Quality Entertainment Essay Examples for Your Learning

The justification of evil heroes in movies based on shawshank redemption

Sometimes heroes through evil actions help to grow a better society and to change a system that is not fair with the weakest and unprotected people. Heroes are the ones that question authority of a corrupted system, they do actions that for the society are considered evil, for example not following the rules in that →

Love in la

Mariana, who was the other main character in " Love in L.A." short story, was the driver of the Toyota. The story shows us the life's eternity life's eternity life's eternity, the selfishness of people, and the naive of girls.

Final film critique paper: hangover part iii

Since the Hangover III does not get released until May 23, 2013 I will base my paper on the movie clip, I my critique I will attempt to explain the uses of sound cinematography used in the clip that I have viewed, and how well the actors play there parts in the clip.

Movies at theaters preferred than at home

Nowadays, for instance, while it is very unlikely that a movie theater would use words such as " fully air-conditioned" in its advertising which gives the audience a pleasure in watching movie at theater. Going to the movies is not merely for enjoying the film, but also for taking pleasure in the facilities beyond just →

Example of short on sundays: time and sound in wildcat essay

The shots of the bridesmaid are interspersed briefly with the action sequences of the film. Throughout the soundtrack, the viewer is left to wonder if the entirety of the film will be silent, while continuing to focus on action scenes and individual stills - namely, the young bride-to-be and the black rodeo star.

Pet peeves essays – free sample

While other people may consider these pet peeves as minor annoyances, my pet peeves are enough to spoil my day. My first pet peeve is when people talk so loud inside the movie theaters. Sometimes I have this dream that someday, movie theaters will just put up a signage that says, " No talking while →

10 things i hate about you

During the poem Kat surrenders to Patrick by crying in front of the class and admitting that "...mostly I hate the way I do not hate you.."., shows, through the use of a paradox, that Kat wants to hate Patrick but cannot. Another issue that is raised is about the stereotypical role of women in →

William wallace from braveheart, a tough hero

Filmmakers will never forget the echoes of Freedom, the strong voice of William Wallace, in the hearts of all humanity; the skies of Scotland appear before us, a wonderful movie that touches the heart, However, this time it is not based on beautiful scenes or gorgeous actors, but on the basis of the pursuit of →

“the hobbit” by j. r. r. tolkien essay sample

The book is about the age-old struggle between good and evil, and in the end, the virtuous character wins, and is rewarded with a good life. It seems like he invested quite a lot of time in the details of this book, and that is why it is such a good book.

The use of the veil symbol in persepolis by rising above the veil:

In this essay, the different ways in which the veil is mentioned and represented throughout the book will be discussed. Persepolis begins with a chapter titled " The Veil", in which the government implements policy that forces women and girls to wear the veil. It shows that the veil might attempt to oppress one but →

Bell rock lighthouse: signal and guide to fishermen and travelers

They went to the sea, with a steady ship floating not so far away from the rock, they went with the ships to the rock and started digging for the base of the lighthouse. The going back and forth routine has been a disadvantage to Stevenson as he were already behind time working with the →

The outsiders – heros

Ponyboy Curtis is the main character in ' The Outsiders.' A brilliant personality trait that Ponyboy has is loyalty which makes him a hero both in the physical deeds he does and also his attitude towards social division. Ponyboy is a hero for saving the children and sticking by his friends.

Saving private ryan essay

It is best known for the fact as it breaks many traditional conventions of the war film genre such as the graphic portrayal of wounds such as the man in the first battle scene with his guts hanging out of his stomach. The use of desaturated colour is used to great effect as it →

Music in film essays example

The music is the only thing that the viewers hear because the director or the creative person of the film wants the viewer to unify all that he is seeing at the moment with what he may be thinking of or feeling at the moment. Music is also helps the →

Symbolism in the glass menagerie

There are other less outstanding symbols such as the colourss of a rainbow, bluish roses, and the issue, and entryway to the flat. Laura 's glass menagerie is an of import symbol. All though it is really delicate, much like Laura herself, the glass radiances and glitters, amplifying many colourss of the rainbow in the →

The outsiders literature response

Hinton original copyright 1967 The protagonists in the book are the Greasers and the antagonists are the Socs. The main conflict in the story is when both Pony and Johnny are jumped at the park by the Socs.

