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Essay on motivational theories

Using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Sandra Hirsh claim that the following individuals can be identified as having the following characteristics: Aide Major Stovell has type ESTJ which takes his energy from the outside world of actions and spoken words. He prefers dealing with facts and the present, and makes decisions using logic. His life is organized on a logical basis. He is therefore practical, and likely to implement tried and trusted solutions to practical problems in a businesslike and impersonal manner.

He prefers to ensure that the details have been taken care of rather than spend time considering concepts and strategies. General Savage is type ISTP and takes his energy from the inner world of thoughts (and, maybe, emotions). He prefers dealing with facts and making decisions on a logical basis. His life is flexible, demonstrating an interest in acquiring new information that leads to a practical understanding of the way the world works. He is quiet and detached, and adaptable (up to a point). He is often good at solving organizational problems that need to be thought through.

He is curious. Major Cobb is type ISFJ and takes his energy from the inner world of thoughts and emotions. He prefers dealing with facts and people, and making decisions on the basis of personal values. His life is organized on a personal basis, seeking to enjoy relationships with people he likes. He is a quiet, serious observer of people, and is both conscientious and loyal. He prefers work that involves being of practical service to people. He is often concerned for and perceptive of how other people feel and dislikes confrontation and conflict.

Sgt. McIIhenny is type INFP and takes his energy from the inner world of thoughts and emotions. He prefers dealing with patterns and possibilities, especially for people, and prefers to make decisions on the basis of personal values. His life is flexible, following new insights and possibilities as they arise. He is quiet and adaptable (up to a point – when his values are violated the normally adaptable INFP can surprise people with his stance). He will seem to be very interested in ideas, and he may sometimes make very creative contributions.

He cares for people and a desire to see self and others grow and develop. He prefers to undertake work that has a meaningful purpose. The old man is type INTJ and takes his energy from the inner world of thoughts (and, maybe, emotions). He prefers dealing with patterns and possibilities for the future, and making decisions using impersonal analysis. His life is organized on a logical basis. He is a strategist, identifying long-termgoalsand organizing life to meet them. He tends to be skeptical and critical, both of self and others, with a keen sense of deficiencies in quality and competence.

He often has a strong intellect, yet is able to attend to details that are relevant to the strategy. Before Savage was given charge of the 918, the pilots and crew were showing signs of frustration-regression. This is the process whereby a person who is unable to satisfy a higher need becomes frustrated and regresses back to the next lower need. The Alderfer’s ERG Theory relates to existence such as safety and basic needs; relatedness needs as interaction with others; and growth needs whereby they achieve personal satisfaction.

Due to the lack of accomplishment in their assignments, they reverted back to drinking and being lazy and actually trying to stay safe. This would show they were at the lowest level of ERG. Need for power refers to a desire to control one’senvironment, including people and material resources. We believe that Brigadier General Frank Savage was motivated by the learned need for power. Initially, we did believe that his first instincts were to use this situation to advance his owncareerand personal interests. It is important to watch hismotivationchange as he began to learn and bond with his subordinates.

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AssignBuster. (2021) 'Essay on motivational theories'. 14 November.


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AssignBuster. 2021. "Essay on motivational theories." November 14, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/essay-on-motivational-theories/.

1. AssignBuster. "Essay on motivational theories." November 14, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/essay-on-motivational-theories/.


AssignBuster. "Essay on motivational theories." November 14, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/essay-on-motivational-theories/.

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"Essay on motivational theories." AssignBuster, 14 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/essay-on-motivational-theories/.

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