Quality Company Essay Examples for Your Learning

Merck company

Furthermore, it will analyze on whether the company's patient and care-givers site is helpful to the company's target audience or otherwise. Overview of Merck Company In order to analyze Merck Pharmaceutical Company comprehensively, an overview about the company and its mission statement must first be established.

Free essay on description and comparison of accrual and cash basis of accounting

Hence, the accrual basis of accounting is always preferred by the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. Differences between the Accrual and Cash basis of accounting: Under the cash based accounting, a company's financial statements do not reflect the exact position of its assets and liabilities on a given date because of which the cash based accounting →

Apple ipad marketing plan using the sostac model report sample

In England, the organization has adopted various marketing strategies in marketing of the Ipad. However, SOSTAC model has been essential in the success of the organization in marketing its products in the UK market. The Ipad is also a high quality and competitive gadget and hence marketing the product has been easy for the organization. →

A report on two options for david mackenzie & co

Both these options have their advantages and disadvantages. Advantages and Disadvantages of Floating the Companies in the Stock Exchange The major advantage of floating the Mackenzie group of companies in the stock exchange, which entails converting the hitherto private limited company into a public limited company , →

Operation management case study sample

The dispatchers assign the call to a field technician depending on their location and training. It is now upon these techs to call the client and arrange on their arrival.

The case of 2987 kalakaua case study examples

Add to the fact that accusations of discrimination and violence make the case much more complicated. This case is an example of how big a problem can get if one or both parties refuse to cooperate and allow the issue to fester. Again, given the history of the case, the events →

Good dissertation proposal on diversity in the airline industry

The benefit of diversity has been mainly attributed to the particular employees, customers and the communities that are served by the airline corporations. Characteristics of Diversity In history, the scope of diversity in the airline has continued to widen with time. Finally, the high level of competition is itself a characteristic of diversity in →

Language and violence

In an attempt to investigate the role played by the state, which monopolizes the use of violence for the sake of civilizing its people, inspired by a documentary titled " where in the World is Osama Bin Laden? ", this paper tries to go beyond spoken and written words to reach a better understanding of →

Sample case study on housework#6

1 It is very important to know the direction of the training from the beginning. The change team, the CEO and the trainers must review the process at every juncture of the schedules. 7.3.

Starbucks going global fast

Still bigger problems present themselves. The baby boomers, Cataracts bread and butter consumer, are slowly disappearing, giving way to the more thrifty, down-to- earth generation X, who have become increasingly weary of powerful and rich corporations and whose focus seems to have shifted from the mainstream to the local in most consumer categories. →

Marketing opportunities for airflo report examples

This report will explain on the product, pricing, promotion and placement of the product in order to develop a clear and strategic concept of the opportunities the company has in the market. 4P'S For AirFlo - Product AirFlo is a product that is created to act as an air →

Export decisions essay examples

The company producing these elevators is a small to medium size enterprise with its base headquarter situated in Miami, Florida in the US. The precise elevators designed with swinging doors has potential markets across the US, Europe and Asia including Japan. The company also manufactures elevators for use in Yachts/Marine, →

Essay on developing consultancy skills

Therefore, the company FLS is facing employees stress, which prevent the organization from achieving peak performances. The solution for dealing with this organizational problem would be to hire an external consultant for teaching the organization how to handle the stress that appears in the quotidian activities, in order to reach increased working performances. Moreover, the →

Decision support systems report examples

It identifies the strengths and weaknesses of the system, as well as some of the problems that can be encountered with its implementation. This report identifies the main strength of a decision support system to be its capability to improve the decision-making process and its cost- and time- efficiency. These tools are industry- or organization-specific →

Venture capital company critical thinking sample

These businesses are usually associated with higher risks particularly for investors because of the uncertainties that might occur some time after the official launching of the business. The general principle in acquiring a venture capital states that the larger the venture the capital is the better. Being transparent to the investors when it comes to →

Essay on better place company

This, coupled with the convenience offered by the payment system, saw the organization penetrate the global arena of the automobile industry. The approach is viable because gaining acceptance begins with an organization selecting and addressing a need in this case, the need is the substitution of gasoline cars in the western world. - As early as →

Essay on concept of operations

As most companies look out to achieving the most in terms of profits and easy management, the company has used the above theory of management of operations to see an increase in its profitability as recent reports indicate. Question 2: Demand Management Demand and capacity are business aspects that need to be in equilibrium →

