Quality Health & Medicine Essay Examples for Your Learning

Time to ban lead in industrial paints and coatings

Since then, a few countries including the Philippines and Nepal have enacted regulations to eliminate the use of lead additives in both consumer and " industrial" paints, but most countries have no restrictions on the manufacture or use of lead in any type of paint. Workers are exposed to hazardous levels of lead in the →

Intuition and insight: two processes that build on each other or fundamentally differ?

Both, similarities and differences will be addressed against the background of the research history of intuition and insight as well as in light of predominant, experimental paradigms that have been used to investigate the two phenomena. However, this is in sharp contrast to a lay perspective on the two phenomena, which would rather endorse the →

Fish oil

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamic of fish oil The digestion of fish oil occurs in the small intestines through the process of hydrolysis by the pancreatic lipase and bile salts to produce two fatty acids and a monoglyceride that are absorbed in the intestines and reassembled to triglycerides. This is because the high levels of omega 3 →

Editorial: emergent effects of noise in biology: from gene expression to cell motility

Modeling both intrinsic and extrinsic random fluctuations is a unifying factor that links the articles of this Research Topic, which focus on three issues: mathematical methods for studying the stochastic aspects of the gene expression; emerging role of noise in developmental and cellular processes, and information transmission, both in signaling pathways, as well as in →

Novel hybrid chc from β-carboline and -hydroxyacrylamide overcomes drug-resistant hepatocellular carcinoma by promoting apoptosis, dna damage, and cell cycle arrest

The invasion and metastasis of tumors leads to 90% of the failures in chemotherapy. Bel7402/5-FU were placed in 6-well plates for the density of 2 3 100, 000 cells/well and allowed to adhere for 48 h, then cells were incubated with CHC, SAHA or medium in triplicate for another 72 h.

Assessing overall exercise recovery processes using carbohydrate and carbohydrate-protein containing recovery beverages

Such guidelines target individual aspects of exercise recovery, offering prescriptive values for the intakes of carbohydrate, protein, and water to support muscle and liver glycogen replenishment, skeletal muscle protein synthesis, and rehydration, respectively. With this in mind, the current study aimed to investigate the impact of a carbohydrate- and protein-containing flavored dairy beverage and a →

Health education in diverse environments

Health Education in Diverse Environments Implementation of community health education requires mobilization of members of a particular community. Implementation of health education at health departments also entails writing of proposals and grants that seek funding for respective health programs.

The effects of vegetarian and vegan diets on gut microbiota

For decades, many investigations have elucidated the impact of the human gut microbiota on the physiology of the host, with new and unexpectedly broad implications for health and disease. The diversity of the microbiota appears to have an important association with BMI, obesity, and arterial compliance; and a majority of the research suggests that a →

Drug resistance in glioblastoma: the two faces of oxidative stress

Tomasetti et al.have shown that neural stem cells in the subventricular zone of the human brain might contribute to GBM formation and development, and Lee et al.have demonstrated that the somatic driver mutations in these NSCs have the ability to stimulate the development of the tumor. Two different hypotheses described the effects of ROS in →

The fallacy of univariate solutions to complex systems problems

This essay highlights the need to recognize the fallacy of the univariate conceptual framework with respect to complex systems and to embrace complexity so as to align the problem to be solved with the approach taken. However, the central tendency of a treated group does not necessarily inform the clinician whether the patient currently in →

Editorial: autophagy and related transcription factors in liver and gut diseases

Editorial on the Research Topic Autophagy and Related Transcription Factors in Liver and Gut Diseases The cell biologist Yoshinori Ohsumi received the 2016 Nobel Prize in Medicine for his early identification and characterization of the autophagy machinery, in particular, AuTophaGy-related genes, in yeast. The focus of this Research Topic is to highlight the involvement of →

Testing anti-bacterial agents

The effects of four types of antibacterial in McCoy cell are different. On the other hand, Ofloxacin antibacterial agent may act contrary to some enzymes that are important for the survival of non-replicating intracellular chlamydia.

