Quality Business Essay Examples for Your Learning

History of the watermelon

In European history and culture, watermelon was mentioned in the Bible as the food the ancient Israelites ate when they were slaves in Egypt. By the 10th century, the Chinese were growing this type of fruit; to this day, the country of China is the single largest watermelon producer in the world.

Case study example

Second Recommendation The other recommendation would be for the firm to embark on an implementation plan to enable the top and middle level management to dialogue. In this phase of planning, the I.T.department has established the tasks that will be carried out to ensure success of the development.

Guy de maupassant and his two friends

The first topic, The Franco-Prussian war, is again the background story of " Two Friends" and was an influential part of Maupassant's real life. The Prussians wanted the password to the city, and the soldiers tortured the two men.

Flying the coop

Learning to walk, riding a bike for the first time, the first day of school, moving to a new city. The unfamiliarity of what is to come, is most likely always the shackles we bare as we trudge through life.

Basic business report

This means that a docudrama made about level 4 pathogens is not just " egghead stuff", the humanitarian side of the topic has great media value, even more so is the political side. There are also several fictional movies that have garnered success on the genre such as Epidemic, Andromeda Strain and several others.

Example of case study

Overview summary of the case -Pear is an electronics company Discarding their ideas Communication is poor Critical assumptions -There at least three members per team and there are several teams -Each members of the team have a basic understanding of common language -Members within team come from varied demographics Negative attitude toward younger people Satellite →

Case study anwer

She then decided to call the attention of the HRS manger of the capital for what seems to be a problem of motivation and work dedication of the staff. They failed to affect high morale to their staff despite their 83 years in medical service as his became evident to the staffs complacency and laziness →

Burberry case study

For the next five years, Bravo and her team are looking at the future of Barberry ND she emphasize in bringing the brand to the next level. This is to stir up a sense of hunger in the customers' mind and serves as excellent PR and to avoid ubiquity that is now facing by Barberry.

What is poetry?

I read that, and think " That is not the definition of poetry". Poets make the unthinkable a reality.


I like to set a goal in every class, I like the feeling when I know I completed my goal. I find it hard to not even hardly have time to look at the stars or have dreams because you are exhausted.

Executive summary

As a result, it would be essential to hire the services of GCS in order to save time and enable the office workers concentrate on other productive tasks. Although GCS is a new establishment in the region, it will ensure that clients receive professionalized concierge services that save time and resources.

Mental illnesses: when demons live inside your head…

This proves that the false accusation is that mental illness is someone's fault and that a person chooses to have it, when in reality they do not. That is not only devastating for the person that suffers from a mental illness, but it is for their parents as well because they feel like they did →

Industrial workers in canada

Introduction The history of North American trade union movements is rich given the impacts that the Industrial Workers of the World, made in the region. Proponents of the significance of the IWW argue that the organization made strides in addressing worker's needs at a time when the government was repressive, the employers resisted the formation →

Flying carrots

The whole bus laughed and so did I, after all it was hilarious. I came back to the bus and I was welcomed back with cheers from my friends.

Princess of diana: a biography

She was born on July 1, 1961, and did not have a name until Diana was three days old she was given the name Diana Frances, her parents gave her then name Diana because they liked that name, and they gave her the name Frances after her mom. Life after divorce Diana was upset that →

Effectiveness of motivational activities at tesco express in part time staff context

However, after understanding the effects of working conditions on the performance of the employees, businesses realized that motivated employees were likely to present a higher level of performance and commitment. In the recent past, experts in the field of human resource have been developing theories that govern the maximization of using the human resources.

Maple syrup case study

Maple syrup has been a cultural identity of Canada since Canada is the largest producer of maple syrup in the world. The purpose of this paper is to analyze why maple syrup is an absolute advantage in Canada and how Canada maintains this advantage.

Blades, inc. case study analysis paper

Blades would have preferred hedging their yen payable positions because the company was uncomfortable leaving the position open given the historical volatility of the yen. 5% of the price to be paid per yen if the option is exercised.

Major corporation

Coca Cola has also made sure that the type of water that released to the environment after use in plants is uncontaminated. The company also has a philanthropic arm that is put in place to meet the everyday predicament of its customers and countries.