Bless me, ultima, and whale rider: the concept of destiny

Koro sticks to tradition and believes Paikea cannot be the leader of the tribe simply because she is not a male. Koro does not accept Paikea's destiny because he believes a woman cannot be a leader of the tribe, thus he tries to change her destiny.

Literary elements movie analysis

Literary Elements Book/Movie Analysis Activity Have you ever thought why most of us are interested in the stories we read or the movies we watch, the characters, the action, the suspense and the love stories? You will also analyze and explain the elements as I did for you in class for " The Color →

Transcendentalism and “into the wild”

The transcendentalists valued self-reliance has a way of life that mirrored their sporadic lifestyles. The first sign of Chris McCandless's lifestyle, beliefs and values mirrored the transcendentalist philosophy, when upon graduating from college Chris changed his name."...he intended to invent an utterly new life for himself, one in which he would be free to wallow →

A brief history of turkish cinema

This was a 150 meter long documentary by Fuat Uzkinav, an army officer. The film " The Marriage of Master Himmet" was began in 1914 but took long to finish because the actors served in the war of the Dardanelles. His important works included the 1923 " Shirt of Fire" which was →

The life of a superstar

Although one can watch a movie at home or in a theatre, watching a movie at home is far better for food, comfort and price. That ease makes watching the movie at home a better experience than going to a theatre.

Research paper on an analytical on the film: cotton comes to harlem

To determine whether " Cotton Comes to Harlem" was meant to engage an audience through culture studies or for pure entertainment we must take a further look into the film's mise-en-scene and cinematography, and the intentions of the director and scriptwriters in order to make a valid hypothesis. Blaxploitation was a genre created for the →

Analyzing big lebowski; an introduction

This method is clearly portrayed through the characters in the movie, " The Big Lebowski". " The Big Lebowski," is about " The Dude" , a down-and-out, unemployed drifter who is still living in the haze of the '60s. After the crooks soil The Dude's carpet, The Dude arranges a meeting with the Big Lebowski.

Film studies movie review

The genre of a film is traditionally seen as being a form of classification; it refers to a number of factors that go some way to defining it: " type of presentation , relation to reality , level of style , kind of plot , nature →

Ridley scott’s film a blade runner: a detailed review

The owl looks diagonally offscreen, blinks, and spins her head to the right of the screen. The second shot is a long shot as Roy and J.F.enter Tyrell's chambers. Everything, from the couch to the candles, belongs to Tyrell and exists to serve him, just as Roy belongs to Tyrell and exists to serve. The →

The movie amistad argumentative essay

It was extremely sad to see but it showed me how lucky I am and the advantages we have as a society. It showed us exactly what they went through andI believeit is extremely accurate and is very effective in showing the way slaves were treated. This showed me that if that was the case →

James cameron’s avatar (2009)

At the beginning of the movie, Neytiri, who is the Na'vi tribe leader's daughter, introduces Jake to the rest of her people, explaining that she did not kill him due to a sign by their God Eywa. In summary, Jake is portrayed as superior to the indigenous people since he is easily able to outdo →

My essay

In the two poems, Traveling through the Dark and Woodchucks, the speakers have two different tones and resources of language in the relationship between the human and animals. In Traveling through the Dark, the speaker did not mean to kill the deer and feels the need to fix what has happened.

Looking for alibrandi: story of josie alibrandi’s experiences at school

Josie tells us the story of her struggles with her Italian-Australian identity and the highs and lows of teenage life. It's the story of a young girl who feels she does not belong. Josie's transformation from school girl to young adult is the result of major events in her personal and school →

Persepolis view on culture

Though she is born and raised for much of her life in Tehran, Marianne Satraps is as much of a product of Western culture as of Middle Eastern culture. The size of the layout is fairly big so you can see the Nine's logo and her full outfit.

Coach carter inspires his athletes essay sample

It is based on a true story, of an new head coach of Richmond High school, Ken carter just does not bring a basketball coach mentality but pushing the boundaries of the comfort zone of these athletes, that allows ken to change the culture of each individual on the game they enjoy. The film promotes →

Passion of the christ: an analysis

The leaders of the Pharisees take Jesus before Pontius Pilot to stand trial, which eventually results in His crucifixion." The Passion" is about Jesus' will to live to die for us. Before giving my own opinion of the film, I want to first state that I was raised in a family of extremely lax Catholic →

How to escape from a bad date

When the friend gets on the phone, explain to her what is going on, and instruct her to give you a call in ten minutes and then hang up on that friend. The best response to this would be to just say you are not really interested.

