Quality Business Essay Examples for Your Learning

Measuring employee performance

This means the candi is expected to be the corporate representation of the company to the outside world. The last goal seeks to promote continuity, which is a major component of effective performance attainment. REFERENCES Aguinis, H..

Immigration reform

Immigration Reform Immigration Reform The Immigration Reform And Control Act was enacted during the period of 1986 with the purpose of the Act was to resolve the issues related with problem of immigration that is illegal in nature, create changes within the procedures of legal migration and to develop a well monitored program through which β†’

Islam and the workplace

Some employees feel that the usage of the veil by Muslim women at the workplace is a hindrance as this puts a serious barrier amongst all the employees when they interact with Muslim women. The positives, however, are few and far in between, which is a very distressing aspect at the end of the day.

Cps conservatorship worker

I suppose that one of the greatest challenges associated with working as a CPS Conservatorship Worker would be adjusting to the efficient schedule since it is a new environment. The ability to change society and protect the rights of the children is essential and fits adequately with my moral and professional requirements. My Bachelor Degree β†’

Case study example

The mandate of the NLRB to protect the employees is justifiable because the employees accurately described their working conditions. The NLRB had a justifiable reason to protect the employees based on the labor relations Act (National Labour Relations Board, 2014). If the case happened at the workplace, employees discontented with the working conditions would have β†’

Labor pool challenges

The depth and breadth of the labor pool have been expanded by the huge increases in the number of people with a college education. With few people having the required skills and education, there is insufficient supply of skilled in the labor pool for the automobile sector.

From employment law

In the recent past, these laws have further been amended following the increased complexity and diversification of the work places today. Employment Law Case Study In the case study, there are very serious violations of the law that are evident. Harassment and victimization in the place of work carries the same weight as discrimination.

Case study: the avon way

Describe the wage structures at GM and Wal-Mart. The wage structure at GM is very high compared to that at Wal-Mart apparently as a result of the fact that GM is unionised while Wal-Mart is not. The benefits of the employees at GM are also higher than those at Wal-Mart and the other β†’

Analysis of the theories about the causes of conflict

So the longer one goes without food, for example, the greater the hunger and the urge to seek food. The assumption to the Human Needs Theory is that, the damaging lack of material benefits of human beings and the social systems' opportunities of meeting their expectations of economic resources, safety, fact of being who or β†’

Human resource management in china

Human resource management approach, on the other hand, involves a combination of the traditional personnel administrative approach functions modern developmental activities and aligns them towards achieving the set business objectives. However, there is an observed low uptake of human resource management approach in the government sector.

Significance of employee engagement in business

This will also keep employees on toes to do their work and thus increase employee engagement. Introduction Employee engagement refers to the state in which employees of an organization are self-motivated to work harder to achieve the set goals. As such, the management is supposed to show engagement and hard work in their duties β†’

The human resource in the area of business

Performance evaluation is very significant for every organisation since it is meant to contribute positively to the growth and development of business through human efforts towards the attainment of set goals. The process of performance evaluation is very important to every business in that priority is given to the needs of the employees who are β†’

An importance of diversity awareness project

Next, the core value of Social Justice is like a rally cry to promote change for everyone: spread that information far and wide. The Dignity and Worth of the Person, a very important core value, is a value that should be reminded to everyone daily, in order to consistently attempt to prompt people to treat β†’

Psychodynamics in organizational change

Individuals with repressed feelings are likely to perform poorly in work situations in the organizations thus resulting in the need for the application of psychoanalysis in the organizations today. There is an interrelation between the fantasy of self and the organizational discourse that is present in most organizations. An example that I have seen in β†’

Compensation and benefits support

No: Describe the ways that Compensation and Benefits support the strategic goals of an organization and how you as an HRM can shape this program to meet the organizational goals. Compensation and Benefits How can an organization dream of progression without compensation and monetary benefits to their employees? Hence, employees having better qualification and β†’

Experiential exercise

Experimental Exercise of Human Resources Case Study [Teacher 20th April Question How and why did the problems at Metropolitan Hospital occur in the first place? Answer: Department of the Interior Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan suggests that diversity issues must be dealt in earnest to get best results from male and female employees. β†’

Strategic plan

Evaluation of the past records and goals will lead to the development of an effective plan to control the STFs at work and address the situation at hand.3. This is necessary in order to control the occurrence of slips, trips and falls.

