Quality Business Essay Examples for Your Learning

Paper entrepreneurialism and enrons collapse

Introduction to the Case Enron has been one of the most famous cases of fraud and deceit over the years, and this organization has been used as a case to understand the problems of finances and corporate governance in a number of scenarios. Malcolm Salter, in one of the recent books, explains about the culture β†’


In this response, the employees entitled to receive the pay are referred to as non-exempt employees while those with no right to be compensated for the overtime are referred to as exempt employees. According to the Fair labor standard act guidelines, an employee is supposed to work for forty hours a week and is entitled β†’

Collectivism power distance and cultural strength business essay

Collectivism is a cultural determinant that emphasizes the interdependence of individuals in collective groups and the priority of the goals of a certain group over the goals of individuals. It's a social or personal orientation that emphasizes the good of the group or society over individual gain." Collectivism means the subjugation of the individual to β†’

Nando’s report

When the customer is satisfied with the service as well as the food, the clientele is maintained and expanded. This report will seek to explain how the culture in Node's can be achieved and eased on throughout the expansion of the business.2.

Sophie karbjinski comparative analysis

In " This Is Water" Foster Wallace is trying to present a different view on the daily life of grown-ups and the way we interact with people in situations of conflict and stress and the " difficulty of empathy". The tone used in Text A is very analytical, instructive and informative but humorous and nearly β†’

My first experience at theater

It was my turn next I stood up, my heart racing and took the page of monologue from my teacher. I try to maintain a friendly personality towards my peers and teachers.

How does stress make students struggle?

Sometimes stress is not caused by school it could also be stress from home. Teachers could give fewer assignments to students and not give them a mental break down it will be all good.

Swot analysis of walmart

It's always in the news or the butt of online jokes. The larger the quantity, the bigger the discount.

Strange predictions through mathematics

The most commonly used words in order are: The, of, and, to, a, in, is, I, that, it, for, you, was, with, on, has, have, but, be, they. In other words, the amount of times that a word is used is proportional to one over its rank.

Basic education

The role of knowledge and basic education is indispensable in every culture. In conclusion, basic education is vital to the society in general.

Schools should start at 9 o’clock

It seems to me that not a lot of students get to sleep 8 to 9 hours of because of a lot of homework and some of them have jobs. Because students will do better in school they will be more focus and ready for school and then send it to the Board of Education β†’

How important is quality of products for the whole organization

Whatever Happened to Quality Quality should encompass the entire enterprise because if a product is found to be defective, then it has an effect on the whole organization. Quality needs to go upstream because of the shared responsibility of every player in the supply chain.

The transition

Everybody wants you to have a good four years in high school and wants you to feel comfortable. You are going to be absolutely fine; it is not bad at all.

Strategic planning models: how to put strategic planning into action

This approach to strategic planning focuses on recognizing all of the different factors, internal and external, which affect your organization's capacity to achieve its goals. This strategic planning model focuses on building a universal understanding within your organization, which can be achieved by: Verify that there is common agreement about the purpose of your organization β†’

The demise of penn bank shows that ethics is an important business variable

The unethical actions of the company started in the mid 1970s. First of all the company never discontinued the sale of the implants despite the contingency legal liability the company faced.

Business enviroment essay

India's economy is the twelve largest in the world as it has the GDP of 1 trillion in the year 2008. India is the fifteenth in services output as it provides 23% of employment to the workforce and has the largest share of GDP of 55%.

Ezra clothing case study

Ezra Is the flagship brand of the Spanish retail group, Index AS, one of the super- heated performers in recent years. Explain the importance of an effective supply chain management in achieving the organizational objectives at Ezra.1.

Statistical crime reports

Robbery is an offense that is reported to the FBI through the UCR program, and demographic information is only tracked in the I-JCR system for arrested robbery suspects. The demographic information regarding the victim and the perpetrator should be compiled in the I-JCR reports in order to have a more accurate depiction of crimes, victims, β†’

Mark tremonti biography

This was spoken by Mark Tremonti, the lead guitarist for the bands Creed and Alter Bridge, who, over the years, has truly lived up to his words. This bridge separated the section where he lived from a more dangerous area of Detroit, and to Tremonti symbolized choice and the unknown; it epitomized the new life β†’

Ptsd in adolescents

PTSD in Adolescents Research Questions What are the events that cause PTSD in adolescents? H2: Risk factors for adolescents with PTSD are related to reaction of parents to trauma, severity of the trauma, and the distance of the adolescent from the trauma.

