Essay Samples about Countries for Student Inspiration

Residential schools in canada

Since the organic education was what made the Aboriginal culture stronger and last, the Europeans knew they had to break this system in order to weaken the culture. Since the organic education was what made the Aboriginal culture stronger and last, the Europeans knew they had to break this system in order to weaken the β†’

Abortion in usa

Abortion has become a controversy and a problem to nations because of the consequences of legalizing it and illegalizing it. This is to add to the rest of the consequences of an unplanned baby.

Good essay on anthropology

One of the characteristics of lineage is the exogamy. The factors generally use to measure the degree of stratification in the given society are gender, class, age, race and common interest, and the principles of social, ethnic, and gender stratification.

Ulture of saudi arabia and native canadian author essay sample

The most important cultural dignity of the country is the Arabic language, born on the territory of the Arabian Peninsula and subsequently spread throughout the Middle East and North Africa. In recent years the modern tendencies of decreasing the amount of family units ac not but have the influence in the Saudi Arabia, but the β†’

My feminist activist self essay examples

Thus, the ideology of democratic Canada in comparison to the ideology of the government of China I grew up continues challenging my common sense about female issues in Canadian society and the rights I have versus those I do not have in China. From a moral context, truth remains culturally bound in ancient ideologies of β†’

Ability of canadians to enjoy and profit from the practice of democracy

With the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms encouraging equality and freedom of speech; giving woman, men and people of all racial and sexual diversities the ability to partake in the politics of our country. This case plays a significant part in the shaping of the charter as without it the there would not be β†’

To what extent should the government protect minority rights? essay sample

Due to the Francophones rough history with the rest of the country and the government, political parties go out of their way to make promises to Quebec in hopes of preventing separation threats again. The length to which the Canadian government has gone through to protect minority rights is much too large and great for β†’

Throughout helped collectively freed over 100,000 enslaves people.

The underground part symbolizes how they escaped in secrete and out of sight, and the railroad part symbolized the emerging systems of transportation." The underground railroad was a loosely organized system with no defined routes, in which provided houses and freedom to the slaves". She led them safely to free states in the north and β†’

Aboriginal timeline 1960-1970 essay sample

The significant events that took place and that will be discussed are the " 60's scoop", the Native Brotherhood, A study of Aboriginal Youth Gangs and the Red and White Papers. The start of the decade marked the loss of aboriginal children and a whole generation of culture.

Good report on stanley park

In 1930's, the Causeway was expanded and extended through the center of Stanley Park. A stone parameter was constructed to prevent the erosion of the Stanley Park's foreshore.

Free health care issues essay sample

In another statistical comparison of hospital-care, physician services, and drug prescription service expenditure per GDP in US and Canada, in a report issued by Canadian Institute for Health Information, we see that the hospital-care spending per GDP in 1975 and 1980 was higher in the U.S.than in Canada. 5% in the U.S.and in 2008 it β†’

Homeless people in canada

They spend their nights on the bus stops or on the road crossing." In England, Canada and the USA, the majority of older homeless people are in their fifties; just 5 10% of homeless adults are in their sixties or older. These steps are essential to bring the number of homeless people to zero.

Quality and global competitiveness essay sample

A nation's ability to compete in the global marketplace has a direct bearing on the quality of life of its citizens.4. Which of the following countries is the most competitive country in the world? A.

Example of pathophysiology case study

The three specialties in the treatment of cancer are the radiation, medical and surgical oncology specialties and all are used in the treatment of cancer. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Canada-us and north american

Our opinion is that, should the United States, Canada and Mexico work on a similar model for their treaty, it would be of benefit to all of them. However, it is our opinion that, to gain the maximum benefits and advantages from an agreement of this nature, there is a need for improvement.

Dimorphs and cobblers: ways of being religious in canada essay sample

Simpson and discussed body-issues in relation to religion and the culture of the countries in the article title. Generally, Canada's complacency or liberalism in terms of religious practices was highly related to how they had dealt with body politics such as abortion, homosexuality and the like.

Research essay example

The most popular political parties currently are; the Conservative Party, the New Democratic Party, the Liberal Party, the Bloc Quebecois and the Green Party. A number of faults and presence of infringements of the law cost the New Democratic Party a majority in the House of Commons.