The movie super size me

Fast Food Nation The interview between Morgan Spurlock and Eric Schlosser discusses how fast food is processed and flavored, the unhealthy agricultural settings, obesity trends and how both the government and the people need to make a change for the better. What was interesting and supports the results from the Smoking Fry is that, →

Iron jawed angels toulmin

Alice and Lucy served as examples for the others through their passion and conviction. The rebellious spirit of the two younger activists is in stark contrast to the ore conservative older women. The woman's goal to earn their right to vote was a battle that challenged not only their inner capabilities but also →

The story snail

Do you know where it is? " " Once I saw that snail." The elf said to John." He told me a thousand stories. It looked up at John and poked out its little horns." I cannot give you a new story, " said the snail." There are many new stories to tell, that is →

Antonia snowden

I was not sure if she would make it or not. But most of all she said to me that whatever to her that my life will still go on and to live it to the fullest.

Andrea gismond

The two characters that stand out the most as being either the most passionate or reasonable are the servant, Dorine and the father of the house, Orgon. Orgon believes everything Tartuffe does is for the good of himself and his family, and in order for them to be free of sin they must accommodate all →

Good example of the tell-tales ghost creative writing

The cemetery introduction and title announces to the viewer that this is a ghost tale. The sound of the birds and nature in the background enhances the natural setting and makes it realistic.

Blade runner

It is with this creation of Empathy that the serious question is asked, " What makes us Human? " The Backdrop of a dystopia society the actual humans appear to be Lonely, Dirty, sad and unsympathetic. The Replicates of these people display the Human traits that we regard ourselves with; they show Empathy, →

Film analysis: casablanca

Many of the scenes were made effective by the camera use and the ways of cutting to a new shot. This happened in a scene in the bar when Rick was smoking a cigarette and the camera used the smoke to fade to a flashback.

Dear editor,

Having said that, it is evident that whoever chooses to try a dangerous sport puts himself in a great danger as a result of the difficulty he will come across. It is true that before anyone has the chance to do a dangerous sport must be absolutely informed of all the dangers he might encounter →

The persecution of women in the films blackmail and frenzy through the use of sound and language

It can be said that Hitchcock had in some regard, the upmost contempt and disregard for the female character and its expression throughout the majority of his films, showing both a lack of " incontrovertible evidence" and a lack of restrainment in his depiction of a highly problematic and violent incident, the rape →

Division zombie essay

Never the less we will take a look at the American portrayal of the modern day zombie. We will do this by dividing the " zombie" into four different categories; the walkers, the runners, the crawlers, and the mutated zombies. The idea of somebody dying and being resurrected as a necrotic, dead →

Depiction of a young girl growing in alice munro’s short story boys and girls

We see the change in thought from a young girl to when she is grown up, as well as the change in the way she acts. She changes from a child who does not see the world as boys do certain things and girls to others, to seeing and following what is expected from her →

V for vendetta

Even after he had the nerve to kick her out she was still loyal to V, this is the point where we start to believe it's a true loyalty instead than a game of manipulation and brainwashing as V's common games. When asked to testify against V, her loyalty was so pure and profound, that →

Review of amelie

What makes this film totally different from the rest of romantic comedies, apart from Amelie's eccentric attitude to life, is that it is set in an ideal Montmartre where certain colors predominate depending on how Amelie feels and. That creates a really specialenvironment, making the spectator get deeply involved in the story. →

My inspiration and insights from the film octover sky

A lot of people doubt them and was laughing and did not want them to be great but they did not care what they thought about them they knew they were going to be successful with the rockets. Homer and his friends had a little support to the teacher helped him a lot and pushed →

Film and persepolis

The New York Times called the film " a perfect expression of imagination" and Empire praised the film calling it " stark and beautiful". I agree with most if not all of the movie reviews that IVe seen. This is a reason that the film was in the format it was in.

