Quality Health & Medicine Essay Examples for Your Learning

Corrigendum: monitoring cerebral oxygenation in neonates: an update

00046 Cerebral Oxygenation and the Patent Ductus Arteriosus The hemodynamically significant patent ductus arteriosus remains a controversial topic. Current controversies in the management of patent ductus arteriosus in preterm infants.

Book review: quiet: the power of introverts in a world that can’t stop talking

Mahatma Gandhi This quote is an excellent reflection of the author's focus in the book " Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Ca not Stop Talking," by Susan Cain. Part One, " The Extrovert Ideal," focuses on this concept that the author defines as " the omni-present belief that the ideal self β†’

Ampk/sirt1 pathway is involved in arctigenin-mediated protective effects against myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury

Similarly, in the rat myocardial infarction, Danqi tablets upregulates the production of ATP in the myocardial cells of rats with ischemic heart disease through the AMPK/SIRT1-PGC-1 pathway, and inhibit the infiltration of inflammatory cells in the marginal area of MI to protect myocardium. Then, the supernatant was discarded, and the cells were shaken for 1.

Cd8+ t-cell repertoire in human leukocyte antigen class i-mismatched alloreactive immune response

The T-cell repertoire is initially shaped in the thymus by positive and negative selection of maturing T cells on self-peptide-HLA complexes and then modulated overtime at the periphery by the cumulative history of foreign antigenic exposures. While the CDR1 and CDR2 loops of the TCR interact primarily with cognate HLA molecules, the most variable region β†’

How individual habits fit/unfit social norms: from the historical perspective to a neurobiological repositioning of an unresolved problem

Indeed, in a better attempt to describe the origins of habits, the essence of the Aristotelian view diverges according to the principles of the associationist and the organicistic schools of thought. The crucial point of this different view, is represented by the accent that the associationist theory places on the contribution of relationships between the β†’

Effects of social information on the release and expression of gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone in birds

In this review, we summarize current research on the social modulation of the release and expression of GnIH in the brain, with particular reference to GnIH responses to conspecifics. GnIH neurons terminate in the close proximity of GnRH2 neurons in the midbrain of sparrows and starlings and GnRH2 neurons express GnIH receptor mRNA in European β†’

Microbiota as drivers and as therapeutic targets in ocular and tissue specific autoimmunity

A growing number of studies in the past decade implicate the dependence on gut microbiota for the development of autoimmune diseases. Contribution of microbiota to the development of autoimmune uveitis in animal models and humans has been intensively discussed in a recent review.

Achievement of a healthier and stronger community

Achievement of a Healthier and Stronger Community Introduction to Community Health Yousaf Alqhtani October 30th, Achievement of a Healthier and Stronger Community There are numerous factors that are associated with community health which hinder the achievement of stronger and healthier community. Washington, D.C: U.S.

Bifurcation analysis of “synchronization fluctuation”: a diagnostic measure of brain epileptic states

For example, among these parameters, variations may exist in the number and permeability of gap junctions, the synaptic strength between two neurons, the distribution, frequency and strength of the GABA inhibition by interneurons, and the distribution, frequency and strength of excitation and inhibition of the cholinergic and GABAergic neurons of the MSDBB. Control of synchronization β†’

The monocytes that repopulate in mice after cyclophosphamide treatment acquire a neutrophil precursor gene signature and immunosuppressive activity

In this study, we conducted phenotypic and functional analyses and gene expression profiling to examine the impact of CTX on the myeloid cell compartment. A cocktail of antibiotics was given to mice orally in drinking water 7 days prior to CTX treatment and maintained for the duration of the experiment as previously described.

Editorial: harvesting plant and microbial biodiversity for sustainably enhanced food security

Gemenet et al.discuss the various strategies that could be used to achieve these goals for sorghum and pearl millet in the context of West Africa. Vandamme et al.show that genetic diversity exists in rice for P accumulation in seeds and could be used to limit the removal of P from agricultural soil.

Editorial: plasmonic technologies for bioanalytical applications

In addition, plasmonics has helped further our understanding of the interaction of molecules with nanostructures and has been used in biosensing applications. In particular, in homogeneous solutions of proteins with concentrations resembling those in a living cell, a lack of aggregation was observed, owing to the protein completely coating the spheres and preventing aggregation.

