Quality Business Essay Examples for Your Learning

Hr assignment for bp

A line manager, sometimes referred to as a direct manager, is in charge of functional and administrative management of the employees in their charge. Line managers and IT training are thus two different sections of a business, but that does not rule out the fact they work harmoniously in order to achieve the goals of →

The hr and business management book

The first part of the HR and business management book tackles the hiring process. The HR and business management book also explores and addresses the critical issues that affect employees.

Global talent part ii

GLOBAL TALENT PART II Response to Anderson I can really appreciate the challenge you went through at your formal workplace in terms of how difficult it was to invest in talent, given the fact that it was a non-profit organization. Response to Elgena The challenge you faced in your organization is a typical example of →

Employee’s role in employee development

This means that the responsibility of ensuring the achievement of the objectives must be shared between employees and the management. In terms of the measurability of the objectives also, shared responsibility is expected to be shared between employees and management.


Evaluation of the Leader Level of leadership The level at which the leadership is at level 3, i.e.authentic leadership. According to Kanna, Al-Maktoum has invested heavily on education as well on the development of knowledge within the region of UAE by grooming potential leaders within the private as well as public sectors of UAE and →

Challenges in the field of human resource development

With the new world ahead of us, will we be prepared to take on the new challenges that we will encounter? While we may not be sure that we are ready for them and some can be unimaginable at this point, we must recognize that at some point, the concepts that we once saw as →

Case study

Compensation management system makes the organizational systems transparent and induces a constructive and productive competition among the employees to make the best out of their capabilities considering their specific roles and positions within the organization. An efficient compensation management system inculcates a motivation in the less skilled and inexperienced employees to make the best use →

Ethical leadership in the context of the specific scenario

This is due to the fact that due to the ongoing process of globalization, business choices and decisions impact an increasing number of stakeholders. The goal of the present research is to critically explore ethical leadership in the context of the specific scenario a case study of a medical device company.

Manager/ employee comparison

The employees in the plant are not enough to meet the number of vehicles that are assembled through the line and the workers are forced to work extra hours than the stipulated timeline. The workers and the management should sit down and have flexible work schedules that looks at the interest of both the worker →

Communication 1

The significant others helps us to define ourselves and the patterns others create for us to follow. For example, the significant others help us to understand who we are, what makes us unique and the values that we possess.

Human resources contributes at sysco

The HR department plays a strategic planning role by collaborating with the company in selecting the right workforce to enrich the organisation and assist with organisation development and transformation. For SYSCO to receive the Optimas award for general HR excellence from workforce magazine shows that the company have complied with most of the existing regulations →

Overview of policies about employee relations

The motivation behind this code is to clear up the exclusive requirement of lead that is related with moral business and worker rehearses and to distinguish regions and circumstances where models may be imperil and to portray rules administering such circumstances. This set of principles depicts the essential benchmarks of conduct to control administration, and →

Selection tests: advantages and potential problems

For instance, selection tests may be accurate in predicting a potential employee's ability to perform the work, but they are not effective in indicating the degree to which the person will be motivated to perform the job. The selection tests are also not reliable in testing the anxiety of the applicant.

Legal implications for human resources management

Over emphasis of pay as a form of motivation is a major issue that companies face in regards to employee benefits. It has become evident that organizations need to de-emphasize on employee benefits as a form of motivation and in addition, there is a need for employers to deal with the problem of discrimination as →

Research brief

The major issue the various types of HRD interventions deal with are to provide solutions that are successful in attesting to the valuing of creativity in not only delivery but also in training design. Furthermore, another challenge observed in the practice of the HRD in organizations is the altering demographics of the in the workforce.

Filipino insurrection: compromise with america to win a conflict against spain

After defeating Spain in Cuba and in the Philippines in 1898, the U.S.purchased the Philippines, Puerto Rico and several other islands from the Spanish. The basic causes of the Philippine-American War can be found in the U.S.government's quest for an overseas empire and the desire of the Filipino people for freedom.

