Quality Business Essay Examples for Your Learning

Case study on cheating

The cheating is politics is an extremely serious action, because if the sportsman is responsible only for his own life, a cheating politician can spoil the life for the whole country, so it is important to monitor the activity of the politicians in order to avoid such a situation. Cheating in gambling is a serious β†’

Why i choose my major

The mission, vision, and curriculum of CUA also contributed significantly to the choice of majoring in marketing. Due to the additional courses offered by the organization as core units, they will assist in flexibility in the job market and management of the organization.


Essentials of a Valid Contract of Essentials of a Valid Contract The determination as to whether a contractual agreement exists between any two parties to an agreement, six salient requirements must be fulfilled. Following the offer, the offeree must either in express or implied terms accept to enter into the agreement to fulfill he/her part β†’

New drug development process at pfizer

New Drug Development Process at Pfizer Pfizer is renowned worldwide for its research and development innovation. Sales and marketing at Pfizer Pfizer is dedicated to ethical sales and marketing practices because of its corporate social responsibility towards people.

Summary and implications

The delay in the decision came about due to the additional information that was submitted by the company. In one's opinion, the move of the FDA to delay the decision on Eliquis is good because it shows that it is concerned about the effects of the drug on different types of patients.

Symbol’s of jane’s life

Jane Eyre had many symbols that improved her for the better, and took her on a journey of growth.in Charlotte Bronte's novel, Jane Eyre, she incorporated the symbols of the moon, weather, and birds to show how Jane grows and becomes more independent. Jane is lost and she needs guidance, the moon gave her the β†’

Genetic mutations by process of pollution stimulus

Mutations are also the raw material of genetic variation, which natural selection requires to operate, as it is the changes in the DNA. The sequence of bases that encode instructions called codons, are a set of three previous mentioned bases that specify one of the 20 amino acids or signal the end of the protein.

Backpacks: the real enemy

You tighten the straps on the bursting bubble of lead that is restricting your movement and push forward. Finally, you crawl on your hands and feet and drag your lifeless struggling body in the classroom.

Argumentative essay on school uniforms free sample

This is what many students think of when they see others that they may not know, but because there is no sense of individuality, they may not be draw to get to know the person. As you can see, not having a uniform allows students to show their individuality through clothes and also creates a β†’

Experiential learning

Weekends & holidays, that's what we get and we are supposed to spend them with the family. Twice a week of visiting places where we can aquire knowledge of what we require, to live and make the world better.

Pet peeve

It is safe to say that group projects would be one of the most dreadful assignments that a teacher could give to students. The work ends up being unevenly distributed, and it is extremely rare to find a group of people who are easy to work with.

Business research individual work 1 week 6

Conducting a Research to Establish the Cause and Effect Relationship of Price Promotions and Sales Conducting a Research to Establish the Cause and Effect Relationship of Price Promotions and Sales Many businesses have opted to carry out sales promotions in a bid to influence the buying behavior of customers. In the month of November, data β†’

W3 disc incentive programs

According to Cokins, the three components of an effective incentive system are as follows: involvement of employees; setting SMART objectives; and recognition of performance of employees according to well-designed standards. Army has designed effective incentive programs to those who serve their country, through the presence of the three components, as above noted.

Case study rim/blackberry

In addition to keeping up with the latest technology, new trends among their specific business industry, organizations need to have a plan of action in place if an event of any nature interrupts the normal flow of business. The purpose of a business impact analysis is to collect information In an effort to understand the β†’

Coding: an invaluable skill

This is because you need to learn one programming language which will enable you know the type of words to and not to use when coding. Example, if you play a video game and you think the game is below standard and does not suit you, you can just pick your laptop and start creating β†’

Stonewall jackson: a man in his moment

On the eve of the Civil War, he stood firm with his home state and joined the Confederate cause, along with most of the other VMI officers and cadets. Both the terrain and climate of the Peninsula are different than those of northern and northwestern Virginia, and indeed, many of Jackson's men were reported to β†’