Free movie review about and the band played on

Randy Shilts - the author of the book that was the basis for the film - explained " And the Band Played On" title in the following way: " And the Band Played On is simply a snappier way of saying 'business as usual'. The same about this film, nobody was about to panic when →

Market outsider system

The types of systems will impact the way the company is controlled and will hence automatically impact the way the factors of production are handled, one of the most important being labour. These two differing types have different priorities, and so emphasis put on the employers will →

Exploitation in children’s movies

Since these movies and fairytales tend to impact a child dramatically it can also cause them to have shaded views on society and life itself through the many bias topics such as sexuality and intimate relationships. Overall, exposing children to some of Disney's explicit movies and fairytales can be harmful in their →

Netflix hbs case study essay sample

As a result, Netflix devised a profit sharing model with film distributors, and they developed a recommendation model to capitalize on the Internet platform, and deliver movies according to customer's preferences and Netflix's inventory. They focused on being close in proximity to households, and having the most popular titles in stock. Netflix's revenue stream →

Sponge bob square pants effect on children

It is hoped that the results and the conclusions here will assist in finding the most appropriate solutions that are socially desirable. Since SpongeBob aired on the television screen, there has been a rapid growth in viewership among children below the age of 4 years instead of the realities in which the children live. This →

Free movie review on invictus: response to film analysis discussion

These stages test the strength, ability and motivation of the hero/heroine and it is only at the final stage that the hero gets rewarded for his struggle and attains ultimate success. Question 1 In the movie Invictus, the hero is Nelson Mandela. In Campbell's concept of a heroic journey, this scene signifies the ' →

The everyman spy film in north by northwest essay samples

Hitchcock's North by Northwest provides a fascinating spin on the spy thriller genre, with many tropes and elements of the genre subverted through an increasingly comic tone and the use of the 'average joe' protagonist as the driving force in the story. Roger Thornhill, as the conduit through which the spy caper is viewed by →

Justice: what’s the right thing to do?

This book review analyzes these three concepts of what justice is supposed to be and what individuals believe in, as well as evaluating Sandel's argumentation of how justice is a reflection of an individual's morals and opinions. With Sandel providing historical events and examples that connect the topic of justice to our everyday lives, it →

The secrets we keep

The Merriam Dictionary defines secrets to be shared by a few, because it's human nature to tell the ones we are close to the exciting moments that are happening in our lives. We keep the secret of Santa and the Tooth Fairy, because it's in our culture to make children believe that there is a →

Sexual harrasment

The co-worker does not want to end the relationship and is posting negative things about her on Facebook. This is a more pervasive form of sexual harassment involving work conditions or behavior that make the work environment 'hostile' for the woman to be in.

Ethnic notions: dehumanized depiction of african americans

Again this was a way to influence the world on the knowledge, actions and capabilities of the African American Man, Woman and child. Part of the motivating factor for the exploitation was not only for entertainment by mimicking and exaggerating African Americans but also they knew with the majority of people believing this racist depiction →


The power of buyers The bargaining power of customers is described as the market of outputs: the ability of customers to put the firm under pressure, which also affects the customer's sensitivity to price changes.* Buyer concentration to firm concentration ratio * Degree of dependency upon existing channels of distribution * Bargaining leverage, particularly in →

Crime drama: opinion on murder cases in a popular genre

A crime drama like Criminal Minds appeals to our sense of intelligence and helps us to understand the mind and actions of the criminal. Many people watch crime dramas not only for the suspense but because they fill our need to see justice served. I believe that there is no crime greater than the taking →

Example of essay on reasons to avoid or visit earth as discovered in a newspaper

There are quite a lot of interesting things that she has to say about the planet, but her main caution is that the earth is not a safe place for us to visit. Hi. 2012, http://go.galegroup.com.proxy.alameda.peralta.edu/ps/i.do? action= interpret & id= GALE| A288689686&v= 2.

Indian film industry

The objective of such brand communication is to expose the audience to a brand, whereby the effect can be maximized in terms of increased awareness and higher recall, so that the customer will buy the brand which has maximum recall; and to satisfy the customer to optimum level. This research paper looks at the rationality →

Analysis of “the kings speech” essay sample

Analysis of " The Kings Speech" Essay Sample Comparing both Text 1: The King's speech film posters and Text 2: The king's real speech, it is clear to see that the two different kinds of text both centered on the same topic; King George VI's first official speech on the 3rd of →

Forrest gump, the film: a simplistic view of life

He deals with the woman of his dreams refusing to be with him for the longest time because he was different and not quite her " type", if she even has a type. In this movie, he lives through many historical events and meets many famous people from history. When he walked in to see →

The secret life of walter mitty: comparing the short story with the movie

The theme of the story of Walter Mitty remained the same, however, there were a few major additions and cuts to the plot, and to the character base. The most important aspect of the story: Walter's daydreaming is a large aspect of both the film and the short story.

