Quality Company Essay Examples for Your Learning

Essay about starbucks case study

By using joint ventures, Starbucks has been more successful integrating the company into the culture of these countries because of the newfound insider information they hold that determines what the customer is looking for in the varying locations. Japan's growth was due to local managers running the locations who had local knowledge →

Essay on cruise liners in the tourism industry

For instance, the modern cruise ship is capable of accommodation around 6, 000 passengers. The Carnival is the leading cruise ship company in the market as it has the largest company of the retreat cruise ships globally. This implies that the ship is strategically built to sufficiently meet the demand and customers need →

An analysis of coca cola friendly twist commercial critical thinkings example

The level of influence of advertising on such aspects of life is determined by the particular society in question; hence it is necessary to take into consideration the values of society and the people's way of life. Such is the ingenuity of this Coca Cola campaign the desire to drink a Coke is matched with →

Example of essay on main body

A Phillips curve penetrates in the records and it showed an influencing behavior in most of the today's contemporary macroeconomic models. The Policymaking Transition The decision-makers for the policy favorably or unfavorably comprehended the initial embodiment of Phillips curve like an invariant technical border in joblessness and inflation. It further explored a broad status →

A report on the financial management of rpc group. essay example

This highlights the financial stardom the RPC group, as well as the sustainability of their operations in the market place. The company operates in a highly competitive market, by has managed to sustain its competitive edge by ensuring prudence in the way it operates and wise usage of funds relating to investment. The only avenue →

Position defense strategy

Implementing the Position Defense strategy by doing the strategic alliance with the Wall-Mart in order to share the informationtechnologysystem and supply chain management Recommendations The Lobar Companies Limited can use the resource of information technology system, which is Electronic Data Interchange form the Wall-Mart in order to improve the own inventory problem →

Fedex corporation essay sample

Its airlines carry the largest freight compared to the others that provide the same service.up to 2008, it provided services from the US mainland to the Caribbean islands. This office department is further subdivided into FedEx Office and print centers, and FedEx Ship Centers. Internal changes made by FedEx. The internal changes made by FedEx →

21st century leadership essay sample

The passion and the aspirational levels that are attached to Apple as a brand is not seen for any other firm has been able to amass in this era of international competition. There are a lot of leadership articles and books that have cited in order to be a great leader, the person needs →

Gardenia bakeries (kl) sdn. bhd

In the brains of the customers, they will think of the healthy and freshness Gardenia breads, so customers will choose which brand of bread to consume. The customers will think about the Gardenia breads which are fresh and healthy deep in their minds.

The us financial institutions essay examples

They can either be local or even global in the provision of these products and services and their running. Financial Services Corporations Financial Services Corporations are large conglomerates that combine different financial institutions within a single Corporation. The global economic crisis is to blame as for the problems and financial crisis that financial services →

Example of research paper on air france

Air France has to communicate to its clients the benefits of purchasing their products and the merits associated with the products. The company should use metals of lower density to minimize the weight of the aircrafts.

Good american greetings analysis report example

In that respect, the analysis has used the Darden Case on American Greetings and the analysis on the Company as an investment has been done with use of DCF model that uses the present value of the expected future cash-flows. In that view, DCF values that are higher than the costs of capital of the →

Free case study about false belief

After that, I asked John what his friend Ryan would think is in the box. In the first instant when I asked john what was in the cereal box; John replied that the box had the cereals labeled on top of the box. John had seen what is in the box and thought than Ryan →

Free essay on current strategy:

By very competitive bidding and contractual agreements with the vendors, the company is in a position to cut down the costs more than the competitors are. The company exhibits a very strong presence in the Northeastern flank of U.S. Dunkin' Donuts is also planning to reduce the sugar content in the upcoming years →

International hrm case study case study

Hierarchy and seniority, which is given due importance by the Chinese people is not followed in PDC and the promotion in terms of designation which is required by local employees is also not incorporated in the company HR policies. The company also requires the local employees to be aggressive in the work to propel the →

Economics case study samples

It is in a view that when the governments lift the barriers from the trade, the circulation of funds in the market increases and gives benefit to the citizens. Therefore, the free trade policy gives benefit to the countries at both ends. Outsourcing is one of the most effective ways of reducing the expenses of →

At&t swot analysis

The Company has established itself as a leader in the market In line with its vision, the AT&T Company has been striving to be the leader in the industry. This means that the company will need to increase its production capacity in order to match the rate of growth of the →

The royal mint essay examples

The company is the largest exporter of coins in the world and it sells its products to approximately 60 different states. Traditionally, the Royal Mint used three kinds of metal to mint coins: copper, nickel and brass, however nowadays only steel is used for this purpose.

