Essay, 2 pages (350 words)

Environmental human error (flournoy, 2011). the deepwater horizon

Environmentalproblems: Environmental problems are the results of adverseeffect of human activities on the environment which includes over population, pollution, soil degradation, deforestation, resource depletion etc Now-a-days, humans adversely affect the environment bynumber of ways like they are increasing the pollution, natural resources are depleting-cuttingof trees etc, water quantity is decreasing, emission of greenhouse etc.

PurposeThe purpose of this report is to research about the maincauses of the oil spill. To investigate, we have chosen Deep water horizon oilspill and our research work was focused on the oil spill that happened in 2010. Furthermore, we’ll also include why the oil spill was happened, what are therecauses and who was responsible for that oil spill. We also incorporate itssolutions and recommendations in this research. IntroductionThe Deepwater horizon oil spill is a disaster that washappened on 20th April 2010 in the Gulf of Mexico in the depth ofmore than 18000 feet in the sea. BP and its contributors were drilling well ofthe Macondo oil in the Gulf of Mexico and cementing was done in the steelcovering of the well. Suddenly a dangerous methane gas rose up to the surfaceof the sea that caused an explosion and everything was on fire and DeepwaterHorizon drilling rig was collapsed and destroyed.

It was in the final stagewhen the explosion was happened. The sink was destroyed that even 11 crewmembers out of 126 were also lost at that time. 17 were injured in this terribleincident.

Due to explosion after such a great disaster, there was anuncontrolled leakage of oil in the Gulf of Mexico. The number of efforts wasmade to control that leakage but everything was in vain. After three months. Leakage was controlled and well was sealed after a loss of almost 500 millionbarrels of oil. The researcher furthermore depicts that the disaster was causednot because of the technical mistake but also a human error (Flournoy, 2011). The Deepwaterhorizon oil spill also has other famous names like BP oil disaster, Gulf ofMexico, BP oil spill and Macondo blowout. The oil spill has been considered asthe largest oil spill of the world in the petroleum industry that coveredalmost 84 days.

The casualties in the explosionof the Deepwater Horizon included 11 crew (workers) and 17others were injured. When the Deepwater Horizon explosion was happened, the rigwas piercing

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AssignBuster. (2021) 'Environmental human error (flournoy, 2011). the deepwater horizon'. 17 November.


AssignBuster. (2021, November 17). Environmental human error (flournoy, 2011). the deepwater horizon. Retrieved from https://assignbuster.com/environmental-human-error-flournoy-2011-the-deepwater-horizon/


AssignBuster. 2021. "Environmental human error (flournoy, 2011). the deepwater horizon." November 17, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/environmental-human-error-flournoy-2011-the-deepwater-horizon/.

1. AssignBuster. "Environmental human error (flournoy, 2011). the deepwater horizon." November 17, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/environmental-human-error-flournoy-2011-the-deepwater-horizon/.


AssignBuster. "Environmental human error (flournoy, 2011). the deepwater horizon." November 17, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/environmental-human-error-flournoy-2011-the-deepwater-horizon/.

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"Environmental human error (flournoy, 2011). the deepwater horizon." AssignBuster, 17 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/environmental-human-error-flournoy-2011-the-deepwater-horizon/.

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