Exploring the role of health managers in implementing health it solutions and meeting meaningful use standards – dissertation example

For this reason, healthcare managers need to manifest exceptional managerial competencies of putting in place a remarkable patient portal that will promote the achievement of this goal. Healthcare managers of different organizations will need to utilize strategic managerial competencies so that they can successfully implement the Meaningful Use stage three.

School health plan

Students need to be aware at younger ages of the concerns that face our society, and the ways that they can combat these concerns through good health knowledge. Students should also be offered the opportunity to see the school nurse if they are ill or have other health concerns.

Editorial: systematic observation: engaging researchers in the study of daily life as it is lived

This complexity is manifested in numerous aspects to be considered, from the initial filtering that must be done to conveniently delimit the part of reality to be studied, to the structuring of the ideal observational design, the construction of a customized instrument that allows to properly channel all the behaviors/elements to be observed around the β†’

A semi-automated organoid screening method demonstrates epigenetic control of intestinal epithelial differentiation

One of the hallmarks of intestinal epithelium is the rapid turnover of 3 5 days, which is driven by LGR5+ intestinal stem cells that reside at the bottom of crypts. In summary, we developed an easy-to-use and cost-efficient toolbox for the analysis of organoids that is suitable to detect changes in organoid growth and cell β†’

Age dependence of antimicrobial resistance among fecal bacteria in animals: a scoping review

One of the studies conducted in the U.S.suggested that the decline in the abundance of multidrug-resistant fecal E.coli in cattle during the first months of life may be independent of the transition from milk to solid diet. The following outcomes were defined for " AMR among enteric/fecal bacteria" in a sampled animal population: the abundance β†’

Catechol- o -methyltransferase gene val158met polymorphism moderates the effect of social exclusion and inclusion on aggression in men: findings from a mixed experimental design

The substitution of methionine for valine results in a three-to-four-fold reduction in the activity of COMT enzyme, as a result, Met carriers have enhanced levels of dopamine in the brain, especially in the prefrontal cortex, which is more likely to trigger higher levels of aggression 1. Unlike social exclusion, social inclusion could reduce the risk β†’

Free essay on scientific foundations of health service research

Third, the range of phenomena or scope of the study must be established. The values or opinions of a researcher can influence the assumptions, experimental design and methods of a study.

Role of pacap in female fertility and reproduction at gonadal level – recent advances

In rat ovarian cells, PACAP positive cells were found in the preovulatory and ovulatory periods, with PACAP and PACAP mRNA positivity in granulosa and cumulus cells. A more detailed analysis of the rat ovarian PACAP receptor expression has confirmed the expression of PAC1 receptors in the granulosa cells and, furthermore, the presence of VPAC2 receptors β†’

Commentary: retinal waves modulate an intraretinal circuit of intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells

With a combination of calcium imaging, tracer coupling and electrophysiological recordings, a recent article in The Journal of Neuroscience by Arroyo et al.demonstrated that stage II cholinergic waves modulate dopaminergic signaling, which regulates the extent of ipRGC gap junction coupling, thereby contributing to early light responses in the developing retina. Disruption and recovery of patterned β†’

Plague vaccine development: current research and future trends

In case of LcrV, immunization with both native purified and recombinant LcrV provides protection in mice against bubonic and pneumonic plague. The RCN-F1/V307 vaccine also provided protection in mice against an F1-negative strain of Y.pestis.

Fetal origin of sensorimotor behavior

The emergence of GMs happens at the same age at which the motoneurons of the spinal cord are connected to the subplate, a transient brain structure underneath the cortical plate before it develops. Isolated movements allow the fetus to touch different parts of the body, with the back or with the palm of the hand, β†’

Events and causal mappings modeled in conceptual spaces

The result vector is a change in the location of the patient the table and thus a change in the properties of the table. Or in the event of the storm felling a tree, the force of the wind leads to a change of the direction of the tree.

