Quality Business Essay Examples for Your Learning

South the two major opposing partiesβ€”the government led

All of these aforementioned tragedies have stemmed from South Sudan's independence from Sudan in July 2011 which spurred a division of the dominant political party (Sudan People's Liberation Movement) and the consequential vie for power. What South Sudan needs now most of all is stability and peace, which can only be achieved through acknowledgment of β†’

Being interest and classifies its state security goals;

Based on the lessons we have learned on operations as of late andour investigation of security advancements, we will adjust our nationalsecurity instruments and make new applications on the armed as a feature of anentire of-government approach keeping in mind the end goal to safeguard againstdangers to our security both at domestic and international. Somalia β†’

Research proposal on coping strategies used by african american women to deal with racism and sexism

It is hence important to identify these strategies not only to understand them but also to help enlighten other women on how they can deal with sexism and racism instead of succumbing to it. The research is aimed at identifying the coping strategies used by African American women to deal with sexism and racism in β†’

Market anomalies essay

Therefore, the technical analysis, in which analysts make the chart of past price movements of stocks to accurately predict future price changes, is of no use. However, one can beat the market and get abnormal returns on the basis of fundamental analysis or on the basis of private information. Means the closing price β†’

Example of developing competency in listening skills and oral language ability conversation essay

The effectiveness of the strategies employed by a teacher to teach will be reflected by the proficient of the student in the oral language. The teacher, the strategy and the environment of the class have a significant effect on the compression of the student on the reading material.

Free essay on team leadership

Under his leadership, the corporation has grown into becoming US' largest and most admired airline. Kelly displays three leadership qualities that that makes him an effective leader. He not only lets his employees offer their contributions, but also encourages them to use communication for their strength of character. According to Stuart , Kelly portrays β†’

Time management research strategy paper

I did not really [Clearer writing suggestion - " real" or " really" means " existing in actuality" - it adds little to the meaning (and using it to mean " big," " very," or " genuine" is slang); replace it with a more expressive word] feel like I have an issue managing time, after β†’

National drug control treatment strategy critical analysis

Both pharmacological and environmental factors play a vital role in the treatment of drug abuse and correlated disorders focusing on the structure and dynamics of the totalpersonality. Focus on the three areas of health care, criminology, andeducationwere recently emphasized on the policy created by the President's National Drug Control Strategy based on the core principles β†’

Good essay about distributive and interest-based bargaining

The parties in this strategy assume that the resources are fixed and in low supply, hence, the more one gets, the less the other party gets. Other factors such as ethical and legal considerations are used to make sure that the negotiating process is as fair as possible.

Anita for us to do that day. we

After everything was checked, the doctor said I had sprained my leg and would have to walk on crutches for a while. As sad and painful as it was, to sit on the sideline cheering my team on, sorry, that I could not play. I started to feel much better in a couple of weeks, β†’

International therefore, previous literature has considered all severities

Previous literature has identified an extensive array offactors related to the engagement of SH including, childhood adversity, use ofSH as a coping strategy, substance misuse and psychiatric illness as the most commonpredictors of SH in male prison inmates. Past research will be reviewedfrom a variety of studies that provide explanations behind these prominentpredictors of SH β†’


Using Effective Communication Skills: I will continue to have strong command of the material I am teaching and be firm in my delivery, I will make learning fun for the students, and ensure openness with the students. I will also use a language that is clear, known and understood by the students. Parent Conferences I β†’

Global strategy of takreer

TAKREER has adopted the following set of organizational strategies to enable it expand its operations, face the challenges of the 21st century in a rapidly-changing market, and to ultimately become a leader in the oil refining business : Ensure availability of required human resources through efficient recruitment and retention practices. The β†’

Comparison between culture in canada and thailand report examples

The focus of this paper is to create an understanding of different aspects of culture and cultural practices between what is done in Thailand in relation to what is carried out in Canada. This is followed by a descriptive comparison of various factors relating to culture and how they relate to life in the two β†’

Riordan manufacturing hr system essay

The final phase of the implementation plan is Training. Training the users on the new system allows the user find ease with the system. The best place for the users to be involved in an ISD project is by using a joint application development for documentation and can be implemented on the different β†’