Case study example

The real problem is that the HR department and the concerned employee will need to present their individual views, but the two sides require that the views they present must be heard or should be the one to be implemented. How are you representing? As one with potential background in the human resource, I think β†’

Ip5 hhrr

This will ensure that they are fully represented thus fight for any position indiscriminately. Advantages of the employment equity act The act promotes equity in the place of work so that nobody is deprived of job opportunities or profits for unrelated reasons. It corrects the situation of shortcoming in employment by creating awareness to β†’

The united nations’ development program

Yashaswini Tanna, from the United Nations' Development Program , presenting her take on the relevance of the agenda, or a part of it, in the present global scenario. " Is this the real life, Is this just fantasy, Caught in a landslide, No escape from reality..". Bohemian Rhapsody, Queen, 2003. Armed Conflict: : β†’

Importance of having a risk plan

of Table of Contents Importance of Having a Risk Plan 3 Justifying the Value of Risk Planning4 Assessing Risk Management Levels4 Virtual Teams5 References6 Importance of Having a Risk Plan A project is often accompanied by some uncertainty which occur in the beginning or mid way or at the project. β†’

The relationship between ethical leadership and core job characteristics

One of the problems reported informal research is that when it comes to formulating ethical policies, it is a complex process. The other problem is that an organization's cultural environment can be challenging when it comes to ethical leadership.

Lesson 4: the effective trainer:learning check 4 [3dlal4lc4]: role of the trainer

Lesson 4: The Effective Trainer: Learning Check 4 [3DLAL4LC4]: Role of the Trainer Lesson 4: The Effective Trainer: Learning Check 4 [3DLAL4LC4 Role of the Trainer Role of the Trainer A trainer prays numerous roles in developing, conducting and assessing whether learners have understood the concepts of training as intended (Harrelson, Gardner β†’

Dealing with stress at workplace

The organizational factors include poor job coordination, poor communication, ineffective job design and descriptions, and unhealthy working environment such as authoritarian leadership Hour 2 Negative effects of stress The employees exhibit low job morale The employees feel insecure and uncertain about the future of their jobs The employees are overloaded β†’

Human resource management in healthcare

The similarity between the legal and ethical responsibility is that they both advocate for the creation of equal opportunities for all. However the contrast is; while the legal responsibility requires all people to be treated equally, the ethical responsibilities calls for the favour of some groups.

Key characteristics of the position of an art director

Work functions include; collaborating with the copywriter to produce the best form of advertisements, providing briefs to other members in the creative team and editing the final piece. The position of an art director requires leadership skills. Similarly, art directors should be creative; the ability to come up with and implement new ideas. Learning advertising β†’

Mgmt 436 u5 db

As soon as the identified purpose has been achieved, or the tasks as the consultant has been undertaken, the service as a primary consultant pertinent to the expected responsibilities, should be severed Which of the 4 change projects should the consulting group suggest helping the company design and develop? The amount of money and β†’

Essay on can the problem of overconsumption be resolved by green consumerism

Green consumerism aids in ensuring that the way the earth has been treated is reversed, to its natural and stable condition of beauty. It is definitely evident that green consumerism is more vital and better than overconsumption. The Economics of " Green Consumerism".

Good consumer demand in food and beverages research paper example

Businesses have to take into account consumers' demands and preferences to survive and compete with peers in the field.. The tourism industry promotes the sale of food and beverages, as travelling implies fun and pleasure, and consumption of food and beverages is an inseparable part of human pleasure. The employees who are dealing in food β†’

Free supply and demand essay sample

In economics, supply refers to the amount of goods and, services available for purchase while demand refers to the number of people available and, willing to buy those goods and services. The law of demands states that when the price of goods and services increases, the quantity demanded decreases assuming other variables remain constant.

Business economics essay sample

The money demand function in Keynesian economics is very unsteady, since uncertainty and income changes seem to dictate the position of the demand function of money. In conclusion, Keynesians think that the supply and demand of money are interdependent.

