Essay Samples about Countries for Student Inspiration

Women education in india critical essay

Introduction: The men and the women are the two wheels of the society. They are the first teachers of the future citizens of the country.

Bhagat singh essay sample

Singh joined the Young Revolutionary Movement and began to advocate for the violent overthrow of the British in India. He became a symbol, the act was forgotten, the symbol remained, and within a few months each town and village of the Punjab, and to a lesser extent in the rest of northern India, resounded with β†’

Teugu geevitam essay sample

The effect is also felt in the prose of the early 19th century, as in the Kaifiyats.[15] Colonial period[edit source editbeta] 16th century Italian explorer Niccol Da Conti who visited the Vijayanagara Empire described it as Italian of the east; a saying which has been widely repeated.[17] In the period of the late 19th and β†’

Free logicians of ancient china essay sample

Therefore, some of the Chinese men had to specialize in mathematical, as well as logical paradoxes, following the Greek manner in the ancient time. The World of Thought in Ancient China.

Mathematical in india past, present, future

Mathematicsin India Past, Present and Future What is mathematics? " mathematics is ascienceof space, numbers and quantity" Past: Indian mathematics emerged in the Indian subcontinent from 1200 BC until the end of the 18th century. These mathematical concepts were transmitted to the Middle East, China, and Europe and led to further developments that now form β†’

Indian modern problems related to globalization

The Rush for MBA is really a rush for big money Ethics in Business are Just a passing fashion The objective of Management is to maximize profits Do professional managers have a chance in ourfamilyrun businesses? Quality is a myth in India.

Notes on the parliamentary form of government in india

The President in India or the king in England are the symbols of nominal head of the executive where as the Prime Minister is the real head of the executive. The members of the Council of Minister are also members of the legislature.

2012 siachen glacier avalanche

The operation was successful, and India extended its control over much of the small triangle of mountainous, icy land, up to the passes of the Saltoro Ridge, situated west of the glacier, while Pakistan retained control over the western slopes and foothills of the ridge.[3] Map of the Siachen Glacier area. Siachen Glacier Location of β†’

Citation and referencing essay sample

Students should avoid excessive use of direct quotations in their work, as frequent and unnecessary usage reduces the impact of the citations and weakens the tone of the paper. The relevance of each quote should be immediately apparent to the reader, for example, to support a personal viewpoint; to introduce a counter-argument; to present the β†’

Manas wildlife sanctuary essay sample

A favorable place with a warm and humid climate allows the appropriate distribution of plants and animals in the part of the park most convenient to them. Grassland ecosystems and faunal biodiversity add to the value of Manas Park.

The characters of a virtuous indian women

The heroine was always secondary to the hero, character which is central to the script, may be the hero, the villain, the father, the boss, an elderly male figure etc. All the movies from the 50s up to the late 90s have maintained the status quotient of a women.

Cafs assessment 2- leadership and groups.

People may not agree whether or not he was an effective leader in this particular part of his career, but as the leader of the Indians, they hailed him for his courage and persistence with persuing his goals. These last three acts were the peak of his leadership and help the recognition of the Indians β†’

Mcdonald marketing mix analysis essay sample

Now the company has become a symbol of globalization and the spread of the American way of life. While McDonald's dropped the physical arches from its restaurants in the 1960s, the Golden Arches have remained in the logo, and as a commonly understood term for the company2.

Free essay on hinduism

Hinduism is regarded as one of the oldest organized religions in the world. The Hindus described the Vedas as the source of knowledge for the Hindus.

Research paper on roles of women and men in chinese and indian society

The women and men in the two societies have been assigned defined roles that are similar in some aspects while in some parts, the roles are quite different. The main question of this essay is what are the roles of women and men in the Chinese and Indian societies?

The link between sanitation and child life expectancy in india critical analysis

The lack of sanitation leading to deadly water-borne disease in India is the main factor contributing to these extremely high numbers. The amount of people that do not have access to toilets in India is 638 million, which is more than 10 times the entire population of Canada.

