Quality Health & Medicine Essay Examples for Your Learning

Nurse educator and nurse practitioner essay sample

Nurse Practitioner and Nurse Educator Role in Health Care Changes Teaching is an integral part in the practice of nursing. Every Nurse Educators plays a fundamental part on the enhancement of the nursing workforce by serving as role models in the improvement on management, implementation and evidence-based practice of an effective patient care.

Asthma: symptoms and staging

Additionally, there is reduced function of the lung and is said to be less than 60% of the usual rate in the absence of treatment. The breathing tests are mostly considered in the diagnosis of asthma.

Protecting human research participants

Response Paper-Protecting Human Research Participants affiliation Response Paper-Human Research Participants Perhaps the most important parts of the human protection course is the chronological development of ethics in human research. The development of informed consent as part of protecting these participants from the cruelty of some unethical research in the past informs the need to adhere β†’

Historical development of nursing

The nurse shares the reaction with the patient, identifying it as the nurse's perception, thought, or feeling, and seeking validation of the accuracy of the reaction. Once the nurse and the patient have agreed on the immediate need that led to the patient's behavior and to the action to be taken by the nurse to β†’

Competency differences in nursing education levels essay sample

2 to 3 year nurse training schools were started in hospital which was credited with providing knowledge and skills to women as, " trained nurses" who helped reform the care of the sick, though there were problem associated with the model.notes that " the apprenticeship model of nursing advocated by nightingale provided physicians and hospitals β†’

Clinical practice guideline: diagnosis and management of acute otitis media

The article ' Diagnosis and Management of Acute Otitis Media' published in the American Academy of Pediatrics And American Academy of Family Physicians and the article Diagnosis and Management of Acute Otitis Media, published in Pediatrics is filtered. The second article ' Causative pathogens, antibiotic resistance and therapeutic considerations in acute otitis media' from the β†’

Nln trends related to cultural transformation

Of the tend trends that have been identified, the trends like change of demographics and increased diversity among students and the patients alongside the increase of educated consumers relates to the cultural transformation that are expected in these nursing facilities. The changing demographics among the patients and the nursing students are another factor calling for β†’

Roy’s adapatation model

This paper will delve deeper into the study of the framework of the theory as it is applied to the treatment of a group of Canadian menopausal women and how the framework may have helped or not helped them overcome their menopausal problems. She wrote the paper based upon the care of a group of β†’

Organizational theories

In this case, managing organizational change entails planning and implementing change throughout the organization in order to minimize organizational costs and employee resistance in the organization. Relationship between Organizational Design, Change, and Uncertainty in the Organizational Environment Organizational design/change tends to generate uncertainties in the organizational environments.

Case study example

The other branch of the autonomous nervous system is the Parasympathetic nervous system whose functions include the rest and digest activities. There is also dilation of the bronchioles in order to increase the intake of oxygen in the lungs.

Foundations of qualitative and quantitative methods

Both methods are efficient and enhance the quality of conclusions depending on the type of study, nature of the data and the source of information. In conclusion, the above illustration shows that a nursing research provides better and actionable conclusions when both qualitative and quantitative methods are used.

Nursing clinical negligence

Concept of Risk Assessment Process and Issues to be Considered From a clinical practice perspective, risk assessment can be defined as a process of addressing potential clinical or healthcare risk that might have an adverse impact resulting from nursing practices, treatment processes or different clinical investigations. Guidelines for Clinical Risk Assessment and Management in Mental β†’

Nursing informatics

They form a critical avenue for information for making clinical and care judgments by the nurses and a basis for evaluation of the care the patient receives. Through the health informatics, the nurse can access the comprehensive information about the previous care the patient has received in other care institutions.

Performing a cardiopulmonary resuscitation

The procedure of CPR is a medical process that requires a trained professional with the ability to evaluate if the patients require it and when to perform the procedure on the patient. Therefore, I think it is vital for trained professionals to handle the procedure to avoid issues of liability and other related issues.

