Quality Health & Medicine Essay Examples for Your Learning

Higher circulating mir-199a-5p indicates poor aerobic exercise capacity and associates with cardiovascular dysfunction during chronic exposure to high altitude

The gradual adaptation to high altitude hypoxia is a physiological process encompassing a lot of changes in different body systems to enhance oxygen intake and exchange, the delivery ability of the oxygen transfer system, and the oxygen utilization efficiency of tissues, thus meeting the oxygen demands of the human body and supporting its exercise performance. →

Commentary: pattern destabilization and emotional processing in cognitive therapy for personality disorders

Hayes and Yasinski state, " patterns of can be conceptualized as attractors" and " Dozois et al....suggest that the development of...a new attractor might account in part for the prophylactic effects of cognitive therapy". Dynamic systems theory as a paradigm for the study of change in psychotherapy: an application to cognitive therapy for depression.J.

Antisocial personality disorder

There is a pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others occurring since the age of 15' Milo had picked several fights when he was younger and by the time he was 15, he was engaging in petty theft and finally stole a car at 15. Also, according to Vorvick, " →

Wealth as determinant of health health and social care essay

Since the origin of the Office of Minority Health research has shown that disparities exist in the population on the footing of both wellness position and wellness attention bringing. As it relates to disparities in quality of attention, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality " Quality wellness attention means making the right thing, at →


In this stage, the antibody " bumps" into the red blood cell at the corresponding site of the antigen. On the other hand, the chemical forces include the unlike ions that the antigen and the antibody possess.

Good example of disturbed minds or manuals essay

The main agenda builds on examining the alterations that will be made in the psychiatric manual targeting diagnosis of patients with mental disorders. I think that the best solution to be included in diagnosis of psychiatrist mental disorders is the need to come up with procedures and proof in solving certain ailments.

Summarizing the article with your opinion what atlanticare was working toward and if it would be successful

BECOMING ACCOUNTABLE TO PATIENTS AtlantiCare is one of the largest healthcare organizations located in the Atlantic Countyand serves the Southern New Jersey. Presented here is a summary of the case study " becoming accountable to patients", giving opinions of what the organization is up to and if it will succeed.


Alternative medicine is a popular and a well-recognized approach to treating sciatica; but while massage and homeopathy can bring substantial relief and provide patients with a chance for a happy living, alternative medicine has its limitations and should be well balanced with traditional methods of medical treatment. Sciatica is " a non-specific term commonly applied →

The illusion confusion

That is to say, unlike visual experience, olfactory experience does not reveal the particular objects that, in the case of veridical experience at least, bear the olfactory properties that it presents. The idea that a smell is misattributed to an object does not grip us and this is because the content of olfactory experience does →

Grand challenges in gene and epigenetic editing for neurologic disease

Adeno-associated virus, such as the AAV2 used in Luxturna, has become the vector of choice for delivery of many in-vivo gene therapy and gene editing applications, although other capsid proteins such as the serotype 9 are generally more efficacious for neuronal transduction in organs such as the brain. However, the enzymes required for HDR are →

Editorial: computational approaches for human-human and human-robot social interactions

Indeed, social HRI requires augmentation of robots' standard functionality with the ability to recognize and interpret human social signals in order to be able to engage naturally and intuitively with a human. ML techniques have also proved to be useful in this case to explore the patterns of neural and behavioral activity of the human →

Sinensetin: an insight on its pharmacological activities, mechanisms of action and toxicity

Aside from chemosensitizing, sinensetin aided in the reversal of MDR phenotype in aspects such as decreased accumulation of the drug and enhanced efflux of anticancer drugs. However, the effect of sinensetin was negligible in the aspect of antiproliferation in HT29 cell and this was supported by expression data of BICR5, CDKN1A and CCNA2.