Mechanisms of manganese(ii) oxidation by filamentous ascomycete fungi vary with species and time as a function of secretome composition

Furthermore, Mn oxidation has been implicated in degradation of lignocellulose, and Mn redox cycling in the soil has been shown to drive long-term litter decomposition rates in terrestrial ecosystems, thereby playing a significant role in greenhouse gas emissions and regulation of the global carbon cycle. Due to the importance of Mn oxides in contaminant remediation β†’

What is new in genetics of congenital heart defects?

The use of new technologies has increased the possibility of identification of new genes and chromosomal loci in syndromic and non-syndromic CHDs. The molecular basis leading to CHD is to be elucidated, considering the overexpression of the TBX1 gene and the possible interaction with other genes inside and outside the 22q11.

Corrigendum: blood-based dna methylation biomarkers for type 2 diabetes: potential for clinical applications

Luttmer et al.quantified global DNA methylation levels in peripheral blood leukocytes of 738 individuals from the Netherlands Hoorn Study cohort and reported a progressive decrease in global DNA methylation in individuals with T2D compared to those with impaired glucose tolerance and normoglycaemia. Interestingly, no difference in global DNA methylation was observed between diabetic individuals on β†’

Guiding framework for driver assessment using driving simulators

The value of this technology is contingent upon carefully considering the technical features of the simulator itself, the development of appropriate hypothesis-motivated driving scenarios, and the selection of meaningful outcome measures with respect to the questions being addressed and the populations of interest. To maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of the research conducted within this β†’

Mean platelet volume and immature platelet fraction in autoimmune disorders

In patients with high platelet counts, a high MPV is suggestive of primary thrombocytosis, while a low MPV characterizes a reactive thrombocytosis, seen in infection, inflammation, or malignancy. A 2008 study accounted for lower levels of MPV in RA and AS patients with active disease in comparison to controls.

Kaiser permanente botches its kidney transplant center project essay sample

Kaiser paid a $ 2 million fine to be levied by the California Department of Managed Health Care for the various state and federal regulations it failed to adhere to in its attempt to set up a transplant program. Burks was the first of over 100 patients on Kaiser's kidney transplant waiting list to win β†’

Cardiovascular and smooth muscle pharmacology in the next decade

Classical drug research and development was based on the identification of selective membrane targets such as receptors or ion channels that promote a specific reaction to a given drug in the midst of the chemical cacophony of the receptor or ion channel biophase. This drug revolutionized the management of angina pectoris and is one of β†’

Applied rnai: from fundamental research to therapeutic applications

The authors review precisely and concisely all the aspects of miRNA biogenesis and the discoveries concerning miRNA function and role in cell and organs as well as their wide potential therapeutic applications. The chapter related to miRNA blocking agents offers a very complete and precise view of this complex area and should be read by β†’

Editorial: modularity in motor control: from muscle synergies to cognitive action representation

Alessandro et al.review the works related to muscle synergies in neuroscience and control engineering and provide an overview of the methods that have been employed to test the validity of the control scheme. In the context of direction-specific recruitment of muscle synergies, Gentner et al.investigate adaptation to a visuomotor rotation of a virtual target displacement β†’

The promise of anti-idiotype revisited

The gray zone of the natural antibody concept probably contains the answers to some of the paradoxes of idiotypy. 10: E387.doi: 10.

Novel compound heterozygous mutations in two families with bernard–soulier syndrome

The bleeding tendency in BSS results from the functional impairment of the glycoprotein complex Ib-IX-V, which consists of four polypeptide chains that are assembled in a ratio of 2: 4: 2: 1. Over the years, the platelet counts remained in the range of 40 to 70 10 9 /L.

Application of the analytical techniques

One of the core principles of this written inquiry will be to find the evidence of the application of the analytical techniques used for given research questions; design and data and critically investigate the statistical analysis of qualitative data used in psychological research. The costs and the burdens of mental illness for the individuals and β†’

Imitation in autism: why action kinematics matter

I suggest that this behavior stems from a comparison between the goal and the unusual kinematics of the action, resulting in a prediction error and alerting the observer to pay more attention to the action. 71, 13 21.