Stuteley commented: " We now have the capability to give our users a much more consistent and higher standard of service regardless of their location; they all use the same software and have the ability to access their data from any terminal in the LFCDA. It gives us a ' helicopter' view of the system →

Cultural study report – south korea

1 BACKGROUND OF KOREA Korea's population is one of the most ethnically and linguistically homogenous in the world, virtually all Koreans share a common cultural and linguistic heritage. Over the past several decades, the Republic of Korea has achieved a remarkably high level of economic growth, which has allowed the country to rise from the →

Red badge of courage critical analysis

How Henry psychologically developed by the end of the book is often debated, where some critics say his mind matures and his thoughts are more realistic, whereas some critics believe he is as ignorant as he was at the beginning of the movie. However, this idea is debated, as, at the end of the book, →

The symbol in “the man who was almost a man’

In Richard Wright's The man Who Was Almost a Man, Wright uses the character's background in the story in order to get a feel for what Dave is feeling and why he is thinking the way he is. To Dave the thought that if he was able to bear a weapon in his hand than →

Analysis executive brief

They could also pursue a strategic alliance, in which they would grant a foreign company in the Asian market the authority to use MGM's marketing rights and development knowledge. The strategic alliance could be used to protect MGM's slim competitive advantage by using it as a learning alliance, where they can build incremental skills in →

Of severance/shapiro/warhane, w. r. grace

Grace affiliation Introduction The position was thatthe corporation has the obligation of knowing and taking into account the traditional and customary laws that apply to the patent of the Neem plant. I would agree with the writer that the Indigenous people play a big role in the discovery of the product and, therefore, the company →

Self-reflection paper

The major explanation for this is that as a non-native English speaker, I find it tricky and rather difficult to express myself in English, so I am quite vigilant to avoid most public events or activities to the best of my ability. However, my favourite are trading, directing, and I truly desire to become to →


The news about the disappearance of girls reached the king and Elizabeth and her accomplices were arrested but she was not executed since she was related to the king. He was partial to the boys and he made the girls his victims.

Ntm’s conflict with the french police

Analysis and the Consequences of the Song ' Nike la Police The beginning of the group was itself in controversy. The group also accused the police of turning a blind eye to the injustices that happened in the society and especially among the suburbs.

Frederick’s arguments

Douglas thought why the slave owners think it's okay for slavery and the thought of god cursing ham and thought since god cursed ham the slave owners thought it was okay to have slavery and that it's right." It will do away the force of the argument, that god cursed ham, and therefore American slavery →

The zero defect model

However, the disadvantage is in case there is a shift in demand of the goods the company is likely to face losses.7. The other manufacturing company that adopted Henry Ford's hypothesis is the Toyota Company which is one of the giants in the automobile field to date.

Lowering expectations

I believe this article affects me the most, being born with parents that encourage me to score perfect academic standards. And while I lack the courage necessary to speak my mind to my stoic guardians, know that every time success stares at me from a paper filled with check marks, I am secretly happy at →

A of morphing legal changes in china

One must be very careful and vigilant in dealing with other stakeholders and ensure that all transactions adhere to the ethical, moral, and legal codes of conducts expected of one's position in the local environment. Thereby, before sending any executives to China, I would instruct training, orientation, and comprehensive understanding of ethical, moral and legal →

Personnel planning and recruitment

The first ad evaluated is for the position of an AM Restaurant Supervisor start with the question: " What will it be like to work for this Hilton Worldwide Brand?". The second job ad for the position of a Management Assistant appeals to applicable interest by indicating that the job is available for both new →


The exploitation of sex as an object of knowledge is also linked to the devices of power. According to Foucault, sexuality was crucial as it has linked the politics of a human body and biopolitics of population.

Business memorandum

This document aims to highlight the significance of the various budget statements with the scope of making it much easier to provide structure for giving a company a sense of guidance towards a given direction and also predict cash flows for both short and long-term estimations thereby curbing periodic cash-related crunches. Case 2 evaluates the →

Contexts of development

It is very important for a researcher to be aware of the cultural diversities amongst the people from different backgrounds. This is due to the fixation it develops in a certain body organ at different times of its growth.

Learning to fly

That's how I like to think of myself; that I have grown my own pair of wings to overcome the troubles that have plagued my life. So, she talked to my father and set up the divorce agreement that I was to live with him until I graduate.

Panera bread

The strategy has led to the growth of the company from a small bakery to a global food chain spread across to 2000 locations in the US and Canada. By focusing on its competitive advantage, the company has maintained a strong customer loyalty due to its appealing ambiance.

War in iraq

The U.S.justified the invasion by claiming that the country had been hiding weapons of mass destruction also known as chemical and nuclear bombs. Although we have seen the ups and downs of the war, the increase and decrease of casualties and of course the cost.