Screening for high-risk marine invaders in the hudson bay region, canadian arctic

Using these rankings, it was then assessed: which ecological categories and taxonomic groups may pose the greatest likelihood of invasion and impact; which ecoregions are most likely to be sources of high-risk species for the RA area; and the importance of each component in the invasion risk calculation for assessed AIS in the RA area. →

Applications of crispr/cas9 in the synthesis of secondary metabolites in filamentous fungi

More details about the CRISPR/Cas9 system and its specific application in the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites by filamentous fungi are reviewed in the following sections. In the past few years, the CRISPR/Cas9 system has been introduced into filamentous fungi to explore the potential of this strategy in modulating production of secondary metabolites.

Case report: recurrent placental abruption during pregnancy in a patient with pseudoexstrophy

Local skin on the lower abdomen presented with flaky scarring, under which the muscle and fat tissue were absent, the pubic bones were widely separated, the clitoris was separated, and the anterior joint of the labia demonstrated epispadias. Variations in exstrophy of the bladder.

The role of interleukin-33 in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma is determined by its cellular sources in the tumor microenvironment

The correlations between the IL-33 expression level and the abundance of the main sources of IL-33 were evaluated by the Pearson partial correlation test. The earlier the pathologic T stage of the tumor was, the higher the expression level of IL-33 was.

Editorial: new approaches to radiation-therapeutic agent cancer care for women

Advances in cancer treatment have raised the rate of 5-year cancer survival over the past five decades, and yet, cancer remains the second leading cause of death in American women, resulting in more deaths than the next five causes combined. In 2017, this women's cancer takes much less of a toll on American women, where →

Airway clearance techniques: the right choice for the right patient

In addition, for many patients and/or categories of patients the goal might be to combine the best effect on clearance of the airways with the lowest possible incidence of side effects and of adverse events, such as exacerbation of the underlying pathophysiology. Therefore, it is essential always to take into account the patient's preferences, and →

Becomin a dentist assistant

Dental assistants sterilize and disinfect instruments and equipment, prepare and lay out the instruments and materials required to treat each patient, and obtain patients' dental records. In these situations, the employing dentist or other dental assistants in the dental office teach the new assistant dental terminology, the names of the instruments, how to perform daily →

Commentary: grand challenge: elsi in a changing global environment

The author reviewed the efforts made up to that moment and raised a number of possible essential improvements which would require a thorough revision to ensure the success of ELSI: greater involvement of professionals not directly related to genomics; greater efficiency to transmit ELSI initiatives through new technologies; greater independence of ELSI science funding; to →

Different modular organization between early onset and late onset depression: a study base on granger causality analysis

Modularity is a property used to quantify the tendency of the network element to integrate into the same module and the separation between modules. Based on the current uncertainty about whether the modularity is changed in LLD and the potential pathological difference between EOD and LOD, we hypothesize that the uncertainty of the findings of →

A synthesis of deepwater horizon impacts on coastal and nearshore living marine resources

The specific goals of our study, which are generally consistent with the three other " ecotype" summaries published in this Frontiers in Marine Science Research Topic on Vulnerability and Resilience of Marine Ecosystems Affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, were to: identify relevant information from previous studies and long-term data sets to more fully →

Spect imaging

SPECT scan gives a true image of the working of the organs, unlike X-rays that only depicts the state of the internal organ. A gamma camera consists of a camera collimator, which allows gamma rays to reach the detector only in a specific direction to ensure that the position on the detector accurately depicts the →

Potential false-positive and false-negative results for covid-19 igg/igm antibody testing after heat-inactivation

In addition, although the SARS-CoV-2 total Ab value decreased after heat-inactivation at 60 C for 30 min, there was no effect on the detection of COVID-19 with the double-antigen sandwich method. In this study, the serological detection of SARS-CoV-2-specific IgG Ab without heat-inactivation was compared with detection after heat-inactivation at 56 C for 30 min, →

Personal statement example

I also undertook a community health program in the past, which gave me an advantage of experience in medical practice. My time at the University will revolutionize my leadership skills because I hope to expand my understanding of leadership in the medical field.

