Quality Management Essay Examples for Your Learning

Free essay on business

Supply chain has to be efficient, market responsive and operationally excellent. Riordan Manufacturing can also profoundly benefit from improvements in supply chain management system. First of all, by its modern definition, supply chain management is a practice of using web and other informational technologies to keep track of orders and delivery, →

Artificial the hot topics of today’s world.

Machine learning is rapidly growing and infiltrating today'sworkplace that could be related to various businesses of all shapes and differentsizes. Machine learning in simplest terms, is a combination of fields that includesstatistics, computer science, and information retrieval and this in turnteaches computers in recognizing various data patterns. Sentiment analysis isalso a hot topic in this →


Therefore, the lack of use vastly recognized understanding is associated to the reluctance of the textbook authors in the usage of " strategic management accounting". Question 2 There are different ways through which Chief Financial Officers determine management accounting innovation in an organization. Therefore, management accounting is necessary in the provision of →

Operation management essay sample

Productivity measurement is complicated by:- a.the competition's output b.the fact that precise units of measure are often unavailable c.stable quality d.the workforce size e.the type of equipment used 13. Henry Ford is noted for his contributions to:- a.standardization of parts b.statistical quality control c.assembly line operations d.scientific management →

Caterpillar’s organizational structure and culture

Caterpillars Organizational Structure and Culture Caterpillars Organizational Structure and Culture The regular monitoring of organizational performance is necessary in order to identify early any potential weaknesses or failures in regard to the organizational structure and culture. Stories like the one of Caterpillar are quite important in order to understand the factors that can influence the →

Pain assessment in non-communicating patients essays examples

They include the verbal way where the patient is asked to rate the scale of the pain he or she feels on a verbal scale from no pain to worst pain, observing the facial impression of the patient, and also using a numeric scale where the patient is asked to →

My sop to nyu review

My active participation In debate, mock trials andcommunity servicehad earned me numerous ward to which a honor given by international court of Justice Judge hold an exceptional value as I was not only chosen among 120 best legal scholars In world but only Indian to receive that as of now. My association with →

Employee reward and recognition systems essay sample

It further sets out to determine values, culture and reward systems that match the interest of employees in organizations. This paper explores to establish the following: How can reward policies and practices support the achievement of business goals; What are the key areas in which reward policies need to be formulated? Employees have the right →

Technology information security and risk management research paper sample

This is why there is a need to understand the risk management strategies that are used to minimize the occurrence of instances that can lead to insecurity of information. The following paper explains the issue of information security and the main principles that are concerned with it. Risk assessment is usually used to determine the →

Classical and contemporary management

Managers are faced with the conflicting challenges of understanding and motivating an increasingly diverse workforce, being open and accountable to a wide variety of stakeholders, planning for the future in an increasingly changingenvironmentand considering the ethical implications of decision-making. Nevertheless there is a basis of knowledge that was experienced in the years →

H&m: opening statement essay samples

6 Nov.2014. Blanchard, Dave.'Corporate Social Responsibility In The Supply Chain | Environment Content From Industryweek'. 6 Nov.2014. Tripathi, Salil, and April Streeter.'Cambodia And Bangladesh Briefing Challenges In Supply Chain Social Performance Of The Garment Industry'.

Quantitative methods for decision making

The description of the entire structure of decision is appropriate but it would have been better to have information on amounts of funds that are available to purse either of the alternatives. Generally, to arrive at the appropriate decision, it is important to employ different strategies. This is because decision-making brings into consideration numerous factors →

Case scenario business law assignment

While waiting for the dock manager to return from lunch, a vendor was attacked and robbed of his wallet and electronic chips he was delivering. Discuss what, if any, tort liability Bugs may have to the vendor and to the Bugles employees that were attacked. As such, the possessor or owner of the premises owes →

Monetary bonuses are one of the best incentives to encourage employees to increase productivity and profits essay

Monetary bonuses are one of the best incentives to encourage employees to increase productivity and profits. In Abraham Maslow's Motivation and Personality , the hierarchy of needs shows that those needs that money bonus's can buy are at the lower levels, that is the physiological needs, safety and social needs.. In practice this →

Permit and opening portion

She reemploy became the go-to to other people, and she was known for her charisma, and drive, we even tried to convince her to go to management, we wanted more people like her. She declined, and with that, still holding a positive attitude, she would decline and said management was only " baby sitting adults", →

Free business plan on regional manager memo

On the other hand, the mei will help me to communicate the change which includes the expected organization changes which may lead to the laying off of the IT staff. 4. The given memo is not appropriate for the scenario described because it does not pass the message to the audience in the right way.

