Quality Health & Medicine Essay Examples for Your Learning

Adhd and autism

I have experienced and interacted with a young boy that had autism before and I found that the way he interacted with me and others around him was fascinating. Some questions that were most helpful dealt with the symptoms in a child with autism or ADD, how parents should deal with their children, how you →

Crisis and acute care in mental health

The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate an understanding on the nature of risk and risk assessment in relation tosuicide. Beck suggests that risk assessment in the mental health care setting is an attempt to control the behaviour of patients and clinicians for the interests of the organisation rather than the best interest of →

Sleep disorders and how they affect an individual’s mental and physical health

In the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders which is also known as the DSM-5, it contained information on all sleeping disorders and not just the insomnia in general. The most common sleeping disorders that are found and diagnosed in humans consist of sleep walking, narcolepsy, and insomnia.

Introduction and brief analysis of the yellow wallpaper

The Yellow Wallpaper Close by its investigation of mental illness, The Yellow Wallpaper offers a study of customary sexual orientation parts as they were characterized amid the late nineteenth century, the time in which the story is set and was composed. Charlotte Perkins Gilman was an unmistakable women's activist, who dismissed the trappings of conventional →

Mayer-rokitansky-kuster-hauser syndrome

The hypothesis and or purpose of this study is to evaluate self-report measures of psychological distress in woman with MRKH syndrome compared to woman without MRKH syndrome. I belief observing woman when diagnosed with MRKH as well as following up with woman after dealing with the initial shock of this syndrome will give insight to →

Suicide cases among successful young adults

Enke and his wife adopted a baby girl, Leila, but Enke was afraid she would be taken away if his illness was revealed to the world. This is in line with the statement as Festinger suggested that the more the discomfort, the more the desire to reduce the inconsistency between two cognitive elements.

The influence of music therapy on our health and well-being

Plato prescribed both music and dancing for the fearful and anxious, while Aristotle spoke of the power of music to restore health and normalcy Music on Humans 5 to those who suffer from uncontrollable emotions and compared it to a medical treatment. Many physicians began to use a multidisciplinary approach to medicine and, recognizing the →

The effect of insomnia on our health

Insomnia is a sleeping disorder and can be considered a mental illness because it affects how those diagnosed sleep and their ability to stay in the resting state. Retrieved from https://www.sciencealert.com/what-exactly-is-the-link-between-insomnia-and-mental-illness.

Environmental health and safety

When poured on the ground, household hazardous waste may seep into and contaminate our groundwater or the ocean we swim in. When hazardous wastes are released in the air, water, or on the land they can spread, contaminating even more of theenvironmentand posing greater threats to our health.

Mental health and recidivism

Due to the large number of mentally ill inmates prison psychologists and psychiatrists are burdened with a heavy caseload which restricts the effectiveness of treatment per individual c. Community treatment of severely mentally ill offenders under the jurisdiction of the criminal justice system: a review.

Musical interventions to help treat depression

So powerful is music, that it is even used in a clinical setting to treat mental and even physical illnesses and disabilities through a process known as music therapy. It is with this in mind that I am proposing to develop a mobile-phone application that brings the magic of music therapy into the hands of →

Ambulatory care and the mental health services

With the advent of the new health program and support by these two agencies, there is hope that there will be improvement in this care. This causes a shift in the type of care that is given from coverage for illness to coverage for prevention of illness.

Client conceptualization

When the client is able to understand how her thoughts lead to a specific behavior, and the counselor has helped the client change the direction of her thoughts, the client will be better. The expectation is that the client can realize how many distorted beliefs she has and help redirect her to healthy thoughts.

Determining which temperature is more efficient to breakdown protease enzyme, a lab experiment

We hypothesised that the rate of enzymatic breakdown would change in response to change in the temperature of the protein. The testing solution used was ninhydrin, of this we added 2 ml to each test tube, we then placed the test tubes in a bath of 95 water for ten minutes.

