of healthcare in the United States. In 1993, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, The Children's Health Insurance was started in 2000 2006 2009 In 2006, the state Massachusetts mandated all residents have health insurance by the β†’

Perspective from the 5th international pemphigus and pemphigoid foundation scientific conference

Following successful meetings in Bethesda, Maryland, USA in 2001, 2005, and 2010, and L beck, Germany in 2017, the 5th International Pemphigus and Pemphigoid Foundation Scientific Conference was the first meeting to focus on clinical trials in pemphigus and pemphigoid and their methodologies. Neil Korman discussed the results of a pilot phase 2a study β†’

Multi-modality imaging for interventions in tricuspid valve disease

The function of the TV depends on the integrity of its apparatus and surrounding structures, the RV and the right atrium. In the parasternal short-axis view, the posterior and anterior leaflet of the TV can be imaged.shows the mid-esophageal four-chamber view where the anterior and septal leaflet of the TV can be observed.displays the transgastric β†’

Nutrition as metabolic treatment for anxiety

As a comprehensive description of the mechanisms by which the microbiome and gut-brain axis influence the neuroanatomy and neurochemistry of anxiety is beyond the scope of this piece, we will emphasize the role of the amygdala, short chain fatty acids, and gut peptides as examples [Please see the following references as starting points for further β†’

Parental factors associated with child post-traumatic stress following injury: a consideration of intervention targets

Although a number of pre-, peri-, and post-trauma factors have been associated with increased risk for the development of PTSS in child trauma survivors, together these risk factors account for a relatively small percentage of the variance in subsequent PTSS symptoms. Parents or guardians of children exposed to traumatic injury are equally likely as the β†’

Editorial: charged particles in oncology

Physics, biology, and medical contributions in this field will be found in the volume, owing to the fact that the field of charged particles in oncology is highly interdisciplinary. Finally, a few articles are dedicated to the analysis of facilities for ground-based space research and preclinical radiobiology, mini-beams in therapy, and networks and educational activities β†’

On the mechanism of human red blood cell longevity: roles of calcium, the sodium pump, piezo1, and gardos channels

In general, the basic requirement for optimal RBC rheology is maintenance of the cell volume substantially below the maximal spherical volume that can be accommodated by the membrane area of each cell. Of the many documented changes observed in aging RBCs, those most threatening to volume stability are the gradual reduction in the activity of β†’

How could the ethical management of health data in the medical field inform police use of dna?

Various events paved the way for the production of ethical norms regulating biomedical practices, from the Nuremberg Code produced by the international trial of Nazi regime leaders and collaborators and the Declaration of Helsinki by the World Medical Association to the invention of the term " bioethics" by American biologist. The ethics of biomedicine β†’

Farm animal genetic and genomic resources from an agroecological perspective

At the population scale, one possibility is to increase the number of breeds in use, or to produce new composite populations, as done for the Creole cattle in the French West Indies. The first one is the monitoring of genetic diversity at any scale, and more particularly at the herd level: genotyping animals within a β†’

Neurobehavioural science

ScienceDaily, 29 Jun.2011.http://www.sciencedaily.com/relea ses/2011/06/110623130336.htm This article provides an overview of the study by UT Southwestern Medical Center in which the researchers tried to ascertain the link between hunger hormone ghlerin and increased intake of high calorie and high fat foods in times of stress. This article helps to explain the cause of increased eating and β†’

Editorial: on tissue engineering and regenerative medicine of skin and its appendages

Editorial on the Research Topic On Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine of Skin and Its Appendages This Frontiers research topic, on tissue engineering and regenerative medicine of skin and its appendages, covers mainly cellular, molecular, and engineering aspects of the pathology, repair, and/or regeneration of skin after wound induction. As it is impossible, in this β†’

Interactions between 2d materials and living matter: a review on graphene and hexagonal boron nitride coatings

This expression usually describes several mechanisms that arise from the contact of the cellular membrane with the edge of a graphene flake: physical insertion of the sharp edges in the membrane and subsequent extraction of phospholipids; protein protein bonding disruption, due to the lipophilic nature of graphene sheets that favorably enter the hydrophobic interface between β†’

Predicting antibiotic resistance, not just for quinolones

There are four types of resistance mechanisms: modification of the antibiotic, modification of the target site, efflux of the drug, and reduced permeability of the cell. Linezolid is the only drug in its class approved for use, and it was highly surprising when resistance in the form of the cfr gene appeared.