New public management reform

To hold the public sector accountable in New Public Management reform, there is the use of market forces. This calls for the intervention of public managers to assist the public in educating them about their choices or options.

Monash college moodle

This unit discusses: the nature of managerial work in organisations; theories of management and their historical development; contemporary issues and practices relating to managing people and organisations; and key factors in the organisation'senvironmentthat impact on how managers and organisations work. This unit aims to develop your knowledge, understanding, skills and abilities in management studies and →

Managing leading change

Sur Transformational leadership and innovation in an R&D organization experiencing major change Introduction: The aim of the article was to study the effects of transformational leadership on change management in an organization and how teams of R&D can be influenced towards innovation in their outcomes. Leaders need to be effective not only in their performances, →

Essay on planning for security

The two books to be handled in our case are planning for Security: Principles of Information Security by Steven Covey and Mark Egan. The two books at a glance Planning for Security: Principles of Information Security by Steven Covey The text, planning for security offers a systematic approach on the concept of information →

Nissan not only optimized productions but was also

Nissan changed itsproduct line in order to be more competitive in the market, the company alsoimplemented a new model called " build-to-stock" or build-to-order model thatalso simplified its production while contributing significantly to a sale increase. This model offers the bestof both world to the customers from customoffers to regular line up which resultedin →

Contrast leadership and power

The powerful may and may not be in leadership positions but effective leaders have some power. When a powerful person rewards or pays the cooperative followers, he/she encourages goal-directed behavior and when such rewards are withdrawn or threats and intimidations are issued, the unwanted behaviors are discouraged while the desirable ones are encouraged.The powerful are →


Introduction The Dark Continent and the third world are some of the euphemisms used to depict the underdeveloped continent of Africa, home to numerous underdeveloped and poverty stricken countries. However, most of these resources are often exploited by foreign investors eventually resulting in a situation where the rich get richer and the poor continue impoverishing. →

The importance of supervisors using nest practices in handling drug selling in the workplace

Comprehending the best managerial practices to use in handling the challenge of drug selling in the workplace adeptly prepares me for the challenging managerial environment as well as imparts on me the ethical practices in the workplace. Position of the law The Controlled Substances Act specifies that it is illegal for any person →

Managing in sacred cows organization

This includes the process of change adoption and implementation. The overwhelming quest for a change in the organization, by James, has resulted in the attainment of conflict in the organization. Consequently, James has decided to engage all the stakeholders of Quart Limited into a forum, which will discuss the necessity of change in the organization →

Example of drug and society essay

These drugs are not the type of drugs that are usually deemed to be illegal or harmful to the body. Allowing pharmacists to renew the prescriptions or prescribe new drugs appropriate for them would give the patient a favor and decrease the burden for the physicians. In the British Columbia, specific limitations are made for →

Rational performance testing

You just will not be able to try the steps for yourself. The easiest way to access the tutorial environment is through the Rational Performance Tester online trial system created for the tutorial. Expand the Welcome to the Adventure Builder Reference application node. Here is where the advanced performance →

Customer experience analysis

No matter for the safety of nation and for the bank itself and for customers, it is necessary to keep the information and built a data base to save the information. It is a useful CRM strategy which can help to save the customer base and achieve the organizational goal.

Free essay on commercial cookery: looking at management of physical assets

In addition, the fact that it will be facing the main street junction will give it an upper hand over the other nearby hotels. The target market for the hotel will be particularly the locals and tourists. We will also target the clients who are after good food and in need of a fascinating atmosphere. →

Example of article review on employee development

Managers as trainer also enjoy benefit of being well aware of the capacity as well as deficiency on behavioral as well as skill aspect and therefore, must adopt methodology depending upon the need of employees. Hence, trainer being the most important aspect of training sessions rests with increased responsibility in case the role is played →

Selected companies in mumbai city management essay

To study the impact of planning on effectiveness of training by Bharti Airtel and Idea Cellular. Importance of TrainingPlanning for trainingKnowledge and skills required for trainingQuality of training ANALYSIS OF DATA: Telecom companies: Information from employees of the leading telecom companies is collected.