Chronic sleep deprivation can affect your overall health

Providing understandings of long-term effects of CSD on neurons and brain, the article educates the audience on the significant health effects of CSD, evoking the awareness of the importance of sufficient sleep. Neurology is the main discipline of this article, most obviously, as it is published in the journal ' Frontiers in neurology' and headings →

Good example of article review on how poverty impacts mental health: a look at four papers

These studies showed that less education also was linked to people suffering from CMDs The paper suggested that in order to reduce mental health in low to middle income countries, housing or business development projects need to be aware of how their buildings and operations impact the mental health of the community. The paper also →

Understanding mental illness

Understanding Mental Illness: Means for Lifting the Stigma As a victim of the debilitating mental illness clinical depression, I have a first hand knowledge of the terrible stigma attached to seeking medical help for this and similar problems. As people are exposed to the illnesses and begin to understand their origins and ways to help, →

Bipolar disorder signs and symptoms

A year later, because her symptoms continued; she was administered as an outpatient in the university clinic and was diagnosed with bipolar II and was given valproic acid 1000 mg/d and sertraline 50 mg/day. The depression symptoms returned after 5 months and she was prescribed with lamotrigine and moclobemide.

Mental health and gender congruence among transgenders in chennai

The reason behind this change due to awareness about transgenders and inclusiveness to society getting higher and in turn these improvements will lead to increase in the acceptance of transgender by non-transgenders and it will be gate opener for transgender to access the societal features such as health care access, employment and etc. The creation →

Communication in nursing essay sample

It is through the communication process that the sharing of a common meaning between the sender and the receiver takes place. Feedback is a key component in the communication process because it allows the sender to evaluate the effectiveness of the message.

The social context of nursing practice essay sample

I felt very sad on hearing this, as it is my belief that the older patient should be entitled to the same respect and the same care as a younger patient. Whilst on placement I have to put aside my personal feelings but this is not easy as our attitudes, values and beliefs are acquired →

First ad cprm – my personal experience

Another way we can ensure safety In our classrooms Is by Inspecting all the toys In the classroom and making sure they are safe for the children. Functional Area #2Health- In order to promote good health and nutrition and prevent Illness make sure that when the children walk In the center they stop at the →

“awakenings” by oliver sacks essay sample

Sayer and Leonard presents a medical ethical issue that may be considered difficult to recognize due to the initial positive result of the actions.Dr. Sayer does seek to improve the condition of his patients, therefore he is practicing beneficence.

Norfolk general hospital

I am very close to my family and my yellow lab Jake. I enjoy listening to Ill Wayne and his lyrics " Life is a beach I am Just playing in the sand" personifies much of my demeanor.

A study to implement 5s methodology in ambulance material management in a tertiary care hospital

The standard checklist has been prepared according to the National Ambulance Code to check the compliance of the materials available inside the ambulance but most of the materials were not found. 08% of materials compliance to the NAC and after implementing 5s in ALS Ambulance the overall percentage of materials that compliance to NAC was →

Facility planning part i essay sample

Having the family care clinic attached to the main hospital through the atrium gives the hospital more direct options to refer patients directly to their own clinic. Attracting patients that need primary care and continued health care will drive referrals to the ancillary departments in the hospital.

Post md training in anaesthesiology: base hospital dehiaththakandiya essay sample

Both them and the ward doctors gave me a great support in postoperative management of the patients with comorbidities. The doctors and the theatre staff helped in the smooth functioning of the operation theatre.

What makes a top 100 hospital

The services that they offer to international patients are that they have a team that is fluent in 20 plus languages and they tailor the patients' cultural, religious and special needs if needed. I feel that what they can offer to their international patients and out of state patients is something that places them higher →

Doctor and patient relationship essay sample

This is seen as throughout the reading, the speaker's voice continually changes between the doctor and the patient; this comes down to a unstable set of communication. This story has a different form of doctor to patient relationship, as the focus of the story is on the young girl who is not his patient.

Project report on manipal hospital essay sample

The main objective of the research paper is to understand the growth of the corporate hospitals and its impact on the health care at the domestic and international levels. The flagship hospital under Manipal Health Enterprises is Manipal Hospital Bangalore, set up in 1991, accredited with NABH and AAHRPP comprises of 55 clinical departments and →

Marysville general hospital

To propose my plan of improving the current situation of the hospital, I will need to get a current report on all past, current and future collection data from thefinancedepartment to determine how much we are actually losing at this point. Clear instructions will be given to these staff members to ensure that we have →

Billing system essay sample

Innovation, and Rationale, Objectives of the study, assumption, scope and limitation and significance of the study. Background of the Study The Objectives of the Study The following are the general and specific objective that this proposed study seeks to achieve.