Melafind technology cutting backon melanoma biopsies

MelaFind Technology The MelaFind technology is a medical device, the first of it kind, which non-invasively investigates and analyzes skin to give more information to dermatologists about melanoma-like atypical moles. However, because the melanoma is not always visible to the dermatologist, MelaFind is used together with the visual exam to give more information concerning the →

Nitric oxide therapy

Thisfailureresults in the continuous functioning of the ductus arteriosus which impairs the flow of blood from the heart to the lungs and limits the amount of oxygen that can be picked up by the blood to be delivered to the different parts of the body. Inhaled nitric oxide in persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn.

Progress in heart surgery: let the magic continue

Since we are not alone in the decision making process, it is indeed our responsibility to assist our partners to the best of our abilities, in order to safeguard all of the thrilling aspects that make our profession attractive and promising, or to be more explicitly, having access to the best technologies for our patients, →

The grand challenges in carbon capture, utilization, and storage

The problem, however, is that the regeneration of the amine solution and the subsequent compression of CO 2 for transport and geological storage is very energy intensive. Thermodynamics tells us that the lower the concentration of CO 2, the more expensive it is to capture a ton of CO 2.

Providing outstanding undergraduate research experiences and sustainable faculty development in load

The psychology department prepares majors to produce publication-quality research by providing three types of research opportunities: The apprenticeship-based Senior Thesis required of all majors; The research-team core course in which classmates work as a research team during the laboratory component to carry out a single large-scale experiment designed for publication; and Independent studies which provide →

Neurobehavioral correlates of surprisal in language comprehension: a neurocomputational model

The resultant model produces, on a word-by-word basis, estimates of the N400, reflecting the contextualized retrieval of word meaning, estimates of the P600, reflecting the integration of retrieved word meaning into the unfolding utterance interpretation, as well as estimates of " comprehension-centric" Surprisal, reflecting the likelihood of a change in interpretation. Further, the event-related and →

Famous microbiologist joshua lederberg

During his years in the world, he made major contribution in the field of microbiology. He was made the executive head and professor of the genetics department in 1959.

Sensory over-responsivity as an added dimension in adhd

In parallel to the work described above, but in a separate body of research, investigators began to focus on the presence of atypical sensory responsivity in children with ADHD. In addition, we have documented that the presence of SOR moderates the stress response to sensory challenge for both typical children and children with ADHD.

Function analysis of p450 and gst genes to imidacloprid in aphis craccivora (koch)

In this study, the P450 and GST genes were identified via transcriptome analysis, and the changes in the expression levels of these genes were detected in the A.craccivora SUS strain under imidacloprid treatment. The expression levels of the P450 and GST genes were also detected in the field populations of A.craccivora.

Development and application of a water temperature related physiologically based pharmacokinetic model for enrofloxacin and its metabolite ciprofloxacin in rainbow trout

The objectives of the current study were to establish and validate a water temperature related PBPK model containing both ENR and CIP in rainbow trout; to forecast the tissue residues and the withdrawal periods for ENR at different water temperatures based on this model. For the IB route, the initial concentration of ENR in the →

Find a scholarly study on human life development and write a report

While no studies identify determinants of variation in the rates of bankruptcy filings, two studies approximate models to make predictions on the filling rates for chapter 7 and 13 for the United States population in general. In this case, the size of the farms and the amount of work were used in this conclusion.

Facts about homelessness

One of the critical challenges is trying to merge the author's point of view with a personal understanding of the text. To overcome the above challenges, it is important that one reads and understands the text before paraphrasing and citing the text.

