Quality Business Essay Examples for Your Learning

A global warming issue

Generally we tend to see those who identify with left-wing ideologies lean more towards addressing the prominence of global warming and the affects it has on the earth, while many identifying conservatives oppose the idea of global warming and some even consider it a myth. Studies have revealed that women are more likely to have β†’

Create and market a brand

For one to ensure that their marketing strategies reflect their brands is by the uses of relevant and the valuable information that will attract the potential customers to buying the products that are in the market. If this is done in a collective manner it will on the other side engage the company's target that β†’

Free essay on reading summary

These enable a good relationship between customer and producer. - Market penetration requires both the interest of stakeholder and manager, luck of one brings about agency cost. - Product launching in the market requires research of various aspects in the market including target market, marketing mix, marketing plans sales force and distribution. References Kotler, P., & β†’


Direct marketing removes the " middle man" from the promotion process, as a company's message is provided directly to a potential customer. This type of marketing is typically used by companies with smaller advertising budgets, since they cannot afford to pay for advertisements on television and often do not have the brand recognition β†’

Kfc vs nando’s marketing strategy assignment

An advertising strategy is a campaign developed to communicate ideas about products and services to potential consumers with the aim of convincing them to acquire those products and services. The focus then shifts to the flexible, creative planning accompanied by in-depth knowledge of the target consumer and the methods that will be used to reach β†’

Marketing plan for product line marketing essay

In order to get market share it is the right time for Pizza Hut to launch halal pizza to target the large number of Muslim community specially in the UK. The selection of pizza's offered by the competition have been significantly less creative than that of Pizza Hut in the past and Pizza Huts reputation β†’

Marketing approach to ben shermann

The company should seek either product oriented strategy in which it should produce such a quality product that will self themselves this strategy is only viable if the product is really superior, unique or can add competitive advantage which is mainly subject to the acceptance by the consumer of Ben Sherman or it can develop β†’

Influence of culture in marketing

For example, bowing and the strong desire to avoid embarrassment are unified in their manifestation of the importance ofrespect Regarding its form, culture is sensible, dynamic and creative Culture is sensible because all the manifestations even the most spiritual is perceptible to the senses, aspoetryand music, it is dynamic since it is in β†’

Marketing plan for our adventure club

Core Product: The experience of participating In adventure sports like: Trekking, Camping, Paragliding, Bungee Jumping and horse riding Is what drives our product. While some of the adventure sports offered by us are also provided by our competitors, still we are the only one offering all of them together and that too in β†’

Nielsen nugget

This is because they compose of the largest population in the market and by attracting them to use premium people more sales will be realized and hence awesome beans would be able to take the advantage of the slight growth in the coffee market. This will help in selecting the best strategy of marketing and β†’

Coors case analysis essay sample

The marketing style changed focusing to product quality and differentiation as trying to be a national brewer in following years.* In producing inputs Coors had stressed quality and self-reliance. Overall evaluation your interpretation of the case Coors was too blind and arrogant in its brand and its quality based production which caused them β†’

Natural cereals case questions essay sample

One of the points President Kennedy made was that consumers have the right to be provided with adequate information about products. I believe that instead of telling the public to eat our product because it has great health results, we should suggest to our consumers to start their day off with a healthy breakfast β†’

Marketing mix

All these will be done after carrying out a market analysis and ascertaining the prevailing conditions in the market, our clients' needs and the level of competition in the market. With the high level of obese cases in the country, there is a high demand of healthy foods. Meaning, they will not buy food from β†’

Marketing and business communication media

As well the board signs near the boudoir lines are the best way to communicate with the rural India. Because Every boundary will create happiness among Mainland & visually seeing the ads of our soap on boudoir will create awareness of our brand. T due to the lack of Infrastructure we cannot deliver β†’

Virgin mobile marketing metrics

Virgin signed contracts with several phone manufacturers such as: Kyocera, Nokia, LG and more to enable a variety of phones to choose from; each providing a different benefit that would appeal to the youth. By adding these features and targeting the 15-24 market, as well as being a contract-free cell phone provider, this generated more β†’

Current strengths and weaknesses of the microsoft company

This highly promotes competitive advantage and standardization. The organization can attract the best brains due to the top rating status from Fortune as the best company to work for. The operating systems from the organization such as Windows 95, 98 and the 2000 series enjoy a market share of over 88% across the world. Weaknesses β†’

Target market for points.com- one card

Notably, Point.coms' clientele pay certain charges for the management of their accounts with the organization and conversion of the rewards and mileage. Point.com has a specific target market, which is constituted by the clientele of airlines and hotels. However, accomplishment of Point.com's objective to dominate the market depends on its capacity to manage the clientele's β†’

Decision in marketing assignment

The performance of the product is not meeting expectations, and you need to propose changes to the marketing mix that will help to Increase revenue generation. The quality of your grade will be based upon how well you Integrate the proposed changes among the various components of the marketing mix.