We have decided to investigate the land use patterns in a central business district (cbd)

In theory, as there are a greater number of stores with high sphere's of influence, such as department stores, chain store etc, it is likely that a greater number of people will be drawn to that area of the CBD than the outer frame of the CBD. I would imagine the public's opinion of the β†’

Students’ multi-task

Seriously I can see that sometimes I need to pay 100% attention to what the teacher is saying but other times I can listen and text and I see that they need to be on silent or vibrate otherwise wed never hear the teacher over all the ringtones. If I am out with my mom β†’

Identify business decision

DECISION MAKING Generally, a manager's responsibility in an organization is influenced by organizations size, terms of reference of the job and hierarchy level. Furthermore, the strategic nature of the decision require a lot of efforts and determination to collect these debts from customers.

Week 4 assignment paper

These insights into community involvement, social responsibility, and diversity and inclusion, will help me, as a sales representative and agent of St Jude Medical, to create stronger and more meaningful bonds between my company and the public it relates to. The essence of community involvement is to work primarily for the benefit of the community, β†’

A journey of laundry business from dhobi ghats to online marketplace

And to add to the upbeat mood, the global laundry industry has, to some extent, braved the recession. Startups are of the view that online laundry is a new segment, which is yet to be a proven business model in India.

Costco mini case study

I would give him an A In crafting and executing Cost's strategy because he has been excellent In developing a strategic vision of a no-frills and low-cost store, mission, and core values, along with setting objectives of fast Inventory turnover and offering the lowest prices at Cost. Based on the data in case Exhibits 1, β†’

Vinson case study

Examining the cause of the fraudulent activities, Vinson initially been pressured by Yates, Myers and Sullivan to aid in painting the financial result of the company only one time and assured by Sullivan that he would take full responsibility for the action. This matter hence proved that she Nas morally responsible for the fraud as β†’

Case study on accounting theory

Accounting is applied for the regular work of every private and public firm controlling the information about the profit and expenditures, success and failure of the firm and with the help of the methods of statistics illustrates the objective picture of the financial condition of the firm. It is important to define the cause and β†’

Case study on transformational leadership

Transformational leadershipis the kind of the behavior used by the employer in business which is aimed at the raise of the motivation and productivity of his employees. The element is based on the individual work of the employer and his employee.

The age of pop culture

These magazines claim that to be " perfect" or to be " beautiful" that we have to be stick thin and look sickly, which causes people to want to accomplish this goal to be what that believe will be considered " pretty" by the public. We expect them to be the norm on sites and β†’

Rainy day in a big city

I am walking on the rain spotted sidewalk, and the big sounds of the city around me seem so small with the booming thunder. I walk on passing people one by one with the same grey rain coats and the same black umbrellas hurrying on their way.

Wsj.com only

The companies that survived recession were on top of their game in terms of employment creation, sales and profits; however most of the jobs were added abroad. Most of the graphs and figures on the performance of the companies and the entire economy is complex.

Demographic influences and product positioning

Nadine Grixti went over to say that booking flights over the internet is a strength, however after a discussion with Maria Azzopardi and Elenia Desira regarding how this is the only way to book flight she decided that this was if fact a weakness. I said that since passengers have to pay for an extra β†’

Dean foods environmental impact

It begins with an introduction that briefly identifies the organization in question, outlines the key points of the discussion and sets the pace for the discussion, following thereafter. The body is a critical discussion that analyses the impacts the organization has in the environment and on people.

Animal farm in our society

It looks like corruption, too, and the individuals susceptible to it stand on the same ground void of morality as the " pig in the suit". Take politics in history; Hamiltonian era, for instance, featured the political favoritism of the aristocracy because government strived for the investment of the wealthy in the federal bank.

Revenue management techniques in hospitality industry – essay

However the two main segments are the lodging industry also called the hotel industry, and the food and beverage industry, also called the restaurant industry. The challenge is to sell the right resources to the right customer at the right time.


