Quality Business Essay Examples for Your Learning

Discussion on atomic bomb

Air superiority was the main trigger for the Allied victory in World War II and led to the use of the Atomic Bomb to end the war. The criticism of the decision to use the atomic bomb was that the main target was not Japan but the Soviet Union.

Case study on abuse

For example, physical abuse may be characterized through beating, making injuries for an individual; sexual abuse is also the type of physical abuse which includes different forms of sexual exploitation of a person and it is obvious such treatment affects the body and the soul terribly. He will need to research the case, understand the β†’

Are we really living in the ’70s?

Oh wait...like let's take That ' 70s Show off the air because they are telling what some kids in the made up place of Point Place, did in the ' 70s! Tata! That means like that those teens must have only thought of the show as a way to past time!

Rhetoric post: princess diana

The main objective of this broadcast was to portray the death of Princess Diana, in an accurate and concise manner. Ethos is implied in the chosen material about the final resting place and the reactions of Diana's mourners.

Rebecca nurse

Rebecca Nurse is a perfect example of how the righteous are punished by a heartless, wicked society because she died specifically for her beliefs and what she felt was right. The Crucible is a timeless tale of good versus evil and stands to convict societies worldwide.

Internet addiction

Now, the internet is causing a lot of damage on students, adults, and seniors likewise and the world has to see the dangers of internet addiction before it's too late to stop. Internet is causing many social problems by people addicted to it regardless of nationality, age, and ethnic and as time goes by, the β†’

History of women inventions

It was a shame for a women to remain single; in fact, single women were scorned and pitied by the society.when a woman got married property ownership from her father's house was shifted to the husband. The only source of finance was the husband, and the only chance for women to be economically protected was β†’

Basketball persuasive essay

Well Duke has the best coach ever and the best coach than any other team in the nation. So that's why I believe Duke is the best team in the country from their coach, to their winnings, to their hard working players Duke has a lot of characteristics that they have to make them a β†’

Tiffany hedging management assignment

Tiffany looked forward to the new arrangement, as it was now responsible for millions of dollars in inventory that it previously sold wholesale to Mitosis, resulting In enhanced revenues in Japan derived from higher retail prices. Avon soon realized that Tiffany traditional market niche was substantially different than its own, and in 1984 decided to β†’

Strategy implementation – smart water

For instance, Smart Water is one of the company's products whose production and marketing strategies are consistence with the company's organizational practices and policies. The Smart Water packaging is designed to conform to the company's policies and practices.

Gig case study

Is this the only explanation for the lack of Gig, Gig, and leg in Daniels blood? No. What is the role of a genetic counselor?

Effects of racism on healthcare

America is one of the most diverse countries in terms of race in the world. This tends to further the problem of racism.

Why sb1542 shouldn’t have been passed

You turned to the people who would know the most about it. Teaching would change from telling the students what they need to know to succeed in life, to making sure you do not impose your thoughts on the students, detracting from the educational part of the job, and replacing it with ten times the β†’

Fharhana of not having breakfast and the

The impact of her death was the reason to various changes within the child protection system and was also due to the formation of the scheme ' Every Child Matters' an aid to benefit the wellbeing of children. The local authorities have a duty to provide information about the types of services which are available β†’

Red capitalism by carl walter and fraser howie

In the book ' Red Capitalism', Carl Walter and Fraser Howie investigate and analyze the intricate relationship betweenthe Communist Part of China and the financial institutions which are the base of the Chinese economy. These authors of this book also show the lack of proper principle and agent relation in how the financial institutions have β†’

Carryyerbag case study

UK/ for information on the types of walk to be catered for, and http://www. Transportation companies will agree in advance as to which trips they are prepared to work on, and may be reserved for trips up to a week in advance.

Case study on drug testing in nigeria

Ethical Dilemma Pfizer faced the ethical dilemma of whether to stay out of Kano or to run the clinical trials, because of the chaos of the meningitis outbreak the integrity of the clinical trial could not be guaranteed. There was also the risk of families suing if the drug did not work, the government could β†’

Anne frank

The Story of Anne Frank. The Story of Anne Frank.

Tax allocation

The acquaintance that is shared in the research is helpful in creating knowledge amongst citizens and also in enhancing the theories related to the subject matter. In the research, there was the review of two scholarly articles and the comparison of the TAD's of two counties, namely Campbellton Road and Eastpoint Road.

The woods asylum

Blackman allowed the the patients to roam the woods surrounding the home. When the doctor thought he was in the right spot he would hit the end of the instrument with a hammer.