Marketing management – digi essay sample

This matrix can help by providing a benchmark on marketing strategy plans for businesses. Figure 1 : Ansoff Matrix As shown in the illustration above, the Ansoff Matrix consists only of four main elements that will be used to determine the positioning of the company in the current market. Market Penetration β†’

Marketing strategies used by usa car manufacturers research paper example

The number of potential car buyers has also drastically reduced surveys indicating that the current number of potential car buyers is 5 million less than what it used to be 5 years agos. The shift in the demand for cars has been attributed to the following factors: lack of jobs hence the lack of purchasing β†’

Example of research proposal on mba dissertation proposal

Modern Chinese are rather proud of eating a vast range of foods and at the same time sustain the traditions and spirit of Chinese food culture, including such culinary trends of the national cuisine as: Cantonese, Anhui, Hunan, Fujian, Shandong, Jiangsu, Szechuan, and Zhejiang. Research investigations of Chinese cuisine assume that throughout history Chinese people β†’

Integrated marketing communications as a relationship-building strategy literature review sample

As a result, to effectively make investment in recruiting fresh donors, the organization needs to effectively to create long lasting relationships with nonprofit donors for a period longer than eighteen months. For a good number of for profit and non-profit organizations, the stakeholders who are most important are the supporters who extend donations in form β†’

Incremental process model and extreme programming critical thinking examples

The software version is tested by the users and the developers to capture the misleading or misunderstood requirements. Incremental model is suitable because it gives an earlier version in the development cycle of the software.

Good essay about assess and respond to individuals at risk of suicide

This is a major reason for him to rethink his life and realize that he has something to look forward to in his life. Therefore, Jack has too much to lose when he commits suicide and all the burden will be left for the wife who has already started using valium to take care of β†’

Employability and personal skills in the recruitment essay sample

It is very important that the organisation considers both employability and personal skills when employing as human resources and their performance is a very important aspect in the day to day running of the business and the overall results. Negotiation is important when it comes to agreeing targets for an individual or a team. β†’

Free conceptualizing a business essay example

In most cases, the mission statement of the business spells out the type of products and services the business provides to the market, identifies the intended customers, and defines the scope and nature of the business. The paper discusses the mission, vision, core values and ethics of Venice Boutique Store and its strategic plan to β†’

Real estate property rights hypothetical essay samples

Elements of tortuous liability are:- - The existence of a contract of beneficial relationship between two parties. - A third party with the knowledge of the relationship - Intention of the party to breach the relationship - Damage to the party whereby breach occurs. Timm had shown all the elements of tortuous liability and would be liable β†’

Analysis of customer service problem of best buy

Purpose and structure of the essay The purpose of this essay is to explore the potential marketing problem of Best Buy to provide solutions to its problem. In order to make the essay more complete, this essay will first start with the brief introduction of the Best Buy, and then apersonal experienceof β†’

Good example of essay on self-reflection journal

During all this period, I felt like going on a shopping spree, and this influenced my decision to buy clothing. Therefore, this influenced my decision to buy clothing. However, I paid high to acquire this product.

Good the persuasive power of opportunity cost essay example

The author argues that opportunity costs can appear large or small, depending on their " framing", i.e.comparing those costs with the value of goods or services. The examples provided in the article show that while the opportunity cost in itself is just an abstract sum of money, it gains real value when stated in terms β†’

Free macroeconomics article review sample

This move had an aim of reducing the deflation rate. The Bank and the Japanese government had increased the task on consumer products, and this resulted in the drop of the economic growth by a shocking 1. The Bank of Japan increased the taxes on the consumer consumption in a move to increase the inflation β†’

Essay on effects of dietary arabinogalactan on the rheological properties of yoghurt

This report aims at analyzing the effect of Arabinogalactan on the rheological properties of yoghurt. Yield stress is one of the measures used to examine the rheological properties of the dairy products. Arabinogalactan constitute one of the fibers that have a lot of impact on the rheological properties of the β†’

Best buy case study essay sample

The following pages will help give Best Buy direction on how to compete succsussfully in the demanding market of consumer electronics. Problem/Opportunity Statement Even though Best Buy is the industry leader in consumer electronics, they continue to lose market share to online competitors such as Amazon, eBay, and other brick and mortar β†’

Case study of cranston nissan essay sample

Personnel 1.promised to call customer about the status of the job but never did. 2.caused customer to take several long trips to pick up the car without offering a loaner car. 3.delivered car to customer with service problem not corrected. Shop 1.fixed one problem, but then β†’

Essay on continuous quality improvement

The data should clearly illustrate the causes of the problem, possible solutions to the problem and expected outcome of the so the solutions. Sometimes the principle is applied blindly leading to the reduction of quality instead of improved quality.

