Quality Management Essay Examples for Your Learning

Business law conditional acceptance assignment

The court held that there was no binding agreement between both of the parties only they had condition to the agreement where one party does not accept it. In other words the both parties was in a negation stage. The court decided that the document on May 1 was a binding contract cause they had →

Netflix strategic analysis

Smart televisions are getting better and every TV will eventually have Wi-Fi and applications, and will eventually be cheaper. Netflix continuously increases its global internet network as a result of the growth in technology. Considering these initiative, the company's position in the next five years will be able to increase its market share because it →

Being a woman in a man’s world essay sample

In this paper we are going to look at what it takes to be a woman in this society where men dominate. The biased division of gender roles is the most detrimental perpetrator of all the bias that has been in existence against women. The gender role description should be →

Example of challenges of becoming a master manager essay

The main problem encountered is ideological difference, which is a common phenomenon among learners. Chapter ten of the book' leading the learning organization' form the conclusion of the book thus offers the whole book summary in brief. Since great ideological dynamicity exists in a learning organization, the outcome of the command toned orders is a →

Managed care

Managed Care Summary The managed care system was prominent within the US healthcare service providers since the middle of 20th century. It has been apparently observed that with the increase in the demand for managed care services, a series of development within the system of managed care can be witnessed.

China numerous reports on how to change

Washington has recently suspended military aid to that country. The instability in Afghanistan threatens the OBOR's flagship project -the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. A military base in Badakhshan is an importantmove to demonstrate Beijing is ready toexpand its presence in the country. Beijing has a trump card the US lacks thecooperationof Russia and Pakistan.

Case management ant treatment plan

The treatments will be overseen by the case manager and consultations will be conducted with the client's therapist and the community addictions center if intervention or changes in program are needed. One of the most critical for the intervention is the establishment of support groups for the client to facilitate monitoring and →

Leadership and ethical decision making research paper examples

Usually, one makes the assertion that the two roles are coterminous and that the people holding the two positions are similar. The two are distinct institutions that fall within the same province in many organizations. While a manager is an executor and implementer of policies and decisions, a leader is the formulator and decision maker →

Main body essays examples

Cadbury elaborated that boards of directors are liable for their company's corporate governance, whereas, the influence of shareholders is to induct the directors and the auditors and to get self-satisfaction from the existing framework., in the context of Australia proposed that the liability of a board is to confirm that the corporate management strived for →

Nurses legal responsibilities essays example

This paper seeks to explore the legal responsibilities of the nurse and those of the employer in regard to this issue. Understaffing results in a high nurse-patient ratio and, therefore, it is the legal duty of the nurse to avail care to as many patients as possible.

Management critically endangered in 2008 by the

Hand rearing is the last resort and is not encouraged due to infantsneeding to bond with their mother and the rest of the group, however sometimeshand-rearing is the only option for the health and safety of the infant. Hand-rearingtakes a lot of time and the infant needs to be reintroduced to the family assoon as →

Management practices of the transport industry

This makes the company famous and raises the sales and production of high quality vehicles. For some years the company has gained fame for the quality of the vehicles produced and the way customers are handled and responded to. Authoritative leadership holds the organization to the management and it discourages innovation since →

Implementing innovation in organizations

IMPLEMENTING INNOVATION IN ORGANIZATIONS Significantly, the idea of competing among other activities in the business world has affected corporate innovation practices; in fact, most of the organizational leaders and management teams are unaware of approaches to implementing innovation in organizations. Nonetheless, different people have dissimilar concepts on how to implement innovation in an organization and →

Example of organization personal statement

The grace and rhythm of the salsa becomes a part of the dancer's soul and this was a major step towards self-development and confidence building for me. Football is a team sport. I believe the Western world is aware of and concerned about pressing environmental issues than Asian countries and this is something I would →

Is management science or art essay

' There is no universally accepted definition of management as an activity due to the variety of approaches to the theoretical background of the subject'. Many people have defined management as they understand it or based on the perspective with which they view it. In order to have a good understanding of management one →

Employee portfolio motivational plan

She wants to excel, prefers to work alone, and is extremely driven to accomplish tasks. Emerick Peace Emerick has all the qualities of any organization's ideal employee. He is motivated to achieve, wants to be in control, and also has a propensity to identify with the group.