Management communcation

In times of difficulty or stress in meetings, Japanese recourse to sitting in silence to release nervousness in the room and give room for people to move away from the difficulty. A Japanese group identifies the sources of problems in the firm and tries to solve it as a team.

Explain why mussolini took over abyssinia and why he might provide different explanations for this in the source material

Due to this economic downfall Mussolini was losing support, he knew he needed to find a solution to Italy's problems and in the mean time try to take the Italian people's minds off of their nations financial downfall. In source F his argument for invading Abyssinia was that an empire was what Italy rightly deserved →

What humor means to me

I believe this is the word that defines me as a person the best. When I think of humorous, I think of making people laugh, being a comedian, and being able to raise the energy of the room.

The business of fashion design

It is because of this, the nexus between fashion design and business that I now wish to follow up on my fashion design studies at the community college level with a complementary course of study in business. In this essay, I will more clearly elaborate on how my background in fashion design will assist me →

Two business a2 level critical path analysis questions

One benefit of Critical Path analysis to Balfour Beatty is that it always finds the shortest time possible for completing a complex project." The customer requested completion in 124 weeks but through careful planning using Critical Path Analysis, Balfour Beatty was able to plan the project for completion in 79 weeks. One difficulty of using →

The application of duality in a tale of two cities

In Charles Dickens' historical novel A Tale of Two Cities, duality is seen in the characters of Lucie and Madame Defarge through their complex emotions and behaviors as well as their defining actions. On the opposite spectrum, Madame Defarge not only displays a violent and bloodthirsty attitude in her actions, but she also makes it →

Generation limbo

My interest is to practice my knowledge and skills fully, within a career path that capitalizes on my personal, academic, and professional strengths.#2 The idea of limited job opportunities is evident in today's job markets. At the same time, the disparity between the rich and the poor is growing at an alarming rate, thereby making →

The self-actualization

In other words, physiological needs, safety, love and belonging and self esteem are the true recipes of the much desired self-actualization. The attainment of the goal that is self-actualization demands the presence of some personality traits in a person.

Understanding nature

Here specifically Emerson shows that he believes this indifference is a cause and effect of life. However, in a serene state of nature, one can find God, find peace, and truth.

Can justice determined by money?

Justice is the quality of being fair and reasonable; If justice is determined by money, then it will not be justice anymore. Eric Garner's family was one of those people wanting attention and money and telling others that they are doing it in the name of justice.

The okapi

This animal is the giraffe's shorter, and only cousin, the Okapi. Okapis also have cloved hooves and have the same gait as their cousin, the giraffe.

Triads in legitimate business in hong kong business essay

The reason for choosing the two routes is because the two routes both pass by the University of Hong Kong and also the destinations of the two routes also have large number of residents. After the examination in some of the reasons for the need of private protection, two case studies the bus service and →


Karl Harris, Ideal's head of e-commerce business development explained, " Some customers may never order via the web, but if they use the online service to search for product information, track their orders, view their account information and proof of delivery, that is still a success. Using e-commerce package, enfinity from Intershop, Crimsonwing combined the →

Obesity – case study and health promotion paper

Similarly, a systematic review by Protozoa, Summerdale, Cameron and Glassily compared the effects of a low fat diet to low calorie diet and low carbohydrate diet. Bob was presented with the literature findings on health risks and health promotion, and was encouraged to lose weight by diet, and involvement in more physical activities.


Bella and Hailey both talked to the Dean of Students saying we are still hungry and there is not enough food choices. Some people do not have enough time to finish their food.

A society with relapsing time

The dictionary definition is: the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole. In the town of Macondo, and also the lives of the Buendia's, the past, present, and future are intertwined.

Homework, beneficial or harmful?

I strongly believe that teachers should limit the amount of homework given to adolescents every day because the their health will be affected due to the lack of sleep, it can result to stress, and it creates a negative learning experience. I believe that homework should be fun and exciting to get the students more →

Cra international completes analysis of eu roaming

To avoid selling these services at a loss, the study envisages that operators would have to raise the retail price of domestic services for customers who wish to make calls while roaming. A regulation that results in travellers having to juggle two SIM cards would clearly undermine the European Commission's vision of simple, seamless communications →

Eagle mfg case study

On the 7th h of August the UP of operations made a comment about running out of parts for reduction in the staff meeting.G. Based upon the budget set caps for each section for spending and request outside of their set spending budget.A.