Babysnatchers: beanie babies rollercoaster ride essay example

Now people have trouble giving Beanie Babies away. Let's look at the 4 P's of marketing (product, place, price and promotion) and compare them to the history of Beanie Babies and how they could be revived for the Beanie Babies: The Next Generation. The product itself was exceptional for a β†’

Example of website review essay

Customers from anywhere in the world can use this site since it has several languages namely English, Italiano, Francias, Espanol, and Deutsch. The website name " Chinavasion.com" and also its URL http://chinavasion.com is very simple and satisfactory to the customers since it is easy to remember and locate it. The β†’

Free essay about connotation of the zesty guy gets steamy, a tv commercial commentary

It would have been way better if the plot was made more wholesome and direct. How do you feel about sexual connotations in commercials altogether? Sex and anything related to it is one of the most basic biological stimulants there is. Advertisers should shift to a funnier, more candid approach to consumer products and the β†’

Economics essays examples

Price Elasticity of demand of Marlboro The price elasticity of demand represents change in the quantity demanded as a result of 1% change in the price. The price elasticity of demand of Marlboro Cigarettes in the United Kingdom is analyzed from 2009-2014. Price of Marlboro Cigarette in UK from 2009-2014 (Source: Tobacco Manufacturer β†’

Free essay on affordable care act and health insurance market place

Other provisions covered in the act include eradication of the copayments and deductibles for certain preventive services, disallows medical underwriting as well as gender rating, and eradication of yearly and lifetime limits on health coverage. Preventive Services Funding prevention is a vital strategy of reducing the costs of health care. In addition to reducing β†’

The reference group and consumer purchasing decisions essay examples

In the management practice, the approach on reference groups in scope of managing the purchasing decision-influencing processes starts from studying the profiles of its members, with reference to: evaluating with approximation the number of the members; identification of the internal and external interactions of the group; establishment of the heterogeneity level and its composition; β†’

Argumentative essay on the future of travel agents

Travel agents have resulted to offering competitive packages to internet pricing, and if they cannot they compensate for something in the package Travel agents versus technology The digital age, the growth of the internet and the volume of business transacted online are astounding. The Internet - Travel Agents Are Still Worth Paying a β†’

Example of frontline and internal computer workforce essay

Tailoring training sessions according to customers' needs improves their satisfaction while at the same time ensures they remain loyal to the organization. The internal computer workforce supports workers and internal customers within an organization in solving technical related problems. Personnel in the internal computer workforce are supposed to follow up on the satisfaction of the β†’

Good example of macfries pedestrian crossing essay

Here McDonalds, is only trying to increase the customers' awareness which the fast food chain is able to achieve in a crowded pedestrian crossing. McDonalds Freshness Box Salad Figure: McDonalds Freshness Box Salad Advertisement in Germany Unlike the previous advertisement image in which McDonalds was trying to create an enhanced product recall β†’


The customer is asked to evaluate each statement and in term of their perception and expectation of performance of the organization being measured. From the Build -A - Bear workshop case stated that their retailer had implanted an innovative Guest Satisfaction program that is tied to financial rewards for the Workshop managers. 1, β†’

Lush cosmetics essay sample

Besides the products alone, they also display their products in such a way that it reflects a fruit marketplace. Whilst LUSH's innovative and unique products may be enough to attract customers in, it is only by treating their customers in a certain manner that makes the brand able to keep customers coming back and β†’

The persuasive power of opportunity costs research paper example

Opportunity cost is therefore the value that he would have reaped by buying the vitz. When shopping for the stereo, Fredrick's choice was influenced by the amount of money that he already had, taste for the two brands, the desire that was more pressing and the number of CDs that he had. The opportunity cost β†’

X-ray machine purchase justification research paper examples

Even though, the price of the machine seemed high, it is proves to be the best decision the organization need to make. The purchase of the x-ray machine that cost the organization a total of $124, 995, is proving to be useful in more than one way as it is helping the organization achieve many β†’

Report on race profile, field trip

Most people who come to shop here are old and the majority is women who are over the age of 50 and above. It is noticeable that most people I encounter along this street are Korean-an indication that they really comfortable when the shopped and transacted their business around this place. I take a small β†’