Understanding global consumer behavior in aesthetic surgery essay sample

Various tools are necessary for a successful advertising campaign, depending on a number of factors, such as the demographics of the target market, the marketing plan and the advertising budget. The cultural similarities are the importance of physical appearance is highly recognized and the demand for aesthetic surgery rises all over the world.

Migration of nurses

In essence, the author suggests that " the migration of nurses such as those in Irish territories during the 19th and 20th centuries illustrates the need to revise the global care chain analysis" commonly used in order to " protect the welfare of nurses migrating from across the globe". In her article, Yeates believes that →

British hospitality industry -is the soup spilling too much? essay sample

We attempt to understand the current attrition rate and seek workable solutions to raise the sagging spirits of hotel owners and the industry at large....and give incentive to employees to stay back and work. The service industry is very people oriented and needs to be addressed with a more humane approach to bring back the →

“the english teacher” by r.k. narayan essay sample

Susila's passing on to the netherworld marks a radical change in Krishna's life, and therefore it is valid to term the incident as one which is of " massive consequence and magnitude". He is far too confident and casual in his diagnosis that he is able to tell to tell what illness a patient is →

The hospitality in the odyssey

The only reason that Kyklops was sociable at all was because he desired the wine and Odysseus was the only one that could bring him the wine. Upon meeting Kirke she was so impressed with Odysseus because he was immune to her poison, that she assumed he was a man of the gods, and she →

Medicare case essay sample

What is the labor portion of the IPF PPS per diem rate? What is the non-labor portion of the IPF PPS per diem rate?

Case study banner health essay sample

Banner Health and the Next Decade Banner Health's mission statement of expanding people's lives through exceptional patient care is a guideline for all of Banner Health employees to meet and exceed the needs of the communities they serve over the next decade. As healthcare evolves and continues to change Banner Health has begun opening smaller →

Mount sinai hospital’s modern take on disease management through the aid offered by technology

Disease management is the ideology of reducing costs associated with healthcare and at the same time improving the quality of life of people suffering from chronic conditions with the help of integrated care. Circle of Health and the Cohero's Platform are two disease management programs that the hospital has developed.

Gregory s. kavka response paper essay sample

Kavka first states that in both scenarios where an individual owns the medicine and where a friend owns the medicine but is friends with the patient that needs the medicine, is permissible that they may take the medicine rather then giving the medicine to the five patients. In the other scenario, if a patient has →

Midwifery today

Midwifery models of care monitor the physical, psychological, and social aspects of women throughout the childbearing years. It inspects beneficial impacts midwifery models have on refugee women and the importance of culturally safe midwifery models practiced in midwifery care in Australia.

Free essay on statistical assessment

The objective of the study by Messina Daniel, Scotti Dennis, Ganey, Rodney and Zipp Pinto was to assess the relationship between patient admission and satisfaction in both teaching and non-teaching hospitals. Establishing whether the there was a significant difference in satisfaction between the teaching and non teaching hospitals was one of the primary objectives →

Descriptive essay – emergency room essay sample

Although the humor aspect of these shows is exaggerated, that is not to say that there is no humor in the emergency room because that is far from the truth. Because of the nature of the emergency room and the clientele that require its services, humor is not commonly accepted in such a place.

The exchange took only less than ten minutes

We do not have to be superman to possess the strengths that will be able to bring down a 20-foot building; we just have to believe that we hold the courage and the strength to deal with our daily tribulations. It was a rather difficult time and I was about to give up, but then →

Work flow essay sample

If the hospital had an extra employee or was able to hire an extra employee, that person can locate and move the patient from the waiting room to the testing room. For example the company can play a movie or customers to watch while they wait.