A close analysis of the basic federal taxation principles reveals that it is impossible for his receptionist to be paying a higher percentage of tax. The inclusion of such taxes made his receptionist seem to be paying a higher percentage.

Ratio analysis assignment

Introduction of the Project This section of report mainly describes these details: Discussing briefly, the Ratio Analysis Defining the bases for Comparative Analysis Determining the criteria of work Financial ratios are used to give meanings to financial and accounting data of a business. Introduction of the Company Fuji Fertilizer Company Origin: With a vision to β†’

Metal works case study

The safety box capacity can be increased in the year 2011 however increasing the capacity in the Iowa facility is not enough to meet the demand in the year 2013. 2011, yielding a total cost of $62 million; however increasing the capacity in the Iowa facility is not enough to meet the demand in the β†’

Decision tree

Decision tree The company should not give in to the union demands because it increases the unit cost from 3. By giving in, the company is disadvantaged to clinch the first contract unless other bidders place their bids far below their new unit cost.

Good johnson skin care products case study case study example

Cash flow is normally in the reverse direction to the product/service flow or physical flow but some activities like promotions and expenditure to facilitate operations cause the flow to be reversed so the cash flow is also bidirectional. The marketplace is customer driven, and it is important to be able to deliver to the customers β†’

The history and process of making chocolate

The natives of South America were the first ones to start eating the cocoa beans in the cocoa pods. New York: DK Publishing, 2005.

Lost education? (revised and added to)

Of course there is always the subtle, excited buzz of reuniting with friends and reflecting on summer fun, but I think I can speak for most kids in saying that September, instead of bringing a wave of salty water, brings at least to some degree a wave of, " Ugh, 180 days of tests and β†’

Week 7

While the entire finance world has to goal of making money for their company and themselves, it should not be done to the detriment of the consumer. The consumer needs these products and should have the right to all of the cost information since they are paying for it and they should be entitled to β†’

Jamie’s ministry of food

In spite of his appeal; Jamie has been able to maintain a high level of integrity all over the years in his public life. He has also been in a position of creating a respectful environment for others to grow and mature especially in his initiatives like the Fifteen Foundation.

A business proposal

It includes charts and graphs to compare the extent of work that should have been finished till a certain point in time to meet the deadline established in the start of the project with the extent of work that has actually been executed on the site till that point in time. The team has assessed β†’

Heroic jim

Jim was a hero because not only did he at as a father figure toward Huck; he also risked his life for him, and takes responsibility for Huck as well. One way in which Jim did this was when Jim made sure to hide the face of the dead body, which was Huck's real father β†’

Scientific method and case study

Discuss one advantage of each research method listed above: A typical advantage of a case study is that they provide detailed information about the case and what is being studied. Discuss one disadvantage of each research method listed above: A disadvantage to a case study Is that their results cannot be generalized.

Year-round schools

All schools should convert to a year-round calendar because teachers feel the calendar gives them more effective teaching time, a modified calendar offers more benefits to effective learning, and students feel that they have more interest in learning. In addition, when schools make the switch from a traditional school calendar to a modified calendar students β†’

Reflection paper

The main aim of the Lions Club international is to aid students develop their leadership skills and still make a positive impact to their community. As a Leo in the community project of green team recycling our main motto was to reduce, reuse, and recycle.

Wall-mart is the most successful retailer in the world

Societal Expectations have continued to increase more rapidly then business' actual performance in addressing social problems." Wall-Mart is the most successful retailer in the WORLD. It is doing GREAT in business performance, but society is also expecting more socially and environmentally.

Hedging strategies

The goal is to compensate the loss in value of one item with the increase in value of the offsetting item. The company looks for a partner in the foreign country in the same situation that is capable of borrowing in foreign currency with lower costs.