Good example of consumer behaviour and market research essay

Further, taking the above discussion into consideration this particular paper attempts to throw light on the decision making process of the customers. Consumer buying decision process refers to the decision making process carried out by the customers with respect to a potential marketplace transaction before, during and subsequent to the purchase of an item or β†’

Socio-political and economic environment essay examples

The coins are later purchased by the Federal Reserve Banks, which later on injects the coins in the economy. Analyze in detail how the coins relate to the values and beliefs of the culture. The original coinage act came into existence in April, in the year 1972. The Act reviewed the value of Gold in β†’

Essay on designing identies

Nations in order to exemplify and express their culture and to influence people of their status and authority they began to use the design artifacts and images. The merging of strong nations was one of the dominant themes in last decades of 19th century was one of dominant themes in first years of 20th century. β†’

Free how mcdonaldization affect traditional business essay example

The McDonaldization of the society involves that changes in economics, management and the sociology of the community to the extent that it has become a part of the modern culture. The following are some of the ways McDonaldization affects the regular businesses. The first is the stiff competition.

Operations management: customers complaint case case study examples

In that respect, the SWOT analysis has been applied to identify the existing problems for the business in reference as well as in identifying suitable solutions for the problems. For the business, some suitable quality improvement recommendations include - Improving company policies like the ones requiring extensive consultation and written authorization between departments before a β†’

Mdcm organization case study example

The acquisition strategy employed by MDCM made it realizes a significant growth in terms of matching service to clients who have enlarged and become universal. In MDCM , Atkins, the Chief Information Officer was required to formulate the MDCM's IT strategies and goals. It is evident that the project that emerged the β†’

Sample essay on customer lifetime value calculation for fgb using the given tool

The bank was awarded the " Best Bank in United Arab Emirates" in 2013 at the Banker Middle East Industry Awards 2013, and features in the Forbes list of Top 500 Companies in the Arab World at the sixth rank, and the third in the UAE. The average per capita income in UAE was approximately β†’

Principles of marketing porsche case essay sample

The product is good and both the customer and Porsche know it. 2) Contrast the traditional Porsche customer decision process to the decision process for a Cayenne or Panamera customer. Firstly, the customer is introduced to the new Porsche models.

Quickbooks notecards essay sample

In spite of the fact that Quickbooks may be an incomplete solution and may not handle inventory the way you want or need, Quickbooks is still a very good solution. Quickbooks is not able to deal with inventory perfectly, but it is still a good option because it does the task of organizing well.II.

Convergence and global accounting standard

There has been slight difference in IFRSs and GAAP approach in accounting which is one of the problems currently being solved to reconcile accounting practice in US in accordance to IAS. IASB standards are based on principles as opposed to those of FASB which are basically based on rules. Interpretation And Application β†’

Emirates’ figures tell us that for every

2. The main contributor to the decline is the increase in equity, this decline is a problem as it suggests that the company's assets are notgenerating as much revenue as they should, especially with the increase inassets from the previous year. The gearing ratio, which compares the company's borrowings to their equity, has been decreasingover β†’

Effects of gender inequity on economic growth in sub-saharan africa essay

Accessed February 25, 2007._________. Bridging the gender gap to promote economic and social development.2005. Available from Journal of Asian and African Studies. Accessed February 25, 2007.

Old and new government accounting distinguished

Basis of Accounting * Expenses * Income and Revenue| Accrual & Cash Basis will be taken up in the accounts of that year recognized when earned except in case of taxes, where revenues that remain unrealized at the close of the fiscal year will not be recognized| Modified Accrual Basis recognized when incurred & reported β†’

Managers and workers

They do not have initiative and in some cases, they may know what to do but they are not allowed to initiate any action on their own without such initiative originating from the manager. In many organizations where empowerment is set aside, absolute power is in the hands of the mangers. It β†’

How the desktop affects ergonomics

Normally, attention is focused on office chairs, but the desk is also a very important element that we must take into account when designing an ergonomically correct office. Today we are going to focus on the desk to discover how the desk affects the ergonomics of our position. But it is always good to know β†’

Changes and improvement in recruitment and training

Changes and Improvement in Recruitment and Training of Business Company: With a reference to 7-Eleven Corporation Abstract Purpose - This essay aims to account for the ways in which recruitment and training deeds are changing with an instance of 7-Eleven Corporation and to point out the reasons for the main changes and β†’