Commentary: the code for facial identity in the primate brain

Variations in the firing rate of face-selective neurons to images of different individual faces has long been reported in the monkey infero-temporal cortex, with population coding proposed as a mechanism for the recognition of individual faces. The role of the " face-cell" area in the discrimination and recognition of faces by monkeys.

Hiv and sars-coronavirus-2 epidemics: possible interactions and need for studies, especially in africa

In particular, the following have been discussed: SARS-CoV-2 coinfection as a further burden to people living with HIV, that may suffer from substance abuse, chronic non-communicable diseases, mental health issues, and other infections; the effects of the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic on HIV care and the stress related to the pandemic and to social distancing in HIV-infected β†’

Editorial: what works for forensic psychiatric patients: from treatment evaluations to short and long-term outcomes

Mainly due to the high risk of bias the reliability of the evidence for all outcomes was assessed as very low, and highlights the shortage of knowledge on the effectiveness of pharmacological treatment within forensic psychiatry. The authors present an overview of the current neurobiological, as well as physiological and psychophysiological approaches to characterize pedophilia β†’

Mechanisms of therapeutic resistance in cancer (stem) cells with emphasis on thyroid cancer cells

In thyroid cancer, as in other tumors, such defense strategies include the reactivation in cancer cells of early developmental programs normally active exclusively in stem cells, the stimulation of cancer stem-like cells resident within the tumor tissue, and the recruitment of bone marrow-derived progenitors into the tumor. The purpose of the present review is to β†’

Editorial: molecular mechanisms in stress and trauma related disorders

Gold and Kadriu provide a perspective on the physiologic and molecular mechanisms underlying the involvement of the lateral habenula a brain region with antireward properties and bidirectional connections to the stress system in the development of anhedonia and other depressive phenotypes. In conclusion, this Research Topic has aimed at providing up-to-date evidence on the molecular β†’

Plasma tnfsf13b and tnfsf14 function as inflammatory indicators of severe adenovirus pneumonia in pediatric patients

The increased protein levels of plasma TNFSF13B and TNFSF14 in severe compared with non-severe cases indicated their potential as systemic inflammatory indicators of severe pediatric HAdV pneumonia. The above data indicated that plasma TNFSF13B and TNFSF14 may be potential inflammatory markers in predicting the severe cases of pediatric HAdV pneumonia.

Vicarious liability module 3 ( slp)

The drugs were analyzed in the lab and the results revealed that they contained a maximum of 65% of the constituents they were supposed to contain. Vicarious liability or liability for the acts of others in tort: A comparative perspective.

The appeal of the pdc program

And Brevity helps to account for the fact that, where the subordinator that is optional at the start of a relative clause, its occurrence is negatively correlated with the likelihood of having a relative clause in that position; see Wasow et al. In particular, explaining the abundance of languages with noun classes is a challenge β†’

Trophic factors as modulators of motor neuron physiology and survival: implications for als therapy

The absence of other factors such as cardiotrophin-1 has also been reported to produce a significant loss of motor neurons, and the loss of IGF-1 causes significant reduction in the number of trigeminal and facial motor neurons. Finally, while the lack of VEGF is lethal, a deletion of the hypoxia response element in the promoter β†’

Response: commentary: morphologically distinct escherichia coli bacteriophages differ in their efficacy and ability to stimulate cytokine release in vitro