Pricing strategy and tactics

By definition, the economy / low cost pricing strategy involves offering a price that is kept as low as possible, which is accompanied by the bare minimum of services (Reed, 2006; Keegan and Green, 2002). Apart from the cost-conscious time-insensitive leisure traveller targeted by Southwest through the economy pricing strategy, the airline β†’

Apple online store strategy

However, Apple was able to outperform these competitors with its three main core competencies, software, retailing and branding. In 2003, Apple introduced the iTunes online music store that allowed customers to purchase and download songs directly from the store to their computer through iTunes, and then transfer them directly to their iPods. Therefore, iTunes had β†’

Analysis for disney essay sample

Do a brief market opportunity analysis for Disney, identifying the major markets that Disney has expanded into The market opportunity analysis endeavors to estimate the size and sales potential of a specific market segment of interest to you as a franchisee while also assessing key competitors in the specific market segment. Describe the β†’

Catherine the great: life and legend

Alexander, the author of the book Catherine the Great: life and legend spent twenty years of research gathering information necessary to complete this book. Alexander aims at bridging the gap between popular accounts and specialized studies, but short on context and facts when presenting life behind Catherine as both a woman and a ruler. Catherine β†’

Free essay on chinas rise/grand strategy

Arguably, china continues to modernize its economy at a tremendous pace, this implies that in the coming years it will the one of the wealthiest nations in the world. In order for china to grow, one of the important determinants is the relationship that exists between them and United States.

Employee protections

If the family sues the excavating company, they would have a strong case and the possibilities of winning would be elevated. The excavating company would have a slim chance of winning since it is responsible for its employees and the project sites.

Worker deaths in confined spaces

In connection to this, he consulted a contractor who gave him the cost estimates of installing the access portal at the bottom of the tank. The contractor after carrying out his assessment told the owner of the tank that it has to be drained, and all the sludge removed before he puts the access portal. β†’

Application exercise 3(a-3) due 7.21.13

Application Exercise 3 of the Survey The of the survey organised by Ford Motor Company in order to understand the effectiveness of the training program was " training evaluation survey". Besides, since the survey deals with the employees within the organisation, it is the responsibility of human resource manager to ensure that the β†’

Legal aspects associated with performance management programs – part ii

The reason this area of your post caught my attention is that I have previously worked in an organization where the staff base was so distant from the collective structure of the organization that the top hierarchy did not see the need to take responsibility of any lapses from the lower ranks. Meanwhile, quote β†’

An importance of leadership in business

As a leader to a healthcare organization, competence in my field of expertise, personal traits, and availability of the required resources within the organization forms the basic part of my strengths (Center for Creative leadership, 2011, p.6). On the hand, poor communication, staffs' resistance to organizational change, incompetent subordinates, poor team-building skills, lack of emotional β†’

Ways to develop leadership

The people who back the various methods are just as numerous and thus it can be said that the best method has yet to be found with perfect concreteness.This can be explained by the variability of leadership. Secondly, the individual should understand the power of visioning.Leaders must have a clear view of where the company β†’

An employee refusal to work overtime

It is necessary to consider the arguments from both sides of the parties involved in the case. As much as there is an increase in the amounts of time spent on overtime duties in the US, it is necessary to consider the possible effects.

Whistle blowing

Whistle blowing al Affiliation Whistle blowing In the thought of Johnson , whistle blowing is a terminology used in working place and refers to a case when an employee suspects and reports a misdeed in the working place. For instance, in the event that an employee suspects that the employer is going against the β†’

Employee benefits

The employee benefit plans are established to provide health benefits, vacation benefits, disability benefits, training benefits, retirement benefits as well as death benefits among other similar benefits. An employee has the right to claim or file a court order upon denial of the enjoyment of such benefits (United States and United States, 2004). Many employees β†’

External factors affecting recruitment

In addition, budget and cost are some another factors that also affect the recruitment process in the organizations, as it is an observation that companies often do not go for identifying candidates far away from the region of their organization due to higher costs of advertising and other expenses involved in the process. One of β†’

Economic perspective on compensation schemes for farmers who suffered from wildfires

Since human-wildlife conflict can be seen as the results from a critic that the public good is delivered at a private cost from an economic perspective, compensation to farmers for wildlife damage is commonly applied in mitigating human wildlife conflicts from the social dimension. Therefore, it aims to shift the economic responsibility to a border β†’

Income statement – ford motor company

It includes details about the revenues generated by the business as well as the list of all expenses incurred during a specified time. Purpose of an Income Statement Income statements are usually released at the end of the year. Income statements are for a longer time period that is a year or quarter of β†’

Mini hrd 350

As said by the management, the supervisor had not been sent to the meetings to represent the management. Besides, the management said that the supervisor had purely gone to the union's meeting on personal grounds, but not to cause any interference whatsoever.