After Known for selling low-cost products to Moms which resold them under their own brand names Known for selling high-quality, Innovative products under theSamsungbrand Very little value placed on marketing and the Importance of branding Samsung greatly values marketing and it has now become, next to R&D, the largest expense on their books unable to →

Operational decision making

The final step is to total the weighted scores for each location and the plant that has the highest total should be the site selected to build the Lexus RX 330. In regards to this, the U.S.would rank a 4 and Canada a 2.

A lesson plan of oedipus rex

Within groups, they will need to come to a consensus of whether or not it was free will or fate that caused Oedipus to fulfill the prophecy Conclusion of the lesson: We will get a handout to a song that summarizes the entirety of the play. This classroom discussion would help you to discern the →

The importance of being literate

In other words, the ability to read, write, spell, and communicate effectively progressively encourages the development of the way people learn and understand the world around them. However, it is most likely more beneficial for schools to incorporate technology into a student's education in order to teach them to make better use of their resources →

School lunches and obesity narrative essay

8% of schools saw cost increases for the food they now have to buy to fit the new school lunch regulations. Other than the increase in school spending, one of the largest issues is the amount of plate waste due to the new standards.

Investment promotion ( jordan )

Often companies choose to establish a physical presence in a foreign country to take advantage of the demand for their product in the domestic marketplace. One of the most attractive features that Middle East countries provide to companies looking to invest in this region is a high availability of cheap labor.

Healthy people

The most important Determinant of Health to consider is Health Services, which are sorely lacking in many communities, and require further evaluation to ensure that the health concerns of residents are met as best as possible. These factors also play a role in shaping how community nurses respond to the needs of residents who require →

Stress for less

As students have more work to do, they lose their motivation for school because they can think that they cannot achieve their accomplishments, and this can lead to dropouts. If students have less homework, they are focused on fewer assignments and tend to do better because the amount load is not as overwhelming as it →

Business online

By creating an online presence would increase the number of customers and would give the business more opportunities to expand on its business. By doing this it has helped the business to reach most of its aims and objectives.

The case study of santa cruz

Santa Cruz Bicycles needed to identify its core competency and make changes to the company's business processes o achieve the company's goal of lowering the design process time frame. The in-house master builder provided the company with an important attribute in accomplishing its goals in the company's redesign process and also contributes to the company's →

Species displacement in the world

Although there are a wide variety of environmental crises to choose from, one of the most important and devastating is the loss of forest land and the modification of naturally occurring environments. This is happening all across the globe, ranging in severity from areas of the rainforest being destroyed at a rapid rate to a →

It’s all about the mindset

While striving for perfection, we fail to realize that the " mindset" we have in the process of achieving our goals happens to be one of the most crucial determinants of our success in any field. Consequently, people with a growth mindset are more likely to maximize their potential because of their belief in the →

Premium travel on the way to becoming a better serving travel agency

Premium travel is advised to consider providing additional travel packages to at least some of the most visited countries apart from the US and the EU that have been stated above. This will ensure that Premium travel is on the way to becoming a better serving travel agency.

Course work on polynomials

In algebra the definition given to a monomial and a polynomial is that a monomial is a product of positive integer powers of similar or different variables. When finding the product of monomials and finally distribution of property is used in getting rid of parentheses.

Business research skills group proposal

Research objectives The main intention of this research suggestion is to find out the impact of the social network of Bedfordshire University on the participation of various stakeholders in the social, economic and professional affairs of the University. This will ensure that a wide variety of people will be involved in the research.

Final project student survival guide

In developing an action plan for my future studies, my ability to use and find resources, ability to author my own work, knowledge of how to set attainable short term and long term goals, ability to budget my time, improve my reading comprehension and retention and my recognition of my individual learning style and personality →

Law and business ethics and social resonsibility

The way the drug companies and insurance companies are operating is unethical because these companies are operating against the utilitarian approach of ethics. Due to the malpractice of insurance and drug companies, the society is experiencing higher cost.

Applied research case study

These products were still the unit's core line, but in the late asses, new competition from Chinese manufacturers had led to a modernization of the business and an erosion of margins. ART's newly acquired filtration business had tried to develop the next generation of products and technologies, but after two high-profile new product failures, the →

Management accountability systems

The authors of the book have exceptionally employed the use of style that informs the conduct through verbal description to experiment the conduct. Throughout the narration the book avoids the use of the first person and construction than the earlier one.

Alt options for conception assignment

The ere is also a reoccurred called intrauterine insemination; which is basically artificial inseam nation and is used to treat infertility and help a woman reproduce. Step 4 is the process in IV called insemination, where e the sperm and eggs are combined and stored in a laboratory in attempts to be fertilized.

