Quality Education Essay Examples for Your Learning

Improving online learning: student perceptions of useful and challenging characteristics assignment

Many of the studies in online learning remain rather " anecdotal", coming from the point of view of the faculty member teaching the course or the instructional technologist designing and/or developing the course. Research design The purpose of this study was to investigate the components of the online learning environments that learners recognize as helpful β†’

Six principles of idea

The principle ensures that the public education system effectively meets the needs and aspiration of students individually. Appropriate aspect of the principle considered the individual differences among the students with disabilities, and illustrates effective measures for giving them quality education.

Education assault on indian children

The educational assault on Indian children came in the form of off-reservation boarding schools, which aimed to totally cut off the Indian youth from what colonials thought as the " contaminating" influences of their Indian culture. Moreover, the teachers taught the Indian youth about American patriotism, racial inferiority of the Indians, and history where Indians β†’

Payroll accounting assignment

Writing assignment for Payroll Accounting The way this course has made me a stronger candidate to enter the business world is by the knowledge that I have received from this course. The subjects that were covered in this course as well as different projects that were assigned to the students made it fun to learn β†’

Time off from college: harmful or beneficial? essay sample

Many students take time off before entering college because they are not confident in how they will be able to afford tuition, they are unsure of the direction to travel to become successful in the world, or they have made life long affecting decision prior to college. It is better off to know and have β†’

Revisiting the role of miscue analysis in effective teaching

Education: Revisiting the role of miscue analysis in effective teaching Analysis of reading Miscue is a main whole language test intended to evaluate the strategies used by children while reading or studying. Miscue also continues to be utilized in research since it gives a depth profile of the process of reading in use.

Case study – mckinley college swot analysis

In the case of McKinley College, the strategy is also essential as the college is required to deal with unprecedented growth in the number of students, thus rising budget. The main opportunity is the unprecedented growth in the number of enrolled students that reach 440 from 290 enrolled students in the previous years.

Technology in education – assignment

The Association for Educational Communications and Technology denoted instructional technology as " the theory and practice of design, development, utilization, management, and evaluation of processes and resources for learning. Educational technology and e-learning can occur in or out of the classroom.


It will not be easy or given to the person, there is a lot of time and energy put to having what one wants. He was the only one of his 15 siblings to become an entrepreneur, and today in my eyes he is the most successful.

Project recommendations to date education essay

The aim of a school is to achieve, while supporting a diverse culture and improve the attainment and achievement of all their students. The term ' information skills' has been used to refer to " the process of locating and dealing with the information given in texts in a range of media".

Educational system in the philippines essay sample

Yet, we cannot say that we gain knowledge only inside our schools, but rather in the daily basis of our lives this could possibly be when we encounter new thing; if we are currently facing a challenge or when we have successfully conquered one." Knowledge is power" and so does the person whom hold this β†’

Evaluation report

Monitoring involves the evaluation of student participation in the programs and individual achievement of the students. As a coordinator, the development of plans and participation in the Isolation immersion program with the students is vital.

Effective business communication

In addition to the abovementioned, I have had quite a lot of practice in various fields that have allowed me to broaden the way I think about matters and contributed to my maturity. More importantly, I strive for success in education and I aspire to prove that I can reach my goal of " A β†’

Educational preparation argumentative essay

Thus, baccalaureate prepared nurses are better equipped to work in these alternative healthcare settings and to provide care to patients who eave the hospital and move on to these alternative settings. Smith is much less likely to return to the hospital because of the nursing education and in home care he received.

How to write the stanford roommate essay?

Not all parents will tell you the truth about how boring the writing is just because they do not want to hurt you or they are just not professional enough to understand the mistakes. It means that the structure of them is not strict like inacademicwriting, but still you have to make your paragraphs look β†’

Athletic budgets and academic performance revisited

Aside from discussing the importance of the said department, it also aims to show the pros and the cons of implying the saidculturein the school institutions with regards the existence of athletes and non-athletes. Certainly, the researchers aim to fix the situation through surveying the population involved in the situation thus seeing how well they β†’

Practical school community partnerships leading. to successful educational leaders

Practical School Community partnerships leading: To Successful educational Leaders First, Middle Initial, Last Affiliation Practical School Community partnerships leading: To Successful educational Leaders This paper is an in-depth analysis and review of an article that have been published to enhance the understanding of school-community partnership. The community should be incorporated in the school process because β†’

Balancing academics and athletics assignment

If you are one of the lucky few who can take their passion to the next level, it will be a challenge to strike a balance between athletics and academics, but a worthwhile one. Remember why you came to college in the first place, to get a good education and graduate with a degree.