Wal-mart and corporate social responsibilty essay sample

This paper discusses the corporate social responsibility of Wal-Mart in a framework which shows how the company has comprehensively handle CSR and successfully integrated this different approaches to the subject. The Inherent Social Responsibility of Wal-Mart Employees. As the world's largest retailer, the largest employer, second-largest corporation in the US, and →

However, borrowing has the following advantages and disadvantages essay sample

These are the securities traded privately or listed at the stock exchange. Financial management is the management of the business or organization finances in order to achieve the firm's financial objectives. Its key elements are: - Financial planning: this is ensuring there is timely availability of funds to meet the firm's →

Currency risk management report report example

Such expenses include taxes to the South African government, cots of purchasing land where the company will be located and the costs of paying for the resources that are necessary to facilitate the operation of the company. This is due to the fact that the costs of labor in the country are very high.

Good example of competitors of ikea company in mexico essay

Since Ikea suffers from a lack of innovation, and experiences the chances of providing a very similar base, it will face stiff competition in Mexico market. This is so because the Mexican home furnishings industry is extremely competitive because innovation and design center play a main role in promoting the home →

Example of essay on cash flow statement

Discuss the need for a cash flow statement such as that given for JLJPlc; Cash flow statement analysis is helpful to management in the generation and utilization of cash in the most efficient way. The technique of the preparation is to start with the opening balances in cash and bank and reconciling them to →

Example of article review on outsourcing

These myths are assuming: that an outsourced vendor can be efficient, effective, and flexible all at the same time; that an outsourced service is like a commodity; that contracts should be tight and binding; that contracts are not at all important; that outsourced services are a form of insurance; that the responsibility is rests solely →

Hypotheses research proposals examples

This can be linked with the management of the two companies showing that Samsung Electronics Vietnam, which has internally appointed CEO, has a better management than Petrolimex with externally appointed CEO. Return on assets This ratio indicates the relationship between net income and total assets. 0778 this is an indicator of lower profitability of →

Adidas as a multinational business organization

In some countries, such as China, foreign companies are legally obliged to create a corporate alliance with a local company in order to business in the vicinity. Disadvantages to the Host Country One of the biggest disadvantages for multinational companies operating in a host country is the dominance it can have on the local market.

Nepolism research proposals example

The main problem in this situation is the lack of professional skills of those relatives. They will not have the necessary knowledge and will not be able to accomplish the work properly. They will see that preferences are given to relatives of the authorities.

Example of essay on engineering design

Identifying opportunities, designing a concept based on it, and finally implementing the concept, are the three important steps in the product development model. Finally, Raytheon focuses more on the technology part of the development process. Mechanical product design is a vast field with many existing theories that keep adapting to the new constraints of the →

Informative essay on nike case study

Nike is headquartered in Beaverton, Oregon, USA; it is the top supplier of athletic shoes and apparel and is one of the top manufacturers of sports equipment, with revenue in excess of $20. By the middle of the 1990s, Nike concentrated on sponsorship to make the company become well-known. In 2000, Nike →

Sky blue software consulting firm essay sample

This type of leadership can be damaging to a company, having leaders and employees input are feasible to the company. Blue Sky Software needs to use the democratic leadership skills.

Free essay on employment relations

However, the physiological contract which clearly states the expectations from the employee and the employer to provide a proper working condition and the maximum output realized at the end of a working day. Rights and obligations of the employee for example, the rights to safe working conditions, employment termination notice periods, the payment package, and →

Example of 3g technology by eriksson case study

These structural changes make it a radical innovation. What factors do you think will influence the rate at which 3G technologies are adopted by operators and mobile phone consumers? Adoption of 3G technologies by consumers will be dependent on a number of factors namely: a) Applications available on 3G. The attitude of consumers and degree →

Soccer masidlale programme

This ultimately will improve Spurs image and make customers feel more obliged to support them as they will want to be a part of the foundation to help those in need. These initiatives are relevant to my topic as they provide external information that will be beneficial to my hypothesis and will prove that by →