Strategic management

The net effect is that the company is able to rapidly grow and perform well in terms of finances. I think Starbucks preference of owning its stores is informed by its production strategy of selling its own products in a coffeehouse setting. It sells more than just the coffee and as such by owning its →

Nametutorclassdate of submission essay examples

The faces of the British appeared angular and sharp as opposed to the soft faces of the Americans. Jefferson proposed that the authority should run from the bottom and the union of states was necessary in order to run this government.

Organizing at dell computers

Dell has struggled to find its place back as a centre of technology. Michael Dell, the founder and owner of the company has undertaken radical measures to change its now sinking company. By identifying the challenges that led to the failures and counteracting them with positive reinforcements, Dell can transform his company back to its →

Hsbcs lending decisions and the subprime mortgage crisis case study examples

In the race to gain more customer base, huge financial corporation's overlooked many key factors which when cumulated, resulted in the financial crisis of 2007. Introduction The global recession that affected the global markets was mainly due to the defaulted mortgages. If HSBC had a solution to the problem →

Library management system critical analysis

Case studyComputerScienceDepartmental Library By MERCY OKEOWO 08710007 FOR THE Award of Ordinary National Diploma In COMPUTER SCIENCE Of MOSHOOD ABIOLA POLYTECHNIC AbstractsLibrary management systemis an aspect or branch of information management system that keeps the records of both the library users, books in the library and the activities that is going on in the →

Project management argumentative essay

The major purpose of the project management is to ensure a strategic system that helps in implementing the processes of the project. The concentration of this project is low in the start and increases as the project approaching end phase. Project management lifecycle will help the company in adding value the outcomes of the project. →

Why consider a career in sports management

Thus, it is only logical that Sports Management be one of the fast growing careers nowadays. Sports Management is a degree which enables one not only to enjoy different sports from the sideline but also to participate in it in a business perspective. In brief, sports management is a branch of education which leads to →

Oracle vs sap: which hr system is right for you?

These advanced and efficient systems are not within the scope of upcoming supermarkets and superstores in the UK and in other developing countries which definitely need an efficient, robust, simple and cheaper solution to manage the various core processes that come under the human resources management which include Payroll Management, Time and Labour Management which →

Cultural diversity in malaysia

People absorb culture through early process of socialization and the process carries over to the way in which they perceived themselves and the world. Some people agree that cultural diversity in the workplace develop our country skills and contributes to the growth.

Letter to machining load. according to these

He was the only GET among a group of 50 GET's who got selected in this vertical due to his interest & sound knowledge of subjects Engineering Analysis & Machine Design. At such an early age, when most of the graduate trainees are getting acquainted with the work-flow of an organization, his exemplary →

Report on business information system

The systems help introduce change into the running of business activities, developing an economic comprehension of how much information systems can impact several aspects and key aspects of an organization. Supply chain Management The supply chain management is the management of a network of intertwined or interconnected businesses whose objective →

Behavior management of exceptional children

Indeed, these weaknesses in the use of the IEP process and document planning for transition directly affect the implementation of transition services"(Collet-Klingenberg, L.L., 1998). It is theresponsibilityof the IEP chairperson - usually the special educationteacher- to arrange IEP / transition planning meetings for students at age 14 and older. The IEP notice to parents must →

The most useful tools for do-it-yourself projects

It is convenient and comes to use in almost any of the DIY projects. They are easy to use and can bring out the artist within you.

Managerial mistakes

Moreover, managerial mistakes can lead to litigation. it is important that employees understand the policy of the company and strive hard to stand by it. Misdeeds like sexual harassment must be treated appropriately so as to save the face of the company if eventually a legal redress is sought by the individual →

Business law assignment

The offer that he is intending to collect on was never actually offered to him as Otis did not change the sign in the allotted time frame given him by Scott as a part of their contract. The contract was breached when Otis failed to change the sign. As a result of this breach in →

Leadership style: case of nelson mandela essay examples

He took many risks and was courages and after fighting for many years and being sent to prison his vision for South Africa came to pass. Leadership. This essay is an assessment of different styles of leadership and uses the framework provided by Darling and Leffel to identify why the leadership style of →

Engines. the number of contacts for customers and

Use technology to manage information: Since managers have to useinformation through the process of planning and organizing organizationalactivities, they have to use technology to achieve this information and access it at any time. Theapplication of information technology in inter organizations are as followsInformationtechnology improve competition, as there are some relations between different business associates or →

Ethics skit summary

The CEO had very little connection to the productivity mechanisms that were in place that promoted falsification of reported hours worked and the management had no incentive for improving the efficiencies and moral fiber of the sales team. In summary, integrity and ethical behaviors in any organization requires the CEO to lead by example.

