Quality Art & Culture Essay Examples for Your Learning

The role of music in a popular culture

The stereotype of the man as cruel and aggressive, and women as weak and light-minded is a modern day phenomenon. Hamerlinck argues that violence against women, 'popularized' by popular music, reflects mass culture and 'horrible reality'. Using such slang words as " lump" and " hump" describing parts of her body, the singer →

Prominent composers research papers example

Many of these composers have even been able to cross the divide between these different styles, being representations of multiple genres of their period. In understanding the backgrounds of these composers, the biographical information about their lives and times, their music and compositions, as well as reflections upon their work →

Promotion of violence in rap music

But you could argue that the songs that contain violent lyrics are just a different subgenre of hip-hop and to some degree it is, but you will not forget that artists that dominate rap usually have some rather questionable lyrics in some of their songs. Something that feels exciting because some people like to break →

Moving the delta blues’ gained public recognition[1]. he

To elaborate, one of Johnson'sstyle is the ability to sound like couple men are playing guitar at the sametime, where one guitar plays the bass notes and the other plays melodies onhigher notes4. Note that the sliding technique wasused after Johnson sings a line of verse in the above example as aresponse to →

How the environment reacts to heavy metals excedents and the measures taken to stop it

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the reliability of Tilapia nilocita as an indicator of heavy metal contamination, and to identify the contributing factors to accumulation in freshwater Tilapia nilocita. Fifty specimens were taken from the High Dam Lake, Khor Kalabsha Egypt. Furthermore, the accumulation of lead in the edible part of the →

Listening log

Moonlight Sonata The movement of the song is slow and simple with no vigorous body movements, a nod of the head is just enough and slow movement of the feet. The composer of the song is Ludwig Van Beethoven, who is an ancient music composer in Germany and composed a lot of music and rhythms →

Inspector calls

This is one of the reasons for why the children are against the Parents, the parents do not believe in respecting each other and once the children come to terms with respect they try to tutor the parents about respect but the parents do not want to hear about it. On the first page of →

Video reaction paper 2 pages

Holtz: The Planets I listened to Holtz, the Planets twice and I am sure I have heard this music many times in movies. However, I know that Victory at Sea is a war series, and the music fit that very well.

Impact of new technologies on the music industry

The presence of radio and digital radio, digital television, mini discs and the Internet has created challenges and opportunities for the BPI and RIAA (Record Industry Association of America) alike. Radio works in parallel with the record industry because airplay determines to some extent, the chart position of an artist or group. This →

Name:sohrab:abdul in worldwide capital through beginning up

NAME: SOHRAB: ABDUL RAFFEY: KAMALSUBJECT: IBMASSIGNMENT: IMPACT OF GLOBALISATION ON CULTURESUBMITTED TO: MISS AMMARAH AHMED The impact of Globalisation on culture: The concept of Globalisation: Globalisationis free change of stock, organizations and people over the segment in a steady and facilitated way. Globalisation might be thought of to be the impact of the outlet →

Concept of dynamics in music

Musichas the ability to produce feelings and energy that few things are capable of reproducing. There are any different elements that bring life to these feelings, but dynamics are something that possess the power to change the mood of a song, and the person listening to It. The song says, " Do not →

Dysfunctional relationships between sonny’s blues and shiloh

In Mason's " Shiloh", the relationship between Leroy and Norma Jean was off to a good start. In contrast to the relationship between Norma Jean and Leroy, Sonny and his brothers relationship is able to rebuild after a time of hardship between the two. Sonny is able to recover fully from his →

Johann sebastian bach; arnstadt and leipzig essay

Not much information is written about Bach before he moved to Leipzig in 1723. Before Bach's move, he worked for small churches, and traveled very little. This is called Mortets. " Bach is well known for his numerical symbolism and mathematical exactism found in his music".

Commemorative speech on michael jackson essay sample

In Billie Jeans he was heard screaming and using the vocal hiccup method more than in Heal the World with his produced a more round and thick and melancholic voice) Good rendition Conveys his ideas and feelings through his compositions (For example, Earth Song dealt with environmental and animal welfare) (For example, Heal the →

Music and sculpture

The piece of music that I chose to listen to from the CD was Gymnopedie No by the French composer Erik Satie. The seemingly fragility of the piano was countered by the plowing nature of the composition from beginning to end.