Reflective journal

The man was pulling a bag of oranges that the shopkeeper was holding, shouting that it was his. Analysis The reaction of the onlookers was not appropriate and they should have tried to resolve the issue in a calm manner and not presume the ill man to be the one in the wrong as compared β†’

Naval hospital guam color guard

Naval Hospital Guam Color Guard During the celebration of the 232nd Navy Birthday Ball on October 13, 2007, held at the Pacific Islands Club in Tumon, the U.S. The commemoration ceremony was a symbolic way to remember the Prisoners of War and those Missing in Action from the wars.

Example of essay on comparing two nursing theorists: florence nightingale vs jean watson

Watson model of caring supports the massive paradigm shift in the nursing profession while nightingale's approach befits the traditional and conservative approach to nursing. Watson and Nightingale contributed to the modern paradigm of nursing.

Leininger’s nursing theory article summaries

Leiningers Nursing Theory Research Article Summaries Madeleine Leininger developed the culture care diversity and universality theory as a key theory " to advance transcultural nursing knowledge, and to use the findings in teaching, research, practice, and consultation". A study was conducted by Lewallen and Street to explore the issues of initiating and sustaining breastfeeding in β†’

Viral hemorrhagic fever and ebola patients essay

It was 1976 when the Ebola virus first appeared in the Republic of the Congo in a village situated near the Ebola River from which the disease received this name. Human to human transmission of the Ebola virus is primarily associated with direct contact with blood and bodily fluids.

Mother and teenager daughter fight constantly

To overcome this sad state of affairs, it is important to understand the kind of communication that goes between you, your daughter and your husband. Guide her on the pros and cons of the options that she has in hand.


Indeed, the sampling method in this study is a controlled process where the researchers define the population, units of the population, and select a sample of units from where they choose the sample. Researchers use simple random sampling to establish the impact of organisational characteristics on turnover intention among care workers in Korea nursing homes.

Effective documentation” and electronic medical record

A Nursing Focus on EMR Usability Enhancing Documentation of Patient Outcomes. A Nursing SWAT Team: Using the EMR to Improve Patient Throughput.

Effect of cellulitis on wound care

The subjective, as well as the objective data in relation to the case of Ms. Factors that are likely to delay wound healing In the case of Ms G, include the 2 cm diameter, 1 cm deep, open wound that is located above the medial malleaolus.

Legal ascts of the nursing – homework 3

In the case in question, health care provider's responsibility of maintaining patient safety is on the limelight. Garcia and would leave the police officers and the health care unit responsible for the demise of Mr.

Impact of nursing theory comment

The most significant element in the workplace is the care and concern afforded to the nurses by their nurse leaders. This, in turn, has effects on the delivery of care to the patients and the attainment of set goals by the organization.


Pharmacotherapeutic agents in pharmaceutical drugs are the active agents that are responsible in restoring the normal functioning of the body. While using this agent you will experience some side-effects as a result of your body reacting to the introduction of a " foreign agent".


The divergent findings cited in this study on the risk factors of HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders are one of the things that underpin the importance of this study. Finally, the suggestion that there is a need to determine the individual contribution of individual comorbidities to the development of HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders is insightful.

Abuse assessment

Another cultural consideration which has to be strictly observed is that the head of the client must not be touched; it is considered a sacred part of the body. The nurse should not keep on touching the head in the course of the examination without permission from the client.

Research proposal draft

Research proposal The significance of the current research study is to measure how a quantitative weight loss program will affect those who will be involved in the study. Research hypotheses The hypothesis for this research is that there will be clear indication of the positive health outcomes that will be achieved by the 50 participants β†’

The skills required for collaborative learning nursing essay

The reflection cycle according to the Marks-Maran & Rose includes; the incident of what actually happened, the thoughts and feelings arising from the incident, what was learned, how it will influence future action and related theory of the incident in the light of current knowledge. In regards to my previous group discussion, I personally feel β†’

5 african amereican nurse leaders annoniated biblography

She studied nursing in Lincoln Hospital and Home school of Nursing, where she graduated in 1905. Later on, she was to become a consultant for the National Nursing Council for War Services, a position which enabled her to help lift the color ban in the American navy and army.