Tim had special problems, he was a tough child to handle and she tried to influence his disposition by arranging the meeting with his parents, but she was not successful in her efforts initially but her persistence paid off later and Tim was on the road of reformation process.Q.2. The responsibilities of the parents at β†’

Ms.stewerts method of teaching

She does not use the lecture method in explaining various concepts to the children, instead, she allows the students to be the masters of their learning. Through this method, she was able to give importance to each kid by letting them realize that they all had a role in the success of the project.Ms.

Case study of the parish church of zejtun

Prior to the bing parish church of Zejtun, there was what is now called the Old Parish Church of Zejtun, or more normally known as the Church of Saint Gregory, a mention name gained due to the presence of a statue of Pope Saint Gregory the Great situated near to the church. To reaffirm the β†’

Community college reflection

The purpose of community colleges is to prepare students before they join college as well as empowering working adults to take part time specific courses while working. The breadth and relevance of program offered in community colleges is lower than that offered in universities since most of the students enrolled are credit students who need β†’

Master of business administration degree

Though I was born in Hong Kong, I grew up and studied in the United States and also attended UCLA. I hope to share my experiences with my fellow mates in the MBA program and also encourage them to develop their latent skills.

Pursuing in business administration

I foresee this enabling me to integrate my academic and professional interests, transforming me into a business expert while enhancing the development of useful values. I will get the opportunity to make a positive impact and serve my country economically.

Philippines education system

The management information system is also an advantage in predicting the number of expected enrollees for the next school year and the tracking of pupils from different parts of the Philippines as Learner Information System was introduced. The assumption of the management is not being fully met due to different circumstances.

Adventure education

In Saudi Arabia, the special needs population is viewed by the majority of the society as a hindrance to the rest. There are very few teachers in Saudi Arabia that have been exposed to the adventure education discipline and know how to teach it to others.

Economics learning requirements

Thanks to the interest and hard work I put in, I happened to get an internship, which helped me in getting acquainted with the field of economics. I feel that I have enough knowledge and passion to show that I have a craze about going ahead in the field of economics and contribute to the β†’

Structure in education

The purpose of this study is to show institutional structure differences and similarities between Elementary Montessori schools, Secondary Charter schools, and Higher Education Technical schools. Approximately 200-300 of the schools are classified in the public sector while the remainder is comparable to public schools.

Course: instructional design and development. assignment#3

Almeida September 20, Instructional Design and Development: Assignment 3 As the instructional designer for the university, assuming that the provost requested a recommendation for the possibility of offering a series of on-line bachelor degrees, the questions that would be asked are as follows: through a needs analysis, what are the instructional goals and objectives for β†’

Week 2 discussion replies set number 2

Response to Kimberly, Indeed the belief in immortality caused most of the Egyptians artefacts. This book represents some of the Egyptians artefacts that made the trip to the other world easier.

Art and craft in school

ART AND CRAFT IN SCHOOL and Art and Craft in School The contemporary school setting thrives in an environment that encourages art and craft to inspire, generate creative thinking, and provoke communication in children with difficulties in learning and those that take English as their second language. I discovered that art is an investment in β†’

Female education essay sample

Education is the backbone of a nation. The importance of female education is a many.

Educational opportunities at the university of pittsburgh

While the path to discovering a suitable college is exigent, I firmly believe that the University of Pittsburgh will provide me with the intrinsic knowledge and skills necessary for my intended career choice. In addition to this, the University of Pittsburgh will also serve as an ideal platform for pursuing my further studies and I β†’

Dear mr. president assignment

The positions of teachers need to be filled, and the teachers need to be better trained and mentored. With that I leave you to think about the most important issue, teachers and schools in the United States of America.

Enrollment system documentation essay sample

INTRODUCTION The system design, Enrollment System that will provide the need and storing information in a faster, more convenient way by storing file of the student enrollees in a computer system that will lessen the effort of faculty staff in storing files of each student every now and then. In this study, the use of β†’

Case study: copyright issue

In case of Mildred Marks, the university has no right to all or part of the royalties of her bestseller novel. The university president and Marks should resolve this issue through evaluating the legal terms and conditions of publications in addition to employment contract.