Around around 94% of the 62 million

However, it can be considered the de facto language, given that it is the official language of the Britishgovernment, and is spoken by around 94% of the 62million inhabitants of the UK 7. English is additionallythe official language of Gibraltar and a co-official language in Jersey, Guernseyand the Isle of Man, as well as in β†’

Outcomes of legalization of marijuana in canada

But marijuana is hard to get in the Philippines one of my friends is one of the thousands or may be millions who needs the medicine to counter the illness that he is suffering. In California, Marijuana brought in an estimated 14 billion dollars a year and with the proposed legalization it is expected to β†’

Travel brochure: taiga shield essay sample

Unique Features: The unique features of the region include an active exploration of diamonds, the oldest rock on the planet from the Precambrian era, a relatively large population of the bald eagles, only four hours of sunlight in the late December, and the midnight sun. The region represents a unique cultural blend of the Dene, β†’

Authorinstructordatesubject research proposal examples

The significance of the study: The main purpose of this study is to find some genuine stuff in order to save Canadian women during pregnancy. Ho= Pregnancy is not treated as a disease in Canada H1= Pregnancy is treated as a Disease in Canada.

First nations men in ww1 essay examples

During the commencement of the war, the Canadian officials contemplated the role of the First Nation's people in the war. Since the First Nation's people were new to the war compared to their counterparts, and considering that they had the excitement of joining the war, most of them died in the early encounters of their β†’

Negative and positive effects of prohibition in canada

Although the ban of alcohol may have been able to do great good on Canada, the people's reaction to it completely flipped it around. Prohibition made people view the law as something stupid and unimportant instead of what it was meant to do.

Literature review on violence against aboriginal women in canada

Across the various communities in Canada, a common fact stands out, that the plight of the Aboriginal women must be given priority, in all facets of the society, from the social to legal compartments. Violent victimization of Aboriginal women in the Canadian provinces.

Multiple sclerosis essay

The next kind is called primary progressive; this is where the disease and the symptoms just worsen with time, each attack building on the previous. Complementary and alternative therapies have been known to lessen symptoms of the disease.

Whap chapter 30 outline

The Mexican-American War * Westward expansion generated tension between U.S.and Mexico * Moves that led to war * Texas declared independence in 1836 b/c many U.S.migrants who had settled wanted to run their own affairs * U.S.accepted Texas as new state in 1845 and moved to consolidate hold on territory * U.S.instigated war then inflicted β†’

Chinese culture preservation in singapore essay sample

To preserve and pass on the excellent concepts, customs and culture achievements, along with holding the distinguished Chinese characteristics and finally making Chinese culture be an indispensable part in the Singapore culture, many things have been done and still being done gradually by the government, organizations, the media and families. In the meantime, the media β†’

Chinese media culture essay example

Both these categories of print media fiercely compete for the attention of the public as well as the incentive of acquiring the lion's share of a prized advertising market in the country. However, the state consistently monitors and reviews the policies of the media to gauge the extent of newspapers and magazines on the media β†’

Sino-african economic relations essay sample

Under its state-led and export oriented economy, China became the fastest growing economy during the millennium, overtaking France, Britain, Germany and Japan and catapulting to become the second largest economy in the world next to the US. Following the decline of communism in world affairs and the emergence of capitalism which China gradually adopted, the β†’

Inside the chinese boom in corporate espionage essay sample

Initial reports were unclear as to what the problem was so the technicians copied the control system's software and sent it to their research center in Klagenfurt, Austria. After an exhaustive investigation and with the help of private investigators, AMSC was able to pinpoint a Serbian software engineer, Dejan Karabasevic, who was employed at AMSC's β†’

Chinese government

And will China continue its reform in both economical and political terms, and evolve into a democracy like Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong, or will the Chinese Communist Party attempt to keep a strict political reign even with the intrusion of television and the Internet. The Guomindang's reputation never recovered, and the party was defeated β†’

The experience in france didn t help disney avoid essay sample

The experience in France did not help Disney to avoid some of the problems in Hong Kong since the business environment is different between Euro and China. The above issue reduced the attractiveness of the Hong Kong Disneyland to the Chinese tourists.