Opininated response to peer commnts

I agree with you that often companies do not take full advantage of the virtues of diversity." Diversity is a business reality, not just a slogan on an HR poster". I agree with you that when companies make the mistake of ignoring diversity it diminishes the overall success of the business.

Td for web testing and the most suitable

It enables the tester to useunit testing, functional testing, GUI testing, regression testing anddistributed testing. Test-complete is used for web applicationtesting and desktop application testing limited to Windowsapplication. So in general it is a good tool but specifically- wellit depends on the specifications. Finally, all testing tools have their strengths and weaknesses or limitations.

Recruiting, screening, interviewing, testing and selecting employees

The process of outlining the job descriptions involve assembling of a team of people representing the best qualities of people currently holding the dockets (Lussier, Kimball & Lussier, 2009). Methods of screening candidates Interviews These are the methods deployed by the interviewers to extract or meet a given objective. On completion of the →

Error avoidance in post modern/complex adaptive systems assignment

Beyond this each employee should be individually taught by their supervisor, so they understand their part in the operation of the organization. This also helps the employees to know different levels of management in their department as well.

Introductionleishmaniasis, are available for the diagnosis of leishmaniasis(schallig

We have developed in the present study a species-specific L. infantum LAMP assay for the diagnosis of clinicalCanL using the cysteine protease B multi-copy gene astarget. The sensitivity and specificity of the LAMP assay hasbeen also compared to IFAT, PCR and microscopic diagnosisof L.infantum which has been used as a gold standard

Letter of inquiry

I am a very interested in such a position because [qualifications or related work & interests/bulleted type lists of qualifications if possible]. I am currently employed at [name of organization] as [title of position]. Or alternately: I have just finished my Bachelor's degree in the Multidisciplinary Studies with concentrations - Mechanical Engineering, PackagingScience, and Management →

Consumer behavior case analysis

The other consumer problem that exists is the issue of the role that the ride plays in the HOG event mix. That is a positive thing for the company.

Essay on human resource in a multi-racial society

These are: Discrimination based on gender: A man, a woman or a transsexual person. Or discrimination on marital status: Single, married, separated, divorced or widowed. Or discrimination based on age especially as an employment criterion. Or discrimination based on family status: Pregnant, a parent of a person under 18 years or →

Good managed care essay example

In addition, the managed healthcare system responds to the social economic needs of the society. As a matter of fact, the policies control the use of the resources available preventing over-utilization of the available resources.

Employability skills assignment

I am committed to giving children the best learning journey that I am capable of giving and teachers need to be committed in providing the best for their students. Throughout my university studies I need to be committed to my studies in order for me to graduate. There are some employability skills I do need →

Frequency spectrum management

The FCC and the National Telecommunications and Information Administration shareresponsibilityfor managing the spectrum. Because there is a finite amount of spectrum and a growing demand for it, effectively managing the available spectrum is a strategic issue for the FCC and the NTIA. Economic objectives relate to ensuring that spectrum is →

Liner shipping

The era of explorations European expeditions Discovery of the Americas The Suez and Panama canals and other canals/waterways changed the course of shippingIndustrial Revolution Increase in trade Newer markets and opportunities Large-scale shipping lines only became widespread in the nineteenth century, after the development of the steamship in 1783. Seafaring communities could be found all →

Business management assignment

Purpose The purpose of the Business Management IA paper is to give you an overview of what happens in the business world, and more specifically how a business is managed. The tutorial matter is obviously only an introduction to what management is all about, but we trust that you will gain sufficient insight, from this →

Example of essay on building teams and resolving conflict

Another characteristic of the high performing teams was the ability and commitment of the members to support each other in their activities and duties. The challenges faced by the teams were embraced with a team spirit and the effect of a success or a failure was to all the members.

Team building activities

According to Isaacs , it is a tendency for teams to choose their own rewards so that teams can keep the spirit of teamwork. The best way to implement this method is to give each team a lump sum and let each team decide how to divide the rewards.

Free term paper on recycling of plastic goods using municipal waste: innovative business idea

The third factor to be investigated relates to the market prospects of plastic recycling business, the customers, and the selling price based on production cost and transportation. One must know what types of plastics can be recycled easily and profitably to venture for a recycling of plastics industry. Regularity of supply of waste plastics is →


They ventured in the U.K.in 1980's and the U.S.A.in 1976. In 2012, Aldi was seen to pay the U.K.a tax of 30 million.