Mentalization, attachment, and subjective identity

In a life-span perspective, Baglio and Marchetti make the hypothesis of " the existence of multiple kinds of Theory of Mind" and urge the transition from a discrete to a dimensional approach in the study of mentalization. This leads us to reject the hypothesis, variously put forward by a number of attachment theorists and infant β†’

Defogging climate change communication: how cognitive research can promote effective climate communication

The following description of the editing process is based on the personal experience of one of the authors of this article, who was a lead author of the most recent IPCC report's health chapter. Lastly, the climate change, and the health domains share considerable overlap in that climate change is regarded as a large and β†’

Active isolated stretching for parkinson patients

In relation to Parkinson's disease, the patients get to re-educate their neural pathways and muscles because of the active component in AIS. As a practitioner, I would employ the use of AIS therapy for patients with Parkinson's disease.

Erratum: single-neuron rna-seq: technical feasibility and reproducibility

We request to add a citation to the first paragraph of Introduction, as " studies of gene expression and function in the brain were restricted to a relatively small number of genes," given that this points was recently reviewed in the Okaty et al, paper. Cell type-specific transcriptomics in the brain.J.

Residential densification for positive energy districts

The goal of this study is to compare the energy performance of a typical aging home that was built in the 1970s with a densification scenario where two energy efficient homes of equal living area and equipped with a building-integrated PV roof are built on the same land lot located in the suburbs of Montreal, β†’

Jane dare’s health record essay sample

The pros of using a medical terms are easy to identify, now a days if you have taken the course to help you. Not everyone need to know the patient's medical history or what then are getting treatment for.

Application for a degree in health sciences in florida university

I my own way, I hope to apply the knowledge and skills acquired in this major to contribute towards addressing the agonizing imbalance between the supply and demand of healthcare in both the developed and developing parts of the world. I have relied on his counsel and dedication to seek new ways of replenishing my β†’

Thalamic injury and cognition in multiple sclerosis

Progressive atrophy of the thalamus has been shown in all MS disease types, and loss of volume in the thalamus is one of the earliest and most prominent signs of deep gray matter pathology in patients with MS as seen in patients presenting with the clinically isolated syndrome and radiologically isolated syndrome. In a study β†’

Covid-19 stress and addictive social media use (smu): mediating role of active use and social media flow

Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that the serial mediation effect of active use and flow may exist between the relationship of COVID-19 stress and addictive SMU. The present study aims to clarify the relationships between COVID-19 stress, active use, SM flow, and addictive SMU.

Editorial: allorecognition by leukocytes of the adaptive immune system

Therefore, the nature of the cells, the environment, and the molecular mechanisms involved in allorecognition govern the fate of the immune response to allogeneic cells. This Topic of Frontiers offers the reader views on key aspects of the immune mechanisms underlying allorecognition by T and B cells and its relationship to the development of pro-inflammatory β†’

Community treatment orders and supported decision-making

This paper examines the experiences and views of participants about the relevance of SDM for the reduction of CTO use in Victoria. However, the emphasis on the fundamental themes of hope, social inclusion, and empowerment in the recovery approach appears to contrast with the ongoing and increasing use of involuntary outpatient treatment in Australia through β†’

Editorial: using cancer β€˜omics’ to understand cancer

At the initiation of marker discovery, the patients and other individuals who serve as the source of big data are highlighted, while encouraging big data researchers to keep in mind the humanity inherent in these data. Biomarkers also are the focus of the study by Wang Y.et al, who looked at new ways of predicting β†’

A route to commons-based democratic monies? embedding the governance of money in traditional communal institutions

The concentration of wealth in " the one percent" in parallel to austerity policies, the increase of prices of financial assets parallel to a retrenchment of the welfare state resulted in a generalized realization that the monetary system was not serving the interests of the population as a whole. Findings suggest that the need to β†’

Editorial: integrating emerging technologies into marine megafauna conservation management

Editorial on the Research Topic Integrating Emerging Technologies into Marine Megafauna Conservation Management Many recent and emerging technological innovations hold great potential to transform the " best-available science" for marine megafauna conservation management, such as remote sensing, telemetry, molecular technologies, unmanned aerial vehicles, bio-acoustics, and animal-borne imaging. Baker et al.demonstrate how eDNA methods can be β†’

ο»Ώelaine mullane essay sample

In my workplace there are policies and procedures to ensure that the rights of the people we look after are protected, and that we are working according to the relevant legislation. However, it is important to ensure all parties interests are taken care of and most importantly the rights and wishes of the individual.