Literature review on counterfactual thinking

The research was conducted by Roese and the main objective of the research was to identify what the relationship is between the counterfactual thinking and the behavior of the buyer in marketing. The conclusion that the manger was able to come up with in the research was as a result of counterfactual thinking.

Kraft foods

Corporate information presented on the website introduces the website user to the actual business line of the company, highlighting the products and services offered by the company. The effectiveness of using this website as a marketing tool depends on the extent to which it achieves the desired goals and objectives set by the company. In β†’

Example of critical thinking on housing and consumer law

The problem of lack of proper housing and consumer services based on color and lack of access to good credit has resulted into growing divide among the home ownerships and segregated neighborhoods based on color. Through the application of the law, through the Fair Housing Act, the federal law needs β†’

Whateva cafe marketing plan

We have weekly and monthly meeting with all staffs to check on the restaurant's progress and growth. Review of current situation Review of the industry In this hospitality industry, as a service provider we are responsible to provide good service and achieve the expectation of the customer. Strength β†’

Comfy humidifiers this product marketing essay

Our association is looking to venture into new advertises to influence current victory, get a charge out of economies of scale, develop incomes and items, and lessen on the whole danger and make a progressively stable plan of action.Our Organization's essential objective is to make greater worth for our shareholders, clients, representatives and friends, and β†’

Marketing for a new product report samples

MARKETING PLAN FOR NEO DEODORANTS INTRODUCTION In UK the cosmetics industry is highly developed and the annual growth of the industry is estimated at approximately 0. Analysis of the market segmentation strategy and the relevant marketing mix strategy will propose the marketing methods which the organization must deploy for making the product β†’

Social media impact on marketing: h&m assignment

And although the business benefit of social media is indirect the effect of social media advertising cannot be easily measured in relation to sales, it is mainly directed to customer " identification" with the company and its products. Identification is critical: from it grows online interaction, and from online interaction grows customer loyalty. By adding β†’

The dark side of customer analytics

Just a few more items to go: " A dozen eggs, a half gallon of orange juice, and a box of Dip & Dunk cereal? " Her sixyear-old daughter, Maryellen, had obviously used the step stool to get at the list on the counter and had scrawled her high-fructose emand at the bottom of the β†’

Cap task 3 step#1

Shockingly, 15% of women who die in this hospital are diagnosed with breast cancer. Effects of the Problem on New York Downtown Hospital How is the problem affecting the client/organization? This has also created some bad image of the hospital and hence losing clients to other hospitals that use sophisticated and more effective technology β†’

Marketing: the marketing process

The fourth step is implementation and control, here the firm launched the product and the plan has been developed. The first step is situation analysis where firms will identify the consumer needs and wants, and in order to do that the firm first should know their externals and internals status and they are customers, market β†’

A report on customer care improvement by robert l fousler

In reference to this, it is important for organizations, particularly those in the service industry, to realize that their future success is dependant on managers viewing their staff as the most important assets they have and that everything depends on how they work as a team. He goes on to mention that Customer Care skills β†’

Consumer behaviour – learning theory

The advertisement is designed in such a way that it enhances the memory of the audience. The advert reveals a sense of satisfaction and reward that comes from its attractive and delicious appearance and, therefore, qualifies to be itself an instrument of conditioning. References Kazmi, & Batra, S.K..

Written assignment #5

Explain the reasons for your answer Answer: Wholesaling is the procedure of selling bulk goods and services to a retailer who will resell these to the final consumers. Traditionally, wholesalers were believed to be just an intermediary in the channel with no value addition to the customers, because of the common perception that value β†’

Marketing research focus group project

Winnipeg Goldeyes season ticket purchases provide a valuable source of predictable income for the Winnipeg Goldeyes, since season tickets are prepaid in full. Objective 2: To better understand what factors motivate the decision to attend or not attend a Goldeyes game for which game tickets have been purchased for both season ticket holders and non-season β†’

Loyalty program from the customer’s perspective

The tool for deriving data will be in the form of a survey questionnaire to be administered to the customers of the Holiday Inn and Millennium Gloucester hotels.1. The questionnaire will be comprised of a combination of open and closed questions to get more accurate and complete data.

