Quality Management Essay Examples for Your Learning

Personality testing

Due to this fact, the introversion trait of my personality can be hidden in a social situation. Managers are required to have skills that can allow them to develop good relationships with their employees. However, the assertive trait of my personality can negatively affect the way I relate to employees, as it would not allow →

Empowerment & strategic workforce management

First an organization should make sure that the attributes that are being developed in the employees are in line with the culture and objectives of the organization. As a result the organization will be in a position of improving the contribution of its employees to the achievement of the organization's goals.

Example of creative writing on job application’s essay

Q1: Which qualities & skills do you possess that make you suited to the role to which you have applied? After reading the requirements for the intern position in your organization, I am confident that I have the relevant skills and vast experience applicable to the organization. Additionally, I believe that working with a →

Business law scotland : trust assignment

Trust deed : A trust deed is a legal document that defines the trust such as the trustee, beneficiaries, settler and appointer, and the terms and conditions of the agreement. Trust distributions: A trust distribution is any income or asset that is given out to the beneficiaries of the trust. A trust →

Training techniques for managers going oversees essay

Field experiences: They provide a view that is deeper of the values, behaviors and customs of the host country. These experiences are valuable, as they give the employee a preview that is more realistic of what they expect in their international assignment. References Tung, R.L..

Hw6 mgt

The third factor is the popularity and it contains 2 points. Step 4: Alternatives all the alternatives are hypothetical. Alternatives Ease of Access Medium of availability Popularity Total 1st research paper 4 (because of not freely available rather we have to sign up and then →

Managers essays examples

A manager has to exhibit a Sense of Commitment. A manager has to display a high sense of dedication for others to follow. Organizational commitment and Organizational culture Organizational commitment.

Strategic management

The workers are made to corporate in the work place to ensure smooth work flow in the organization since shared productivity is key to any success in a company. The company has also decided to create fair business environment in the society. The organization would have hired mixed workers so that the inexperienced can learn →

Hr business partners

They also help to do this by having the right Training curriculums to help enhance employee's current skills or provide them with new skills that are in line with the businesses activities which will help in time improve the company's capability and functionality. They also help in the design and guidance of creating incentive plans →

Problem: braintee industries

With a successive decline of 10% and 18% respectively, management should admit that there is a problem and it is their job to do something about it. To determine the cause of the decline, I will first make an organizational assessment to determine why the company's sales had declined. Change will enable the company to →

Example of research paper on health care organization code of ethics

Administrative, policy, and ethical issues Description of issue and its impact on the population it affects most. Arguments or facts used in the article to support the proposed solution Ethical and legal issues reported for your proposed solution Ethical and legal issues reported for administrative intervention Explanation of managerial responsibilities related →


Having good negotiation skills can help a person obtain better deals and influence the behavior of others in different situations. A lack of communication can be a barrier that hurts a negotiation. A second component of communication that can facilitate the negotiation process is having good persuasion ability.

John m. keynes and the keynesian economics theory

Keynesian theory emphasized the importance of government intervention in the country's economy to regulate the economy positively and has seen significant usage in the US economy. The approach was different from the previous free market approach to economics supporting the idea that the free market would lead to the creation of jobs in the short →

Andrew carnegie (u.s. steel originally carnegie steel )

Andrew Carnegie (US Steel- Originally Carnegie Steel Company) of the Management of the Concerned April 9, Andrew Carnegie (US Steel- Originally Carnegie Steel Company) There is no denying the fact that the unique management style of Andrew Carnegie was pivotal in the success of the US Steel. As in the initial stages of his career →

Methods of integration as leadership tools

There are three types of integration namely: forward/downstream vertical integration, backward/upstream vertical integration, and balanced vertical integration which incorporates upstream and downstream integration. The focus of the paper will be on upstream and downstream vertical integration. Vertical integration is a situation whereby a company dominates a market by controlling the steps in the production.