Ethical issues in social media

In the email, they required the users to log on to purported PayPal website and change their passwords only to give fraudsters critical financial details that left them penniless. Situational Crisis Communication Theory In the case of PayPal phishing, the organization dismissed the client for relying on speculation and this made the situation worse as →

Human resources management and cultural factors

Therefore, while entering into the Indian market, Starbucks must also adapt to HRM concepts and practices that are parallel to the Indian culture by keeping in view the social and cultural factors. This practice generally comes in direct conflict with the international HRM and can be termed as a vital cultural factor for practicing HRM →

Cost of implementation and time to adapt of hris

One of the problems faced by an organization to run the Human Resource Information System is the monetary value to leverage and execution of the system. Besides that, the challenge facing by the an organization is the time that employee and human resource department need to take to adapt the Human Resource Information System.


The five basic needs identified by Maslow include physiological needs, safety needs, love and belongingness needs, self-esteem needs, and the need to self-actualize. Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory is suitable to be used mostly because all human needs can generally be placed in one of the five basic needs' levels identified by Maslow.

Fired cia employee scenario

I am the Supervisor of agent Mary McCarthy who has confessed to leaking classified information to the media and I have been asked to assess her situation and determine the best course of action. I also need to determine what reasons the agency may have for firing me and not firing me and act accordingly.

The lilly ledbetter

The Lilly Ledbetter Act was one of the paramount bills the President, Barack Obama, signed after stepping into the office. At the time of the passage of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay bill to law, the Republicans opposed the bill as drafted.

The salary system

Case 2 The bank as to present daily registry, the contact form, the term of the contract the white employee is under that is, is she fully trained employee or is she under training, employee handbook procedure spelling chain of command within the bank? The decision that would that is appropriate, for this case is →

Job analysis / job description

JOB ANALYSIS/JOB Job analysis As a cleaner in a store of Family Dollar, I have to take care of cleanliness of store and keep it tidy all the time. The job of cleaner is aimed to keep the store clean and make it free of smell and litter.

Grassroots organizing intervention in relation to chicano clients

In the case of Chicano clients, as they place special emphasis on familial bonding, the mastering and honoring step will involve the family making the client realize his/her worth. The inclusion of these people will not only make the group more effective but also attract Chicano clients to join and work with them in close →

The importance of employees in marketing

It will also cover the basic concepts of marketing such as customer orientation, differentiation and the marketing mix and relate them to the role of employees in the organization. Relationship marketing and the element of human resources in marketing Recently, the concept of relationship marketing has been pushed forward as a replacement for the marketing →

Informative essay on human resources

In an organization there are many people or in other words we can say that there are a lot of group of people working together with the help of the corporation and help of each other because when you have to do work in an organization where there are many people around you there you →

Employment laws for business: religious discrimination

While LaTonya may be well-founded for claiming religious discrimination against her disposition, the grounds for inducing her to alter her practice is more reasonable regardless of whether the company tried to accommodate religious freedom or not. Yielding to her request may be destructive to the welfare or reputation of the company.

Human resource management discussions

In the approach, the WGA decided to remain silent in the negotiating forums; to this effect, the producers claimed that the WGA had decided to play silence. Fleishman, R, & Leary, R.

Collective bargaining

Collective Bargaining Agreements is referred to as a commercial agreement that is signed between the management through a representative and the workers Employees Civil rights According to Charles, knowing the employees civil rights is critical in the collective bargaining agreement. The constitution safe guards the rights of the workers and in the employment of workers →

Port authority transit corporation strike

Since these employees defied the law and went ahead with the strike, it, therefore, implies that they also went against the president of the US. Collision course: Ronald Reagan, the air traffic controllers, and the strike that changed America.

Gestures and body language in relation to human communication

However, the subconscious works in order to regulate respiration, blood circulation and heart beat and all of these functions along with others are critical to one's survival to say the least. The practitioners of Emotional Intelligence have the ability to relate physical clues with intentions, emotions and feelings of a person.