Reading and writing skills book review example

At the last minute the plans for a trip with his climbing partners had fallen through, and on the spur of the moment he decided to head out on his own to cycle up a long mountain trail, leave his bike and then walk down the Blue John canyon. Only when he had made a →

Effective communication in health and social care essay sample

This is effective because it is welcoming for the patients to come in and talk to a friendly person. This is effective because it is professional and you are talking to a receptionist who can then communicate the information to be able to make the appointment.

Hospitals and consent to treatment

The ' functional' test was discussed extensively in Re C, a case which drew together the strands of the test and indeed proved to be the foundations of the 2005 Act's s. Croydon District Health Authority a three-stage test was elicited by the Law Commission which found its way into the 2005 Act: Can the →

Hospital billing system essay sample

BACKGROUND OF THE DESIGN The hospital billing system includes the basic information about the patient and billing records and to provide an overview of the hospital billing process. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The main problem of the study is the manual system of record keeping and billing records in the hospital.

Human immunodeficiency virus essay sample

She is here for a routine physical examination and requested that a human immunodeficiency virus test performed.C.Q.stated that she is in a serious relationship, is contemplating marriage, and just wants to make certain she is " okay". It is important for C.Q.to also understand about HIV laws in her state.

The advantages and disadvantages of the country’s hospitality

The tourism in New Zealand is bringing in good inflow of foreign exchange to the country and is very helpful to the economy. The major advantage of New Zealand's tourism is to the country's financial background itself, and the major advantages of it can be assessed by the following:' Tourism is important for New Zealand's →

Making national system in all the hospitals in the uae thesis proposal examples

In 2009, the Ministry of Health in the UAE presented a system which was aimed at promoting communication between patients and the medical community. This study aims to see the end of the use of paper and the birth of a paperless system.

The role of the practitioner in supporting the learning needs

Another role of the practitioner is to work professionally and responsibly such as to work as part of the team, work with parents and partners, participate in providing an environment that is welcoming and stimulating and to meet the learning needs of each individual child by providing a range of activities and experiences Tassoni, et.al. →

Tourism & hospitality industry in india

To analyze the share of the Indian tourism industry when compared to the rest of the world and the Asian and Pacific region. 44 percent during 2004-05 to 2009-10 and the growth rate in 2010-11 was 7.

Nurse-patient ratio

Nurse-patient Ratio laws are state mandates requiring hospitals to keep to a maximum sealing limit of the ratio of nurses to patients. At the moment, states that have yet to apply any nurse-patient ratio limits typically charge each of their nurses the care of at least 6 nurses and even as high as 8 to →

Dissemination plan: hourly nursing rounds essay sample

Hourly nursing rounds will be adopted at this institution as a patient centered nursing intervention, with the purpose of improving patient safety and satisfaction. With a nod to the emotional aspect of nursing care, I have decided to use Kotter and Cohen's Model of Change in disseminating hourly nursing rounds to the institution and staff.

Hand washing strategies and compliance literature review example

In this study, the researchers sought to assess hand hygiene practices and the nature of patient contact in physicians and nurses at a neonatal intensive care unit in Ghana. The aim of this study was to evaluate educational level and hand washing compliance.

Total hospital information system hospital selayng

HIS serves as a platform to provide the required information to each level of the management at the correct time, in the correct form, and in the correct place, contributing towards improved decision making. HIS plays a pivitol role in planning, initiating, organizing and controlling the operations of the subsystems of the hospital and thus →

What is trypanophobia? essay sample

This phobia is a common phobia for most people out there in the world, what this phobia means is that people are afraid of Needles or Injections. The treatment for this phobia is to meet with a doctor who is going to be administrating an injection or presence of needles.

Accredidation auditing

The nurse's must verify the identity of the patient to which the responsibility of care is being transferred. To verify the site of the procedure, the nurse in charge must check with the patient if possible to verify the type of procedure and location of the procedure.

Vying for patients, hospitals think location, location.