Situation analysis according o 1. customer: trademark: vitally has entered india for the first time

With the headquarters at Bangor and having a central warehouse of holding the entire range of stocks, the company intends to have the sales and technical team built to have the network spread across the country. Architects and designers can present there designs according to the peoples whish using vitally.

Notions of class, status and caste and significant throughout asia

The untouchables had the lowest position in the caste system. The Brahmanas did not provide details of the establishment of the caste system.

The communist party of india essay sample

The CPI was born in the struggle against revisionism and sectarianism in the communist movement at the international and national level, in order to defend the scientific and revolutionary tenets of Marxism-Leninism and its appropriate application in the concrete Indian conditions. The CPI combines the fine heritage of the anti-imperialist struggle and the revolutionary legacy β†’

The train for india is now moving out of the station says ram charan

Ram Charan, the world-renowned business advisor, author and speaker, who first stepped into the world of entrepreneurship from hisfamilyshoe shop in a small town in northern India says 2016 is seeing a very different India. Known for cutting through the complexity of running a business in the fast-changingenvironment, he is one of the world's most β†’

Hawa mahal, india

The splendid Rajputana architecture of Hawa Mahal, still speaks the glory of the royal family. The literal meaning of Hawa Mahal is Palace of Winds.

Child labor in india and peru essays example

Today, bonded labor and child labor are considered modern forms of slavery and meet the definition of forced labor in the Indian constitution. It is difficult to solve the problem of child labor in the country because of the lack of coordination and sharing of information between the anti-child labor agencies and the government.

Role of students in modern society

Firstly, we will discuss the influence of the history of the economic structure of India on its economy. The policies implemented by the Government of India before the last decade were brilliant only in maintaining the power and influence of the bureaucrats.

ο»Ώdalit consciousness in limbale’s outcast

The caste system in India had made a hindrance in the socialization of the author, and then being an illegitimate child Limbale was brought up like an outcaste. The novel was originally written in Marathi, the native dialect of the Mahar community, to which the author belongs.


The festival is celebrated in Kerala and marks the end of the summer monsoons. The spirit of sacrifice in us Indians is one of the foundations of our culture.

Big bazaar essay sample

Big bazaar has total 292 stores in 93 cities, 60 rural locations, 22 central stores and over 170, 000 products under one store fulfilling the demands of consumer. Only 70 % of the product mix of big bazaar is uniform across the nation.

Carrefour entry into india essay sample

The first Carrefour store concept in 1959 was aim to build a convenient market place for the citizen, the building was construct with the ground floor as the supermarket, while the floor above containing apartments, were to be sold to help financing the business. In 1996, the company first established store in Asia was Seoul, β†’

Self rule movement in india 1937

The growing demand for the transfer of power and the feeling of nationality in Indians compelled the British to amend the whole system of governance to ensure their interests. The Act had provided the power to vote to the Indians but it all was merely an illusion because of the elaborate and special powers were β†’

Yo yo honey singh essay sample

" Axis of the Faith") was a Turkic king of Northwest India who ruled from his capital in Delhi where he built theQutub Minar and the Quwwat Al Islam mosque.[1] He was of Turkic descent from central Asia, the first Sultan of Delhi and founder of the Ghulam dynasty of India. Shams-ud-din Iltutmish was the β†’

Yoga term paper examples

Bonura, in a research that aimed at reviewing the Psychological benefits of Yoga, contends that yoga is indeed overly useful in reducing stress and anxiety. Ideally, yoga is also helpful in the treatment of insomnia, reduction of anger, and the general betterment of sleep quality.

Case study on india china infrastructure

The most remarkable common factor behind the success of infrastructure in China was the single-minded goal of sustaining economic growth and recognition of the importance of infrastructure development in achieving this goal. The planning institutions in India at the national and state levels adopted a consultative process for the formulation of plans.

Research paper on india essay sample

The Aryans entered through the mountain passes of Afghanistan from the great plains of central Asia and the Iranian plateau. Most Sikhs live in the north, are the leading wheat farmers, and form one of the largest groups in the Indian army.

Creating states in india good or bad

After the formation of the state, the centre bears the duty to give it grants and funds. Even after the formation of the state, there tends to be a state of unrest and insecurity within the state for which there is more diversion of resources.