How changes in purchasing of video games influenced on uk students

HOW CHANGES IN PURCHASING OF VIDEO GAMES INFLUENCED ON UK By How Changes in Purchasing of Video Games Influenced on UK Students The increasing technological advancements have impacted greatly on different sectors resulting to evident improvements. As such, the computer game industry has become more productive and developed as the need to create better games β†’

Swot analysis strategy

This analysis gives the strategic position of the business and the environment by identifying the strategies creating a firm specific business model that best aligns the organization's resources and capabilities to the requirements of the environment in which it operates. Strengths and weaknesses are internal to the business entity directly controlled by it while opportunities β†’

Pantente strategy

As you can see Pantene by using the line extension approach find the gap in Market and provide different variety of shampoo for different hair style and needs and also deliver the value to customer. For females ages 25-35, Pantene Pro-V is the product of hair care that uses key nutrients to create confidence by β†’

Pressure to be perfect.

The pressure can push someone to be a better person; since there is a positive, we must have a negative. But in order to make that income, you must meet the expectations of your job, and make it " perfect" so you do not get fired." Perfect".

Psychological hedonism

Normative hedonism on the other hand is the argument that only happiness has worth and only ache is worthless separately of the worth of something they may cause or curb. He claimed that no one desires what is awful in that no one wishes to be debilitated bearing in mind that what is injurious is β†’

Literary analysis of the outsiders

Because of this the people who try to break labels should not be labeled with a different name or Judged since they face the same amount of pressures that people who are trying to make statements and stick up for what they believe in do. Under the pressure of living up to a social standard β†’

Muslims treatment after terrorism attacks

According to a publication in the Journal of Applied Social Psychology, following the 9/11 attacks, the number of anti Muslim crimes in America rose from 354 to 1, 501. These categories of people appear to be the Muslims, according to their attackers, and have been victims of anti-Muslim hate crimes and discrimination.

Death of a salesman by arthur miller

Did Arthur Miller provide us with a glimpse of the future, a time when the famous " American Way of Life" would cause us to value success in business far beyond family relationships and acceptance of who we truly are? Willy is unable to see that this failure on his son Biff's part has less β†’

Know-how of retiring generation

To avert loss of the valuable information and knowledge accumulated on the job, HR professionals in many companies are finding ways and practice of retaining employees know-how and the best practices, so that knowledge can be passed on to the future workers. This type of knowledge is normally easy to store and transfer as it β†’

Can optimism ensure happiness?

In the real world there are also studies conducted about optimism like the study by Tali Sharot, demonstrated in the TED video, The Optimism Bias. The most useful and direct example of optimism found in literature lies within the pages of Candide by Voltaire.

Pride and prejudice free essay example

Jane Austin explains thoroughly the consequences and rewards of being prideful and prejudice towards others in Pride and Prejudice. Darcy entered the dance hall of Meryton, Elizabeth immediately decided him to be a proud and grave sort of man, which proves her wrong in her own humiliation and prejudice, towards him especially.

World bank

Furthermore it provides advisory services that are reimbursable in nature in these services it provides advice and assistance to member nations in matters that may exceed the budget of the World Bank. The bank even partners with member organizations in order to provide them with research and analysis on different sectors of a nation.

Marketing plan organic juices

The main brands in the New Zealand organic beverage industry are Phoenix Organics in the juice sub-category this brand has been growing at 28% since 2002; Bell Tea's Twinings Organic tea bags are the most dominant product in the organic tea industry, furthermore The Real Wine Co.is one of the most dominant brands in the β†’

Business analytics case study

The field of research of business analytics is very broad, because the analysts collect facts about the work of the company, organize statistical data and use the information in the process of decision making and or the prediction of the further development of the firm. It is possible to observe the problem in detail and β†’


Much like Helen Keller overcame the obstacle of not being able to communicate, I too overcame my obstacle with the pain of shingles. Helen Keller had to overcome the obstacle of communicating, and I had to overcome shingles.

Valley forge

The challenged Americans were getting support from the Continental Congress and later the French, so that may have encouraged some of the soldiers to stay at Valley Forge. Lastly, the soldiers at Valley Forge should not have quit because only one person died out of every six.