Innovation in nursing discussion board phase

Innovation in Healthcare and Introduction The healthcare industry in America has undergone massive proliferation of changes and strategic innovations that are directed towards improving and making better life quality, the value and rate of life expectancy, treatment choices and diagnostics of patients all over. Two uses of innovation in healthcare can be derived from two β†’

Registered nurses in their first year of study

The objectives of this lesson are: to identify different ways to inculcate positive attitude during the drug administration and the other is to differentiate between the different methods of administering oral medication according to on the patient's condition, age, and doctors' instructions. The second objective is about differentiating between the different methods of administering oral β†’

Holistic wellness careers and healthcare delivery analysis research paper examples

Holistic medicine is a form of healthcare delivery that focuses on the patients' physical, psychological, and social aspects to deliver a personalized and effective treatment to those patients. The high demand for holistic healthcare practices apparently originates from the realization that all aspects and influences in life are responsible for the quality of health.

Nursing leadership & management

For the case of the CNL, they have no option but to always assess the context of the situation prior to selecting the leadership style in the course of dispensing duties in the hospital setting. In line with this argument the leadership role and management of the CNL needs to depend on the context and β†’

Ethic challenges

The act had three main mandates including spreading medical coverage to millions more Americans, provision of new entitlements through the Medicaid and subsidies and control over the rapid growth of medical costs in the US. A requirement for more healthcare providers and services emerges for rationing health care services to serve the sick population.

The neurological assessment of the infant (ages birth to 12 months)

The Neurological Assessment of the Infant Ages Births to 12 months Total Number of Words: 597 Neurological Exam of an Infant Nutritional deficiency during the mother's pregnancy period and the child's infancy stage are some of the main reasons why a child could not reach their maximum motor, cognitive, and socio-emotional development. In another study, β†’

Leadership of nursing

Thus, nurses' initiative in critical situations evolves as key leadership trait that relies on best practices and evidence based knowledge to provide quality care. Nurse leadership becomes a vital aspect of effective healthcare delivery as it incorporates the environmental changes within nursing practice and uses acquired knowledge to provide superlative care.

The future development of nursing

The Future Development of Nursing The Future Development of Nursing It is an undisputable fact that nursing plays critical role in healthcare services across the world. The second issue is the need to concentrate in knowledge and skills that are required to meet changing needs of the nursing labour force.

Physician’s assistant

I had a set of duties and responsibilities assigned to me by management that I had to complete by the end of my shift. As a student in the Physician Assistant Education program, it is important that I become less of a perfectionist and more proficient in time management because I do not have time β†’

Library search

The next step involve the search results with full text journal on the selected topic on nursing. The understanding of the use of the folder is essential.

Security management

Complexities and Liabilities associated with today's security industry The need to protect the security of the world has undoubtedly taken new trends today. Ensuring cost effectiveness in financing security industry Apart from personnel, staff, equipment and logistics, architectural security design for facilities, airport security, and critical in fractures are other areas of extreme liability and β†’

Best practices to improve patients’ experiences

Goal: In this project, the learner will create an implementation plan for purposeful rounding, bedside reporting, and multidisciplinary rounding in order to improve patients experiences and help staff develop their leadership competencies and abilities. In a nutshell, my proposed practicum project is implementing purposeful rounding, bedside reporting, and multidisciplinary rounding as best practices to improve β†’

Population health case studies example

The main view of the paper is the review of the contrasting model of control which is the medical model and public health model of control. The most important aspect of the medical model is that which focuses on taking the patient as an individual entity and helping the patient to manage the salt intake β†’

Procedure that physicians would like nurses to adopt in the hospital

Procedure That Physicians Would Like Nurses To Adopt In the Hospital Abstract In the effort to enhance care delivery, physicians may find it necessary to introduce a new procure that they would require nurses to adapt. In order successfully to introduce any new procedure, it would be vital to include both physicians and nurses β†’

Application of a grand theory essay sample

In the second article, Mefford and Alligood performed a study involving Levine's Conservation Model of Nursing to test a middle range Theory of Health Promotion for Preterm Infants. The nurse must provide consistency in care to assist in a healthy adaptation for both the patient and the family.


The main reason behind the need to combine the use of calcium channel blockers with ACE inhibitor is not only to increase its effectiveness in treating hypertension but also to prevent the risks of developing peripheral edema caused by the use of calcium channel blocker monotherapy. Given the fact that obesity is one of the β†’

Menstual cycle

This paper will critically discuss the normal response of ovaries during the menstrual cycle, as well as the hormones secreted and the mechanism for feedback and control. This drop is triggered by a negative feedback effect on the pituitary due to the combination of oestrogen and progesterone; causing the uterine lining to shrink menstruation commences.