Introduction recuperate from diseases, or aid in

Wu and to promote recovery. On the other hand, maintain the mental health of Mr. Exercises with range of motion can be performed to him with the help of physiotherapists. Maintain good hygieneOne of the components in the theory is to keep the body clean and well groomed and protect the integument.

Introduction usually more economically sound and thriving. however,

Also for the first time 2 years ago I had left the country and I hadthe privilege of visiting San Pedro Island in Belize. San Pedro is a smallisolated island that is fairly underdeveloped and does not have much in the wayof Information Technology, the only places with computers are the majorbusinesses such as hotels, →


The composition I would like to pay attention to is called " Vagabonds and Blood from the Earth", which is a part of the " Dzama stories" album created by the composer in cooperation with Paul Dunmall, a British solo saxophonist , in 2009. The chosen composition is the first part of the album; →

Romance movies are favorite movie genre

Horror movies on the other hand have a lot of scary things in the movies. Their big thing is that the more blood they have the better it is to the audience watching. In a romance based movie, it is filled with love and a lot of laughter throughout the whole movie.

Psychedelia and vietnam

In addition to these elements the ways that the song lyrically details the Vietnam War create a powerful demonstration of the atrocities of this conflict. While the song alludes to the arbitrary nature of the war, it is more concerned with articulating a story about a lost love going abroad to fight in the war.

Effects of music on the unborn child

Some people believe that music has no influence while others believe that if they introduce their unborn child to classical music the baby will grow up to be smarter than the kid who either listened to other types of music or no music while in the womb. Studies have been done on how music can →

Modern bebop: trumpet red rodney

Modern: Bebop: Trumpet Red Rodney Modern: Bebop: Trumpet Red Rodney The general characteristics of the Bebop historic jazz style is that it is a fast growing music because many individuals are adopting the style of music in their songs for different entertainment purposes. In addition, Rodney is known for being the surrealist of the trumpet →

Swot analysis

In view of the fact that Sumptuous Cuisine Catering plans to expand its operations to a dedicated location called The Sumptuous Ballroom with funding through mortgage, issue of convertible debt and its own funding, it becomes important to conduct a SWOT analysis of the company in order to ascertain where it stands presently in terms →

Analysis of music and lyrics of the songs by sza

She is digging into her self-acceptance, using the reference of Adam and Eve, the sacred garden, to take her back to when everything was good in the world. Having a male role in her video does not cause her to stray away from her main message of this song, as well as the main message →

Case study : red bull essay

Red Bull uses network of local subsidiaries setup in key markets to manage distribution in any given region. The subsidiaries are responsible for importing Red Bull from Red Bull GmbH in Austria and either setting up an independent distribution network or working with a partner such as in Australia where Red Bull Australia uses the →

Comparing dada to pop art

In this essay I will compare the Dada and Pop Art movements by depicting the characteristics of each art period, their style and social conditions that may have influenced the creation of each movement. The essay will show their similarities, differences, and the reason why Pop Art did not continue with →

Rondalla’s struggle to past until present essay sample

Then, people formed groups according to their classification, melody they produce and to their taste of music; groups like rock band, orchestra and our own Rondalla. Rondalla is a legacy that we inherited from our great ancestors; it is an art that gives more life and color to our already rich culture, it is →

What makes a good meal essay

This includes all the processes for the preparation of food from selecting the ingredients, cooking, garnishing and serving the food giving considerations to the time and environment, wherein the meal is supposed to be served. After proper cleaning of the fillet, it is to be marinated.

Reaction of reading

However, the topics of the music of the Romantic era and the romantic concerto aroused my interest in understanding the history and transformation of romantic music. The book describes the transformation of romantic music and the factors that have accelerated the growth and spread of this music.

Good marshall bruce mather iii, eminem and slim shady research paper example

The objective of this essay is to analyze the influence of Marshall Bruce Mathers III or Slim Shady or Eminem to the issues of gender, race and class. The interpretation could change if the analyst could add irony and hyperbole in the evaluation of his songs. One critic can simply put allegations to Eminem if →

What is copyright, fair use, public domain

Fair use provides for the legal, unlicensed citation or incorporating copyrighted material in a different work of another author and are evaluated according to four underlying factors; a) The purpose, nature and the intention of the use, b) The nature of the copyrighted work, c) The nature and the substantiality of the material used, and, →

Narrative example

He got to the second floor of his house and looked toward the attic. He got to the second floor of his house and looked toward the attic.