Scio consulting international, llc

GLOBAL OPPORTUNITY FOR SMALL BUSINESSES College: Following the increasing demand by firms to remain operational in the highly competitive environment, small firms have to fight for the market share in order to survive. In addition, small firms must conduct both macro and micro-environmental analysis to help identify the potential internal and external variables with the →

Prosthetics and their relation to disease

In my own research, it was determined that the most outstanding and effective approach to combating disease in prosthetic users and combating amputation in those afflicted with disease is the preventative approach characterized by the dissemination of information concerning living a healthy lifestyle. The real problem is the relationship that prosthetics can hold with disease →

Oscar wilde quote

One of my favorites is " The difference between literature and journalism is that journalism is unreadable and literature is unread". This is an amazing quote and statement because it shows to sides or perspectives to what the state could be.

Impact of finances on financial statements

IMPACT OF FINANCES ON FINANCIAL MENTS The management of a company is highly dependent on the control of finances in order to ensure there is an optimal mix of debt and capital in the company. The influx of funds also affects the shape of the balance sheet more as the balance sheet is responsible for →

Competitive landscape in commercial real estate

Both Tanger Factory Outlet Centers, a Greensboro, N.C.-based REIT that specializes in outlet center development, and Simon Property Group, the largest retail landlord in the country in both the regional mall and outlet center arenas, had laid claims to outlet center development sites in nearby Texas City, just 22 miles away. It's a very competitive →

Wall-mart is a giant in the retailer

In 2000, the main unethical of Wall-Mart shows in this case is the " off-the-clock work" that the employees were enforced working overtime In the Wall-Mart stores. This is considered unethical issue in Wall-Mart because the health cares that Wall-Mart provides to their employees are not fitted with a world- class company.

Linking competitive strategies

The results of the Hay study suggest that the staffing practices of top management be tied to the nature of the business because different aspects of business demand different behaviors from the individuals running them. Similar results illustrating the power of performance appraisal and compensation to affect individual behavior have been reported in the areas →

Terrorists: crusaders, criminals and crazies

When the security services know the nature of terrorists' behavior, they are able to decide how to deal with the terrorists. The aim of the security services is to prevent the terrorist acts.

The vice and virtue

My virtue is something many people have said about me, and it is that I am a very loving person. In addition to my love for people, I also have a con which is being very lethal.

Identifying long term trends slp

If the domestic currency is expected to appreciate, the financial managers of FedEx Corporation should undertake the global expansion program. In conclusion, it is essential for the financial managers of FedEx Corporation to consider the effects of the economic variables on the expansion plan.

Environmental changes

Natural gas is polluting the earth, so many things we have run off of natural gas, like the cars we drive, we burn the gas and it goes into the atmosphere. But with solar panels instead of natural gas, we harness the sun's energy and convert it into electricity to power our homes.

When will we move on?

President Obama has talked about utilizing all of the natural gas that we have here in the U.S.as an alternative energy source. It is mind boggling that many other countries are turning to better fuel options such as solar power and hydropower but the U.S.is still living in the past.

Term paper of business plan

If we postmortem the causes then we will get that, a healthy balanced diet is the one of the main reason of maintaining the good health. The restaurant will be located in a Baily Road.

Seniors preparing for college

Although the preparation for college is stressful and exciting at the same time, both Passon and Amann are still looking forward to the rest of their senior year. With the fun and excitement that comes with senior year there is also a lot of stress." It's challenging to try to balance work and school and →

Lucy pevensie, a heroine

Lucy also never stops believing in Narnia and is full of courage because of her faith, even if her siblings do not believe her, she has the courage to convince them. She's also a heroine for little ones, she shows them that they will be able to do many things in the future and even →

Analysing the introduction of king lear’s character in act 1of ‘king lear’

This indicates Lear's immature wish to revert to babyhood by the employment of the word " crawl" after his transition, while discarding his adult responsibilities and vexations. It heightens our knowledge of him as he uses " The mysteries of Hecate and the night" indicating witchcraft and superstition as we hear the force of his →

Nafta and mexican trucking

What are the potential economic benefits of the trucking provisions in the NAFTA treaty? Actually, both the U.S.and Mexico are supposed to benefit from the trucking provisions of the NAFTA treaty.2.

Hitler’s family

One of the most well known events of the 1900s, if not the most well known, was when Adolf Hitler and his Nazi regime began to take over the world and start what he believed would become one thousand years of Nazi rule. In Hitler's later years, some of his family would try to get →