Good example of corporate culture preference essay

In many cases, culture is also defined by the nature of the competition and by the desire of the company to be like the rest or to form a unique identity. Leaders of a corporation must be aware of the required culture in a corporation and determine ways in which the culture is understood by →

Pestel analysis of bhel

India's first metro in Kolkata was controlled by the company It has developed the capability and technology to produce large capacity thermal sets with super critical parameters to gear up for this requirement. The company indigenously developed a state-of-the-art 400 kV Controlled Shunt Reactor for reactive power management of long transmission lines. The investment →

Chick fil a

Ryan Simpson Marketing 476 Final Project Chick-Fil-A| GarnerR MK-476 FP Page #1 In this paper I will be giving a thorough analysis of the Chick-Fil-A company by discussing the history of the company as well as how the company was founded, the operations of the company, how the company gives back to the community, →

Good example of research paper on whistleblowing

The changes were also not reported to the Federal Highway Administration, and company correspondence was verified to confirm that officials knowingly withheld this information from FHWA, and that the change was intended to save money. The effect of the whistleblowing act on the whistleblower himself was relatively mild, considering that Josh Harman was not a →

Good db5 essay example

Several possible security measures starting from physical security to the use of firewalls, VPNs and other new technologies have been tried but still 100% security has not been achieved. In trying to address the above-mentioned issues, Windows particularly have find ways to utilize its control panel as a way to configure specific computer settings and →

Coca cola swot analysis essays

Strengths. The Coca-Cola enterprise has been one of the influences of the world traditions in a very long time; this is due to the fact that its product representation is full of schmaltzy and has greatly been taken to heart by many companies, and people world wide. This is due to the fact that most →

There are some effective ways by which organization can manage complain report example

The importance of managing complains is valuable for the organization with the help of which they can find the area of improvement and also can manage dissatisfaction of their customer. Managing complains depends on the good communication skills, because complaint handling grants three effective advantages for the organization which are as follows: - It can help →

Poor external communication essay examples

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration , the way the company communicated the message to the public and most importantly the initial reluctance to admit the fault for the accidents immediately triggered a negative reaction among the consumers. Therefore, it is safe to conclude that the hostile reaction by consumers was not only the outcome →

Study of brand and brand valuation methods

The main objective of the dissertation is to understand various valuation model that will abide the various accounting bodies as well as satisfy the individual country's rules and regulations. The roots of branding is evident in ancient civilisations and some study shows even before Birth of Christ and this is evident from archaeological excavations in →

Free research paper on management structure 7 eleven

The auditing office is answerable to the board and is an oversight body to the running of the company. The company president is responsible for the day-day running of the company. Below the board, are seven senior vice presidents who manage departments.

Samsung 3d tv marketing report

Samsung has been the world's most popular consumer electronics brand since 2005 and is the best known South Korean brand in the world. Samsung Electronic has proven to be the one of the most prestigioustechnologycompany by launching of the first 3D TV in March 2010 at a New York event and partnered →

Competition argumentative essays examples

Clearly, while competition might cause harm to some of the participants, it spurs growth and is largely beneficial to society. One of the benefits of competition in this case is productivity gains. The enhancement of the bottom line becomes the integral management focus so anything helping to achieve the same →

Free essay on strategic perspectives of the top six firms in the industry

Major determinants of competition and biggest competitors in the beer industry are clear indicators of the competition in the industry.the study will look at the key indicators of performance such as sales, profits, capacity and assets of the major competitors in the industry. The brands of the company include; popular, light, malt liquor, non-alcoholic and →

International marketing report example

The paper will include a short description of each of the topics covered and the contributions made in the topics. The presenter applied the various dimensions of culture such as nature, high and low context and dimensions of time in explaining the international marketing concept. The main contributions made in the topic were the value →

Supply: production, costs and profits research paper

Product cost is a synthetic concept that in value terms summarizes the total cost of the enterprise on the means of production , wages and payment services to third parties for the production , transportation and sales. The specific composition of costs is governed by law , as it is associated with features of the →

A measure of a company’s wealth

Bernard Cox defined value added as being " the wealth the reporting entity has been able to create by its own and its employee's efforts".It is a particular concept of income measurement however it differs from sales revenue as it does not include the wealth that is created by the suppliers in the business. Value →

Good business plan on nano-tech business proposal

The partners will contribute to the business equity, and the share of the company profit and assets will be allocated with respect to the capital investment made by each partner. The business will undertake all its activities in a manner that is highly sustainable and friendly to the environment.