Glaxosmithkline in china essay sample

In order for a CEO of a company based in USA to move some of its operations to China, it's best to understand the foreign and local policy that is in placed in China and the bribery scandal that involved four employees of GlaxoSmithKline. This case study will examined the GSK scandal by analyzing the β†’

China description

It is inopportune to state that a huge number of Chinese manufacturing companies who have been involved in the production of Chinese merchandise that are harmful for human utilization and consumption, are in agreement with the theories of Communitarianism. Consequently, the absence of state laws pertaining to the regulation and control of the use of β†’

The chinese culture

Each member of the family help each other when there is any problem The Chinese culture has many special characteristics which are very interesting for people to learn, and deliciousfoodto try. As for many Asian families, Chinese people eat dinner all together at one table, They try to put the meal in the centre of β†’

Straddle buses

And take a look at this amazing public transport solution it's a bus network that drives over the top of the cars on a slightly modified road, able to stop without interrupting the traffic flow and to glide over the top of congestion. A laser/radar system is being employed to warn drivers about a bus's β†’

Investigating the relationship between hong kong and china

This allows Hong Kong residents to havefreedom of speech, freedom of press and publication, freedom of association, freedom of assembly, freedom of procession, of demonstration, ofcommunication, of movement, of conscience, of religious belief, and of marriage. In addition, the laws that were previously in force in Hong Kong, such as the common law and rules β†’

Pak-china relations

Pakistan was one of the first countries to recognize the People's Republic of China in 1950 and remained a steadfast ally during Beijing's period of international isolation in the 1960s and early 1970s. The India Question China and Pakistan have traditionally valued one another as a strategic hedge against India." For China, Pakistan is a β†’

Free article review on act 3 of guan yunchang’s righteous and brave refusal of the gold

A critical assessment of the play reveals various concepts such as characterization that are of importance to the present literature scholars and the future students. However, Chapter three of Yunchang's play based on the " Righteous and Brave Refusal of the Gold" will form the primary focus of the paper.

Free essay on human nature and the related debate amongst

The term " Confucianism" did not have a Chinese equivalent until the modern period; the tradition was referred to as " teaching of the ru" or the learning of the " ru". It was during the 2nd century BCE at the time of the Han dynasty that Confucianism became the official ideology of the national β†’

Yu dafu sinking

In a sense, this also serves to be a paradox, for while the Chinese might have looked up to Japan as a prime example of an Asian nation that had successfully modernized according to the Western standard, it is at the same the cause of their national humiliation. Yu Dafu also recalls to his audience β†’

Free essay about tuberculosis in china

In order to achieve the goal of global tuberculosis control, various strategies such as strong system of health insurance for TB and DOTS strategy, which is a very cost-effective treatment, have been implemented in China since the year 1990. Researchers have also noted that the cost for the treatment of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis is influenced by β†’

Hong kong business law assignment

The consumer claim to sue the retailer of HK$22, 000 is a minor monetary claim. As Annie wants to claim for claim compensation of HK $85, 000, the amount is within the civil jurisdiction of the District Court.

The analects of confucius essay sample

Confucius expressed great respect to the human dignity of the common people." You may rob the Three Armies of their commander, but you cannot deprive the humblest peasant of his opinion ". In addition to it Confucius defined the relation of superiors and inferiors like that between the wind and the grass.

Limitations example for internship report

Limitations Even though the report finished on time, it does not mean that I did not face any problem in doing this research. Other problem that I felt was the time to do this research was so limited, I believed that I could get more information and recommendation for Yes!


Who were the Xiongnu, the Uighurs, the Khitan, and the Jurchen in relation to the Chinese? What were the major sources of opposition to Buddhism in China?

Peking opera

Nueva Cancion is seen as playing a powerful role in the social upheavals in Portugal, Spain, and Latin America during the 1970s and 1980s. Nueva Cancion started in Chile in the 1960s and was known as " The Chilean New Song".

Contrast and compare nubian and egyptian societies essay sample

In both cultures, the wise and powerful were given great social status, and were able to control the ways of the people. Document 3 shows that the elite class of the Chinese were those who could communicate with the spirits, and could perform rituals.