Throughout the music online) which provided both

Starting with the rubber and vinyl discs, continuing with the promotion of these recordings by the use of the radio, later with the cassette tapes, and lastly with the introduction of the CD's. Eventually, the digital distribution became the main way for providing music. The last big step was the introduction of streaming services, that →

Musicians who are known as heroic figures

Are there modern singers and performers who have followed the footsteps of the legends from the 1700s and 1800s such as Beethoven, Mozart, and Puccini? The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum | RockHall.com.N.p., n.d.Web.

Morton gould: musical influences and jazz elements in derivations for clarinet and band

Because of the friendship Goodman and Gould had outside of work, Gould's musical influences will also be explored with the analysis of jazz elements in the 1955 piece. Gould was an American composer known for his American roots in composition. Blues elements are evident in the moving notes, the " wrong" notes in the part →

Myguide: potential entrance to the kasakhstan market essay

As such, this paper aims to explore the Personal Navigation System market in Kasakhstan particularly the market entry barriers. Statement of the ProblemWhat are the market entry barriers for the Personal Navigation System in Kasakhstan? The bracket has a set of contacts that mate to contacts on the bottom of the nav-u, making it easy →

Teaching our younger generation to succeed essay

I believe the purpose of education should be to instill our children and young adults with the knowledge they need to succeed in life and the intelligence to strengthen and carry on the core values and ambition of our country. In John Taylor Gatto's " Against School: How Public Education Cripples Our Kids, and Why," →

Ridley scott “alien” film scene analysis essay

At this point, quiet non-diegetic ominous comes in which again helps set a tense atmosphere, even though Dallas is not in the scene yet. When Dallas is eventually shown making his way into the shaft there is a shot of the hatch closing on him, representing that Dallas is cut off and alone in there →

The hip-hop origin from afro american blues and change in modern hip hop lyrics reflecting violence and sexual promiscuity

In the 1970s, it was all about the struggle and how artists have climbed up the social latter and have paved away to educate people about their emotions and tell their stories through " Hip hop" music. The message in the Hip Hop music rhymed with religious preaching of peaceful coexistence and encouraged people to →

How sex is incorporated into the media and how does it affect the viewers essay

Furthermore, sex is a huge part of the entertainment media. Whether on TV and movies, music and videos, or magazines and books, sex will make you stop what you are doing and look. For that reason teens nowadays are more curious because they see and hear a lot about sex especially in the television and →

The origin of hiphop and how music has changed

The headliners of this rivalry, and most famous of all hip hop controversies, was the controversy surrounding the Notorious B.I.G.and Tupac Shakur. The music that was supposed to end fighting amongst people was the epicenter of one of the biggest music rivalries of all time. There are many artists and producers who have helped hip-hop →

An analyses of when the saints go marching in

Regardless, the original lyrics contain many spiritual references, particularly to heaven and the coming of God's kingdom. In one of the verses, the author writes " Oh when the trumpet sounds its call, oh when the trumpet sounds its call, I want to be in that number, when the trumpet sounds its →

Justin bieber fans

However, it is important to understand that people choose to do something with a reason in mind. In this case, Justin Bieber has many followers probably because they are fascinated by his music, personality, or his fame. However, contrary to this school of thought, Justin Bieber's fans are the reason behind his success. It is →

Takes root essay sample

Describe the relationship between the rules rhythm section instruments must adhere to and the freedoms they have to play what they want in fulfilling their specific roles. Varying on the solo instruments, the other instruments support the solo. Describe how the roles of these three instruments change during the course of a song in →

Example of essay on japanese concert

The stage had already been set and a clamor of gripping sounds filled the stage as the audience settled. This was when the solo oboe struggled to maintain the continuity of the ensemble.