Summary of Business Article al Affiliation Summary of Business Article The article en d " Facebook Creates Team to ' Beam' Internet Everywhere on Earth" written by Reed Albergotti and published online in the Wall Street Journal presented relevant information which disclosed the ongoing plans of Mark Zuckerberg, the founder and CEO of Facebook, to β†’

Cities without slums: a reading analysis

The author placed emphasis on the fact that there is something to be done and it is being started and on-going at the present. Several mechanisms were introduced to prevent or mitigate the spur of slum dwellings in the cities and the most feasible is the upgrade of current slums into areas where standards of β†’

How nike fueled exploitation of workers manufacturing its products

In the 1990s, workers in these countries for the first time talked of the ills of the Nike management. In the global eyes, Nike is back to the status of a prestigious manufacturer.

Vail resorts sustainability analysis

Under the Environmental Stewardship section of its annual report, Vail defines its duty as a company." As part of the Company's long-standing commitment to responsible stewardship of its natural mountain settings, the Company has several initiatives in environmental sustainability which transcend throughout all of the Company's operations." Vail practices sustainability throughout the company by using β†’

The barbie girl video

The students reply in the affirmative, confirming the deep problem of self-perception and esteem in the American society. In the presentation, Christly seeks an answer to the problem of body image.

Markan and lucan accounts of demon exorcism

The people are recorded to have asked Jesus to leave their city in the Markan account. Also the man who had being freed of the demons is said to have asked Jesus to go with him in the Markan account.

Case study -motivation

In this case, the goal of James Is to boost his school average result in NAPALM test therefore it is above the national average while the task is to select an appropriate teacher that is able to improve the results of the 5 reporting factors. Intensity refers to the depth of the goal, such as β†’

Cooperative strategy

For instance, if the company has too delicate information, the management may avoid sharing this information as it may compromise the competitive nature of the firm. For instance through joint alliances with their companies such as HP, the company would benefit from designing software that will create network links with the two companies.

Blackboard on line #3

a) An element of the web page There is a video on the webpage that talks about how potential employees can make a difference in a company as big as Walmart Canada. Page 356 of chapter 12 talks about how to recruit employees from a diverse population, something that Walmart is trying to do in β†’

Managing the security portfollio and managing bank capital

Managing the Security Portfolio and Managing Bank Capital Instruction Task Managing the Security Portfolio Managing security portfolio deals with all markets, including products, labor and capitals as imperfect and changing occur in the economy; therefore, strategies are made to manage the institutions in these uncertain situations. For instance, in United States the full total of β†’

Kickstarter case study

The reward is not restricted and is totally based on the owners of the company. Overall people are willing to help others achieve their dreams and if the pitch is right they will donate.

International business

Cultural Diversity Cultural Diversity Cultural diversity is the quality and magnitude of different or diverse cultures, unlike the monoculture, that is marked with homogenization of cultures. This means that individual from different cultural backgrounds, religion, language and the way of life in general coexist with each other in mutual cultural respect.

Touchstar’s lpg operations solution is precisely what bp turkey needed

At delivery level the whole process was based on paperwork, and delivery forms had to be physically returned to the back office and entered into the data handling system by hand. If proof of delivery was needed, the Eagle attached to a portable printer was taken to the overseer who checked the delivery details and β†’

What a star-what a jerk: harvard business review case

As a team leader, Jane has already touched based with her group and recognized everybody's role: Tom is " the joker," Jack is " the intellectual," Caroline is " themom" and Andy is " the top performer and troublemaker." She understands that all of them are high-paid employees and have been working as a group β†’


Isak Dinesen's ' Out of Africa' contains many stories of strife, but the conflict which reveals the most about both the colonial habitation and the land of Africa itself is that of the shooting accident on the author's farm. One of Dinesen's first moves after the accident is to find a colonial policeman to deal β†’

School lunches and obesity

8% of schools saw cost increases for the food they now have to buy to fit the new school lunch regulations. Other than the increase in school spending, one of the largest issues is the amount of plate waste due to the new standards.