Sample essay on disadvantages of franchising in china

They are so refined that they copy the products, the branding, the appearance of the physical retail outlets, and even the service. Finally, the company is able to circumvent restrictions imposed by Chinese legislation by passing its business over to local traders. The most prevalent disadvantage is the escalating costs of starting and running a →

Essay on accounting executive compensation

The issue whether it is really needed and ethical for executive officers of a company to consult a financial consultant whenever they think they should receive a pay raise continues to spark debates in different corporate sectors. The truth is that the executive officers are one of the highest paying, →

Systems analysis and design essay samples

The following recommendations as inferred by Li et al.in this instance are provided to the SRC in accordance to the help desk requirement: Help desk should be developed with the support of IT professionals of the company so that employees can use the newly implemented system in an effective and efficient manner. The newly implemented →

Verizon purchased yahoo: what does this mean for you?

Last year, the company which gave it access to a range of technologies that allowed it to better target its ads. So, how does the Verizon purchase impact advertisers? The context First, it's important to understand the context of the purchase of Yahoo. With more and more people reading from a mobile device, an →

Gardenia bakeries essay sample

Gardenia Bakeries, the country's biggest breadmaker, is expanding in Cebu with P100-million bread plant to cater to Cebu markets and Northern Mindanao areas even as plans for the establishment of a similar plant in Davao is underway as the country's biggest breadmaker aims to attain a nationwide coverage soon. Simplicio Umali Jr., →

Book review on building strong brands

However, the quest to build a strong brand is full of liabilities. Associated issues that are common in the building a brand include pricing competition, the ease of competitor access, the diverse efforts of the media and the markets and finally the internal issue of often changing marketing strategies. With →

Feasibility of hoosier burger

Six Feasibility Factors: 1) Economic Feasibility With proper inventory strategy and good customer service, the Hoosier Burger can benefit in terms of increased sales and profit. 3) Technical Feasibility With the help of the project team and owners Bob and Thelma, Hoosier Burger should have no problem executing this proposed system.

Components and forms of financial statements literature review examples

IFRS is founded on an overriding requirement to make fair presentation of financial statements. US GAAP, on the other hand, is a term used to indicate the body of authoritative literature comprising accounting and reporting standard in the US. This includes the correction of error or reclassification of financial statements. The difference occurs in the →

Corporate parenting strategy of starbuck company essay sample

The company aims to achieve this by using only the finest coffee beans and provide the finest coffee blends thus receive the respect and acknowledgement on the world all over. Since the company has already more than 3, 500 stores local and international (Kembell, Hawks, Kembell, Perry, & Olsen, 2002). The company has maintained →

Green land company essay sample

Our home is near in Makati, Taguig, and Paranaque where the business firm and enterprises are near; Green homestellar is also near in schools, colleges and universities. Feel comfortable and relax in our environmental theme. Our home will make you feel that you are in the island that full of trees, and has a →

Free case study on good and evil on the rails

The Metrolink Company was not supposed to entrust so many life to a person like that. 2) The Metrolink Company was created to improve the situation in the world of trains and decrease the number of accidents. The excuse for all of that was that Connex had a subjective faith in him.

Discountpc brands and company profile

Brands and being known as " best value formoney" retail shop. Corporate Information Discountpc's vision is to maintain its status as one premier retail provider delivering the best I.T. Brands and being known as " best value for money" retail shop. The Corporate Head-Office is at the Ground Flr.which becomes a →

Example of private security essay

In discharging these functions, private security plays the role of aiding in security especially where the security availed by the state is inadequate. Private security is also used by government where it outsources security services to security companies. To this end, private security plays a relatively similar to the public →

Essay on demographic factors

Microsoft, Sony and other software manufacturing companies such as Oracle have been at the forefront in the development of video games that have advanced features such as the Sony Play Station Move and the Microsoft Kinect. The evolution of computer games has witnessed a number of market dynamics that have far reaching effects on both →

Marketing research of iinet internet service provider report

The report is going to tackle areas on how the Australian company has been operating, the hurdles that the company has undergone and the measures that have been taken by the company's management to ensure that it does not experience some of the problems it experienced before. The iinet company provides →

Benefits from smoking advertisements essay sample

This accounts for the rise in profitability. The government is the next beneficiary in the tobacco trade notes that the U. The Human Costs of Tobacco Use.