India now world’s #155 in ease of starting a business

The World Bank today issued its Doing Business report, which has pushed India's ranking of Distance to Frontier to 131 from a revised rank of 134 in 2015. The group projected startups in India to grow 2.

Lincoln electric case study by gradable 1

One of the external opportunities Lincoln has is investing in a factory in the country of Indonesia. The threats that Lincoln Electric faces Is the international competition and the technology that Is used for the welding products.

Communication assignment

In the end, Enrique takes his leave and offers to pay the check, but Mike takes it and states that paying the check is the least he can do as he is smoking and forcing them all to be passive smokers. After their meeting with Chris, Enrique and Jake make a plan for developing the β†’

Descriptive statistics case study

The only function of descriptive statistics is to provide the experts with the general information about the data under analysis. The brightest example of the application of descriptive statistics on practice is the analysis of the effectiveness of the basketball player whose performance is 20%.

God, are you there?

In the Bible, there are the rules in which Christians must live their life by, such as the Ten Commandmants, and other rules such as: You cannot play music that does not honour god You cannot wear synthetic materials A man cannot lie with another man Now, I am fairly certain that a large majority β†’

The possibility of time travel

The reason wormholes can exist is that there are gaps in space and time throughout all of the dimension of the universe in these gaps smaller than even atoms called the quantum wormholes can exist. Some people believe that there even is a possibility to use the wormhole to travel to a parallel universe in β†’

Jill s table case study

Develop commerce Strategy This would mean the Sill's Table must develop an online store that is linked to the existing website. There is concern that the loyal customers will be neglected and focus will be shifted to online shoppers, and the values of the company will be lost.

Case study on microfinance

Microfinance is the system of crediting which is aimed at the making of the convenient environment for the development of small business. Microfinance is a great help which is the basis of the financial well-being of the whole country, as every great business starts from a small firm and a small but wise idea.

The war begins

Initially in the war, both the North and the South had generous numbers of volunteers enlisting for the army, due to the prevalent sense of American patriotism, though the North had far more major advantage compared to the South. Furthermore, the North had a better advantage with supply productivity, able to send troops in the β†’

True knowledge

The other character is an aged banker, who is blinded by his wealth and easygoing years " The banker, spoiled and frivolous, with millions beyond his reckoning" [Chekhov 212], who changed and humbled in the end of the story by the generosity of the lawyer, and the enlightenment he sees in the man." When the β†’

Project 2: internship cover letter

My academic background is very strong, as I have completed the major courses concerning HRM as I expect a graduation date of May 2015. I am very interested in leveraging my education and leadership abilities for the significance of making a critical contribution to your organization.


Operations Management Historical development of operations management Operations development in business is concerned with the aspect of proper management of the organizations resources to deliver quality products or services. The computer age is one of the most important development is operations management; this introduced the use of computer systems in the running and management of β†’

Business value

How effective is the partnership between IT and the business at Hefty Hardware? Create a plan for how IT and the business can work collaboratively to deliver the Sway Store program successfully.

Case study: epiphone

Thanks to models like the Emperor, and the endorsement of players like Carl Krebs, this side of the business continued to grow along with Pinhole's reputation, to the point where the company's name was changed once again in 1928. It took the outbreak of the World War II, and the shutdown of US guitar production, β†’

Cisco is a san jose case study

The primary key issues facing Cisco in 2001 were that the software was not giving adequate information, the employees of the company overlooked economic factors associated with any business, and the company was trying to fill orders that were unsustainable. M Cisco was so blindly reliant on their previously excellently performing software that they were β†’

The app effect

In this context, the authors by using the word App effect are trying to describe the results or the expected outcomes from the use of mobile technology in the lives of individuals and the way business is being conducted. According to Mandel, the government of America is trying to improve the use of technology by β†’

Strategic management and executives

The third stage of strategic management process is the strategic choice. In tandem with this, strategic management is regarded as a process because of the reciprocals as well as sequential associated with factors that enhance the success of a business.

American airlines swot analysis

A subsidiary of AMR Corporation, the head quarters of American Airlines is in Fort Worth, Texas adjacent to the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport. American Airlines is credited with the introduction of the first true in flight meal services.

Creative class

Creative class is described as a socioeconomic class that is driving the economic development of the cities in the post-industrial age. The two major sections of the creative class are the super-creative core and the creative professionals.

Paraphrase the paper

Case study on Wal-Mart in South Africa The different merits and demerits that can be derived from Wal-Mart in South Africa can be studied through the application of the Eclectic model. Apparently, the firm is of the opinion that the expansion of the firms is based on the internal factors, ownership, and location.