Groups and teams

Team work is highly complicated and complex matter, and they need to be handled in a much efficient manner to achieve the desired goals. A good leader is a person who is not insecure of his teamwork, understands the responsibilities, ensures that his team is also appreciated in their work and rewarded accordingly.

Writing an essay an hour before it’s due

These examples are giving reason and explanation to Zoe's root of creativity being her trait of procrastination. With her story of procrastination on a month long essay, she is actually showing what it is like in her eyes, which are those representing procrastinators.

New study hall

Once that is done, the students have the rest of the time to study with a few added rules. If I ever need help with any of my homework, they will send me to the library where a tutor can help me.


Question 2 Industry key success factors are the forces that have the biggest influence on companies' ability to flourish in their respective industries. They include core competencies, product features, business outcomes, specific strategic factors, resources, and competitive capabilities that determine the difference between profit and loss and, eventually, between competitive ability and failure.


The story of Cephas in the " Rites of Passage" raises many different controversies and illustrates some of the root problems of the society. The workers of the welfare centre who were mentioned in the story all seemed to have no interest in their job and no desire to do their job.

Article sypnosis

However, the article notes that the company faces challenges in the adoption of a quality improvement in the corporate culture. The article further states that the means used by Baldor Electric Company to provide quality improvement is the use of InfinityQS Real-Time SPC Software in data analysis and making of decisions.

Seeing eye dog

The mysterious missing of the dog raises eyebrows and hence the needs to scrutinize and dissect the police report to unmask the stealing of the dog. The dog remained outside due to the high warmth, and the point that the two were to having a quick bite in the restaurant.

Samsung – competitive analysis

In 2005, Samsung surpassed rival Sony for the first time to become the world's largest and most popular consumer electronics brand as measured by Interbrand. From aforementioned analysis we can understand that Samsung has been increasingly successful in repositioning the brand of its various products a higher level competing with market leaders like Sony and β†’

High frequency trading

Therefore, High Frequency Trading benefits a very few at the expense of the many. In order to solve the issue of High Frequency Trading, greater knowledge of their trade must be acquired and regulations must be put in place.

How to create a swot analysis

SWOT Analysis is a well-rounded and inexpensive method to digest the good, the bad, and the killing-you-softly aspects in your business. By not offering a cheaper alternative to lower and middle-class workers, you may be threatening the success of your own company.

A case study on river island

To be able to get the deeper idea and to understand this research, this study has shown the strategies of customer loyalty, have explained and introduced specific activities which keep customers loyal. This difference lies between the relationship of a customer and brand.

Check point analysis of electronic payment systems

Some of these electronic payment systems are: credit card payment systems, micro payment systems, a digital wallet, cellphones, digital checking systems, accumulated balance digital payment systems, and systems for digital checking. A credit card holder sends information to the merchant and the processing banks, protected by the payment processing systems.

Planning report for croydon city council

These are: * The main advocates of the meeting, their roles and how they influenced the meeting * How the committee deals with planning applications * What happened at the meeting to allow public speaking and the process involved The report will also give other minor details on other aspects of the meeting. This agenda β†’

Native american removal

Cherokee Chief John Ross, in 1836, had much to say in the defense of the Native Americans and their rights. In summation, this case has been thus proven that the Native Americans were violated politically, legally, and were stripped of their human rights.

Biography of walt disney

Walt He has also brought a lot of inspirational quotes into this world as well as Disney Land and Walt Disney World. Walt Disney had implied about Disney land is " It has that thing the imagination, and the feeling of happy excitement -I knew when I was a kid".

What is a behavior checklist business essay

Behavior Checklist - This a self-improvement tool which helps people that are in leadership positions recognize and improve critical behaviors that are known to be effective in setting direction and inspiring others within the organization for the advantage of the employee, department and the organization. There are some cases in which it is better to β†’