Describe 297) heart failure is defined as

Hypovolemic Shock is the most common type of shock,." In any emergency, the onset of shock shouldbe anticipated by assessing all injured people immediately the underlying causeof shock (hypovolemic, cardiogenic, neurogenic anaphylactic or septic).must bedetermined. Hypovolemia is the most common cause".Cardiogenic shockNursing management of the hypovolemic patient is to preventshock monitoring for fluid deficits and →

Employee’s task and responsibilities

Drucker states, " Every failure is a failure of a manager," while every success of the company is also the success of the manager. It is given that a company has various activities, plans, and routines, and it is the task of the manager to divide the activities so they become manageable and →

Database query optimization term paper

In Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Principles of Database Systems {Atlanta, Ga).. ACM, New York, pp. In Proceedings of the ACM-SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data.


The potential of private water production and delivery in the US A. Probable drawbacks of privatizing water production and delivery The entire discussion in this section will be based on the idea of Perard in comparing public and private water delivery. A.

Time management for dummies ebook free for a limited time

You will find out how to eliminate late nights at the office and spend more time with yourfamily, friends, or even just yourself. Note from the author : Time Management For Dummies is about using your time more effectively to create greater results at the office and at home. Note that in the →

Managing and leading people essay examples

They dictate on the levels of power and authority, norms, and values of an organization. They control the levels of power and authority, standards of behavior, and act as a reference in decision making.

Discuss how standard costing is used in management planning

Firstly, a strategy that best satisfies the objectives of a company has to be selected. Therefore, a budget that relates to the entire activity of a company and to forecasted future revenues and expenditures has to be prepared.

The planning systems and processes for public events management essay

This research identifies a gap within the literature in relation to the actual planning processes and systems that are utilised by both Event Organisers and stakeholders and the resources that these systems and processes requireTo address this assumption, a number of interviews, a focus group and a questionnaire were carried out with participants from the →

Japanese management system

The major variance between the previous changes and the current changes is that the current changes have altered Japanese basic economic structure, social structure, and devout structure that had been supposed to be practiced forever. During the past decade, Japanese economy had grown in a substantial way and Japan's annual GDP [Gross →

Good example of research paper on political science

What are the Types of Ethical Predicaments Encountered in Public Personnel Administration? Types of Ethical Predicaments Encountered in Public Personnel Administration3 Common Ethical Dilemmas3 The Context of Ethics4 Administrative Discretion5 Constitutional Prerequisite6 Ethical Predicaments in Administrative Discretion6 Corruption7 Ethical Predicaments in Corruption8 Other Types of Ethical →

Good managing strategic change case study example

Thus, it is critical and decisive for businesses to continuously evaluate the business environment and initiate change to manage the situation and changing business environment. This report presents an analysis of one such organization, Wakewood, that is facing several issues, and the organization needs to initiate change. The strategy discusses important aspects such as leadership →

The articles of confederation and how it led to our current constitution essay example

Under the US constitution, it is the people of the country who are called sovereign, and this sovereignty is, through the separation of powers, divided into roles of authority that exist at both a state level and a central government whose laws supersede any conflicting laws within a state. There did not exist under the →

Ciy hotel assignment

7 % Lack of progression and promotion of talented youngsters Whilst the Hotel has some Issues, business has Improved and It has expansion plans as well as plans to tackle the areas Identified. They plan to: Open an extension by adding a further twenty bedrooms Run a training scheme Review wages to attract netter trainee →

I. presently diversity designates to way much

Currently the managers are accountablefor preeminent employees and catering to the needs of customers who are diverse. Managers in the organization or higherofficials in a business are responsible for maintain and safeguardingdiversity management.

Jack greenberg, inc.

