Quality Business Essay Examples for Your Learning

Change model analysis essay samples

The success of the entire project will depend on the ability of creating the awareness of change and the buy-in from the people involved; internal capabilities and effective leaders that can make the change happen; clear communication strategy and channels to bring the vision into action; contingency planning and milestone development and ability to turn β†’

Free the walt disney company: its diversification strategy in 2012 essay sample

The company focuses to become a leader in the production of entertainment and information. Most of the threats come from the new entrants in the industry both the domestic and global market.

Wal-mart’s unfair labor practices in “down and out in discount america

According to Featherstone, Wal-Mart is one company that literally profits and grows from the presence and worsening ofpovertysituations, as shown by the results of a study conducted by economist Andrew Franklin which revealed that " Wal-Mart operated primarily in poor and working-class communities". The author notes that " to effectively battle corporate criminals like Wal-Mart, β†’

Mcdonald’s and obesity

McDonald's Response For the last few years, McDonald's has reacted to the obesity issues in several ways in the U.K.and other countries Concerned about consumer reaction to the film Super Size Me, McDonald's Corp.broke a U. The market position and market stature of McDonald's in the U.K.is not nearly as strong as it is in β†’

Financial ratio and costco

Costco's business model and size were similar to those of Price Club, which was founded by Sol and Robert Price in 1976 in San Diego, California. In 1997, the company changed its name to Costco Wholesale and all Price Club locations were rebranded Costco.

Research company research papers examples

Therefore, It is important for the Starbucks to explore how can deal with diversity and competition in Indian market in order to become large operator in Indian market. The challenges in front of Starbucks is to understand local social and cultural needs of the consumers, understand environmental factors and effectively respond to the competition by β†’

Answer1 ) essays example

First, the turnover of the company has consistently decreased over the years. The same goes with the gross profit margins and net profit margins of the company that courtesy low turnover has decreased significantly over the years.

Research proposal on the implications of social networking to the smartphone industry and wifi access

In a study conducted by Ryan Kim on the impact of mobile devices with regards to wifi-usage, he found out that the mobile devices which are wifi capable have overtaken the computers with regards to the number of users. Part of the study showed that the abrupt increase in the wifi usage is congruent to β†’

Reliability, and excellence

With Durex's creed of Durability, Reliability, and Excellence, the company has become the number 1 condom brand in the world. The company has prided itself in the innovation of the condom market.

Sample case study on evaluation of a health-related website

In accordance to the rules by the American Telemedicine Association, a health-related website can be evaluated to reveal its capacity to demonstrate the required essentials. Taking the WebMD as the base website, an evaluation with respect to each tag depicted by the rules will reveal the viability of the website.

Company’s vision google

Google laid out its plans of making the voice-activated system available to users in a trial version. Google is also known for its tangible and easy-to-use products which make it very user-friendly to the computer users.

New and improved rewards at work essays example

Variable pay is in sync with companies' performance and is used to reward staff members who have contributed greatly to the overall performance of the organization, and includes such things as stock options and performance bonuses.- Determine how innovations in employee benefits can improve the overall competitive compensation strategy of the organization. An innovative compensation β†’

Case study on competition bikes inc storyline

In the Competition Bikes, Inc.the cost of goods sold is approximately 73 percent of sales in all the three accounting periods. The current ratio of the company in the year 7 and 8 are given as 5.5.

Course work on strategic and competitive analysis

These are some of the tips that can help consumers to select the best quality of attributes for the hot coffee they want in the industry. The expansion in the coffee market provides for the company to stay awhile longer in the industry while the portion that the Starbucks holds in the market provides cutthroat β†’

Case study on brueggers bagels bakery case study

Bruegger's Bagels are the undisputed number one producer of Bagels in the United States. At this time, Bagels were pretty new in the American society, however, by 1990s the bagel craze had spread across the nation, and the company was doing very well.

Example of six myths of product development () article review

Product development and product manufacturing are profoundly different and failure to appreciate the differences between the two has resulted to several fallacies that undermine planning, execution, and product-development projects six of which are discussed below: First is the thought that high utilization of resources will improve the performance. The managers underestimate the negative effects of β†’

Why barnes and fischer should reject ocean manufacturing as a client

The problems with Ocean Manufacturing are their lack of experience in management and their frustrating new IT system. The reason behind the lack of experience in management is due to the resignation of the vice president of operations and of the controller.