Unit 4 assignment

This information would help Maritza to identify the possible ways of making the bonds between the parents and their children remains to be strong as this is one of their main roles. Some of the objectives of this program would be: To determine the best ways of improving the relationship between the parents and their β†’

A new performance appraisal method

You also stand to benefit as you will know how other people rate your performance and you can also be able to improve your skills through the training and development we will offer you through this process. Those of you who will perform well will be rewarded at the end of the year with whichever β†’

The division of labor

Within a wider spectrum of social issues which focus on division of labor, conflicts arise because of varying interests of the state and individual during cultural production in a developmental process. Answer 2 Cultural production signifies construction of collective identities on the basis of cultural diversification and therefore, the platform that promotes this production β†’

Apples work-life policy

Once, being rated the most valuable company in the world, the firm has set the pace for others to catch in the global arena, and with that it would be the firm that I would love to work in. The values that inform the work-life policy are clearly articulated in the company's website. Apple places β†’

Why do i consider myself a worthy candidate for the certain position

I do not think any necessary revision should be made because the answer really captured the thoughts I intended to express at that time. Why do you think you are the best person for the job? I answered this question with by saying, " I believe I am the best person for the job because β†’

Human resource management pt 3

To sum, the use of job analysis and job descriptions in the hiring process is to ensure that the person hired would do the right thing and do them well. Use of Job Analysis and Job Descriptions in the Medical Arena The use of job analysis and job descriptions are critical in the health β†’

Case analysis: how google chooses employees

It receives more than 100, 000 job applications per month and only has to fill 200 positions a week. Problem Statement What is/are the best hiring criteria for Google? Solutions Solution 1 Rely on quantitative indicators such as grades and academic success to narrow the pool of applicants to a manageable level. β†’

Laws of nature

The truth is that life is very hard and you have to work hard to make a go of it. That is the best and easiest way to make money.

Human resource managment

The other issue to look into is the ease in flow of information from the management to the employees on matters pertaining to their welfare. When the management does the above well then the employees will have the drive to work better and harder. This is the hook that most employees in these firms base β†’

Equal employment opportunity

According to the EEOC data posted pursuant to the no fear act, out of the number of complaints that were filed and the number of complaints made and 2 repeat filers in 2002, still 33 were under investigation, 30 were still being heard, and no disciplinary actions were recorded. This means β†’

Human resources are most important asset

By the mid-1980s in the USA, and in the UK by the late 1980s, the more widespread use of such titles harboured larger ambitions. Matching employment practices to business strategy The first major theoretical advance came in the classic statement of HRM by Fombrun, Tichy and Devanna. The β†’

Partnerships & collaborations among ngos in south sudan

There is a more effective advocacy the more you are, the louder and important/ relevant your voice becomes. Drivers of partnerships & Collaborations among NGOs in South Sudan a) Reduction in Funding The funding for the humanitarian needs in South Sudan has decreased from a high of US$2. This reduction in funding has β†’

Swot analysis of pac resources

At the time beginning of this business, the owner of the company started the business operation in the US and after that, it got success in that particular market. It can be said that that customer has started to depend on the component o this company which is one of the biggest strength of this β†’

Diversity training manual part 2

The future demographic trends of the country, based on the populations' demographic changes, indicate that different races are likely to be in the workforce in the future. For instance, the racial differences may lead to creation of classes and social status among the workers, even for those in the same level in the organizational structure.

One paragraph

Under the motivational platform of recognition, reward and appreciation, employees can be happy. One of the way effectiveness programs that HR utilizes to explain career development. Net scores generally for employees are a great way to ensure that employees are satisfied with the overall quality of the work.