Canine traditional laboratory tests and cardiac biomarkers

Results of laboratory tests have to be analyzed considering clinical evolution, clinical signs, and other specific diagnostic evaluations, in order to use a multimodal approach in the evaluation of the pathology and also of the possible complications of any patient." Traditional" parameters of heart damage are those routinely used for general purposes and are therefore →

Blockchain technology for sustainable waste management

In section 2, we provide the necessary background on blockchain and waste management, including how blockchain is currently employed within the waste management sector and some of the practical limitations and feasibility issues. While the data may be a valuable resource in understanding and improving waste chains, blockchain is not required for such data to →

Assignment 26 safeguarding

15 ASSIGNMENT 26 UNDERSTAND HOW TO SAFEGUARD THE WELLBEING OF CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE TASK A BREIFING NOTES FOR NEW WORKERS HOW TO SAFEGUARD THE WELL-BEING OF CHILDREN Every child or young person has the undeniable right to grow and develop in a safeenvironmentthat safeguards them from abuse and maltreatment, to enable them to have →

Unsafe water

The problem is so persistent and is a public health issue allover the world hence the UN millennium development goal for water and sanitation which is " to halve by 2015, the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe water and basic sanitation". It is therefore important to look into the scope of the →

Afferent neuronal control of type-i gonadotropin releasing hormone neurons in the human

While the location of GnRH neurons in the most extensively studied laboratory rats and mice is confined to the septal-preoptic region, other species including the sheep, the guinea pig, the ferret, the bat, or the monkey also have a distinct GnRH cell populations more caudally in the mediobasal hypothalamus/arcuate nucleus. In addition to a relatively →

A lacanian approach to medical demand, with a focus on pediatric genetics: a plea for subjectivization

These types of relationship with the Other refer to the type of object a to which the subject is reduced by the desire of the Other this is the formula of the fundamental fantasy, which formalizes the role and the organ to which the subject identified at the step of separation from the Other. In →

Sociological approach to understanding human life

The aim of this essay is to outline the sociological approach to understanding human life, to explore the different sociological perspectives, to question the reliability of the different forms of research and to emphasise the key elements that make sociology different to other ways of exploring the human life. Another sociological approach to sociology is →

Editorial: ros regulation during plant abiotic stress responses

In this Research Topic, we collected 25 manuscripts related to ROS and redox regulation in plant responses to abiotic stress, including reviews of the role of ROS in plant abiotic stress responses and articles related to gene function analysis, genome-wide gene expression and transcriptomic analysis, and interaction analysis between ROS and phytohormones. Dinakar et al.demonstrated →

Corrigendum: transparency isn’t spoon-feeding: how a transformative approach to the use of explicit assessment criteria can support student self-regulation

In this article, we present a conceptual analysis of the value of explicit assessment criteria; we highlight the potential risk of spoon-feeding in promoting " criteria compliance", and then we present approaches demonstrating that a careful use of transparency through explicit assessment criteria is crucial to promoting equality of opportunity and students' self-regulation. The role →

The role of common ground on object use in shaping the function of infants’ social gaze

It is through the pioneering work of Elisabeth Bates on gesture communication that early communication development shifted from studying the form of acts infants use to communicate to the function of such communicative acts. Infants produce such behaviors in the presence of another person, usually a parent, and a key feature of the response of →

salmonella host–pathogen interactions: a special topic

Salmonella, the host and disease: a brief review. 00129 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Hallstrom, K, and McCormick, B.A.

Further discuss the plan identified in the case assignment

Medical interventions are central to this pursuit, complementing the roles played by all other participants in addressing the problem of medical errors, and specifically HAIs. The role of HCPs HCPs are crucial participants in the pursuit to address medical errors.

The veteran integrated services

This is why Cambrai and Stankiewicz the head of NEHS clinical engineering group decided to give a new approach to the ACE-IT overlap. It also led to the creation of a unified team that works efficiently with other programs in the VA.

Bilingual word recognition in a sentence context

Next, we discuss the most influential theoretical accounts on the lexical organization of the bilingual language system and we present the theoretical implications of the research presented in this review for theories of bilingual word recognition, in particular the Bilingual Interactive Activation+ model. It seems that participants responded as soon as one reading of the →

A new biomarker to examine the role of hippocampal function in the development of spatial reorientation in children: a review

Furthermore, we will discuss the benefits of using EBC as a non-invasive tool to indirectly examine the development of hippocampal function, and focus on the potential use of this measure as a proxy for hippocampal involvement in the development of spatial reorientation abilities in typical and atypical populations. This dissociation between the use of geometric →

Commentary: the human default consciousness and its disruption: insights from an eeg study of buddhist jhāna meditation

In a recent issue of Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, Dennison analyzed the occurrence of different electrophysiological graphoelements during a type of Buddhist meditation in a large group of experienced practitioners. Very slow EEG fluctuations predict the dynamics of stimulus detection and oscillation amplitudes in humans.J.

