Quality Health & Medicine Essay Examples for Your Learning

Editorial: double-edged swords: genetic factors that influence the pathogenesis of both metabolic disease and cancer

Editorial on the Research Topic Double-Edged Swords: Genetic Factors That Influence the Pathogenesis of Both Metabolic Disease and Cancer Our understanding of cancer development has been marked by milestone discoveries in genetics, including the identification and cloning of oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes. In the review article, Kung et al.conduct a comprehensive review of the →

Editorial: organization of the white matter anatomy in the human brain

Editorial on the Research Topic Organization of the White Matter Anatomy in the Human Brain Between nineteenth and twentieth centuries, neurosciences experienced the first sharing of experiences and competences between the world of brain anatomy and clinics. Asymmetry, connectivity, and segmentation of the arcuate fascicle in the human brain.

A dual model of ownership

Issues of ownership, sharing, and access are key concepts within the blockchain debate but they have become particularly relevant in the context of the phenomenon of the " sharing economy". Negative externalities stemming from these concerns lead us to question the limitations of private ownership and the concentration of power in the hands of a →

Aortic dissection

Aortic Dissection Aortic dissection commonly refers to a type of tear in the inner walls of the aorta that allows blood to glide into the wall of the aorta. The dissection can also decrease blood flow to vital organs and may spread to other arteries thus blocking the circulation of blood in the true aorta.

A needs orientated approach to care

It will also discuss an example of a care plan done for a fictional patient and evaluate and discuss how the nursing plan and the nursing process have created a plan of care and how effective this was or was not. The next stage of the nursing process is planning this is where all the →

Editorial: physics of porous media

Editorial on the Research Topic Physics of Porous Media The physics of porous media is, when taking a broad view, the physics of multinary mixtures of immiscible solid and fluid constituents. This Research Topic attempts to present a snapshot of the state-of-the-art in some of the domains that constitute the physics of porous media.

Activation of tlr7 and innate immunity as an efficient method against covid-19 pandemic: imiquimod as a potential therapy

IQ is able to modify the immune response, by inducing the expression and production of a number of cytokines. IQ, by activating innate immunity is able to indirectly stimulate and activate the cellular arm of the immune response and the production of the T-helper type 1 cytokine IFN.

Novel coronavirus pneumonia treatment with traditional chinese medicine: response philosophy in another culture

According to a news release from the National Administration of TCM, the integration of traditional Chinese and Western medical treatment can achieve satisfactory results for resolution of symptoms of COVID-19 6. In the medicine field of China, there is always a dispute between the modern medicine and the traditional medicine for a long time.

Phylogeographic analysis suggests a recent population bottleneck in the rare red sea tridacna squamosina

Given the scarcity of reference sequences for this species, our study aims to amplify the mitochondrial sequences of the rare T.squamosina using the Tridacna specific primers, to improve barcode reference libraries and investigate their population structure. We combined our results with those of Richter et al.and Fauvelot et al, to document the known distribution of →

My career goals – becoming a dentist

I developed a passion for dentistry during the vacation of the summer of my sophomore year in college. Based on my experience, I decided to join the School of Dentistry.

Sex manipulation technologies progress in livestock: a review

Therefore, the discovery of SRY on the Y chromosome was a major breakthrough in the mammalian sex determination theory and promoted the development of sex manipulation technologies by providing a theoretical basis. Therefore, the sorting index of different species is calculated by multiplying the percentage of the difference in DNA content of the X- or →

Positive psychology micro-coaching intervention: effects on psychological capital and goal-related self-efficacy

In order to respond to these requests, this study aims to contribute to the research on the impact of a PPMC program on PsyCap and the relationship between self-efficacy and goal attainment in the coaching process. In addition, due to the lack of longitudinal studies that evaluate the maintenance of the results obtained in the →

Editorial: evolution of mitochondrial genomes

The two newly sequenced mtDNAs revealed a patchy distribution of the two evolutionarily distinct systems, and prompted the authors to revise previously proposed scenarios for the evolution of cytochrome c maturation in this group. Overall, this Research Topic aimed in elucidating the genetic, life history, and ecological factors that contribute to the evolutionary dynamics of →