There should be a written agreement to specify rights, duties, and obligations for each member, the auditor should read those documents for further information. One issue that faced the auditor is to understand the attitude of each member, the risk of manipulating facts can be existed due to the close relationship. Prepaid →

X teams

In such a situation, an organizationcomplies with all preventive measures should there be a disastrous event resulting to loss of life, damage to properties, or injury to its personnel. Unity within the organizational personnel encourages sharing of ideas hence enhancing creativity resulting to innovation and inventions.

Effect of communication barriers and overcoming these barriers

These barriers interrupt the flow of communication from the sender to the reciever, thus making communication ineffective. Overcome barriers to communication within the organization to ensure the free flow of information between sender and receiver and for effective communication among employees.

Project managements assignment

The technical side facilitates to understand scope, define the requirements, shape the boundaries, ND allocate the technical resources of a project in an effective way. Weights are critical because those numbers is the only aspect to arrange personalization amongst all criteria. As seen in the example b, a slight change in the weight of →

Good essay about stages of conflict and conflict resolution strategies

The first stage of the conflict process, hidden/latent conflict, is a pre-stage of the conflict itself because at this stage, no conflict has occurred and it is not a guarantee that one will occur. The fourth stage of conflict, manifest or overt conflict, is the phase during which action is taken by one or more →

The changing interaction of finance information and technology case study examples

The major things that IT managers will have to do differently when Sarbanes-Oxley becomes fully implemented and effective On 30th day of July 2002, The Sabarnes -Oxley Act of 2002 whose intention is to give protection to investors through enhancement of accuracy and dependability of company revelation made pursuant to the laws of →

Integrated cad and design for six sigma system (dfss) for product design essay

Recent Six Sigma trends lie in the advancement of the methodology with integrating to inventive problem solving and product design in new product development. How well various players in the product development team design/model, analyse and defining the workflows for the components are based mainly on how well the captured and accessibility of customer requirements →

Human motivation and the hourly worker’s job performance essay

Human Motivation and the Hourly Worker's Job Performance Introduction and Work ScenarioThe purpose of this short paper is to examine a scenario where motivation becomes a factor of performance and success. For the purpose of this paper, motivation will be discussed with the following scenario in mind. You are an hourly employee at a →

Global outsourcing expert sodexo

In the case study, the issue of flexibility in employment has been well elaborated. Flexibility of work schedules to the employees such as the flexibility to meet the family needs, personal obligations and life responsibilities has hampered employees' career progress in many companies. This may be very dangerous because employees not be innovative and think →

Organizational design and culture

The major source of this revolution is the growing realization that strict tight controls, greater work pressure, more clearly defined jobs, and tighter supervision have, in the last number of years, run their course in terms of their ability to give organizations productivity gains. The development of an organization's structure is integrally related to the →

Analysis of biogen idec and nhs shetland management essay

However, the local hospital and community service provided from the Gillbert Bain Hospital. Analysis of Biogen Idec and NHS Shetland Performance management strategy is an important role for Biogen Idec to produce more qualified employees to growth with the organization. The balanced scorecard is a performance management system that can be used in any →

Chris bilton’s book, management and creativity: an analysis

In fact, he claims that, " Contrary to the myth of the self-motivated, creative worker and the ideology of neo-liberal management, managerial intervention can play a significant part in the creative process.". Definitions of creativity are comprised of various components such as the ideas of duality and paradox, the combination of different ideas into new →

A critical analysis of the improper usage of social media in online organizational critical thinking example

This paper will focus on the use of the internet, particularly the social media, in online organizational reputation management. Exploration and Critical Analysis of Social media Usage in the Context of Online Organizational Reputation Management For starters, reputation management pertains to a host of activities and processes that are aimed at not only influencing →

Six blind men & elephant

With a balanced score card, management of the modern business becomes easier and takes shorter time. The customers, employees and manufacturers are all satisfied by how the balanced score card makes business relations easier than before.

Transformational leadership in sianguna highschool

Interviews contained in the report evidence that there are a lot of e-mails, messages, memos are passed prior to every meeting thus are just part of the additional costs that the school has to suffer. Thus by the time a decision is reached the same may be too late to pass upon urgent matters. The →

Mla annotated bibliographies essay

It studies the crisis of child mortality from the perspective of a prolonged struggle for the need to control Afro-Barbadian families found during the slavery period. The article shows the significance of kinship relationships during the times of slavery and provides an important link to literature of freedom.