Mechanisms of transcranial magnetic stimulation treating on post-stroke depression

One study found that rTMS can cause a reduction in glucose metabolism of the temporal lobe and an increase in glucose metabolism of the mPFC and ipsilateral cortex. In this sense, the effect of rTMS on neuroplasticity is related to age.

Syria profile of the epidemiology and management of early childhood caries before and during the time of crisis

More specifically, the objectives of the current work were to: Give an overview of the prevalence, trend, and impact of ECC before and during the Syrian crisis, Outline risk factors of ECC amongst Syrian pre-schoolers with a special focus on the role of the humanitarian crisis as an exacerbating factor, and Suggest evidence-based recommendations for →

Effect of social support on the psychological adjustment of chinese left-behind rural children: a moderated mediation model

In the same sample, the two moderating effects of resilience on the impact of social support on psychological adjustment and BPNS are simultaneously carried out. It is to be determined whether the moderating effects of resilience on the direct and indirect relationships between social support and psychological adjustment result in LBC's differentiated development or not.

Public health in my backyard

One of the famous programs on the psychiatric unit is the AA Alcohol Anonymous Program, which follows a twelve-step recovery model treatment program. Public Health Programs are assessed, diagnosed, planned and finally implemented based on the community assessments and the resources available in the area, which will potentially lead to change and improvement of the →

Editorial: neuroprotection in brain hypoxia

Clarifying the specific mission of the brain cells involved in the damage/repair system in the examined animal models is important to define new therapeutic targets. Thus, a deeper understanding of the precise participation of neurons, glia, and endothelial cells by contrasting and comparing the outcome of studies using animal vs.cellular models might be expected to →

A novel mechanism of 17-aag therapeutic efficacy on hsp90 inhibition in mycn-amplified neuroblastoma cells

The domains of HSP90 allow this chaperone to interact and affect its client proteins in three different ways: inducing the formation of the protein active conformation, or participating in the assembly of multiprotein complexes, or stabilizing the proteins to allow ligand binding and thus their activation. After an overnight incubation to allow cell attachment, the →

Impact of pre-transplantation psychological counseling in improving the mental well-being of patients on hemodialysis

The choice of treatment is a significant contributor to the variance in the activities of daily living and depression scores among ESRD patients. Based on the scores obtained from the MSSNS scale, the psychological problems of the patients in the intervention group were analyzed to understand the causes.

The sudden cardiac death in young athletes health essay

Advocates of ECG screening argue that the cardiac risk of athletic competition is different, because the athlete is unaware of the danger and benefits if screening tests reduce his or her likelihood of the remote contingency of SCD. There is not a clear understanding of the effect of CAA on SCD, but it is speculated →

A new look at electronic medical record essay sample

Some people factors include patients feel as though there will be no confidentiality in the online system, Organization factors include smaller medical practices not being able to afford the cost of the online database as well as the time commitment involved. Are electronic medical record systems a good solution to the problem of rising health →

Why voting does not imply consenting

However, in accordance with the concerns of the present research topic, there is an inevitable gap between, on the one hand, the institutional need for a system with procedures to settle the question of who gets to rule, and on the other, the complexity of citizens' own perspectives and relations to politics. The following analysis →

Efficacy of intercostal nerve block for pain control after percutaneous nephrolithotomy: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Therefore, the purpose of this study was to conduct a systematic literature search and collate data to assess the efficacy of ICNB for pain relief after PCNL. For inclusion in the review, the population of the studies was to be adult patients undergoing PCNL.