My almost loss

The rain was just sprinkling down the window, the class was quiet as the night hearing only the teacher, she's my favorite teacher but yet the tedious, she was wearing casual jeans and a pennfield shirt that says " GO PANTHERS", Her hair was always up in a ponytail, but left two strands down her β†’

Analysis on buddy

The plot is made up of several different strands: Buddy's life at home, life at school, life with friends and the horror in the middle and end of the series. The Rybeero's house in a nice, fancy house and is very tidy.

Analysis of god in the bible and the gods in the iliad

The worshipers of their god/gods in The Iliad and in the Bible, the Greeks and the Christians, both think of their gods as just and fair. Apollo, the first god to appear in the Iliad, is a supporter of the Trojans as well.

Feminist legislation and its effects on 19th century british literature

To do this, I will write a paper on the changing views on women during the time period, as the 19th century provided the background for the women's rights movement of the next century. You begin to see the reemergence of women depicted as weak and deficient.

Teaching the odd couple

When deciding whether to teach a play to high school juniors in class, a person should determine whether the play meets these three requirements: will a class be able to have quality discussions regarding the play; will the play contain enough content for the teacher to be able to teach the students important concepts; and β†’

United states v. angevine

All companies that provide such equipment to their employees also clarify usage criteria and regulations, monitoring schedules, and any other policies attached to the usage. Therefore, employees cannot expect to have explicit assurances of privacy on usage of such equipment and are thus obliged to follow the regulations set forth by their company.

Culinary arts report

Appendices 0 0 This section should be placed at the end of the report. This section should contain: forms, event orders, photos, samples of standardized recipe form each department.

The rhetorical analysis of “can this campus be bought?”

On the other hand, the corporate sponsorships of these companies is also a way to ease the burden of college expenses on students. Institutions and corporate sponsors are, therefore, dependent on one another in a way of gaining access to the outside world and seeking a path for economic purposes.

Developmental and behavioral problems

In the case of kindergarten children, the Personal Data Response of the child is determined. The objective of the research done, according to this journal was to determine the impact of parents on the development of children.

Y’know what really grinds my gears?

I want the happiness of the world to come back. I am still not going to forget about the world.

Why there should be a mandatory dress code for nurses

I believe that dress codes cause boys and girls to not express who they are and without that, it will be harder to be who they are. I agree that boys should not be able to have their pants so low that you can see their underwear, girls should not be able to show they β†’

Business-owned property

Depreciation is the systematic and rational allocation of tangible asset cost over the periods benefited by the use of the asset. The objective of depreciation is to have each period benefiting from the use of the asset bear an equitable share of the asset cost.

Case study spanning the glob calerocelia

In this training, employees can follow language courses, the company supports the families of the expatriate and they also offer cultural programs for the candidates)." From these pre-departure training programs, the employee and the family members would be exposed to factual information, such as the historical, political, and religious factors and major cultural differences which β†’


Purpose: To get clean water to africa Toilets for the next generation One of the richest men on earth has paid $100, 000 to change the design of the toilet! To most the toilet is a funny thing but to others they feel that the toilet can change the future.

Langston hughes

Langston Hughes was a big part of this movement by writing about the struggles of having dark skin and writing about how he did not have the same opportunities in life because of his skin color. The civil rights movement influenced Langston Hughes writing by giving him stronger feelings about it and making him almost β†’

Man of steel: a synopsis of joseph stalin

From his childhood of poverty in Georgia to his rise to power, the story of Stalin's story is still to this day one of the most interesting life stories in history. He was born into poverty in Georgia and was the only child in his house to survive." He was the only son remaining to β†’

Litigation, mediation, arbitration response

However, it is not reasonable to count litigation as the best means to ensure justice in this regard, because litigation usually takes much time and extensive procedures based on the prevailing laws. Admittedly, one of the major advantages of litigation is that it empowers people to come forward to take legal actions against abusers even β†’

Challenges to financial planning and budgeting in health care

Advantages and disadvantages of Fixed and Variable costs Fixed costs do not change with production of the organization; therefore, these costs are easy to account for. The variable costs unlike the fixed costs depend on the production or sales volume of an organization.

Hot tub case study

One of the paramedics, Kava Dickson, was the first to notice the Undersells underwater In the hot tub. The abnormally high heat in the hot tub may have also played a role 4: the high blood pressure and heart rate would contribute to a potential heart attack.