My leadership observations

Leaders must accommodate innovation and be flexible to diverse opinions from other leaders and their followers. I observed that leaders establish strong associations and collaborations with others to enhance their skills and competence.

Idiscusson board reply

They do so by implementing a legitimate and fair compensation programs that would see employees getting payments commensurate to the work done, pay for performance. Linking employees' performance to rewards will give the administration the best program to design salaries and wages.

Strategic sourcing – assignmet

What type of information are you hoping to elicit from the candidate? Berkeley, Calif: Boland Healthcare.

Intrapersonal conflict: reasons, effects, and ways to solve

Intrapersonal clashes can, some of the time, devastatingly affect the psychological cosmetics, a few people independent of ought to are totally determined by need, they have confidence in accepting circumstances for what they are thus are spared of the intrapersonal strife, other people who comprehend the significance of ought to frequently end up hesitant and →

University land deal

His primary interest is to come to an agreement about the amount of cash in order to sell off the three dorms so that he helps save the financial situation in the school before it gets out of hand. His sources of power are the fact that he is aware of $16 million dorm that →

Db1 strategic management of human assests

Whether company's success depends upon the contribution of its every employee, the mission statement gives them awareness of what the company's main objectives and goals are, what it expects from them for the realization of its targets and what benefits and offerings it can provide. To be the best food company, Nestle invests greatly into →

Strategy and solutions and leading hr essay sample

The map shows how HR is linked to continuous organisation performance and designed accordingly to suit all sectors and organisations of all aspects The architecture of profession map covers 10 professional areas and 8 behaviours and 4 bands of competency level starting from band 1 to band 4 for the beginning of HR career and →

Negligent training

Sensible consideration activities incorporate reviewing the office and its furniture and supplies all the time; screening representatives experiences and preparing and directing them; giving clean ranges for nourishment and drink arrangement and administration; establishing essential building efforts to establish safety; and making moves to maintain a strategic distance from a rehash of past mishaps by →

Emerging trends case study

Although, the Technical and Maintenance Council of the America has laid down plans to solve the problem, but still there is need to educate the public the importance of the program. The rise of trade school makes most of the students not to have vision of being a technician in future.

Freedom of expression in the workplace

Freedom of Expression in the Workplace The First Amendment of the United States Constitution guarantees the freedom of speech. Sutherland, Karen." Freedom of Speech in the Workplace: The First Amendment Revisited".

Organizational consulting

Consultant Firm Profiles PROXC Consulting PROXC Consulting is one of the world's leading consultation firms operating in Europe, the Middle East and Africa with the primary objective of bridging regional and global management strategy gaps. Consulting firms deal with a great deal of private information and one of the key ethical issues they have to →

Customer value by amway

The company's primary goal is to ensure that its clients get the right value from its products. This attracts the interest of customers and clients in the products and promotes the brand image.

Learning agreement

This will be the best opportunity to capitalize on his experience as well as maximize on the growing interactions I will have with other employees at the workplace. In the process of documenting these stocks, I will have to check on the environment of the stocks and make sure that everything is working as required.

Essentials of dental assisting

Hazardous Chemicals And Those Exempted OSHA regards a certain chemical as hazardous if can pose a health or physical hazard. Drugs that health care providers and pharmacies dispense for patient use are not included in the labeling requirement.


The information gained from the article is of great importance when discussing the effectiveness of teams in the project team. In addition, by learning that teams need to have effective communication and clearly defined roles and responsibilities will help in discussing the saliency of having direction and being objective as a team.

Employee benefits

The components of an employee benefit plan must be so designed that they attract and motivate the employees to work harder to achieve the benefits. It is important for the employer to determine what benefits are the most attractive for the employees, or how much they are willing to work for that benefit.


In order to reach the goals and objectives of an entity needs to hire employees with the appropriate qualifications. Entities need to develop environments that ensure development of harmonious relations between the management and employees.

Professional discipline

The expert discipline team and the Executive council in the behavioural division conduct investigations. Transparency Transparency is provided for in the disciplinary Schemes at various stages of the disciplinary process.