In accord with the original meaning of the word, hospitals were originally " places of hospitality", and this meaning is still preserved in the names of some institutions such as the Royal Hospital Chelsea, established in 1681 as a retirement andnursinghome for veteran soldiers. Improvement of the quality of services by hiring of the best →

Interview a helping professional essay

Answer: " My practice is more community-centered and since I work in a supervised clinical setting, my work primarily involves counseling and providing therapy to patients. Answer: " As I have mentioned, I work in a hospital, so I provide counseling and therapy to patients in a clinical setting, within the hospital, and I rarely →

Introduction of hospitality industry

Lack of employees is a general problem for the hotels, so the limit for the research is hard to find the special theory or method to solve the problem. In my hotel, lack of employees is a main problem, especially for the F&B Department.

Professional integration

HSHS understood that in todays health care consumer is more likely to receive care outside of the traditional hospital setting and uses care integration to bring continuity at every point of access in the health care system. In addition driving costs out of the system was another strategy employed to enhance care integration and make →

Surgical site infections

In this paper I will discuss what a surgical site infection is, why it is considered preventable, the legal implications related to the patient, the role disclosure plays, accreditation expectations, and analyze the cost of continuous quality monitoring as it relates to quality. Organizational learning occurs when this process is ocumented and results in the →

Free research proposal on wound care management

One of these challenges is the limited knowledge of wound care among the practice nurses in the unit. Trends in wound care the development of a specialty.

Use of technology in a hospital radiology department essay sample

A PET scan can help to show up cancer, stage a cancer and decide the best treatment for your cancer The radiology department, also known as the x-ray or imaging department, which carries out the radiology examination of patients using a range of X-ray equipment, together with computer tomography, in this department there are radiologists →

Patient safety initiatives in the hospital setting essay sample

While regulatory agencies like The Joint Commission require hospitals to identify who is at risk for a fall, and gives minimum standards to go by, it is up to the individual hospital to go beyond these required interventions to reduce the risk of a fall occurring within their facilities. When it is not an option →

Virginia mason hospital

The commitment to lean must start at the very top of the organization, and all staff should be involved in helping to redesign processes to improve flow and reduce waste. The path to better quality and safety is the same as the path to reduced cost.2.

Stem cell essay sample

The adult stem cell's function in an organism is to maintain and repair the tissue of the organs in which they are found throughout the lifecycle of the organism. The epidermis, or outer layer of the skin, is an example of where the adult stem cell acts in a renewal tissue." The top layer of →

Scholar-practitioner model paper

Scholar A scholar is a person who is engaged in the art of learning any branch of information to attain literary or scientific knowledge. What is the Scholar-Practitioner Model?

Home birth vs hospitalized births

Some of the perks or benefits of giving birth at home is obviously, that the woman can have anybody in the room with her during this time such as friends andfamily. Another benefit of birthing centers are that although it may not look like a hospital and may very well be a house, there are →

Healthcare communication

To provide an effective communication, it is needed to have an effective speaker and an effective listener. As a speaker, you need to be short and concise to keep the listener's attention.

Healthcare marketing essay sample

All the groups that the community hospital would like to keep a relationship with. The decline of Hospitals in the metropolitan areas, the high populations and the need for a service all contribute to the success of after-hours clinics and urgent care facilities.

Virtues, vices, and habits of the healthcare provider essay sample

VIRTUES OF THE HEALTHCARE PROVIDER FIDELITY All healthcare professionals are to stick to fidelity as they serve the needs of their patients, that is the very purpose why they became healthcare providers.* Fidelity is derived from the Latin word fidelitas which means " faithfulness" * It also means faithfulness to one's obligations, duties, and responsibilities. →

Good analyzing scene in city of god movie review example

The struggles in the social lives of the people of Brazil was also among the main points of focus of this film where the locals realized the dangers and problems of the slums which they lived in as shown by the life conditions in the ghetto of Favela. The social perceptions in Brazil and the →

Example of essay on medicating children

The health of the children is the driving force against medicating young children with ADHD. These stimulant ADHD drugs are also said to cause mania of depression, and in the worst case death, prompting doctors to prescribe more drugs such as antidepressants.