Free argumentative essay on the amount we pay for waste is appropriate

As such, PAYT employs a polluter-pays approach to waste management and thus the costs paid under this scheme are appropriate. Charging higher fees for larger quantities or volumes of wastes raises awareness among communities on the need for improved waste management as well as provides an economic incentive to households →

Self assessment in memo style

Therefore, in this paper, I discussed my strengths band weaknesses of communication that would allow for my consideration after the interview and formed an action plan for improvement. Strengths I am usually a quick learner, and I believe would master the organizations processes faster. I am also an honest person, and I believe to →

The link between management and the system

Hout, he presented two interesting ideas that will make the readers contemplate whether or not the success or failure of a corporation depends solely on the management or to the different factors beyond the control of the management. The Management There are people who are trained to be high-quality managers. Will the →

The component of the talent management pipeline management essay

Thus, we are going to observe the concept of the Talent Management from various perspectives, including critical analysis of the components of the Talent Management and the effectiveness of their implementation in working process. Moreover, the Talent Management is not just a function of the extended HR, but also the world outlook based on the →

Example of thesis on guiding consumers

A few government white papers have also been included in this study to show how the government guides consumers. In order to understand what guides consumer decision-making, this paper will include a number of subsections that address the various stakeholders in this decision-making, the methodology pursued to come to a consensus on what guides consumer →

In evaluate the anti-tuberculosis potential of metabolites

Tuberculousmeningitis was another form of TB disease that occurred when the tissues aroundthe brain and spinal cord were infected with TB. 3.1. The production of higher crude extract in solid statefermentation was due to the lack of water and completely miscible in organicsolvent with the fermented biomass.

Essay summary of total quality management

Cognizant, a major provider of IT services became the first IT Company to be listed on the NASDAQ and is SEE-CM Level 5 certified. The WHQL of cognizant in New Jersey, United States, and Worldwide They have employees around 80, 000 people with annual Income of $3. 5 Quality process - To identify →

Human resource problems – google

The Google Human resource team face a few problems of managing their personnel, through this text some of the challenges they face will be identified and the remedy to it being discussed. Given that Google Company was trying to find ways to improve its workforce performance this could be effective through smart hiring, Google has →

Discussion questions for week 5

Fredrick Winslow Taylor was of the opinion that motivation would only succeed if the management trained and instructed their staff on the proper way to do their jobs. The management should also distribute the profits and benefits of the job with the rest of the staff. One of the major differences in the two theories →

Background: soft tissue coverage is extremely challenging3; due

Chronicwounds of the lower extremity often involve the foot and ankle and are theresult of minor trauma in patients with co-morbidities like diabetes, peripheral vascular disease, and venous hypertension. Reconstruction of these defects with softtissue coverage also demands for fat padding of calcaneus as it is the primaryweight bearing bone transferred from the tibia. It →

Good report about why organisations use project management to achieve their strategic objectives

In an organisational environment, the project management develops a system whereby the workflow is measured and accounted properly guaranteeing that the optimum utilisation of resources would be enhanced to accomplish the goals of the project. Project management and strategic objectives In the modern business context, project management has a significant role to play in →

Business law assignment

The crime is Justified due to the fact that both Jack and Mary planned the robbery. In the case that the defendant appeals and obtains reversal of Business Law By Escapades 01 not in Jeopardy. The reversal is basically a willingness of the defendant to be tried for crime.

Strategic management sample

The efficiency of the distribution center of Ralph Lauren Corp is clearly a valuable resource to the organization. Organized Since Ralph Lauren exploited inimitable, rare and valuable resources, so the organization managed to utilize its available resources which means the company is organized to exploit competitive potential of the resources and →

Business law assignment

Sodden The [Commonwealth] Act also deals in s 14 with the time and place of both dispatch and receipt of electronic documents. Importantly, the parties are free to agree on these matters, but in the absence of agreement: o if an electronic communication enters one systems outside the control of the →

Example of critical thinking on factors that affect human resource management directly

Consequently, an organization that is committed increases the level of employee engagement, and this is likely to increase performance of the organization. One concept in human resource management that is important is organization culture. Managers need to develop organization structures that will optimize the performance. How Learning of Human Resource has Expanded my Understanding of →

Employee resourcing and development essay sample

The focal objective of this essay is to show how psychometric testing and assessment centres help to make the selection process more effective in providing evidence of whether an applicant has the necessary skills and competencies needed to perform, by critically analysing existing literature on the topic. The essay is structured into various sections, →

Human resources management essays example

This enables the organization to balance the training for their employees. In such cases, the organization goes ahead to train new employees.