Coaching through change

To show their success, the undergraduate undertaking this program will be in a position to enhance their ability and improve the performance of the firm by analyzing and recognizing the strengths and weaknesses of the firm. The individual will also be in a position to set the required direction for their business and understand the →

Human resources development

In addition to these steps, close monitoring and supervision of the survivors are also necessary to ensure that they are making correct use of the organizational resources, though management may consider showing flexibility in terms of time schedule; making the employees sit in the office does not necessarily mean that they work full time. Productivity →

The team player style assessment

Diane is, however, a communicator with contributor style as the second dominant style. Collaboration is the secondary dominant style.

Db3 =employee compensation and benefit

In an argument by Hope & Fraser long term efforts on behavioral improvement are based on the ability of a management team to analyze the wants and needs of their staff and then generate a program that would permanently address these needs and wants. For instance, Hope & Fraser point out that the strategy may →

Effectiveness of alternative dispute resolution (adr) in the workplace

Effectiveness of Alternative Dispute Resolution in the workplace Effectiveness of Alternative Dispute Resolution in the workplace Annotated Reference List Ferdous, Syed Robayet.2014." An Empirical Study on Dispute Resolution Methods from the Perspective of Employee and Employer: Special Emphasis on Alternative Dispute Resolution ". This research was conducted in order to identify the effectiveness of ADR →

Db5 team and leadership

Among the main factors that contributed to the success of the team was commitment to the goals of the project, good interpersonal skills and interdependence among team members. According to Tarricone & Luca, interpersonal skills such as open discussions among team members, honesty, trust and respect are some of the most important factors that can →

Literature review on performance management

Literature Review on Performance Management Performance Management Performance management involves the process of clarifying and communicating performance expectation, priorities, and responsibilities to enhance mutual understanding between employees and supervisors. It involves setting and aligning of individuals' performance to organization's coaching, informal feedback provision, employee development, formally evaluating performance, strategic goals, and linking performance to rewards →

The prediction of a financial performance of educational institutions

To measure the prediction of the financial performance, the researchers integrate the concept of multiagent system and asyncronuos backtracking algorithm whose function is to look back on the processes of activities in each institution in terms of finance, and then compared from one institution to another. The workings of this algorithm is to calculate some →

Career development and counseling

This description is not to mean that work can be a career when a person serves as a nurse for ten years, and then as a hotelier for five years. For instance, work can be a career when one serves as a junior engineer for ten years and later as chief engineer for ten years.

Training and employee development

Training and worker development are basically functions of the training department that is under the human resource. The fundamental aim of training is to develop the capacity to realize and accomplish a company's aims.

Mba, human resources, finance, accounting

Hanoi Dairy Factory was built in expansion and market Hanoi as part of our Company's development strategy to cater to the market in the northern region of Vietnam. B A A A A B A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A FY2006 32 A n n →

Tesco and resources essay sample

In the Merit part of the assignment, I will explain how the management of human, physical and technological resources can improve the performance of an organisation relating to Tesco. Human Resources The management of human resources is very important for an organisation like Tesco; the management should therefore find the proper approach to their employees →

Hardee transportation essay sample

Implementation To implement a TMS system, Jim will need to find a TMS provider that operates to give Hardee the most for their money. With a dedicated fleet for Holmgren, Jim can be sure he retains Hardee's best drivers, allowing them to have a pleasurable experience.

Good essay about product placement

People tend to believe that the movie or television actor supports the product, thus, the credibility of the product itself has a multiplied effect on its sales. However, critics argue that product placement deceives the consumer by making him/her think that use of the product would make them in some way similar to the movie →

Report on a digital solution for a resort

A small resort can practically cut the cost of an entire department with the use of a software and computer. The General Store system can count mainly from the operations of two key persons on the front line the front desk clerk and the cashier.

Example of essay on the symptoms of affluenza

Affluenza is the set of values, which increase the vulnerability of people towards different emotional distress. In the developing countries of the world, the emotional distress of people has been increasing.