Сhange management

Section 1 Demonstrate your understanding of the background to organisational strategic change Discuss models of strategic change There are a number strategic change models such as the evolutionary model and, currently popular, the sustainability maturity model you will need to briefly describe →

Example of water, xeriscapes and native plants essay

The urban areas in the south are also prone to floods to the flat terrain. The management of ground water is was not a major issue of concerning southern California because rule and regulations have been put in place to manage the ground water in the most appropriate manner. Water pricing in Southern California was →

Good case study about diversity management in addressing racial prejudice

As increasing globalization bring together people from different background and races who are required to work together towards attainment of common objectives, diversity training as applied by organizations seek to address the racial prejudice problem by promoting acceptance of different races and groups within workforces and the nation rather than focusing on changing people's →

Why we need management essay

Control- The answer to a profitable organization is the skill of the owner or manager to control operations. In addition, this theory focuses on an impersonal side of business. Employees and managers should not allow friendliness and personal interactions to become involved with the organization.

When i got curious as i was alien

Getting my hands on the pastels to drawstreetscapes of countries to secret gardens, mandalas and symbols, little didmy mom knew that I would pursue my passion down to a fine art. Ever since I wassmall, I was art and part of my sketches. The undulations of the city were beautifully and meticulouslyincorporated in the exoskeleton →

The designed to handle the printing and avoid

When designing the feature, the codecould be added on to one of the existing classes, but this would violate thatthere is only one reason for a class to change. In these cases, the first andsecond classes, our input and calculation classes, should only change ifadditional improvements are needed within that functionality. Determining the one single →

Wolfgang keller at konigsbrau-tak

This shows when there is a change in formula or the brand. Distant management style of Brodsky does annoy Keller and he points it out. Keller is not supposed to fire Brodsky, as finding a replacement would be much harder and expensive than working on the current commercial director.

Human resource management

Human resource management has become essential for a number of reasons, among which include the existence of competitive pressure to dominate a market, the ever changing nature of the economy as well as the complexity of the labor market (Samson & Daft 2005, p. According to an article published in the magazine The Economist, The →

Free research paper on women inequality in today’s world

Retrieved December 11, 2013, from http://blogs.hbr.org/2012/07/being-pregnant-is-the-least-of Martin, S.. Retrieved December 11, 2013 from http://www.thenational.ae/news/uae-news/education/emirati-women-beat-the-odds-to-become-leaders-in-higher-education When the Boss is a Women..

Ethics and legal considerations in strategic management

Clinging to the old technology has begun to impact the functioning of the company. Our goal is to provide the best in the realm of service to our clients.

Example of quality management assessment summary essay

In this context, quality management refers to the part of management that is concerned with policy of quality as well as the production function of an organization. Within the context of healthcare, technology has a great impact in the quality of services and products that are produced in this industry.

The role of managers in their organizations

Managers at all levels and in all departments whether in small or large organizations, for profit or not-for-profit organizations, or organizations that operate in one country or throughout the world are responsible for performing the four functions which are planning, organizing, controlling, and leading in order to achieve the organizational goals. Efficiency is a measure →

Psychological nursing research paper samples

Today, that is not the case, people with mental illnesses reside within the community making it vital for mental health care nurses to be trained for the need of integrating the mentally ill into the society and reduce the stigma attached to the mentally ill. Today, that is not the case, people with mental illnesses →

Sam 445 unit 1

Managerial Accounting Managerial Accounting According to Weyandt, Kimmel, & Kieso , managerial accounting is a process that identifies measures, analyzes, interprets and communicates information that seeks the goals of an organization. These are decision-making, planning, directing operational activities, and controlling. Planning Planning as a managerial function in accounting perspective ensures efficient communication of the →

As type of data. whether it’s an vehicle

Many businesses have made the switch from paper forms to mobile forms, but how are they getting the most out of this? Whether it's an Vehicle Tracking Mobile App or a Fire Inspection Mobile app, in order to truly maximize the idea of Mobile forms, you have to be able to a) make the form →

Relationship of supply chain and lean in water companies report examples

It is done by pulling efficiently and effectively exactly what is needed to meet the needs of the individual customer. As in other industries Lean is used in water segment to improve operational optimization, facilitate energy reduction for treatment of water and waste-water, lowering the maintenance cost and increasing the treatment capacity. There are many →

Life cycle of the service industry

This essay seeks to describe the service industry at each of these stages regarding demand for technology, products and competition. At the introduction stage, the demand for the service is low because not many people are aware of this industry. The competition is intense- there are price wars and exits.