Customer relationship management assignment

The primary goal of CRM is to improve long-term growth and profitability through a better understanding of customer behaviour. CRM aims to provide more effective feedback and improved integration to better gauge the return on investment in these areas. The Company operates in two business segments: Airline operation, which is engaged in the β†’

Free creative writing on do you face book, twitter, linkedin

SOCIAL MEDIA The social media phenomenon which started a decade ago has grown at a tremendous pace and thus the adoption rate of social media has become part and parcel of everyone's daily life. With the emergence of mobile technology in terms of internet connectivity, social mediums such as Face book, LinkedIn, and β†’

Coca-cola brand

Marketing of a Coca-Cola Brand submitted Marketing of a Coca Cola Brand The goal of Coca-Cola is to re launch its sports drinks. Sports drinks of Coca-cola are the PowerAde and Aquarius brand..

Research of lies and false advertisement

It also involves the exposing of untrue stories about someone, a product or a service. Such advert does not disclose the sources of information but is basically meant to persuade customers on the benefits of particular products or services. In a business perspective, the intention of a false advert is to attract more customers and β†’

Pizza hut malaysia e-marketing essay sample

They can save these coupons for use with future orders) Door to door brochures to capture more customers Marketing techniques PLACE More accessible to the customers Now Pizza Hut restaurants are located in airports, shopping malls, sport arenas and other places, more convenient for the customers β†’

Harley davidson marketing strategies

Also, they are able to sell their services and goods because other than the prices, the competitors of these motorcycles in the American market - aside from Harley-Davidson - have not been able to adjust to popularity through methods of advertising because of the same reason that Harley-Davidson has address the specific target market over β†’

Marketing plan: marigold

It can help Marigold to be able to assess the market and the products that selling is really in demand or not. The goal of the Marigold advertising campaign is to increase the brand presence in the consumer's consideration set which means consumers will consider Marigold when deciding fruits Juices drink. Marigold will β†’

Marketing plan

A buyer does not have to be the consumer and sometimes both are the same it depends on the product and the target market. The thing is that the product is targeted to children, but the most unfavorable part associated with it is that it is being rich in sugar and it causes harm to β†’

Competitive analysis

The orders are delivered every day.* It's a service devised for condos of 20 people or more.* The orders are chosen/altered through the website or through phone and can even be canceled for some periods of time, in case of vacations for example.* The clients have until 24h before the delivery to alter their requests.* β†’

Marketing communication

The full list of the titles in this series includes: Marketing communication overview-? outlines the basic marketing communication concepts and provides the foundation for rest of the series Positioning -? discusses the Ins and outs and Importance of claiming the most attractive position In your customer's mind Marketing message -? provides the β†’

Marketing plan assignment

The greater the love for the dog the more likely the owner will get their dog a special treat. The products will clearly be marked " For Dogs Only." There will be a coupon for a free dog treat of their choice if they bring the coupon into the barkers.

Marketing planning & strategy – nestle

In terms of revenues, Nestle is the largest food company of the world. Brief Description of Company: The industry analysis of food and beverages suggests that there will be significant growth in future.

Edit: create a new positioning statement for our product, and provide justification for our new positioning strategy

POSITIONING STRATEGY [Insert al Affiliation] s' sophistication is upsurging and the need for outsourced call care centers in Philippines and India is rising necessitating development of language skills and computer training to gratify the desires of the diverse and tremendously competitive American market. However, the centre is determined to provide access to quality Language and β†’

Dewars- analysis of the integrated marketing plan

The image of the brand must be preserved in the eyes of each respective group at all times; therefore, any promotional campaign must deliver a distinct message to each group and reach each respective group in a way that does not reach the other - a infusing image may alienate both groups. In β†’

Free red mountain resort project research paper example

After being privately owned The Red Mountain Resort began to make improvements and the resort grew at a pace that was moderate. The Red Mountain Resort offers a ski package that charges guests all tax included. The resort has chance to increase its revenues and become sustainable. The expansion of terrain in the red mountain β†’

Free economic agencies argumentative essay sample

Economic agencies should have the authority to set enrollment of university programs based on projections of job availability because of a number of reasons. They believe that universities are not responding to the needs of the market.