Diabetes its types, consequences, psychological issues

Type 2 diabetes is characterized by insulin resistance and atleast initially a relative lack of insulin secretion. The responsibility of the educator is i) to identify their needs and ii) to develop a plan to teach them how to manage their diabetes on daily basis.

Is resistance training to muscular failure necessary?

Apparently, for individuals untrained in strength, RT to failure is unnecessary for maximizing increases in muscle strength and muscle mass. On the other hand, repetitions to failure seem essential for increases in muscle strength and mass of similar magnitude to HI-RT when performing LI-RT.

Editorial: sirt family in endocrinology

Moreover, Xu et al.summarized how SIRT1 in the brain controls systemic metabolic homeostasis and then discussed the role of SIRT1 in regulating mitochondrial functions and promoting neuroprotection in the context of cerebral ischemia and neurodegenerative disorders. In addition, Yamamoto and Takahashi demonstrated the role of SIRT1 in the hypothalamic pituitary axis and its pathophysiological significance, →

Editorial: nanotechnology in cardiovascular regenerative medicine

Deng et al.provided a comprehensive review of different types of nanomaterial-drug delivery systems and their applications in cardiovascular imaging and the treatment of various cardiovascular diseases. Liao et al.summarized the composition, advantages, and disadvantages of different injectable hydrogels in the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

Retraction: genome-wide identification and expression analysis of wrky gene family in capsicum annuum l.

A retraction of the Original Research Article Genome-Wide Identification and Expression Analysis of WRKY Gene Family in Capsicum annuum L.by Diao, W.-P, Snyder, J. This retraction was approved by the Field Chief Editor and the Specialty Chief Editor of Frontiers in Plant Science.

Coronavirus and obesity: could insulin resistance mediate the severity of covid-19 infection?

Conversely, several of the features of the so-called metabolic syndrome seem to be associated with a worse prognosis in patients with COVID-19. Also the observations that elevated plasma glucose levels and diabetes are independent risk factors for mortality and morbidity in patients with SARS and COVID-19 are beyond doubt, but consideration needs to made that →

Healthcare policy

The current legislation in the healthcare sector in the United States has affected the practice of healthcare practitioners. However, the law will lead to the detriment to the quality of healthcare offered to Americans since little resources will cater to a huge number of patients.

The grand challenge for frontiers in emotion science

The second component refers to the effects in the mind, brain, and body of the person to whom we attribute an emotion or who attributes an emotion to himself. The concept of emotion is ill defined and there is the feeling both inside and outside the community that the first issue on the agenda should →

Corrigendum: the australian bogong moth agrotis infusa : a long-distance nocturnal navigator

Use of this map requires the permission of the South Australian Museum and a disclaimer concerning the map itself. The correct legend is as follows: FIGURE 4 The traditional Aboriginal tribal boundaries of southeastern Australia, and a nineteenth century portrait of an Aboriginal man from the Monaro district of the Snowy Mountains wearing the apron-like →

Impact of methamphetamine on infection and immunity

The sharing of drug paraphernalia combined with METH's perceived enhancement of sexual pleasure and the association of its use with unsafe sexual practices greatly increases the likelihood of the acquisition of human immunodeficiency virus and other infectious diseases. The use of animal models has been widely used to evaluate the effect of METH in the →

Editorial: advances in research on age in the workplace and retirement

The Editorial on the Research Topic Advances in Research on Age in the Workplace and Retirement The global workforce is aging at an unprecedented rate, resulting in changes to the structure and processes of organizations that have redefined how we understand working and retirement. The study of age and work, as well as the study →

Moving beyond sisyphus in agriculture r&d to be climate smart and not gender blind

And the 2012 World Development Report on Gender Equality and Development pointed to the importance of women's empowerment for the efficiency and welfare outcomes of project or policy interventions. The gender inequalities of poverty and the means of escaping poverty show the scale of the tasks ahead to achieve gender responsive sustainable development.