Inclusion than the male teachers. also, teachers who

However, only OneThousand, One Hundred and Ninety-four music educators participated. Based on results when it came to theeffectiveness of inclusion, most of the educators agreed that the studentsintegrated successfully, the students were not hard to work with and theexpectations for the music class were met and if they were to move to specialeducation classes, the →

Langston hughes – a literary genius

With the same idea, Arnold Rampersad, Langston Hughes biographer and cognizant dean of humanities at Stanford University, wrote in The Collected Works of Langston Hughes : " These volume of the work of Langston Hughes are to be published with the same goal that Hughes pursued throughout his lifetime: making his books available to the →

Rene sixty three participants from twenty seven

I also could not find the back story to why he wrote this song but again it probably has a very significant meaning.(https://www.youtube.com/watch? v= AAb86Jjxcgw) The last song I chose was a Jubilant Song this song is one of the music pieces that we sang last year. Jubilant Song was sang in SABT. I liked →

Mayank architect sept’ 2015 – present responsibilities handled:

GwaliorProject Architect Sept' 2015 Present Responsibilities Handled: Monitor design process from conceptual stagesto construction to ensure consistency in design and details. Assist project team in developing designdrawings, specifications and documents. 2nd Prizein Reinventing Gwalior, a design completion, had to give the proposal of aSchool of Music and Arts, by Municipal Corporation of Gwalior.

Using details and references from the material and answer 2 questions

This means that for them to be able to do the proper break-dance one has to have that feeling that they are coming from one place and that they are " keeping it real " For instance when one is performing in a jam(which is a place where people can come to dance and practice, →

Reasoning for the answers

Name: Course: Lecturer: Date: Reasoning for the Answers Question 1 The commentary writer talks about the creativity of the author of the extract in expressing her views and feelings about the duo band. Question 2 The commentary writer goes ahead to talk about the use of diction, description, imagery, colloquialism, sarcasm, contrast, and rhetoric →

Cultural similarities and differences of hip-hop in the u.s. and france

Accordingly, this paper contends that the fundamental similarity of Hip Hop culture in both countries lies in the representation and ways of expression of the minorities, regardless of the range of differences, which lies in the different ways in which the displaced minorities attempt to reconstruct themselves. California: ABC-CLIO, 2006.

The illustration essay

For example when the teachers giving a lecture and students get a text they obviously cant resist it so they check and get distracted from their lecture. Music is a another example of how students get distracted from their educational needs. That's why most of the time when teachers hear a cell phone they take →

Critiquing the instrumental music in a film an officer and a gentleman

The choice of melody in the film, " An Officer and a Gentleman" is fabulous. This has been superbly noted in the instrumental music in the film An Officer and a Gentleman.

Beethovens love life

It is believed that Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata was dedicated to her. Over three or four years of teaching the piano to Josephine Brunsvik, Beethoven grew attached to her. However, Brunsvik's family put her under pressure to end the relationship for the simple fact that Beethoven was a commoner.

Class struggle and cultural change in the last samurai essay

In the course of these changes, the culture of the defeated dies out or is lost, to be replaced by the culture of the ones who prevailed. This theme is evident in The Last Samurai, Edward Zwick's tale of Japan's transformation from a largely feudal and agricultural economy into an emerging capitalist country at the →

Types and history of western art art essay

When we see about the history of western art it takes us to the center of the antediluvian in-between E and ancient times of Egypt and besides the civilisation of ancient Aegean. It Dates back to 3rdmillennium. The influence of the western art lasted even for the following two thousand old ages, that fell into →

Gender and visual culture

From the theoryof visual culture, it is evident that the girl child prefers the color purple in their drawings. This paper will seek to answer the questions " why is the color purple a girl color?

Controversial images in art

The Controversial " Piss Christ" Photo What the photo conveys The red and yellow photo, which has been on displays in many parts of the New York City has ignited many controversies. However, in the real sense, it represents the crucifixion of a man. This controversial photo is not recommended for public displays.

Art appreciation

The works in question are the elevation of the cross, the crucifixion of saint peter and the storm on the Sea of Galilee. The painting of the elevation of the cross is of the oil on canvas variety.

Introduction who invented the motion picture camera, the

With the help of artists from various fields, the medium ofmotion pictures is approaching realism and the audiences are in awe as to howthese are made. ANIMATIONOne of the best examples of motion pictures that has had arapid growth is the field of animation.' Animation' is a term that is used todefine a broad range →

Analyzing chicano film

This paper answers some questions that revolve on the setting of the film and the message that the film tries to pass across to the viewers. Question # 2 He does not try to retell the Marxist history; however, he dramatizes the history that combines, the history of the class struggle and the development of →

The origins of art

The creators of the art deliberately inflated the sizes of its female anatomy and chose to omit other body parts like the head. Nowadays, the situation is not different. It is difficult o deduce this issue due to the amount of time that separates modern times and the prehistoric times.