M6a1-question 2

This means that the effective leaders should at least empower other organizational members who will be in a position to make use of the power given to them by furthering the vision of the leaders. 2. It is the use of power in doing and knowing what is right while in leadership.

Essay on healthcare program manager interview

This is a course that has made the manager to be aware of various management strategies that ensure the good performance of the branch. Tricare health program is a program under the ministry of defense. Whenever the employees need the services, the manager is the person to refer him/her to the place where the service →

Week 5

Hence, it is first important to understand why the manager is avoiding conflict before confronting them. With the exception of the above two cases, an employee must confront the manager if a conflict is being avoided. It is only when an employee trusts the manger to act in the best interest of the employee that →

Impression management

If you can not be you then It Is not worth the headache. There was also a time, when I went out to a gathering to meet up with ladles from different parts of the city, when I arrived I Immediately went Into discussing my achievements, and sharing Jokes that did not seem →

Family business article review

Article summary The article by Roberts Michael and John Davis emphasizes the importance of entrepreneurship in the management of family businesses. The article provides two main reasons why families should encourage entrepreneurship in the family business in order to stay in business.

Good literature review on smart water networks (swan) – water quality

Finally, the paper will explore the potential and challenges in implementing these technologies and the way forward in enhancing water quality management in water distribution networks in enhancing water security. Literature review A number of literatures have been written concerning smart water networks. It is a system that is useful in the management of →

Stereotyping problem case study example

Who are the stakeholders in this situation and how are they involved or impacted by this problem? The particular stakeholders of this problem are; doctors, patients, families of patients, and the management of healthcare institutions. The management of the health care institutions would be blamed by patients and their families if the patients do not →

The vision of the globally integrated enterprise

The various compensation, rewards and incentives programs designed By IBM have facilitated the organization to draw quality and skilled workforce and maintain workplace satisfaction of the existing employees. Furthermore, the benefit programs of IBM have facilitated the organization to profitably respond to the rapidly altering market and industry trends.

Key elements of project management

At the end of each phase (phase exit/ stage gate/ kill point), both the key deliverables and the project performance to date are reviewed to 1) decide to move to the next phase or not and 2) detect and correct errors cost effectively. The project life cycle defines the beginning and the end of the →

Importance role of human resource management business essay

The functions and the patterns of human resource direction are the independent variables that determine the success of operation a transnational company.1. 0 Aims: To look into on the functions of human resource direction in runing transnational companies. Unarguably, labour is the most of import plus in carry oning a concern. The ground is the →

Performance appraisal system

This chapter deals with the Title of the study, the Need of the study i.e.for what purpose the study is actually carried out, the Scope of the study, the Objectives of the study, the Various sources of data collection, the Study instruments used for conducting survey like Questionnaire, Interviewetc, the way the data is analyzed, →

Free report on homeland security

Understanding the Threats, Vulnerability and Consequences HOMELAND SECURITY ORGANIZATION Strategic National Risk Assessment The United States Homeland security system is a complex environment with opposing necessities, which must be impartial to incentives and effectively administered by safety, security, and threatened by a selection of resilience nation. POTENTIAL DISASTERS AND BUSINESS DISRUPTION →

Mayos theory of management

In total, in order to integrate the workforce with organizational interests, managers must consider the employee as an inevitable element of the organization. In the view of Hindle, a manager must give much focus on cost and efficiency. At the same time, a manager has also en ethical obligation to his employees. Works Cited →

Good critical thinking on leadership style flexibility

They should also take into account consequences of their decisions to people and the organization as a whole. Data shows that there are general ways to implement different leadership styles and still be effective. It is evident that any leadership style can be effective as long as the leader understands and knows when and how →

W.l gore & associates essay sample

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is often times displayed in the shape of a pyramid, with the basic needs at the base of the figure and the more complex needs at the higher levels. Gore, the magnitude of the work load would be unparallel, given that the company is one of the largest of its kind.