Prognostic value of right ventricular ejection fraction assessed by 3d echocardiography in covid-19 patients

A total of 44 patients were excluded because of dilated cardiomyopathy, old myocardial infarction, insufficient image quality for echocardiographic analysis, arrhythmia during examination, the remaining 128 patients were divided into three subgroups according to the guideline on the diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19 by the National Health Commission: general, severe and critical groups. The echocardiographic →

Describe state plans and discuss what must be demonstrated by the states, including the process, to be an approved osha state plan

These ensure that the plan belongs to the citizens of the state. For a state to be an approved OSHA State Plan, first, a state must put the necessary measures and assure OSHA that within a period of three years, it will have implemented all the structural elements that are significant for an appropriate occupational →

Medication safety

Drug and medication safety form critical aspects of patient safety and have received great attention in the US in the recent past for the purpose of effective medical management. In defining safety, the report has it that it is the inverse of harm and explains that drug toxicity determine safety; the less the level of →

Editorial: stem cells and progenitor cells in ischemic stroke—fashion or future?

Casting new light onto the role of the cerebral microvasculature for post-stroke neurogenesis, Adamczak et al.provide a detailed non-invasive analysis of the dynamics of VEGF and its receptor VEGFR2 in a mouse model of focal cerebral ischemia. A review of novel optical imaging strategies of the stroke pathology and stem cell therapy in stroke.

Overcoming obstacles to drug repositioning in japan

The Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare and the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency, the regulatory agencies responsible for reviewing applications and approving the marketing authorization of drugs in Japan, do not have regulations equivalent to Section 505. A progressive approval system, in which the drug can be approved following proof of safety, may accelerate →

Autochthonous and travel acquired hepatitis e virus in australia

Of these, 91 samples had detectable HEV RNA with 55 isolates identified as HEV-1; 34 as HEV-3, and 2 as HEV-4 based on the 191nt in-house PCR amplicon of ORF2. The HEV sequences from this study are depicted in bold, with known country of origin or recent travel indicated.

Cross-modal and multisensory training may distinctively shape restored senses

2014 The coupling of recent technological advances and conceptual understandings within the field of systems neuroscience, and in particular in the study of cross- and multisensory systems, has given rise to the development of a host of sensory substitution and restorative devices. Isaiah et al.s' contribution in the Journal of Neuroscience describing the impact of →

The not-always-uniquely-predictive power of an evolutionary approach to understanding our not-so-computational nature

Second, Stephen et al.present our argument as stating that the primary contribution of an evolutionary approach to psychology is the idea of massive modularity when, in fact, we stated merely that the modularity of evolved adaptations is the primary distinction between EP and standard computational theories. Our actual argument was that E-cognition, and cognitive integration →

Editorial: what’s love got to do with it: the evolution of monogamy

This issue is composed of articles focusing on the specific and general aspects of monogamy within a variety of species, and taking empirical, methodological, conceptual, or theoretical approaches to provide a deeper and more complete understanding of aspects of behavior that comprise monogamy, its evolution, and its meaning. In the 1980 2000s, the costs and →

Anthropology: human and natural selection

In this chapter, I really impress about the idea " natural selection"." Natural selection is the process by which organism better adapt to theenvironmentreproduce more effectively compared with less well-adapted forms" The " natural selection", for me, is the best explanation for the difference between our modern humans and nonhuman primates. According to them, the →

Use of light stimuli as a postharvest technology for cut flowers

Clarifying the relationship between these flower traits and light stimuli, which can increase the understanding of the mechanisms of these traits, can help to improve the quality of cut flower through light environmental control. Genetic variation in the postharvest performance and ethylene sensitivity of cut rose flowers.Hort.Sci.

Discordance between the predicted versus the actually recognized cd8+ t cell epitopes of hcmv pp65 antigen and aleatory epitope dominance

The magnitude of scope is entirely different when the outbred human population is to be studied, largely due to the immense diversity in complexity restriction elements and the of the antigenic systems, such as viruses. In this study, therefore we focus on the actual CD8+ T cell recognition of pp65 epitopes in HLA-A2 positive subjects, →

Water- soluble vitamin

The disorder results in altered development of the hone, pain in the joints and the patient complains of bleeding from the gums. Niacin functions in the form of NAD and NADP and it is essential for up to two hundred reactions in the human body out of which the major reactions are the dehydrogenase ones.