Evaluation of a stage-specific intervention

The findings of the research revealed that market segmentation can still be achieved even through the use of mass media channels and telephone interviews. It could be noted that the researchers did not put undue pressure on the participants of the research.

No idea personal statement example

In Austin Community College, I have been involved in numerous projects in which I took an active role in developing business strategies right from the beginning through the planning execution stages. Out of self-initiative, due to my passionate interest in the marketing industry, I have always been keen on learning more about this fascinating industry. β†’

Sample critical thinking on asian tourism in thailand

Some of which have millions of views online and have been shared in various social media platforms. Considering the abovementioned proposal, the main objective of the proposed digital marketing plan for TAT and Thai tourism is to maximize digital platforms to improve social media marketing online. Social media marketing in tourism and hospitality.


The BCC approach is a growth share matrix used to categorize the company's Saw's into four categories based on their growth rate and market share to help the firm in understanding which brands the firm should Invest, divest , hold or harvest. The four categories consist of the Stars, Cash Cows, Question marks and Dogs.

The impact of advertising in our daily lives student

It has promise, a concrete proposal to the consumer, the evidence supporting the promise corresponding to a distinguishing feature of the product, the consumer benefit, as provided by the use of this product, and tone, the elements of messages to create an atmosphere. The power of propaganda or advertising is not from the veracity of β†’

Marketing assignment – analysis of lastminute.com essay sample

The company profit margin was 62, 000 GBP at end of October 2012. The Lastminute.com has biggest market competitors upon arrival of Expedia, ebooker and TUI travels. Lastminute.com offer customer great online discount and deals, occasionally the company offer online competition for customers. Task 1a DISCUSS CORE MARKETING CONCEPTS

Apple marketing plan assignment

Apple introduced the Classic pod, a portable music player, in 2001. The main features of the Classic pod were a sleek design, ultra portability, up to 5 Gigabytes of storage, 10 hours of battery life, and an easy-to-use interface at a price tag of $ 399. After 2005, the late majority accepted the pod, making β†’

Promotional strategies for kit kat

I would refresh and rejuvenate the pack design rather than re-invent it because it is not necessary for loyal consumers to appreciate a pack transformation. To really get creative with the pack design I would replace the brand name with seasonal messages as well. For example, on Mother's day I will design the packs creatively β†’

Brief comprehensive summary – principles of marketing

Strategies to Capitalize on the Opportunities Thetechnologystrategy that Hershey's Company capitalized on was commercials and television ads that are high in quality and that have catchy tunes and providing technical support and expertise to organizations such as the World Cocoa Foundation and the United States Food and Drug Administration, according to the Hershey's Company website,.

How internet advertising helps industries research paper samples

Advertising can also be done in interstitial, sponsorship and directories formats. The growth of internet advertising has resulted in the outright growth of many industries. Internet has made itself essential for commercial activities. According to the research marketing and advertising internet has become an essential tool for every business.

Airline deregulation 1587

The purpose of the law was to effectively get the federal government out of the airline business. Since the government got out of the airline business, not only has there been a drop in prices and an increase in routes, there has also been a remarkable increase in airline service and safety.

About lululemon

While these prices have been criticized in some cases, Lulu Lemon has continued attracting a wide range of clients in various parts of the globe. Pricing Strategies Applied by the Company Creating a Perception of Scarcity This strategy has received criticism from the Wall Street Journal. In addition, the company has a strict β†’

Fyne piece of marketing case study

His confidence was that of someone who knows he has faced a problem and come up with the right answers.' Ladies and gentlemen,' he began, ' as you are aware, two months ago we were given the opportunity to supply the Beefies Hamburger Chain with their new Supa-Long French fries. At the β†’

Happy feet – marketing plan essay sample

The analysis allows us to outline the best strategies to follow for the achievement of the company's strategic goals." happy-feet" will be marketed as a unique functional foot deodorizer insole while striving to reinforce the company's status as the leader in innovation and successful product launches. Brief Description of the New Product and β†’

Example of countrywide financial case study

I also agree with the point in the discussion that the foreclosure would be unfair and that renogotiation is necessary. Misleading Numbers The second case is that of a boss asking a subordinate to omit some numbers of poorly performing mutual funds. The use of a drug is serious and it is unethical for β†’

Example of critical thinking on project management

Success of every project depends on the ability of the person in charge to keep the project organized and focused. In addition, project manager deals with project environment, standards and regulations of the project, management and interpersonal skills.