Safety and efficacy of bromodomain and extra-terminal inhibitors for the treatment of hematological malignancies and solid tumors: a systematic study of clinical trials

The ET domain is necessary for the recruitment of the components of the transcriptional complex, while the CTD is responsible for the recruitment of positive elongation factor. BRD2 and BRD3 mainly participate in the regulation of the cell cycle through the recruitment of E2F transcription factor and facilitating the transcription of RNA polymerase II gene.

Dark triad traits and sleep-related constructs: an opinion piece

The dark triad of personality: narcissism, machiavellianism, and psychopathy.J.Res.Pers. The dark triad and sleep quality: mediating role of anger rumination.Pers.

Univariate and multivariate qtl analyses reveal covariance among mineral elements in the rice ionome

The identification of both elemental QTLs and PC QTLs in this study not only improves opportunity to breed for, clone, or otherwise study the genes that enhance the nutritional quality of rice grains, but also shines light on the dissection of the complex regulation of the ionome in rice. The concentrations of most elements in β†’

Editorial: individual differences: from neurobiological bases to new insight on approach and avoidance behavior

Only recently, it was preferred the Approach-Avoidance distinction that expands the previous Approach-Withdrawal distinction in terms of energization of the behavior by, or direction of the action toward, positive stimuli in the case of the approach, and in parallel, energization of the behavior by, or direction of the action away from, negative stimuli in the β†’

Editorial: microbiota of grapes: positive and negative role on wine quality

Editorial on the Research Topic Microbiota of Grapes: Positive and Negative Role on Wine Quality During the vinification process, we can generally separate four main phases associated with specific microbial dominances: first stages of alcoholic fermentation, most part of AF, up to the end, malolactic fermentation, and undesired changes associated to microbial metabolism. Indeed, nine β†’

The relationship between salivary redox, diet, and food flavor perception

This review reports the relationships that have been established in the literature between the salivary antioxidant capacity, the diet and the perception of food flavor. In the mouth, ROS are generated in the oral epithelium and directly in the saliva.

Utilizing ion mobility-mass spectrometry to investigate the unfolding pathway of cu/zn superoxide dismutase

The ability to analyze both compact and extended forms of the same protein simultaneously has opened many doors for the study of native proteins and has made IMS-MS a suitable method for the evaluation of molecular dynamics in protein folding studies. The unfolding of the holo-dimer was then examined, and CCS values were reported for β†’

Editorial: secretomics: more secrets to unravel on plant-fungus interactions

By secretion and uptake of extracellular vesicles, various cargoes are transported from the cytoplasm of a donor cell to that of an acceptor cell. This way of communication does not only constitute a protein secretion pathway that is alternative to the classical route of protein delivery via the endoplasmic reticulum, but also allows the transport β†’

Experts by experience: qualitative evaluation of adolescent participation in the development of a technological intervention to prevent youth suicide in chile

At the onset of the project period, seven adolescents were recruited to join the research team to lead the development of the intervention model, as experts of the adolescent experience, in recognition of their unique understanding of their peers' interests, needs, concerns, and expectations, in relation to youth mental health, adolescent suicide, and possible interventions β†’

Intestinal bacteria encapsulated by biomaterials enhance immunotherapy

In this commensalistic relationship, intestinal bacteria not only participate in the regulation of the host immune system and the promotion of bone marrow hematopoiesis but also regulate the maturation and function of hematopoietic cells originating from the yolk sac. Owing to some limitations in the application of immunotherapy and the regulation of the intestinal bacterial β†’

Commentary: theileria parasites secrete a prolyl isomerase to maintain host leukocyte transformation

The atypical overexpression of Pin1 is observed in a number of malignancies, which is linked with tumor cell proliferation, migration, and invasion. Clonorchis sinensis adult in biliary ducts has been shown to release C.sinensis cyclophilin A, a protein with PPIase activity, into the liver and play a role in inflammation and biliary epithelium proliferation and β†’

Publishing open, reproducible research with undergraduates

However, given the recency of the changes and the rapid pace of advancements, it may be overwhelming for faculty to know whether and how to begin incorporating open science practices into research with undergraduates. As an assignment for lab meeting, we ask new URAs to write about the consequences of certain methodological decisions, and have β†’

Editorial: mass spectrometry for adductomic analysis

However, the majority of the literature describes the use of targeted analyses of damage, measuring only single, or a few, adducts, and while of value, this approach fails to reflect the totality of adducts, and therefore exposures. S, and Chao, M.R.