Methylphenidate for mild cognitive impairment: an exploratory 3-day, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial

The decision to repeat the cognitive assessment 2 h following the administration of the drug was based on the expected peak level of MPH. The researchers were available to the participants for the reporting of any possible adverse events at all times during the study and initiated telephonic contact with the subjects on the day →

Healthcare management

Emerging influences in the Healthcare Industry s 9 February Emerging Influences in the Healthcare Industry The healthcare sector is statistically one of the world's largest in addition to being among the fastest growing industries. The enactment of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 This Act, also referred to as The Recovery Act was →

The grand challenge of cardiovascular epidemiology: turning the tide

New strategies for control of CVD risk factors and prevention of CVD in the community are desperately needed, and this is not only one of the grand challenges of cardiovascular epidemiology, but poses as one of the central threats to global public health calling for urgent action. It is the goal of Frontiers in Cardiovascular →

Analytical framework for homeowner-focused computational cost-benefit mitigation decision making

Additionally, despite the usefulness of CBA in assessing the cost effectiveness of mitigation, the benefit of mitigation is not clear and not readily calculated by non-experts, as it requires evaluation of the risk of the hazard and the loss avoided through mitigation over the length of time the consumer is affected by the decision. The →

Editorial: evolution of genetic mechanisms of antibiotic resistance

Starting from the analysis of single genes related to resistance, the topic moves to the analysis of resistance at whole genome and population levels thanks to the recent advances in genome sequencing and analysis, and also covers direct evolution experiments that allowed to follow the emergence, evolution and spread of resistance in defined laboratory conditions. →

Ethical and legal implications of medical errors

Nevertheless, medical practitioners fail to disclose the truth to their patients. In addition, most medical professionals also conceal a medical error from patients because of the fear to be punished.

Editorial: dna damage and inflammation under stress

In this Research Topic we had contributions relative to the above field and groups working in all of the above areas and model organisms linking DNA damage, inflammatory and innate immune response, and a variety of systemic effects associated with the above phenomena. Specifically, in the review article of Spanou et al.the role of genetic →

Editorial: applications of novel analytical methods in epidemiology

Editorial on the Research Topic Applications of Novel Analytical Methods in Epidemiology Over the past decades, the repertoire of quantitative analytical techniques in disciplines such as ecology, decision science and evolutionary biology has grown, in part enabled by the development and increased availability of computational resources. The objective of this research topic is to contribute →

Omega 3 fatty acid and skin diseases

For apoptotic cells, the macrophage phagocytosis is enhanced by RvE1, PD1, and RvD1. IL-23 production by DCs, as well as the migration of DCs and IL-17 producing cells, is suppressed by RvE1.

Why numbers are embodied concepts

A, Shaki, S, and Fischer, M.H. H, and Gobel, S.M.

The quantified self-in-place: opportunities and challenges for place-based n-of-1 datasets

Without observations over a variety of potential pathways, time periods, and individual-level characteristics and behaviors, researchers are limited to relatively high-level observations of associations between the characteristics of people and the places where they live, work, and play. Overall, the paper offers a vision for situating the quantified self in place, where researchers could support →

Process of becoming a radiology professor education essay

The purpose of our radiology section is to be certain that the pupils will derive sufficient sum of cognition and accomplishments to be able to pattern clinical diagnosing and understanding imaging which is an built-in portion of patient direction. 3 First, I will analyse the function of instructor in our section, in the first meeting →

The grand challenge for psychoanalysis – and neuropsychoanalysis: taking on the game

In other words, it is the confrontation with the amazing complexity of the body, respectively of the brain, which in the sixteenth and nineteenth century instigates the necessity to invoke, and then to settle, the discipline of psychology. Biology and the future of psychoanalysis: a new intellectual framework for psychiatry revisited.Am.J.

Commentary: the impact of asking intention or self-prediction questions on subsequent behavior: a meta-analysis

One of the key differences between the two reviews relates to the inclusion of non-randomized studies in the Woods review. Given that the Wood review included non-randomized studies, it is likely that the risk of bias is at least as high as in the Rodrigues review.