Han vs gupta

While both were used to maintain social order and encourage good citizenship, the Chinese system was never tied into any religion, which stands as a symbol of the enduring secularism in Chinese society. Despite the military power and the strong image, the Chandragupta never managed to unite India the same way the Han was.

Changing nature of gender relations in india essay sample

Women's " inferiority" is used to justify discrimination and abuse in the household and in society at large and power inequity is reflected and reinforced by traditional and modern laws and institutional practices. Over and over again, across countries and in India, women were identified as " homemakers," the keepers of the family, responsible for β†’

Indian paint industry

The current scenario prevailing in the Indian paint industry has been pictured in detail. The share of the organized and unorganized sector has been dealt with in detail, discussing the impact of recent issues and trends on the industry dynamics.

Good example of topics in indian philosophy critical thinking

The manner in which a person behaves and thinks is solely determined by that person's inner self. Understanding oneself is the source of knowledge and forms the drive to conclude a person's dignity.

Dowry deaths in india

Dowry in India is very common and typically a transfer of wealth from the brides family to the husband. This is indicative of a form of social class stratification and interrelationship with the Dowry Deaths.

Swades: training and development lessons

It is about the transformation of an individual who is indifferent and cynical to the ways of society, to an individual who does not accept the status-quo and stands for the people, against people. Significance of Training to each of the Trainer: Mohan: The main objective of Mohan in coming to India and also for β†’

Dr, abdul kalam essay sample

For his distinguished contribution in launching the missiles project in India, he is popularly known as the Missile Man of India and is considered a progressive mentor, innovator and visionary in India. Abdul Kalam was born on 15 October 1931 in a Tamil Muslim family to Jainulabdeen, a boat owner and Ashiamma, a housewife, atRameswaram, β†’

The india we want

A large population of India is in its youth years andI believethat if the youth of the country begin to think over the current issues, find solutions and lead other people we will very soon be able to see the perfect India we picture in our minds. We can live to see the next generation β†’

Subramainaya baharathi

At the age of 11, in 1893 his prowess as a poet was recognised and he was accorded the title of 'bharathi'. Bharathi's love of Tamil, both the language as it was in his own day and the rich literature left as a heritage, was no less than his love of India.

A.p.j abdul kalam: political views essay sample

Abdul Kalam, was the 11th President of India, serving from 2002 to 2007,[2] he was elected during the tenure of the National Democratic Alliance coalition government, under prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee.[3] During his term as President, he was popularly known as the People's President.[4][5] Before his term as India's president, he worked as an β†’

Swachh bharat abhiyan: brand ambassadors

He is a famous personality and appointed as the brand ambassador of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. He has a huge fan following and that is why he is appointed the brand ambassador of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan.P.

Policy and indian youth club

While Indian Youth Club demands for more transparency in the system and more accountability in governance and the question of eradicating corruption has become imperative to save the country and guarantee employment as well as basic rights to the common people. Indian Youth Club thinks that it is the responsibility and duty of every Indian β†’

The law and constitution of india essay sample

Bentham " A law is an assemblage of signs declarative of volition conceived or adopted by the sovereign in a state, concerning the conduct to be observed in a certain case by a certain person of class of person, who in a case are or supposed to be subject of his power". The influence of β†’

Impact of british rule on india during 1857-1867

The uncompromising character of Islam is obvious, and in consonance with it the Muslims in India for a considerable time resisted the impact of Westerneducation, took but little to science or industry, and hardly allowed their beliefs or their way of life to be influenced by the newcomers. The change has not been wholly for β†’

Detailed macroeconomic study of a country: india

However, there has always been a sharp increase in the prices of goods produces and services rendered, and hence, it is not the nominal GDP, but the real GDP that reflects the actual growth of the economy. During the year 2006, the rate of growth of money supply is more than 16 per cent and β†’

Impact of portuguese estado da india

Since, the mansabdars of the mughal empire received their pay either in cash or in the form of assignments of areas of land from which they were entitled to collect the land revenue and all other taxes sanctioned by the emperor, the mansabdar system was also an integrated part of the agrarian and the jagirdari β†’