The main enablers of a successful synchromodal system

When the service demand is made, the supply of services can be composed and proposed based on these preferences and the attributes of the available modes of transport. A first shift in the mindset is related to the aspect of " mode-free booking", which means that shippers should not be concerned with the mode selection β†’

Recruitment policy vs recruitment process

Internal consistency may be analyzed for each of the two variables of espoused theory and theory-in-use, as a description of how internally consistent the theories and the assumptions of the theories are. RECRUITMENT POLICY AND RECRUITMENT DECISION ASSUMPTIONS The espoused theory in the case of an organization's recruitment activities is represented by the recruitment policy, β†’

Working weeks

I would define this key strategic issue in two particular contexts; the first of which being how the generic working week is structured, and the second being the average amount of normal weekly hours a full time worker must work to maintain a livelihood. Companies would gain two extra hours a day of an individual's β†’

Ergonomic workstation

Be at the same distance from your eyes as the display screen to avoid frequent changes of focus and you should be able you to look from one to the other without moving your neck or back. CHAIR ADJUSTMENTS Contrary to popular belief, sitting, which most people believe is relaxing, is hard on the back. β†’

Collectivism in my big fat greek wedding

The father offersmoneyto Thia Voula for her travel agents business; this shows how they help each other within the community. Tula asks to her boyfriend, if he went on holiday with his cousins, and he says no, she is shocked as she has 27 close cousins which they travel and do everything together." Greeks marry β†’

Turning work in on time (work ethic)

Doing more than is expected on the job is a good way to show that you have and know how to utilize goodtime managementskills and do not waste valuable time attending to personal issues not related to what is expected. Excuses are not accepted by anyone who expects something done a certain way, and the β†’

The contemporary workplace

Outline The aim of this essay is present the reader with an analysis of the concept of pleasure with particular reference to how it relates to the workplace. It will be shown that pleasure is of significance in the contemporary workplace, and that it is both a product and a producer of control and discipline β†’


Picture Graphs are also used to represent the answers to questions. There Were no bars graphs introduced in this excerpt from the book. In doing further research though found that circle graphs are beginning to be introduced in the fifth grade.

Featured skills and endorsements. recommendations, and interests

So as every section worked on so far, these sections which mark the latter part of your profile is vital as the rest, to shape an interesting representation of who you are to whosoever reads your profile. Let's look at each of these three sections, with this mindset. Featured Skills and Endorsements Hammered on from β†’

Harrassment at work

Singh of the problem and other associates of the company have informed Mr. Also, the company should place a harassment policy immediately and give all the employees training and inform them of the new policy.Mr.

My work experience critique essay

I often find that a lot of the clothes on sale in T. K Maxx is a good store to browse in if you have the time, and you might just find a good deal here.

Biblical and secular perspectives on the causes of dysfunctional turnover

The other strategy is the provision of growth opportunities. This is because the more the employees feel that they have the ability to grow and even become more marketable then the more they are likely to stay. The other strategy is the motivation of the troops; this can be done through the β†’

Personal skills development and team work analysis

Furthermore, this undertaking will show and measure how I interacted with my co-workers and demo my sentiment in what I would make if I look back on the important undertaking and why I would make that. This portion shows how I have developed my accomplishments over the class through my personal portfolio This portion β†’

The federal minimum wage

Even though many states already increase their minimum wage many people living in the United States claim that the federal minimum wage is entirely too low. The preponderance of evidence suggests that increasing the federal minimum wage would have little effect onpovertyand would in time reduce job security and increase unemployment. In fact, one of β†’

Challenges are opportunities or obstacles?

Foolish and weak are those people who flee away from the challenges and hurdles because there is no way someone can avoid them forever as they are part of our life. Only those can survive who master the art of handling and facing challenges and embrace them. The obstacles and hurdles that we face are β†’

Essay on collective work

In this plinth, it means that the workers have a lot of energy to provide quality services to the industry. Also, most of the employees can engage most of their times in ensuring that the output is of high quality. They share with the administration their views that can help improve the performance of the β†’

Ap bio work

What is the atomic number of helium? Here is a list of the types of bonds and interactions discussed in this section.

Why gaining community service experience is important before graduating high school

Therefore community service is very important for students to do, before they are able to graduate. In life its important in the future for students to have people in their lives that care about them and people they can rely on and go to when they need help or someone to talk to because life β†’