Leadership ikea essay sample

Differentiation The IKEA product range is modern and trendy and such that it appeals to people of all ages and is designed to cover all functions in a home. Ikeas strategy is difficult for competitors to imitate due to the following elements that are part of their business strategy The ikea concept is →

Buyer behavior essay samples

The Olympic Games fans interpreted Coca Cola's association with games as an appropriate partnership making Coca Cola's products an ideal sporting drink. Sponsorship was an ideal marketing strategy in this case as the Olympic Games are one of the most viewed sporting events in the world. Being associated with it as the main sponsor made →

Aircraft diesel engines essay example

Aircraft diesel engines Aircraft diesel engines, commonly known as aero diesel engines, are a form of aircraft engine that began being built in the 1920s and 30s. The Soviet Union made the Charomskiy diesel engines used in their bombers and the French built the Clerget diesel engines used in the MB203 bomber prototype. →

Free case study on environmental factors that affect hydro-quebec company

Business patterns in the market affected the operation of the management of the company. The ability of a company to plan for the management of its future events makes it viable in the market.

Target corporation essay sample

The purpose of this memo is to provide significant financial information of Target Corporation as well as to provide the necessary assistance to facilitate an investment decision. This negatively affected Target's position in the industry.

Transformation process in operations management essay sample

One of the most complex and, at the same time, intuitive concept in operations management is the transformation process, where the inputs turn into outputs and are delivered to the clients. It is evident that transformation process is extremely important for the companies and it is influenced by a number of internal and external factors. →

Extra subsidizing and plans of repurchase essay sample

The corporate methodology that the PepsiCo utilizes had empowered the broadening of the items into the bite and the soda pops business. In this specific situation, the organization had gained Pizza Hut, 1978 Tacobell and the Kentucky Fried Chicken. From this viewpoint, it is feasible that the PepsiCo was a foundation that concentrated on the →

Legal research

Samaritan Smith slipped and fell on shampoo that had spilled In thehealthand beauty department of the grocery store in question.Ms. Wright was found at comparative fault for not doing her duty as an Individual and shopper and paying attention In an area of the store where it was common for water to →

Free research paper on labor laws and unions

7 Billion which was the most highest since 2004.. General Motors is struggling to keep up with the demands of the union during the past few years. The only advantage that the company is looking forward to is the retirement of most employees that is about to reach 30 years in service.

Good financial analysis: omega healthcare investors inc research paper example

Answer A) Revenue/Operating Expenses/Operating Income/Net Income Analysis: Referring to the previous five year financial statements of the company from the year 2009-2013, the revenue of the company has increased consistently over the years from $197 Millin during 2009 to $419 Million during 2013. Later, with fall in % of operating expenses as total revenue →

Free essay on irv rubin and carlyle group

This is a tale of conspiracies where fact is stranger than fiction and fiction is stranger than fact. The Carlyle Group is one of the largest companies in the world and indeed one of the most profitable.(' The Iron Triangle: Inside the Secret World of the Carlyle Group,'2012) It is a private equity firm. →

Example of research paper on financial statements

This paper seeks to evaluate and compare the financial statements of two companies in the beverage industry; Coca cola Company and Dr Pepper Snapple Group Inc. Other assets comprised of pension and postretirement benefits, income taxes, risk management programs, revenue recognition and customer marketing incentive programs. Long Term Assets Held by the Companies In Common →

Free research paper on apple inc legal issues

The company has been involved in a number of legal battles in recent times more so with the Korean tech company Samsung. b) Apple Inc.legal issues Apple Inc.has been involved in a legal tussle with the Korean tech company, Samsung, over claims of a breach of its contractual agreement on patents. The law has →

Lego structure

A company also can choose to outsource through a contract with another company for them to perform an activity along their value chain. Many companies choose to outsource work which is not vital to their core in order to take advantage of cheap labor, there is a trade-off between cost and quality. Overall, →

Cisco company research paper

Cisco Systems has also teamed up with other companies and institutions to ensure its products are always available I n the market. The value chain organization flows in a good order to ensure that a smooth production process is achieved. Design is one of the pillars that support the innovation of the company →

Cheesecake factory: the competitive advantage critical thinking examples

The main value being to a strong commitment to quality in the products they use and the materials that are used in the construction of the many branches that are located all over USA, the Middle East and in Latin America. The strengths that have helped to ensure the company's continuity and expansion

Some quotes essay examples

1." Accepting that individuals are different but creating an atmosphere of inclusion and making a commitment to valuing diversity" = Acknowledging individual diversity, while appreciating the differences among people and facilitating inclusion. 2." the most evident measurable benefits are improved bottom line, competitive advantage, superior business performance, employee, satisfaction and loyalty, →

Dollar general case study

This is costly to the company. The company is costly to the company but still need to be installed. With this system, it will be simple to communicate between the different departments within the company.