Argumentative essay on the life and works of sahin kaygun

Introduction The invention of the camera in the latter part of the 18th century became the pathway to create a new style of art called photography. Photography is the art of drawing using the light, a scientific process that relies in lenses to create a reflection of the images onto the paper.

Research paper on the acropolis

The most well-known structures in the Acropolis are the Erechtheon, Propylaea, and the Parthenon. It incorporated both the Doric style of the Parthenon and the Ionic style of the Erechteon.

Art 101 mod 3 slp

Michel Seuphor, a historian of French Art describes it as any art that is only differentiable as a " deliberate disorder" as against the principles of harmony and order of composition in other art works. The origins of abstract art are traced back to America and Europe at the end of World War 2. Some →

Creativity in dance

Creativity in dance From a young age, I was privileged to grow up in a family that recognized the value and importance of getting a quality education. I believe it is necessary for one to have the foundation of a strong education in order to succeed and excel at whatever he/she chooses to pursue.

Essay on art and architecture: museum paper

It hovers on its legs that act as a protective asset and a cage to a sac of eggs. The formal elements of the sculpture are its grayish color and magnificent size. What was the intention of the artist? The artist intended to portray her mother with metaphors such as →

Team project

Mass media plays a very important role in depicting and spreading the message of popular culture far and wide. Popular culture comes into being as a result of the interplay of a variety of factors and sources. The influence of popular culture on arts reached its peak as the pop art movement during the 1960s →

What is our art for? essay

The painting-The Effects of Good and bad Government in Town by Ambrogio Lorenzetti compares the effluence of prosperity and the devastation of war. It proclaims and emphasizes on peace and what man can lose to a dreaded disease called war. The bold depiction of nature and the emotional turmoil felt by the person is painted →

Influences of hip hop on today’s generation: rising deviance essay

In seeing how much rap and hip-hop artists romanticize the use of drugs, it is safe to presume that teens and young adults indulge in the use of drugs as a means of " fitting in" with the trends of society. Violence is another prominent subject within rap music. According to Kubrin, " Through the →

Comparing the three davids essay

This study seeks to explore the various emotions and attitude on David depicted by the different artists. Donato di Niccol di Betto Bardi statue of David Donatello began working on his sculptor in the beginning of the 15th Century creating a 5 feet sculpture of a nude David save →

A comparative analysis of two artists: joy hester and frida kahlo

In exploring the impact World War II had on Australian communities, Hester furthered the stark and shocking images by using minimal ink in her work. Frida Kahlo demonstrated the many sufferings in her life through her surreal and emotional artwork. Both Kahlo and Hester use the visual medium as a means of opening windows in →

Free art should be non-political. do you agree or disagree essay sample

There has been increased debate and dialogue among artists and lovers of art work regarding the themes and information that artists should focus on in the art, in the sense that art has the power to impact and change the society positively. However, this paper presents the position that art →

Free essay on definition/division and classification assignment

She is a Christian and strongly supports the rights of the gay community in the society. The female artist is known to be in the pop genre; this came in with the soundtrack for Hannah Montana and was considered as the biggest and upbeat pop in the country. Miley Cyrus tends to be very artistic →

Harlem renaissance

The early years of the Harlem renaissance were characterized by the migration of large number of African Americans to the urban centers such as Chicago, Detroit, and Philadelphia, Washington. It is the collection of Dr Meredith F Sirmans and it shows the enthusiasm of the jazz, which is a musical form developed during 1920's by →

Influence of european dress culture on african dress culture

Africans were not used to the modern clothing, and they have come because of their interaction with the western cultures. However, the Africans exposure to Western culture has made them adopt the western dressing style.

Free research paper about an analysis of jackson pollocks black and white (no. 20) and his impact on abstract

Among the many Abstract Expressionists who made significant contributions to the movement, Jackson Pollock was one. Jackson Pollock was one of the remarkable artists of the Modern Art era. Pollock's artworks from 1947 to 1950 became his best-known works that completed what was known in Abstract Expressionism as the " Drip Period" (Jackson Pollock; Biography →

Standing in the shoes of a renaissance maste

Increase in distance between the object and the viewer leads to decrease in the contrast between the background and the object. The saturation of the object colors also diminishes; the objects color move towards resembling the color of the background, which is mostly light blue. The image illustrates Ariel perspective in various ways.