Beliefs and description of confucius of china essay sample

The second is the Classic of History, which are a collection of documents and speeches written by rulers of the Zhou period as well as collections of deeds performed by Emperors of the past. The third classic was the Classic of the Rites, which teaches ancient rites, standards of conduct, ceremonies of the ancestors, and β†’

Research paper on an analysis of the film the planet of the apes 1968

The fact the nation was founded one of the greatest civilizations that the world has ever seen has led to the durability and the inordinate strength of its political structure and culture. The Rise of the Planet of Apes is hugely synonymous to the situation in China in a couple of aspects.

Have village elections democratized rural china? essay sample

By doing this they were able to prevent a potential candidiate from talking to the villagers and revealing the amount of debt that the village was in. Although in 1998 the Organic Law was changed and the elections have become more fair and open, the CCP still have a village branch which is not elected β†’

Spread of buddhism

It slowly spread after the fall of the Han dynasty in 220 C.E.after that the religion continued to spread over the course of many years. Many chinese Scholars and even Tang Emperor Wu had some strong things to say about of the spread of Buddhism was helpful and hurtful to the chinese people.

Nbc universal swot analysis essay sample

The following are some of the characteristics that were taken into consideration when evaluating the best mode of entry.* In-depth audit and diagnose strengths and weaknesses of the NBC channels currently available, to establish improvement plans and the opportunities and threats of new channels at their disposal.* Observe the target markets from the perspective of β†’

China major invention compass

Origins of the Compass The compass originated in the Qin Dynasty. The spoon-shaped pointer was made of lodestone and from Wang Chong's Lunheng, " This instrument resembles a spoon, and when it is placed on a plate on the ground, the handle points to the south." The spoon represents the Great Bear.

Brothers by yu hua

The main plot of the story is a love triangle set in China's industrial revolution. Baldy Li's pursuit of wealth and his transformation due to acquisition of wealth become the dominating theme in the remaining chapters." Brothers" extols the virtues and pitfalls that befall China's as it comes of age in the 1980s.

Rise and fall of the qin/han dynasties essay sample

What really lead to the rise of Qin conquering China and the fall of the empire? Especially in the Qin dynasty the construction of the Great Wall took a big part in the rise and fall of the empire.

Good example of hong kong protest creative writing

Riots that broke out became the most extensive in the history of Hong Kong. After the end of 150 years of British colonization and the reunification with China in 1997, Hong Kong was entitled to their own domestic law, the police and the financial system.

Tea culture in china essay sample

China is the homeland of the tea, it is the country that finds and utilizes tea first in the world. The Classification of Chinese Tea Although there are hundreds of varieties of Chinese tea, they can be mainly classified into five categories, that is, green tea, black tea, Oolong tea, scented tea, and compressed tea.

A critical analysis of p&g’s chinese competitiveness essay sample

Also, the completive positions of P&G, the CSR, corporate social responsibility of P&G is to investigate the situation of P&G with the usage of SWOT, Porter's five forces model and strategic group analysis. During this period of time, due to the seasonal purchasing of the wholesalers, P&G had to reduce the quantity of the employees β†’

Chapter 2, classical civilization: china

Patterns in Classical China dynasty: a family of kings ruled china, strong political institutions, active economy - one dynasty would decline, another one would emerge 3 dynastic cycles Zhou- ended by a decline in political infrastructure, extended a territory of china by taking over the yangtze river valley.became knows as the middle kingdom middle kingdom- β†’

Chinese food industry and market report

The report will analyze the development of Chinese food industry and food market, Chinese food culture and characteristics of food consumption behavior. Among the eastern foods, Chinese food is one of the most representatives, of which the food way, the food culture, the development history, and the relative national conditions and customs have a very β†’

China’s transformation during the mongolian occupation

Although the Mongolian army under Genghis Khan would continue to invade China over these decades, their decision only to conquer the northern part of China meant that the cultural and social transformations brought by them were not felt in the greater part of China. The Yuan Dynasty's downfall was the result of a combination of β†’

China essay examples

The abortion of the girls was mainly contributed by the society belief that the boy child would provide security to the parents during the old age. The Chinese society took the scarcity as a way to improve on the bargaining power during the handing over of the betrothal prizes during the marriages.