455 week 7 d-6

Hospice Care Versus Palliative Care Hospice Care Versus Palliative Care There are several differences between hospice and palliativecare and one of the main differences in these forms of care are the definitions of these forms of care. On the other hand, hospice can is different from palliative care but the kind of care provided in β†’

Evolution mental health nurses in criminal courts nursing essay

CLNs are the clinicians who provide the ' on the spot' mental health expertise in the court and the link between the many agencies involved in the pathway of the mentally disordered offender. The services of the court liaison nurse are available to the court, defence, prosecution, probation service and others to assess persons and β†’

Application of theories in practice/ improving infection control practice utilizing kurt lewins theoretical model of change

The involvement of front line staff in planning groups and key decision making processes promotes a feeling of empowerment that helps to overcome their resistance to the change and enables them to understand the importance of the project and how it will benefit the client. Ongoing support of the nurses on the frontline and technology β†’

Organizational structure and leaderships

In a nutshell, an organization with a flat organizational structure has fewer numbers of management levels. A flat organizational structure encourages employees to make their own decisions and only seek the counsel, opinion, and guidance of their managers when making difficult decisions.

Nurse staffing and the quality of patient care

In conclusion, it can be said that the level of nurse staffing does indeed have an impact on the quality of care that patients receive since patient to nurse ratio has a direct impact on the effectiveness of nurses, occurrences of medical errors and patient mortalities. Nurse-staffing levels and the quality of care in hospitals.

Pharmacology and pathologies treatment

The main thing that will be altered due to the patient's pathologies will be the absorption how the substance enters circulating blood. Due to the gastrointestinal tract removal, the administrating doctor may decide that any treatment for PVD needs to be administered intravenously, and as such the dosage will be lower due to the differences β†’

Free essay on diagnoses

It is not only used to check the severity of the OCD in a patient, but it is also used to check the level of improvement. One measures the severity of the mental disorder in the patient and the other measures the improvement in the illness of the patient.

Evidence-based practice process:comparing guidelines

The kinds of appraisal done by the authors of the first guidelines when choosing evidence to apply in the guideline were the analysis of issued meta-analyses and a methodical review. For the second guideline, the type of appraisals included was a literature review of works from the ICSI and PubMed databases.

Provision 7

In addition, the instructor should refer the student to a professional counsellor to facilitate effective solution of the problem. In summary, nursing instructors should always be prepared to address both simple and complex problems facing the students, in addition, nursing instructors should engage in regular training to enhance development of diverse skills.

Nursing health care fair

Ensuring overcoming such tasks is a tall order and to some instances, it has led to poor provision of such services stated in the mission statement of the organization or even leading to complete closure of a healthcare. Owing to such attributes related to such a mission, how does the hospital management ensure attainment of β†’

The stages of dying and subsequent bereavement nursing essay

By Genieva Barfield When approached with this case, your first instinct should be to look at all the given facts, determine what palliative care is being provided, the age of the individual, the stage of the illness and what treatments can be provided. The palliative care team works with and supports the patients and their β†’

Critical analysis of an assessment process

The student lacks some of the essential information regarding hand washing practices and I had to chip in to teach the practice through the eight domains of mentoring. I inquired from the student on some of the possible diseases that are associated with poor hand washing practices, and what are the possible symptoms of the β†’

Judgment at nuremberg

Although, the actions of the German judges were a clear case of violation of human rights, Haywood played by Spencer Tracy faces slight ethical and moral dilemmas due to the background of one of the judges and also due to the changed political climate. So, there was a view, that the German judges should not β†’

Promoting a healthy workplace

Promoting Healthy Workplace of Affiliation Workplace safety is a concern for nurses as it guarantees that their health is not jeopardized in the course of administering health care. The purpose of the system is to track down traumatic injuries, record the data, and use it as benchmark to aid in the efforts of mitigating such β†’

Week 6 d-1

Various have since investigated the infectivity of the disease and established that a person suffering from Ebola can only infect between 1. As such, the need to establish balance between Ebola's virulence and infectivity may lead to a global pandemic.