On interpretation and task selection: the sub-component hypothesis of cognitive noise effects

The error can be called the " sub-component hypothesis of cognitive noise effects": the idea that the effects of noise on complex abilities can be studied, quantified and understood by solely investigating the effects of noise on sub-component abilities. That is, the cognitive process that is impaired by noise, and hence the reason why task →

Editorial: antimicrobial resistance and virulence common mechanisms

Editorial on the Research Topic Antimicrobial Resistance and Virulence Common Mechanisms Multiple relationships exist between antimicrobial resistance and bacterial virulence, and the spread of clones combining multiple antibiotic resistance and a high virulence level is an increasing problem. An article by Xu et al.lifts a corner of the veil on this subject in Staphylococcus aureus →

Editorial: oxidative stress revisited—major role in vascular diseases

The concept of oxidative stress was formulated in 1956 by Harman, and throughout the years substantial knowledge established that oxidative stress, an imbalance between oxidants and antioxidants with a disruption of redox signaling and control, is crucial for vascular diseases. Oxidative stress and the potential role of reactive oxygen species in the initiation and progression →

Kallmann syndrome due to heterozygous mutation in sox10 coexisting with waardenburg syndrome type ii: case report and review of literature

The etiology and pathogenesis of KS is a disturbance in the common neural migration pathways of gonadotropin-releasing hormone neurons and olfactory neurons early in embryonic development, and the main clinical manifestations are hypogonadism and anosmia. When the coding region of exon4 of SOX10 was resequenced in the samples of the patient's mother and brother, the →

Understanding the role of psychiatric principles in patient care: an important goal of the medical student clerkship in psychiatry

According to the " A Position Statement on the Length of the Psychiatry Clerkship" published in 2006 by the Association of Directors of Medical Student Education in Psychiatry, " the psychiatry clerkship must be at least 6 weeks in length or longer". To understand psychiatric principles in patient care, students should obtain a foundation of →

Neuroscience of adolescent anorexia nervosa: implications for family-based treatment (fbt)

Core tenets of FBT are the use of externalization with separating the illness from the adolescent and the use of the parents as a resource and empowering them to be the agent of change, with no blame directed to either the parents or the ill child/adolescent. The parents are tasked to help manage the anxiety →

Anaerobic co-digestion of rice straw and pig manure pretreated with a cellulolytic microflora: methane yield evaluation and kinetics analysis

By establishing a mathematical model to predict the performance of AD with and without biological pretreatment, and comparing the kinetic parameters of AD in other studies, the feasibility of the pretreatment strategy can be better evaluated. The aims of this study are to investigate the effect of cellulolytic microflora on methane yield in RS and →

Commentary: mating preferences of selfish sex chromosomes

Yet the selfish sex chromosome hypothesis fails to address the critical issue of why male traits are showy, as is apparent from the accompanying commentary where Kirkpatrick says that the selfish sex chromosome theory is unlikely to explain the illustrated phenomenon of bright male coloration. A particular type of trait calls for a particular type →

Population genetic analysis of the theileria annulata parasites identified limited diversity and multiplicity of infection in the vaccine from india

The present study was designed to study the population genetics of the T.annulata parasites in the country. The attenuation of the vaccine line because of the long term passage results in loss of genotypes, decreasing the diversity of the parasites.

What is public health the goals and values of public health

Informing the public Addressing public health issue would require experts to, at a minimum, identify the issue, conduct epidemiology studies to see patterns, risk factors, and interventions needed, set policies for addressing the issues based on these studies, and finally to inform the public of the risks, significance, and prevention techniques for the respective issues. →

The utility of intravenous acetaminophen in the perioperative period

The bioavailability of IVA in cerebrospinal fluid compared with oral acetaminophen after the administration of 1 g over 6 h is 24. The role of intravenous acetaminophen in acute pain management: a case-illustrated review.

Comparison of alginate utilization pathways in culturable bacteria isolated from arctic and antarctic marine environments

All the genomes contain the genes encoding the 5 key enzymes involved in alginate utilization, except that the kdgF gene is absent from the genomes of 5 strains. Most of the aly genes are clustered in the alginate utilization gene clusters, which belong to PL6, 7, and 17.

The effect of a new drug on blood pressure. testing

The z-test is not applicable in this case because it is normally used when the null and alternative hypothesis are stated. The design in this case will be the number of patients to use in the study.

Understanding the career and role of health insurance professionals is essential

As of now I am open to learning about various career options within the industry. I hope to consolidate my knowledge through a mix of practical experience and theoretical understanding through the duration of the course.