Describe and evaluate milgrams agency theory

There is also the agentic state which says you are subconsciously acting as an agent to some authority figure and that you do what they tell you because you feel as if you are an agent of that person. An example of this would be during the trial of Nazi's →

Free essay on accounting

Limitations of Internal Control system Internal control system is the process, which provides assurance to achieve objectives in the categories of reliability of financial accounting, efficiency and effectiveness of financial operations and compliance with regulatory laws. Circumvention of internal control system leads to the alteration of financial data or information in such a →

Sustainable development and the challenges to the environment essay

The internet and Twitter have transformed communications and made the world a smaller, more intimate place to live in; the power of the internet for good has been seen this year in the events of the Arab spring. But, ladies and gentlemen, paradoxically, the internet, instead of bringing the world closer together, may help to →

The issues case studies example

Although the levels are within current limits, failure to introduce new technology to reduce the levels further could not only make the lake's fish unsafe for human consumption, and cause the imposition of future regulatory constraints on the company, but could damage the company's profitability. Firstly, the environmental compliance manager Jonica Gunson has →

Investing in sponsor-backed ipos: the case of hertz

Lester Electronics, Inc.needs to evaluate the situation and options regarding the takeover of Shang-Wa and the hostile takeover by Transnational Electronics Corporation. Lester Electronics, Inc.and Shang-Wa's issues deal with the financial history of the corporations and John Lin ready to retire. To obtain a fair and equitable price for the merger, valuation of SWE is →

Free essay about current market conditions competitive analysis

We evaluated some of the market factors that affect the demand and supply in the technological industry and their effect on the market share of iPhone 5s. Factors affecting demand Price of the product According to the law of demand, quantity demanded increases with decrease in price.iphone5s traded →

Report on financial analysis

7% and had three divisions namely: - Sainsbury's Supermarkets Ltd - Sainsbury's Convenience Stores Ltd - Sainsbury's Bank. Ratio Analysis With the objective of unearthing the financial position of each of the companies, we will now conduct the ratio analysis of each company: i)Current Ratio: Current Assets/ Current liabilities Also known as Pure →

Example of report on information security

Company has also hired professional IT network administrator to ensure check on data access and data integrity.computer network WAN, LAN and Internet are been protected by server, Antivirus and firewall security. Operational Control Internet security policy is implemented to avoid access to any miscellaneous website. DNS and DHCP protocols are implemented by the →

Jagged automobile company

At the top we will have the General Manager, sales and marketing manager, financial controller, Customer service manager, Technical manager, Human resource manager. The general manager will be the overall manager of the company, technical; manager will head all the engineers who will be responsible for designing new products and carrying out →

Three main factors that determine the success of services are essay

This revolution was in the process and the audio industry got some very innovative developments that completely revolutionized the music industry. Conversion of music including songs as well as music albums and make it available into digitally recorded system is considered as one of the most prominent industry conditions that revolutionized the whole mechanism of →

Information security management system (isms) in a company

But a lock could act as a deterrent to stop the theft in the first place. Web hosting as the site is not hosted by the company is it secure and safe, is it vulnerable to attack from the web hosting side. The external system should be secured by means IDPS, if that is not →

Difficulties in an internet music promotion company

The Internet may be seen as a low-cost option for distribution, yet there are a number of operating costs that must be taken into account the domain name and web servers, the IT personnel who will create and maintain the webpages of the site, the marketing personnel and the production team among others.

Essay on capitalism: a love story

Ethos surfaced in scenes such as religious individuals denouncing the evils of capitalism. The way the film is narrated provides a most effective rhetorical strategy, with Moore changing the tone of his voice to suit the context. A particularly notable and obvious example was when Moore repeated slowly the statement that " capitalism is evil".