Business law study guide assignment

Wade: right of privacy that gives women the right o choose whether to have abortion.* Privacy and Technology Sources of Law * Constitution Law: A body of principles that establishes the structure of a government and the relationship of that government to people who are governed. The regulations have the force of statutes.* Private →

The true effect of human resource management on an organizational performance – dissertation example

The true effect of human resource management on an organizational performance Chapter one 1 Introduction of the study In particular, this research study will seek to explore the true effect of human resource management on anorganisational performance; this is to say that the study seeks to measure the true effect of human resource →

Ritz carlton’s gold standarts

These include a warm as well a sincere greeting using the name of the quest, anticipation and fulfilling of the needs of the quests, and a tender farewell. The service values of Ritz Carlton Hotel Company describe the behaviors of everyone in the Hotel Company. Through application of respect, honesty, commitment and trust principles, the →

Performance measurement paper

Evaluating a Project Using the evaluating measure helps the project manager improve the performance of the team. They determine what the team needs so that the team may accomplish thegoalsset in the planning phase of the project. When the project manager evaluates a project, the manager makes sure that the goals for →

Explain how employee performance is measured and managed essay sample

If pass rates decrease then the organisation needs to work harder to change this. Managing performance For each of these 4 case studies describe the methods of managing performance and suggest how they could be applied to the business in the case study Case study 1 Evolution Jewellery Charles at →


E-Harmony Case study Porter's Five Forces Analysis Rivalry In the matchmaking industry, the rivalry among competitors is high as there is a large number of firms operating within the sector, low costs of advertising, fast growth of industry and same size of the direct competitor. Even there is a low switching cost for the users →

An assessment of the department of the navy information technology progress towards research paper examples

In addition, there is also the commandant of the Marine Corps and the Naval Chief of Operation who are the highest ranked officers of the military within the department. The composition of the department of the navy consists of the entire US Marine Corps and the US navy. For the second indicator, the main aim →

Essay on employee relations

In the context of organizations, unitary frame of reference is expressed through the implementation of organizations' mission statements and the achievement of the actual set objectives. In contrast to the unitary frame of reference, trade unions are given more importance and are deemed to be the legal representatives of the organizations' employees.

Deming 14 point assignment

Deming returned to the US and spent some years in obscurity before the publication of his book " Out of the crisis" in 1982. Although Deming does not use the term Total Quality Management in his book, it is credited with launching the movement. Most of the central ideas of TQM are contained in " →

Operations management review questions

Given the following data: Period Number of Complaints 1 60 2 65 3 55 4 58 5 64 Prepare a forecast using each of these approaches: The appropriate naive →

Critical thinking on the main argument of the article is to know and understand ourselves

In fact it is hard to change the inner aspects of a person apart from maybe helping them know themselves when in a situation. Self concept is also a driver to behaviour change. Hence the ability to carry these changes is of vital importance. It is of vital importance to note that self concept leads →

Leadership business to a desired level. the business

The customers are the main source of income of the company and for that reason, it is necessary to gain their loyalty and trust thereby securing their purchasing of you product.l Relationship with Staff: The staff can be referred to as the heart and soul of a business, while we say the customers keep the →

Health finance 2

It is not recognised as a primary case and hence treatment costs for such patients are not provided by the healthcare system. The revenue in such practices and clinics is usually received after the service is delivered and after a treatment session is over. Chiropractors are not eligible for any of the managed care system →

Information security standard research paper example

The fundamental aim of NIST standards is to aid in the development of policies that preserve and restore the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information within the system. NIST issued the FIPS 140 to coordinate the necessary standards for hardware and software cryptographic modules used in agencies and department in the US federal governments. It →

Essay on training outline

- The training will take one month and emails will be sent to all people expected to be in the training. 1. In order to train all the 309 people each class will have 16 people. - It will take place on Mondays and Tuesdays four times a week for a month at 8.00 a.m.to 9.

A study on organizational citizenship behaviours management essay

For instance, when the employees leave the organization, the company has to recruit and give training to the newly employed employees in order to train them to adapt to the new working environment and to gain a better work bahaviours and attitudes. In other words, with the courtesy of the job, the employees will be →

Management information system essay

Outsourcing is defined as contracting with the third party provider for the management and completion for the certain amount of work for certain length of time, cost and level of service. In contrast global outsourcing is more about flexibility and efficiency. The selective application of resources, to specific projects offshore →

Business information systems assignment

The diversification of consumer taste and competition has put pressure on organizations to focus on customer involvement and business information systems have proven to be a versatile and useful tool in order to achieve this. Strategic information systems have the potential to allow an organization to gain a competitive advantage by accessing new markets and →

Manufactured operations in china

The majority of the manufacturing activity in the planet takes place in China. There is an abundance of labor in China due to the fact that the country has the highest population in the world.