Health policy – letter to senator

The legislation A 1968 introduced in the New Jersey Legislature proposes to increase the monthly personal needs allowance of the persons residing in the nursing facilities, state or county psychiatric facilities and state developmental centers from $ 35 to $ 50. Considering the nature of personal needs on which the elderly patients tend to spend →

Editorial: a broader view for plant evodevo: novel approaches for diverse model systems

Among the many facets this question touches are the transition to land, the emergence of vascular plants, the origin of the seed and the origin and diversification of floral form. Plackett et al.highlight the use of the emerging model fern Ceratopteris richardii, in the sister lineage to seed plants, for the study of the evolution →

More than words can say: a multi-disciplinary consideration of the psychotherapeutic evaluation and treatment of alexithymia

Level 1: Awareness of bodily sensations: the individual's experience of emotion will only be reflected in a report of the sensations from their body Level 2: Awareness of the body in action: emotional experience is through action tendencies and sensation; the ability to experience emotion does not reach the level of feeling Level 3: Awareness →

Editorial: immunity to neisseria gonorrhoeae

This Research Topic brings together 12 papers from leading contributors to the field, affording a comprehensive overview of current understanding and suggesting future pathways of investigation that should lead to actionable understanding of the immuno-pathogenesis of gonococcal infection, as well as facilitate novel approaches to therapeutic treatment and the development of a prophylactic vaccine. First, →

Identification of functional interactome of colistin resistance protein mcr-1 in escherichia coli

We define the interacting proteins of MCR-1 using Co-IP and mass spectrometry in E.coli and characterize the protein-protein interaction network of MCR-1. For the expression of the catalytic domain of MCR-1, the constructed plasmid pET28a- mcr-1-200 using primers pET28a-mcr-1-200-F and pET28a-mcr-1-200-R was transformed into E.coli BL21 strains.

Discussion 3

Service Products offered by Gordon Food Service Agency Gordon Food Service Many agencies around the world strive to provide their customers with the best products and services they have. Gordon Food Service can be able to increase in the quality of its services and products if it considers the following measures.

The marginalization of phenomenological consciousness

A forerunner in the use of nuclear magnetic resonance, Shulman contributed to the study of biochemical processes, founded the Yale Magnetic Resonance Research Center, and shepherded functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging as a dominant tool of cognitive neuroscience. First, he claims that a behaviorist approach to brain imaging is reasonable and pragmatic for the science of →

Small vessel disease

The main target of SVD is the endothelium, the organ that is a barrier between circulating blood and the vessel wall. In the brain, SVD is strongly associated with stroke, and the presence of SVD in the brain hampers recovery in patients who have suffered a stroke.

Assessment of financial health

In presenting a decision we will first conduct an analysis of the industry, then give a short history of Friendly Cards, Inc, and then examine Friendly's financial statements to determine the financial health of the company. The company believes in the economies of scale of the industry and appears to be establishing a national distribution →

Editorial: the earth–moon system as a dynamical laboratory

On the one hand, we can notice the high ratio between the mass of the Earth and the mass of the Moon, the lunar orbit itself, the proximity to the Sun and the chaotic behavior of the dynamics associated with small bodies. The role of the Sun is accounted in Biggs et al.and Heiligers in →

Food security and the dynamics of wheat and maize value chains in africa and asia

Here we set out to review the case of wheat and maize value chains and their contribution to food security in Africa and Asia. This paper aims to contribute to the debate by identifying the major drivers of food system changes and applying these to the maize and wheat value chains with a focus on →

Resolving recalcitrant clades in the pantropical ochnaceae: insights from comparative phylogenomics of plastome and nuclear genomic data derived from targeted sequencing

Support for some of the genus-level relationships was still moderate such as for the position of Medusagyne Baker in relation to the other subfamilies, within the SE Asian clade of Sauvagesieae and within the clade uniting the neotropical genera Cespedesia Goudot, Godoya Ruiz and Pav.and Krukoviella A.C.Sm. Increasing the amount of DNA sequence data by →