Online scavenger hunt assignment

From the course home page in Loud Cloud, click on the " Resources" tab and then click on " Classroom Policies." What do you need to do to make sure you are properly participating in the online classroom? Deer the " Resources" Tab in Loudly, click on the " Student Success Center;" under the " β†’

The world is more depressed

The most likely factor that can account for the increased rate of depression globally is the concept of urbanization, considering that by 2010, 50% of the world's population was living in cities. Identify the main argument The major argument of the article is that the process of urbanization and the advancement in technology are major β†’

Grounded theory approach

I, in this paper, apply grounded theory approach to explore the problem of Fine Motor Skill Disability in the technologically advancing environment with the aim of developing a theoretical perspective on possible application of technology to empower individuals with Fine Motor Skill Disability. Interviews will however be used in collecting data from the parents and β†’

The significance of art education to stakeholders

The goal of the survey was to evaluate the value of art education to today's society, and the importance of art education to teachers, administrators, parents, students and the community. The results indicate that most of the teachers, administrators, and members of the board of education valued art education.

A great college for a colorful future

A Great College for a Colorful Future The dream to pursue business shines the brightest in my beautiful childhood memories. The institution is ideal for me to achieve my career goal that I noted when I was five." To build a firm foundation in business".

A case study for a mexican restaurant

The managements check sheet was not properly kept because the waiter did not have a record of the number of customers who entered the restaurant as this would have helped him determine the number of customers who visited the restaurant as this would have enabled him to know the exact number of foods that would β†’

Music is education

We must not allow them to pull the teaching of music out of our school curriculums because music is an essential form of communication. Our children do not have to be fluent in the arts to receive the value of broad exposure to the different musical dialogues.

Example of data analysis report

The research methods play a significant role in the study and present line of actions that have to be taken in the future. Software is to be defined and designed as per requirement of the data and research.

Managerial applications for information technology assignment

The growing demand for space, the request for admission to the school, the number of learners on the waiting list for attendance and the requirements of the Dominica Medical Board, the university sought to find ways that would assist in eliminating the growing difficulty. The growing demand of the faculty in terms of accommodation, salary β†’

University admission: the ambition of becoming engineer

One of the most challenging elements I had to endure during my endeavor in engineering is to follow my passion, even if it meant that the field was not lucrative. However, I know that my hard work and dedication will allow me to fulfill even the toughest challenges that lie ahead.

Cyberarts assignment

In the field of education, it is not always a fact that the use of internet is always beneficial. In the arts and sciences as well, computers hinders learning since there is a limitation in the use of creation thinking skills, innovations, imaginations, etc.

Assignment 1 ptlls, level 4

Ground rules can be agreed as a group or as a class, having a mutual agreement from the class helps establish and promote respect for each other, knowing what is intended from the class and takingresponsibilityfor learning as individuals and as a group, as working as a team and respecting each others opinions, and agreeing β†’

High scope in education

There are a few characteristics in the High Scope environment that are a necessity, these being: a welcoming room for the children, it must also provide enough materials for all of the children, it must encourage different types of play, and last but not least the room should provide materials that reflect the diversity of β†’

Discussion forum

Education changes In the majority of aspects of life, as well as the society, there have been several changes in the past 100 years. Education his one area that has changed and there are major differences amid the education of 100 years ago and the education as it is today.

Children should be spanked in order to discipline them for a negative behavior

Facts presented in this paper are basically meant to illuminate the reality of the claim that " children can never be disciplined through physical abuse, save a minor temporary change it may bring in them, because discipline should be exercised while taking care to keep the necessary element of love predominant".lays stress on the disputable β†’

Home schooling assignment

Takes a lot of sacrifices Pay for curriculum which an become very expensive Home schooling only offers single teacher interaction, whereas in the public schooling setting, the student is able to interact with a variety of teachers who enrich the student's social and communication skills. If a student is limited in their social interaction, the β†’

Issues of faculty training for online courses

A case study in qualitative research is an approach to a research study that allows for the exploration of an issue within the realms through the use of different sets of data sources. Interviewing as qualitative research: A guide for researchers in education and the social sciences.

Why education is an important element for successful life

I am of the view that education brings with it a choice of good and bad, the sane and the insane, and the rise and the fall of humanity in essence. As a personal example, I am a testimony of the fact that education is important for the overall well-being and development of a person β†’

In apa style

Adult ESL Literacy Education in the United s: Developing a Learner-Centered Approach, ERIC, EBSCOhost, viewed 8 November. Themes For Literacy Acquisition: Some Beliefs And Approaches For Teaching GED, ABE, And ESL, n.p: ERIC, EBSCOhost, viewed 8 November 2014.