Yurt essay examples

Hempel who is a teacher is expected to be a grown-up and someone who is mature, but her character is displayed as a person trying to adjust to adulthood. This character is a contraction of expectation because as a teacher she is supposed to be a role model for the students and the kind of →

Mountain man brewing company

To the younger beer drinkers, the market the light beer appeals to, view Mountain Man beer as too strong and a " working man's" beer. Not only do the younger beer drinkers have their negative thoughts about Mountain Man developed, but the blue-collar customers account for a huge percentage of sales. A →

Example of research paper on law and morals

The law recognizes the guidelines that relate to ensuring the there is the peace and harmony the norms which are not territorial. By Martha Neil , November 6, 2013.a formers university student agreed to file a suit and appeal against the drake university for the hostility she received towards the service dogs which were bought →

Free essay about moral hazard

Moral hazard means the tendency of parties to take risks believing that they do not have to pay to pay for the results of their actions. As an insured person, I have less motivation to take care of myself and adopt a healthy lifestyle so as to avoid the need for health care. The →

Marketing case study – kim do yi ltd. (kdy) essay sample

An example that applies to KDY is if they hire a martial arts master they must pay extra because he is an educated master in the martial arts. Another expense is training staff in order to gain a good understanding of the martial arts.

Research paper on stakeholders

Stakeholders are an important part of the firm and there is need to put them into consideration in the daily activities of the firm. The article will further look at the effects of involving internal and external stakeholders in the decision making process of the firm to ensure its sustainability. Many companies talk to some →

Factors that impact demand for an ipad

Internal: Pricing decisions Unique features (Apple's iPad was one of the first tablet to have the app world where user can download applications such as games or books and use it right away after download has been completed.) External: Availability of competitors' products Price of substitute products Incomes of potential customers There →

Critical thinking on bigger than enron

James Hooton was referring to the auditors to this respect to mean that they were the ones responsible of keeping the accounting rules pure and they are supposed to challenge any malpractices in terms of accounting as it was the case in Carl Bass and the technical group. The primary role of auditors is to →

Good essay about bp oil spill

On the other hand, the oil spill led to long term effects such as the decline of recreation and decreased marine wildlife population. The government pointed a figure to the BP Company claiming that it was liable for all damages that the oil spill caused. Blowout in the Gulf: the →

Good business plan on differences from existing offering in the marketplace

Though food delivery is commonly a sensitive issue in regard to the respective restrictions and the need to be effective and efficient, the study is aimed at creating a conceptual framework towards creating a clear insight on the respective undertakings that can be executed towards achieving the stated objectives. Description of the product and service →

Example of case study on question2. how did the managers contribute to the situation

Combination of aforementioned factors together with two extra triggers (employees' feeling belittled by Diwali gift and impunity of Japanese manager on manufacturing) led to the breakdown of relationships between employees and company's management. Management's contribution to the situation can be viewed in terms of two different directions. Impunity of vice-president was an extra factor to →

Brief history of pepsico

The economic impact of foreign exchange rates movements on them is complex because such changes are often linked to variability in real growth, inflation, interest rates, governmental actions and other factors. - PepsiCo is also subject to other economical factors likemoneysupply, energy availability and cost, business cycles, etc. - PepsiCo and moreover Pepsi is subject to the →

Example of essay on is google making us stupid

The angle of vision is vivid as Carr tries to analyze the extent of this effect in the future. This is based on what is available at the moment and where the society is heading. Carr has also focused on the usage of ethos in his article.

An examination of the community and moral challenges faced by uber

For many who were assaulted the only thing Uber has offered in return is new rating technology, but is it ethical for someone who rapes, or assaults another person to simply be rated a star? No.the answer is no, it is not ethical, and Uber should be held accountable for the drivers they hire to →

Statement of the problem case study example

This makes the overhead and production costs to rise and makes it hard to set prices and increase the organization's profits Executive Summary: Cogent Solution to the Problem Attaining a competitive edge in the market, reducing costs of production through accounting for them efficiently and maximizing profits are the concerns for the company →

Business plan on demographics of us medical students

Medical School Graduates by Sex in 2011 In 2011, there were a total of 17, 364 U.S.medical school graduates (Association of American Medical Colleges, 2012b). Of these, 8, 396 were female and 8, 968 were male. In Texas, there were a total of 1, 089 graduates of U.S.medical schools in 2011 (Association of American →

Good case study on the franchise model

The complexity in marketing and distributing the unit of exercise makes this form of the model expensive to the firm in terms of balancing the equation that links the expenditure and the income. In addition, this model is flexible to merge it with the modernized technological and logical organization of the company.