The rainbow café essay example

I have been going to it for years, ever since my parents introduced me to it when I was a child. Perhaps my love for the Rainbow Cafe is because it is real to me; it is not a fairy-tale place and it brings me back down to earth when I am most in danger →

Automatic water control system thesis proposal examples

The goal of the design system will be to reduce wasted water and the time that is required to achieve a desired water temperature, and, to protect children from hot water injuries.2. The system will reduce the amount of wasted water, and, the time required to achieve the desired water temperature.

Gopro marketing plan essay sample

We have to improve the quality and the versatility of our product with the new GoPro hero 4 out in October. We have to keep working on our brand image to be at the end of 2015 perceived by the entire customer as the best in the segment of the everyday camera, and the action →

Evaluation of michael dell essay sample

In 1990, Dell started selling through the retailers and abandoned the initial strategy of selling directly to customers and it went four years when he finally realized that it was a mistake. Dell initial strategy was to sell directly to customers and eliminate the markups of the resellers and build-for -order.

The relationship between love and business essay example

In Mark Twain's, " The 1, 000, 000 Bank-Note," Henry and Portia view their partnership of love and business as enhanced when they work in unison and achieve much greater financial security than if they worked individually. In the beginning of the story, Henry Adams describes his solitary existence in San Francisco in which his →

Total quality management: dominoe’s pizza essay sample

So the emphasis was put on the product or service where the owner, president or CEO would make decisions on how the product or service should be and pass the processing plan down to the different levels of management whom would then pass the plan down to the operating employees. The company decided what the →

Example of case study on 5 questions based on 4 case studies

In order for Juan to convince Richard to pay workers more, Juan should be able to tell Richard the challenges they experience as workers during picking of the coffee berries. Richard says that consumers in North America drink a lot of coffee, and they do not question whether the workers are getting a living wage.

The impact of the surging oil price on the us economy essay example

To best understand the resultant impact of high oil prices on the economy, it is imperative to explore the connection between oil prices and the economy of a nation. As it can be inferred from this complex relationship between the price of oil and the economic activities of a country, a change in the oil →

Example of use management science to analyse competitive restaurants report

This implies that the shorter the distance from the cinema the higher the price of food charged. On the other hand, the longer the distance from the cinema the lower the price of the food set.

Web site analysis course work

In order to easily identify the already visited pages in the website, the links change in color once they are opened. It is important to note that color use in any website determine the manner in which the users perceive the same.

Free essay on health organization case study: united healthcare

United Healthcare is a subsidiary of United Health Group, the most profitable health care provider in the United States. The organization seeks to improve the productivity of their health care system in improving the health and wellbeing of their general citizenry through the expansion of the access to quality health care and providing information and →

Example of essay on international sale of goods

The facts of the case are that Sven, the seller tendered for the transit of goods, the goods being 10000 cans of beetroot and 5000 cans of carrots. However, it is essential to note that Cecil cannot sue for the price since the property in goods had already transferred from the seller to the buyer →

Managing information technology essay example

It defines and analyzes data requirements necessary to support a business process as they support the development of information systems in sales, inventory, client and other quantitative data.- Describe the benefits of twisted pair and identify one incompatible application. It is helpful when one wishes to connect to the internet as it modulates and demodulates →

Free essay on firstname lastname

For instance, last year the installed wind capacity of the U.S.doubled with respect to the previous year. The most common approach to capturing energy is through solar cells, which are devices that incorporate a semiconductor material to help converting solar energy into electricity.

Blue nile

Blue Nile is striving to achieve this cost-based advantage strategy and be a top leader in the online retailer of jewelry.3. As the article explains, Blue Nile has developed a very successful business model offering competitively attractive prices and providing in-depth information on all their products.