Example of report on world car manufacturing

Since the automobile industry is one of the most essential sectors of the international economy, the sales data is analyzed thoroughly by economic and financial institutes all over the globe to produce the future outlook. The hardest blow to the automobile industry was dealt in 2009, a year after the global economic crises. Analysts belonging β†’

Swatch group

Introduction The swatch group was formed in Switzerland in the year 1983 under the leadership of Nicolas G. In the coming decade, SMG Group expected to get the most prestigious watchmaker in the world.. Strength * It has a distinct identity β†’

Socio-cultural infulences on international marketing

In the following I will focus on developing understanding of one of the components of culture which is Religion and its impact on consumer behavior and the implication of international marketing strategies. Below you can see the components of culture; First of all we need to define culture in relation to International marketing; β†’

Evolution of internet marketing

Internet Marketing in the Past, Present, and Future Online marketing is among the well-recognized and triumphant marketing techniques, and it has transformed immensely over the past years. The Internet's worldwide association unlocks new opportunities for trade dealings in a way that conventional trade dealings cannot fit. Internet Marketing in the Past Solemn β†’

Food advertising to children

Business contributes to the economic wealth of a nation with jobs and taxes but the costs of healthcare to deal with the impacts of poor nutrition are borne by the government on behalf of the taxpayer. Business also has a moral obligation to repay society for the public resources it utilizes for its' β†’

Free research paper about whatsapp acquisition: fighting off competition rather than a business expansion

Some people concur with the Facebook owners that the move is an expansion and diversification business strategy, while others are of the view that it is a move to eliminate the competition that WhatsApp was bringing to the market. WhatsApp is a software platform providing instant messaging and the sharing of photos and video images β†’

Good example of understanding the concept of sisterhood essay

The comfort that one gets from being with another becomes a distinct part of one's being that the relationship shared by the said individuals is considered to be connected not by blood but by their souls. In Cristina Rossetti's poem the Goblin Market, she identifies Laura and Lizzie as two β†’

Ambush marketing

The primary stakeholders are the event itself , the sponsoring companies , the event sponsor , the athletes and the fans. The problem is if Anheuser-Busch respects the boundaries of the agreement and dances on the skirt of what it can do, the NFL would have a difficult time stopping Anheuser-Busch's ambush β†’

Marketing strategy models

Brand positioning map This model allows marketers to visualize a brand's relative position in the market place by plotting consumer perceptions of the brand and competitor brands against the attributes that drive purchase. Customer Lifetime Value Customer Lifetime Value is the concept used to assess what a customer is worth, eased on the present value β†’

Adam smith fiscal policy research paper example

Most economists converge in the understanding that the " invisible hand of the market" is required to be supplemented by the " visible hand of the state". Underestimation of the economic role of the state, his ouster from the economic life of society, as evidenced by the experience of the β†’

Marketing mix: westin hotels and resorts

Its style includes more of a relaxed kind of fun that is in extremely distant from the noise and the pressure of a city life filled with diverse groups of people. This market involves people who are probably tired of life in the city - the noise and the pressure of interaction with a diversified β†’

Marketing case team

In order to explain the rationale of our recommendation and prove why we consider t superior to other potential positioning alternatives, let's have a look at the ups. The product, Data Anna, is according to the Group the cheapest car in the world, without having the image of being " cheap", therefore avoiding β†’

Marketing research

Definition of marketing In classical terms marketing is defined as the performance of nosiness activities that direct the flow of goods and services from producer to consumer and users. The modern definition was officially recognized by the American marketing association in 1985, when it replaced the classical definition with this one.

This essay takes red bull’s current marketing strategies

So how is Red Bull marketing its brand to meet the changing needs and budgets of its customers? Red Bull could also use this technique with older individuals in high stress occupations. This will not only spread the word quickly and cheaply, but to more individuals of different ages.