Editorial: shankopathies: shank protein deficiency-induced synaptic diseases

The three members of the SHANK family differ in their temporal and regional expression patterns in the central nervous system and non-neuronal tissue during development. At the protein level, Heise et al.found that Shank2 and Shank3 mutant mice displayed a reduced expression of receptors specific to excitatory synaptic transmission in the striatum and in the →

Editorial: the science of pair-bonding and future directions

Editorial on the Research Topic The Science of Pair-Bonding and Future Directions The goal of this Research Topic was to bring together broad scholarship on the science of pair-bonding and to inform future directions for research on this topic. Potretzke and Ryabinin provide a mini-review of the prairie vole, the neurobiology of pair-bonding, and the →

Corrigendum: viewing meaningful work through the lens of time

1007/978-3-030-20583-6_7 Costantini, A, Sartori, R, and Ceschi, A." Framing workplace innovation through an organisational psychology perspective: a review of current WPI studies," in Aligning Perspectives on Health, Safety and Well-being. Rus, and F.D.

The involvement of metals in alzheimer’s disease through epigenetic mechanisms

A is viewed as the core stone and trigger of diseases, which induces the dysfunction of synapses, loss of neurons, and ultimately dementia, with the existence of A plaques and NTFs. In mice model of AD exposure to Pb, the levels of DNMT1, H3K9ac, and H3K4me2 decreased, the level of H3K27me3 increased, while the concentration →

The effect of exercise on pulse rate

The Effect of Exercise on Pulse Rate Background of the Study The rationale for carrying out pulse measurement is to both heart rate and rhythm, since the heart pumps blood throughout the body, the rhythm with which this is done may be detected through the wrist, neck and upper arm. The current study was designed →

Effect of gradation variability on volume parameter and key performances of hma

By the rank-sum test method, Tan et al, Xu analyzed the law between the AV and the trend of the gradation curve through the study of 11 gradation curves, and the results show that the change of fine aggregate has the greatest influence on the AV under the condition that the content of asphalt and →

From neuronal populations to behavior: a computational journey

The aim of the study was to understand whether and how interneuronal correlations and the shape of individual neuronal tuning curves affected the decoding accuracy. The paper by Hara et al.addressed this question for the normalization model of attention and showed that the predictions of the model varied drastically for single neurons and neuronal population.

Enhanced gabaergic inhibition of cholinergic interneurons in the zq175 mouse model of huntington’s disease

In HD, iSPNs are particularly vulnerable and manifest signs of hypoexcitability early in the course of the human disease and early in the evolution of the phenotype in mouse models of HD, including the zQ175 knockin model of HD. To assess the strength of SPN-mediated inhibition of ChIs in heterozygous zQ175 mice, a combination of →

Functional constipation and the gut microbiome in children: preclinical and clinical evidence

Therefore, this state-of-the-art review aims to explore and summarize the possible mechanisms of interaction between the gut microbiome and FC in children, based on data from preclinical and clinical studies. The true prevalence of FC in children is difficult to determine due to the important limitations of study methodologies, such as population sampling, study setting, →

Explaining cam and its followers health and social care essay

The frame of the machine supports the bearing surfaces for the Cam and for the follower. The Cam and follower has a point or line contact represent a higher brace or you can state that it is the mechanical constituent of a machine that is used to convey the gesture to the another constituent of →

Growing a garden of neurons

Their algorithm can be used to build a network consisting of millions of neurons each with a unique morphology. A framework for modeling the growth and development of neurons and networks.

Four-dimensional graded consciousness

The question of just how low we should look, in searching for the most basic forms and mechanisms of consciousness, is particularly apposite when adopting, as we do here, a gradational approach to the phenomenon, as it may lead to some counterintuitive consequences, such as ascribing certain levels of consciousness to all organisms or even →

Editorial: epigenetic mechanisms regulating neural plasticity

Consequently, this special issue aims to shed light on the physiological and pathological processes affected by epigenetic mechanisms that are involved in the regulation of neural plasticity, highlighting the potential diagnostic and therapeutic strategies that may become commonplace in the future. In addition to the aforementioned epigenetic mechanisms, stress, changes in diet and the environment, →

From efficacy to effectiveness and beyond: what next for brief interventions in primary care?