Week 2

Materials and Equipment: The short simplified text of Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens Costumes for the specific characters the instructor intends for the students to play Vocabulary: The material chosen will provide a challenge considering the authors literally prowess, the age of the children and the presence of ELL students. Literacy Connection: Allow the students β†’

Academic integrity assignment

A third reason leading to the increase in academic dishonesty is the pure and simple fact that once a student cheats on a paper or any type of homework assignment and does not get caught and reprimanded for their actions, the more that student believes that they can keep doing it without getting caught. They β†’

Psychological skills training program

The two problems always demoralize those in charge of the program to the extent of not making follow-ups to the field.2). Recognize and appreciate efforts It is among the best way of motivating individuals to work.

Curriculum in a learning institution

According to Freire, most the curriculum fails due to lack of consideration of the learners in the process of designing curricula. This in turn serves to exclude some of the students from positive learning process.

The transition to group decision making in child protection cases: obtaining better results for children and families

Some of the underlying values and believes of team decision making in this case are that families have the strength and can change. While looking at team decision making in ensuring the safety and placement of a child, it is necessary to appreciate its impact in schools where they are also involved in the decision β†’

Reading questions

Michael defines formative evaluation as a constructive process of evaluation where a great emphasis is laid on the inputs put in the systems that later determine the processes' quality and the system's outputs. On the other hand, summative evaluation is an evaluation process that determines the ' worth' of the entire program or measure against β†’

Rocks assignment

In this present age, all around the world, the illusion that a student is " smart" by the information he remembers from the teachers or from books he reads has been employed by our educational system which leaves the mere skillful person in a lower class in the society. The modern world calls for a β†’

Swot analysis of geely automotive- case study

The implementation of strategic idea has allowed Gel to expand the entire automobile market in China due to the fact that many of their customers who purchase the lowest-end models could not afford a car before the arrival of the Gel plant and are now able to own a car. The term is brand association β†’


Writing Experience Reflection As a scholar of the contemporary world on temporal issues, I have done the writing I began to write during my elementary education and have developed strong interest on the same in other institution where I pursued bachelor of Education English literature. Poems are dedicated to the students in the elementary college β†’

Challenges and strategies for personal success assignment

While I know that the road to graduation will be long and difficult, I look forward to walking across the stage knowing that I have achieved my dream. This list will allow me to see the progress that I have made towards my long-term goal and will give me the drive to finish the program.

Chapter 4

We also learnt that there are several communication styles that can be used and incorporate unilateral, directional, and transactional where transactional method is preferred since it favors a two way mode of communication. It is more helpful to ensure that both verbal and non-verbal forms of communication are exercised appropriately so as to eliminate the β†’

Effects of smasse programme in service education and training

Strengthening of Mathematics and Science in Secondary Education In Service Education and Training programme is one of the strategies that the Ministry of Education put in place to strengthen the teaching and learning of Mathematics and Science in secondary schools in Kenya. This study sought to establish the extent to which teachers were practicing the β†’

Critical reflection journal.school to prison pipeline

The School-To-Prison Pipeline School-to-Prison Pipeline The phrase " school-to-prison pipeline" is used by American education reform organizations and activists to describe a dominant pattern of pushing students, especially the disadvantaged ones out of the American schools into the American Criminal justice system. It is important to ensure that discipline and freedom are enhanced through and β†’

Essay on purpose of the literature review

The literature review therefore has to identify the studies that are closely related to the current research one intends to undertake. The review of related literature is an opportunity for the different members of the team to look over more materials and discuss which of these are relevant to the current study.


So, the co-curricular activities that you get involved would be good training ground for you to learn and practice. Co-curricular activities, previously known as Extracurricular Activities are activities that educational organizations in some parts of the world create for school students.

Censorship in education

I do not agree with Plato and his idea that fables and legends should not be told to children. Hence, I believe that it is up to the discretion of the reader to pick what they do and do not read.

Preparing educational leaders in managerialist times: an australian story by eacott

Eacott is opposed to the content of the program offered in the Australian university which is based on the requirements of the market or simply about educational change. The position in Australia is that the educational leadership and development program is defined and the leaders and students are expected to follow such programs.

Analysis of the book “the catcher in the rye” by j.d. salinger

He loves to use the word " phony" when referring to a lot of people and he does not like the adulthood which he tries to stay away from. First, when he was told that he was getting expelled he did not do anything about it, it was just another school that kicked him out." β†’

My teaching philosophy

My teaching Philosophy of the of For any success in any learning activity, there is need for a well ingrained knowledge system in terms of philosophy. In conclusion, there are a number of philosophies surrounding the teaching and learning activities within the educational set up.