Heathiest option

Well with the junk food tax, the issue of people suffering from illnesses derived from excessive food would be altogether eliminated because the tax would most likely to discourage consumer, but what if you live in a country like Mexico? With this tax, think how many people will be able to live a longer life, β†’

Unit 6 pp mini

In reference to the birthday party planning project, the team responsible has to show diversity, effective communication, clear goals and expectations, and trust. In reference to the birthday party, the team members have to trust each other and trust the project manager for he knows what he is doing.

Marketing report of window weatherguard

Marketing Report of Window Weatherguard Executive summary This report is to design the marketing strategy of one of new inventions in 2011- Window Weatherguard. Window Weatherguard can be used in all seasons to protect interiors and furnishings from rain and UV damage and let constant airflow in to get rid of pollution inside of the β†’

Case study on petrol prices

Fuel is sold everywhere and its price on the international market is more or less the same all over the world, but there are local and national peculiarities of pricing which depend on the additional factors. Then, the price depends on the local demand if the demand is high, the petrol becomes more expensive there β†’

Emirates airlines

Emirates airlines is a high brand value that cannot be copied because it has been in the market for long and markets depend on its services heavily Being part of the emirates group is a big plus to the airline as it has access to a large pool of capital as opposed to most new β†’

Ok computer and no surprises: a blend of melancholy and protest

When listening to No Surprises by Radiohead, it is easy to become lost in the music and to not understand the true meaning of the lyrics. However, if the listener can overcome the hypnosis, the lyrics reveal a message that speaks of a corrupt government, a damaged society, and a fear of new technology.

Three body systems

The digestive, skeletal, and integumentary systems are just a few examples of how the body uses a collection of structures and organs to complete very complicated functions that keep us alive. The digestive system takes nutrients from your food and sends them to your body systems to keep them strong.

Future decisions

You can open up your mind to something that can give you an experience or you can open to something else that is a bit related to what you actually want. Sure, it may seem hard to make a decision on what you want to join, but you cannot be negative about it or else β†’

Blooming scent as an example of small business

The owner of the business is a soletrader, her name is Gina Moffatt. Ownership Blooming Scent is in the private sector of business because it is not run by the government.

The peoples republic of china business essay

And after that, different schools appeared in the interpretation of the causes of competitive advantage including the Positioning School which pay relatively more attention to the external environment, the Capabilities-Based School and the Resource-Based School which focuses on corporate internal conditions.2.2. And based on this, Wernerfelt was the first to present the resource-based view and β†’

Bless me, ultima study guide

What does Antonio dream about in the beginning of chapter nine? 6. What do " the gang" do to Antonio?

Friedrich nietzsche

His fundamental ideas consisted of the analysis of misfortune as an affirmation of life, a dismissal of Platonism and a refutation of both egalitarianism and Christianity and the recurrence of eternity. Nietzsche's family used to reside a few yards away from the church at Rocken in a house that was reserved for a pastor and β†’

Assignment duty to assess risks in the

It is an employer's dutyunder health and safety law to protect the health, safety and welfare of boththeir employees and others, who might be affected by their business. Tosafeguard the welfare of people at work several legislations have been put inplace:'Management of Health andSafety at Work Regulations 1999 ' thisrequires employers to assess risks and β†’

Civil case

The plaintiff was not happy with the idea but since there was need for his husband, the defendant to seek promotion at work, reluctantly let him back to college. They called her at two in the morning and wanted her to go to a hotel that her husband was staying during the studies.

The underground railroad free essay

Sometimes they had someone come onto the plantation pretending to be a slave and then guide the slaves to the north, or to the underground railroad. So you could say that the Underground railroad was impacted for a good reason because if it still had to be used then that means that there were still β†’

Abortion issue

This is seen where a woman aborts to prevent the birth of a child she knows herself to be mentally, physically or economically unable to provide for the child; hence both the mother and the child becoming a burden to society. Therefore, each decision made to abort is made in view of potential consequences to β†’

Salvation rhetorical analysis

He was not really saved, but the pressure from the congregation got to the child. In a way, he Is cringingly the church for pressuring little kids to conform to something that they do not believe in.

Competitive strategy for malaysia sme

The Seems also should give greater priority to dynamic capabilities, especially innovation and global orientation, in order to survive in the marketplace. This leads to the point that competitive strategies should be a top priority for the sector to remain competitive in the hostile environment.

Reality show

This has been through production and subsequent airing of a multiple series of reality shows particularly in the television channels. It shunned all kinds of racism which had been deeply rooted in the film industry at the time.