Changes in species composition or diversity

Changes in Species Composition or Diversity Name: Course: Date: Changes in Species Composition or Diversity Species richness is part of the composition of species in a given habitat. As part of studies in rangeland inventory and monitoring, species richness may be used to give definition to the presence of diversity of species of given →

Techniques for total quality management

One of the aspects of total quality management is that the decision must be based on data and not on the management's wishes. However, no techniques can replace the systematic approach of the total quality management process to create a quality company.

Apples directional strategy

While the organization has recently suffered the setback of the death of company founder and CEO Steve Jobs, there remain a strong number of organizational elements in place to ensure the corporation continues its growth and success. In these regards, it's necessary for the company to implement their consumer access as permitted in this software →

Organisation, people and performance

In addition, the test reveals the candidates' independence and responsibility. 1. 7 Graphology This involves the use of handwriting to measure work related behaviours and personal characters.

Guideline for making manager resume

In theeducationsection of your resume, list the schools you attended, the degrees you attained, and any special awards and honors you earned ; In descending order, beginning with the most rent education ; If not yet graduated, indicate " Diploma in Integrated Events Management Candidate 2013" 4. Highlight your strengths →

Sample essay on expectancy theory

This essay seeks to examine the three elements of the expectancy theory in relation to the managerial motivation towards employees. The three elements of expectancy theory include - expectancy, - instrumentality - Valence Expectancy Expectancy refers to an individual's belief that working hard will bring the desired level of performance. Motivation based on this →

Essay on marie is worried about her health which of the following would increase her risk

Type A behavior 4.aerobic exercise People who are self-confident are 1.less likely to be disturbed by adverse events. 2.better able to function in spite of pain. 3.more likely to follow medical advice when they believe it will work. 4.all of the above Which of the following focuses on muscle tension to →

The 4-player model for building healthier team behaviour

Also, by combining ideas from both inside and outside the team, they can pick an alternative to act. Balancing Act Balance between these four core acts regulate the health of the team. This also provides a route for positive change in the heart of team function.

Organizational behaviour

Employee's choice is the base of the success of the implementation of all characteristics and methods of the team, not only in virtual terms but in these cases managers have the option to choose people that they consider the best to be part of the team. These main guidelines in my opinion will be very →

Apology and compensation for wrongly delivered order

Besides, due to the expenses incurred by the Club and resulted in unexpected inconveniences, the corporation's management has also decided to replace the poor growing grass patches. This is by planting the required course's grass coupled with ensuring it has grown to maturity and to the prior expectations of the Club's management.

Casino management

So, the bad news is that as floor employees, you are going to have to step up your ID checks. In order that we continue to have the friendship of Foine Auto Parts, I am taking this proactive step to inform you that ID checks are our new top priority.

Teaching plan for pain management

NURSING PROCESS TEACHING CARE PLAN SUPPORTIVEDATA Objective: DX-UTI & possible urosepsis, Hip Fracture, and fall during not a candidate for surgery, CHF Buck's traction applied Assessment: Limited mobility, SOB, confusion, does not want to get out of bed due to pain & fear of falling, Meds: Hydrocodone 7.mg/acetaminophen 325mg 1 to →

Are farmlands in danger? essay

Thus, since the latter part of the 20th century up to the present day, Americans have learned and assimilated into their way of thinking concepts such as fastfood restaurants, fast cars, suburbs and highways. These are just part of the modern lifestyle and these contribute to the chain reaction of events that exerts enormous pressure →

Create a crisis action plan

As such, this paper seeks to discuss the measures that can be implemented in order to handle the crisis of sexual harassment in the organization. Managing crisis in an organization is a process that requires a holistic approach by the responsible authorities. According to Armstrong , there are mainly four stages that are involved →

Transformational leadership: an in support of this model of leadership essay

The shift created by the introduction of transformational leadership theories ". ..has rejuvenated the field of leadership, moving leadership research out of the doldrums and attracting new scholars and constructs to the field ". This model, developed by Bass & Avolio , " assesses the Full Range of Leadership model, including laissez-faire →

Good example of corporate executive essay

Through the involvement of the ethics and corporate governance that also includes the shareholders and the local community the executive plays a role in their accountability where he has to control decision making processes requiring that they are made with ethical standards that both safeguard the company's reputation and thus ensure constant growth in their →