Handling concussions, as can be borrowed from the article, is a collective responsibility from the therapists and the players if the players have to receive the best care and perform for their teams. The article by Johnson is a compilation of the concussions that young players face; in this case, focus has been shed on →

Commentary: a pilot digital intervention targeting loneliness in youth mental health

However, design choices in a number of areas including the digital platform used in the intervention and a focus on current relationships set boundaries on the utility of the current iteration of the app. Instead, the authors suggest that increasing the satisfaction with, and perceived meaning of social connections in addition to focusing on the →

Interventions for keeping adolescent girls in school in low- and middle-income countries: a scoping review

Therefore, the purpose of the scoping review was to identify and describe the types of studies conducted to assess interventions for keeping adolescent girls in school and also to describe the interventions implemented to keep adolescent girls in school in low- and middle-income countries and to expand the iterative logic model based on the findings →

Assignment #4

The benefits of IS to an organization are seen through customer satisfaction, and improvements in clinical as well as other units of the healthcare organization. The best way to implement Information Services is to view customers of the organization as services.

The neuroscience and psychophysiology of experience-based decisions: an introduction to the research topic

Investigating the influence of dual processes, Hawes et al.focus on cognitive strategies in a complex decision task and their neural correlates, and their result demonstrate a combination of bottom-up experience-based learning and abstract learning. Contexts that facilitate the relation between frontal processes and behavior, and have been discussed in this Research Topic, include the availability →

The next step in the treatment of stroke

After global ischemia, the depletion of oxygen and glucose results in the depletion of ATP within minutes, causing membrane depolarization, release of K+ into the extracellular space, entry of sodium into cells, and an increase in intracellular Calcium; if ATP is not restored, catabolic enzymes are activated and facilitate the necrosis of cells in the →

The human–nature experience: a phenomenological-psychoanalytic perspective

This is particularly evident in the proliferation of research exploring the effects of nature contact and feelings of connection to nature on human health and wellbeing, and environmental attitudes and behaviors. From a phenomenological perspective the above notions adhere to Cartesian notions of ' subject' and object' which fails to acknowledge the co-constitution of the →

A review of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (mdma)-assisted psychotherapy

But in 1993 the Swiss Ministry of Health withdrew permission to continue prescribing MDMA and LSD from the Swiss psychiatrists in the wake of concerns about the lack of research methodology and secondary to an ibogaine-related death of a patient. The European sites in the UK, Netherlands, Germany and the Czech Republic are in the →

Editorial: immigration and mental health in modern societies

Editorial on the Research Topic Immigration and Mental Health in Modern Societies The papers in this collection break new ground in the study of migration and mental health through a focus on specific populations of interest in transnational context. The targets of this intervention are migrants from Latin America, and the intervention was provided in →

Identifying persistent hot spot areas of undersized fish and crustaceans in southern european waters: implication for fishery management under the discard ban regulation

The quantity of the UCs mainly depends on the characteristics of fishing grounds and on the fishing gears used. The data used in the areas 2, 3, and 4 were provided directly by the partners of the present work, as they are part of the institutes in charge of data collection under the European Data →

Societys attitude toward responsible alcohol service

This maturity is because of the decline in and transforming preferences towards consumption of alcohol. The bar industry is in a mature phase because of the change in preferences towards consumption of alcohol.

Breaking fresh ground in human–media interaction research

Novel forms of interaction paradigms have been enabled by new sensor and actuator technology in the last decades, combining with advances in our knowledge of human human interaction and human behavior in general when designing user interfaces. Sensors and actuators in wearable and mobile computing devices will contribute to the expansion of possibilities for creating →

Editorial: autoinflammatory diseases: from genes to bedside

Editorial on the Research Topic Autoinflammatory Diseases: From Genes to Bedside The year 2019 marked the 20th anniversary of the formal recognition of autoinflammatory diseases as a distinct group of rheumatological conditions, following the identification of the gene mutated in patients with a dominantly inherited periodic fever known as familial Hibernian fever. Although there were →

Improved asthma control

The next step in the search conducted was " improved asthma control" to isolate the " O" of the PICO question. The articles were published in respected professional journals and conducted in two different schools of Nursing.