Graphic descriptions of womanhood in the epic of gilgamesh

This essay will look at the more graphic descriptions of women in the epic, namely the images of appearance, sex, and birth, to suggest some ideas about a lot of women in ancient Mesopotamia. In Tablet I, Enkidu is said to have " a full head of hair like a woman" a description which, as →

The crucible essay

The Salem Witch Trials were among some of the most horrendous, irrational, and imprudent, events of the 17th century. In reality, the true Salem Witch Trials were somewhat different than those portrayed in The Crucible. In the book, Tituba takes the girls along into the woods to perform spells and rituals.

Clear and simple as the truth in dressing

Writing is more of just writing but is a connection between the concept of writing and the concept of the mind. Kegaan's war tragedy is written as a stylistic output of the written story in the mind of the writer that it becomes more concrete and tangible.

Popular musicfolk music is a genre that

Very simple melody to blend with the quick finger picking on the guitar. The stripped back feel is also to draw more attention to the stories and messages protrayed through the songs. With the voice at the centre of the track recorder the guitar is quieter and more in the background the song.

The with his ‘theatre of cruelty’ which

He was a big believer in symbols and thought a lot of thepiece did not have to be obvious to the audience. He was shocked by the horror of war and started to question the politicalside of it. Later-on in his playwriting career, his plays criticized theinjustices and inequalities of society.

Directorial collage and casting

She finally gets lost in the street as she looks for something that she cannot even remember. Sometimes, we can choose to let other people to fight for our rights, like the people airing their problems and opinions to the governor to be at times we choose to sit in the back seat and readily →

Mijn schatje modern artist essay sample

I think that the title of the piece, ' Blu' is the name of the doll in the work, but it could also represent the ' blue-ness' of the piece as there is a constant wash of blue, blue could also represent sadness and loneliness, which is also present in the piece through the dolls →

Film review-pressure(horace ove 1975)

One of the strongest points of the movie is that " it is a political, but not a propagandist film, posing questions and offering alternative ways of answering then without prescribing solutions". Indeed, the intensity of the problems that are being described in it is rather high and the directors show that everyone has their →

Sontag believes movies

As the movie serves a vehicle that takes one to reflect with vivid imagination and pertinent emotion at depth, the act of kidnapping, as Sontag puts it to be the principal role assumed by the film, is sustained. On the other hand, Norma's observation that movies lost art during the arrival of the talkies in →

Music psychology essay

Cognitive psychological studies of such topics as auditory representation and coding, melodic perception and skilled musical performancePsychometric analysis of music ability and its developmentDevelopment studies of the acquisition of music skills; Social psychological investigation of the aesthetic and affective aspects of music listening; Behavioral analysis of the learning of music;' Applied' studies in the fields →

Free essay on spanish music

The difference between the Spanish songs and the English were songs were not very many, but a few that existed could be easily seen. Some of the English songs were very long and outdid the ones from Spanish and found in the same gender. Another factor that is evident in the Spanish songs is the →

M.c. to return to southern europe. he returned

He is the youngest of his five brothers and was raised by hismother and father, Sarah Escher and George Escher. In the middle of August he proposed to her. On August 28he went to Zurich to meet the family, they decided to marry and live in Italy.

Modern and contemporary style

In this context, the sculptors and pictures portray the complex concept of art and the blend of creativity and innovation when it comes to presentation. In respect of this master piece, the ability of the sculptor to bring out the best of art is open to all.

Discussion 4

Having trained in Milan under Simone Peteranzo, Caravaggio contributed heavily to the Baroque style that resulted as an evolution of the Mannerism style of artistry and is said to have clearly defined the meaning of " chiaroscuro" in paintings. Chiaroscuro, although already in existence prior to the coming of Caravaggio, became more noticeable during his →

Tom hoffman

Tom Hoffman's Drawings At first glance, Tom Hoffman's drawings are expressive, sentimental, and commonplace. His drawings are perhaps one of the best sketches, emotive drawings, and life drawings. His sketches clearly express his immediate thoughts and sentiments.

Manifesto and purism

Task: Manifesto and Purism According to Caws , a manifesto is commensurate to the deceleration of principles, which typify an organization or movement. This is partly attributable to its difficulty in defining the elemental nature of divergent objects and their role within the societal constraints. A critical facet of Purism manifesto is designated by →

Soul man

The intention was to make the people realize how stereotypical the society had become and to motivate the people to think out of the box but when it was turned into a comedy, the essence of it was lost, and as a result of which the desired impact was not created on the minds of →