Free online strategy essay example

However, pop-ups may or may not be helpful to some of the online customers depending on their needs as consumers of the business. In this writing, we recommend some of the strategies to attract online customers and as to whether or not pop-ups are recommended as inclusions of online strategies.

customer service recommendations report essay sample

6 Background The principles of the customer service system are as follows: Demonstrated customer focus: striving to establish an objective, research-based, clear understanding of customer needs and customer expectations maintaining product quality in terms of customer expectations and perceptions striving to meet and exceed customer expectations. Commitment of the organisation to quality customer service, all →

Essay on facebook has become part of our lives

According to Baumgartner and Morris, improvement in the world economy in the last decade can be attributed to the proper information dissemination mechanisms and the globalization which has been enhanced by social networking. A client is able to read and understand the personal believes and values of a potential customer.

Free essay on why should i be nice to you?

Coffee Shops and the Politics of Good Service" The concept of good service dictates that customers should always be treated with respect and friendliness, even if they do not behave that way themselves. While this makes sense on a professional level, Raine makes the point that, on a personal level, waiters should not have to →

Good example of research paper on consumer demand in food and beverages

OUTLINE: Significance of the tourism industry: Tourism is one of the significant industries even in present industrialized and advanced modern era - Role of food and beverages in the tourism industry Thesis Statement: Consumer demand for food and beverages emphasize on prevailing trends regarding quality, safety, price as well as culture and behavior of →

Example of the critique research paper

This scholarly article by the Faculty of Medicine of university of Tucuman, Spain seeks to analyze the depth of contraception knowledge and sexual behavior in high school students from diverse institutions of education. The scholarly article expounds the contraception knowledge amongst the high school going adolescents while the popular article notes the implications of switching →

Chapter 06 – financial strategy

CHAPTER 06 - Financial Strategy * Objectives and Goals * Financial not necessarily profits, but return on investment primary focus * Performance measure by return on assets the profit generated by the assets possessed by the firm.* Societal helping to improve the world around us * Personal self-gratification, status, respect * Profit Margin Management Path →

About us essay

Therefore, our main aim is to allow such Nepalese people residing outside with the opportunity to watch the Nepalese movies and also listen to the Nepalese songs, all within the comforts of their home. We also intend to stop piracy of movies and music with the assistance of our experienced entertainment industry lawyers.

Industrial foods; cause of diseases or not argumentative essay

This has further led to search of the food production processes and entirely the industrial processes that are involved in production of food; right from the raw sources to the finished product meant for consumption. The length of time that these foods spend in the fridges before sale also leads to the cellular rottenness of →

Review of angela mcrobbies article titled essay example

The paper will evaluate the arguments that the author presents, focusing on women and consumption as well as the feminization of the fashion industry. She also focuses on the predominance of women employees in the production of fashion products across the globe and the below par conditions that they work in.

Customer service

Purpose: The purpose of customer services is to enhance the level of customer satisfaction. All in all, having a satisfaction of customer service, listening to the customer, and also dealing with the complaints and being helpful is good customer care.B.

Project on customer satisfaction towards airtel essay sample

Bharathi Communication, is such organization that is the authorized dealer of Airtel in the city of Hyderabad, and the identification of the customer's opinion lurking behind on the dealer service, and has taken its significance. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The principal objective of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the current customer satisfaction of Airtel.

Good example of essay on the broadway cafe

Therefore, the owner will start the response by first highlighting the ethical, social and cultural values and behaviors towards children in USA followed by clarifying that the activity could not be stopped in any circumstances. The researcher will encourage an open line of communication with the customers and maintain an open forum on website by →

Admission essay on why i choose baruch

Well organized curriculums help me stay on the path to becoming an AICPA, and I have established a good reputation in the accounting society by studying at Baruch and communicating with the faculty. At the same time, I feel my experiences and interests would be a valuable contribution to Baruch.

Example of essay on about us

Whether you prefer scents that have the essence of nature - a touch of spice, the earthiness of woods, the breeze of flowers, a touch of the sun, the freshness of dewdrops and the zest of fruits, or carry an urban charm; you deserve a fragrance that matches your style, with richness blended in every →