Swot of burger king

Burger King is the world's second-largest chain as measured by the total number or restaurants and system-wide sales._ Greater franchise mix a result of its higher franchise mix, the company is able to grow with minimal capital expenditure and is assured of regular income in the form of fees and royalties Strong →

E-business essay

On the other hand, the evolution of e-commerce and e-business has greatly affected the supply chain and its legal, ethical, and regulatory aspects. On the other hand, e-business mainly involves the use of applications to redesign traditional business models with the aid of technology in order to ensure that it is able to improve service →

Sample term paper on stress and well-being at work

In this research there was done a trial to analyze existing information about stress in workplace, to reveal its main causes, to summarize experience of some companies that have effectively applied stress management strategies and to find the most appropriate method of stress managing in companies. TOP STRESSORS Job stress is usually appears when →

Professional development 1 critical thinking and problem solving report

This particular review directly reveals the Company's current governance framework, towards the corporate governance principles, and even recommendations concerning the Woolworths Market Governance Council. The organization carbon footprint simply, means the emission of the sum of greenhouse gases by the particular organization, projects group or an individual. On the primary →

Bullied as a kid, this founder now runs a $5 billion company. here’s what he’s doing to help others.

Thefamilydid not have a lot of , and Nikou was the target of harsh in elementary and middle school. " I was shorter than most of the guys," Nikou told Entrepreneur , " And thatbullyinghad a traumatic effect on me". With the guidance of his father, Nikou was able to take control of the situation →

Tim cook ceo for apple

Tim Cook took over as acting CEO for Apple due to Steve Jobs absence for a few mimes and was required to bear the workload as well as the stresses of a CEO. Organizing is the function of management that Involves developing an organizational structure and allocating human resources to ensure the →

Targeted work class essay

Looking at the work processes and the way all the activities and departments contribute to the organization goals is an essential part. It is crucial for all employees to note that they do not work in isolation and are part of a greater network of the work process that involves being a supplier and consumer →

Extraordinary circumstance review

The purpose of review report is to conclude whether WorldCom satisfied the Code of Ethics and the Attribute and Performance Standards set forth by the IIA. They would sell the stock as soon as they get. In order not to let the stock price fall, the executives in WorldCom bought the stock →

Example of research paper on amazon.com inc

The employees are expected to act ethically and lawfully in the course and scope of their duty to the company and its clientele. The employees have a duty to act in the best interest of the company.

Aol and time warner merged

In an initial statement about this merger and probabilities of new company it was stated that this merger will lead to a speedy development and growth for all its businesses. It will not only provide AOL a new broadband interactive platform, but the companies can also grow their revenue through cross marketing from movies, music, →

Good case study on structural empowerment

Kanter has developed following six dimensions to bring out structural empowerment: - Access to information - Access to support - Access to resources - Opportunities for advancement - Informal Power Considering the scenario in Wine Lovers Enterprise, it would be imperative for Ted to focus on imparting more opportunities to women for advancement, and strengthening →

Hyundai motors essay

S since 1986 and it did exceptionally well in its first year of operation in the country as it outdid all the other car makers in the number of sales made. In order to find out whether it is good to invest in Hyundai Motors, it is wise to look →

Sustainability practices of abb report example

The company website states its objectives, which is quoted below. " By 2015 and beyond, ABB will be a leading contributor to a more sustainable world and will be recognized as a top-performing company in terms of sustainable business practice". The strategy of ABB to achieve this objective is to first and foremost communicate the company's →

Unilever and p&g – comparative analysis

In terms of the debt situation for P&G and Unilever, analysis has shown that Unilever's business is higher leveraged than P&G's. The analysis has shown that P&G is a more conservative financed and highly profitable business whereas Unilever is more aggressive in terms of growth.