The role of inflammation in the treatment of schizophrenia

The objective of the present review was to synthetize the state of knowledge of the role of inflammation in the treatment of schizophrenia. A detailed overview of the efficacy of anti-inflammatory treatment in schizophrenia was published in 2014 and provides one of the most convincing pieces of evidence that inflammation is involved in schizophrenia.

Population genomic analysis of listeria monocytogenes from food reveals substrate-specific genome variation

Additionally, infants, the elderly, and immunocompromised individuals are at an increased risk of severe cases of listeriosis, which can result in symptoms such as meningitis and septicemia.L.monocytogenes infections can also threaten pregnant women because the pathogen possesses the unique ability to permeate the placental wall and infect the fetus which can lead to miscarriage or β†’

A day in the sleep clinic cs4

The United States are putting increased emphasis to reduce health disparities, but ethnic and racial disparities in health care continue. Research shows that there is low performance on health care among minority races and ethnic population as compared to the white people.

Editorial: insect olfactory proteins (from gene identification to functional characterization)

Total numbers of olfactory genes identified in the two species were similar, 111 in E.scrobiculatus, and 112 in E.brandti, however species-specific olfactory genes were highlighted, with a possible role in the recognition of specific volatiles from different plant parts. OBPs and CSPs abundantly expressed in insect sensillar lymph are considered as putative carriers of odorants β†’

Analyzing the invasion of zombies into popular culture essay examples

The origins of the zombie are traced back to the Caribbean and the zombie is among few monsters that have entered popular culture without a Gothic, European tradition or background in literature. American Zombie Gothic: The Rise and Fall of the Walking Dead in Popular Culture.

Academic achievement and obesity in children

The definition of " achievement", as the dependant variable of the research, will be set within two main categories namely " successful" and " unsuccessful" although the classroom teachers will be supposed to write down the mean score of all written tests and exams of children within both category, in all courses during the two β†’

Psychedelics as a treatment for alzheimer’s disease dementia

The hippocampus, a key structure in the ability to learn and retain information and a site for neurogenesis, is particularly vulnerable to AD pathology and one of the earliest parts of the brain to be affected by the disease. The 5HT2A-R is found in high concentrations in regions of the brain vulnerable to dementia such β†’

Cyclosporine-a-induced intracranial thrombotic complications: systematic review and cases report

Subcutaneous injection enoxaparin sodium was started when the diagnosis of CVT was confirmed and usage of CsA was suspended after consultation with the department of hematology. In line with CVT of other etiologies, the most common symptoms in drug-induced CVT were seizures and headaches.

Periodized resistance training for enhancing skeletal muscle hypertrophy and strength: a mini-review

Young, old, and athletic individuals can utilize resistance training as a means to improve strength, and the magnitude of strength improvement is influenced by the structure of the training program. Since periodization is designed to be a long-term approach to training, it is possible that the superior effect of periodized RT may be even greater β†’

Lipid abnormalities in patients with cushing’s disease and its relationship with impaired glucose metabolism

As for the change rates of lipid profile and dyslipidemia status before and after surgery, the prevalence of hyperlipidemia and hypercholesterolemia was observed significantly decreased in remission group compared with the non-remission group. In agreement with previous studies, the prevalence of baseline hypertension was significantly correlated with the duration of hypercortisolism, visceral obesity, and the β†’

Exploring the humanities essay sample

There are many factors when some hospitals or health care in general would trade-off in these areas depending on the status of the patient, insurance and the situation. 2Y, The level of Per Capita health Care spending is When Y= 0 E= 500+0 =$500 When Y= 2000 E = 500+.

Neoadjuvant therapy for resectable pancreatic cancer: an evolving paradigm shift

The use of neoadjuvant therapy for resectable pancreatic cancer has been a topic of debate with multiple reports evaluating the utility of this strategy. A randomised phase III trial comparing gemcitabine with surgery-only in patients with resected pancreatic cancer: Japanese Study Group of Adjuvant Therapy for Pancreatic Cancer.