From the first study of the effects of opportunistic brief intervention carried out in Malmo, Sweden in the early 1980s over three decades of research has been undertaken both locally and internationally to develop these simple technologies to assist with the identification of individuals at risk from their alcohol consumption, and the delivery of short, →

A systematic literature review of analytics for adaptivity within educational video games

That is, we aimed to provide a systematic overview of the current state of the art of adaptivity in game-based learning by analyzing the ways in which empirical research is currently being conducted in this field of research, which theoretical foundations are being used to realize adaptivity, and what is being targeted by adaptivity. For →

An immunological perspective: what happened to pregnant women after recovering from covid-19?

The establishment and maintenance of pregnancy depend on the fine regulation of the maternal immune system. The criteria we used to categorize the severity of the disease based on the Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of COVID-19 Infection issued by the National Health Commission of the People's Republic of China.

Controversies about a common etiology for eating and mood disorders

The aim of this review is to summarize the current knowledge about the obesity-depression relationship and discuss plausible biological mechanisms underlying this association; first by reviewing the clinical findings supporting the intermingled interaction between obesity and depression, second by discussing the possibility that obesity may be a cause of depression and vice versa. In particular, →

Editorial: congenital adrenal hyperplasia, unresolved issues and implications on clinical management

Nevertheless, as is meticulously explained in their article " The Complexities in Genotyping of Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia" by Pignatelli et al, novel tools are improving the chances of a correct diagnosis and better understanding of the underlying mechanisms of the disease. In line with these data, in their article " Genotype Is Associated to the →

Example of critical reflections and conclusion article review

The authors evaluated the implementation of Seguro Popular, a medical programme in Mexico seeking to provide health services to uninsured citizens. The authors used quantitative methods to evaluate the effectiveness of the programme within a 10-month period.

Fifty psychological and psychiatric terms to avoid: a list of inaccurate, misleading, misused, ambiguous, and logically confused words and phrases

For example, numerous scholars have warned of the jingle and jangle fallacies, the former being the error of referring to different constructs by the same name and the latter the error of referring to the same construct by different names. Thanks in part to the success of direct-to-consumer marketing campaigns by drug companies, the notion →

Space economy grand challenges

For decades, new civilian uses of space emerged at a stately pace communications in the 1960s, TV broadcasts in the 1970s, and navigation in the 1980s. In parallel with this, new regulatory regimes are being formed along with the development of legal frameworks for the use of space.

Can drinking microfiltered raw immune milk from cows immunized against sars-cov-2 provide short-term protection against covid-19?

In line with the results of this study, the concentration of SARS-CoV-2 IgG antibodies in mild, general, and recovering patients was similar in male and female patients while in patients with severe disease, more female patients compared to males had a relatively high concentration of serum SARS-CoV-2 IgG antibodies. J Med Virol.1 5.doi: 10.

Covid-19, copd, and aecopd: immunological, epidemiological, and clinical aspects

Here, we discuss the epidemiology of COVID-19 in the COPD population, the clinical and therapeutic implications of COVID-19 as the ultimate cause of AECOPD, and the pathological and immunological factors that play key roles in ever smokers with and without COPD affecting SARS-CoV2 infection and COVID-19 outcome. Further studies are needed in order to elucidate →

Brain injury markers: where are we?

In this Research Topic, we include comprehensive reviews of the current literature on this topic ranging from proteomics techniques applied for the first time to central nervous system biomarker discovery to potential clinical applications of existing biomarkers of brain injury in specific settings such as ICU, pediatric TBI, and the military-relevant battlefield casualty. In particular, →

Frontiers in pain research: a scope of its focus and content

The appearance of the chronic pain state represents one of the particular challenges in addressing the pain phenotype. A major challenge in developing pain therapeutics is the tailoring of the activity with the variable requirement of the pain to be managed.