Education for learners with diverse needs

To understand each type of disablement reference above we should look at the features, causes, and definitions of each signifier of disablement and upset to better heighten the acquisition environment for both the pupil and the instructor. For many pupils with disablements and for those without, the cardinal success in the schoolroom lies in holding β†’

A synthesis and discussion of robert t. jimenez’s article “a delicate balance”

The approach to theobservationand the framework for analysis were based on the research on second language learning and bilingualeducation, the contemporary research base on effective literacy instruction, and general principles of effective instruction for low-income students. The researchers integrated these three knowledge bases with what they observed in the classrooms and the result is a β†’

College essay for georgia tech

The first day in my honors chemistry class I expected it to be like any otherscienceclass I had taken in the past, but the first class discussion was that scientists today have only discovered a minute amount of the workings of the universe and that by following a process, new relationships, not previously discovered, may β†’


My goal as the teacher was to grasp the concept to my fullest potential so that there would not be any doubts, in case my students were confused on any step of the process. I gave them plenty of examples to make sure that they would do great on the assessment.

Benefits of extended school hours assignment

To ensure that students are prepared for the future, the board of education should make a transformation also by extending school hours and the number of days that students attend school so that students will be more prepared for the future. By, adding a debate club, drama class, or theater to the curriculum it would β†’

Assessment based learning goals

This also helps to create mutual understanding between the teacher and the student and the teacher is in a better position to design the lesson in such a way that it is easily understood by the targeted audiences. The main advantage of conducting classroom based assessment is that it helps the teacher to gain first β†’


This practice is understandable because the school does not want to anger any student, but all students know who the true number 1 isAlso by naming two, you steal the thunder from the true number 1, who has worked the hardest. The title valedictorian is a rank many students want to hold, but only few β†’

Lesson critique

The lesson plan identifies national health education standards which it adopts from the National academy of sciences and the Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning. The lesson plan also provides the assessment procedures to evaluate the learner's understanding of the lesson.

Statistics cheat sheets

What analysis would you use to test the hypothesis that VIZIER credit card customers get more bonus points than customers of Extraterrestrials credit cards? What analysis would you use to test the hypothesis that flavored peanuts make people buy more drinks than normal salted nuts do?

Word identification skills

My focus would be to enhance their vocabulary to the extent that they learn most of if not all words that are deemed important with respect to the Graduate Record Examination as mentioned in. I will dictate them sentences in which those words are used, and then tell them to use those words in their β†’

The technology of multimedia education essay

The researchers on related are important to ensure the development of the application is benefiting the children and provides effective learning. Among the topics covered in this chapter are defined of the encyclopedia, the technology of multimedia, interactive multimedia, component of interactive multimedia, active learning through interactive multimedia and children's learning styles.

Constructivist teaching: then and now

EEI - LESSON PLAN ELEMENTS REQUIRED: Objective Primary: For students to understand the characteristics of organisms in their environment by observing and learning the physical characteristics of the grasshopper. Anticipatory Set Explain to students what the process for observation and learning will be for the characteristics of organism lesson plan.


I believed that my undergraduate college would put me in a position where I would be able to interact with people on a regular basis and learn from them. I am a dynamic and social person who wants to learn all the time, and I knew there was no better place than college.

Multicutural education and school reform essay

In this activity teachers will also advise their students to take down important things about the culture of the students they are teaching and reflect on each observation that they come up with. In this case multicultural education will create equal educational information about students from other diverse, racial, ethnic, social class and cultural groups β†’

The australia government and trade unions policies of teaching skills shortage

Although introduction of new technology and changes in the existing ones due to changes in industries in the country have contributed to shortages in teaching skills, changes in attitudes of the students towards teaching have been cited as the main cause of the shortages. The government has also increased the salaries of teachers so as β†’

In what ways are expository essays similar to business communication

Expository essays and business communications are similar in a number of ways. Both carry information that is required but business communication leaves certain facts and information that is actually known to the reader.

Motivation case study

In the Two Men and a Lot of Truckscase study, I could identify the expectancy theory and Maslow's needs hierarchy theory. As Sheets says, " I want them to be successful as fast as they can." In the Siemen's case study I could identify both the expectancy theory and the job enrichment theory.

Reading and response to the – creative resources for the early childhood classroom by herr and libby-larson

Teachers are required to remain attentive to children's needs of learning and handle them in the best way they can. This perception has changed since teachers must understand the requirements of children at each age and satisfy these needs to ensure streamlined learning.


The Philosophy of Philosophy. The Philosophy of Philosophy.

Is college worth it

As a conclusion, Lowery still questions the cost of higher education but also give us an assurance that taking your education to a higher level is still worthwhile. Veddar also points out the fact that he agrees that people enjoy going to college simply because they can socialize and take advantage of the benefits of β†’

Final presentations assignment

How did the instructor organize the class? How did the instructor respond to this behavior?