See-i and they are abstract, aim, introduction,

Itcontains cover letter, summary of the project, and the amount of money that isneed for completing your project from the funders. LetterProposal: this type of grant proposal is just a letter rather than a completegrant proposal. Illustrate: Figure3: Basic Research vs Applied Research SEE-I Method for Gantt Chart: State: A Gantt chart isa graphical representation →

Example of calculate metro case study

Thus, my statement of work will contain firstly, an executive summary that gives a short summary on the project's aim, background, scope and a high-level project plan; secondly, the project's objectives as per the SMART objectives i.e.specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time specific; thirdly, the scope that is an extension of the executive summary though →

Omnivores dilemma

The several varieties of food present in the farms, and the market makes it difficult for individuals to make a choice. Many people believe that all the processed food products are made of corn, which may not be the case because several ingredients are added to the main materials.

Example of article review on can language style matching really bring about new long-lasting romances

The other person communicates with us in a style which matches our own style of communication and hence the empathy or the ' strange attraction'. Therefore if you meet someone who, on communication with you gives you the strangest feeling that this person has met you before and yet yore confident that you have never →

Sustainable engineering: case study: waste reduction at sonae sierra: an innovative approach to waste management

Sustainable Engineering: Case Study: Waste Reduction At Sonae Sierra: An Innovative Approach To Waste Management I have selected the " Waste Reduction at Sonae Sierra: An innovative approach to waste management" as the case study to be summarized. Through waste management it is possible to reduce the landfill waste and thus no waste →

Training: Planning and Response Considerations for IED and Suicide Bomber Incidents

The federal government alsoresponds to terrorist's attacks and divides them into the categories of crisis management and consequence management. Similarto the events of the World Trade Center bombing in 1993 and the September 11thterrorists attack, crisis management in short terms, means going after thecriminals in order to prevent additional terrorist acts from being carried out. →

What are the basic task dimensions of work systems such as jobs

Job design is significant to the establishment of innovative work processes in an organization that nurtures the innovative employees leading to organization success. Central concern of innovation to many of the organizations. Innovative employees have huge repositories of tacit knowledge. Adequate application of this knowledge in the workplace results in higher ROI. HR employees identify →

Mindmap of two articles

One focuses on the advantages of market research while the other, the benefits of organizations. Advantages of market research If one starts a business without keeping in mind that he/she must perform some market researches, the business might turn out to be unsuccessful or disastrous. Such people will always be confused unless they find →

Continuous improvement essay sample

The changes have been formulated by Kurt Lewin, a social psychologist to take place in three stage process. The first step, unfreezing stage is very important for leadership and management team, because it is necessary in preparing the workers and the entire organization to get ready for the planned change. →

Sample essay on wk11

In his closing statement of the first chapter, he is essentially begging the reader to overlook his own shabby mental state, ignore any inconsistencies, and see beyond this to get a grasp of the difficult ordeals that Bromden and the other patients of the hospital have had to endure. - How did McMurphy wind up in →

Iso 9001:2000 quality management system requirements

Explain what documentation is done.- Define the quality policy for each department and adhere to it.- Define the role and responsibility of each individual in a department and follow it.- Follow the procedures every time (Requirements of the research, n.d). An ISO standard is concerned with dealing with the documentation of the →

Effective and ethical leadership assignment

Although there is not a clear cut or standard set of attributes that constitute an effective and ethical leader, there are several common aspects that can be identified. The most important attributes of an effective and ethical leader are trustworthiness and accountability. Employees that trust the management of the organization will be more willing to →

Good essay on entrepreneurial profile and swot analysis

In order to run a successful business, the customer should know that you are willing to provide the services and products they need and that you are willing to listen to them. Entrepreneurship in simple terms is the pursuit of new ventures using the available resources, regardless of their nature. The proper standards and psychological →

Strategic management

Includes: Internal and externalenvironmentscanning Strategy formulation Strategy implementation Evaluation and control PearsonEducation 2010 1-2 Phases of Strategic Management: Phase Phase Phase Phase 1: 2: 3: 4: Basic financial planning Forecast-based planning Externally oriented strategic planning Strategic management Pearson Education 2010 1-3 Benefits of Strategic Management: Clearer sense of strategic vision for →

Good example of the leadership gap case study

Leaders are required to work closely with all the teams and ensure efficient delivery of the projects. Leaders are also required to bring organizational changes in order to respond to changing business environment. Situational leadership style allows leader to take actions after considering the demand of the situation.