Case brief: mercan systems,

The product was very successful in the market and it quickly expanded to nearby hospitals and bottlers of water for sale to consumer. We observe the same thing for Direct Sales we can see that in case of skimming strategy the estimated sales were 215 million INR and in case of penetration strategy it was β†’

Novo nordisk csr content analysis

2 Assessment The performance of this initiative can be assessed by calculating the financial savings for the purchase of renewable energy certificates and comparing the reduction in ICC emissions from Danish production sites before and after the partnership.2. 3 Recommendation Overall, the reporting on this initiative is in line with GRID standards and similar to β†’

Wonders of cinema

The carnival and the circuses showed extremely short and familiar kind of movies due to the lack of sound and poor graphics. Parlors carrying Kinetoscopes were a common sight and it exposed the public to the wonders of cinema.

Women & islam

To put it simply, Islam can be defined as the religious faith of Muslims, based on the words and religious system founded by the prophet Muhammad and taught by the Quran, the basic principle of which is absolute submission to a unique and personal god, Allah. The Quran does explicitly endorse some gender discrimination, such β†’

Procrastination 101

For students who want to become the best procrastinator you can be, here are some critical rules to follow: Procrastination does not mean do not ever do your work, it means do it later Students hold a perception that procrastinating means you are never going to do the intended goal, which is utterly irresponsible. It β†’

John d. rockefeller

His oil production grew to the largest in Cleveland and since then, he devoted the rest of his life to the oil game. John has had a good life and started the foundation to the Rockefeller family.

Csr case study

She is currently faced with the decision whether or not to spend money on new technology that will reduce the level of a particular toxin in the Newscaster that flows out the back of the factory and into a lake. The problem/dilemma in this case is that Claire is faced with the decision as to β†’

Case solution on abrasm company

ROI = Budgeted Profit Actual beginning-of-the -year net assets Where Budgeted Profit = Actual beginning-of-the-year net assets = total assets-current liabilities. Ans-2 * Company Management Control System was poor.* Company failed to minimize the cost and to control inventory level.

Teenage girls in dystopian literature

In modern dystopian literature, teenage girls are portrayed as strong protagonists because of modern girls' beliefs that they can make a difference and because of the author's desire to appeal and relate to teenage audiences. Since girls are usually the readers of the dystopian literature, authors write female protagonists in order to relate and appeal β†’

A white shingled house and “steep and lofty cliffs”

As the summers drifted by, I watched the flowers and the long grass of the field grow and die. The memories of the " beauteous forms" of the " steep and lofty cliffs" and the " waters, rolling from their mountain-springs" have eased the pain of solitude and more urban life in recent years.

Paper alms to analyze the communication styles

Because of the communication of the URN being aggressive it has evoked a passive behavior and communication style on the part of the AP. The goal of her claim was to dominate and hurt her manager which is a characteristic of aggressive communication.

Project report on fdi in india

One of the reasons is that foreign direct investment in buildings and equipment still accounts for a vast majority of FDI activity. FDI or Foreign Direct Investment is any form of investment that earns interest in enterprises which function outside of the domestic territory of the investor.

America the “great”

The Depression and the complex racial relations within the South form the historical context of To Kill a Mockingbird. The trial of Tom Robinson, in the book, is reflective of the Plessy vs.

The popularity

If I had to chose being popular or being unpopular, I would rather be popular because of being able to make bigger impacts and getting more friends. Last but not least, being popular would be better than being unpopular because you canmake a bigger impact and have more friends.

Our rights!

First right we have: The right to an education.- I am guessing most of us go to school. Our second right: The right to be healthy and safe.- If your guardians abuse or neglect you, then they are taking away one of the most important rights you have.

You 3rd celebration within the occasion you

When you have got this type of cowl, it will cowl all authorized charges and in addition any payouts that you could be be ordered to make in the event you are discovered to be lawfully liable. When you have got product legal responsibility cowl, the claims in opposition to you for hurt or damage β†’

Business intelligence with data mining

How to find the hidden information inside those data to ease the decision making Huge data are needed to be analyzed and there are some hidden informations in those data that could affect the decision maker in making the decision. Once the user want to analyze the data using data mining, the system will gather β†’

Sequential game theory of unilever business essay

The entrepreneurial spirit of the founders and their caring approach to their employees and their communities remain at the heart of Unilever's business today. Unilever NV and Unilever PLC are the parent companies of what is today one of the largest consumer goods businesses in the world.