Gibson insurance company

Overview Gibson Insurance Company has tasked Rebecca Hampton, the controller, with reviewing the company's allocation of corporate support costs in order to better assign the cost attributed to product lines and business units. Analysis' Presentation Leads to Definition of Problem By analyzing the cost structure and re-allocation the costs with the new cost drivers, we β†’

Accounting case analysis essay sample

The technical accounting issue in the case is the non-compliance with the matching principle of accounting. The original way i.e.adhering to the matching principle, the accrued wages need to be recognized in the current period, thus the expenses will be more and consequently decrease the net profit in the same proportion.

Analysis of financial ratios of continental tire ag research proposal examples

The paper is devoted to the analysis of financial ratios of Continental Tire AG and its two competitors in the world market Michelin and Goodyear. Current ratio is the common measure of general liquidity of the company in short-term period helping to estimate current financial position of the company.

Yes i can form an argument in favour of the prisoners claim to a pay-rise essay examples

However, I would argue that the mistake that landed me in jail was in no way connected to my ability to do the upholstery job.b) Does the nature of the " mistake" influence the response in the question 1 ethically? This is because the quality of the job is unaffected by the fact that the β†’

The history of tesla’s business & its model s

For the sake of Tesla, one of the most interesting things is that none of Tesla's founders had a background in the car industry and neither did its original engineering team. Indeed, the strategy of the company was to firstly enter at the high end of the market, were customers are prepared to pay a β†’

Essay on fedex corporation

Under the value chain techniques we also have the support activities and in FedEx Corporation the activities include the procurement department that makes all the purchases of the company. FedEx Corporation was given permission to provide its services to the whole of the United States in the year 1983 and thus its maturity phase started β†’

Good emerging financial markets case study example

It outlines the way the management should handle their work, the employees' duties and responsibilities, and the corporate accountability to the stakeholders. The company is records the highest annual turnover in that industry making it the biggest flexible company in the Indian economy.

Web search engine swot analysis for google

Communicationis a huge part of the organizational strengths of the Google Empire; Google firmly believes that feedback ND discussion are an important part of doing business so every Friday, Google holds a forum called " Thank goodness it's Friday" to have an active conversation and answer questions ranging from product decisions and external news to β†’

Report on toyota’s strategies in economic globalisation

The governments in Europe allowed Japanese companies to enter the market in the 1960's and 1970's. However the high demand in the region in spite of the import restrictions caused the company to expand the assembly plants to Europe.

Internal growth strategy essay sample

Internal would not be the best approach because this describes a company investing within their company in order to produce the best product or service. Wal-Mart decided that this would be the best way to enter the Indian market.

A company has the ability to essay sample

As what we have seen in the case of Saloman v Saloman, the company can borrow money or its shareholders can lend money to the company in order for the company to continue operate. In addition, in the case of Lee v Lee's Air Farming Ltd, Lee is the owner of the company and he β†’

Google makes us stupid essay

Another aspect of the story is that though online users are being dependant on the Google and other search engines for the information but this does not reduce their intelligence, analyzing or learning. Google is making us more informed, provides significant and enormous amount of information in a fraction of seconds.

Elder abuse article reviews example

As the article develops, there is the question of lawyer's profits exceeding the benefits to the client that offsets many of the possible benefits to be found in the possible settlements. With a breakdown of the nursing homes that run for profit in the U.S.the Smith continues on to illustrate that while the cost of β†’

Politics and environmentalism essay samples

People make many attempts to contribute to and help in the conservation and protection of the environment. Unfortunately, what people do not realize is that the production of Ben & Jerry's ice cream actually does a lot of harm to the environment.

Internationalization strategies

FDI Strategy of the Host Market The foremost objective of an international business strategy of a company is to assess the favourability of the foreign direct investment strategy of a new market. The chairperson of the company's South Korean division appears to formulate and execute its business strategy with a stern local perspective; a key β†’

Strategic sourcing research paper sample

The main perspective of this assignment is to select a topic on the basis of Supply Chain Management and the topic which has been selected for the same analysis is, Both of the individuals worked wonderfully well to cover the things accordingly and effectively. The integration of effective Supply Chain Management with the companies would β†’

Apple iphone

Apple is to struggle for a leader with the discipline and a disciple of excellence such as Jobs. For instance, Apple is the largest user of the Open SSL, yet it took 75 days to respond to a hole in it long after other small users; this is a dent in the management's commitment to β†’

Good example of fourier transform infrared (ftir) spectroscopy report

90, which is almost similar to the absorbance of the QC sample and 1402. Company B's white sample powder has absorbance that is similar to that of the powder sample derived from the creek.

Report on convection of consistency

Relevant department should be the one to initiate the process of acquiring the asset. This method allocates same value of depreciation to all the years.