Making medium rare decisions

Jim's lack of identity allows him to become something he is not and eventually causes self-harm when Alena does not share the same intense feelings about the relationship. Jim's sense of self was disrupted when he threw away his beliefs and embraced Alena's.

Leaders and leadership

Running Head: LEADERS AND LEADERSHIP Leaders and Leadership Leadership has been explained as a process of influence by Blanchard and Hodges who have also stated that leading like Jesus is a transformational journey. The idea is that such a leadership begins with personal leadership and then a transformational cycle would begin for the followers.

Informative essay on management

To succeed on a global scale, freight transportation companies have placed an emphasis on consistently upgrading their hardware and software tools. The diversification of firm resources and capabilities has led to a renewed interest in financial resources, technology, transportation, data control, EDI, and human-datacommunication. Management of this data requires a certain amount of mastery, discipline, →

Discussion/ technology and operations management

In addition, the laws and regulations governing different countries should be considered to ensure political stability. With the political factors solved, there will be improved returns on investments due to reduction in risks resulting from uncertainties in the international project developmentenvironment. In multicultural organizations, the employees have to be trained on various →

Article review on blast off–strict liabilitys potential role in the development of the commercial

In accordance with regulations, the AST functions as a business line under the FAA, and operate with the FAA to control commercial space transportation that includes licensing and maintenance procedures, for the management of launches and re-entry sites. The AST is responsible in regulating the commercial space transportation business by ensuring it comply with the →

Crisis management at a four year college management essay

The practice of transformational leadership by the department Chair, has been found to be related to faculty satisfaction and the willingness to expend the extra effort required in the change process. In this situation, the faculty felt that the fiscal difficulties of the college were the responsibility of the interim president and the Board of →

Codification of morals and ethics essay

Basically.such codification of moralss are instituted and adopted in organisations every bit good as professions as a manner of guaranting that relevant stakeholders are in a place to pull a clear differentiation about on what is incorrect or right. Understanding the ethical codifications of a peculiarenvironment.be it an organisation or a profession has been found →

Ethics in public relation and administration essay samples

It was a common believe that democracy and the defense of the constitution was a divine mission. The science of efficiency gives birth to scientific method of administration. The essence of achieving agreement in the process of PBI was via a mutual accommodation. A new perspective is as result of scientific mode of administration.

Quality compliance manager

In addition an advantage of his, that he has experience in the production of the cathode ray tube as he is the Senior Engineer of the production and is familiar with maintain a facility. The first and forth most step in recruitment and selection process for Trianon HR team would be to create a job →

It to discuss important business strategies and

Under the MIS falls the DSS, which is an applicationprogram that presents the end user with data that is useful inassisting employees in decision-making and problem solving, often of a complexnature. When usedeffectively these tools can help a business gain a competitive advantage byproviding decision makers with accurate and relevant information about currentand future customers, →

Business management and behavioral studies

All the assets of the company are in good working condition and marketing respects for the products are also promising. However, the company's organization structure is designed inappropriately and therefore has serious shortcomings and weaknesses which create impediments in its operations and are responsible for the company's unsatisfactory performance. Identify and explain briefly →

~national labor and management practices, which can harm

~National Labor Relations Act -to protect the rights of employees and employers, to encourage collective bargaining, and to curtail certain private sector labor and management practices, which can harm the general welfare of workers, businesses and the U.S.economy.~Pendleton Civil Service Act -established that positions within the federal government should be awarded on the →

Vision statement

We will be setting the stage for a new era in the industry of transport and communication through with the incorporation of most sophisticated technological means; so that comfort, efficiency, and accessibility by the masses is guaranteed, and in the event heritage is preserved. Meaning of the Vision Statement The vision is essentially captivating →