Laura martin: case study

The differences between the regression analysis and traditional multiple analysis are that in a traditional multiples analysis we start off with an average multiple being calculated and from that we multiply to the target firm's forecasted EBITDA. Martin's regression shows the relationship between ROCCO and the valuation of cable and entertainment companies as defined by β†’

Supply chain

Supply Chain Management a) Supply Chain Strategy Performance Management In a business environment, supply chain is the main aspect which decides the competitiveness of an organization. One of the strategy in supply chain management is the performance management.

Master of arts in quantitative analysis for business

I have a desire to make educational and professional progress in the field of business management because of my huge interest in this field. Through the research, I have come to know that the name of university would be the most suitable university, which can help me fulfill my aim to get a high quality β†’

Case study- malden mills

The $25 million payment in payroll was bad for the company because it forced the firm to pay additional debt in the long run which raised the fixed costs of the company. A good aspect about the decision was that that company built a reputation with the government, private industry, and general public that helped β†’

Loreal case study

It is the one which helps the brand to occupy the mind space of the consumers by using the brand's unique Selling Proposition or Just Noticeable Difference NOD). This will lead to brand preference in the market.

Considers buying shares of nikkei, inc.

The cost of debt is simply the interest rate the firm must pay on new borrowings and this can be observed in the financial markets. COST OF EQUITY We have considered two approaches to calculate the cost of equity- The Dividend discount model and the CAMP model.

John adams, 2nd president of the united states

As mentioned earlier in this article President Adams was the first President to be a member of any political party. President John Adams was the father of future President John Quincy Adams.

Leonardo da vinci: innovator, creator, generator

However, one is forced to ask the question, was Leonardo Da Vinci a failure to the " Renaissance Era", or did the " Renaissance Era" fail Leonardo Da Vinci? This is why Leonardo Da Vinci is one of the most inspirational and influential people of his time.

Junior hitchhiking in spokane, is it safe?

Once Junior enters a vehicle, he is leaving himself vulnerable to the driver and the people inside the car in an isolated, confined environment. He and his family might be ignorant of the perils hitchhiking in Spokane can lead to, since Junior has been using hitchhiking as his main transportation without any incidents.

To what extend the online shopping effected the uk economy and what does it mean for future businesses in the uk

Conclusion From the findings, it's clear that online shopping in the UK has steadily grown across industries with no particular of area and service left behind. With 95% of shoppers going online, businesses in the UK should strive to compete in the online marketplace.

Selling executives on project management

In midst of the project, most managers forget that budget discrepancies in the beginning can accumulate to be problematic at the end. The Project Scope Management Plan provides all the information for the Project Management and ensures that the scope will be verified.

Apply the learning curve theory

The six sigma techniques and tools contain the ability of performing the analysis of cost and benefit. The major organization's role is to be profitable and succeed in achieving their targets.

External influences in business

By being given the opportunity to publicize the KEA incident they were able to further communicate their message to the public and to other businesses. The biggest disadvantage of working with technology like RIFF is the heavy investment and capital required for it to function in the market, which can amount to millions of pounds.

Samba case study

As the Samba's instructors deal with the consumers and followers directly, they serve as a representative to the community. Therefore, they need to be regularly updated and of the product and they rely on Samba for the branding.

Bjb business plan

Keep regular communication and feedback throughout the project; respect the committee's consideration and respect their values; and complete a project completion evaluation and reporting back to the committee." The stakeholders of BJB have high standards for our company and expect high expectations from the employees of BJB and need feedback from every level of the β†’

Ct angiography

This is due to the fact that information dealing with the research topic is in abundance. The other benefit is that there is no radiation which remains in the body of a patient after a CT examination.

Racial profiling: who gets it worse when the gavel comes down?

There is high number of cases documented when jurors are dismissed because of the relationship between their race and the defendant's race. Because of the high level of racism in the courtroom, there must be reformation laws of how jurors are selected, and mandatory minimums and maximums judges must follow in accordance to the offense.

Surviving an apocalyptic event

On the first day, I stay hungry and thirsty because I am afraid to eat the animal carcasses that litter the ground. However, the water has a nauseating smell, which I suppose is the effect of the gas.