People living with disabilities are denied employment

It is, therefore, apparent that these misconceptions continue to deprive people with disabilities the opportunity for employment. Lack of access to education, training, and funding are central to securing employment. The lack of funds for investment, therefore, continues to deprive them the opportunity for employment. It is inevitable that people with disabilities are overprotected by β†’

History of workers compensation

The ideology of laws coined by Wisconsin was to provide compensation to workers for injuries in a timely manner based on the severity of the injury and another purpose served by this system was to limit the liability of the employers. Similar to the laws created by Wisconsin, other states of the US followed the β†’

Blending of generations in the workplace

This paper will examine the concept that different generations will have different needs and concerns in the workplace and that the ability of a company to address/ blend these needs is critical. Competencies and capabilities no longer correlate to age or experience, so respect for others' ideas and input is more critical β†’

The ground truth

In the movie, the adversities of battle, the reality that life is short and can be ended within a nick of time. The return to their motherland is the most crucial part of the movie because the soldiers develop Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as they experience both emotional and psychological torture that they have to β†’

Motivation in the form of higher pay

The failure of organization to provide perceived equity for employees results in a lot of resentment (especially when there is secrecy and people overestimate each other's pay) and resulting inefficiencies. To treat workers with respect and appreciation is what motivates them to stay at an organization and higher pay has failed to reduce employee turnover β†’

Hiring and selection practices

The candidates the sign the letters of offer then the HR department closes the tracking report's requisition R Notes The hiring and selection process involves several steps to select the best candidates. The candidates are required to sign the letters of offer to show that they will comply with the company's rules and β†’

Minimum wage

Minimum Wage Minimum Wage Economists and policy makers are having a difficult time trying to go around or solve the minimum wage debate that is sweeping across the great states of America. The existence of minimum wage among the working class society of America is proving a confusing task for policy makers, and it is β†’


Topic: " Procrastination" Concept: Academic Procrastination: Academic procrastination is common with and is on the top of the level in this age of technology. In the book of the operational definition of academic procrastination is almost same as the different author, defined as the perception and interest of a student shape its behavior β†’

Work-family conflict

With this in mind the following will be my intended career and family time lines. Intended Career Time Line Time line in years Events 0-30 I will have pursued and complete my schools 30-40 I will have started my career with respect to income generating activities. 40-50 I β†’

Employment law

Employment Law of English-Only Rules English-only rules refer to rules that employers pass which require employees to speak only English while at the place of work. That means that the employer may only use such a rule in as far as the employee needs to communicate in English to operate efficiently and to ensure safety.

Osha case summary

The general areas that an organization may use to decrease or eradicate unethical behaviors within the working place includes setting and enforcing standards, providing training, creation of safety culture, and assistance. Setting and Enforcing Standards Setting standards refers to an act of establishing one or more clear-cut score on a test. Once a β†’

Defining and discovering values

Flexibility is certainly the value that allows me to make a move away from a " rule of thumb" that may not necessary guide me to my goal. Safety is the other value that I treasure most in my ethical leadership. Therefore, in view of the above strengths, I can certainly capitalize on them to β†’

How to become a good employee

The truth of the matter is that he practiced time management well and set his priorities straight, he would not be missing the deadlines given to him. What I did was just exert the best effort possible to do my job and focus so that I would accomplish my own job. The third fallacy is β†’

Professional map-d-parta

Purpose, structure, and Importance of CIPD to the HR The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development profession map is the basis of successful human resource management. The bands explain the different levels and demonstrate contributions and competencies. How the tool adds value to HR Hence, the framework adds value to human resource β†’


The success of this company has been through the cooperation of Systems Operation Center and Organization Development team that has developed a JetBlue University to foster a healthy organization culture with deep understanding of behavioral science to bring in the much needed JetBlue experience for crew members and customers. S The β†’

Individual leadership and management. chosen public figure m. k. gandhi

Through his novel ways and means, he led the country and instilled confidence in people of India. Initially, people were highly suspicious about the effectiveness of his ways but he strongly believed that only ahimsa could bring a true freedom and peace for the nation.