Free managing costs and budgets essay example

This is to make sure services delivery to patients is not compromised, and all the staffs are satisfied. The use of the Per Diem would be a viable option to cover up for the absence of the RN. The delegation of duties will also give a chance to junior staffs →

Analysis of strategies to attract customers in e-commerce industry

Let's analyze two big e-commerce industry are Amazon and Gmarket to identify strategies, service innovations they use to attract customers. First of all, the comparative case analysis in the journal article point out some factors that lead to success. The last one is co-operation, Amazon created a joint venture with local partner Joyo.com when they →

Creating a sense of communiy

In this regard, there are many cultures in the world including but not limited to the Indian culture, the Chinese, culture, the African culture, Mexican culture, Arabian culture, and the American culture. When it comes to African culture, a number of aspects arise due to the conservative nature. Overall, culture plays a very significant role →

Hrm in a dynamic environment assignment

Human Resources Management is the strategic management of the employees, who individually and collectively contribute to the achievement of the strategic objectives of the organization. Assuming that the employees of an organization are individuals with own mental maps and perceptions, own goals and own personalities and as such they cannot be perceived as →

Spatial analysis essay samples

Two of the main considerations that professional conference organizers and event management companies) should consider are the functionality of the venue and its suitability for the event's creative purpose. There should be a communal gathering place for the delegates to release the stress and to relax from the workload of the →

Second city case study examples

All of the actors and managers in Second City are very talented and it is their skills that make Second City the icon it is today. The management in Second City also focusses on the goals of the company to maintain a sense of organisation. This has helped to develop →

Situational theory: rationale for theory selection

Rationale according to the situational theory is that for an organisation to function properly, leaders must recognise their leadership styles and identify the maturity level of the subordinates to come up with management solutions appropriate for the educational attainment and skill set, experiences, work attitudes and self-confidence of all parties involved. On the other hand, →

Stress, manifestation and response

When I assess the reasons for those results, I notice that earlier before this time I was so relaxed about everything and now it have come to a point where I have to face reality of meeting the deadlines that seemed to be far on February. The more I think about all the worries is →

Peter browning and continental whitecap outline assignment

At the same time, Browning was to do this without disrupting the marketplace image of White Cap as well as without weakening its employee loyalty. These changes needed to be accomplished from beneath the ranks of Art Lawson, the successor of Bob White. This vision would need to combine the traditions of White Cap along →

Case study on avoiding conflict

As a Human Resource Manager, it is always good to solve these conflicts which come in various ways. Here are various ways in which a conflict can be avoided in an organization, showing clearly what is to be done to solve it, what should not be done and how to →

Information system (it)

Another secondary activity used by the company is the procurement of resources such as acquisition of aircraft and their parts. Some of the technologies that support this organizational structures and designs is the Intranet.

Free essay on organization culture

I n this case World Vision might consider starting work without the daily devotions, thus the intervention should allow the employees to see the priority gaps as well as to identify the actions that if implemented will address the identified gaps. The next intervention which is relevant to the implementation of the desired change in →

Strategy and change management

Increased in inflation can decline production and increased unemployment in the country.* Increased in oil price can lead to slow down in world economic growth and reduce demand of steel in the world. Severstal need to target Chinese market and Asian market to develop their position in the world.

Implementation of ict for smart city waste management

This impact on the environment, air, water, pollution and invites to many disease.so, it become the priority of the authorities to improve their services and to continuously monitor, collect and dispose this garbage cost effectively, and satisfactory manner in terms of environmentally and socially. Concept of smart city The smart city concept integrates information →

Merton truck co

Since it was the specific request of the president, the impact of discontinuing Model 101 was evaluated. The first step was to determine the capacity of producing only Model 102, which is as follows based on Table A: Engine Assembly4, 000 hours / 2 hours per unit = 2, 000 units Metal Stamping6, 000 hours →

Planning the research design essay

That is, to get a picture of NCCBL's positioning in the market to assess its adaptability and resilience in short and long-run. This will be an important limitation that may come as an impediment to make the research as comprehensive and useful as it is intended to be.

Discussions topics

Explain how the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats will influence the strategic management of the company Target. The SWOT analysis is essential in the strategic management process as it provides a workable framework of coming up with or identifying strategic alternatives from the situation analysis. Ability to provide cheap products due to the direct access →