Marketing and increasingly global market

Therefore, in this article I of this approach is to improve the likelihood of success in the marketing of international marketing standardization is described. They want to compete in an increasingly global market, because more and more companies In today's environment is an international BIB was. They want to compete in an increasingly β†’

The problem: terrorism in the world 1304

These radicals are not just subject to the United States, terrorism is all over the world, in every way, shape and form. There are many different types of terrorism, for many different purposes. The primary reason for terrorist acts are to force a change in their nation's government. In turn, the dispatchers β†’

Informative essay on brave new world essay

They wear the color grey, and are the tallest and most good looking. Gammas, Deltas, and Epsilons are in the lower half of the cast system.

Q61. can advertising give you a wealth of information about a country?

Essay Outline Argument: I think that advertising does give me a wealth of information about a country. Support 1: When I watch TV in South Korea, I can see what cell phones, TVs, and fruits and vegetables are from this country Support 2: β†’

Neutral b2b marketsites

The seller benefit comes from getting access to more sellers, whereas buyers get potentially lower prices for a greater choice and superior quality of products. Value Added Services Value added services are defined as services, which supplement the actual transaction, cataloguing and search capability. In addition to these service offerings, there is also β†’

Gucci case study essay sample

Guccio Gucci faced some shortage of importation of the leather, however, this barrier gave him a new creativity and innovative idea of using new materials and producing small leather goods, such as canvas, wallets and belts that now still turns to be the a big part of the Gucci company. Gucci became an international β†’

The great depression – causes resolution research proposal example

The Great Depression - Causes & Resolution The research intends to verify on the causes and resolution of the great depression and this involved the stock market crash of 1929. This was the prime cause of the Great Depression.

Bskyb marketing plan

BSkyB should target acquiring 30% of the yearly revenue by 2018, after five years of systematic implementation of the extended marketing plan. The target markets of BSkyB are both individual citizens and small business enterprises, where the later will be at the centre in the targeting. In order to reach β†’

Essay on customer value

The name of the boutique will be " Stylish Cuts" and it will be operating in Los Angeles, USA. The selected entry modes for the boutique are discussed below: Retail Store A state of the art retail outlet will be opened for the boutique which will enable customers to come and interact with the β†’

The good hotel marketing strategy

The vision/mission behind the Good Hotel concept is to maintain its identity as a " hotel with a conscience" - encompassing a positive attitude, environmental sensitive, and philanthropy. With demonstrated Increased occupancy and revenue from November 2008 through March 2010, Good Hotel has a positive track record to continue its current concept. The β†’

Anita roddick essay sample

Organizing * Knowledge of finances was unknown and her husband Gordon Roddick helped her with this * Investor Ian McGlinn invested 4000 for the second store and gave him a 50% stake in business * Took on the responsibility of decision, communication, and information needed to project her company as a serious competitor 3. Through β†’

Famous amus essay sample

For example, this segment should be the lovers of chocolate such as chocolate cookies, chocolate muffins and brownies, candies and gummies and so on. There are four basic market segmentation strategies: behaviour segmentation, demographic segmentation, geographic segmentation, and physiographic segmentation. Behaviour Segmentation Behaviour segmentation is market segmentation strategy whereby the division of β†’

Case study on industrial marketing

The attach Informed the sales manager that the Global Purchasing Manager was the key man and that whoever got the nod from him would get the contract. He also briefed the sales manager on methods of conducting business in Latin America and offered some pointers about dealing with the purchasing manager. He is β†’

Customer service approach by bmw

The paper will assess the customer service strategies that BMW has utilized to earn the 22nd place in the Business week Customer service champs list of the year 2009. a) Efforts to claiming the position Although luxury car sales went down by 20% β†’

Marketing plan for canon

In the following, we will compare their Strengths and Weaknesses with our brand- Canon by analyzing three main parts which are function, service, promotion and Research and Development and also the effect of the change in Environmental Forces, which can represent both Opportunity and Threats. Comparison- Strengths & Weaknesses

Information system research paper

In turn, this has the effect of increasing the services that are offered at any given instance which in turn increases the institution's profit. Thus with the appropriate technology and information systems in place, an institution is able to meet its staff and students' needs and expectations and also improve on the quality and precision β†’

Lowe’s: category potential among female shoopers

Lowe's have a wide parking area which attracts men to the store because they consider area to park a problem at Home depot and, therefore, their preference to shop at Lowe's. Though the attitude of both men and women differ they will still shop at Lowe's which still a respected store in town.