Pathophysiology and causes of amenorrhea Hormonal imbalances are cited as a common cause for secondary amenorrhea. Cushing's disease is the hyperactivity of adrenal glands and can combine with hypothyroidism to cause amenorrhea.

Moral theories

The concept of morality varies depending in the culture and this is the reason that even in hospitals when treating and caring for patients, a nurse has to consider the culture of the patient and factor it in the treatment plan. If morality was universal where it indicates that there is one moral solution of β†’

Good research paper on cognitive depression

Further sections analyze depression and cognitive outcomes, the negative cognitive triad, faulty information processing, the ways depression produces cognitive deficits, functional and structural abnormalities of the human brain caused by depression and associated with cognitive deficits, depression cognitive symptoms and cognitive abilities affected by depression. There has been a direct interrelation between the severity and β†’


Muslims and non-Muslims have some similarities and differences inherent in their faith. Muslims do not allow intermarriage with non-Muslims, unlike Christians, and if they do, the spouse from non-Muslim faith must change their religion.


The assisted living policy did not offer guidelines on performance of the service to the client making it solely the decision of the nurse. The do not resuscitate order is a medical order or instruction focusing on services that should not be offered to the patient in such conditions.

Contributing factors to nurse burnout

For that, they should be well motivated and avoid anything that can distract their attention and driving force for work resulting inburnout. In the case of misfortune, these can affect the nurses and mostly to perfectionists who is reluctant to delegate duties or ask for support.

A nurse is a nurse

The public and professional images ofnursingand the portrayal of nurses in the media have a great impact on several work-related issues - howhealthcare as a collaborative enterprise is provided to patients, the extent that nurses' work is valued, the participation of the nurse in healthcare team decision-making, the visibility of nurses in shaping national health β†’

Leadership in health care organizations practicum

Since, the field encompasses constant learning than just one accomplishing his or her goals at hand to be a competent practitioner. M, & Waryold, D.M.

Regional instituie for childern and adollescents,baltimore-future nursing research studies

The focus of the educational services and mental health treatment is to reintegrate the adolescents into the society. Emotionally handicapped adolescents who are in a condition to live in a community setting are assisted through measures that make them aware of the situation but live in harmony with the rest of the population.

Nursing capstone practicum

A look into some of the different testing styles and test taking skills needed to pass the test will be provided, and different tips and tricks to gain confidence level in regards to taking the NCLEX-RN examination will be discussed as well. Keywords: testing styles, test taking skills, preparation, NCLEX-RN, examination Nursing Capstone Practicum There β†’

Nursing application

From that time up to now when I am a grown up, I still yearn to accomplish my childhood desires of becoming an expert in promoting people's health and general well-being of children, adults including the healthy, the ailing and the aged. On completing my studies, I will be part of a strong team in β†’

When is it ethically responsible to leave a job or leave the profession

Ethical responsibility to leave a job or leave the profession Health care facilities around the globe are experiencing nursing shortages, with a large number of young registered nurses expressing the willingness to exit from the profession. Towards a typology of nursing turnover: the role of shocks in nurses decisions to leave.


Institute Healthy people 2020: The perspective of consumerism Consumerism is the promotion and protection of the interests of consumers.in health care consumerism is based on the aspects of the ability of; people choosing the best health care plan, finding the best healthcare provider and improving the communication with the healthcare providers, practicing of preventive care β†’

Ethical dimensions of studies

In order to prove the effectiveness of his new discovery, this researcher has to go to the field and test his medicine. By not telling the patients the truth about this new drug, and through taking advantage of the weak legal system of the African country, this researcher does not avail an opportunity for the β†’

The role of hr in health care settings

The Role of HR in Health Care Settings The role of HR in Health Care settings Nursing managers, according to Stewwart, McGoldrick and Watson, are in most cases tentative in regard to the functions and responsibilities played by the HR within health care institutions or organizations. This is attributed to my perceptions on the different β†’

Health promotion model and health belief model – discussion

Health promotion model and Health belief model of Health Promotion Model and Health Belief Model Health Promotion Model focuses on prevention of disease and changing way of thinking of individual with respect to their health. It aims to improve the health of the community as a whole and not limited to individuals.