The question, literature review, and hypothesis

The Research Question, Literature Review and Research Hypothesis The Research Question, Literature Review and Research Hypothesis Question 1 Descriptive research questions query the what, who or the where aspects to the issue or area of study: description is the basis of the study. Question 2 The determination of whether prior research on an area of →

Tamas pataki’s (2014) “wish-fulfillment in philosophy and psychoanalysis”

In this book Tamas Pataki gives a theory of wish-fulfillment which is meant to unify and explain a range of phenomena that does justice to the original explanatory scope of the concept, from neurosis and delusion to art and religion. Pataki's book shows up against the background of a tradition in analytic philosophy that is →

Editorial: podocyte pathology and nephropathy

The articles presented in this research topic give a comprehensive overview of recent discoveries into the mechanisms of podocyte impairment and discuss the possibilities of podocyte-targeted therapies. Podocyte depletion represents one of the earliest cellular lesions affecting the diabetic kidney, and decreased number of podocytes in glomeruli is the strongest predictor of progression of both →

The case for collaboration to foster global ocean literacy

The development of the definition of ocean literacy an understanding of the ocean's influence on you and your influence on the ocean and the Essential Principles and Fundamental Concepts, was a collaborative effort of formal and informal educators, scientists, government professionals, and others interested in defining what everyone should know about the ocean. This commentary →

Red meat vs. processed

The sources recommend eating more of the red meat than the processed meat. It is contradicting when the sources further say that the red meat and processed meat have the same amount of calories yet the processed meat will cause more cardiovascular diseases yet, the reasons for these arguments are not given.

Longterm care facility

As a facility that accommodates different types of patients and clients such as the elderly, the building should be in the form of a multi-residence care facility that provide the required services by the senior citizens. Special needs of the senior citizens that the nursing home should take into consideration also include Alzheimer's care and →

Phenomenal awareness can emerge without attention

004 In a recent debate, the views that top-down attention is necessary for consciousness and that consciousness is independent of top-down attention have clashed. Separate neural definitions of visual consciousness and visual attention; a case for phenomenal awareness.

Book review: innovations and challenges in language learning motivation

The first three chapters focus on the fundamental challenges, covering the following topics: the conceptualization of motivation, motivation dynamics, and motivation applied. In response to " non-L2-specificity challenge", the author proposes taking a " small lens approach" which means a " sharpening" of the empirical research focus by narrowing down the scope of the study →

Maintaining live discussion in two-stage open peer review

It has also been proposed that the contents of the reviewers' comments and of the authors' responses to them may in themselves be of interest to the community of researchers in the area of the work, and that they should therefore be published and preserved. It is therefore of interest to study examples of open →

Mind wandering and education: from the classroom to online learning

The primary purpose of the present article is to provide a focused review and discussion of recent research, as well as some lesser known older studies that examine the occurrence and consequences of mind wandering during both classroom and online lectures. The authors found that initial breaks in attention occurred after approximately 10 18 min →

Seven shades of black thoughts: covid-19 and its psychological consequences on cancer patients

In this essay, we discuss the psychological threats the pandemic poses to cancer patients and the concerns our patients spontaneously expressed during routine outpatient and inpatient visits, without formal interviews or the administration of questionnaires. The support of a psycho-oncologist is fundamental to help clinicians recognize patients' emotions and psychological mechanisms, and therefore be able →

Response to commentary on “examples of overlooking common sense solutions: the domestication gene and selection against mortality”

A commentary on Examples of overlooking common sense solutions: the domestication gene and selection against mortality by Van Rooijen, J. Examples of overlooking common sense solutions: the domestication gene and selection against mortality.