My chennai

The violent agitations of 1965 against the compulsory imposition of Hindi in the state marked a major shift in the political dynamics of the city and eventually it had a big impact on the whole state. Marina Beach runs for 6 km, spanning along the shoreline of the city between the deltas of Cooum and β†’

Nativism in girish karnad’s naga mandal

Originally the concept of deshivad was used in world literature, in Indian literary criticism in particular, by Bhalchandra Nemade, after realization of the perils of submitting the products of one literary culture to another culture's theories. The story in the play is not only the story of Rani and Appana.

Transit: impact on bangladesh essay sample

Prior to the partition of India in 1947, the trade and commerce of the NER with the rest of India and the outside world used to pass through the territories of what is now Bangladesh. In the corridor, a country gives some kind of rights or control on the land to the other country making β†’

Free creative writing on charisma

Most of the people in the list died because of illnesses and were rather old. However, Hitler means to achieve the goal were cruel and inhuman.- What were the followers like of these leaders Different people are listed here and their followers are also different.

How these 5 startups are contributing to make in india initiative

Make in India was launched by the Government of India on 25 th September 2014 to encourage companies to manufacture in India. Founded in 2011 by Samay Kohli and Akash Gupta, the startup has raised a Series A from Tiger Global and Blume Ventures.

How this app tracks women’s health woes; in india & internationally

What Maya aims take advantage of the smartphone penetration in remote corners of India and equip women to manage their menstrual health using a mobile phone. John is aware of the fact that there are a bunch of apps focussing on this problem in the international market, however in the Indian context there are few β†’

Hiyasmin guy yoche

Free trade also allows countries to specialize in the production of goods that they have a comparative advantage and trading them for goods in which they have a comparative disadvantage. In fact according to Johan Norberg, " The reason why their workplace standards and wages are generally lower is lack of productivity, the lack of β†’

Flavored mineral water strategy – japanese market essay

However, in order to make their product more portable and safe for places where glass is not the best material to use, the company produced one line of their drink, SoBe Synergy, in a can which is 11.5 oz. SoBe beverages show an ingredient statement on the back label for all of their beverages.

Good challenges of a young woman of mixed parentage essay example

The challenges she had to deal with and the difficult times she lived through finally to get an identity of her own, an identity that she felt right with, made me want to write this paper and share this experience. That being said; the Concordia Chinese Students Association was a pleasant surprise as they allowed β†’

Alberta tar sand and the missing and murdered indigenous women and girls in canada

Although the history of the Alberta Tar Sands goes back as far as 1715, the issue now is the vast portion of lands that are being destroyed and the unwillingness of the government to show any concern. The case of the Alberta tar sand discloses and links the missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls β†’

Developing canadian culture: literature in a grade 12 classroom

To promote the development of an indistinguishable, Canadian identity in an English class, it is important to focus on Canadian literature. Studying more Canadian literature is not enough to expand a student's awareness of Canadian writers; it is also a question of what authors are reflective of Canada's modern multicultural society.

Water issues between canada & the usa report examples

In the last couple of decades, Canada has become the top supplier of energy requirements of the USA, and thus has surpassed the Middle Eastern countries. The Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement between Canada and the USA is under the evaluation and supposedly offers an opportunity for the improvement in the organization of the Great β†’

The history of canadian social system

Spending on social assistance programs should increase to provide sufficient benefits to clients, relieve the unnecessary strain currently placed on other social services, and to significantly develop the nation both socially and economically. Most recently, the CHST split to form the Canada Health Transfer and the Canada Social Transfer in 2004, the latter of which β†’

Kaiser rolls essay

The Kaiser roll, also called a Vienna roll or a hard roll, is a kind of bread roll, supposedly invented in Vienna, and thought to have been named to honor Emperor Franz Joseph. Kummelweck Kummelweck, also sometimes kimmelweck or kummelweck is a variation of the kaiser roll that is popular in Western New York.

Taylor nelson

After the defeat of the French, the colonists no longer felt the need to have regular British soldiers in their towns and cities. Many factors contributed to the development of an American identity after the French and Indian War.