Finding a good and proper job

So, a proper job is also the one that ensures encouragement and stimulation in a form of career growth. Now, as we have figured out what a " good" job is, it is time to hunt for it. The job market is pretty severe and we do not have a choice, except for adjusting to β†’

Strategic and workforce plan of weavetech

The plan includes the business metrics that will be used to measure the achievement of the organizations strategic goals and objectives and a workforce plan. Historical background of the company WeaveTech is a clothing company that specialises in manufacturing different clothes for the military. Within the remaining period of two and half years, the β†’

Men and women at workplace at america

The appointment in July 1999 of a woman as president and chief executive officer of Hewlett-Packard, the world's second-largest computer company, was greeted with the pronouncement that " the glass ceiling finally had been shattered," In fact, Hewlett-Packard was only the third of the For tune 500 companies to turn to a woman for leadership β†’

Developing yourself as an effective human resources or learning and development practitioner essay sample

2 Development Record Bibliography Introduction The assignment will discuss what relevant skills I need to acquire in the Learning and Development specialist area, through the 4 main bands and 8 behaviours I need to abide by in order to create my own credibility and become successful in the Human β†’

Enviromental pressure

Impact of the Pressures From Financial Perspective The organizational and the environmental pressures might impose tremendous impact upon the financial position of Department of Agriculture. Impact of the Organizational Pressures on the Employees Apart from the impact of organizational pressures from a financial perspective, these pressures had an adverse effect on the employees with regard β†’

Gender and the law in the workplace

Smith's fellow employees affirmed their perception of the increased manifestation of his feminity characteristics. Smith's employer resorted to a scheme that would propel him to resign, but instead after they suspended him on ' professional grounds, he sued. The Holding Smith's first case was dismissed as a feeble attempt to use stereotyping and sex β†’

Benefits package at the apple inc

This shows that Apple does care about its employees and will do anything to make working for the company very attractive. This is a company that I would want to work for because it would help me with career advancement also. If I stayed in the company for a few years, then I might want β†’


The culture also involves brotherhood of the officers that focuses on the unity of the officers after secluding themselves from the public, cohesion that involves bonding with other officers, conservatism that defends the status quo, the criminal blindness that allows the police ignore the law and CYA where the officers distance themselves from their supervisors β†’

Evaluation tool

The nurse with occupational therapy skills needs to identify the patients dressing code that can reduce the impacts of poor body mechanics as well as attain the medical goals that both the medical practitioner and the patient have. The aim of undertaking such evaluation is to ensure that the trainee has gained the necessary body β†’

Diffterence between human recourse planing and business planing

Comparison between Human Resource Planning and Business Planning of the of the Module Comparison between Human Resource Planning and Business Planning Human Resource or HR planning provides an entrepreneur or a manager with the opportunity to organise the workforce of his/her company or department, as the case may be. Moreover, HR planning also involves β†’

Problem solving of the conflict inside the team

What intercessions can be utilized to enhance the nature of contention a group? I could recall of my experience when I was engaged with working in a group for an undertaking in my school and would need to impart my experience to that: One of the individuals from the group names him as A used β†’

Utility analysis

In any event, leaders must take the extra step and reach out to others. In order to be effective, a leader must be able to initiate and develop his or her alliances in the quest for achieving commongoalsand objectives. The concept of marginal utility may then be used by a human resource β†’

Human subjects

The Costco Wholesale where Craig Jelinek works in however has never experienced any labour unrests for over thirty years, due to relatively higher payment and better or favorable working conditions. In the surge and increase of the internet, the industry and market as a whole has borne the brunt of change as most of the β†’

Functions & responsibilities of hr & admin department of rcl

Bothprimary and secondarydata were collected to prepare the report. The main sources of the primary data to prepare the company profile and its performance had been collected from organization's web site and the concerned with HR Manager of Royal Capital Limited and secondary data collected from the web site and books for β†’

Mgmt458 u1 ip avon

AVON Mission ment Question Avon's vision and mission is " To be the company that understands and satisfies the products, services and self-fulfillment needs of women-globally". The company should discover a key subject for its organization, and verify each of these segments rotate around it. Moreover, Mission statements might be fiercely not quite the same β†’

Payroll questions

Claiming these tax credits will save the taxpayer hundreds of dollars when doing their income taxes. Whereas lieu in notice is more like compensatory damages where there is a breach of contract, the working notice is considered as an implied term in the contract of employment. Legislated notice of individual termination requirements in Quebec differ β†’

Mckinsey & company recruitment team

The future economy of the world relies heavily on the correct business analysis of future events and the stresses that it will apply to the business community when the time comes. My attached CV will go on to prove that I am the epitome of an applicant at your company.