Advantages and disadvantages of involving managers in budgeting report samples

Effective participation of managers in the budgeting process enables a formulation of a budget that will be: - Acceptable to the mangers as they will feel part and parcel of it. - This will further make it easy for them to internalize its contents. - Possibility of formulating a realistic budget is high due to the involvement of →

Apple’s price elasticity

Therefore, the demand is elastic. To calculate the elasticity coefficient, it is possible to use Symmetric Midpoint Formula, according to which the coefficient Ed can be defined as the ratio of average percentage change in quantity demanded and average percentage change in price. Q% = / /2) = -54.

The executive selection: omega sunglasses

Keeping an entrepreneurial spirit is essential- even for a prestige brand that already has a loyal following since its establishment in 1848. And if you are familiar with OMEGA's high caliber aesthetics, its influences are found in the collection too- scratch resistant and anti-reflective lenses and its shiny black finish is reminiscent of OMEGA's →

Good freelance system designer research proposal example

The file will consist of the case number, the date received, the client, and the staff handling the file. In a law firm, there are many members of staff. They can all be identified using the file. An example of the generalization/specialization relationships in this case are staff and the different members of staff. In →

Free case study about mcdonalds market positioning

The matrix is based on two critical criteria: differentiation of the product and availability of the product. Loyalty of the customer in the segment is highly dependent on the access to the product, even though some individual preferences can affect the choice that the customer makes.

Example of essay on affiliated school

Stakeholders is a any party that has interest in the company; in this case the stakeholders are the top management team at Boeing, the employees at Boeing, the government, the partnering companies and the customers. The top management team is affected because they include the board of governance that is expected to make all the →

San miguel brewery inc. essay sample

SMB is now at a greater advantage to champion the iconic San Miguel brand across the Asia-Pacific region. From a single product produced in a single brewery in 1890, SMB has developed an array of popular beer products over the past century, catering to the distinct tastes and preferences of beer drinkers across all →

Organizational structure – walmart essay samples

Walmart s Organizational Structure Walmart is one of the recognized world leaders in the retail industry, operating in various store formats, including Walmart U.S., Sam s Club and Walmart International. In the case of Walmart, the structure is highly influenced by the variety of the store formats and local differences in various geographical →

Free case study about carrefour’s expansion to asia

On the other hand, Carrefour's business-level strategy has to do with the variety and the manner in which products are made available to the consumers. Unmistakably, Carrefour's business-level strategy has served as the force behind its success over the years and boundaries. Carrefour has also relished a degree of success in the Asian market, and →

The name of the class (course) essay example

REFLECTION ON MARKETING DESIGN AND INNOVATION The Name of the School The City and State Reflection on Marketing Design and Innovation Introduction Marketing design and innovation is an important concept to a company's growth. I realized that the success of a new product is heavily dependent on product →

Building strong brands case study

Positioning is the act of designing the company's offering and image to occupy a distinctive place in the mind of the target market. 4. In a growth-slump-maturity pattern of the product life cycle, sales grow rapidly when the product is first introduced and then fall to a " petrified" level. 5.

Good example of environmental performance measurement research paper

The environment may influence business in different ways following consideration of various elements in the environment that may have extensive, impact on the operations of the company. The environment performance of a company may be measured through environmental indicators, metrics, as well as achievement of environmental performance targets. At no point →

Social media echo chambers increase political polarization

As can be found in the chart beneath, liberals have generally liberal companions, preservationists have for the most part traditionalist companions, and conservatives have a blend of preservationist, direct, and liberal companions. The examination found that 10% of the talk is identified with political issues, and Democrats, when all is said in done, have a →