Reasons for confederation

Three of them were the need for railroads, the threat of American expansion and the desire to expand settlement west. Three of them were a need for railroads, the threat of American invasion and the desire to expand settlement west.

Veni vidi vici vimy (vimy ridge for canada)

Did not escape unscathed, but the participation in the war gave a stronger sense of nationhood.- Canada's contributions into WWI led to international recognition; other countries must recognize you as sovereign.- The effort also brought acknowledgement to Canada's contributions and heroism on the battlefields of Europe, giving Canada the shot to be a more-mature, experienced β†’

What made canada a leader in human rights

Such as drafting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Ontario Human rights code, Canadian Human rights Act, and as well as the Canadian Charter of rights. First, Canada's participation and corporation in drafting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is influential and significant, The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a major milestone in the β†’

Reflection on visiting the canadian canoe museum – an important part of canada’s heritage

The museum allows people to understand how the canoe has a lasting significance to the peoples of Canada through hands-on galleries, canoe displays and storyboards. The value of wilderness to Indigenous peoples was also portrayed through the three sisters, this became evident to me in the upper east wing of the museum.

Glaciers on earth’s surface. so, in this

One type of glacier, a continental glacier, or ice sheet, is an enormous mass of ice that flows in all directions from one or more centers. End moraines are deposits that form along the end of a melting glacier.

A classification division of boys and girls essay

Although she knew her mother loved her, she was " also her enemy" and was plotting to get her to stay in the house more and from working for her father. In the beginning of the story, she is selfish; she wants to be the only one to have her father's attention.

Is the widespread hpv vaccination of teenage girls a good idea? essay

However that feeling is not related to the vaccination in any sort of way it is actually the result of error in the way the vaccine was injected. There are also contradictions to taking the HPV vaccines, as there are with any other type of vaccine.

Patriots in lower canada

The earl of Durham whose name was John George Lambton introduced the Durham report to the Colonial Office in February 4, 1839 but Durham report was consummated in January 1839 that was why it was officially introduced in the following month by the said earl of Durham. But indeed, Durham report was able to played β†’

Free report on the aboriginal culture

Similarities and differences between the culture of origin and the culture cultivated in the residential school as seen in the film. The residential schools in Canada was a system that was aimed at providing disciplined based ideal that endorsed the denial of the aboriginal culture in favor of the European way of life.

Acts of resistance by americans against the british from 1773 to1775: were they effective?

The combination of the harsh taxes and the lack of an American voice in Parliament gave rise to forms of resistance which led thirteen colonies in North America to joined together to break free from the British Empire, combining to become the United States of America. The Sugar Act is one of the many taxes β†’

Jade peony

Belonging When someone is said to be Canadian, it does not just mean being one who lives on this land, or has lived on this land long enough to obtain this citizenship, it means living the Canadian life, it means waking up in the morning wearing a ton of layers and going outside in the β†’

Black emigration from the us

Black Emigration from the US Name: Institution: Instructor: Course: Date: Explain the Plea of the Black Americans from the Us The plea on the African Americans to move out of United States was an expression of their cry for freedom. The whole idea behind the legislation was to nullify the political strength of the African β†’

Air canada

Air Canada has also prided itself in the fact that the flight attendants of Air Canada play many roles such as safety professional, caregiver and service provider. The rich history that Air Canada has had in the aviation industry is truly something to behold.

Oil sands

Oil sands are one of the single largest reservoirs and producers of oil in the world. Oil sands worldwide contain over 2 trillion barrels of oil, even if much of it is unrecoverable with today's technology, and Canada has the second largest area of oil sands in the world, behind Venezuela.

Canada – the benefits of immigration essay sample

Immigrants are ambitions people, as they came to Canada to start a better life and to create better opportunities for their children. Immigration stimulates the social, cultural and economic life of Canada.

Good example of survey report essay

The success of this team can best be accredited to the players, the coach, and the fans. The success of the Canadian hockey team is accredited to the players, coach, the fans and the government.