A meaning-aware cultural tourism intelligent navigation system based on anticipatory calculation

According to the report of the nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the main contradiction of China's society has been transformed into " the contradiction between the growing needs of the people's life and the development of imbalanced development". The protection and dissemination of intangible cultural heritage is significant for the →

Severe flooding in the atoll nations of tuvalu and kiribati triggered by a distant tropical cyclone pam

This divergence is at least partially attributable to the known tendency of the WaveWatch III model to overestimate energy of waves traveling in the oblique and opposing winds and; uncertainty in the radar altimeters estimation of H s in such extreme conditions: Ribal and Young limit their calibrations to values of H s H s →

Reduced severity in patients with hiv-associated disseminated histoplasmosis with deep lymphadenopathies: a trench war remains within the lymph nodes?

The delay between diagnosis of histoplasmosis and the beginning of symptoms was longer among patients with superficial lymphadenopathies > 2 cm than in those without. The median ferritin concentration was lower among patients with deep lymphadenopathies than those without deep lymphadenopathies.

Editorial: single-domain antibodies—biology, engineering and emerging applications

Beghein and Gettemans review and thoroughly assess the current status of sdAbs as research tools in three main areas: the preparation and use of labeled sdAbs in fluorescent microscopy, the application of sdAbs to the study of protein protein interactions, and the use of sAbs as an alternative to RNAi in exploring protein function. Traenkle →

Monitoring re-growth of invasive plants using an autonomous surface vessel

The local community is engaged in monitoring the growth of the plant and its presence in the lake. This approach " works" but it suffers from the need to utilize a number of volunteers to monitor the lake, the lack of a standard measure of the level of the infestation, uneven sampling of the lake, →

Improving the health of my community

Improving The Health Of My Community As a senior at William Monroe High School, I have always been involved in activities that help foster the health of my community members. I have worked long and hard with my community members to ensure that their health is given the proper attention and care, just like any →

Extinction phenomena: a biologic perspective on how and why psychoanalysis works

Rather, it is to the biology of conditioning, specifically that of conditioned fear responses, and extinction learning, to which I turn in order to make the case. After some number of trials, the mere ringing of the bell will occasion the dog to salivate, i.e, to have the conditioned response, before or even in the →

Leadership and the role of managers

It is one of the prime programs of public health coverage in the USA and is particularly implemented to ensure the healthcare of the low-income Americans. Bills's responsibilities as a Medicaid service coordinator include but are not limited to the coordination and administration of service plans and benefits for the recipients of Medicaid in a →

Editorial: encoding visual features by parallel ganglion cell initiated pathways in the healthy, diseased and artificial retina

The injection induced a progressive degradation in RGC optic fibers that was followed by RGC degeneration and, finally, destruction of other retinal neurons. These results proved that S100B intraocular injection provides a potent model to examine the onset and progression of vision loss in glaucoma studies.

Two-level domain adaptation neural network for eeg-based emotion recognition

The Transformation Parameter Transfer method proposed by Sangineto et al.first trained the classifier of each source domain, then trained a regression function to learn the relationship between the data distribution and the classifier parameters, and finally used the target domain distribution and classifier mapping to obtain the target classifier, thereby realizing distribution transfer. We use →

Building trust across borders? exploring the trust-building process between the nonprofit organizations and the government in china

For instance, Cook and Cook and Hardin argued that it is " familial, communal, network, and other contexts" that are grounds for trust in the people we might trust. Knight, J." Social norms and the rule of law: fostering trust in a society," in Trust in Society, ed K.S.

Prognosis and prophylactic regional nodal irradiation in breast cancer patients with the first isolated chest wall recurrence after mastectomy

The present retrospective study aimed to assess the prognosis and the incidence and patterns of subsequent locoregional recurrence in breast cancer patients with ICWR, and to evaluate the role of prophylactic RNI. Of the 52 patients with sRR, 30 recurred in the axilla, 29 in the SC, and five in the IMN.

Internet-administered emotional awareness and expression therapy for somatic symptom disorder with centralized symptoms: a preliminary efficacy trial

The prevalence of SSD is estimated to be 5 7% in the general population and 17% in primary care and has a very chronic course, with up to 90% of patients with SSD reporting symptoms lasting longer than 5 years. To be eligible for the study, a participant needed to be over 18 years of →

Effects of chiropractic care on heart rate variability

First, there is the cardiovascular system and the other is the sensation and intensity of pain in parts of the body. The exception would be if the pain was considered in a specific area of the body.