Cross cultural differences- china and usa

It is also crucial in the face of tourism and social life, as it gives us the understanding of how people from other cultures function as a result of their particular set of cultural values. They are usually even lawyers involved in seeing to a smooth running of the matter, and this is reflected in β†’

Crisis management: hong kong airlines

The efficiency of Hong Kong Airlines to response the crisis is far from satisfactory. One week after the flight disruption, on 29 July 2012, Hong Kong Airlines was still struggling to clear a backlog of passengers at the Hong Kong International Airport.

Mary kay cosmetics mid-term assignment essay sample

1) In regards to Mary Kay Cosmetics decision on whether to enter Japan, China, both, or neither I would like to recommend that MKC should first expand their business into the Chinese market using the majority of the resources. MKC realizes that their marketing and selling tactics must be modified in order to meet the β†’

Korean wave (hallyu) in china

" Korean wave was coined in China in mid-1999 by Beijing journalists surprised by the fast growing popularity of South Koreans and South Korean goods in China." However, the phenomenon of Korean wave flows into East Asia especially China during the early twenty-first century. Korean wave offers an opportunity for Chinese to experience the Korean β†’

Comparitive study: india, china and pakistan

Ans: One child norm in China has successfully reduced the growth rate of population. Ans: One child policy in china adopted since 1979 has reduced the growth rate of population from 1.

The hong kong women managers

A large number of studies have shown that a perception of women as managers is less favorable in the eyes of the residents of Hong Kong as compared to men. Researches have also shown that attitudes towards women as managers in Hong Kong include the need of more women as managers in Hong Kong workplace, β†’

May fourth movement

Typical was the work of Gu Jiegang, the young historian who applied to the classics the methods he has already used in his studies of the colloquial drama, treating the classics as accretions of tradition. To live in the present world, you must raise your head and proudly call yourself a person of the 20th β†’

History and museum essay sample

National Museum of China combined from Museum of the Chinese Revolution and National Museum of Chinese History at 2003 to make it the biggest history museum of China with over a million items. National Museum of China in this case obviously taking the role of spreading national identity and education China is a multi-ethnic country β†’


China has the world's longest continuously used written language system, and is the source of many major inventions, such as what the British scholar and biochemist Joseph Needham called the "four great inventions of Ancient China", paper, the compass, gunpowder and printing. China has turned into the world's largest exporter and producer of many products β†’

Chinese century of humiliation essay sample

The Century of Humiliation, lasting from the first Opium War in 1839 until the 1940's and the rise of the Communist Party, forced Western ideas into China and caused doubts of and the eventual fall of the Middle Kingdom. Many factors of the Century of Humiliation, ranging between the Taiping Rebellion, the ' rice bowl' β†’

Reaction paper about mutual defense treaty essay sample

The parties undertake as set forth in the Charter of the United Nations, to settle any international disputes in which they may be involved by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security and justice are not endangered and to refrain in their international relation from the threat or use of force β†’

Can the subaltern speak?

From this one might draw one of the following three conclusions: traditional Chinese philosophy is not philosophy, if the concern with truth is indeed one identifying characteristic of philosophizing, and if such a concern should be characterized in the aforementioned way; the truth-concern thesis is not a global but local one; it is valid only β†’

Abacus history and use essay sample

The abacus, often called the earliest calculating machine in the world, has a long history. The earliest mention of the abacus can be dated back to the Eastern Han Dynasty, where it was mentioned in a book by Xu Yue in about 190 A.

China cultural heritage research paper examples

Kung Fu, for instance is regarded as one on the best-known arts in the traditions of the Chinese people. Culture and traditions of the Chinese people are well depicted in the performances in the opera.

Harmony and dream

This is most evident in the extremely obtuse article " Harmony and the Dream" which supposedly promotes the qualities of modern China and urges the United States to follow in its footsteps. The notion of collective thought may be " line" of the rulers of the Chinese Communist Party, but it is not thephilosophythat the β†’

Chinese and japanese foreign policy interests the similarities and differences research paper

By 9/11, Japan eventually became active in global security affairs and clung more to its UN-centric foreign policy to stray their thoughts to the growing threats in the region With regards with the US-influence in the Japanese foreign policy, the Japanese government became active in strengthening the alliance between them and the United States as β†’

Taiwan culture essays examples

It is evident that the Taiwanese people endured a lot of challenges under the Japanese and the Chinese due to the difference that still exist between them. This is what is seen to have led to the rebellion that was witnessed among the Taiwanese people in their move to seek for independence from the Japanese.