Leadership at Apple under the guidance of Steve Jobs has set a foundation for Apple to learn from setbacks and to learn from these setbacks. Over the course of six years, Apple has consistently asked its HR professionals and leaders what were the top challenges of Apple Inc.and tell the management about the ' leadership →

Stroke care management and pressure ulcer assessment tool

Student Number: 21127187 Module: Assessment and Therapeutic Care Management Module Code: AN 602 Assignment Title: ACase study: Stroke Care Management and Pressure Ulcer Assessment Tool Word Count: 3296 Date Submitted: 11th January, 2012 Thisacademicwork aims to present a clinical case study of a patient who is diagnosed of cerebrovascular accident , also called →

F&b revenue management

Kussh Raathi " Submitted in Fulfilment of the Requirement for B.A.in Hotel Management" THE UNIVERSITY OF HUDDERSFIELD, UNITED KINGDOM July 2010 food & beverage revenue management: implementation at ' the westin hyderabad mindspace' july 2010 DISCLAIMER This is anacademicendeavour does not necessarily reflect the view of IHM A and/or hotel chains discussed herein →

Business law assignment

Stanley hired Cohen, a mechanic, to appraise the condition of the car, and Cohen said that the car probably had at least 50, 000 miles on it and probably had been in an accident. In spite of this information, Stanley still thought the car would be a good buy for the price, so he purchased →

Human resource management organized labor today

Topic: Human Resource Management " Organized Labor Today" Identify three key historical events that have shaped the current labor-management landscape Labor unions: Labor unions have played a role in the management of human resource. It has given labor unions power and increased the importance and role of human resource managers in an →

Inventory management

The need of inventory management is highlighted in the book. The author presents the types of inventory management.

Basic concepts in quality planning and management

1 Components of Quality Customer Quality of Design Product Features vs Customer Requirements Requirements Performance Quality of Specifications Sales and Marketing Product Specifications vs Product Features Quality of Conformance Features Product Product Characteristics vs Product Specifications Design Manufacturing Quality of Performance Product Characteristics vs Customer Requirements Specifications Quality Management Slide 3 of 35 1.1. Quality →

Ethical dilemma in accounting and finance

In this essay, I will address a personal experience, describing an ethical dilemma that I faced, and how I resolved it. In the early period of my career, I worked in one of the accounting firms. Immediately the senior manager stated the request, I declined initially. The argument of my senior manager was that if →

Historical example of labor supply and demand

The impacts of the Great Depression varied from one region to another, but the common denominator is that the overall results were devastating. Economies around the world suffered stock market failures, an aspect that negatively affected the labor market among other sectors of the world economy. Moreover, the persistent decline in labor demand led to →

Recommendation for a spreadsheet to be used by the project managers

Recommendation for a spreadsheet to be used by the project managers By: Spreadsheets, in addition to other business-specific calculations, are mostly used in financial, mathematical and insurance modeling. The ratings are then compared to determine the most appropriate tools to be used by the company. According to the total score above, OracleOffice is the recommended →

Store opening project

Fitzgerald, CEO Acme Home Improvements,[email protected]Com Project Objectives: Deploy Acme's capabilities to meet the commercial and private construction market demands in the Mexico City area. Expand into international markets to meet the competition head-on and eat them, not only at home, but also abroad. To open this store within a year, Acme will →

Free essay on leadership

This approach diverted the focus from understanding characteristics and qualities of the leaders to the behaviour of efficient leaders. Therefore, the style approach discusses the actions performed by the leaders towards their followers in multiple contexts. The style approach describes that leadership consists of two broad types of behaviours: task behaviours and relationship behaviours.

Working with the new millenials

The new generation of employees, born after 1981 and more commonly known as members of the millennial generation, can be motivated by assessing the characteristics of these employees and what needs and drives satisfy them at work. Overall, HR professionals should be able to discern the strengths and weaknesses of this generation in terms of →

Political science course work

He is Commander in Chief of the Army and the Navy of the U.S.which means that he has the power to authorize soldiers to go overseas and subject to approval by the Congress he can declare war on another state. As the Commander-in-Chief the president can also appoint top-level military →

Reflection on course paper

As part of the reflection paper therefore, I am going to discuss and scrutinize some new ideas and perspectives that were learned as part of the readings, writings and discussions on the course that was undertaken. The studies showed that one important reason the leader must be the one who influences his people with his →