Netflix analysis as an streaming application competitor of netflix

The advent of the internet, in particular, has changed the way people live their daily lives, resulting in new habits. Advances in information and communication technology, especially the internet, can shift the old ways and systems that exist in the society. This is because Netflix is still adamant with the digital payment method and is →

Affirmative action policies argumentative essay sample

Importantly, the process of goal setting in planning affirmative action is normally utilized in targeting and measuring the effectiveness of efforts of affirmative action to wipe out and prevent discrimination. The company board of directors therefore should implement the affirmative action policies. This will be in accordance with the requirement by the government of companies →

Good example of finance case study

13th, November, 2013 Analysis of Electronic Arts: Ratio Analyis and Effect of Alternative Accounting Methods on Ratios Profitability Analysis: The ratio analysis reveals that over the years, the profitability of the company is improving. 6% over the years.This year the net profit margin of the company has surpassed industry benchmark of 2%. →

Sample essay on finance

Generally two liquidity ratios are calculated: i) Current Ratios = Current Assets/ Current Liabilities ii) Quick Ratios= Current Assets- Inventory/ Current Liabilities ii) Solvency Ratio: These ratios are used to adjudge the long term solvency of the company i.e if the company can honor its long term obligations. i) Debt to Equity Ratio: →

People management, the mantra for success research paper sample

However, recent stabilization in the market, and other political, legal, economic, social, and technological factors have all lead to new problems, which in the case of Singhania and Partners law firm, have been identified as the threat of employee turnover - Singhania and Partners appears to have problems in hiring new employees and retaining old →

Example of mcdonalds corporate responsibility and sustainability report

In many cases, restaurants prefer to choose the easiest route: to produce foods that consumers love with little regard to the nutritional value that the food would add to the consumer. The aim is to conduct the business to the highest possible standards of fairness, integrity and honesty.

Employee selection i-o psychology research proposal examples

Therefore, for an organization to become as competitive as Virginia Aquarium it needs to use the selection procedure to acquire the most qualified applicants. Introduction The process of selection in the Virginia aquarium & marine science centre usually involves putting the right employees at the respective position in the organization. Some of the key →

Good case study about solutions to the above named problems

These companies have already stabilised on a number of options in their home country through which they can outdo the foreigners in their distribution capacity due to the less costs of distribution as compared to the foreign distributors who transport their goods for long distance which mean high costs that lead to higher costs as →

Essay on iphone 4

All smartphones incorporates the QWERTY keyboard the same way it is presentedx in computers. As at 2012, Samsung and Apple have engaged in fiece competition with Apple launching I phone 4S and later Iphone 5 by the end of the year and Samsung launching Galaxy S3. Google's collaboration with Samsung led to the development of →

International business thesis examples

The marketing perception and the inclusiveness of the businesses are by the consumption ratios of the clients as well as the nature of competition available in the market. Thus, Green Kitchen will experimentally determine the core scope of its brands, and position it should take to outwit its competitors. Green Kitchen will do local and →

Good transnational corporations (benefits and negative impacts) critical thinking example

As a consequence, there is substantial growth in the economy of the region where they operate. However, there are several negative impacts of transnational corporations as well. It means that transnational corporations contribute in the pollution increase.

The news corporation

This diversity of business has a certain degree of relatedness in some way, and this diversity of business should inform of the role of the centre. The strategy that TNC follows in this second stage is globalisation with a place in all parts of the industry from newspaper to TV, from magazine to film.

Success of a paint company: berger paints

The Dada Group's share ultimately vested with the Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh after the independence of the country in 1971. The name of the company was changed from J & N Limited to Berger Paints Bangladesh Limited on January 1, 1980. The main objective of this report is to gain →

Example of essay on the impact of marketing

The basic elements of marketing involve marketing concept, target audience, tools of marketing, techniques of marketing, marketing mediums and channels, and support service to the end customers. Organizations need to constantly improve upon the marketing orientation in order to have a sustainable competitive advantage. People need to realize the actual facts associated with the marketing →

Essay on mission 4

Herein, it must be noted that the risk and change management plan is important for the sustainability and the growth of the business, therefore, it will be discussed in this paper for Travelodge. Business Model and Strategic Plan Introduction A biggest and well-known hotel chain within the hospitality industry →

Generation jobless essay examples

International companies leads to a lay-off of workers in their bid to reduce spending so that they can continue to compete. Another reason that leads to a jobless generation is the limited choices that are available in the market. The company preference of using machines to perform certain roles that human can deal with have →

Allentown materials corporation

The analysis of the Allentown Materials Corporationcase studyreveals a number of issues mostly related to the untimely death of a respected leader, the subsequent change inleadership, and also the management style of the newly appointed upper-level managers. Additionally, radical changes are required to bring Allentown Materials Corporation into a new era of manufacturing and →