Free essay on organizational structure and design

One of the major benefits of this structure is that the line manager has the control and also accountability; the central team focuses on the strategic plans whereas the decentralized divisions focus on their day to day activities and plans. This form of organization relies on standardizing the outputs while the divisions are independent are β†’

Essay on the united fruit company poem

Neruda's poem is not only just a protest against corruption and greed among the Latin American Companies of North America, but it is at the same time critiquing consumeristic propagandas that are spread by the United States Companies encompassing the likes of companies like ' coca cola' and ' United Fruit Company' portraying their activities β†’

Corporate governance literature review samples

In addition, corporate governance laws clearly define the roles and responsibilities of the board of directors, the treatment of employees, and the disclosure requirements. According to the MCCG 2012, the directors are considered as the guardians of the company and are expected not only to set the strategic direction and oversee the conduct of the β†’

Outsourcing essay

Outsourcing means that a company will delegate a particular business process to a party that is not a part of the company. The loss of information and the risks associated with it is a clear disadvantage.- Outsourcing may result to problems with the quality of the company's products.

Example of book questiones and summary book review

The reasons why I believe the workers acted as they did were because they had always in the previous management had the freedom of being able to communicate with the top management without having to request for permission. The new management should have not imposed on the new rules on the employees since it they β†’

The subprime mortgage essay example

Subprime mortgage crisis was the resultant factor to the 2008 economic crisis which started in the US. The US subprime mortgage issuance companies failed to observe the ethical principle of veracity.

Cash rebate research paper example

Cash rebates and other cash management practices are ethical actions by the business. The practices are accepted in the field of business as a way to manage cash and avoidable expenses.

Hosting a global brand show successfully in vancouver business plan examples

To host a global brand show it is important to attract all the brands from all the markets. It is important to grab brands from all the markets to make the show get a global success.

Mcdonald’s prospects for success beyond the burger and fries model

This led to acquisition of Donatos Pizzas and some otherfoodbrands in the hope of providing the consumers with a range of products under one roof. The adaptation to local tastes andcultureacross the globe is also a smart move by the company but it essentially remains the burger and fries brand in the minds of the β†’

Honda vs toyota

One of the topics in the first assignment was a discussion on the decline of Honda and Toyota'sfailureto dominate America's sedan market. The findings and conclusion in this article were both sound and logical.

Free essay on philosophical analysis of nikes labor practices

Though, the activists across the world have been compelling Nike to follow labor laws and increase the wages to workers and improve the safety and health standards followed at their sweatshops, the economists are promoting the benefits to labor in developing countries. The activities of Nike company with their labor lie in the realm of β†’

Bible project

Name____________ Time Management Stage one: Knowledge Time management - the analysis of how working hours are spent and the prioritization of tasks in order to maximize personal efficiency in the workplace Procrastination The discipline of time management is an important skill that needs to be learned early on. With a planner you can look at β†’

Marketing management

Marketing Slick al affiliation Marketing Slick Slick is a brand that deals with men's wear, ranging from clothes, and shoes, to male accessories. As marketing strategy, Slick has chosen to use the song " Sharp Dressed Man" to popularize its products.

Training or staffing article review examples

In this article, Katherine argues that the first step in coaching employees should be creating mutual trust between the manager and the employee. In the fifth step, the manager should give the employees the chance to make some decisions regarding alternatives.

Goal write up

This paper analyzes Argon's actions in The Goal withrespectto the changes and tools that are available today and how the availability of newer tools in the manufacturing area might have affected the choices and priorities on which Ergo is focused. Ergo can utilize the full integration of TCO, Lean and Six Sigma in order to β†’

Week performance management framework

The process should include describing the duties of the person responsible for the Job, the nature of the work and some qualification necessary for the position. Understanding the nature of the Job and what to expect in the position will outline performance standards.

Project management body of knowledge

The more committed the employees, the greater the effort input to the project and its success. In order to gauge the success of the project at any stage, performance evaluation needs to be carried out at various levels.

Operations management in practice at impressive burger essay

The growing and success of organisation is really the success of employees those who devote their accomplishments, cognition and clip to their work and maintain operations smooth and uninterrupted. Definitions of operations direction from few beginnings are as follow:" The on-going activities of designing, reexamining and utilizing the operating system, to accomplish service end products β†’


Dec 2014 Incorporating the venture and assessing its suitability, completion of prototypes and testing of the machines efficiency. Most of the income will be accrued through selling of company's products and buying of machines on monthly installments as up to 5% of the original cost will be generated as profit per machine.