Tang and song dynasties tecnological developments

The Tang and Song dynasties were an era for many technological developments the most important of these are the invention of gunpowder and movable type. The invention of gunpowder is usually attributed to Chinese alchemy, and is popularly listed as one of the " Four Great Inventions" of China.

Han china vs imperial rome political essay sample

Belief systems experienced manipulation by the governments of Han China and Imperial Rome as influences to control their empires, but whereas the Chinese selected adequately trained people for government to ensure the success of their empire, the Romans believed establishing " an elaborate body of laws" was the most sufficient option for maintaining their rule. β†’

Vietnamese culture essay sample

It is one of the most interesting celebrations in Vietnam because of its name special, the myth behind it, and two traditional types of food associated with it. Literally, Tet refers to festival, Doan means the start, and Ngo is the seventh animal of the Chinese zodiac the horse.

Good essay on plan for investigation

In a bid to evaluate this policy, this investigation will reconnoiter the core events that led to the policy to be valid during the Vietnam War so as to discern whether the war was carried out in concordance with the requisite effectiveness. The same will necessitate a detailed exploration of the objectives of the Vietnamization β†’

Communism research paper

Debatably, in its original state, communism was conceived as a strategy of improving the opportunities and the lives of the poor people in the society. One of the principles is that the government controls all the economy and owns the businesses.

English and vietnamese adjective phrases.

Word order in Predicative Function In Vietnamese adjective phrases, adjectives can directly function as predicative like verbs and the order can be formalised as: a + b Eg: B? phim th? t hay = The film was very interesting a + b When Vietnamese adjectives are in the predicative function, they can combine with the β†’

The gdp growth and gdp per capita of united states and vietnam essay sample

Abstract The gross domestic product also known as gross domestic income is a measure that is basically use to gauge the performance of an economy and it is defined as the value of the final products of the market and also the services that are produced by a country within the borders in a given β†’

The development of banking system in vietnam

Speed up the process of international economic integration, which raise the initiative on monetary and banking with the roadmap and steps are suited to the competitiveness of the credit institutions and the ability of state banks control system. Accelerate the re-structuring of the banking system; amendment and supplement the law of State Bank of Vietnam β†’

Long-term effects of exposure to mass trauma and resettlement amongst vietnamese literature review sample

The findings of this study seem to suggest that trauma continues to affect the mental well-being of a proportion of Vietnamese refugees more than a decade after being resettled in Australia. Long-term effect of psychological trauma on the mental health of Vietnemese refugees resettled in Australia: A population-based study.

Ap test prep chapter 13

2) The group which most directly challenged Chinese influences in Japan and Vietnam during the post classical era was Buddhist monks and priests The emperor The imperial bureaucracy Aristocrats, landowners, and local provincial administrators Answer: A Cite: The answer is located on page 292 under the heading " Crisis at Nara and the Shift to β†’

Vietnam war research papers example

The Vietnam War: A Chronology of War. Causes and Consequences of the Vietnam War.

Good morning, vietnam

This movie is set during the Vietnam war so, it is crucial to understand the war in order to understand this movie. Some argued that this was due to the relative freedom of television reporters to broadcast whatever they wanted about the war; thus, not only showing the positives, but also the downfalls in the β†’

Critical thinking on persuasive writing (making a proposal)

In order to tap the unmet demand for consumers of banh mi in the city who wish to eat outside the restaurant framework, it is essential that Saigon Pete expand its fleet of trucks before any potential competitor spots the opportunity to enter the niche market of banh mi currently monopolized by Saigon Pete. In β†’

Effects of the vietnam war

It was sold to the American people as necessary to stop the spread of Communism and quickly become one of the longest and costliest wars in U.S.history. Looking at the war strictly from the point-of-view of society, the after effects of the war were staggering.

Example of research paper on the tet offensive during the vietnam war: who won who lost

At the end of January each year many in Vietnam, the USA and other parts of the world, think of 1968 when the Tet Offensive was launched by the North Vietnamese against South Vietnam. It was hardly the only major target, though certainly the most visible and the most significant in the eyes of β†’