The pros and cons of employer drug testing programs

The Pros and Cons of Employer Drug Testing Programs Introduction The debate on the importance of employee drug testing programs has received much controversial views from the social, political, economic, and professional fronts of the community. The pros of employees drug testing programs Employee drug testing programs are crucial in an organization for the following →

Free essay on cms reimbursement

Why Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services became more involved in the reimbursement component of healthcare and their involvement impact health care organizations An understanding of why CMS became more involved in the reimbursement component of healthcare requires a clear understanding of reimbursement. The primary goal of increased involvement of HMS in reimbursement is to →

Methadone clinics and needle exchange programs essay sample

As for the needle exchange programs I believe these have many biases because of the fact that they are supplying the drug users with supplies to inject themselves with the drug. Both methadone and needle exchange programs are, to me, still biased due to the fact that we are approving of drug use when it →

Gastro- esophageal reflux disease research paper

Gastroesophageal reflux disease is due to weakening of the lower esophageal sphincter tone and is thought to be one of the most common disorders of the gastrointestinal system. Regardless of this fact, some studies have proposed that in Western civilizations, the prevalence of the disorder is in the range of 10-20% of the population, →

Harrah’s entertainment: hitting the crm jackpot essay sample

Even if the drug is shown to be harmful, is not it the right of every person to choose what harms him or her? As detailed in the related links section, there are a number of medical benefits of marijuana, most notably in the treatment of patients undergoing chemotherapy.

Movie review on requiem for a dream

The Snorri-cam is a device that is strapped to the actor's body, and the camera is mounted on top of the device. What Aronofsky exploits most through the use of the Snorri-cam in this scene is that he perfectly captures the emotions of shame on her face and the emptiness in her eyes.

The importance of drug testing in workplaces

The idea of drug testing among workers has developed from society's concern over a perceived increase in the use of drugs and the relation between drug use and impairment, with resultant risks to the worker, fellow workers and the public. One of the biggest of these problems is whether or not it is constitutional to →

The effects of drugs on our society and youths

A survey was conducted and showed that most people found it to be true that youths between the of 14-22 use recreational drugs. Recreational drugs are not limited to any particular group in society, meaning that a very wide variety of people choose to use the drugs; including teenagers, parents, business people, and often very →

Clinical trials and equipoise essay sample

Tests of novel drugs and treatments require theoretical equipoise; a state where the researcher uses a fiction whereby he assumes an uncertainty about the benefits of any medical treatment. Stang et al, take issue with the ethics of using a placebo in randomized clinical trials to prove the efficacy of new drugs.

My participation in the dare program

Near the ending of our D.A.R.E.lessons, we looked at the coolest car of all time a police cruiser. He walked us through the main stuff of a police car.

Nancy reagan introduces just say no campaign essay

In her speech, Nancy Reagan introduces the " Just Say No" Campaign, requiring the audience's support and contribution for combating the drug use among youngsters;- Nancy Reagan uses all the three elements of the speech: ethos, logos and pathos in her speech, for determining people to adhere to the " Just Say No" Campaign;- Ethos →

Benefits of viagra research paper examples

Viagra enables men to achieve erections as it utilizes the effects of the nitric oxide component of the drug, capable of transmitting signals to the brain. With the use of Viagra, men and women would be able to sustain their impotence and ensure that sexual activity is still pleasurable for the couple.

My experience with tuberculosis research paper example

Treatment of TB usually takes long and is through a standard six- nine month administration of four antimicrobial drugs these are often provided with the supervision of health workers to ensure patients adhere to the treatment. The exact length of treatment and drugs depends on age, possible resistance to the drugs, overall health, and location →

Free causes of xerostomia essay sample

Xerostomia Xerostomia is a medical term used to describe the dryness of the mouth resulting from thickening of saliva, reduction in the usual volume of the saliva or complete absence of saliva flow. The dryness of the mouth manifests through the cracking of lips, splitting of the corners of the mouth and soreness of →

Authors jenkins and kendall critical thinking

The main purpose of the research was to compare, in the same subjects, the cholesterol-lowering potential of a dietary portfolio with that of a statin. Furthermore, the statin and the portfolio diets did not vary considerably in their capability to decrease LDL cholesterol below the 3.

Research methods and analysis essay examples

This outcome is a result of the ignorance of ethical pitfalls that may exist in this type of research. Role of Family on recidivism rates The family is of critical importance in matters of recidivism and as such, it would provide a good area for conducting a survey research on this.