Team management: “internal processes” of a team

With the goal of supervisors to respond to the powers of internal and external conditions, they depend on ecological checking. With the end goal for supervisors to respond to the forces of internal and external conditions, they depend on ecological filtering.

Good report on brand equity management

A brand speaks to the pith of the clients' keenness of the hotel, its items and administrations. The measurement and determinants of brand equity.

Vivika conditions that favor the management and not

Cesar having known the mistreatment of working in the fields, wanted to make a change. He not only wanted a change but he worked long, and hard to get that change.

Employees motivation

A business manager who is working in an organization that is less profitable has the difficulty of motivating the employees. In such a situation, a manager is helpless and has to comply or move according to the financial situation of the organization.

Menu planning and product development essay sample

Using your research, produce a written report of your findings which should include: a) A discussion of the principles of recipe development b) An assessment of the factors that influence menu planning decisions c) A discussion of the factors that influence service methods d) A discussion of the stages of the planning of menu product β†’

Are management features available?

For example, what would be the advantage of all family photos and videos being stored on a NAS in a family where the parents and children all had their own computers? Rather than saving the pictures to a CD or a flash drive they can be saved on the NAS and all members of the β†’

Good research paper on creating a sustainable organizational climate

In order to sustain the tough competition, it is also equally important to generate the sustainable competitive advantages both to the employees and to the customers. In addition, initiating structure is the level at which a leader formulate and define his role and for the rest of the employees in order to attain the organization's β†’

Organisations and behaviour case study examples

While preparing for the implement the new plan, he should consider developing a mission statement that outlines the functions of the teams and a summary of the long-term positive outcomes of the change; this must show consistency with the company's strategy. I would make it a point to Alan that he should ensure that the β†’

Example of weekly reading essay

Gawthrop also reasons that the framers of the constitution had a mindset that was alien to those of the framers of the constitution. Perhaps the distinction in the level of commitment amongst the early leaders of the United States sprang from the belief of a " divine mission" and the establishment of the new country β†’

Understanding and improving work behaviour management essay

This is a modern approach to management and includes the system approach, that view an organization as a system, which is a set of interrelated and interdependent parts arranged in a manner that produces a unified whole and the contingency approach that indicates that individual organizations, employees and situations are different and require different way β†’

Management communication – memo

Page Design 2: It is within the intra-level of design because of the one type of font. The document is within the supra-level of document design because of the paper size change, grids that delineate the look of every section of the document.

Adaptive project management framework

The adaptive project management framework is the structured decision making framework in the face of uncertainty. Implementation of Adaptive Project Management Framework The project management methodology applied within organizations for the purpose of reconfigure the project management framework.

Comparison of the role and powers of the omb to the cbo

Comparing the role and powers of the OMB to the CBO Affiliation Budget development and execution in United States is a process managed by the Executive Office of the president. The Management and Budget office is within the United States executive office of the president.

The culture of overwork by judy rebick

In this essay, Rebick has talked about the impacts of long working hours. She has also mentioned about existing laws in countries like Denmark, Norway, and the Netherlands that reduces the working hours of employees.

Supplier sourcing and development; contracting risks and arrangements

The most appropriate in terms of more benefits and lesser costs between make/buy and insource/outsource becomes integral to the decision made. To the stakeholders involved in the contracting processes, fairness and equal opportunities are provided for by the said aspects.

Mastering management

Mastering Management Question In the case, Heritage Appliance Company intends to build the River Woods manufacturing plant, to swap for its original flagship facility at Edgemont. River Woods plant manager is likely to face challenges such as improving the skills of existing personnel at Edgemont plant, finding solution to bugs in the new manufacturing system β†’


In order to frame a comprehensive strategy for Publix social media, it is necessary to consider the recent development in the field of communication technologies. It is advisable for the Publix to adequately restructure promotion and compensations systems in a way that would effectively motivate concerned associates to integrate with the implemented new social media β†’


The following are the recommendations as to how control process is able to improve the overall effectiveness of an organization. This will lead to happy employees, and happy employees are often the most productive employees.

Coso and basel

A Comparative Analysis of ERM Guidelines: COSO I/II and Basel I/II Introduction Due to the epidemic of failed financial systems seen over the past decade, agencies and private organizations have set in place guidelines for the standardization of reporting and evaluating risk in an effort to eliminate " surprise" collapses in the future. The first β†’

Project management and palm island dubai

This, therefore, necessitated scientists to alter the initial blueprint of the breakwater crescent and thus they built 2 openings in the breakwater. An example of an unpredictable risk in the Palm Island project would most certainly be an earthquake occurring.