Protein degradation during reconsolidation as a mechanism for memory reorganization

Without proper transient protein synthesis, the memory seems to be impaired, suggesting that protein synthesis is required to recover the memory from a certain state where the consolidated memory is destabilized. Using proteasome inhibitor to block reconsolidation, a recent research has demonstrated that retrieval-induced destabilization of the previously formed memory is required to further strengthen →

Viscosity-induced crossing of the phantom divide in the dark cosmic fluid

Usually, one takes the equation of state for the cosmic fluid in the homogeneous form p = w , with p the pressure and the mass/energy. A natural generalization of the above ansatz is to consider the case when is proportional to the square of the expansion, = 2 2 = 3 2.

When “altering brain function” becomes “mind control”

Alteration of the brain's functioning through direct stimulation within the subject's brain qualifies as mind control when it meets all of the following three criteria: Result Criterion: Direct alteration of the brain's function must result in a behavioral change in the subject. The above criteria rest on an assumption that the ultimate purpose of " →

Commentary: derivation of simian tropic hiv-1 infectious clone reveals virus adaptation to a new host

00115 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Doi, N, Koma, T, Adachi, A, and Nomaguchi, M. 1038/nature06553 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Nomaguchi, M, Doi, N, Fujiwara, S, and Adachi, A." Macaque-tropic HIV-1 derivatives: a novel experimental approach to understand viral replication and evolution in vivo," in HIV-Host Interactions, ed T.L.

Integrating children with disabilities in the educational system through specific activities

While schools today are doing what they can to provide help for students with mental and physical disabilities, are they doing enough to make a difference for the child's education? With a mental disability, being in a foreign environment can be tough, let alone in an environment that the child cannot succeed in.

Managing health and social care essay sample

The quality of the service from the point of view of three stakeholders -Patients seek for professionalism from the providers and better quality. The relationship between the quality of the clinic and the principles of care for your client group The impact of poor services has to face stakeholders like clients, administrator, society, health worker, →

Grand challenges in population dynamics

Even for this broadly accepted pattern of population growth, the empirical evidences of this pattern are few, because of the difficulty of studying a population since its foundation and over a sufficient amount of time, and also because not all the assumptions of the model can be properly tested in nature. Spatial Ecology: The Role →

Vestibular activity and cognitive development in children: perspectives

This is the coherent movement of the image of the entire visual field relative to the eyes during head movements and it indicates the velocity of the head in space. We suggested that the oscillopsia resulting from a complete lack of vestibular information in these children leads to dynamic and head trunk instability.

The systemic changes to improve efficiency in polish primary health care

The result has so far been some increase in capitation rates, which is the basis for the financing of this level of care, in exchange for the inclusion among PHC tasks new duties related to the oncological treatment, widening the powers of midwives in gynecology and nurses in terms of the ordination of drugs. This →

Editorial: fertility preservation in asia

The purpose of this editorial is to introduce a Research Topic consisting of articles published in a Research Topic of the journal Frontiers in Endocrinology, entitled " Fertility Preservation in Asia". In November 2018, a questionnaire survey of founding members of the ASFP was conducted to identify FP barriers for CAYA cancer patients, and the →

Maintenance of health through good nutrition essay sample

It is the responsibility of our parents, elders and guardians to guide and keep in check the food and fluid intake of their children. To determine how much should be taken in, it is good to refer one's daily diet in the Food Pyramid.

Accredit managed care organizations sl

Health Sciences and Medicine of Purpose of Accreditation Accreditation is a rigorous examination of a health care organization's systems and processes to ensure adherence to set standards. Standards involve the evaluation of the structure and process of a plan in the maintenance and improvement of quality.

Compare and contrast sprains and strains

Sprain refers to the tear or overstretching of the ligament. The sprain and strain are treated according to the following regimen: Rest, ice, compression and elevation or RICE.