There relating to individuals, including the obtaining, holding,

In the EU, there are two legal systems, the European Court ofHuman Rights and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union , when we leave the EU we will only be leaving the latter. Because of the changing society it is necessary to haveprotection of the right to private life as →

Investment & portfolio management essay

There are different kinds of interest-bearing instruments, depending on the issuer of the instrument, the lateral the issuer has for the loan, its maturity and the details of how and when interest is to be paid. The yield is usually the interest rate paid to the owner of the security.

Analysis of the different terminal productivity measures management essay

Some respondents noticed that there is fluctuation in the level of productivity due to vessel's variation and structure and also due to minimal participation of management team in operation process.4.1. 1Findings from the survey shows that 54% of respondents agree on the fact that the ratio of containers loaded against unloaded ones affect the level →

Unilever overseas holding essay sample

Payment Department is also called APV. The purpose of this department is to make the arrangements for the payments of the factory liabilities. According to the Personnel Department of UPLR.F., there are things which are common between workers and machinery of the organization.

Organizational management

Below is ananalysis of the motivation theories that explain the behavior of employees of Perfect Pizzeria. The equity theory The equity theory makes a comparison between the reward potential to the effort that is expected from the employees. According to the equity theory, the employees consider their potential reward, in addition to, the reward →

Free evidence law essay example

The impropriety that was relied upon by the police is considered as a manifestation that there was failure on the part of the police officer to follow the common law principle that arrest must only be done as the measure of last resort. Pursuant to Section 99 of the LEPRA, the law provides →

The importance of global leadership and understanding other cultures

Large corporations today seek to have executives with global mindsets and close-cultural leadership skills because of the diverse differences in culture in various parts of the world (Javidan, Dorfman, Luque, & House 2006, p.68). However, there are a number of challenges facing the efforts to develop global mindset and cross-cultural leaders.

Understanding data analytics, its application in accounting and embezzlement audits and its benefits and drawbacks

Data Analytics Report What is Data Analytics? Generally, data analytics refers to the techniques and processes used to examine large sets of data and identify patterns, trends, and other insights which help businesses to make more informed decisions. The first step in the data analysis process is knowing where the data is coming →

Personal project for class project management

The purpose of taking this initiative is to revolutionize organic farming, and promote it once again, and invite farmers to opt for organic production. 2. The second step will be to run pilot scale project, followed by nationwide scheme for the Sustainable Organic Farming. 6.

Nursing care study assignment

The care given to ' Mr x' was evaluated under the patients nursing notes. Health concerns were identified as a result of assessing the patient under the Roper, Logan and Tierney model of nursing.' Mr x' had a waterlow score of 15 therefore he was at risk of pressure ulcer development. He was on peg →

The stress level between working and unemployed mothers in kajang

It is because they believe in order to achieve a stable financial and happy social life, they must have a successful career. On the other hand, from a recent study by Swati Chhabra has concluded that women have to step out of the home and find a job as she cannot fully depend →

Strategic choices for coca cola company

Retrieved Dec 24 2011, from http://www.thecoca-colacompany.com/citizenship/challenges_opportunities.html The Coca-Cola Company.. The coca-cola company.

The market for intenscare product

Presently, MedSys Company has is the leading distributor of the IntensiveCare product in the market. Since the product is the most ambitious project in history, MediSys must have the largest market compared to its competitors. Nature of the market structure The nature of the market for IntensCare product is perfect competition.

In future state of a business process in

For SAP PLM or anyother management application, depending upon modeling objectives, differentprocess perspectives are considered to select best suitable modelingmethodology and a tool that can fulfill current and future business requirements.1. 1 Purpose of Business ProcessModelingBusiness process modeling is a tool to describe the end-to-end business process and not a performanceoutput. Besides the description, process →

Economics case study case study example

External consultants can be brought onboard to shed more light to the employees as opposed to the managers themselves as they may be biased in their discussions. Question 2 Before reading the case Kevin Sparks could have tried highlighting the advantages of implementing the new policies. The management →

Group and team

In reviewing and comparing the elements of each definition, one could deduce that the main distinguishing factor that differentiates a group from a team is the mutual accountability in a team as compared to individual accountability in a group. In the article written by Katzenback & Smith , the authors identified four distinct elements →