Future proofing an organization against talent lost as baby boomers retired

The exodus of the baby boomers combined with the falling birth rates will intensify the competition for the global talent. Most of the businesses from the developed world recognize the need to capitalize on the international markets. However, the rapid growth of the economies of the BRIC countries also means that new businesses are entering β†’

Od skills simulation 12.1

That Vernal Corporation minimizes resources while at the same time maximizes output throughout the new venture At the beginning of the project, I thought it would be wise for our organization to go for the suburban shopping center office because it offered four large rooms, which we could use as our offices and conference β†’

The purpose performance feedback

It is true that appraisals are also used to identify faults and areas of improvement, however, the intent is not to damage or undermined the employee, but rather to assist him/her to identify those areas and create a plan for improvement. Likewise, the process of appraisal is also important to help the appraise minimized a β†’

The us unemployment statistics – african americans are more likely to be unemployed

However, what pushes the unemployment statistics high is the fact that the blacks work on " shaky jobs". Whereas the problem of unemployment remains a challenge in many parts of the world, there is hope that decades to come, minorities will be in a better position in employment statistics.

The work keys assessment

The Union claimed that the company awarded the job to senior bidders in the past. If the Union alleged that the Work Keys Assessment was not valid, which party would have to prove the validity? The validity of the Work Keys Assessment should be proven by the company through the Subject Matter Experts β†’

Coaching model

The reason why I chose purpose is that employees need to have a sense of personal purpose to help an organization meet its target objectives. An employee needs to be aware that he or she is an integral part of the organizations. Process refers to the manner that dictates performance of tasks such as working β†’

Essay on technology as a replacement of human resources

Complete essay on " technology as a replacement of human recourses" Reference list on Bibliography list on 3 Technology as a replacement of human recourses Yes. If we look at the human resources then Wikipedia again define these as, Human resources is a term used to describe the individuals β†’

Db5 hhrr

As opposed to termination, when an employee is suspended, they are relived of their duties and seize to enjoy some of the benefits and privileges they previously enjoyed temporarily. The employer can also demote an employee for the mistakes they commit. When an employee is demoted, they lose some of the privileges they previously enjoyed β†’

Current ethical issues in international hrm

Current Ethical issues in International HRM The task of international human resource management is to manage human resources in the global context. This negatively influenced the performance of the organization. References Collings, D.G., & Wood, G 2009, Human resource management: A critical approach.In D.G.


I plan to apply the OSHA program skills leant in my daily life, starting from my home to my future employment. If I was working in a group on a project and another member of the group was not performing their duties, I would handle the situation via verbal warning. If the group member would β†’

Compensation and employee benefits (topic in instruction)

Compensation and Employee Benefits Question Gain-sharing incentive plan is an organizational program that helps to achieve effective standards of performance through the participation and involvement of employees of an organization. Organizations that practice gain-sharing policy, apply pre determined profit sharing percentage to share the net profit of the organization with the employees.


In contrast, bureaucratic structures may have a discouraging effect to creativity as well as innovation in the entire organization, as it is difficult for a single person in the organization to come up with all the strategic ideas that are required in a large company. Systems That Provides Applications Within An Organization Information systems β†’

Exercising strategy

This will in turn make the company have good returns. The managers should set out the expectations and targets of the workers. The handbook should also address the job description and expectations on attendance. The staff on the other hand have the responsibility of being transparent and preparing the proper paperwork for the manager.

Emotional intelligence

Training programs will be helpful in making the employees realize how emotional intelligence can benefit the company and also groom their personality. 3) Emotional intelligence will definitely help Johnson & Johnson avoid recalls because when the emotional intelligence of managers is high, they will be able to have better control on their nerves and they β†’

Planning and managing a major recruiting project

Planning and Managing a Major Recruiting Project Planning and Managing a Major Recruiting Project The article Planning and Managing a Major Recruiting Project by Armacost & Jauernig dwells on the use of project management approach in HR activities. It would be great to see the list of possible software for project management and β†’