What role did women play in the decade of 1920? essay sample

However that disappointment did not fold the famous five down, and the reformers turned to The British Privy Council with the same question, and the Council reversed the decision of the Supreme Court of Canada, and " Canadian women become " Persons" with all rights accorded to the definition of persons including the right to β†’

Multiculturalism vs. assimilation essay sample

What these people fail to realize is that immigrants come to our country to get away from the tragedies of their own so they will make an effort to become a Canadian and contribute to our society. What these people fail to realize is that immigrants come to our country to get away from the β†’

Good report on stanley park

They also get to enjoy the view of water that is quite scenic, the sky, the mountains and the stunning beauty of the majestic trees that grow along the renowned seawall of the Stanley Park. The structures currently in the park were mostly constructed between the year 1991 and the year 1937 under the making β†’

Argumentative essay on canadian federal-provincial relations

Additionally, the most essential of all the amendments was that whatever political party obtained two percent of the overall national vote or got five percent and more in the constituencies it actually competed; would really be given or ennobled to allowances from the financial department and ministry of the government equal to one point seven β†’

The advantages of canadian higher education as compared to worldwide

When I was in class 10th I realized that my interest is developing in the study for physics and mathematics and then I scored 88 out of 100 points in mathematics in my higher secondary exams from state board. To understand the fundamentals of managing any group of people and the project, I started to β†’

Oral health of the elderly in canada research paper sample

One of the primary reasons why seniors in Canada are not getting adequate oral health is because the country is in short supply of oral health practitioners. Recommendation One of the major drawbacks to oral health care of the elderly in Canada is its affordability and accessibility.

The a tropical climate, there are ten

With an approximate population of 192 million, Nigeria is currently ranked as the 7th most populous country in the world, through the with the current population growth rate the country is expected to rise to 4th by 2050. While the capital city of Abuja and the metropolitan area of Lagos house a large percentage of β†’

Free the heretic poems essay example

The poems follow a traditional form of narration and storytelling and are therefore able to capture the mind of the reader to the maximum. It is a tragic end to his agitation and fight for recognition of the natives.

Unions in canada

The rate of workers joining unions is on a downward slide, noticeably so in the public sector, despite the fact the unions helped to stabilize and grow the economy in the past. History of Unions in Canada and their Effects on the Economy Unions have been apart of Canadian history since the early 1800's.

Wilfred owen early life

Owen started his education at the Birkenhead Institute but continued his education at the Technical School in Shrewsbury when his family were forced to move there due to his father's new job as the Assistant Superintendent for the Western Region of the railways. Not long after leaving school in 1911, Owen passed the matriculation exam β†’

Why companies go global essay

In addition, expanding into foreign markets can minimize a company's risk of losing market shares to customers who themselves take advantage of the Internet to look for suppliers of goods and services in foreign markets. Risks of becoming global Becoming global can seem exciting and adventurous but you have to be conscious that there are β†’

Americanization of canada

One of the most telling signs of Americanization seems to be the spread of American burgers and cola to nearly every country on earth, crowning the United States as the king of pop culture. By defining America, their society, and economy one can see the threat of Canada losing its heritage is increasing.

Women’s employment and the phenomenon of dual breadwinners in canada

Throughout the early parts of Canadian history, Canadian women served only as wives and mothers where they shared the reservations of motherhood, the tasks and responsibilities of managing their home, and the vocation of serving their families. This report served as an instrument in the creation of " Employment Equity Act" in 1986, the purpose β†’

Comparision of two countries – india & canada essay sample

Life in India is both similar to and different from the life here in Canada. In both the countries, the Prime Minister is the head of the government.

Canadas first past the post system

The party that wins the most ridings is named the official government of Canada with the second place party becoming the official opposition. The system is also known as the 'winner-take-all' system, in which the candidate with the most votes gets elected.

Pierre trudeau

Prime Minister Trudeau, almost singlehandedly, molded Canada into the image that he desired; a country that was bilingual, rational, and a just society that was founded upon the ideals of freedom and individual autonomy. Trudeau's thought process transcended past the next election, and because of that Canada is a bilingual country, paying tributes to the β†’