Case study example

School Health al Affiliation) School Health The school nurse needs to implement nutrition and physical activity program for the student population. The school nurse might recommend to the school wellness committee the provision of physical education and physical exercises to address the problem of childhood obesity.

Good research paper about extensive studies of schizophrenia

In as much, the genetic composition of the members of the family may be the same; there are chances that the environment where one lives can contribute to the development of this condition. But then, it can never be concluded that if one suffers from schizophrenia and so the other will; in this case very β†’

Scholarly database search

This is of particular importance in the topic selected to browse relevant research studies and compare and contrast the methods and results across timeline. 2065 #2 Description of the Search Initially, the search keyword was " VAP AND CAUTI" using the Boolean terminology " AND" in ScienceDirect and JSTOR.

Impaired nurses

Some abuse alcohol to hide the stress they experience at work. She is known to be an excellent nurse and at the same time a hardworking person.

Free case study on the language of health informatics

Johns Hopkins Medicine is the health facility that uses informatics systems in the process of improving patient services. The information technology department is the one in charge of the implementation of the health informatics in the hospitals.

Good essay about new medical facility

This text seeks to outline the some of the major components and essentials that propagate the establishment of a new medical facility. Mobilize the resources that are needed for the successful completion of the project.

Quality improvement program

Since the time of its launch where it first developed its quality control program until today, the Virginia Surgical Associates remains serious about meeting all Joint Commission Requirements such as the Environment of Care, which pertains to how safe, functional and efficient the environment for patients, staff, and other individuals is in the organization; Infection β†’

Nurse client relationship

Due to the loss of her significant others, most of the time she is subjected to anxiety and that grieving and bereavement, hence leaving her with delusional thoughts and hallucinations. Secondly, by the end of the therapy, the client is supposed to understand that there is the relationship between her substance abuse and the problems β†’

Discussion board #9

A community health nurse can be involved in the prevention of substance abuse in children, teens and adults through the promotion of awareness of crucial concerns on substance in abuse in settings they have jurisdiction of. As such, the interplay of knowledge, skills, and experience learned and developed by community health nurses would significantly assist β†’

Heart/ a&p/ nursing

Chapter 19 The first heart sound is produced by the: closure of the AV valves. The jugular venous pressure is an indirect reflection of the: heart's efficiency as a pump.

Theories and concepts in leadership and management

Leadership and Management in Nursing al Affiliation Leadership and Management in Nursing Concepts of leadership and management in nursing are two distinct entities. A leader nurse takes responsibility and guides the staff in accordance to the nurse ethics.

Delivery of healthcare in the usa and the impact on licensed practical/ vocational nursing

This increase in the number of Registered Nurses within the hospitals according to the article is attributed to a number of factors. This therefore is interpreted in the article to mean that over these years and as unemployment rate improves, many of these Registered Nurses who have gone back to work will leave the workforce β†’

Inflammatory bowel disease

This essay will clarify on the differences of the two illnesses in regard to the areas of the gastrointestinal tract that is normally affected and the different treatments for the two sicknesses. On the other hand, the ulcerative colitis mainly happens along the interior lining of the colon.

Nursing research

In line with this, nurses should identify a model that fit into an organization's culture and structure in order to maximize the knowledge from research into practice. On the other hand, evidence based practice provide the approaches that the findings and knowledge from research will be utilized in an organization setting.

Free case study on ethics case study

Therefore, Jerry should clearly clarify to the patient that he is not the person who to refills prescription. My advice to Jerry will be to tell the patient that he is not allowed to refill any medical prescription to patients.


The doctor will then administer treatment depending on the cause including fluids and blood transfusions in most cases, anemia caused by loss of blood can be treated by treating the cause of blood loss. Ultimately, the treatment and prognosis of Anemia are relative to the severity, when it caused by bleeding such as an ulcer, β†’

Discussing rationale behind your selection

The workload required in the attending to and caring for the patients follows such considerations as quality of nursing, the schedule of nursing care and the characteristics of patients. Based on information regarding the characteristics of the patients and the professionals present, and upon judging the situation at the unit, the assignment of the work β†’