Fast food: definition of the problem

Fast Food Definition of the Problem The handling of food in fast food restaurants has been a concern over the entire population specifically because most people are inclined towards fast food eateries. The staff and food production processes ought to be evaluated to identify and solve the menace.

Aetiology and prevention of osteoporosis geriartric health essay

The reason behind is the gradual reduction of bone mass density after the peak age of 25-30years, and as a result the risk of osteoporosis increases. People with paralysis or muscular dystrophy for instance have higher risk of developing osteoporosis as bone loss increases rapidly and decreases the bone mass.

5-ht 7 receptor stimulation and blockade: a therapeutic paradox about memory formation and amnesia

Hence, major current questions include the paradox that 5-HT 7 receptor agonists and antagonists in behavioral memory tasks are revealing promnesic and antiamnesic effects; 5-HT 7 and 5-HT 1A receptors interaction, and neural markers associated to these cognitive processes and individual differences. 12512 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Ibanez, A, and Parra, →

Editorial: macromolecular structure underlying recognition in innate immunity

An associated commentary on this paper by Lozano and Mart nez-Florensa, however, sounds a cautionary note on the interpretation of the data, especially with respect to CD6 that does not seem to be functional in the studies by Bessa Pereira et al. The scientific exchange between the two research groups raises an important issue that →

Mining the resource of cross-presentation

A commentary on On the role of dendritic cells versus other cells in inducing protective CD8+ T cell responses by Zinkernagel RM Front Immunol 5: 30.doi: 10. 00030 In the face of MHC-class I-restricted direct presentation from a live, replicating viral infection after the groundbreaking discovery of the MHC restriction of T cell responses by →

The utilization of cultural movements to overcome stigma in narrative of postnatal depression

Angela Woods has written:" Advocates for the use of narrative have a commitment to understanding the centrality of the illness experience in the medical treatment of disease, taking seriously stories of illness, and valuing the individual as the empowered author-narrator of her own story". In addition to examining ideas articulated by the authors of the →

New actors and democratic governance in a rising africa

The concept underscores the narrative that governance and economies of African states have continuously been improving to the extent that the continent should be able to deliver on the pre-independence promises of peace and prosperity to their people. In light of the West's past influence on Africa and the recent rise of new actors, this →

Surrogacy in india: a form of women oppression or a gift offering approach

The second reason is that the payment is small, and typically unequal to the service it is paying for. Yet, it is clear that this is not what is happening in the situation of international surrogacy.

Editorial: multiple roles of alien plants in aquatic ecosystems: from processes to modelling

Similarly, Toth et al.discussed the roles of physiological and ecological traits in explaining the differentiated performances of invasive macrophytes, obtaining evidence on the existence of key adaptive responses of IAAPs. The study by Michelan et al.outlined how the influence of IAAPs on the colonization performance of native species is density dependent, studying the alien Urochloa →

Exercise and the youth

This idea is supported by the American College of Sports Medicine, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the National Strength and Conditioning Association, which all agree that children may participate in resistance training as long as the program is appropriately designed and supervised. What is important is that strength and conditioning professionals understand the fundamental →

Breathing and respiration

Scientifically formulated, breathing is the process by which oxygen in the air is brought into the lungs and into close contact with the blood, which absorbs it and carries it to all parts of the body. The Lungs and Respiratory System.

Neural protein synthesis during aging: effects on plasticity and memory

The idea that changes in the amount of protein synthesis in the brain might explain some of the cognitive effects of aging began to be tested in the 1960s. In the end, however, it is the protein that " does the work," and whose expression and activity must be examined, in order to begin to →

Erratum: aberrant long-range temporal correlations in depression are attenuated after psychological treatment

Nikulin: Department of Neurology, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany The original article has been updated as follows: Matti Gartner 1, Mona Irrmischer 2, Emilia Winnebeck 3, Maria Fissler 3, Julia M. Schroeter 3, Malek Bajbouj 1, Klaus Linkenkaer-Hansen 2, Vadim V.