A commentary on Commentary: Morphologically Distinct Escherichia coli Bacteriophages Differ in Their Efficacy and Ability to Stimulate Cytokine Release In Vitro by Dufour, N, Henry, M, Ricard, J.-D, and Debarbieux, L. Despite the suggestion to the contrary provided by the Dufour et al.commentary, the reduction and quantification of endotoxin in phage preparations remains an active β†’

Editorial: understanding and modulating bone and cartilage cell fate for regenerative medicine

Editorial on the Research Topic Understanding and Modulating Bone and Cartilage Cell Fate for Regenerative Medicine With this research topic we provide an overview of the main tools regenerative medicine and stem cells research have to better understand and modulate bone and cartilage cell fate, both during natural healing processes and during the development of β†’

Assessing ceo 2 nanoparticle concentrations in the seine river and its tributaries near paris

Specifically, the study applies the spICPMS technique to the detection and quantification of CeO 2 NPs and TiO 2 NPs in the Seine River, France, one of the major rivers of Europe that is impacted by both agricultural and industrial activities. The specific aim was here to assess the link between Ti and Ce concentrations β†’

Family functioning and weight loss in a sample of african americans and whites

Weight-ing: The Experience of Waiting on Weight Loss The research as contained in the report ' Weight-ing: The Experience of Waiting on Weight Loss' was designed to explore the meaning of waiting on weight loss using Van Manen's guide to phenomenological reflection and writing. The data source employed was random as the report was grounded β†’

Training-induced cognitive and neural plasticity

The aim of this research topic is to provide a broad scope of state-of-the art research in order to advance the understanding of the scope and the mechanisms involved in cognitive and neural plasticity, that is, the potential modifiability of a person's cognitive abilities and brain activity. Aging, training, and the brain: a review and β†’

Correlation and cause when inferring attentional guidance in the rainforest and beyond

Frey et al.also take a different and ingenious approach by examining the impact of the observer in this case their ability to perceive color in the normal way. Converging evidence from correlational and experimental studies, from typical and atypical individuals, and from simple and more ecologically complex stimuli can therefore provide a more complete explanation β†’

Grand challenges in animal conservation

The Animal Conservation core area of Frontiers in Conservation Science, therefore, has a broad and critical remit. P, and Cooke, S.J.

Nervous tissue

In brief, nervous tissue is the be-all and end-all of the functioning of the body and mind. The smallest and the routine, and the biggest and the challenging functions are all in the domain of the nervous tissue.

Editorial: the atmosphere over mountainous regions

The Editorial on the Research Topic The Atmosphere over Mountainous Regions Mountainous regions occupy a significant fraction of the Earth's continents and are characterized by specific meteorological phenomena operating on a wide range of scales. Rotach et al.review the role of meso-scale and sub-meso-scale circulations, such as slope and valley winds, in the structure of β†’

Editorial: exercise in pediatric medicine

Editorial on the Research Topic Exercise in Pediatric Medicine Physical activity and exercise have a high potential in the treatment and prevention of many chronic medical conditions. They observed increased physiological and cognitive functions in the children included in the study Another report by Gitimoghaddam et al.described the effects of a pilot study investigating gymnastic-based β†’

Educator beliefs around supporting early self-regulation: development and evaluation of the self-regulation knowledge, attitudes and self-efficacy scale

In terms of enacting self-regulatory change in the early years, the ubiquity of Early Childhood Education and Care and critical role of educator practice for shaping children's outcomes have seen a proliferation of ECEC-based self-regulation interventions. Predictive validity analyses were also undertaken to investigate whether and to what extent educator scores on this scale predicted β†’

We are not alone in trying to be alone

J, and Shields, J.D. L, and Traniello, J.F.A.

Maximizing the impact of control at all levels

In all these areas, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Control Systems Society and the International Federation of Automatic Control have made extensive analysis of what the main research challenges are, and for sure, it appears that control systems will be the cornerstone of the society of the future, given their capability to provide β†’