Monsoon wedding and east is east film studies essay

The professor in the talk spoke about how Monsoon Wedding was about a Punjabi household and the scene was in New Delhi, India, which is a familiar district for Mira Nair, the manager of the movie. The professor mentioned in the talk that the construct of 'the other ' is shown as alien and beautiful →

Igor movie study

Eva's saying touched my heart and I think also others' because it gave so much inspiration and meaning to the whole concept of the movie and I think that was the main thing with the whole movie. And I will never forget that quote " I would rather be a good nobody than an evil →

The unique film-making of tim burton

In the movie Edward Scissorhands, Burton uses diegetic sounds to foreshadow upcoming events in the movie. He uses the snip of the scissors when Peg, the Avon lady, was in the what seemed deserted mansion to foreshadow what/who Edward was relating to the scissors. Tim Burton used a series of various types →

The crime scene genre

We also started our shooting of the sequence, one of the shots we used was a dutch angle shot showing a swing swaying, after being shot at a normal close-up angle shot of the swing hanging still, to represent a sense of presence. In the first part of putting our film together my partner and →

Anime business plan

Define complete advantage- the aggregation of factors that sets a small business apart from its comptetiors and gives it a unique position in the market segments to its competition.6. Limited Partnership Partners, who make financial investments and partnership, do not take on an active role in managing a business, and whose liability is limited to →

I am sam: an analysis essay sample

Social services felt that Sam was incapable of caring for Lucy, and wanted her to be adopted by foster parents. With the help of his friends, Sam was able to convince top lawyer, Rita Harrison, to take his case for free. As proof, he named his daughter Lucy Diamond after the Beatles song, " →

An analysis of ridley scott’s movie the gladiator

Much of the plot of the movie is stretched truth or a flat out lie, as the real story of Commodus is much different than one would take away from the movie. The movie outlines Marcus Aurelius' death, and his son Commodus' rise to power following it, a series of events that did actually occur →

“billy elliot” movie review

Tracey Chapman's song " fast car" shows the difficulties of moving into new worlds and the lamentable fact that people are not always able to succeed into their transition. The simple language and intimacy of the song, repetition and the metaphor of the " fast car" are used to convey these differing →

Shrek and the code of shivalry essay sample

The hero, Shrek, is forced to go on a quest in order to win back the deed to his swamp because Lord Farquaad banished the Fairy tale creatures there. Shrek defeats all the knights and the Lord presents Shrek with a deal which would give him his deed to his swamp back, if Shrek rescued →

Analysis of million dollar baby

Maggie's dream was to be a professional fighter; it was a dream most girls do not share, but it was her passion. Although it was not revealed until the end of the film, I thought that this was a powerful way for the story to be told.

Short story and true selves

The two short stories, " The Prospector's Trail" by Cathy Jewison and " Bluffing" by Gail Helgason are easily comparable by the use of characterization. Lastly, the author used one dynamic character while the other remained a static character." The Prospector's Trail" and " Bluffing" consisted of two main characters as it was affected by →

Good essay about what is a hero

Stephanie M Armstrong Columbia Southern University For a child, his/her father is a hero; for a young girl, the man who saved her when she is in jeopardy is a hero; for public, one who is raising voice against social injustice is a hero; and for a nation, the soldier who sacrificed →

A streetcar named desire: the passion of blanche research paper

The very movement brings back the fleur of the England of the XVIII century, to " Southern-Gothic imp of Poe-etic perverse" with all its ideas of Gothic culture and the features that are due only to the gothic genre, very sharp and gloomy, the idea of a human life inevitably ending in death →

Socrates in the apology and maximus in gladiator: the differences

His belief in divinity portrays that he is a man of conscience. Socrates says that, during his inquiries, he was surprised by the reaction of some people whom he corrected saying that he would expect a wise person to see his/her mistake and correct it by him/herself instead of trying to get rid of the →