It needs a leadership that overrides emotional connection between the leader and the followers to avoid degeneration of the current circumstances.3.___S3P__time__S2C___information__S2C___acceptance___S4E__capability Leadership style: Consultative. Since I have plenty of time to decide, I can spend some of that time in gathering inputs from my followers since they are the ones who will directly be affected β†’

New business plan for a gas station start up

The customer need that will be satisfied is that my gas station will have gasoline, diesel, and a service station to get the repairs or inspections they will need to have. I will need to have a mechanic that will take care of the service station.

China case study

The vast and rapid technological development of cities such as Beijing has resulted in a population increase there and internal migration from the country to the city. If the policy had been kept to one child, China's population in 2010 would be 1.

Firac case

Lyubov Andreyevna Ranevsky is now the owner of the orchard who returns from Paris, to this place of her ancestors, with her daughter, Anya and her familys' hired help. In the first act, it is learned that this family is debt and can not pay the mortgage and the orchard will be sold at auction β†’

Report writing

In order to deal with this problem, the level of negative communication needs to be minimized while that of positive communication should be maximized. It is a excellent source of motivation, a factor that contributes to the success of interpersonal communication.

Nuclear duo

The strong nuclear force holds quarks and the nucleus of atoms together, and the weak force allows particles to be transformed into other particles. The weaker brother of the strong force is the weak force, though the weak force is much less of a force and more like a mechanism.

Facebook and twitter offer businesses both opportunities and challenges

Since the advent of the social media, many people, especially the businesspersons, have optimized the use of such social networking sites for their advantage. Fundamentally, marketers need to do certain things in order to win the trust of their consumers and other social media users.

Harvard housing survey case study

While, to the point that drives me continue that will be the logical sequence the survey have and the skillful position of complex questions the survey did. The survey obtain information consider almost all the situation In terms of students' concern and expectation, while since It vided into A to G, 7 sections, the survey β†’

Compensation: limousine business operators

The average limousine company allocates 25% of its budget for salary and benefits. Business and professional clients comprise 61% of the customer base for limousine services and should be the target customer base for the company.

Introduction to working capital management business essay

Background of the study, statement of the problem, contributions of the study and chapterisation is discuses keeping in view the basic nature of working capital management. The progress and prosperity, financial health and stability, of an industrial or business organization, largely depend on the effective and efficient management and control of various parameters of the β†’

Dr. becket’s case assignment

Staff should have the appropriate interpersonal skills, attitude, and service knowledge to provide the service that consumers are paying for.Dr. She sees to it that her staffs are well taken care of so they in return will take care of her clients Process Refers to the systems used to assist the organization in delivering the β†’

Case study ionians strategic

DRY&D and technology exchange Desperate development Database Experts panel research How does Monika use networks to explore new or exploit existing capabilities for the transformation of its business? Monika uses t I network Day slung Jolt development agreement and research as a collaboration agreement on the development of new technology or products.

Perils of canoe lake

The camp counselor rushes me to the camp nurse who is now dressing my wound and explaining to me that I am at risk for infection because of exposure to bacteria, parasites, and fungi. This is because it has damaged the skin to the revere endings and that is why we feel it.

Case study on financial risk

Financial riskis the risk which is connected with the possibility of the loss of the financial resources. When money influence the condition of the organization, the well-being of a group of people or an individual, there is always the risk of loss of the money because of various factors.

Discussion: design-thinking inspiration and ideation

School: DESIGN-THINKING INSPIRATION AND IDEATION Lecturer: DESIGN-THINKING INSPIRATION AND IDEATION Workspaceobservation The current workspace has the following features as observed from a very objective perspective as a neutral observer: The workspace is an ideal one that satisfies most working needs that are I am posed with at work, where I do most of my work β†’

Digital addiction

The lows of not being able to check it when they want is like the draw of an addictive drug and the painful withdrawals of not knowing what is going on are just like the withdrawals of a druggie after quitting. Social media is a drug that is harmful to the daily success of teenagers β†’

Out of sight; out of mind

I am sure that this policy is nonexistent to other schools, but it's not really the policy that aggravates students, but its execution that makes us berserk. The most horrible part of this policy, is that, it apparently does not apply to teachers, when every announcement states that " This school has an out of β†’

Personal statement example

In your university I will have access to the best business books in the world as well other sources of information like high speed Internet. I will also join business clubs and other empowering societies that will make my stay in the university a success and when I graduate I will be competent enough to β†’

The cultural impact of puerto rican plena on puerto rican society

Plena was created in Ponce, Puerto Rico by the working class barrios, though it truly originated in Africa and gained much influence from Europe, and many parts of the Caribbean along the way. Plena became primarily folklore in the 20th century but was modernized by Puerto Rico, giving it a fresh start with the future β†’


The book Titanic was a good book. The titanic was a good ship.