Pick the right path

On tonight, my brother, Michael, keep talks and persuade me to join football so I felt my head start to enrage and madness so I yelled at him to shut up but he stubborn so I felt so overwhelm and many the problem in my brain like as office with ton of the paperwork on β†’

Dose spirituality have a place in the organisation when a manager is tackling issue such as sustainability

Institution: xxxxxxx @2012 Spirituality in Organizations The paper focuses on establishing the ways that the managers in an organization are dealing with the issues of sustainability through the spirituality in the organization. Towards a theory of spirituality in the workplace.

Essay on product development

This means that certain levels of product development could be sacrificed in order to ensure that a product is released fast in order to maximize profit due to longer sales as compared to products that are released later. A product that is developed more, and thus released later, could spell higher profit due to customer β†’

Why price discriminate

Price discrimination could lead to efficiency in the price levels of different commodities and could enhance competitiveness in the market. According to the article, price discrimination involves charging varied prices in different place and among different individuals.

Fight club analysis

It follows the life of the narrator that struggles with insomnia and feelings of inadequacy as he tries to find his purpose in ife. Her relationship with The Narrator is a metaphor of society and how it has feminised and gained control over men.

Seeking independence

On Sam's first night in the wilderness he is unable to make a fire and he shivers through the night with no food. He excavates the rotting wood out of a cavity in the tree with his hands and an ax.

Do we really need a brain?

The human brain is the central organ of the human nervous system that controls all functions of the body and interprets information from the outside world. In addition, the weight of the cerebrospinal fluid inside the student's head was barely up to 300g; this weighs up to approximately? of a normal person's brain, which is β†’

Technology changes affecting education free essay example

I was pleased with this opportunity; however, I found out it was harder than I expected. I found it difficult to learn with no one to go to for answers, except my parents and friends.


Essentials of supply chain management The evolving structure of supply chain In the current market world, each company in a supply chain usually focuses on its major competencies while outsourcing the remaining practices. Defining a company's major competencies The other factor to consider before participating in a supply chain is to identify its role in β†’

British airways

Lots vision was global, its culture was service-oriented and Its Image as" the world's favorite airline" was ready for modification teethe undisputed leader In world would position BAA for global brand extension, Yet, even though BAA had all the pieces of vision, culture and Image In place. The BAA case shows how dangerous it is β†’


The Protestant ethics and the capitalism spirit shed light on how the Puritan ethics and their religious ideas had an effect on the growth and development of capitalism. He also defined the spirit of capitalism to include the ideas and the spirit of an individual conducive to pursuing a rational economic gain.

A letter to my favorite author

I really cherish your novel The Virgin Suicides, because I relate to the characters, and it helped me come to a bittersweet realization. I needed to find a comprehensive truth in the darkness and despondency that was the consequence of my Aunt's suicide.

Summary bolivia corporation case study

According to this article, Viola's COOP told the analyst that Viola's contract with the Distributor had title change in Manitoba when it left the shipping dock, but the agreement between Bolivia and the Distributor provided that the title to, and risk of loss with respect to, the product would not passed to the Distributor until β†’

Rock essay

The cold wet touch of the snow was numbing on my hands when I twiddled my fingers together attempting to make a snowball for the first time. Right before I was going to go jetting out into the snow my mom pulled a small box out of her bag and gave it to me.

Osamu tezuka

He was treated and cured by a doctor, who the inspired him to want to be a doctor. He was unsure about whether to be a doctor or a manga artist, so he asked his mother.

Introduction to business law

So in regards to the buyers possibly expecting more, legally that would be a breach of contract so they can only expect to receive the amount the clause states for the repairs. It is only when one party is attempting to breach their contract that the moral and legal judgments come into play.

Acme comic

The office set-up Nas composed of nine persons namely: a General Manager who was also the owner of the company; an Office Manager who served as the recruiting officer, accountant and overall supervisor; a lawyer who acted as the company's legal counsel; five salaried salesmen who are directly under the office manager; and a secretary β†’

Christian temperance and prohibition

The aim of this paper is to analyze the subject of Christian Temperance and Prohibition in the American South. Without doubt, the subject of Christian temperance and prohibition is a matter that profoundly affected the American South region as most of the movements were in regions that covered the south of America.

Case study – living large

Their Job Is to constantly collecting viruses and suspicious codes to analyze the way they work and to find a solution to prevent these viruses form damaging the publics computer. Vincent Wafer goal is to have a predictable and well-defined process for dealing with the virus threats that are found.

Amazon.com case study 3

The first goal, of the founder of Amazon.com, was to be earth's friendliest company, second was to innovate in behalf of customers, and the third was to individualize the store for each customer. Bezos has not shied away from his goal so much so that he includes the first letter sent out to owners in β†’