Essay, 3 pages (750 words)

Entrepreneur leadership speaker series: brady murray

Brady Murray Lessons include That which you desire most you always get. 2. According to the Business of Heart. It is easier to raise money forsomeone elses need than anything else. You can do more if you are doing it for somebody else. Donating your time for a cause is never wasted.
3. Do not use ten words where two will do when speaking, as even people interested in the topic will be texting as you speak. This speaker is long winded and wordy.
4. Everyone wants to participate in an uplifting experience, even TV.
5. When you want to stop pushing remember why you started.
6. You get more donations if you can show what you will do for the contributor. Sharing profits with a cause increases profits.
Steve Cloward
1. When practicing speaking to a crowd learn not to use nonsense syllables like ” um” it is distracting. (The introducer did this and it is not good.)
2. In order to coast you have to peddle up a hill. That is, work hard and build a solid business and then you may take a little time for yourself.
3. The customer experience is the battleground. Jerry McGuire: CIO of Dell: The Customer Delight Principal-customer satisfaction and retention run hand in hand with market share and rewards.
4. Steve Cloward-keep customers and employees satisfied and they will support the company is not true. HBR 65%-85% defectors were satisfied or very satisfied with their former suppliers. What retains a customer is customer delight. You must exceed their expectations.
5. 212 degree rule. Bain and Co. said, ” You can increase profits by 95% by increasing retention by 5%. Loyal customers are your free advertising force, less price sensitive, ignore competitors ads, more forgiving of your mistakes, and cost less than finding new ones. The Internet social media has made a huge difference.
6. Empower employees to create customer delight. Create a service culture. there is only one boss: the customer and he can fir everyone from the CEO down simply by spending his money elsewhere.
Mac Anderson
You cant teach culture you have to live experience it, show it. Make your culture your brand. customer does us the favour of allowing us to serve him Ghandi.
1. Nordstrom’s : customers come second after your people. They delight your customers. hire the right people. Engage the hearts and minds of employees: give them tools open communications, education, and a share in results.
2. Understand the value of WOW! You must create fans. It is the service we are not obliged to give that that people value most.
3. You only get one chance to make a first impression. Giving more out is your chance to get more back. Your smile is part of the uniform. Customer delight is built on exceeding customer expectations the first time.
4. Identify moments of truth. Empower the front line. How am I making my customers feel
5. Dont assume, ask. Listening is wanting to hear.
6. Celebrate success. What is rewarded gets done.
7. Reinforce, reinforce, reinforce and measure the results. Change faster than your competition.
8. Creating word of mouth at any reasonable cost is cheaper than advertising and it works better.
Corbin Church
1. Entreperneurs must be assertive. You will either work for yourself creating your own wealth or you will work for someone else creating their wealth. You will work more hours and more days than everybody else and maybe make less money.
2. He will invest when the entrepreneur is willing to put everything on the line.
3. Save money. Invest in Real Estate. Be frugal, outsource.
4. Sell to women, as they do the buying and sell a product that is consumable in some way… 3D printers and the stuff they use to print…
5. Start small and test market.
6. Build a brain trust.
7. Go for a 3 month lease.
8. Keep ideas to yourself. Do not share until you have some protection. Learn from the mistakes of others.
9. If a company beats you join them and learn what they know.
10. When you finally succeed, give back.
Jeffrey D. Clark

1. Be flexible, be ready to seize an opportunity.
2. Observe and learn.
3. Value and invest in your people.
4. Find a mentor and appreciate him or her.
5. Business culture matters: get the right people on the bus in the right seat; hedgehog or bloody moose: worry about what you do not know.
6. Change Management is important as change is constant.

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AssignBuster. (2021) 'Entrepreneur leadership speaker series: brady murray'. 24 December.


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AssignBuster. 2021. "Entrepreneur leadership speaker series: brady murray." December 24, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/entrepreneur-leadership-speaker-series-brady-murray/.

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AssignBuster. "Entrepreneur leadership speaker series: brady murray." December 24, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/entrepreneur-leadership-speaker-series-brady-murray/.

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"Entrepreneur leadership speaker series: brady murray." AssignBuster, 24 Dec. 2021, assignbuster.com/entrepreneur-leadership-speaker-series-brady-murray/.

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