Hypoxia induced factor in chronic kidney disease: friend or foe?

Although a growing body of evidence shows that preconditioned increase of HIF might have a protective role in preserving kidney function and prevent the transition from AKI to CKD, overactivation and prolonged exposure to HIF is implicated as a pathogenic factor in CKD. In addition to a disputable role of HIF on the development of →

The lack of self-consciousness in right brain-damaged patients can be due to a disconnection from the left interpreter: the dilei theory

Fifty years of studies on split-brain patients allowed Gazzaniga and his collaborators to frame the role of the left hemisphere in the consciousness of the self and to suggest the idea of an " Interpreter". If the interpreter is fundamental for the consciousness of the self-functioning and it is lateralized in the left hemisphere, why →

What we talk about when we talk about unconscious processing – a plea for best practices

It is important to keep in mind that the available paradigms vary with respect to what types of stimuli can be suppressed from awareness, and how effective the suppression is, for instance in terms of duration and predictability of suppression onset and offset. The magnitude of regression to the mean in a data set is →

a healthy mind essay sample

Another method of keeping the mind healthy is to exercise it as often as possible. Just as physical exercise is good for the body, so is mental exercise for the mind.

Strategies for preparing a health care organization for change

The plan should indicate the goals and objectives of the change being instituted, roles of top management, and the period estimated for the entire process. Effective communication and training There should be concentrated effort to inform the staff of the expected change in the institution.

Studying multisensory processing and its role in the representation of space through pathological and physiological crossmodal extinction

The first sections provide a brief outline of the original demonstration of the existence of multisensory extinction, its role in the investigation of multisensory spatial representation, and an overview of the current theoretical accounts of extinction. Therefore, in the former case, the simultaneous activation of the visuotactile representations of the left and right hands by →

Editorial: membrane domains as new drug targets

00091 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Cambi, A, and Lidke, D.S. Organization and dynamics of SNARE proteins in the presynaptic membrane.

Adventure thrills are addictive

Behavioral addictions may have social as well as endocrine components, and may include antisocial activities such as crime and gambling, relatively neutral activities such as videogames and internet use, and positive addictions such as sport and exercise. High-risk high-skill adventure recreation has been analyzed previously from the perspectives of commercial tourism products; participant emotions and →

Mental barriers and links connecting people of different cultures: experiential vs. conceptual bases of different types of the we-concepts

In particular, openness to others depends on the types of mental links between the Self and Others, leading to the formation of the WE concept. In this case, a mental encounter between the SELF and the OTHER can lead to a new type of the WE concept, namely to the formula of " WE as →

Job crafting: older workers’ mechanism for maintaining person-job fit

Changes in the work environment can result in changes in employees, and changes in employees can also lead to changes in the work environment. Given that there are increasing proportions of older workers in the active workforce, it is important to examine the within-individual age-related changes as well as changes in jobs on employees.

Science without publication paywalls: coalition s for the realisation of full and immediate open access

As major public funders of research in Europe, we have a duty of care for the good functioning of the science system, as well as a fiduciary responsibility for the proper usage of the public funds that we are entrusted with. Hence, driven by our duty of care for the proper functioning of the science →

Locating resources

Locating Resources on Responsible Alcohol Use At present, most of the publications regarding the use of alcohol and the effects of excessiveuse of it are mostly written by people from the medical community. The website of ICAP shows that manufacturers reconcile their views with the responsible use of alcohol, guides in creating feasible interventions in →

Dangers of fast foods

Wendy introduced the concept of drive through which allows the customers to take away the order without stepping out of the car Over period of time large amount of research has been conducted into the area of fast food and those studies strongly oppose the use of fast foods and thereby have created fears in →

Interactions of opioids and hiv infection in the pathogenesis of chronic pain

In the following sections, we will first provide overviews of the detrimental effects of HIV-1 and opioids, separately or combinatorially, on neurons and glia. Because of these observations, we are investigating the potential that glia-mediated mechanisms may contribute to the pathogenesis of neuropathic pain that is caused by HIV-1 and chronic opioid use.