Future trends in data security and information assurance course work

In recent times, data security and information assurance aims to improve its services to the immediate consumer in the world of business which is currently adapting the internet-centric environment. For security purposes and to ensure that there are no errors encountered in the enterprise, organizations are now forecasting to factor in the staff in the →

Five guys burger and fries: ingredients for success research paper examples

They even employ a different method of frying their fries, as compared to other restaurants. The Five Guys management does not invest in the d cor of the restaurants; the majority of their financial capital is spent on their food. The meat that is used in their burgers, is 80% lean, is always kept fresh →

Good example of corporate citizenship: towards an extended theoretical conceptualization by dirk matten and andrew crane article review

3 The social role of business has been predominated by the concept of corporate citizenship, which currently has several notions. Corporate citizenship has two conventional views: Limited view corporate citizenship is " strategic philanthropy;" undertaking ethical, economic and legal responsibilities are done with self-interests in mind Equivalent view corporate citizenship is " corporate →

Good bad news letter essay example

We really appreciate your continued support and patronage. Secondly, in response to your letter dated November 5, 2013 requesting for a refund or replacement of the HP Spectre XT TouchSmart amounting to $1, 200, as the sales manager, I regret to inform you that as per company policy, we could not accommodate

Good example of competing with information technology essay

The most important aspect is that without advanced IT capability the development of new products and services would not be possible. The biggest benefit of investing in the Information Technology is that you create barriers for the new entrants to come and stand against your business as a competitor. How could a business use Internet →

Article review on innovating on the cheap by lance a bettencourt and scott l bettencourt

They asserted that innovations might already exist among a company's previously rejected products and that the value of these innovations was just waiting to be realized. The authors intended this article for entrepreneurs, that is, to help them realize that they do not have to spend much on innovations, that they can still grow

Wal-mart stores’ discount operations summary

Large amount of money of Walton's contains 39% agreement in stores of Wal-Mart. By and large, 29% of a Wal-Mart store's deals were represented by delicate merchandise, contrasted and about 35% for the business in general.

Example of critical thinking on iso 9000

The only major drawback of such a system is the significant amount of money and paperwork required for certification and further successful implementation of ISO standards. How have the ISO 9000 standards been received worldwide? Originally, the standards were developed to achieve compliance and a common understanding of the quality concept in Europe. The main →

Burroughs welcome company

Having already lowered the cost of the drug twice, the company is continuing to face public criticism of its pricing, and now faces the potential of competitors in the near future. This substantial large percentage of growth in Retrovir sales for Burroughs Wellcome is largely due to the fact it is currently the only FDA →

Globalization processes in ukraine

Ukrainian National Identity: The Ways of Europeanization " ' " " ' " ' ' " " '...' ' "..." " ' ' ' ' '..." ' The article is devoted to analysis of the ways of uropeanization of Ukrainian sociocultural sphere and creation of supranational European identity in Ukraine as the way →

Five guys burgers and fries case study

In addition, they ensure that they provide their customers with fresh food in that everything is made-to-order and nothing is frozen. Three Factors that Contributed to Five Guys' Success Three factors that contributed to Five Guys' success are the quality of their food, their commitment to providing good customer service, and their franchising efforts. →

Good example of research paper on allergic rhinitis

Such reactions may be manifested by itchy throat after eating an apple or a potato. Diagnosis Treatment The main aim of allergic rhinitis treatment is to reduce the reactions and the symptoms caused by the inflammations. Extreme allergic rhinitis requires close monitoring of the patient. In conclusion, allergic rhinitis is caused by a →

Tesco in u.s.

S market so secretly that none of the competitors notice and then start off big, this way the competition will have no way to copy Tesco's idea which is to get hold of the middle income section of the U.S.market, as this section is left uninhabited by the competition. The plan that →

Role of compensation and benefit in attracting and retaining qualified employees article review samples

Generally, attractive compensation and workplace benefits play a significant role in attracting and retaining qualified employees in an organization. Based on the above argument, the following discussion provides an analysis of an article that focuses on the role of compensation and benefits in attracting and retaining qualified employees. According to Smith , most employers →

Example of case study on contingent liabilities according to paragraph 10 of ias standards

Report to the Parent Company in the United Kingdom In reporting to its U.K.parent under IFRSs, how should Pharma Co.account for the above restructuring program for the year ended December 31, 2010? This report to the UK parent under IFRSs requires that the company give details of the prepared exit plan and the →