Editorial: using neurophysiological signals that reflect cognitive or affective state

Stikic et al.and Touryan et al.focus on the validity of their algorithms for different tasks: marksmanship and golf, and driving and perceptual discrimination. Stikic et al.combine ECG and EEG derived measures to correlate physiological changes with training progress, and Hogervorst et al.determine the workload classification accuracy of EEG, ECG, skin conductance and eye-based measures, alone →

Does exposure to counterstereotypical role models influence girls’ and women’s gender stereotypes and career choices? a review of social psychological research

In the following, we briefly summarize the main underlying theoretical assumptions about the effects of role models and then review the success of role model interventions in childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. For the childhood literature, we review studies that test the success of exposure to gender-counterstereotypical role models on girls' gender stereotypes, aspirations, and behavior.

Beyond “net-zero”: a case for separate targets for emissions reduction and negative emissions

To avoid substitution, and hence ensure negative emissions deliver the necessary additional carbon removal, we suggest that targets and accounting for negative emissions should be explicitly set and managed separately from existing and future targets for emissions reduction. Clarity over the distribution of emissions reductions and negative emissions is essential in making such assessments of →

Health-oriented leadership and mental health from supervisor and employee perspectives: a multilevel and multisource approach

Thus, the development of healthy workplaces is of central importance, as it is assumed to improve the health of employees, increase the productivity for the company and contribute to the wellbeing of the community at large. To address these research questions, the first aim of the study was to test the relationship between supervisor and →

Tcad modeling of surface radiation damage effects: a state-of-the-art review

In particular, the oxide charge density Q OX, the interface trap states density D IT for acceptor and donor trap states and the integrated interface trap density N IT have been straightforwardly assessed from measurements and represent the main measurable key quantities to evaluate the surface damage extent. For the sake of clarity and completeness, →

Editorial: application of protective cultures and bacteriocins for food biopreservation

Editorial on the Research Topic Application of Protective Cultures and Bacteriocins for Food Biopreservation The use of microorganisms and their metabolites for the preservation of foods began in prehistory. The impact of activated plastic and chitosan films loaded with enterocin AS-48 or divergicin M35 on the dynamics of commensal bacteria and the survival of pathogens →

Videogames as a therapeutic tool in the context of narrative therapy

A limitation to using videogames in the context of narrative therapy is that enabling clients to create preferred narratives may be limited to the rules and context of the videogame. Videogames and therapy: a narrative review of recent publication and application to treatment.

The family meetings in oncology: some practical guidelines

The therapeutic alliance with the family is a powerful tool to improve the quality of life for the patient, as well as to alleviate the psychological distress of the family members who are involved. It seeks to avoid the possibility of negatively influencing the emotional disposition of the patient and the family both of whom →

Brg1 mediates nephronectin activation in hepatocytes to promote t lymphocyte infiltration in cona-induced hepatitis

However, in the event of the most venous attacks that surpass the compensatory/regenerative potential of the liver and cause irreparable damages and permanent loss of liver functions, the host may eventually succumb owing to severe disturbances of homeostasis. Ablation of BRG1 in mature T lymphocytes is associated with a deficiency in regulatory T cell differentiation →

Crispr-cas9-based toolkit for clostridium botulinum group ii spore and sporulation research

Moreover, we established a novel medium for the characterization of spore formation in C.botulinum Group II strains and used it to determine the suitability of a previously described CRISPR-Cas9 system for spore mutant generation in these strains. Growth and sporulation of three different Group II strains were tested in cooked meat medium-TPGY, which was the →

Comparative proteomic analysis of rhipicephalus sanguineus sensu lato (acari: ixodidae) tropical and temperate lineages: uncovering differences during ehrlichia canis infection

For this purpose, the sialome and the mialome of the tropical and the temperate lineage of R.sanguineus in non-infected and E.canis- infected conditions were obtained by reversed phase liquid chromatography mass spectrometry, and further analyzed. The results obtained here represent a step forward in the knowledge of the mechanisms responsible for the difference in vector →