The transformation change in british airways

These were the issues faced by BA in order to survive and to be a competitive player in the airline industry. The important first step was to break the previous product-oriented culture and to infuse the value of customer service as the new way of doing business.

Floor vibration control

The aim here is to lessen the effects of vibration by taking due consideration of the recurring magnitudes going by the cycles per second. This is primarily because; in accordance with the cycles per second, this has an impact on the magnitude of vibration measured from the whole structure.

Courage in unwanted circumstances

This theme can also be recognized by Jacqueline Woodson in her autobiographical memoir, brown girl dreaming." Courage Under Fire" is also portrayed by the actions of the 50 accused sailors and Alex in the nonfiction book The Port Chicago 50 by Steve Sheinkin. In final consideration, the characters in the books brown girl dreaming, by β†’

Philosophy of the mind

Maybe I have something on my face or do I have dirt on my pants I pull my sweatshirt over my butt while I hold my books in my other hand I wipe my face with the sleeve of my hoodie. In my mind all I can think of when I see them or even β†’

Nike business analysis

Researchers have discovered the Marketing mix 4Ps of Nike as following: * Products: Nike offers a wide range of products, range from shoe, apparel, equipment, and accessories to plastic product such as protective gear, hockey stick.* Price: Nike's pricing is designed to be globally competitive to other brands. As a brand, Nike commands high premiums.* β†’

Case vertex

While Vertex also used advanced screening technology to speed up testing, it focused on increasing productivity by starting with detailed knowledge of the underlying biology of a disease and the molecular structure of relevant drug " targets." A drug target for Vertex was a protein molecule, produced by a gene, which had a biological function β†’

The child abuse

The child abuse and neglect prevention act 250 0f 1982 was established to prevent the state child abuse and neglect prevention board; it also seeks to provide the powers and duties of the state child abuse and neglect prevention board; and to prescribe the powers and duties of certain state departments. The other form of β†’

Salem witch trials in the crucible

Puritan fear of the devil and non-conformity were the foundation of the trials. The Putnams were the perfect tableau of the release of town tensions through accusations in The Crucible.

Power off the smart phones

Many parents strongly believe that the use of a smartphone will benefit the development of their kids by allowing them to learn in ways only technology can provide. In order to preserve the development of social skills in their kids, parents should restrict elementary aged students from smartphones.

Starting a business

In this scenario a colleague and I want to start a new business in the same industry as my current job. A second stakeholder group that I may want to steal away from my current employer is the customers.

Business plan for ctpl

None of the business simultaneously provides product launching as well as training services to the companies but we will provide both the services that will help the companies to be cost and effective. The corporate customer is a company that contracts with CTPL to plan and typically host an event for the company.

Alice saddy case study

And once a new person supported was taken on-board, the support service supervisor selects a team which would support the individual, and the support workers working in the team can report to any of the case managers. Then a team to support workers meeting required skills should b selected and work for the supported individual β†’

Business studies: business management case study

One of the biggest problems currently faced by Blabbing management is the lack of support from institutional shareholders.2. For Blabbing to become a sustainable business and keep operations they need to turn back to the roots, the surfers.

First essay assignment

Introduction This paper contributes to the free will debate by defending compatibilism, and presents compatibilism as the ideal solution to the free will debate, which relates to the contested incompatibility between determinism and freewill. In the light of the aforementioned criteria for a free will choice, it is evident that this process is exactly what β†’

Attendance in college

Students believe that they have the right to make a choice of attending class despite the policies of the instructors without being subjected to any repercussions. It is very alarming to realize the loss that the students are incurring by failing to attend classes.

Essay on the man who was almost a man

All Dave wanted was to be seen as a man by all the people, and having a gun was his way of showing it." One of these days he was going to get a gun and practice shooting, and then they could not talk to him as though he were a little boy". The white β†’

What is true? essay

I do not deny that some people are cruel, vicious, and are what makes the world a difficult place to live, for we fear for many things, but the people that live in a good, decent way, are the people who make the world great. Through those people we can create a just and honest β†’