Reflections of a novice mentor

I have learned and experienced first hand that a mentor is someone revered by a mentee as a knowledgeable guide molded into wisdom by his vast experiences in a field desired by a mentee to be part of. I believe the most important thing that I learned from this experience is to respect students' ideas β†’

Supplier relationship management critique essay

In order for this type of relationship to work and benefit both parties, the organization and its suppliers must have the same desired outcomes. The path to trust between Whirlpool Corporation and Inland Steel began many years ago when Inland Steel became a supplier of steel to Whirlpool.

How religion can influence decision making

People in the 1940s and 1950s believed that divorces were regarded as a deviant behavior and a public acknowledgement of failure. As of now the generation does not take marriage serious as it should be; there has been many divorce rates up to 50 percent and many people have gone outside their marriage and behind β†’

Case study for project management assignment

The advantage to the Cable case is that the company was open for a change to improve their company. Dad a vision that pertains to the changes of the company that opens it to the world of technology probably with the use of computer.

Diagnosis report

The avoidance conflict intervention mechanism is employed in the school where the administration does not provide solutions for the teachers. The compromise mechanism is employed with regard to the parents of the students, where the wishes of the teachers are compromised to accommodate their needs.

Negative physical effects on an individual

Stress has the power to affect physical and mental health, which is why believe that ridding oneself of stress is important and beneficial. The concept of stress is universal and is not unique to a specific set of people.

Coordinated management of meaning essay sample

I have applied the concept of CMM Theory to the movie " Meet the Parents" to achieve a better understanding and illustrate the different aspects of this theory. The episode is the next level in the hierarchy of meaning.

Mba in operation management

NOTE 1: A candidate with a MBA in Operation Management would be able to look after a factory or other operations of the factory in a better manner as compared to others due to their competency and knowledge regarding handling the operations of an organization. Typical careers in operations management involve activities such as forecasting, β†’

Small business management

The owner is a family run small business and has two to three shops of his own and is running a successful and well established business in the electronic market. Employees in this sector of the market are formally interviewed by both the manager and the owner, as this is a small business but relatively β†’

Web content management systems

Access Control: Some of the web content management systems allow the content manager to manage access rights to certain groups or users, 0 0 Access rights can be provided or certain pages can be blocked for specific user groups Access right can also be managed to allow or block access for 'logged on' or 'anonymous β†’

Admission essay on taking orders

I remembered one instance when a client complained to the manager that I messed serving her meal. To appease her and pay for the inconvenience, my manager consented to the demand that her meal and that of her family, be considered free at my expense.

Different change models

This is the final stage according to the model which involves putting the change process into action. The major disadvantage of this model is that since all parts are interrelated, a change in one causes the whole system to change.

The european court of auditors essay

The European Court of Auditors Introduction The European Court of Auditors is the fifth institution of the European Union. However its audit power related only to the European Community pillar of the EU, but under the Treaty of Amsterdam it gained the full power to audit finances of the whole of the EU.

How effectively does this author present his argument essay

In his essay entitled How to write an argument: what students and teachers really need to know, Gerald Graff has attempted to convey a number of key tips to help students and teachers to write an effective argument. The essay and Graff's authority is also reinforced by the introduction which immediately presents him as being β†’

Project stakeholder management assignment

It was not until the industrial revolution of the 19th and 20th century that management theory was transformed and lead to some of the great advances in the field. Overall the economic theories of Smith and the pioneering discoveries of Watt formed the foundational basis of the industrialisation of Britain and Europe, laying fertile ground β†’

A critical review of knowledge management as a management tool

In describing knowledge, it is not my intention to give a complete overview of the concept; rather, the description of knowledge is used as a tool for describing the concept KM. Within the strategic area, the focus is on studying the creation and use of knowledge and the relationship between knowledge and success or value β†’

Free essay about human resources

However, the managers and organizers in the travel and tourism industry face significant challenges in selecting, maintaining and developing committed, motivated and competent personnel so as to offer excellent products and services to customers. Hence there is a need to conceptualize and formulate a framework for the development and implementation of human resource management in β†’

Essay on three main branches of the federal government

The constitution of the United States has three articles that explain the how powers are separated as well as checks and balances among the branches of the federal government. The three branches of the federal government include; the judiciary, the executive as well as the legislature.


Leadership concepts al affiliation Leadership concepts Defining leadership as a process which involves an individual influencing a group of people in order to achieve a common goal, Northouse identifies the common styles of leadership. Among the recognized styles, coaching is the easiest to identify with, as it calls on the leader to be involved with β†’