In this paper, several articles regarding the advantages and disadvantages of gene therapy will be reviewed and discussed for the purpose of evaluating and determining whether the therapeutic practice of gene therapy is to be recommended for cancer treatment. Indeed, there is a need for further research and investigation before promoting the intensive use of β†’

Modelling of nicotiana tabacum l. oil biodiesel production: comparison of ann and anfis

Jang and Sun linked the failure of the black box technique of the ANN model to the inability of the model to accommodate linguistically information unswervingly. Figure 15 depicts the statistical indices of ANN and ANFIS models.

Treatment approaches in hospital

Nonetheless, there is highly individualized treatment and the rehabilitation is intensive, while an on-going treatment for addicts by addiction psychiatrist runs for five days a week. I chose this center because I believe it is the best center for addicts.

Moments in time

1 What these divergent findings have in common is that on a temporally fine grained level in the range of tens of milliseconds as well as of hundreds of milliseconds temporal integration phenomena occur that are the basis for the experience of temporal unity of events and of succession and temporal order. Kelly, S." The β†’

Application of crispr/cas for diagnosis and management of viral diseases of banana

The diagnosis of a virus is the first step in the management of a viral disease. One of the significant challenges of genome editing in a banana is to target multiple alleles and gene copies simultaneously.

An ontological approach of the cognitive and affective product experience

However, when products of different categories and brands, in different markets, need to offer " affective" pleasure and " cognitive" functionality to consumers, the following questions may arise: what are the reasons for consumers to choose between one product and another; are there products that offer a more pleasant and affective experience than others; are β†’

Correlation of hpv16 gene status and gene expression with antibody seropositivity and til status in opscc

The data were related to the presence of IgG, IgA and IgM antibodies against the HPV16 E2 and E7 antigens, as determined by ELISA. We used paired serum samples before and after treatment, to measure IgG and IgA antibody response to HPV16 E2 and E7 to determine whether treatment influences the antibody response and how β†’

Cloth vs diapers

The boom of the disposable diaper industry suggests that it is more preferred by parents that its cloth counterpart. The main purpose of a diaper is to keep the baby's skin from wetness and keep it healthy.

smarce1 and tensin 4 are putative modulators of corneoscleral stiffness

The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees at both Emory University and The Georgia Institute of Technology approved all studies, and all protocols adhered to the ARVO Statement for the Use of Animals in Ophthalmic and Vision Research. Briefly, the Volume Filling analysis method consists of integrating the measured flow rate into the eye, minus β†’

Systems biology of gibberellin induced plant cell growth

The role of GRAS proteins in plant signal transduction and development. Survival of the flexible: hormonal growth control and adaptation in plant development.Nat.Rev.

Single-cell transcriptomic reveals dual and multi-transmitter use in neurons across metazoans

We extended the analysis of existing cell atlases, initially originated by scRNAseq technologies, by the usage of the user-friendly R package Seurat and assessed whether neurons show an overlapping expression of the canonical marker genes commonly used to define neuronal identity: vesicular transporters and enzymes involved in the biosynthesis and transport of neurotransmitters. Given the β†’

Back pain causes and effects health and social care essay

Strains or sprains of the musculuss and ligaments of the dorsum are the most common cause of ague back hurting. The organic structure endocrines in the pregnant adult female tend to loosen up the ligaments and the musculuss that attached to pelvic, to let foetus and uterus growth may do many alterations in the organic β†’

Editorial: understanding the limitations of current influenza vaccine strategies and future development of more efficacious preventative and therapeutic interventions

Editorial on the Research Topic Understanding the Limitations of Current Influenza Vaccine Strategies and Future Development of More Efficacious Preventative and Therapeutic Interventions Influenza viruses pose a substantial threat to human health. Recent epidemics of seasonal influenza, poor vaccine efficacy, and the presence of zoonotic strains necessitate the need for disease intervention strategies to address β†’

Autophagy gene panel-based prognostic model in myelodysplastic syndrome

However, with the development of gene expression profile and new high-throughput technology, the understanding of the pathogenesis of MDS is getting further and better. In order to figure out the relationship of the seven significant genes, co-expression analysis were performed.