Extract from regeneration by pat barker

The writer seemed to have purposely used this contradiction as a way to contribute to the mood of the passage and of its readers; to give a sense of how easy feelings change and how our mood depends greatly on our environment. The language the writer uses throughout most of the extract is simple and →

Types of documentary essay sample

The documentary had a narrator, who never appeared in the film, and the only people who were shown were he interviewees- architects, scientists and builders. Observational documentary is a fly on the wall type of documentary. But it is important that we try to keep balance and show the another side of the argument →

Scene analysis of the film “seabiscuit”

In the movie, incredible cinematography is used to unfold the beautiful story of the connection between Red and Seabiscuit. Although accusations were thrown at the compact Seabiscuit and large jockey, they raced against all odds and lifted hope of the people during a daunting era. A scene in the film that introduces the true sides →

Behind the ‘battle royal’

It is a foreshadowing historical tragedy as the narrator attempts to transport his readers from idealism to realism and finally relating to the true meaning one's social identity. In the beginning of the story, a nameless, first-person narrator instinctively intimates that for the first twenty years of →

Attacking wifi nets with traffic injection

Section 43 of IT ACT 2000, defines as If any person without permission of the owner or any other person who is in charge of a computer, computer system or computer network, Accesses or secures access to such computer, computer system or computer Network; Downloads, copies or extracts any data, computer →

The second coming

Describe how a religious theme has been dealt with in a film or T.V.drama. 'The Second Coming' was a T.V.drama; it was about a man called Steve who spontaneously became aware of the fact that he was the Son of God. Also it predicted what may happen if such a situation would occur and conveyed this →

Analysis of the imagery in e. a. poe poem the raven and stanley kubrick’s movie the shining

Therefore the literariness given to a text disregards the notion of intrinsic quality and depends entirely on the ideologies embodied in the text, accompanied by the political complexities of the time.(T. The collaboration of text and images demonstrated in Text 1 is successfully used to create the illusion of a fictional world.

What questions is the opening of the film ‘gladiator’ designedto

The font of the writing is in the style of Roman writing and is coloured gold, to give a majestic and powerful atmosphere. The first scene of the film is of a hand, which looks like it belongs to a man, dragging along the top of golden crops in a field of barley. The image →

Good essay about batman

The animated characters in the film such as Scarface, Scarecrow, Batman Returns, the Penguin, and The Joker have successfully brought the character of Batman to life, made possible by making him appear more realistic through cumulative approaches to events and actions. In the episode titled ' Batman Returns,' Batman is →

Why fat people are funny in hollywood

Chow to laugh hysterically and simultaneously slip " it's funny because he's fat" out of his mouth. Clearly in the scene, the overweight character, Zach Galifianakis, is the butt of the joke as he is punched very hard in the stomach and then laughed at for his stupidity and weight. →

The departed/internal affairs film comparison

The similarities between these two crime/drama/thrillers are great. In The Departed, director Martin Scorsese takes the story into his own style of storytelling, but the adaptation of the screenplay originally written by director Siu Fai Mak and Felix Chong is almost identical to the screenplay by William Monahan adapted for The Departed. There is an →

Billy elliot directed by stephen deadly

Dancing is shown from the beginning of the film to the end, but he does not realize this in the beginning because he was so caught up in what his father wanted and theirfamilytradition than for what he wanted for himself. The idea of persevering in following our dreams Is worth learning about →

The black swan: portrayal of the cost of fame

Mitchell achieves this by creating a tale that takes place in Cold War England in 1982, told through the eyes of Jason, a thirteen year-old who's slowly grasping the concept of adulthood and defining it through his quirky, innocent voice in the constantly changing village of Worcestershire in a course of a year. Innocence: a →

How the three arms of the american government have played a role in the syrian crisis

If the executive branch were to get involved, the lives of those in the United States, and in Syria are put at an even high risk than before. A reason as to why this branch should not get involved in the helping of those in Syria. The Judicial Branch, also known as the Supreme Court, →

The artificial accents in hollywood tv programs and movies

This exemplified behind-the-scenes aspect of performed accents occurs often in the series It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. " Chardee macdennis 2: electric boogaloo" is an episode of the series in which all main characters use accents as part of a challenge in a drinking game. It is useful to understand the context of the series and →